Funny scenes in elementary school. Dragonfly and the ant in a new way. Three fables in a new way Dragonfly and the ant in a new way

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2010-08-04 00:14:03 - Natalya Vladimirovna Lifanova
Olga Yuryevna, thank you for your ant
Valentina Alexandrovna, I fulfilled your request...

Yes, Olga Yuryevna, it’s difficult to be a workaholic...
and how beautiful the dragonfly is...

There are many such examples in life... And you can also find them at school: when some people work hard, while others use the product...

I also found another interesting modification on the Internet...

A remake of Ivan Andreevich Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.

The student unfolds the rolled-up poster and reads:
Author: the great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
The author of the original text and production director is our class teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Zavadenko.
Authors of the project: Alina Alekseeva, Olga Stepanova, Ekaterina Prisyazhnaya.
Characters and performers:
Dragonfly Alekseeva Alina.
Ant Vasilchenko Dima.
Colorado beetle Osipov Mikhail.
May beetle Bystrov Vlad.
The clattering fly Maksimova Tatyana.
1st butterfly Stepanova Olga.
2nd butterfly Likhovid Maria.
3rd butterfly Dmitrieva Anna.
Winter Pavlova Anastasia.
Bodyguards of Ant Bodonenkov Roman and Pavlov Denis.
Stage workers Alexander Lisenkov and Vyacheslav Gnevushev.
Musical arrangement - Kavko Ivan and Jury Ekaterina.
Designer - Kuzmina Yana.
Costumers Lyudmila Vladimirovna Kavko and Zhanna Valerievna Bodonenkova.
The text from the author is read by Samigulin Roman.
Decorators Vitaly Gerasimenko and Alexey Morozov.
Makeup artists Yolkin Vyacheslav and Kuzmina Yana.
In the left corner of the stage is a student reading from the author (presenter). At the edge of the stage, under large paper flowers, there is a backup dancer: 2 beetles, a fly and butterflies.
Leading. Jumping dragonfly
The red summer sang
Dragonfly comes out, dances with the backup dancers and sings to the soundtrack:
I really want summer not to end,
So that it rushes after me, after me.
I want it so much for children and adults
Amazing stars gave light.
Summer, oh summer!
Starry summer, sing louder.
Summer, oh summer,
Starry summer, be with me!
Leading. I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Seasons" - excerpt "Winter". Winter appears on skis with ski poles. One of the sticks is in the shape of a fairytale wand. Dressed in a white camouflage suit with a hood. Winter touches the bugs, butterflies, and flies with her wand; they freeze and crouch, with their heads bowed and their paws folded. Winter is leaving, scattering paper snowflakes. These actions take place against the backdrop of music and the words of the presenter.
Leading. The pure field is dead.
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.
Dragonfly (lowering its wings). Where are you, my friends,
Who did I go out with in the summer?
Who will give the larvae a piece
And a sip for the nectar?
A table appears on the stage, on it there are empty boxes of Nectarine juice and 2 beautiful packages with the inscriptions “Mites” and “Larvae!”
Leading. Everything went away with the cold winter.
Need, hunger is coming.
The dragonfly checks the contents of packages and boxes and sadly strokes its tummy.
Leading. The dragonfly doesn't sing anymore.
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach?..
Dragonfly. He's good with me
My mobile phone.
But who should I call? (He flips through his notebook.)
Ah, here comes my friend the Colorado potato beetle!
(Calls and sings the chorus of the song “American Fight” to the soundtrack.)
One of the bugs responds to the soundtrack:
Good bye, may love, good bye! (2 times).
Dragonfly. And here's another friend of mine,
A beautiful cockchafer.
Calling. The second bug rings, but Mukha snatches the phone and sings to the soundtrack:
He left on the night train.
In the darkness, someone is waiting for steps out of habit.
Autumn and sadness, two sister friends,
Summer is over!
Hearing a familiar voice, Dragonfly turns to Fly:
Fly! The clattering fly,
Gilded belly!
You went to the market
You bought a samovar.
Don't leave me in trouble
I'm flying over to see you for tea.
The fly sings to the tune of the song “I Got Drunk and Drunk”:
I got drunk on tea
I'll fall asleep until spring.
I'm good, I'm not greedy
Only such a share!
Dragonfly. Only the butterfly friend remained. (Rings.)
Beautiful butterfly, treat me to jam,
After all, we cooked this treat together.
The dragonfly sings to the soundtrack:
The raspberry berry beckoned us.
The raspberry berry was calling for a visit in the summer.
How those leaves sparkled at dawn,
Oh, how sweet the raspberries were.
Instead of the friend butterfly, two other butterflies answer. Sing along with the soundtrack:
And the butterfly’s wings go blah-blah-bang-bang!
And behind her the little sparrows sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff!
He smacks her little darling, smacks, smacks, smacks,
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
And jump, jump, jump, jump!
After listening, Dragonfly throws the phone away.
Leading. Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant.
The dragonfly leaves. Instead of empty bags and boxes, a laptop appears on the table. A chair is placed. Ant sits at the table in a black suit, white shirt and tie. The Dragonfly comes in and rushes to the Ant, holding out its hands.
Dragonfly. Don't leave me, dear godfather,
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm
Ant. Gossip, this is strange to me,
Did you work during the summer?
Leading. Ant tells her.
Dragonfly (dreamy). Before that, my dear, was it
In our soft ants.
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So it made my head spin.
The melody from the cartoon `Madagascar` sounds. The dragonfly and the backup dancers are dancing.
Ant. I don’t even feed myself for free, so I have to refuse sponsorship.
Dragonfly. So take me as your secretary: my wings are -120, my waist is 60.
And other parameters did not disappoint.
Ant. What is your education?
Dragonfly. Before that, my dear, was it
In our soft ants
Ant (interrupting). I heard, I heard this story. Oh, so you
Dragonfly. I sang with my soul all summer
Ant. You kept singing this thing.
So, go ahead and dance.
To the tune from the cartoon "Madagascar", Ant's bodyguards carry away Dragonfly. She tries to escape, shouts to Ant.
Dragonfly. Well, only until spring days
This is where the remake of I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” ends.


