In the village of logs there is a golden autumn story. Essay on painting B

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Essay based on the painting by V. D. Polenov “ Golden autumn»

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov is an outstanding Russian painter. His talent was fully revealed thanks to numerous works landscape painting. Contemporaries called Polenov the Knight of Beauty, the Poet of Painting.

The artist was attracted by beauty native nature. And he knew how to emphasize its splendor and harmony.

The painting “Golden Autumn” is rightfully considered one of the most famous works created by a great artist. In the painting, Polenov depicted autumn nature.

IN autumn time There is Amazing beauty. The numerous colors and shades characteristic of early autumn are amazing. The gold of the foliage, the green of the grass, the depth of the sky. All this creates a special mood and cannot but delight.

The painting “Golden Autumn” was painted in 1883. Then the artist lived on the banks of the Oka. And the picture was painted by him from the bank of this river. There was a beautiful view from the shore, which the artist decided to capture on canvas.

The beauty of the Oka River always worried the artist. Once he wrote to Konstantin Korovin: “How I would like to show you our Oka. After all, you and I were the first to discover its beauty.”

The artist spent many years next to the Oka River. And every time he continued to admire her beauty and harmony. Polenov repeatedly portrayed Oka at different times of the year. The artist saw poetry in the beauty of nature, thanks to which he created amazing works. The landscape “Golden Autumn” was painted by Polenov a few years after he settled in his estate on the Bekhovo estate. The painting shows a view of the Oka in the direction of the Ochakov Mountains.

The painting “Golden Autumn” opens up an amazing landscape before the viewer’s eyes. A majestic and calm river with high banks. The rolling plain stretches to the horizon. The endless expanses go somewhere far away. There is an abundance of light and air in the picture. The relief lines are smooth and clear. The nature depicted in the picture creates an impression of harmony and peace.

Autumn is transparent and clear. This is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. The hot summer has passed, and nature gives you the opportunity to enjoy the velvety warmth of autumn. The sun is still so bright. But its rays are not as scorching as they are in the summer. The air seems surprisingly clean and transparent. Autumn turns the leaves of trees golden, giving them a special mood. Autumn the sorceress scatters golden leaves underfoot. Magical autumn brings amazing colors that you won’t see at other times of the year.

Autumn brings crystal days, allowing you to enjoy the beauty ahead of the coming cold weather. Poets sing about autumn, glorifying it ideal beauty. Wonderful autumn days remain in everyone’s memory for a long time.

One cannot help but admire how accurately the artist conveyed the paints and colors. The river line seems so light and clean. The sky hangs over the hills, and their depth seems truly mesmerizing. The forest looks truly voluminous. The eye is drawn to the exquisite grandeur of the river's surroundings. I want to fully enjoy the warmth autumn days.

September days are already noticeably shorter than summer days. But these days have a special charm, which is why I would so like to extend them. The painting “Golden Autumn” is a frozen moment in which you want to stay as long as possible. Golden sunbeams and amber reflections play around, making the world festive and bright. When looking at a picture, something good involuntarily comes to mind. September is the beginning of autumn and the smooth continuation of summer. The charm of the first autumn days, when the approaching cold is not yet felt, evokes delight in the human soul. The river bank basks under the velvet sun, nature lives its own life, delighting people with its harmony. Flowers are still blooming in the forest, the grass is still fresh and green. The earth gives warmth to plants, as if convincing them to stay here longer, delighting the world with its beauty.

For Polenov, autumn was his favorite time of year. He believed that the summer months are of no interest to a landscape artist, because summer is dominated by green color. “Everything, like a tub, is doused with greenery.” And in autumn nature gives all the colors of the rainbow. Autumn is a fertile time for an artist.

The artist’s favorite place was the Oka River. We can say that the film “Golden Autumn” combines favorite place and the time of the painter. V.D. Polenov lived near Oka for many years. The local nature never ceased to amaze him. This is evidenced both by the artist’s letters and his paintings.

While creating of this work Polenov used a technique characteristic of his work. The space was organized using an arc. Here it is the river that plays the role of an arc. The river balances the picture and completes it.

The landscape is presented in a panoramic spread. However, it does not open immediately. There is a secret here. When viewers look at a painting, they seem to find themselves inside it. The path leads into the depths of the picture. And it seems that you are walking along it, going around the river, climbing the hills. And now the viewer has already mentally found himself at the horizon, exactly where the white church is located. It is from here that you can look into the distance. How amazing and mesmerizing the view is before us.

