Fun riddles for a fun company. Cool riddles for a fun company

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Riddles for adults with answers

Riddles for adults
    What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands do it.

    Answer: Phone sex

    How can you walk while sitting?

    Answer: In the toilet - on the toilet

    Consists of three letters
    It starts with "X".
    When it works, it's worth it
    When he finishes he bows!

    Answer: choir

    The hairy head behind the cheek tickles deftly.

    Answer: Toothbrush

    Which fellow has a drop dripping from the end?

    Answer: Samovar, tap

    Hanging - dangling, called three letters. In the middle is "U".

    Answer: Shower

    Why are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours.

    Answer: Bed

    Winter, forest, everything is covered with snow. A crushed penis lies on a large icy stump. What is this?

    Answer: Winter has finally come

    A hedgehog is running across the lawn, dragging and laughing. Why does he laugh?

    Answer: Because weed tickles the pussy

    What is 100 x% and one rope?

    Answer: Barge haulers on the Volga

    What is 100x%ev and 100 ropes?

    Answer: Barge haulers on parachutes

    What kind of woman first rubs around you and then demands money?

    Answer: Conductor on a tram

    A boy and a girl were doing something in the grass on "E".

    Answer: Ate strawberries

    How good it is for you and me, I’m under you, and you’re on top of me.

    Answer: The hedgehog carries an apple

    Answer: Sex

    What is it: 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and very popular with women?

    Answer: $100 bill

    About 40 million people do THIS at night. What it is?

    Answer: Internet

    What's on a woman's body?
    On the Jew's mind
    Used in hockey
    And on the chessboard?

    Answer: Combination

    How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand?

    Answer: Both

    The letter X. is called, P. will see rises.

    Answer: The trunk takes food

    What is Adam's front and Eve's back?

    Answer: Letter "A"

    Without arms, without legs, jump on a woman!

    Answer: Rocker

    The woman is standing on the floor, her hole slightly open.

    Answer: Stove

    To stroke from the front, you need to lick from the back.

    Answer: Postage stamp

    He quietly approached from behind, stuck it in twice and walked away.

    Answer: Slippers

    I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then go crazy.

    Answer: Exercise bike

    Hair on hair, body on body - a dark affair begins.

    Answer: The eye closes

    A hedgehog runs across the lawn and cries. Why is he crying?

    Answer: The grass was cut

    What is 100 ropes and one x%y?

    Answer: Parachutist

    What is: Two ends, two rings?

    Answer: Gay wedding

    What is it: first white, then zh-zh-zhik, and red?

    Answer: Neighbor's poodle in a mixer

    He left his grandfather and left his grandmother...

    Answer: Sex

    Why do women in stockings feel warm in winter and men in jeans feel cold?

    Answer: Because men have a lousy heater, and women have a lousy one

    What's smooth under the balls?

    Answer: Frying pan

    They buried a prostitute and wrote on the tombstone: “Now they will always be together.” Who are they?

    Answer: Legs

    What do burnt bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman have in common?

    Answer: We didn’t have time to pull it out...

    What is it: the hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby?

    Answer: Earrings

    How can you say “a snowflake fell on the f*ck” without swearing?

    Answer: “It snowed at the end”

    Hair, hair, and a sausage in the middle.

    Answer: Corn

    What kind of blacksmiths forge in the forest?

    Answer: Who the hell knows!

    What can you get off a naked secretary?

    Answer: Naked boss

    Now hanging, now standing, now cold, now hot.

    Answer: Shower

    With onions, with eggs, but not a pie?

    Answer: Robin Hood

    When a woman lifts her leg, what do you see? Five letters, starts with P and ends with A.

    Answer: Heel

    In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure.

    Answer: Movie show

    Back and forth: It’s nice for you and me.

    Answer: Swing

Good riddles are fun to make and fun to solve. This develops thinking, logic and broadens your horizons. The whole family can have an interesting evening with friends if they host a quiz.

Interesting riddles with a trick with answers

When a question has a subtext that is not immediately discernible, it becomes doubly difficult. When starting to reason about a question, sometimes they forget about the condition. And here every little thing is important. Otherwise, the answer will be incorrect. This principle is used to construct the most complex riddles with a lot of data and numbers, but the answer lies on the surface, and even a child can give the correct answer.

Interesting riddles with answers:

  • You are the pilot of an airplane flying from Paris to Amsterdam with two transfers in Berlin. What is the pilot's last name?

/The condition says that you are flying the plane. So, your last name is also yours./

  • The lights were turned off in the entire house. But in the closet there is a gas stove, there is also a kerosene lamp and a candle. There is only one match left in the matchbox. What will you light first?

