Vasily Stepanov latest messages. The relatives of the “Inhabited Island” stars Vasily Stepanov, who broke his spine, ask for help

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At the beginning of a fast career Vasily Stepanov seemed like the darling of fate. The aspiring actor had a rare chance to play Maxim in the film by Fyodor Bondarchuk "Inhabited Island". But after the film, fortune turned away from him. Illness, lack of money, debts, oblivion - all the troubles fell on the unfortunate handsome man.

Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986 into a non-acting family. After graduating from a physical education college, he starred in public service advertising. This experience inspired him to try his hand at acting. Vasily experienced a bright and short period of luck. Before he could become a student at the Shchukin School, the aspiring actor was cast in the role of Maxim Kammerer.

At this time, the actor’s personal life also took shape. He is dating classmate Daria Egorova. Soon everyone was talking about the upcoming wedding. Vasily is happy in love, famous, wealthy. A brilliant start promised a great future.

Having received a fee from filming “The Inhabited Island,” Vasily bought a “nine”. He was modest and generous. The substantial reward quickly disappeared. A protracted creative and personal crisis began. They wrote that after filming with Bondarchuk, there were no more offers to play in films. But Daria Egorova recalls that there were many options, the phone was ringing off the hook, but Vasily indifferently refused everything.

Leaving cinema, Vasily began studying. He continues to think about acting and dreams of playing Boris Godunov. However, in the theater he had only one role - the schizophrenic Edward in Paulo Coelho's play "Veronica Decides to Die." There was a chance to become a model, but the star of “The Inhabited Island” did not like the profession, he did not see himself in it.

Perhaps the apathy was caused by stress and emotional overload during the filming of the film “Inhabited Island”. Not everyone received the young actor with approval, but among the “recognized” there were also those who supported Vasily. For example, Gosha Kutsenko taught how to pronounce the sound “r” (the actor initially also had problems with diction, which he got rid of on his own).

Then Vasily enters a streak of failure. Problems arose in my studies. No one else called for auditions. The alliance with Daria Egorova broke up. A prolonged depression began. Relatives tried to help: to interest, to cheer. But it soon became clear that they couldn’t cope without medical help. To pay for expensive treatment sessions, the family is forced to take out a loan. Vasily washed trolleybuses at night, trying to help pay off his debt.

It seemed that the disease was receding, as a new serious illness deprived the actor of strength. A blood clot in his left leg almost led to death, and only a timely operation saved Vasily’s life.

Having recovered, the actor again embarks on a search for film roles. Finally, he was lucky enough to take part in Alexey Pimanov’s project “Tankmen”. An absurd incident ends Vasily’s hopes. Before the New Year, he fell unsuccessfully, receiving a severe spinal injury. Vasily Stepanov has been bedridden for several months now. The actor’s family asks everyone who cares to help put Vasily on his feet.

Oblivion is not a death sentence, perhaps only a difficult stage in the life of a creative person that must be overcome. So, .

Vasily Stepanov. The actor survived, but received serious injuries: a fractured pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. The actor was hospitalized and is now at home.

“The 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, who gained fame after the film “Inhabited Island,” fell from the window of an apartment on Davydkovskaya Street, as a result of which he received numerous fractures,” a source in medical circles told the TASS agency.

In turn, the press service of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs confirmed the fact that a person fell from a height. Currently, an investigation into the incident is being carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made.

The victim himself has already stated that the fall was not an accident and no one pushed him.

“Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me... Now I’m doing well, they put a cast on me and sent me home. It’s just a pity that he let people down with the filming and missed the deadlines,” said Stepanov.

Three years ago it was reported that the actor was in a bad mood due to the fact that he was not invited to play in theaters or offered roles in films. The artist’s ex-girlfriend Daria said that the couple never got married after two years of marriage - Stepanov was waiting for new roles and multimillion-dollar contracts, while Daria agreed to play in episodes just to provide for herself and the groom, NTV reports.

At the same time, information appeared in the media that Stepanov had stopped attending star parties and was in a clinic diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis, and also had problems with alcohol. He is registered at a clinic where he is being treated for depression.

"Inhabited Island" Photo: Still from the film


Vasily Sergeevich Stepanov was born on January 14, 1986 in Moscow. Vasily comes from a simple family. His mother worked as a salesperson, having previously been an ordinary teacher. My father worked as a policeman.

After school, the future actor entered the College of Physical Culture and Sports. There Stepanov received the specialty of a physical education teacher, despite the fact that he did not have a healthy lifestyle and was an experienced smoker.

While studying at the technical school, the young man attended classes in hand-to-hand combat and even received the title of Master of Sports. But soon he wanted to change his life and move away from sports competitions. That is why Vasily entered law school. Despite his desire to obtain a law degree, Stepanov was unable to constantly take classes and learn complex concepts, terminology, etc. Therefore, after studying for only a short time, Vasily left the educational institution.

One day, a tall - 192 cm - athletic young man was noticed by the creators of a public service advertisement dedicated to contract military service. After this, Vasily began his acting career. He enrolled in acting courses and also applied to several universities, including the B. Shchukin Theater Institute and the Moscow Art Theater School.

He entered the first, and in the second a fateful meeting took place - he was seen by people searching for actors for the film “Inhabited Island,” based on the novel of the same name Strugatsky brothers. Although Vasily Stepanov was just beginning his journey in art, director Fyodor Bondarchuk was impressed by Stepanov.

The choice was approved and Boris Natanovich Strugatsky. The author of the novel, critics, and viewers highly appreciated the picture for its accurately conveyed atmosphere in general and the character and appearance of Maxim Kammerer in particular.

