Ulyana is an Orthodox name for a girl. Ulyana's mental health

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The origin of the name Ulyana is Latin, derived from the male counterpart Iulian. Ulyana is considered a Russian variant, although these are different names, since Yulia comes from. The meaning of the name Ulyana is “curly, fluffy,” and the translation from Latin is interpreted as “from the Yuli family.”

In the post-revolutionary period, the name acquired a new meaning; it began to be associated with the name of the leader, Ulyanov Lenin, therefore during this period the name Ulyana was actively used by many parents to name girls.

From an early age the bearer of the name Ulyana shows increased timidity and shyness, this forces her to stay away from her peers. It’s not that she avoids children, but rather tries to be less noticeable. The girl loves to dream, often thinks about this or that problem, and there are melancholic notes in her character. At the same time, Ulyana is very kind, knows how to sympathize with someone else’s grief, and tries to support in every possible way.

A girl named Ulyana needs help from her parents, support, love and mutual understanding throughout the entire period of growing up. Parents, in turn, must make every effort to stir up little Ulyana, rid her of her complexes and introduce her to communication with the outside world. At school, Ulyana excels in all subjects except exact sciences, so she cannot become an excellent student. This also happens due to closedness and low self-esteem.

With age, in most cases, the bearer of the name Ulyana is transformed, becoming more confident and sociable. She likes art and devotes a lot of time to such activities. Treats younger children well, shows care and understanding. The girl herself is very shy, afraid that she will not be understood and judged, so she often does not dare to say and do even simple and everyday things. Based on this, she does not want to offend others, so she behaves tactfully and delicately.

Full description of the name

The energy component in the name Ulyana reveals femininity, tenderness and kindness along with stubbornness and determination, so she can be called a harmonious personality. Outward fragility and shyness, if necessary, turns into assertiveness and persistence, transforming and modifying our heroine. But for such a transformation there must be truly significant circumstances.

The bearer of the name Ulyana is cheerful and sociable, she is a positive person and infects those around her with this.

The girl is purposeful, having set a task for herself, she definitely achieves its completion. There is flexibility in Ulyana’s character; it is easier for her to give in to an argument than to ruin a relationship with a person. But this applies only to minor moments; in decisive life-changing issues, our heroine is assertive and stubborn.

In her mature years, the bearer of the name Ulyana becomes more categorical and tries to make all decisions on her own. She does not accept cruel jokes either in her direction or towards others, but she accepts positive humor quite normally.

By nature, the girl named Ulyana is kind and ready to help if circumstances require it.

A woman named Ulyana, born in winter, is more similar in character to her father; stubbornness is a trait that she will definitely take from him. Our heroine can be called attractive, although she herself does not perceive this for a long time.

Outer beauty and inner kindness attract the male sex to her. The name Ulyana hides a certain zest, which is why it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The girl takes care of herself and pays great attention to her appearance.


With age, a girl named Ulyana realizes that she is attractive and begins to take advantage of it. There are always crowds of men around her, although our heroine is flattered by their attention, she is in no hurry to choose a candidate. Only the most worthy and responsible can win her hand and heart.

Ulyana is patient and tolerant of the shortcomings of other people, but what she will not tolerate is arrogance, insolence and idle talk; she tries to put such men in their place or, in general, excludes them from her circle.

The affection of a girl named Ulyana will only be achieved by those who prove the sincerity of their feelings through their actions, after which he will be rewarded with boundless love.

Family relationships

Our heroine is sensitive to her created family hearth; all aspects are important to her, from respectful relationships to the financial component. Calm on the outside, the bearer of the name Ulyana is unstoppable in bed, while being completely and completely devoted to her chosen one.

She is a good mother to her children, a loving wife and companion to her husband.

Ulyana's house is cozy and calm, she loves to receive guests. But he is unlikely to forgive betrayal on the part of his spouse.

Professionalism and career

What the name Ulyana means in the professional sphere is the desire for independence in all its aspects. The girl is trying to quickly get an education and begin a life independent of her parents. The name Ulyana is changing, it is no longer that quiet, modest and indecisive Ulya, a strong character and its energy component are taking their toll.

Ulyana Vyacheslavovna Lopatkina (Russian ballerina, prima of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. People's Artist of the Russian Federation)

  • A woman reveals human psychology, understands that people are controllable, and begins to use this for her own purposes.
  • Although the exact sciences were not especially given to the bearer of the name Ulyana at school, this will not prevent her from becoming a good economist or accountant.
  • The girl relies only on her own strength and does not expect any financial or business support.
  • She easily makes acquaintances, meets with friends, this in no way interferes with the career of the bearer of the name Ulyana, and even contributes to some extent.
  • Having gotten married, our heroine devotes the lion's share of her time to her family, so work associated with travel and business trips is not for her.
  • A woman is attached to art; if she has talents and ambitions, she can become an artist, poetess, or singer.
  • Ulyana also has a hobby at home, it can be related to needlework or collecting.