Dragonfly and Ant in a new way

Jumping Dragonfly

I watched movies the whole evening,

I didn’t have time to look back -

Eyes close.

On a comfortable bed

The dragonfly has a sweet dream,

It's like all her notebooks

In perfect order.

In the morning you have to wake up

Off to school again.

Angry melancholy,

She crawls towards the Ant.

Don't leave me, dear godfather,

I don’t have the strength to study.

In general, I want to say:

Let me write off my homework.

Gossip, this is strange to me.

Well, tell me a secret,

What did you do yesterday?

I rested until the morning!

I was walking on the street

At home I sang and danced,

I still had time to play,

I lay down and ate,

I watched “Jumble”...

Will you write it off when you give it to me?

Or do you feel sorry for the notebooks?

Well, you, Dragonfly, are impudent!

I know, grandfather Krylov

Loves ants.

Us, poor dragonflies,

Doesn't count as people.

(Dragonflies or dragonflies-

Is it true what they say?)

Yes, I'm very lucky

That I did not become a dragonfly.

Get an education

Impossible without effort.

You have learned the moral of this fable:

Learn, don't be a dragonfly!

At Lukomorye

Meet me, I'm that green oak,

A golden chain hangs on me.

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything is moving, the chain is rattling!


Not a cat, but a cat, by the way,

And Pushkin was simply a poet.

He's not a zoologist, that's for sure,

And for him there is no difference,

Like a cat, like a young cat...

And I’ve been suffering for two centuries!


Pushkin was a great poet,

But he called the good nanny his girlfriend

And he offered to drink a mug.

What was he pouring into the mug?

I won't tell you about this

But here I am sitting on the branches,

At least I should frolic in the sea.

How I dream of drowning myself!

There are 30 beautiful knights,

And here life is wasted.


Just think, he's sitting on a branch,

And here I am - behind bars, in a cage,

I've been sitting in prison for 200 years

And I’m only friends with the brown wolf!

Baba Yaga

And I have a problem with the hut-

She walks and wanders by herself.

Unseen animals all around,

What if they scratch my doors!

Oh, my poor hut!

Well, catch me, Uncle Pushkin!


Did you call me? I'm here!

Dear father!


You found us!

I withdraw all claims

Just think, the hut is walking!


And I agree to be a cat!


And to me, the dungeon is my father’s home!

Just don't leave us here,

Live here, write fairy tales!


There are many poets here without me,

And it's time for me to go on the road -

I want to give Dantes back.

And I wish you not to be bored

And write poems.

Farewell! My respect to everyone!

What do you have?

Who was relaxing at the dacha,

Who made the purchases...

Mother ………. sewed something

Mother …………. cooked soup,

Mother …………. I ate a bun,

Mom………… watched the film.

It was evening, there was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence, the cat climbed into the attic,

Suddenly mom Nadya said simply like that:

And we have “five” in our notebooks, and you?

And we have a “C” again, and you?

And yesterday our son wrote an essay,

Well, ours plays chips and keeps shouting “U-e-fa”!

Such terrible screams gave me a headache!

My son got into a fight yesterday and rolled around on the floor,

It took me two hours to wash my pants and sew up my shirt!

And our daughter doesn’t like to get up for school in the morning,

And now my dad and I dream of buying a crane!

Ours doesn't like vermicelli - this time,

Making your bed is two,

And fourthly, I asked the child to wash the floor,

He answers: “I won’t have time, I urgently need to learn the role!”

Well, I really dream of becoming like my daughter again,

I wish I could lose twenty-five years and become a child again!

I would jump rope! I would play hopscotch!

Eh, I would give all the boys some bumps!

Well, I could eat for a ruble or twenty all day long!

Yes, when we were children, this time was not valued!

Our school years have flown away forever!

I have to go, because my daughter needs to draw something there.

Well, my son told me to write 2 rhymes!

I have two problems to solve and a suit to sew by tomorrow!

All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!

It was evening, there was nothing to argue about!

Wolf and seven kids

I'll tell you a story. There lived a goat with kids,

And those little goats were great guys:

They loved to jump and gallop and play different games,

They watched all the cartoons and didn’t want to study.