/First you need to light a match./

  • A bus was driving along a country road in heavy rain. All passengers fell asleep, only one driver was awake. What was his name and what was his route number?

/In such a downpour the numbers are not distinguishable. And the driver is Anatoly./

  • An exam is being held at the military communications school. There is silence in the classroom, only occasionally the teacher taps his pencil on the table. The cadet takes a ticket and sits down at the table. A minute later, he silently approaches with his record book, and the teacher, without asking a single question, gives him an “excellent” grade. Happy student leaves. Why?

/The teacher checked both the knowledge and vigilance of the students. To do this, using Morse code, he tapped out: “Whoever comes up to me now will receive an “excellent”.” The student was the only one who responded correctly./

Sometimes a riddle is like a small puzzle: there is a condition, there is a question. For kids, perhaps, it will be a little difficult. It is necessary to keep in mind the condition in order to guess. And my horizons are still small. But for children of primary school age, interesting logic riddles with answers will be useful:

  • Which cup is it impossible to drink from?

/From empty./

  • What bush will a hare hide under when it rains?

/All the bushes and trees are wet when it rains. The hare will hide under a wet bush./

  • Two absolutely identical people go towards each other. Which one will greet the other first?

/The one who is more polite./

  • The weight of a full barrel of water is 100 kilograms. What should be done to change her weight by 10 kilograms?

/Make a hole in it./

  • What do they hold back without touching with their hands?

/This is your own breathing./

  • The electric train moves in the direction of the wind. Where is the smoke going?

/It does not have smoke or fireboxes in other train designs./

  • It is known that polar bears are predators. However, they eat seals, but not penguins. Why?

/They just don’t meet, penguins don’t live in the North./

  • When is the sky lower than the earth?

/When it is reflected in a puddle./

  • No matter how huge the pan is, there are some things that will never fit in it. What is this?

/The lid of the pan is always made to have a slightly larger circumference./

  • It is in the room, but the room itself is in it. What is this?


Short logic riddles

This is the name for tasks in which you need to create a logical sequence of reasoning. It will lead to the answer. Here, too, attentiveness to the conditions is the key to the right decision. Here are interesting logic riddles with answers:

  • A person cannot sleep for seven days. Nevertheless, he found a way out. Which?

/He decided that he would sleep at night - after all, you can’t do this only during the day./

  • One farmer was returning home from the field. Suddenly a strong wind blew and it began to rain. The farmer had nothing to protect himself with, and he came home completely wet. But it turned out that not a single hair on his head was wet! How did he achieve this?

/The farmer was bald./

  • One physics teacher clearly demonstrated the laws of nature. He could briefly place a closed can on the table in such a way that most of it hung above the floor. True, then the bank still fell. What is the physicist's secret?

/He first froze water in a jar, placing it horizontally. There was approximately one third of the can of water. When he placed it vertically on the table, the column of ice was always located on the table, and the empty part was above the floor. When the ice began to melt, the weight was distributed across the entire bottom and the can fell./

Funny riddles

Brainstorming can be exhausting. Therefore, we alternate difficult tasks with funny questions. The main thing in them is the smile of the listener. Interesting riddles with answers:

  • There is a word that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is this word?

/This word is “wrong.”/

  • He has two horns, but he is not a bull, he has legs, but no hooves, he flies - howls loudly, lands - he digs the ground.

Here is a chain of funny riddles that will amuse both children and adults:

    • How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator in one-two-three?
      /1. Let's open it. 2. We put the giraffe in there. 3. Close./
    • How to put an elephant in the refrigerator in one-two-three-four?
      /1. Let's open it. 2. Throw away the giraffe. 3. We put the elephant in. 4. Close./
    • Leo ordered everyone to come to the meeting. One didn't come. Who? /This is an elephant, he is sitting in the refrigerator./
    • How to get across a river full of crocodiles? /Quickly, before the crocodiles return from the meeting./

For adults

Some large commercial corporations use logical tasks when selecting employees. When what is needed is not intelligence, but the ability to make non-standard decisions. These questions, which require a lot of thought, will appeal to parents and older students. There's a lot to puzzle over here. Interesting riddles for adults with answers:

  • The prisoner is given a chance of release provided that he decides his fate correctly. Otherwise, he will face execution. He is placed in front of two doors, which are guarded by two guards. It is known that one always tells the truth, and the other every other time. The prisoner has the right to ask two questions to only one, but he does not know which of the guards is which. He was able to solve the problem and was freed. How did he do it?