The beautiful and melodious name Ulyana became widespread in Slavic culture, especially in the eighteenth century. The meaning of the name Ulyana is happiness (translation from Latin). This name contains a powerful charge of optimism and inexhaustible love of life. A refined sense of humor, openness and sociability - these are the qualities possessed by the bearer of the name Ulyana.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Ulyana has several versions. According to one of them, the name came to the Slavs from the Romans and is derived from the male name Julianus. According to another version, it is associated with the famous Roman patrician family of the Julians (the name meant “from the family of the Julians”).

There is an assumption that Ulyana is a derivative of the male names Ulyan, Iulian or Julian. The name Ulyana in the church sounds like Juliana; it came to Rus' in exactly this form. Over time, it changed into a more convenient form for pronunciation.

There is also a more eccentric version: the name owes its origin to the surname of V.I. Lenin - Ulyanov.

Ulyana is a full name, and many diminutive derivatives have been invented. The most common of them are Ulya, Ulka, Yulchik, Ulyasha, Ulik, Ulichka.

Time of birth

Even the time of year determines how the character will manifest itself. The name Ulyana has the following features:

Winter. Kindness, sensitivity, a heightened sense of justice pushes Ulyana into a violent protest. Straightforwardness costs her dearly. She is unable to adequately cope with even minor failures. This can provoke withdrawal and even depression.

Spring. The spring mood manifests itself in a light and carefree attitude towards life. Adventurous, interesting, ironic and open, she simply attracts success and good luck. The meaning of the name Ulyana - happiness - is fully manifested. There is a slight lack of prudence, but fate protects you from serious troubles.

Summer. She is like a soft sunbeam, kind-hearted and gentle. Those around her can take advantage of her responsiveness and selflessness, bringing disappointment to Ulyana. But this does not kill her faith in people, and she meets good people along her life’s path.

Autumn. Pragmatic, sensible, capable of making an excellent career. Her goal is a prosperous life and no unexpected surprises. She never sets herself impossible tasks, confidently moves towards her goal, not paying attention to obstacles. Autumn Ulyanas are closed and do not trust anyone.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Ulyana is revealed in the following characteristics:

The name's talisman is a beautiful and unusual labradorite stone. It suits her character perfectly. Protects from evil and envious people, helps to better reveal creative nature, and brings good luck.

The name stone is amber. An assistant to refined natures, it gives them determination and confidence.

Totem - snail. In many cultures of the planet, it is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and abundance. Symbolizes eternity, the cyclical revival of the entire surrounding world.

Zodiac sign - Scorpio. In all likelihood, it is he who influences the commanding character of Ulyana. There is only one opinion - hers, and it is correct.

Dark yellow, thick red or orange colors are suitable for a girl with this name. Black color, strong and deep, evoking a feeling of peace (in no case mourning) and reliability, goes well with the rare name Ulyana.

Patron planet - Pluto. He helps her creative nature to reveal itself.

Plants - maple and lemon balm. Both of them act as symbols of love, spirituality, restraint, and modesty.


Most parents think about how the meaning of the name will affect their child. As a child, Ulyana is a bit of a cowardly and indecisive child, with frequent bouts of irritation. Nervous exhaustion is a consequence of the girl's frequent illnesses.

But this does not stop her from being friendly and sociable. She enjoys communicating with her peers, preferring noisy and fun games in a large company to all other entertainment.

Creative nature manifests itself early. A child beyond his years can form his own opinion and evaluate a painting or talk about some other form of art.

A difficult and responsible moment is to choose a name for a girl. Ulyana is currently a rare name. It is not given to girls as often as in past centuries, but nevertheless it is found everywhere. In different countries the name has its own derivatives.


An adult woman slightly changes the meaning of the name Ulyana. This is a strong personality, able to withstand the blows of fate. She has no inclination towards hypocrisy and flattery. The need for career growth forces her to learn to control her emotions and seek compromises.

Zodiac signs

The meaning of the name Ulyana is individual for each zodiac sign. All zodiac signs bring their influence and determine their characteristic features:

Aries is endowed with persistence and determination. For a couple, choose a strong male shoulder.

Taurus always has his own opinion. Serious and thorough, Ulyana often suffers from loneliness. An excellent partner for her would be a man with a developed sense of humor, relaxed in communication, and an optimist by nature.

Geminis are cheerful and energetic. Ulyana's cheerfulness is surprisingly combined with calmness and poise. This sign needs a passionate partner who can dilute their established life with a drop of adventurism.

Cancer will not take responsibility, so there is no need to dream about a career. Naive, reserved and very insecure, Ulyana needs a man with patience, strength of character and self-confidence.

Leo will require special attention. Vanity and narcissism appear under this sign. This character requires absolute submission in love relationships. A weak and spineless man is just for her.