Their dad brought money, he often went on business trips,

And my mother stayed at home, took care of the children, and took care of the housework.

You little goats, you guys,” mother always told them, “

Don't jump, don't shout, but sit down, learn your lessons!

Well, that's it, I'm tired of it! Come on, let's get to work quickly!

Come on, students, everyone open your diaries!

We weren't asked anything!

Or maybe you didn’t write down what you were assigned to study today?

Admit it yourself, or I’ll have to call other kids,

Obedient, smart guys!

And learn a poem

And write two essays!

Finish the work at hand,

The report is due tomorrow!

Also, unfortunately, I have to learn the multiplication tables!

But you, mom, will help us?

We cannot do everything ourselves!

We don’t understand anything and we don’t know this topic!

ALL! My patience is over!

Your teaching is torment for me!

I went to the concert, at the House of Culture!

Learn! That's all for now

Hear someone knocking, let me look through the peephole...

Someone gray and shaggy!

Brothers, this is a wolf!

Little goats, kids, open up, open up,

Your mother has come and brought milk!

Enough, wolf, don't pretend, come to us, don't be shy!

Lock the door, brothers!

That's it, I'm caught, a predatory beast!

Come on, quickly undress and start your homework!

Solve three problems for me!

Sharpen your pencils!

Learn a poem with me!

Draw a seascape!

Write me a story in fifteen sentences!

Tell us about the chieftain, how he drowned in the river!

At the same time about Genghis Khan!


What's happened? What's happened?

Mother! Help quickly!

I don’t understand how it happened - there were seven children in the morning, this one seems to be the eighth...

What happened to your head? I can't understand anything!

Mother! Why, it's a wolf!

Former wolf! Now - a goat! I was very angry before

And now - more tender than a flower, I want to be your son! Don't drive!

So be it - stay and live with us!

I rested for an hour... Well, let's do our lesson!

Kolobok in a new way

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, not far away, but in our school,

They gnawed on bread and ate porridge. They were just sad.

They had no children, no grandchildren,

That is why sadness, melancholy, and ruin came to them.

And the woman and grandfather decided not to be sad, not to toil,

It’s better to go to the dining room with a cheerful song!

We walked together at a friendly pace, scraped together a little flour,

Oils, sugar and salt! These are such weirdos!

The woman thought of baking a pie from that composition,

But while I was fiddling with the dough, it turned out to be a bun!

They cooled the bun, put it on the window,

They gave us a little rest. But they forgot one thing:

After all, they read the fairy tale more than once,

But they didn’t believe that the fairy tale was a real story!

That little bun rolled! I'm tired of lying down!

He leaned his elbows on the threshold and started running.

He sees the director of his dear school on the way.

He looks at the unsociable miracle with a surprised look!

Kolobok sang a song here, which finished off the director,

But he learned from his experience, the director praised him!

She didn’t kick him out of the camp, and she didn’t want to eat him,

But I only wished him success and a lot of happiness.

She told him not to be seen by other kids,

Otherwise he will have to find out as a tear rolls from his eyes.

The kids will make you have fun and jump,

They’ll teach you to dance and sing, and won’t let you sleep.

But our hero, a brave fellow, did not heed the advice,

And with joy and enthusiasm he quickly jumped to the children.

He was, of course, surprised at first by the children's exploits.

They tickled him and made him jump faster!

I had to invent games for them, and dance and sing songs,

They had no time to get him and torture him!

But the bun soon got used to them and learned to live with them,

And now grandma and grandpa don’t have to grieve either.

The director said with obvious admiration that there is no better one!

You will be the main counselor here! After all, there is no one cooler here!

Since then, that school has had a competition for the best counselor,

But still, it will be difficult for you to find a better kolobok!

TALE (Instant performance)

5 people participate. King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken.

In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimist king. One day the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms and generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a colorful butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will either show its tongue to him or make a face. In general, an indecent word will be shouted. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and it flew away into the thicket of the forest. And the king laughed and rode on.

Suddenly a little bunny jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the ostrich pose, head down, that is. The bunny was surprised by such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's legs began to shake. And the bunny screamed in an inhuman voice.

And just then the fox was returning from a night shift at the poultry farm. I took the chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, and in surprise he let go of the chicken.

And the chicken turned out to be impudent. She cackled with delight and slapped the fox so hard that she grabbed her head in pain. And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked him on the leg. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of such fear, jumped onto the fox’s paws and grabbed her by the ears.

The fox then abruptly took a course into the forest thicket. And the king and the brave chicken still jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They galloped off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken?

Well, I don’t know this, but I think that everything will be fine with her, as with all the guests present.

"Laughter through Tears"

Characters: king, queen, princess, soldier, oak tree, girlfriends, raven, curtain, chest, stump, flowers, butterflies, hedgehogs, wind, leader.

The curtain opens.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, lived Princess Nesmeyana. She walked back and forth around the yard, pressing her hands first to her cheeks, then to her chest, then to her head, and cried bitterly. Tears flowed freely and soon she found herself in a puddle of tears. The king heard her crying and was very frightened when he saw the puddle. The king tiptoed over the puddle and began to console the princess. He took her hand, patted her on the shoulder, wiped away her tears, wiped her nose - but nothing helped, the princess sobbed. The father lowered his head below his shoulders, and he himself looked, looked around. Suddenly he noticed that a chest appeared, so convenient. The king was delighted, sat down on the chest and became sad, plunged into thought: “What to do next?”