/1. Are you cunning? 2. Is this door to freedom?/

  • Mr Jones called the police and reported that Mr Wills was threatening to kill him. He insisted that someone be sent to him immediately. A detective arrived on the scene and found Jones' body. Turning on Jones' recorder, he heard: “Wills will kill me. He's already here. There's no use hiding. This recording will become the basis for his arrest.” The detective realized it was a false lead. The real culprit was discovered later. Why wasn't Wills arrested?

/The rewound tape of the voice recorder indicated that the evidence against Wills had been fabricated. If he saw Jones say something into the recorder, he would destroy the recording./

For children

  • Why are you going to sleep on the bed?

/By gender./

  • What happens to the red scarf if you put it in the river?

/Gets wet./

  • Write the word "mousetrap" using five letters.
  • That a sheep has one, a sparrow has two, and a mouse has none?

/Letter “o”./

  • Name a fabric from which nothing can be sewn.


  • Name the forests where no one lives.


  • Name a car wheel that does not rotate while driving.


  • Name five days in a row without saying numbers.

/The day after tomorrow, tomorrow, today, yesterday, the day before yesterday./

  • Name the first female pilot.

/Baba Yaga./

  • Which comb is not suitable for hairstyles?


  • How do you carry water in a sieve?

/In the form of ice./

For the whole family

Stories about Sherlock Holmes are read with interest by both adults and children. I immediately want to apply his deductive method, and then say to my best friend: “Elementary, Watson!” And if in his time there were cell phones, it would have been very simple. For you - interesting riddles with answers, where the famous detective appears.

  • Once, while walking around London, Sherlock Holmes noticed a woman lying on the ground. Unfortunately, she was dead. Holmes took out a phone from her purse and found her husband’s number there. Calling him, he said: “Your wife has died. Come urgently." When he arrived, the police were already waiting for him. Holmes pointed at him as if he were a criminal. Why?

/Holmes did not name the street where he found the body./

And here is a puzzle about the inhabitants of a remote Russian outback:

  • There lived an orphan girl on a farm. She had 3 cats, 3 dogs, 3 parrots and 2 hamsters. The hamsters gave birth to 7 babies. It was necessary to buy food for these animals. The road to the store first went through a field, then through a forest, then through a field again, then through a forest again, then through a field again. But it turned out that the food was not delivered. She had to go to another store: field, forest, field, forest, field, forest. It was an unfamiliar forest, and the girl fell into a well-concealed hole. Then she heard that they were setting a condition for her: if she gets out of the hole, her mother will die. If she stays in the hole, her dad will die. What should she do?

/To get out of the hole, because everyone died long ago./

After looking at all these interesting riddles with answers, you can deduce the principles by which they are composed and try to please your loved ones with new variants about Sherlock Holmes or intricate puzzles in which the main thing is to remember the condition well.

Below are a variety of challenging riddles with answers for adults. Are they up to you?

Replacement of usual entertainment

If you yourself are not averse to solving children's puzzles, then consider the most difficult riddles for parents with answers.

  1. A businessman sold plums for 6 rubles per fruit. Some time passed, and he began to sell for 4 rubles. As a result, he became a millionaire. How did this happen (before this, the businessman was a billionaire).
  2. If it takes 5 Moldovans to screw in a light bulb, then how many programmers are needed (a real programmer will never screw in a light bulb: he works on computers).
  3. Who lives in the ground and is called with the letter “SH” (worm)?

Very difficult riddles for adults with answers will be the subject of discussion for more than one day.

5 of the most desperate puzzles

Did you do well on previous assignments? Then catch the 5 most difficult riddles for adults.

Territory of adult mysteries

Take time for yourself - read very difficult riddles for parents.

The real test is the most difficult riddles for adults with answers.

  1. It has been proven that if the object “X.” sees the object “P.”, he will immediately reach out. What kind of objects are these (trunk and food).
  2. Every day he jumps on a girl, although he has no limbs (yoke).
  3. I'm only happy if you undress (bed).
  4. You definitely contemplate this, but you don’t see any sense in it (a hole somewhere).

Complex riddles for parents with answers do not have an ounce of vulgarity. Only a cold mind.

Don't look for the most difficult riddles in the world for adults with answers. They are all here.

  1. The fluffy cake exists only without one letter (without the “e” because it’s meringue).
  2. Paris, New York, Stockholm are not for me. But Ufa, Yekaterinburg or Uryupinsk are just mine (letter “u”).
  3. The size of the island is right in its name (Yamal Island).
  4. Can there be sunrise twice a day? And if so, where (maybe everywhere. In the northern hemisphere - from December to June, and in the southern - vice versa)?

We have something that will bring the whole family together today, and these are challenging riddles for adults and children with answers.

Challenging riddles with answers for adults: test the intelligence of your own friends.

