Explanatory dictionary of proverbs. Card file in the Russian language on the topic: Explanatory dictionary of proverbs and sayings of the Russian language

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PROVERB, -y, w. A short folk saying with edifying content, a folk aphorism. Russian proverbs and sayings. P. says something out of the blue (last). * Enter the proverb - 1) to become well-known due to one’s character. The stubbornness of a donkey is proverbial; 2) about someone's. words, sayings: come into general use. Many lines of I. A. Krylov’s fables became proverbs. || adj. proverbial, -aya, -oe. Proverb expression.

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Proverb J.- 1. An apt figurative saying, usually rhythmic in form, generalizing, typifying various phenomena life and having an edifying meaning.
Dictionary Efremova

Proverb- proverbs, w. A short figurative complete saying, usually rhythmic in form, with an edifying meaning. Russian proverbs are the best and most expressive of all proverbs........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Proverb- -s; and. An apt, figurative saying that summarizes various phenomena of life and usually has an edifying meaning. Russian proverbs and sayings. Give a proverb for edification:........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Proverb- a genre of folklore, an aphoristically concise, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning in a rhythmically organized form (“What goes around comes around”).
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Proverb- - a genre of folklore, an aphoristically condensed, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning in a rhythmically organized form.
Historical Dictionary

Now we move on to Russian proverbs, which it would also be nice for each of us to know.

Russian proverbs and sayings, as everyone knows, this is folk wisdom, which came to us from life experience. Now let's look at the most frequently used among them among the people, as well as their interpretations, among other things. For convenience, Russian proverbs and sayings are presented alphabetically.

Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning

Appetite comes with eating.
The deeper you delve into something, the more you understand and recognize it.

A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.
About the departure of an unnecessary person who is not so useful to anything.

Trouble doesn’t walk through the forest, but through people.
Misfortunes with people are the real trouble, and not with what surrounds them.

Misfortunes never come alone.
She will definitely take at least one more with her.

Poverty is not a vice.
You should not judge people for poverty, since it is not their negative quality.

You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.
Nothing can be achieved without persistence and effort.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.
About norms of behavior in society, etc. And if something is lost or torn, it will no longer be possible to restore it.

God protects those who are careful.
It is easier for a person who is prudent and careful in his decisions and actions to avoid dangers and unjustified risks.

Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.
Rarely is anything free given to us without pitfalls, without a catch.

God marks the rogue.
Evil deeds and others negative qualities do not go unpunished.

For a big ship, a long voyage.
A person with great abilities gets great opportunities.

If you suffer for a long time, something will work out.
If you really try in a difficult matter, you can achieve at least something.

Paper will endure anything.
Paper, unlike people, will tolerate any lie, any mistake written on it.

Away is good, but home is better.
Home comfort created with your own hands or hands loved one, cannot be replaced by any visit.

IN healthy body- healthy mind.
By keeping the body healthy, a person also maintains mental well-being.

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.
In any family or team there will always be a person with negative qualities.

In cramped conditions, but not in offence.
A little inconvenience for everyone is better than more serious problem only one.

Still waters run deep.
Quiet and calm-looking people often hide a complex nature.

They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.
In someone else's team, you should not behave only according to your own rules and procedures.

We see the speck in someone else's eye, but we don't notice the log in our own.
The mistakes and shortcomings of the people around you are more noticeable than your own.

Live forever, learn forever, but you will die a fool.
About the impossibility of knowing everything, even with a constant and persistent acquisition of knowledge.

I picked up the tug - don’t say it’s not strong.
Once you take up a task, bring it to the end, despite the difficulties.

The bird is visible in flight.
About people who, through their deeds and their appearance, show others their nature.

Water wears away stones.
Even minor work, manifested long and persistently, gives good results.

Pound water in a mortar and there will be water.
About doing a stupid thing that does not bring anything useful.

The wolf's legs feed him.
To earn a living, you need to move, be active, and not sit still.

If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
If you are afraid of difficulties or dangerous consequences, then you should not start any business.

All diseases are caused by nerves.
Anger, resentment and resentment weaken the immune system, which leads to the formation of diseases. Avoid anything that makes you nervous. Be patient.