The curtain closes

The curtain opens.

Again the princess is alone and crying again. My friends came in and began to calm me down and console me, but nothing worked. They began to bother her, make her laugh, make faces, jump on one leg, and fall. Then the girlfriends took hands, surrounded the princess, and began to dance in a circle. And the princess kept crying. Finally, her friends patted her on the head and also roared. The frightened mother-queen came running to the screams, stood rooted to the spot when she saw such a picture, and when she came to her senses, she closed her mouth and began asking, looking into her eyes, stroking her head, and suddenly she accidentally stepped into a puddle and almost drowned. The beluga queen also began to roar. Finally, everyone was tired of crying, wiped away their tears and went into another room.

The curtain closes

The curtain opens.

And at this time a brave soldier was walking through the forest. He waved his arms, stomped his feet and smiled cheerfully, although he was tired. He walked out into the clearing and looked around. He saw a stump in front of him, walked around it and sat down. And flowers were blooming all around. When the breeze blew, they waved their heads, moved their leaves and smiled, colorful butterflies fluttered in the air, hedgehogs ran, then the hedgehogs gathered near the stump and began to look at the soldier, and the soldier at them. A huge branchy oak tree grew nearby. Suddenly a raven flew in, sat down on an oak tree and began to croak, opening its beak wide. An evil wind came and began to blow, the oak tree swayed, the raven fell from the tree, and the soldier fell from the stump near which the hedgehogs were sitting, right on top of them. The soldier, having been pricked, groaned and groaned, and the hedgehogs, frightened, ran away. The butterflies began to spin and fly away, and the flowers trembled with fear and clung to each other, and then hid their heads.

The curtain closes

The curtain opens.

The wind finally died down, calmed down, and there was silence. The soldier got ready for the road and moved on.

The curtain closes

The curtain opens.

A soldier came to the palace and opened his mouth in surprise. The beauty of the palace was indescribable. The soldier listened, looked closer and saw: the king with a decree, the queen with the princess and girlfriends were running straight towards him, and everyone was waving their hands. And in the decree there is an order: “Whoever makes my daughter laugh will become her husband and receive half the kingdom.” The soldier poised himself, combed his forelock, straightened his uniform and thought: “I’ll try, maybe I’ll really be lucky.” The princess is good, and half the kingdom won’t hurt.” And the princess sobs and sobs. A brave soldier approached, took her white hands and swore an oath that he would make the princess laugh. She stopped crying in surprise and looked at him carefully. The soldier stood on one leg, picked up the other with his hands and began to spin like a top, pretending to play the balalaika. Everyone laughed. The princess endured and endured, then she wiped away her tears, smiled, and clapped her hands. She liked the brave soldier. The soldier fell at her feet with joy. Everyone was indescribably delighted. The soldier was raised and the princess was brought to him. Everyone is happy, the tears are over and the fun has begun.

The curtain closes

The curtain opens.

All the artists come out. Stormy applause.

We read and studied the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Wouldn't you like to remake them in today's style? Of course, of course! They probably tried to write their own fables, but it is best, of course, to write remade fables. After all, there you only need to replace the words or describe the action and characters differently, and leave the spirit of the fable the same.

We also decided to make our contribution to this difficult but interesting work of the fabulist and published on our website the converted fables of Krylov and others. Agree that our lives have changed little over the past few centuries, which means that fables are still relevant in our time. Read and enjoy, dear visitors!

Fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”, remade

On a June day it's hot like summer
Having forgotten about rest for a long time
Spraying gasoline and diesel fuel
Per ant home log

In a clearing near a river
he looked up in shock
It's carefree and lazy there
A dragonfly dozed in the shadows

September is already giving way to summer
Rain knocks on the window every other day
Having gotten myself a sweatshirt somewhere
Ant rushing home log

And on a ferry across the river
In the shadow of an umbrella, closing my eyes
To the theater or disco
A dragonfly floats slowly

The damned winter is fierce
The sheepskin coat doesn't keep anything warm
But the ant does not protest -
Two logs dragging through the snow

Got up to rest. He sighed heavily.
And suddenly I saw in the sables
Dashing three horses in harness
racing a dragonfly in their sleigh.

Where are you flying - tell me friend
without knowing the essence of existence?
For leisure
I'm going to a dinner party.

Nice to have a glass of tea
Among talented people
I love the beau monde, tasting the spirit
Witness the birth of ideas...

Having shouldered the logs again
The ant answered her like this:
“You’ll see if Krylov is there
Tell him he's a fool."

Fable “The Crow and the Fox”, remade

Varona, because she lived in,
Allah sent the weekend shashlik.
Pachistiv Blindamed beak in the village,
Varona sat down to eat shashlik on a chair.
And so that the meat doesn’t get stuck in the throat,
Varona “Khvanchkari” took the bottle.

There was a fox walking past on his way to work,
glass eyes, wanted apahmelitsa.
And hearing the smell of shashlik with your nose,
Varona ran up to him with the following question:

Oh jurajol, how cute you are,
What is the bush - shashlik or manti?