Virgo is vulnerable, sentimental, smart and reasonable. The spirit of an adventurer and a passionate traveler lives in her. If a man does not share her passions and cravings for new, unknown sensations, he will very quickly cease to interest her.

Libras have heightened intuition. Ulyana is tactful and gentle, and can be an excellent diplomat. She values ​​responsiveness and kindness in men.

Scorpio does not tolerate objections. A complex character destroys harmony with the outside world. To be close to such Ulyana, a man must do his best to please the vanity of his chosen one.

Sagittarius experiences disappointments and resentments too often. The blame for everything is a naive and gullible character. She is not created for loneliness; early marriage is not uncommon for Ulyana-Sagittarius. A strong and reliable man becomes the chosen one.

Capricorn quickly makes enemies with his straightforwardness and honesty. Her interests and numerous hobbies leave no room for boredom. Her gentleman must be sincere and have a sense of humor.

Aquarius can negotiate with anyone. Restrained and calm, she always makes a pleasant impression on people. This helps her acquire the “necessary” connections. A confident man, sedate and thorough, will suit her.

The fish lives in the endless sea of ​​its fantasies and illusions. She often forgets about human meanness, dishonesty and cruelty. A man who is able to take responsibility for solving all her problems will find a wonderful wife and the most devoted friend.

Famous people

Among the famous women bearing the name Ulyana, there are many famous athletes and artists. Ulyana Semenova shone in basketball, Ulyana Denisova and Ulyana Kaisheva in biathlon, and Ulyana Trofimova and Ulyana Donskova in gymnastics.

Actresses Ulyana Lapteva, Ulyana Urvantseva, Ulyana Ivashchenko distinguished themselves in theater and cinema. Ulyana Lopatkina-Korneva danced on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Contemporary Albanian singer Juliana Pasha (see photo).

Of the crowned heads, the name Juliana was borne by the Queen of the Netherlands (photo in the text). Her full name is Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orange-Nassau.

Name day

Several times a year, the Ulyans celebrate their Angel Day: in January - 3 and 15, in March - 17, in April - 2, in June - 15, in July - 5 and 19, in August - 30 and 31, in October - 11 , in November - 14, in December - 17.

The beautiful and melodious name Ulyana became widespread in Slavic culture, especially in the eighteenth century. The meaning of the name Ulyana is happiness (translation from Latin). This name contains a powerful charge of optimism and inexhaustible love of life. A refined sense of humor, openness and sociability - these are the qualities possessed by the bearer of the name Ulyana.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Ulyana has several versions. According to one of them, the name came to the Slavs from the Romans and is derived from the male name Julianus. According to another version, it is associated with the famous Roman patrician family of the Julians (the name meant “from the family of the Julians”).

There is an assumption that Ulyana is a derivative of the male names Ulyan, Iulian or Julian. The name Ulyana in the church sounds like Juliana; it came to Rus' in exactly this form. Over time, it changed into a more convenient form for pronunciation.

There is also a more eccentric version: the name owes its origin to the surname of V.I. Lenin - Ulyanov.

Ulyana is a full name, and many diminutive derivatives have been invented. The most common of them are Ulya, Ulka, Yulchik, Ulyasha, Ulik, Ulichka.

Time of birth

Even the time of year determines how the character will manifest itself. The name Ulyana has the following features:

Winter. Kindness, sensitivity, a heightened sense of justice pushes Ulyana into a violent protest. Straightforwardness costs her dearly. She is unable to adequately cope with even minor failures. This can provoke withdrawal and even depression.

Spring. The spring mood manifests itself in a light and carefree attitude towards life. Adventurous, interesting, ironic and open, she simply attracts success and good luck. The meaning of the name Ulyana - happiness - is fully manifested. There is a slight lack of prudence, but fate protects you from serious troubles.

Summer. She is like a soft sunbeam, kind-hearted and gentle. Those around her can take advantage of her responsiveness and selflessness, bringing disappointment to Ulyana. But this does not kill her faith in people, and she meets good people along her life’s path.

Autumn. Pragmatic, sensible, capable of making an excellent career. Her goal is a prosperous life and no unexpected surprises. She never sets herself impossible tasks, confidently moves towards her goal, not paying attention to obstacles. Autumn Ulyanas are closed and do not trust anyone.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Ulyana is revealed in the following characteristics:

The name's talisman is a beautiful and unusual labradorite stone. It suits her character perfectly. Protects from evil and envious people, helps to better reveal creative nature, and brings good luck.

The name stone is amber. An assistant to refined natures, it gives them determination and confidence.

Totem - snail. In many cultures of the planet, it is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and abundance. Symbolizes eternity, the cyclical revival of the entire surrounding world.

Zodiac sign - Scorpio. In all likelihood, it is he who influences the commanding character of Ulyana. There is only one opinion - hers, and it is correct.

Dark yellow, thick red or orange colors are suitable for a girl with this name. Black color, strong and deep, evoking a feeling of peace (in no case mourning) and reliability, goes well with the rare name Ulyana.