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov is an outstanding Russian painter. His talent was fully revealed thanks to numerous works landscape painting. Contemporaries called Polenov the Knight of Beauty, the Poet of Painting.
The artist was attracted by the beauty of his native nature. And he knew how to emphasize its splendor and harmony.
The painting “Golden Autumn” is rightfully considered one of the most famous works created by the great artist. In the painting, Polenov depicted autumn nature.
There is amazing beauty in the autumn season. The numerous colors and shades characteristic of early autumn are amazing. The gold of the foliage, the green of the grass, the depth of the sky. All this creates a special mood and cannot but delight.
The painting “Golden Autumn” was painted in 1883. Then the artist lived on the banks of the Oka. And the picture was painted by him from the bank of this river. There was a beautiful view from the shore, which the artist decided to capture on canvas.
The beauty of the Oka River always worried the artist. Once he wrote to Konstantin Korovin: “How I would like to show you our Oka. After all, you and I were the first to discover its beauty.”
The artist spent many years next to the Oka River. And every time he continued to admire her beauty and harmony. Polenov repeatedly portrayed Oka in different time of the year. The artist saw poetry in the beauty of nature, thanks to which amazing works were created. The landscape “Golden Autumn” was painted by Polenov a few years after he settled in his estate on the Bekhovo estate. The painting shows a view of the Oka in the direction of the Ochakov Mountains.
The painting “Golden Autumn” opens up an amazing landscape before the viewer’s eyes. Majestic and calm river with high banks. The rolling plain stretches to the horizon. The endless expanses go somewhere far away. There is an abundance of light and air in the picture. The relief lines are smooth and clear. The nature depicted in the picture creates an impression of harmony and peace.
Autumn is transparent and clear. This is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. The hot summer has passed, and nature gives you the opportunity to enjoy the velvety warmth of autumn. The sun is still so bright. But its rays are not as scorching as they are in the summer. The air seems surprisingly clean and transparent. Autumn turns the leaves of trees golden, giving them a special mood. Autumn the sorceress scatters golden leaves underfoot. Magical autumn brings amazing colors that you won’t see at other times of the year.
Autumn brings crystal days, allowing you to enjoy the beauty ahead of the coming cold weather. Poets sing about autumn, glorifying its ideal beauty. Wonderful autumn days remain in everyone’s memory for a long time.
One cannot help but admire how accurately the artist conveyed the paints and colors. The river line seems so light and clean. The sky hangs over the hills, and their depth seems truly mesmerizing. The forest looks truly voluminous. The eye is drawn to the exquisite grandeur of the river's surroundings. I want to fully enjoy the warmth of autumn days.
September days are already noticeably shorter than summer days. But these days have a special charm, which is why I would so like to extend them. The painting “Golden Autumn” is a frozen moment in which you want to stay as long as possible. Golden sunbeams and amber reflections play around, making the world festive and bright. When looking at a picture, something good involuntarily comes to mind. September is the beginning of autumn and the smooth continuation of summer. The charm of the first autumn days, when the approaching cold is not yet felt, evokes delight in the human soul. The river bank basks under the velvet sun, nature lives its own life, delighting people with its harmony. Flowers are still blooming in the forest, the grass is still fresh and green. The earth gives warmth to plants, as if convincing them to stay here longer, delighting the world with its beauty.
For Polenov, autumn was his favorite time of year. He believed that the summer months were of no interest to a landscape artist because the dominant color in summer was green. “Everything, like a tub, is doused with greenery.” And in autumn nature gives all the colors of the rainbow. Autumn is a fertile time for an artist.
The artist’s favorite place was the Oka River. We can say that the painting “Golden Autumn” combines the painter’s favorite place and time. V.D. Polenov lived near Oka for many years. The local nature never ceased to amaze him. This is evidenced both by the artist’s letters and his paintings.
When creating this work, Polenov used a technique characteristic of his work. The space was organized using an arc. Here it is the river that plays the role of an arc. The river balances the picture and completes it.
The landscape is presented in a panoramic spread. However, it does not open immediately. There is a secret here. When viewers look at a painting, they seem to find themselves inside it. The path leads into the depths of the picture. And it seems that you are walking along it, going around the river, climbing the hills. And now the viewer has already mentally found himself at the horizon, exactly where the white church is located. It is from here that you can look into the distance. How amazing and mesmerizing the view is before us.
The sky seems to descend to the ground. The world seems endless and limitless. And this wonderful region is perceived as a real paradise on earth. Contemplating the beauty of nature helps us, at least for a while, forget about everything in the world, not think about problems and worries. It seems that there is nothing more important than this beauty, harmony and splendor.