It’s none of your business, jurajol -
Varon said - There you go!

But our fox did not let up,
I tried to prolong the conversation,
smiled with all three teeth,
lay down, fell again,
blinked his cunning glass eye,
squeaked and deftly moved his pelvis.

At the same time Varone said:
What beautiful thighs you have,
how amazingly the leggings fit on them,
what a beautiful face you have.
You are more beautiful than the badger Katso!
What feathers - all almost without damage!
Oooh, look at your muscle - Vitaly Shcherba!
Your smell is the world of Uzbekistan!
You are not a varona, you are AREL! MANTANA!

You are fantastic, juradzhel!!!
You know, and I heard, you dance cool!

And the raven from such a compliment
Moral spirit dropped by 22 percent!
He couldn't dance from birth -
The problem was with the coordination of movement.
And then the fox suddenly called him a dancer!
Varona stood on a chair and said: Assa!!!
And he began to move all his body parts,
The skin in the back of the head was not softened.
And suddenly the crow stumbled with his paw -
the chair broke - the varon fell - BROKEN!!

The shashlik fell to the ground
and half a bottle of Khvanchkar:
The cunning fox said: HURRRAY!!!

Krylov's fable “Quartet” remade

Naughty Monkey,
Donkey, goat and Clubfoot Bear
They started... but not a quartet,
They don't care about the quartet!
And it all started with nothing:
Monkey, so, a little, slightly
I learned to read newspapers,
And she, the silly girl, imagined
Because she's a scientist,
Then you have to control the beast!
But let's say right away that she
She wasn't the only one
Because there are many candidates
He was eager to become a minister, a deputy.

After all, everyone knows that to your heart's content
The one who has power lives!
The animals did not doubt for long
And everyone gathered in the clearing.
And the beast decided so -
Create your own government!
Here everyone began to be judged and judged,
How to create elections for them.
To have something to vote with,
They began to tear the birch bark from the birches.

We decided to order a woodpecker
Your own animal seal.
The blueberries that were found
They used it all up for ink.
Geese caught on the lake
And they tore out their feathers.
(They will grow again,
And you can’t write without a pen.)
While they were judging and dressing,
The forest is slowly being destroyed!
When the losses were calculated
All the animals moaned quietly...
But Monkey didn’t like it,
That Clubfoot Bear has been chosen!
And she began to squeal disgustingly,
That the elections are illegitimate!
That everything was set up a long time ago
And without her everything is decided!
And she began to demand again
Collect an animal gathering in the forest!
To start re-elections,
I had to rob the forest again!
Should the monkey think about
What will it all lead to next?
Why should simple animals harm her?
Just to get to power!
Oh, if only she could turn around
Eh, I would have had a blast!
And now Monkey’s dream came true,
To be chosen by a big shot!

Now she is neither give nor take,
Prime Minister! Animal mother!
And she called it progress
Serving personal interests.
Even the press didn’t give a hint,
What about the once rich forest?
His sentence has been signed!
And not for a month, not for a year,
And ten years ahead!
The moral of this fable is this:
Don't let the monkeys learn
Read abstruse words!
And if you choose, then Leo,
Or choose the Lioness at last!
If only the ruler was a WISE!!!

Funny fables for adults


Think about how disgusting
Deprive the cuckoo of motherhood!-
Watching a news program
Said Papa Crake. -
Look how sad she is.
Doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, and still cackles:
Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo.
But madam is still in the juice!
Let's take my wife under the porch
To your cuckoo egg?
- We’ll take it, of course!
And they began to live and get along
Cherishing the adopted child.
She grew... But, good,
Sometimes she ran away from her family
To the dance. Where the nightingales are
The roulades sang until dawn.
(Cuckoo liked all this).
And then, one day, in the noise of the ball,
She lost her virginity
With the handsome Woodpecker, he, a scoundrel,
He didn’t marry the pullet.
And again you can hear the bitch
Cuckoos bitter "Kuk-ku!"
Now the owl is sitting with the egg.
The moral of the story is:
No matter how you raise a cuckoo,
Such a daughter - what a mother...


Glamorous bunny from a cottage village
I wanted to find a worthy groom.
So that he is rich, and at the same time not devoid of sense.
And not outwardly disgusting. For the touch.

But the candidates are all rabbits,
Whose priorities include getting laid.
And she wanted to drown in the love of the elements.
For her there was intimacy without passion - bad manners.

There is no hiding from the chastity of the burden,
And there is a shortage of worthy applicants.
"Well, where are you wandering, my lost knight,
What is generous with gifts and sentiments?

Two appeared on the horizon at once!
Of the noblest, it would seem, persons.
The ruling tandem is like two playboys
They galloped around in search of sympathetic sweethearts.

The bunny rushed towards those noble guests.
How else? It was decided by fate.
But the grooms were provided with an exit plan -
And two big-eared foreheads fled from fate.

The heels of potential suitors sparkled.
The cottage village was soon behind...
"Where are you running, glamorous guys?" -
The bunny was tearing off the delicate curlers from the fur.