Everything will be ground - there will be flour.
Any problem sooner or later turns into a good result.

All's well that ends well.
If the ending of something is good, then there is nothing to worry about.

Everything has its time.
Everything happens at the appointed time, not earlier and not later.

Everyone goes crazy in their own way.
Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Every cricket knows its nest.
Everyone should know their place and not interfere with someone else’s.

Every bast in line.
Everything can be useful, everything can be used; any mistake is blamed.

Where there is anger, there is mercy.
Not everything can be done with just anger; over time, mercy comes.

Where wood is cut, chips fly.
In any business there are always losses, costs...

Where he was born, that’s where he came in handy.
About a place of birth that would not be worth leaving forever.

Where it's thin, that's where it breaks.
What is strong always remains strong, and the weakest link always cracks.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
It's scary to take on a task until you finally take it on.

The need for invention is cunning.
The need and poverty of a person make him more intelligent and inventive.

Mountain does not converge with mountain, but man does not converge with man.
About people, despite the mountains, who are capable by nature of understanding and meeting halfway.

One grave will correct a hunchback, but a club will correct a stubborn one.
It is difficult and sometimes impossible for a person to get rid of his bad habits.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.
Before you start anything, you must first prepare.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
For any gift you are supposed to thank and rejoice at it, they say, take what you give.

Two bears do not live in the same den.
About two rivals vying for leadership. There is no room for two owners in one house.

The master's work is afraid.
The work carried out by the master is completed efficiently and quickly.

Time for business, time for fun.
Most of your time should be spent on study and work, and only partly on entertainment.

For a dear friend and an earring.
For good friend or a loved one, you don’t feel sorry for even the most valuable one.

Debt payment is red.
Good attitude He will definitely return the same to people.

Expensive egg for Easter day.
It's always nice to get what you expect right time, in the right place.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
Friendships should not influence official ones, however, as well as vice versa.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Only a friend will do everything possible for you to save you in a difficult situation.

There is no law for fools.
Only smart person amenable to rules, fools have no time for them anyway.

A bad example is contagious.
About imitation bad example, the bad deed of another person.

Living life is not a field to cross.
Life is a complicated thing, living it is not so easy.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.
It is impossible to achieve two goals at the same time; everything must be done sequentially.

You can't see the forest for the trees.
By focusing on little things or on the same thing, it is impossible to see the main thing.

The forbidden fruit is sweet.
Taking someone else’s or forbidden things is much more pleasant than taking your own.

Make a fool pray to God, and he’ll bruise his forehead.
An overly zealous person can harm the business.

The game is not worth the candle.
The money spent on something is not justified by the results obtained.

You can't erase a word from a song.
It is impossible to change or hide something with words without distorting reality.

If only I knew where to fall, I would have laid out straws.
About caution, forethought, so that there is no trouble.

Each sandpiper praises its swamp.
Every person praises the place in which he lives, but everything else is foreign and unusual.

Everyone judges for himself.
The way a person is, that’s how those around him seem to be.

As it comes back, so will it respond.
Any actions towards people around you, good or bad, eventually turn out to be the same.

Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail.
What you set your mind to is what you will get.

You can't spoil porridge with oil.
What is useful and pleasant cannot cause harm, even if there is too much of it.

They knock out a wedge with a wedge.
To eliminate the results of an action, therefore, by the same means that caused this action.

The end is the crown of the whole thing.
It is important to complete any task.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.
Once you finish your work, you can rest peacefully without thinking about it.

Horse o four legs- and then he stumbles.
Even the most intelligent, dexterous and skillful people can sometimes make mistakes.

A penny saves the ruble.
To accumulate a lot, you must not neglect the little.

The hut is red not in its corners, but in its pies.
The owner of the house is valued not by wealth, but by hospitality.

He who seeks will always find.
When a person really tries to search, he really finds.

Whoever gets up early, God gives him.
He who is not lazy to get up early will have a longer day and a more luxuriant harvest.

Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.
About a person dependent on someone or about close attachment to each other.

Strike while the iron is hot.
While the opportunity allows, it is better to act, otherwise it may not exist later.