Essay – description based on a painting by V.D. Polenov

"Gold autumn"

Class: 3"A"

Target : Formation of the ability to perceive artistic images paintings.

Tasks :

    introduce the work of V.D. Polenov

    develop the ability to analyze visual means of expression paintings

    teach to perceive the beauty of nature and respond emotionally to it

Keywords :

    landscape artist


    color spectrum

During the classes

1. Preliminary work

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by I.A. Bunin (the text itself is written on the board):

As musical accompaniment the play by P.I. is used Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons".

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

Stands like a cheerful, motley wall

Above the bright clearing.

It's so light all around today,

Such dead silence:

In the forest and in the blue heights,

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf...

- What time of year is this poem talking about?

2. Conversation on the content of the picture.

A reproduction of V.D. Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn” opens on the board. The students look at it carefully.

- What title would you give to this picture?

Choose the most suitable name from those suggested on the board.

Comment on your choice.

    "Autumn River"

  • "Sunny day"

    "Gold autumn"

- The painting is called “Golden Autumn”.

A story about an artist

This picture was painted by Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844-1927) - one of the outstanding Russian artists. He was born in St. Petersburg, into a cultured noble family. Systematic painting began for him at the age of 12. Fulfilling the will of his father, Polenov entered St. Petersburg University, received a law degree, but at the same time in the evenings he studied at the Academy of Arts, which he also successfully graduated from. Since 1882, the artist taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, his students were Ostroukhov , Korovin, Levitan. I was studying educational activities, created scenery in the theater. Many of his paintings had big success and gained fame (“Moscow Yard”, “Grandmother’s Garden”)

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov was one of the first painters to receive the title of People's Artist. (1924)

-Why is the painting called “Golden Autumn”?

The painting is called so because the artist chose the time when the trees are colorful, mostly yellow and red. Therefore, in color, they resemble the color of gold. It's mid-autumn. Polenov wanted to show the beauty of this time

- What attracted your attention in this picture?

What feelings and desires do you experience when you look at this picture? (joy, I want to hug the whole forest, run along the edge, be silent, etc.).

Let's try to understand why the picture evokes this particular mood. What day did the artist depict? (The day is warm, sunny, fine)

What does the artist use to create a feeling of joy in us? What colors (tones) did Levitan choose to show the “gold” of autumn? (The artist chose clean, bright colors: blue, yellow green, red, orange, brown)

- What trees do you see in the picture?

What color is the outfit of birches? (they are all gold). - Are all the trees dressed in gold? Which trees stay green? Prove that the day depicted in the picture is sunny and warm. (The sky is clear, there is no wind, the forest is quiet, sunbeams on the grass, on the river).

3. Vocabulary work

- Remember what an epithet or comparison is. - Select the epithets that you will use in the essay.



fine, good, warm, autumn


clear, blue, light, azure

light, airy, white, fluffy

yellow, gold, colorful, autumn, beautiful, elegant


slender, flexible, white-trunked.


yellow, green

blue, mirror, blue, sinuous, shiny.


playful, autumnal, radiant.

- Choose comparisons.

4. Writing an essay plan

Children make a plan collectively under the guidance of the teacher.

1 . About the artist and his painting. What time of year is shown in the picture?2 . What day is it, how is the sky and sun depicted?3. River.4. Tree outfit5 . Earth. 6. What feelings does the picture evoke?. - How would you start an essay on a painting? From the introduction. You can write about the artist and his paintings. Since Polenov depicted a beautiful season - autumn. - What would you write after the introduction?

(I would like to describe trees, river, sky, etc.)

- What would be the conclusion of your essay? (I would definitely write about what a beautiful time of year - autumn, and how Polenov portrayed it well. I really liked this picture)

The artist conveyed immeasurable beauty with the help of paints and brushes native land, autumn nature, and when describing the picture, try to use the rich possibilities of the Russian language.