Patron planet - Pluto. He helps her creative nature to reveal itself.

Plants - maple and lemon balm. Both of them act as symbols of love, spirituality, restraint, and modesty.


Most parents think about how the meaning of the name will affect their child. As a child, Ulyana is a bit of a cowardly and indecisive child, with frequent bouts of irritation. Nervous exhaustion is a consequence of the girl's frequent illnesses.

But this does not stop her from being friendly and sociable. She enjoys communicating with her peers, preferring noisy and fun games in a large company to all other entertainment.

Creative nature manifests itself early. A child beyond his years can form his own opinion and evaluate a painting or talk about some other form of art.

A difficult and responsible moment is to choose a name for a girl. Ulyana is currently a rare name. It is not given to girls as often as in past centuries, but nevertheless it is found everywhere. In different countries the name has its own derivatives.


An adult woman slightly changes the meaning of the name Ulyana. This is a strong personality, able to withstand the blows of fate. She has no inclination towards hypocrisy and flattery. The need for career growth forces her to learn to control her emotions and seek compromises.

Zodiac signs

The meaning of the name Ulyana is individual for each zodiac sign. All zodiac signs bring their influence and determine their characteristic features:

Aries is endowed with persistence and determination. For a couple, choose a strong male shoulder.

Taurus always has his own opinion. Serious and thorough, Ulyana often suffers from loneliness. An excellent partner for her would be a man with a developed sense of humor, relaxed in communication, and an optimist by nature.

Geminis are cheerful and energetic. Ulyana's cheerfulness is surprisingly combined with calmness and poise. This sign needs a passionate partner who can dilute their established life with a drop of adventurism.

Cancer will not take responsibility, so there is no need to dream about a career. Naive, reserved and very insecure, Ulyana needs a man with patience, strength of character and self-confidence.

Leo will require special attention. Vanity and narcissism appear under this sign. This character requires absolute submission in love relationships. A weak and spineless man is just for her.

Virgo is vulnerable, sentimental, smart and reasonable. The spirit of an adventurer and a passionate traveler lives in her. If a man does not share her passions and cravings for new, unknown sensations, he will very quickly cease to interest her.

Libras have heightened intuition. Ulyana is tactful and gentle, and can be an excellent diplomat. She values ​​responsiveness and kindness in men.

Scorpio does not tolerate objections. A complex character destroys harmony with the outside world. To be close to such Ulyana, a man must do his best to please the vanity of his chosen one.

Sagittarius experiences disappointments and resentments too often. The blame for everything is a naive and gullible character. She is not created for loneliness; early marriage is not uncommon for Ulyana-Sagittarius. A strong and reliable man becomes the chosen one.

Capricorn quickly makes enemies with his straightforwardness and honesty. Her interests and numerous hobbies leave no room for boredom. Her gentleman must be sincere and have a sense of humor.

Aquarius can negotiate with anyone. Restrained and calm, she always makes a pleasant impression on people. This helps her acquire the “necessary” connections. A confident man, sedate and thorough, will suit her.

The fish lives in the endless sea of ​​its fantasies and illusions. She often forgets about human meanness, dishonesty and cruelty. A man who is able to take responsibility for solving all her problems will find a wonderful wife and the most devoted friend.

Famous people

Among the famous women bearing the name Ulyana, there are many famous athletes and artists. Ulyana Semenova shone in basketball, Ulyana Denisova and Ulyana Kaisheva in biathlon, and Ulyana Trofimova and Ulyana Donskova in gymnastics.

Actresses Ulyana Lapteva, Ulyana Urvantseva, Ulyana Ivashchenko distinguished themselves in theater and cinema. Ulyana Lopatkina-Korneva danced on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Contemporary Albanian singer Juliana Pasha (see photo).

Of the crowned heads, the name Juliana was borne by the Queen of the Netherlands (photo in the text). Her full name is Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orange-Nassau.

Name day

Several times a year, the Ulyans celebrate their Angel Day: in January - 3 and 15, in March - 17, in April - 2, in June - 15, in July - 5 and 19, in August - 30 and 31, in October - 11 , in November - 14, in December - 17.

Translated from Latin - “from the Julius family.” It is believed that Ulyana is a folk form of the name Yulia, but Ulyana is a cognate name for the name Yulia. Ulyana came from Julian (male name Iulian, Julian, Ulyan), and Julia - from Julian (Julianna) and Julian (male name - Julius, Julius). Very consonant names, used independently.

The name Ulyana has two options for a more accurate interpretation of this version of origin. According to the first option, the name Ulyana is the Russian folk form of the name Yulia, translated from Latin - “from the Yuli family.” It also means “curly”, “fluffy”. The name Ulyana is a related name to the name Yulia.

According to the second option, the name Ulyana comes from the name Iuliania, and Julia - from Julian (Julianna) and Juliania. Very consonant names, used independently.