The chicken pecks one grain at a time, but is full.
By doing something regularly, even if only a little at a time, you can achieve results.

You can't break through walls with your forehead.
It is impossible to go against the authorities.

They don't hit someone who is lying down.
It is not customary to finish off someone who is injured or in trouble.

A fly in the ointment.
When everything is good, any, even minor, dirty trick can ruin everything.

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.
You won't get far with a lie, unlike the truth, no matter what it is.

It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
You should not believe words, you should only look at actions.

Better late than never.
It is better to do something at least someday than not to do it at all.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
It is better to have something small and quite accessible than something large and difficult to achieve.

All ages are submissive to love.
A person has the ability to fall in love at absolutely any age.

If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.
To achieve something in your life, make an effort.

The less you know, the better you sleep.
The more you know, the more excitement and worry there is.

The world is not without good people.
There will always be generous people with a desire to help in someone else's troubles.

Young is green.
Young people, unlike adults, are not mature enough in their knowledge.

Silence is a sign of consent.
Silence is like an assumption of an affirmative answer.

Moscow was not built right away.
Everything complex and perfect is never given at once, only with a gain of experience.

In the absence of fish, cancer is a fish.
In the absence of something better, something worse may come in handy.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.
You should not rely solely on God when doing anything. Do everything yourself, and God only supports.

Every man to his own taste.
Tastes and preferences different people may differ from each other.

You can't please everyone.
You can't please everyone, no matter what you do. Even if you are an angel, someone may not like the rustling of your wings.

Simplicity is enough for every wise man.
No matter how wise and perspicacious a person is, he can be deceived.

The animal runs towards the catcher.
It is easier for those who are brave, persistent, and stubborn to achieve anything they want.

There is no trial.
About the humble acceptance of the absence of something or the refusal of a request.

They carry water to the offended.
A person is forced to be able to forgive. And an offended person looks of no interest to anyone.

Hope dies last.
Even with disappointment or complete failure, there is still hope for the best.

Call yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back.
If you boast or promise to do something, do it.

You won't be nice by force.
No one can be forced to love against their will.

It is not God who burns the pots.
Each person is doomed to cope with his tasks himself, and not rely only on God alone.

Don't sit in your own sleigh.
Equivalent to the expression “Mind your own business.”

Not everything is Maslenitsa, there is also Lent.
Life is not always a holiday. It comes in changeable stripes.

All that glitters is not gold.
Any thing or entity, no matter how beautiful it looks, is not defined only by external signs. The internal signs are more important.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
Before you do anything, you should know how it is done.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Money disappears the first time you go to the store, but friends remain forever.

It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.
A person with a bad position can be an excellent worker, but with a good position - vice versa.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
While there is an opportunity, it is better to carry out your plans right away, in order to avoid acquiring laziness and regret.

Don't spit in the well - you'll need some water to drink.
You should not spoil your relationship with a person, no matter what he is. But in the future it can turn out to be very useful, and even save a life.

Not caught - not a thief, not caught - not cheated.
A person is not guilty of an offense until proven guilty.

Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it.
A person who does bad things to another person suffers himself, having encountered the consequences of his own actions.

Don't cut the branch you're sitting on.
Don’t do stupid things and evil, because you yourself can choke on the same thing.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
An indication of exaggeration of the significance of any negative phenomenon.

Man does not live by bread alone.
A person has not only material qualities, but also spiritual ones.

There is no smoke without fire.
Nothing happens just like that, for example, there is no gossip without reason.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
For any difficult situation You can always extract something pleasant and useful.

Burnt on milk - blows on the water.
Having made a mistake once, in the future you become more careful and prudent.

There is safety in numbers.
It is more difficult to withstand something alone, to win a fight, than with someone else.

One head is good, but two are even better.
Two people will be able to solve any problem better and faster, unlike one.

One swallow does not make spring.
The very first and only sign of a phenomenon is not the phenomenon itself.

From love to hate - one step.
Will not amount to special labor make a person angry and hate him.

No one is immune from the event.
No matter how hard you try to prevent trouble, it can still happen.