5. Writing an essay and checking it.

Students once again think about the structure of the essay, the teacher helps them with leading questions.

Where should I start?

What should you write in the main body?

What will the ending be?

Students write essay-description paintings. The work ends with checking the essay in terms of spelling, structure and completeness of the topic.

5. Homework. Write an essay based on V.D Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn”, adhering to the laws of text construction.

Sample essay text.

The painting by artist V.D. Polenov depicts a golden autumn.

It's a fine autumn day. The radiant sun is shining. Fluffy clouds float across the clear sky, like a flock of white swans.

In the center of the picture, a river winds like a blue ribbon. In it, as in a mirror, the azure surface of the sky and trees dressed in multi-colored outfits are reflected.

A lush bright carpet spread along the banks of the river autumn forest. Yellowed leaves, shining in sun rays like gold. White-trunked birch trees braided bright orange ribbons into their braids. They look like slender girls dancing in a circle in a sunny meadow. Proud, slender pines rise in a circle of birch trees. They admire the magical golden outfit of the birches and wave them with their fluffy green scarves.

The earth has also put on a golden outfit, only here and there small islands still flash green grass. The forest path beckons and invites you into this colorful fairy tale.

The picture is joyful, magical. A wonderful time - golden autumn. The artist Polenov very accurately conveyed her beauty. I really want to find myself in this place: listen to the sound of the river, admire the autumn colors of the trees, bask in the rays of the gentle and playful sun.

Essay – description based on a painting by V.D. Polenov

"Gold autumn"

Class: 3 "B"

Target : Formation of the ability to perceive artistic images of a painting.

Tasks :

    introduce the work of V.D. Polenov

    develop the ability to analyze figurative and expressive painting means

    teach to perceive the beauty of nature and respond emotionally to it

Keywords :

    landscape artist


    color spectrum

During the classes

1. Preliminary work

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by I.A. Bunin (the text itself is written on the board):

The musical accompaniment is a play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons".

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

Stands like a cheerful, motley wall

Above the bright clearing.

It's so light all around today,

Such dead silence:

In the forest and in the blue heights,

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf...

- What time of year is this poem talking about?

2. Conversation on the content of the picture.

A reproduction of V.D. Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn” opens on the board. The students look at it carefully.

- What title would you give to this picture?

Choose the most suitable name from those suggested on the board.

Comment on your choice.

    "Autumn River"


    "Sunny day"

    "Gold autumn"

- The painting is called “Golden Autumn”.

A story about an artist

This picture was painted by Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844-1927) - one of the outstanding Russian artists. He was born in St. Petersburg, into a cultured noble family. Systematic painting began for him at the age of 12. Fulfilling the will of his father, Polenov entered St. Petersburg University, received a law degree, but at the same time in the evenings he studied at the Academy of Arts, which he also successfully graduated from. Since 1882, the artist taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, his students were Ostroukhov , Korovin, Levitan. He was engaged in educational activities and created scenery in the theater. Many of his paintings were a great success and gained fame (“Moscow Courtyard”, “Grandmother’s Garden”)

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov was one of the first painters to receive the title folk artist. (1924)

- Why is the painting called “Golden Autumn”?

The painting is called so because the artist chose the time when the trees are colorful, mostly yellow and red. Therefore, in color, they resemble the color of gold. It's mid-autumn. Polenov wanted to show the beauty of this time

- What attracted your attention in this picture?

What feelings and desires do you experience when you look at this picture? (joy, I want to hug the whole forest, run along the edge, be silent, etc.).

Let's try to understand why the picture evokes this particular mood. What day did the artist depict? (The day is warm, sunny, fine)

How does the artist achieve a feeling of joy in us? What colors (tones) did Levitan choose to show the “gold” of autumn?
(The artist chose clean, bright colors: blue, yellow, green, red, orange, brown)

- What trees do you see in the picture?

What color is the outfit of birches? (they are all gold).
- Are all the trees dressed in gold? Which trees stay green? Prove that the day depicted in the picture is sunny and warm. (The sky is clear, there is no wind, the forest is quiet, sunbeams on the grass, on the river).

3. Vocabulary work

- Remember what an epithet or comparison is.
- Select the epithets that you will use in the essay.



fine, good, warm, autumn


clear, blue, light, azure

light, airy, white, fluffy

yellow, gold, colorful, autumn, beautiful, elegant


slender, flexible, white-trunked.


yellow, green

blue, mirror, blue, sinuous, shiny.


playful, autumnal, radiant.