But what a disappointment it was
When, having nevertheless overtaken these fugitives,
The bunny recognized that the clothes were fake.
Hidden in masks were two scoundrel rabbits...

The glamorous bunny can't jump on the grass yet, -
Where can she jump, since her belly is impressive?
Fate is complicated, but there are changes in it too, -
Look, some lop-eared guy will pick it up...


God once sent a piece of meat to a dog, -
Poor thing perched on a spruce
(What I haven’t done before in my life -
Yes, the river actually overflowed),
I was just about ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I thought about it...
And she had a piece of meat in her mouth...
As luck would have it, a boat was floating nearby with Mazai.
Mazai saw the bite, -
Mazaya got carried away:
He grabbed the oar more comfortably,
Without splashes - he quietly approaches the dog,
Twists the oar
And he doesn’t take his eyes off the meat...
He took aim quietly, barely breathing...
And how it will hit your ears like an oar!
The dog squealed at the top of his lungs,
She sank and began to bleed from the wound...
Mazai has lost peace since then! -
The dog howled at night under the moon -
Louder than the Baskervilles was that howl!
And then I wandered home to Mazai,
He turned gray, became withdrawn, became mute -
And so as not to be too tormented by guilt -
He began saving hares from floods in the spring...
But at night, without knowing why
He drowned the dogs, mooing mysteriously: “Moo-moo”...

Having heard Turgenev, he embellished everything -
Gerasim appears in his story...
And Tolkien scored the last count -
Mazai in his stories - Sméagol...
And we, not knowing the whole truth before,
Grandfather Mazai was turned into a hero!


On a June day it's hot like summer
Having forgotten about rest for a long time
Spraying gasoline and diesel fuel
Per ant home log
Suddenly in a clearing near a river
he looked up in shock
It's carefree and lazy there
A dragonfly dozed in the shadows
September is already giving way to summer
Rain knocks on the window every other day
Having gotten myself a sweatshirt somewhere
Ant rushing home log
And on a ferry across the river
In the shadow of an umbrella, closing my eyes
To the theater or disco
A dragonfly floats slowly
The damned winter is fierce
The sheepskin coat doesn't keep anything warm
But the ant does not protest -
Two logs dragging through the snow
Got up to rest. He sighed heavily.
And suddenly I saw in the sables
Dashing three horses in harness
racing a dragonfly in their sleigh.
Where are you flying - tell me friend
without knowing the essence of existence?
For leisure
I'm going to a dinner party.
Nice to have a glass of tea
Among talented people
I love the beau monde, tasting the spirit
Witness the birth of ideas...
Having shouldered the logs again
The ant answered her like this:
"You'll see if Krylov is there
Tell him he's an asshole."


Paprigunium dragonza,
Abaldelia eyes.
Tselii leta toshka prigal
Vodka guzzled, nagami dredged,
And they work ne hatel!
Patama and no sleeper!
And the warehouse managers got goosebumps,
In the yurt he forced himself into bags -
Tea, apricots, quiche, persimmon...
Stayed away for the winter
And Dragonfly laughed at him,
What a guzzle, naked baltal!
Why are you laughing?
Murash says to him,
Soon the vada will fly from the sky,
Where is yours sitting?
The dragonfly "Ha-Ha" sang,
It flew into the distance and flew away.
Coming soon from neb vada pashol
Dragonfly came to Murash
Wah! Salam! Frost in the steppe!
You let me in.
And back to the Khan's courtyard
I will be your wife.
And Murash puffed on anashka,
-You thought I was a cutie?
For a flatbread, sleep with you?
Do you think you're so stupid??!
The whole summer is just a holiday,
The arak ate, the nagami drigal,
Didn't say hello to me
Kel here! Sing songs!
There is truth in this fable,
If you want to eat deliciously
Let's work,


A rare occurrence smiled at Varon -
The cheese fell on the beak from the sky.
Beautiful cheese byl, round deer
There is a lot of imels in the cheese, which is fragrant.
Varon his cheese ne spruce on spruce,
He eats sel crown oak,
Khotel will try it on his teeth
Already a heavenly souvenir.
Ne listened to the fragrant cheese,
Vertels is like a Rubik's cube,
On the beak of varoniy ne derzhalsa.
The smart fox ran home,
I saw varoniy cheese on the beak,
And stopped for good
At the oak tree, where the birds are cluttered
To the very highest, and prayed:
- Sing, macaw, don’t be shy about the song,
You are the most important SDS soloist.
Varon gardilsa and zvezdilsa,
From black nobil cheese svalilsa
A smart fox to paste.
Varon began to cry. And morality
A wise man has a fable like this:
Sel eat cheese on oak - don't sing!


All day long, flying and buzzing,
A fly was looking for a sweet life.
Cherish every second,
While she is strong and not an old woman

And she was very lucky
Played all-in on the fly lot
To spite enemies, to spite friends
She found spilled honey.

Wings spread wide
Forgetting all the troubles and misfortunes
The fly dived deep
In your suddenly found happiness.

And full of sticky sweetness,
Captivated by pleasure and prosperity
She died in agony
She felt very, very sweet.

Randomly flying bee
Sighed bitterly over the grave
Sometimes fate can be hard!
Apparently I didn’t have enough strength to work!