It's a double-edged sword.
For every desired action there is a reaction.

The first pancake is lumpy.
Anything doesn't always work out really well the first time.

Stretch your legs along the clothes.
About living according to your means, income, in accordance with your capabilities.

They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
A meeting with a person is valued according to external signs, and parting is valued according to internal, mental ones.

Even a sword does not cut a guilty head.
Those who voluntarily admit their guilt should not be seriously punished.

Repetition is the mother of learning.
The more you repeat, the better you know.

Water does not flow under a lying stone.
If you do nothing, nothing will come of it.

Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself.
A person will drag out his illness or other problem until the last moment, until it resolves completely.

Trying is not torture, and demand is not a problem.
There is nothing stopping you from at least trying to do something rather than not doing it at all.

After a fight they don’t wave their fists.
It is unacceptable to change anything when it is too late.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
Any task should be done calmly, slowly, in order to avoid a funny situation.

Forewarned is forearmed.
What you are warned about, you are ready for.

When trouble comes, open the gate.
Trouble does not come alone. Therefore, you need to be more careful and prepared for anything.

The frightened crow is afraid of the bush.
If a person is truly scared, he will be afraid of everything that surrounds him.

For a drunk, the sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to his ears.
A drunk person is drawn to actions that he would never dare to do if he were sober.

Once a year the stick shoots.
Very rarely, but still the impossible may well become possible.

One born to crawl cannot fly.
If a person is born a fool, then he will die a fool.

Fish looks for where it is deeper, and man looks for where it is better.
About people who want better devices for their lives.

The fish rots from the head.
If the government is bad, so will its subordinates.

A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.
Close people easily find a common language.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.
When joining any community, life according to their principles is not excluded.

Out of sight, out of mind.
The human principle is to forget someone with whom you do not see or communicate.

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
Whom you communicate with, make friends with, you adopt his views, habits, etc.

With your loved one and in the hut is paradise.
It’s good to be with your loved one anywhere and under any conditions.

The light did not converge like a wedge.
If everything is good at a certain facility, you shouldn’t make do with it alone.

Our people - we will be numbered.
Close people are doomed to help each other without asking for anything in return.

I can't bear my own burden.
What you personally receive is easier to bear, unlike the tolerability of someone else’s.

Your shirt is closer to your body.
Your own interests are more important than the interests of other people.

A holy place is never empty.
If good place becomes empty and is immediately occupied by someone else.

Seven do not wait for one.
They won’t wait for one latecomer when everyone is already gathered and ready for business.

Measure seven times, cut once.
Before you do anything, you must first think carefully, provide for everything, in order to avoid an accident.

You can't order your heart.
About the inability to control your feelings.

No matter how much you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest.
Can't change natural instincts and the inclinations of the other person.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
About foreshadowing something, like in a fairy tale, it’s quick and easy, but in reality it’s more complicated.

The miser pays twice.
Unlike buying a cheap thing and then buying an expensive one because the cheap one breaks down soon, it is better to immediately buy an expensive and high-quality thing for a long time.

Tears won't help your grief.
Don't be discouraged if you can get rid of grief. And if the problem is inevitable, there is no point in shedding tears.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
Finding yourself in an awkward situation, saying bad word, it is impossible to go back.

The word is silver, silence is gold.
It is a matter of honor to say something useful, but it is better to remain silent about useless and empty chatter.

The earth is full of rumors.
A person knows secret information thanks to rumors.

A dog can be a biter from a dog's life.
Unkind, aggressive person often becomes this way due to the conditions of his life: from a lack of love, care from the people around him, frequent misfortunes, etc.

He ate the dog and choked on his tail.
It is impossible to do anything big without tripping over a small thing.

There is no limit to perfection.
No matter how hard you try to improve the situation, you can always do better.

Nightingales are not fed fables.
Talking cannot feed those who are hungry. He should be offered food.

An old bird is not caught with chaff.
It is difficult to trick an experienced person with anything, to lead him into a dead end.

An old friend is better than two new ones.
Old, proven, long-familiar, predictable is much more reliable, as opposed to new, unfamiliar, not yet tested by everyday situations.