According to the second version of origin, the name Ulyana is a Soviet name that was given to girls in honor of Ulyanov Vladimir Lenin. It is quite possible that the old name was simply given a new meaning, as happened with the names Rada and Kim.

The diminutives Yana, Lina and Liana are also independent names.

Character of the name Ulyana

For Ulyana, the main character trait is justice. This energetic and strong girl always shows her openness towards other people. There is no arrogance or selfishness in her. Deep down, Ulyana is a sensual and soft person.

From an early age, Ulyana manifests herself as an enthusiastic person. She is interested in art in all its forms. At the same time, she often does not do well in the exact sciences at school, so she may fall behind in a number of subjects. Ulyana has a great attitude towards children younger than herself, never offends them, and takes time to play.

Ulyana itself has strict rules. She can show herself as a shy and indecisive person. She is often afraid of offending people with her words, so she tries to be delicate in everything. The girl Ulyana is against cruel jokes, but happily accepts soft positive humor. Despite the complexity of her nature, Ulyana is a kind person who is always ready to help. Born in winter, the owner of this name takes many of her qualities from her father. The main one is usually stubbornness.

The secret of the name Ulyana

Since school, Ulya has shown an interest in creativity, but problems arise with the exact sciences, in which she is not at all strong. Ulyana is growing up as an indecisive and fearful girl. Her softness will interfere with her in adult life, when she needs to make an important decision or show her character. She loves creativity in all its forms, noisy companies, her sociability and ease help her find many friends and acquaintances. Her house is always open for guests, she is always happy to see new people, her charm and lightness attract. In her personal life, Ulyana’s dreaminess and gentleness often gives her chosen one a reason to relax and neglect family values.

Ulyana is very open, she does not know how to flatter at all, sincerely expressing everything to a person’s face. This may hinder her in the professional field, but thanks to her enthusiasm and talent, Ulyana often achieves success.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color: dark yellow
Planet: Pluto
Talisman stone: amber
Plant: maple, lemon balm
Animal: snail
Main features: open, easy to communicate, soft, kind

Additional characteristics of the name Ulyana

Vibration: 97,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character): 85%
Psyche: extrovert, often gets carried away, easy to talk to, but often too soft and flexible
Health: not bad, but avoid overwork

Numerology of the name Ulyana

Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work team or in a family, comes easily to them and reveals all their greatest strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite , beryl , white coral .
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

The name Ulyana as a phrase

U Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
L People
L Er (Creeping, Soft, Soft)
I (YA = A) Az
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ulyana

Energy and karma named after Ulyana

The name Ulyana contains a huge charge of love of life and optimism. The name inclines her towards openness, sociability and a rather gentle sense of humor, and God forbid that these qualities are not drowned out by an overly harsh upbringing. Alas, the latter, although rare, still happens. It’s better not to educate Ulya at all than to educate her harshly: after all, the only thing that can be achieved by this is that all of the above and, of course, favorable qualities will change their sign to the exact opposite, turning Ulyana into a complex and withdrawn person. It was not in vain that I paid so much attention to this, since the energy of the name suggests Uli has great sensuality, the suppression of which is fraught with trouble.

Usually, from childhood, the traits of an addicted nature begin to appear in Ulyana. Most likely, she will have a love for a variety of areas of art, and it is very likely that she herself will have some kind of creative streak. However, it is not at all necessary that Uyaya will start writing poetry or drawing; her sensuality can manifest itself in a simple craving for decorating her room, but she will do this with a great soul. The situation is worse with the exact sciences, in which she may have problems with her performance at school. If parents want to correct this state of affairs, they should try to help their daughter find the hidden beauty in these sciences, if, of course, they themselves are able to notice it. To some extent, ordinary beliefs in the need for education can help, but preferably without assault.

It is interesting that Ulyana’s creative nature gives her behavior some mystery and charm, and her good-natured sense of humor attracts people to her even more. Often her home becomes a favorite gathering place for all kinds of companies, and perhaps only housing conditions can prevent this. The only pity is that Ulyana’s sufficient gentleness can awaken in her husband a feeling of some freedom from obligations, and cheerful companies will provide an opportunity to realize this feeling. In this case, he takes a great risk, since Uli’s sensual nature is unlikely to want to look for an excuse for him. Perhaps she will hide her pain behind a smile, but still, a breakup is almost inevitable. In general, the majority of the chances are that her life will turn out quite successfully, although if her plans include the question of achieving any professional heights, then she should pay more attention to her breakthrough abilities, which she often completely lacks.

Pros and cons of the name Ulyana

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name a child after Ulyana? Its advantages are that it is quite rare and unusual, which will certainly attract attention to its owner. It also goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and you can also choose several rather harmonious abbreviations and diminutions for it, such as Ulyasha, Ulyanka, Wusya, Yana. Since the character of the majority of Ulyans is also more positive than negative, there are no complaints about this name, except, perhaps, for a slightly rude sound.