From life being too good,
From boredom and excess energy
The dog killed stray cats
My neighbor was somehow bitten.

The whole village was afraid of him,
He is not a mongrel, a wolfhound,
The concentration of the rules of the ancients,
When: whoever is strong is right.

But the thief sneaked into the yard,
When the owner was a slave,
And the dog with a radiant smile
He gave me a fatty juicy piece of meat.

The house was robbed, the dog got drunk,
The satisfied thief walks away,
The owner trembles like an aspen,
"Fate has reached its conclusion."

The moral is simple: with such dogs
Stand guard at home yourself.


One day, Woodpecker, who was hollowing out a hollow to order,
An idea came to mind: leave the craft
And with the money he earned through carpentry,
Buy a plot of land and build a new house on it.
As soon as Woodpecker took the land and drew a plan,
He immediately began casting the foundation for the object.
Tired, the owner straightened his strained back
And, taking the drawing with him, he sat down on a rowan tree.
While he was relaxing, dreaming big,
Cuckoo and Cuckoo approached him, frolicking.
The cuckoo, although it was not a bird by nature, did not build nests,
He rushed to prove that he is strong in architecture:
"You, Woodpecker, instead of expensive iron and stones
I took better clay and grass - cheaper and faster."
“Really, why,” said the owner, illuminated, “
I’ll roll boulders like I’m a convict!”
The builder Kukush was pleased and inspired,
He sculpted walls from clay and covered the roof with reeds.
When the house was almost ready, bad weather arrived
And the roof was carried away by a squall, and the walls were washed away by a downpour.
Cursing, Woodpecker began to look for an error in the drawing,
But soon he came to the conclusion with annoyance in his soul:
“My mistake was apparently that I listened to Kukush,
Which, bastard, what a house! - did not build a hut."

Dragonfly and ant in a new way

It's quite hot on a June day,
Having forgotten about rest for a long time,
Spraying gasoline and diesel fuel,
An ant was carrying a log home.

Suddenly in a clearing near a river
He looked up, stunned.
It's carefree and lazy there
A dragonfly dozed in the shadows.

Already September gives way to summer,
Rain knocks on the window every other day,
Having gotten myself a sweatshirt somewhere,
The ant is rushing home the log.
And on a ferry across the river
In the shadow of an umbrella, closing my eyes,
To the theater or disco
A dragonfly swims slowly.

The damned winter is fierce,
The sheepskin coat doesn't keep anything warm
But the ant does not protest -
Two logs are dragging through the snow.

I began to rest. He sighed heavily.
And suddenly I saw that in the sleigh
Dashing three horses in harness
They rush a dragonfly covered in sables.

Where are you flying - tell me, friend,
Not knowing the essence of existence?
- For leisure activities
I'm going to a dinner party.

Nice to have a glass of tea
Among talented people,
I love you, tasting the spirit of the elite,
Witness the birth of ideas...

Having shouldered the logs again,
The ant answered her like this:
“You’ll see if Krylov is there,
Tell him he's an asshole."

One day an ant
came to Broadway
and there he bought a tailcoat,
raspberry jacket
and yellow shoes,
and he became like a picture.

The ant had it
its own policy,
he was not a rogue in real life
and he respected work,
he loved to work
but he didn’t beat the drum.

And he was, yes,
drummer of labor,
and believed that the works
rescued from want
also had a plus:
he joined the trade union.

When summer ended
then the union is for it
bought him a ticket
so that he can see the light.
For the right views
he received an award.

Dragonfly friend,
huge eyes,
winged like a bird
loved to have fun
I didn't want to work
I just sang all summer.

Sometimes in autumn
she had a different path:
she was a singer
and flew to Nice,
she sang a vocalise there
and received a prize.

At a competition in Italy
she was given regalia,
now sings at La Scala,
but this is not enough for her,
thinks it's time
she should sing at the Grand Opera.

This story
says, my friends,
that both talent and work,
bear their fruits.

But the main thing is
go your own way
and be yourself
both summer and winter.

Autumn is coming, dragonfly!
Are you still jumping and fluttering?
So the night frosts
They will surround your blondie-hair!..

The wind will pluck the outfit,
showers will wash away the layer of coloring;
you'll reach your limit
gentlemen make eyes!..

They'll run away in all directions,
burrowing deeper into the cracks,
labor aficionados,
everything is golden elite!..

The yachts will lay their keels in the mud,
Mercedes will rust;
the light will not be pleasant to you,
heroine of a children's play!..

Ah, harsh ant,
hard worker and truth-teller,
how dark it is in your hole,
do you even save candles?..

Look: a crimson sunset,
the stars twinkle selectively!
You can't bring July back
Well, at least pour some tea...

I'll soak the crackers in water,
stir the sugar with a spoon;
dust is flying from the ceiling,
well... the house will fit!..

You say you've been in love for a long time?
everything is mine that I honestly earned?
There is cloth and linen in the chests,
and even a Versace suit?..

Very cute, I'm shaking all over,
I'm filled with admiration!
It was delicious, I'm leaving
my respect for the treat!..

Look: a crimson sunset,
the stars twinkle selectively!
You can't bring July back;
will it be cold? I'll find out...