Bondarchuk himself, as well as Alexey Serebryakov, Gosha Kutsenko, Sergey Garmash and other famous representatives of Russian cinema.

Critics had mixed reactions to the appearance of the first part of The Inhabited Island. In general, the film received positive reviews for its special effects, visuals and scale, but many experts reacted negatively to the editing of the film and the performance of the main role by Vasily Stepanov. However, a number of experts said that the actor even surpassed other celebrities who participated in the filming with his acting and professionalism.

After filming, Stepanov decided to devote himself entirely to studying at a theater university. However, he did not leave cinema - during this period he was noted for his participation in the films “The Insured Event”, “The Kiss of Socrates”, “Okolofootball”, the television program “Long time no see!”, and the play “Veronica Decides to Die” based on the novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho.

In addition to working in cinema and theater, he also tried his hand as a television presenter. So, in 2011, Stepanov hosted the TV show “Long time no see” on the TV Center channel. But the actor managed to appear in only a few programs, after which he ended his career as a presenter.

After participating in the film “Inhabited Island,” many social network users began to wonder where Vasily Stepanov disappeared to? In 2014, the actor appeared in the program “We Talk and Show.” It turned out that fate was unkind to Vasily. After participating in the film, the actor suffered a creative and personal crisis.

Stepanov's relatives turned to specialists for medical help. In order to pay for the expensive course of treatment, Stepanov’s family was forced to take out a loan. A blood clot in his left leg almost led to death, and only a timely surgical operation saved Vasily’s life.

At the end of 2016, Vasily began filming. Photos from the filming of the film “Tank Men”, in which the film actor participated, even appeared on Instagram. His relatives and colleagues were already able to notice how inspired Vasily was and strived to realize himself again in cinema.

Actor Vasily Stepanov is now in a Moscow hospital, where he is recovering from an unfortunate fall on the stairs - the actor broke his spine.

Vasily accidentally slipped and fell on the steps; he was unable to get up on his own and lay in the cold until the ambulance took him to the hospital.

Still from video

According to the actor’s brother Maxim, now all efforts are aimed at restoring Vasily. Fortunately, the doctors assured that Vasily would walk. However, for now he needs rest and treatment, which can take up to six months.


“We ourselves don’t understand how it’s possible to fall like that... But the doctors have already given a comforting prognosis, my brother will walk. But the rehabilitation period is likely to be long - from three to six months. And we, of course, will be grateful to any financial support,” admitted Maxim Stepanov in an interview with KP.

Also, during and after rehabilitation, the actor will be forced to wear a special corset to support his back until it is completely restored.

However, the actor’s family is going through hard times now, so they will be glad to receive any financial help. The fact is that after Vasily’s resounding success in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island,” he fell into a terrible depression.

Many were sure that success in Bondarchuk’s film was just the beginning, but soon something terrible happened. The young actor was unable to cope with depression on his own, and his family decided to send him for expensive treatment. The parents had to take out a loan to save their son and bring him to his senses. Fortunately, the money was not wasted, and Vasily began to slowly come to his senses.

A little later, he began helping his parents pay off the loan - at night he washed trolleybuses.

The actor was even invited to play in Alexey Pimanov’s historical project “Tankmen.” Vasily was already happy that life was getting better, when a misfortune happened.

Fans empathize with Stepanov and wish him a speedy recovery.

Yesterday it became known that the star of “The Inhabited Island,” 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, was taken to the hospital with numerous fractures and bruises after falling from the fifth floor. According to media reports, the actor himself jumped out of the window of his apartment in Moscow.

Still from the film “Inhabited Island”

The actor’s former lover, actress Daria Egorova, shared with that she saw him for the last time before the fall, when Vasily broke his spine: “I saw him last a month ago, when he was in the hospital with a broken spine. And he was in a great mood. He didn't even lie down, but sat quietly. With such injuries it is impossible to sit. That's why I don't believe in all this anymore. His mother comes up with this so that they will be noticed again. I'm about to find out if he really jumped out of the window, but I doubt it. If this is true, then he did it out of weakness. If a person commits such a sin, it means he is weak and does not want to fight.”


Vasily’s younger brother Maxim Stepanov spoke about his condition to journalists: “My brother has already been discharged. He was at home, although in a cast, and a local police officer came to see him. Fortunately, there is no re-fracture of the pelvis. He suffered a spinal injury in December, which he healed. The main thing is that Vasya is alive.”

Maxim also added that his brother had no reason to commit suicide: “I cannot find an explanation for what happened. He is strong, a real man. He can handle problems. The fractures will heal before the wedding. When I found out that my brother fell out of the window, I was afraid that he had broken his spine again. Thank God the spine is fine. Everything will return to normal, Vasya will begin to grow his career. You’ll see, he’ll get better, everything will be fine.”

Recently, Vasily himself commented on his action: “Nobody pushed me... Now I’m doing well, they put a plaster cast on me and sent me home... It’s a pity that I let people down, missed the deadlines - I’m scheduled to finish filming the film “Taxi Drivers” in May and April, and also filming in Natalia Verevkina’s project, where I was cast in the main role... It’s a pity that this accident interrupted the preparation for the roles.”

It turned out that the story did not end there - as reports, after Stepanov was released home from the hospital, he began to complain of chest pain. The arriving ambulance team noted Vasily's inappropriate behavior and diagnosed him with schizophrenia. Stepanov was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, where he will face long-term treatment if his relatives do not take him under their responsibility.

Let us remember that after the stunning success in the fantastic film by Fyodor Bondarchuk, Stepanov became perhaps the most popular artist in the country. However, fame played a cruel joke on him: the actor stopped getting roles.

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