Ulyana’s health is not very good, but you can never tell from her appearance that she feels bad. Usually in childhood the owner of this name has or, and in adulthood - with or vessels.

Love and family relationships

Many Ulyanas were not initially created for marriage, so they can get married several times, but always not for long. The owner of this name does not get along with her husband also because she really likes to command and wants everything in the house to go exclusively according to her scenario. But at the same time, the housewife from Ulyana turns out to be a very good housewife, and most often she behaves exemplary with children.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, it is best for Ulyana to choose a creative job, for example, to become an artist, art critic, journalist, needlewoman, florist.

Secrets of communicating with Ulyana

Ulyana knows how to appreciate a sense of humor in people when it is not painted in aggressive tones. This is almost a universal key for communicating with her. Well, besides this, do not forget that her poise usually hides deep feelings, and often passion.

Characteristics of the name Ulyana according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - “from the Julius family.” Synonym for Julian. Ulyana has been sickly and irritable since early childhood. Weak, indecisive, afraid of everything. Loves children and knows how to play with them. Looks like her father.

Adult Ulyanas, if they are winter, are very complex, stubborn, hardworking, and are not afraid of difficulties in life. They honestly perform their duty and never seek salvation in illusions. In relationships with colleagues they show decency and honesty, but rarely become truly attached to anyone. Some have a beautiful voice and become professional singers. They do not tolerate addiction. Materialists.

Leaders in the family love to command. Summers have two marriages; If Ulyana gets married a second time, boys are born. Good housewives, cook delicious food. They love to travel and are hospitable. They never hide behind the backs of others. They love to be seen. They are not inclined to twirl in front of the mirror.

Winters are complex, but kind and sympathetic people, they fight for justice and often suffer because of it. They prefer to be at home than to go on business trips. In their free time they knit and crochet. Easy to communicate, sometimes sensitive to the point of naivety. Some can give their lives to faith, to God and devote themselves to serving monasteries until their last breath.

Their first marriage is difficult, divorce is possible if she marries a man born in winter, but with a “summer” the marriage will be successful.

Autumn Ulyans are calculating - they make good accountants. They love to collect various souvenirs. They wear bright clothes and have good taste. Clean.

Positive traits of the name

Impressionability, sensuality. Ulyana is affectionate, gentle, affectionate. She loves to laugh and joke. Her heart is always open to people. Ulyana's house is always full of friends and guests. She loves fun, laughter, jokes. Ulyana is quick-witted: she can become violently indignant and react to troubles, but she soon calms down, not remembering what happened. Nevertheless, she has a developed sense of self-esteem, so Ulyana does not forgive betrayal and betrayal.

Negative traits of the name

Excessive softness, optionality, restlessness, laziness. Ulyana lives in a world of dreams and hopes she has invented. She does not always study brilliantly due to her lack of concentration and too broad interests. The exact sciences seem boring to her, but she excels in the humanities. Ulyana takes great pleasure in participating in various clubs and studios, leaving little time for lessons.

Choosing a profession by name

Ulyana is interested in art, she is more attracted to intellectual work than physical work. She is interested in exotic exhibitions, unusual people and environmental objects. Ulyana can become an artist of decorative and applied arts. She is also inclined to work with children in the field of preschool education.

The impact of a name on business

Ulyana does not set high goals for herself. She lives one day at a time and knows how to use the available means with joy for herself and those around her. She is easy on money. For her, the main thing is communication. For company, Ulyana is capable of feats of labor and adventures.

The influence of a name on health

Ulyana is unforgivably careless with her health, does not care about strengthening it, and has many bad habits. She is prone to colds. Diseases affect her severely and for a long time. Ulyana often has skin problems.

Psychology of the name

Her creative abilities should be developed in Ulyana, accustomed to work and housework. The methods of her upbringing should not contain rudeness, rigidity, or categoricalness. You can calmly agree on everything with Ulyana. The most important thing is not to deceive her expectations, do not make empty promises.