Dragonfly and ant. TALE

There are many fables in the world, even children know this.
I love fables very much, I catch every word.
But I love one more, cherishing her in my memory.
The fable is well known to everyone, although it is not very flattering.
But here’s the thing, the topic suddenly struck a chord with me.
And I decided to write another story in response.
What will happen? Don't know. Well friends, I'm starting.

Once upon a time we lived on the edge of the forest, in a small forest hut,
Where the stream flowed, there was a dragonfly and an ant.
We lived so-so, not very well. The dragonfly is busy all day,
Either around the house or in the forest, he looks for clean dew.
Then in the morning, flying to the meadow, surrounded by friends,
It will collect nectar from flowers, a naturally generous gift.
And carries him home, so that in the snowy winter,
Don't starve with an ant and wait out the frosts.

Well, what about the ant? He was a noble scoundrel,
And he’s also a miser and a spendthrift, in general, a complete idiot.
Every day he lies on a leaf under a willow tree,
He doesn’t want to do anything, but he grumbles like an old man.
But one fine day, when the sun disappeared into the shadows,
The dragonfly, returning from the field, says to him: “DokOle?
You'll lie around all day, kick your ass and grumble.
Get off your butt and go to the next garden,
Gather more berries so that we have enough for the year.
The ant jumped up and rolled up its paws.
“What are you, what are you, God be with you, you don’t see I’m sick.
I have radiculitis, and gout, and bronchitis.
You, my dear, manage without me.”
The dragonfly remained silent, raising its eyes to the heavens.
I flew back to the field to work to my heart's content.

But one day, flying between the swamp hummocks,
Having caught on, the dragonfly tore the stocking.
Out of frustration, the dragonfly returned to the house in tears.
She rushed to her husband, asking him as a friend:
“Listen, dear ant, give me a few rubles.
I need to buy stockings, otherwise I have nothing to wear.”
The ant answered her: “Maybe I’ll give it to you, maybe I won’t.
I remember last year, you bought something like,
And stockings, and socks, and two silk scarves.
So what else do you want? You're fooling me,
Patch the holes in them, and fly for another five years.”
The dragonfly got angry and stamped its foot,
And she drove the ant out of the house with a broom,
With the words: “I’m tired! Life with you is sick of me.
Get out of sight, my dear hubby!”
Our ant is very proud, you can see that he is a grated roll.
“I drove you away! Yes, so be it! I have no need for sadness at all.
I’ll go to my friends and find shelter with them.”

Here he is running to Machaon (such a butterfly),
It flies across meadows and fields all day long.
And he lives under a snag and has a reputation for being a terrible miser.
An ant knocks on the door: “Open up, friend, quickly!
I really need you now!” Swallowtail: “I have a cold.
I can’t open the door for you, go away quickly!”

After stomping in front of the door, the ant wandered into the village.
There, in a small hut, behind an old stove,
There lived a good friend of his. "I'm sure he will help" -
The ant thought so, and slipped under the door.
And then run behind the stove, taking a candle with you.
And behind the stove the cricket was tuning its bow.
Ant to him: “Hello! I haven't seen you for a hundred years,
And out of old friendship, I dropped in for lunch with you.
And one more thing, my dragonfly has gone crazy.
She drove me out of the house, and from now on I am homeless.
You could give me shelter, at least for three days.”
“Yes, things are going on!” - said the cricket and tuned his bow.
“I feel sorry for you. But to be honest, it’s cramped behind the stove.
I will have to apologize and say goodbye to you, friend.
Don’t be angry with me, when you have time, visit me.”

Having said goodbye to the cricket, the ant left the house.
And he headed to his neighbor, a caterpillar that lived on a branch.
And among the windy garden brethren she was known as special.
So he climbed onto a branch and said: “Hello, neighbor.
How do you live, how are you doing, and what are you dreaming about now?
Do you remember how the two of you kissed in the rain?”
“Why, I remember!” he says. “My back still hurts.
After all, I was blown away then, my back was blown by the wind.
Well, why did you look in now at such a late hour?”

The ant was barely embarrassed, but his face did not change.
He scratched the back of his head, thought a little and said:
“The fact is that my wife and I separated,
And I want to live with you, my soul. How good you are."
Making a sour grimace, she answers immediately:
“Yes, I loved once, but that was a long time ago.
I’ll give you simple advice: go back home.
Kiss your wife tenderly and admit your guilt.
After all, in winter you will disappear, get sick and die.

That's such a bad thing. Our ant is almost crying,
With his head bowed down, he slowly walked home.
He knocked quietly on the door, opened it slightly and made his way into the house.
“You wife, forgive me and let me go back home.
I won’t forget your lesson, I will help you.”
The dragonfly grinned, narrowing its round eyes.
“Okay, sit down, eat and now listen to me.
If I suddenly hear your refusal even once,
If you help me, then I’ll kick you out forever,
You will live alone in the forest, and winter is just around the corner.”

The moral of this story is obvious. So as not to be offended,
Don’t live like an ant for yourself and your friends.
If you want to live beautifully, eat deliciously and sleep sweetly,
Then you must help your beloved wife in everything.

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