The well-fed cannot understand the hungry.
The difficulty of one is incomprehensible to another until he stoops to this difficulty himself.

Patience and work will grind everything down.
Patience and perseverance in work will overcome all obstacles.

Be patient, Cossack - you will become an ataman!
Encouragement to become a patient person when any difficulty is nothing.

Three doctors are no better than one.
Similar to the proverb Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
How more people When they take on one task, the less attention is paid to it.

Fear has big eyes.
About fearful people who perceive everything small and insignificant as large and terrible.

An agreement (agreement) is more valuable than money.
A respectful contract, unlike money, can be lost forever. Its terms and conditions must be strictly adhered to.

A drowning man clutches at a straw.
A person in trouble is ready to do anything to save himself. Even if the method does not give much results.

The morning is wiser than the evening.
In the morning, decisions are made more effectively, as opposed to a tired evening.

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.
Learning is the path to knowledge, achievements, success. And lack of learning is the cause of developmental retardation and lack of culture.

It's good where we are not.
Often a person underestimates where he is now and overestimates the features of the place where he has not yet been.

The bad (bad) grass is out of the field.
You should get rid of anything harmful or unnecessary so that things go faster.

Chickens are counted in the fall.
The success of any business can only be said if it has a visible result.

Man is the architect of his own happiness.
To be happy, you need to do something, and not wait until it comes on its own.

Man proposes, but God disposes.
You should not be one hundred percent sure of the success of an action or enterprise that has not yet taken place.

Whatever you boast about, you will be left without.
A person who talks a lot about his happiness remains without it.

What the hell is not joking (while God sleeps).
Anything can happen, anything can happen.

What we have, we don’t keep, and when we lose it, we cry.
True Value something or someone is noticed when we are deprived of it.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
What is written, once it has become known, cannot be changed.

What goes around comes around.
Good or evil done by someone returns over time.

To get to know a person, you have to eat a ton of salt with him.
To get to know a person well, you need to live with him for a long time, overcoming various difficulties in life with him.

Someone else's soul is darkness.
No matter how well we know a person, his thoughts will always be a mystery. A appearance of a person is not always a reflection of his soul.

I’ll take away someone else’s trouble with my hands, but I won’t apply my mind to mine.
Other people's troubles seem more solvable, easier, unlike your own.

Murder will out.
The secret always becomes clear. And the lie will definitely come out over time.

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.
About the habit of eating simple food.

Like father like son.
What parents are like, their children have the same mentality.

The language will take you to Kyiv.
By asking people you can get anywhere.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Inexperienced person there is little that can be taught to an experienced person.

The dictionary contains about 500 of the most common proverbs and sayings in the Russian language. The dictionary provides their interpretation, examples of use in Russian modern and classical literature. Colorful drawings help to understand the meaning and meaning of a proverb or saying.
The dictionary will be interesting and useful for children of all ages, their parents, as well as those interested in the Russian language and literature. Foreigners learning the Russian language will quickly master the cultural and historical features of Russian speech with the help of a dictionary.

Confidence in the existence of a particular phenomenon is expressed.
Attributed to the great 17th century Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, who uttered it after his alleged renunciation of “heretical” teachings at the Inquisition.

Copernicus on the rotation of the Earth. Before Copernicus, who lived in the 16th century, it was believed that at the center of the universe there was a stationary Earth, around which the Sun, planets and stars moved. That's what the Bible said. Copernicus, observing the movement of the planets, proved that, on the contrary, the Sun is motionless, and the Earth and planets move around it. The Church recognized his teaching as heretical.

Remember old Galileo. Think about why he was not afraid to say before the papal court of the Inquisition famous words: “But still she spins.” - think about this and you will see what a powerful and irreplaceable talisman they make up for thinking man favorite activities of his thoughts.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Big Explanatory Dictionary of Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian Language for Children, Rose T.V., 2011 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Toponymic Dictionary of Central Russia, Smolitskaya G.P., 2002
  • Dictionary of difficult cases of using consonant words in the Russian language, Surova N.V., Tyumentsev-Khvylya M.V., Khvylya-Tyumentseva T.M., 1999

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