Famous people named Ulyana

Juliania (Ulyana, Juliania) Tverskaya ((d. ​​1399) daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Alexander Mikhailovich, second wife of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd, mother of the founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland)
Ulyana Babkina ((1888 – 1977) craftswoman, keeper of the traditions of Kargopol toys)
Ulyana Gromova ((1924 – 1943) one of the leaders of the underground Komsomol organization “Young Guard”, Hero of the USSR)
Ulyana Semenova ((born 1952) birth name - Iuliyaka; famous Soviet basketball player, two-time Olympic champion, three-time world champion, 10-time European champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1971). One of the best centers in the history of women's world basketball. )
Ulyana Lopatkina-Korneva ((born 1973) Russian ballerina, prima of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, People's Artist of the Russian Federation)
Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orange-Nassau ((1909 - 2004) Queen of the Netherlands, who reigned from the abdication of her mother Wilhelmina in 1948 until her own abdication in 1980 in favor of her daughter Beatrix. She then bore the title Princess of the Netherlands for the rest of her life. In honor Queen Juliana named after a mountain in Suriname, a canal in the south of the Netherlands, an airport on the island of St. Martin, asteroid (816) Juliana Queen's Day is celebrated annually in the Netherlands on Queen Juliana's birthday as a public holiday and the only annual civil holiday - the rest are public holidays. in the Netherlands are dedicated to the church calendar of the Dutch Reformed Church.)
Yuliana Yakhnina ((1928 - 2004) Russian translator and literary critic)
Yulianna Shakhova ((born 1968) maiden name - Patsevich; TV presenter, journalist, singer, composer. Academician of the International Academy of TV and Radio. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation.)
Giuliana Penzi ((1917 - 2008) Italian ballerina and choreographer)
Juliana Paes (Paes) ((born 1979) Brazilian TV presenter, actress, model)
Yuliana Fedak ((born 1983) Ukrainian professional tennis player. Semifinalist of the 1st Grand Slam tournament in women's doubles (Wimbledon 2006).)
Yuliana Nikolova ((born 1954) Bulgarian politician)

Ulyana Urvantseva ((born 1971) Russian theater and film actress)
Ulyana Barkova (foreman of the cattle farm of the Karavaevo state farm, Kostroma Region, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1948, 1951))
Ulyana (Ulyana) Kravchenko ((1860 - 1947) real name - Yulia Schneider; Ukrainian writer)
Juliana Hatfield (American rock guitarist and vocalist)
Julianne Young (American fashion model)
Julian (Julianne) Moore ((born 1960) real name - Julie Ann Smith; American actress, four-time Oscar nominee, winner of the Berlin Film Festival, three-time winner of the Venice Film Festival)
Gillian Anderson ((born 1968) American actress. Best known for playing the role of FBI agent Dana Scully in the television series The X-Files)
Gillian Becker ((b.1932) South African writer)
Juliana Banze, Juliane Banze ((born 1969) German opera singer (soprano))
Julienne (Julienne) Passwords ((1882 - 1959) French film actress)
Ulyana Denisova ((born 1983) Russian biathlete. Master of Sports. Member of the Russian national team. World champion among juniors. 2-time European Champion.)
Ulyana Donskova ((born 1992) Russian gymnast. Member of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team in group all-around since 2006. Multiple European and World Champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2010). 2012 Olympic Champion in rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around. )
Ulyana Trofimova ((born 1990) Uzbek gymnast. Master of Sports of international class. Leader of the Uzbekistan rhythmic gymnastics team.)
Ulyana Shilkina ((born 1970) Russian director, screenwriter)
Ulyana Gromova ((1924 - 1943) member of the headquarters of the Young Guard organization, Hero of the Soviet Union)
Princess Juliania Dmitrievna Paletskaya, Ulyana Udelnaya ((d. ​​1569) in monasticism - Alexandra; wife of the Uglich prince Yuri Vasilyevich, brother of Tsar Ivan the Terrible)
Ulyana Lapteva ((born 1979) Russian theater and film actress)
Ulyana Rudakova ((born 1979) before marriage - Petrova; Ukrainian singer)
Ulyana Ivashchenko ((born 2002) Russian film and dubbing actress)
Ulyana Kaisheva ((born 1994) Russian biathlete, champion in the 7.5 km pursuit race and bronze medalist in the 6 km sprint at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck. Winner of the Olympic biathlon festivals among juniors.)
Ulyana Yarmolenko (Soviet ski racer, seven-time champion of the USSR. In 1949, after two seasons of training, she became the USSR champion for the first time in the 5 km race and 4 × 5 km relay race (RSFSR team), also received bronze in the 8 km race. In In 1950, she retained the championship title in the 5 km race and the 4x5 km relay, and in the 8 km race she rose to second place. In 1951, the results in the 5 and 8 km races remained the same, and her team took bronze in the relay. In 1952, she took gold in the 5 km race and the 4x5 km relay.)
Ulyana "IF" Elina ((born 1980) Russian singer)

The female name Ulyana has found a second wind these days and, half-forgotten in the 20th century, has again become popular and in demand. Although the origin of the name is foreign, Ulyana is a personal name with a rich history.

Brief meaning of the name Ulyana

Character, fate and origin of the name Ulyana

The characteristics of the name Ulyana and its meaning represent a strong-willed, purposeful woman, whose destiny is sometimes subordinated to a grandiose goal, be it creating a strong family, a sports career, or serving people in a professional field. Her steely character helps her overcome unimaginable difficulties, and her optimism and faith in the future support her in difficult moments of life.

The name Ulyana gives its bearers firmness and perseverance, but at the same time the ability for dialogue, openness to people, responsiveness and compassion. The solution to this mystery lies not only in the meaning, but also in its structure: at the beginning and end there are open vowels, their combination - UA - resembles the cry of a child, and the combination on the contrary (AU) - a cry for help in the forest, which also takes on a merciful meaning .