- Choose comparisons.


Clouds float like a flock of white swans, like magic boats

Floating clouds look like snow-white fluffy cotton wool


The river is like a mirror"

The river winds like a blue ribbon


Birches are like girls at a ball in white dresses with bright ribbons in their hair
The forest spreads along the banks of the river in a lush, colorful carpet

4. Writing an essay plan

Children make a plan collectively under the guidance of the teacher.

1 . About the artist and his painting. What time of year is shown in the picture?
2 . What day is it, how is the sky and sun depicted?
3. River.
4. Tree outfit

5 . Earth.
What feelings does the picture evoke? .
- How would you start an essay on a painting?
From the introduction. You can write about the artist and his paintings. Since Polenov depicted a beautiful season - autumn.
- What would you write after the introduction?

(I would like to describe trees, river, sky, etc.)

- What would be the conclusion of your essay?
(I would definitely write about what a beautiful time of year - autumn, and how Polenov portrayed it well. I really liked this picture)

The artist, with the help of paints and brushes, conveyed the immense beauty of his native land, autumn nature, and when describing the picture, try to use the rich possibilities of the Russian language.

5. Writing an essay and checking it.

Students once again think about the structure of the essay, the teacher helps them with leading questions.

Where should I start?

What should you write in the main body?

What will the ending be?

Students write an essay describing the painting. The work ends with checking the essay in terms of spelling, structure and completeness of the topic.

Write an essay based on V.D Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn”, adhering to the laws of text construction.

Sample text essays.

The painting by artist V.D. Polenov depicts a golden autumn.

It's a fine autumn day. The radiant sun is shining. Fluffy clouds float across the clear sky, like a flock of white swans.

In the center of the picture, a river winds like a blue ribbon. In it, as in a mirror, the azure surface of the sky and trees dressed in multi-colored outfits are reflected.

The autumn forest spreads along the banks of the river like a lush, bright carpet. Yellowed leaves shine in the sunlight like gold. White-trunked birch trees braided bright orange ribbons into their braids. They look like slender girls dancing in a circle in a sunny meadow. Proud, slender pines rise in a circle of birch trees. They admire the magical golden outfit of the birches and wave them with their fluffy green scarves.

The earth has also put on a golden outfit, only here and there small islands of still green grass flicker. The forest path beckons and invites you into this colorful fairy tale.

The picture is joyful, magical. A wonderful time - golden autumn. The artist Polenov very accurately conveyed her beauty. I really want to find myself in this place: listen to the sound of the river, admire the autumn colors of the trees, bask in the rays of the gentle and playful sun.

Essay based on Polenov's painting "Golden Autumn"

I'm standing in front of V.D.'s painting. Polenov and I can’t look away. I move my eyes from one detail to another and cannot stop admiring the beauty that the artist captured. How much light, how much brightness there is around! The modest Russian nature appears in the picture in such splendor that it takes your breath away from admiration.
On many canvases by V.D. Polenov depicted his native river Oka, on the banks of which he lived long years, and the nature of which he never ceased to admire. The painting “Golden Autumn” is no exception. I found out this later, looking through the encyclopedia. And at first I just stood at the work of the great artist and could not move, as if spellbound.
And indeed, there is so much magic in the graceful bend of the river, in its blue, mirror-like surface. There is so much splendor in the coastal forests, in the church on the high bank of the Oka. The painting emanates the warmth of a fine autumn day, bright and sunny. There is a lot of sunlight in it. He fills her all up. I even want to close my eyes - it’s so bright sunlight.
Autumn is just coming into its own. Some of the trees are still green. But the birches have already managed to change their outfit. And now their foliage sparkles gold in the rays of the friendly summer sun. A well-trodden path invites you to walk into the forest in the autumn silence, when the fallen leaves do not rustle under your feet, when the grass is still green, and the last autumn flowers are blooming. And I really wanted to go into the forest, into silence, I wanted to be alone with the peaceful world of my native nature.