The origin of the name is ancient Roman and aristocratic. The interpretation connects it with the Latin generic name Julianus and means “Julius, belonging to Julius.” Thus, it is closely related to many European names, originating from Roman variants: , Juliet, Julian and others. Its meaning is twofold, it means both “from the family of Julius” and “belonging to Julius.”

The name penetrated into Rus' in the church version - Iualiana, and until the middle of the 17th century it existed as Uliana. In the 18th century, the name Ulyana was widespread among both peasants and nobles. In the next century it became predominantly peasant, and by the middle of the twentieth century it completely lost popularity. The Ulyans were replaced by Yulias. Only in the 1980s did interest in it begin to gradually return.

The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl, girl, woman

The name Ulyana suits a sociable, kind girl. The child Ulya is distinguished by honesty and integrity, at the same time she is very trusting. People appreciate her positive qualities and strive to help, which means a lot to her. Indeed, for all her confidence and outward determination, the girl Uli is often in a tearful mood. If people close to her knew what a gloomy attitude she has at times, they would understand her better.

Over the years, Ulyana becomes more optimistic, but the features of a child sometimes appear through the appearance of a confident woman. However, vitality overwhelms her, and the Latin meaning of the name makes Ulyana more and more like an ancient Roman matron: if the girl Ulya is light and agile, then she is a majestic and thorough woman, although she cannot be denied a wonderful sense of humor and love for everything new and interesting .

Ulyana's secret lies in her self-criticism. The ancient origin of the name and its meaning force her to engage in self-criticism and self-examination, to set a high standard in life.

Forms of the name Ulyana, declension by case

Writing in transliteration (Latin) – Ulyana.

Related forms derived from the original (Latin) form are Juliana, Juliana, Juliania, Julitta, Juliet, Juliana, Julian, Gillian, Juliet, Julienne.

The full form in Russian is Ulyana. Abbreviated and diminutive forms - Ulya, Ulka, Ulyanka, Yanka, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Lina, Liana, Ulechka, Una, Ulyanushka, Ulyanochka, Ulyushka.

Male form - Ulyan.

Declension by case:

  • nominative – Ulyana
  • genitive – Ulyana;
  • dative – Ulyana;
  • accusative - Ulyana;
  • instrumental - Ulyana;
  • prepositional - Ulyana.

The meaning of the name Ulyana according to the church calendar

In Christianity, the names Juliana and Juliania are especially revered. In Catholicism, 11 saints bear the name Julian, and their name days, according to the Catholic calendar, fall on: October 11, February 7, February 16, August 17, March 20, August 12, August 18, November 1, May 13, August 14, June 19.

There are no fewer saints with a related name (Juliania) in the Orthodox church calendar, their days are celebrated: January 3, January 15, March 17, April 2, May 16, June 15, July 5, August 30, August 31, October 11, November 14 , December 17.

Compatibility, decoding and translation into other languages

Ulyana will be happily married to men: Alexander, Andrey, Anton, Artem, Boris, Valery, Gleb, Danila, Dmitry, Dobrynya, Egor, Igor, Ilya, Kirill, Lev, Leonid, Nikolai, Sergey, Fedor, Julian.

In family life, she does not tolerate betrayal, does not forgive betrayal and male weaknesses. Therefore, it is difficult for her to find a reliable man who will not only love her, but also support her in all her endeavors.

Men are not suitable for her for long-term and lasting relationships: Arkady, Vadim, Valentin, Vasily, Vsevolod, Innokenty, Matvey, Roman, Philip, Yakov.

U – the desire to rise to the highest spiritual level; compassion and generosity;
L – subtle sense of beauty, artistic talents;
b – rationality, punctuality, categoricalness;
I am self-respect, desire for recognition;
N – diligence, but with a sense of proportion;
A is the symbol of the beginning.

Translation into other languages:

  • English: Juliana;
  • Spanish: Juliana;
  • Italian: Giuliana;
  • German: Juliana;
  • Portuguese: Juliana;
  • Serbian: Julijana;
  • Ukrainian language: Yuliana;
  • French: Juliana;

Famous people named Ulyana

It’s interesting, but almost all famous women named Ulyana, their fate demonstrates perseverance, determination, the desire to defend and win:

  • Juliania of Tverskaya (XIV century) - daughter of Alexander Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Tver; mother of the founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty, kings of Poland and grand dukes in the Principality of Lithuania;
  • Gromova – a member of the underground organization during the Great Patriotic War “Young Guard”;
  • Babkina is a Russian craftswoman who has preserved the traditions of Kargopol toys;
  • Semenova is a famous Soviet basketball player, multiple world champion, two Olympics;
  • Yarmolenko - Soviet skier, multiple champion of the USSR;
  • Shilkina is a Russian director, producer and screenwriter, director of the television series “The Golden Calf”;
  • Donskova is a Russian gymnast, multiple world and European champion.

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