An essay based on the painting by V. D. Polenov “Golden Autumn”.
IN art school our class was given a task: to draw autumn landscape. As an example, the teacher presented us with illustrations of several paintings. Most of all I was struck by Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn”.
The painting is made in soft yellow, blue and green tones, which suggests that the artist was in a good, calm mood when he created this work of art. The yellowed leaves about to fall to the ground resemble gold. In the thick of golden trees, young green pines shine through, and three old pines, gathered in a heap, tower above them. Green islands are visible on the ocher-yellow grass. They “say goodbye” to the green days of summer and, turning yellow, “transition” into golden autumn. In the blue sky, through which air clouds float, clouds, grayness and other signs are not visible bad weather. The river is a mirror of the entire landscape. On its surface are reflected the trees that grow along it and blue sky. She stretches out, dividing the picture into two parts. The river bank is strewn with clean, as if sifted, sand. In summer, village children play and swim there. Path trampled local residents, leads into a dense forest. There they collect mushrooms and wild berries. In the lower right corner you can see the shadow of a large tree. The landscape itself is drawn from above. To depict all this, the artist probably climbed onto a hill, having spent a long time choosing the place where he would paint.
Inspired by the painting, I began to create, only I began to paint not the landscape from the painting, but in my village. The nature in the illustration was very similar to ours, Breitov’s. At the end of the lesson, I showed the work to the teacher. “Well done, five,” she approved.

Description of the painting by V. D. Polenov “Golden Autumn”.

In many of his creations, the artist V.D. Polenov depicted the Motherland and the Oka River. Near it he was destined to live many years of creativity, favorite work and inspiration, the source of which was the local nature. The artist never ceased to admire her, either in his letters or in his works. The painting “Golden Autumn” is the quintessence of this love and it is clear that part of the author’s soul has forever frozen in the work, filling it with warmth and soft inner light.
Colors and paints are conveyed amazingly richly and succinctly - the magic has penetrated into smooth lines and the curves of the water surface, into the sky hanging over the hills, into the forest and the dome of the church, reviving and making it all three-dimensional and real. The austere splendor of the surroundings on the banks of the Oka River attracts the eye - the warmth of the last autumn days seems to flow from the canvas and spread throughout the hall. Sunny bunnies and the glare from the water makes you squint and smile, remembering similar days from your life. The hills, outlined by soft, flowing lines, slowly disappear, dissolving into the boundless distance. And only a tiny part of the huge plain falls into the artist’s print - the river, and the trees, and the huge hills, like brushstrokes of some other big picture.
Autumn is just waking up here, it has not yet breathed on the trees and many of them are still in summer clothes, only a few have changed colors. Gold and crimson now live their own lives, diluting the greenery and adding charm to the shore shimmering in the sun. A small forest road invites you into the forest, where the last flowers still bloom, the smell of grass and pine needles, and the last warmth emanates from the earth. Looking at this picture, you want to forget for a second about business and problems, dissolve in the gentle beauty and harmony, think about the smooth and leisurely flow a life that is so far removed from today's bustling cities.
Russian artist Vasily Polenov, Golden Autumn.
In the landscape Golden Autumn, painted by Polenov several years after he settled in his estate on the Byokhovo estate, a view of the Oka in September towards the Ochkovy Mountains is presented. A very specific place, obviously seen by the artist more than once, appeared one day before his amazed gaze in all its breathtaking beauty, in all the completeness and completeness of the image. Majestically calm, filled inner harmony the autumn motif gave the artist the opportunity to express his worldview, his dream of high art, cleared of everything prosaic, everyday, about majestic images that elevate the soul.
The peacefully solemn nature froze with its amazingly pure colors of early autumn - with the soft yellowed green of meadows and the gold of trees, the transparent blue of the river and the delicate colors of the sky - from gray-green and blue to pale yellow and pink tones. The landscape is presented in a wide panoramic spread, but does not open immediately. He has his own intricate rhythmic moves. The viewer easily “enters” it from the left and finds himself in a confined space. The path easily leads him into the depths of the picture, he mentally goes around the river and rises along the smooth flowing lines of the hills - to the horizon, indicated by a white church with a bell tower. From here you can see distances that are mesmerizing in their beauty. The sky descends low to the ground and the horizon line is outlined so softly that it is unclear whether the sky is a continuation of the earth or the earth is a continuation of the sky. The vastness of the world, where this beautiful, comfortably lived-in land with its church is the starting point, is the basis for the contemplative mood that Polenov’s landscape evokes, recreating the unity of the human and the cosmic, as the most full picture peace.

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