  1. A musical planet with a note in its name (Earth “A”).
  2. The easiest dish to prepare (yogurt).
  3. You throw out just a little, and after six months you get a lot (seeds).
  4. Multiply six hundred sixty-six by one and a half without a calculator, and without calculations in principle (nine hundred ninety-nine, or turn over the leaf).

But that is not all. Get ready for short and very difficult riddles with answers.

Difficult short riddles with answers will not leave even true humanists indifferent.

  1. Bow your hand without lowering it (hand, hands, hand, hand, hand, on hand).
  2. On paper, this girl is 30 (Zoe).
  3. The veterinarian who is remembered most often (Aibolit).
  4. A verb with a hundred letters “th” (“stop”).

A play on words, and no fraud - the principle by which these riddles are composed. Did you manage to unravel this secret? If yes, then go ahead and test your friends and family!

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The most difficult logic riddles with a trick for adults - 3.8 out of 5 based on 16 votes

The most difficult logic riddles with a trick for adults

Who doesn't love riddles? Probably every person at least once was proud of having solved the riddle. It is likely that we love riddles because it is the fastest way to show our interlocutor our remarkable mental abilities. Five minutes and you are a genius in the eyes of the one who asked the riddle, or at least a very intelligent person. Who wouldn't like this? And, if there were other witnesses of your ability nearby, this means that your fame as an extraordinary person will be increased.

But you say: “Then what about people solving riddles, puzzles, crosswords alone, completely alone?” It's simple. “You’ll think that no one saw how great I am, but I know that I’m great!” Self-esteem is an equally important factor. All peoples have riddles and have had them at all times. Their popularity waxed and waned. In ancient times, riddles were often invented by poets, oracles, and even wise riddle questions were used in the sacred scriptures. This interesting and fascinating activity for the mind in those distant times was believed to have a mysterious power: when a person solved the riddle, his wishes were fulfilled and all dangers disappeared. Almost like a talisman.

Riddles can be different, difficult and not very difficult, but there are also those that make even, well, very smart academics think seriously. Each has its own level of difficulty. The most difficult riddles have a trick, because that’s what they are designed for, for an unexpected solution, that is, for a catch, for something that the subject is not at all aware of. Such riddles deliberately lead in the wrong direction. But the main thing is not to despair!

And here are the 10 most difficult logic riddles with a trick.

The most difficult logic riddle #1

The most difficult logic riddle #2

The most difficult logic riddle #3

The most difficult logic riddle #4

The most difficult logic riddle #5

The most difficult logic riddle #6

The most difficult logic riddle #7

The most difficult logic riddle #8

The most difficult logic riddle #9

The most difficult logic riddle #10

The most difficult logic riddle #11


Each of us has loved solving riddles since childhood. And if they are also funny and cool, then the joy is doubled. But you have to “rack your brains” over logical riddles with a trick. But still, this is a great option to have fun at home on a holiday, at a corporate party, or just in a friendly company. They are also suitable for holding competitions.

And in today’s selection you will find many funny, cheerful and cool riddles with a catch, simple and difficult for adults with answers. Have an interesting time!

What is the most expensive coffee in the world?

Funny riddles with a trick with answers

How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
(None. This is a hardware problem, programmers cannot solve them)

You are sitting on an airplane, there is a horse in front of you, and a car behind you. Where are you at?
(On the carousel)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant.
(Baby elephant)

He may not have children, but he is still a dad. How is this possible?
(This is the Pope)

One hundred heads and a ton of copper.
(Brass band)

With a mustache, big, carrying hares. What is this?

1 eye, 1 horn, but not a rhinoceros.
(A cow peeks out from around the corner)

Which hand is better to stir tea?
(It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

What does a watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat?

What could be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless?
(Elephant's shadow)

What's the difference between an elephant and a flea?
(An elephant can have fleas, but a flea cannot have elephants)

Earrings for simpletons?

What living creature can easily change its head?

What is the best age for a child?
(When you no longer lead him by the hand, and he still doesn’t lead you by the nose)

It shines, but does not heat.
(15 years of strict regime)

What do you call a cow that doesn't give milk?

The most expensive coffee in the world?
(Coffee spilled on laptop keyboard)

What is the sapper's least favorite phrase?
(One leg here, one leg there)

For a wise man there are a thousand mysteries around, for a fool or a half-knowledgeable person - everything is clear.
Indian proverb

What should you do when you see a green man?

Funny logic riddles with a trick with answers

These three TV stars have been on the screen for a long time. One is called Stepan, the second is Philip. What is the name of the third one?

This is given to us three times. The first two times are free. But for the third one you will have to pay.

What's the difference between a priest and a Volga?
(Pop is father, and Volga is mother)

- Is this red?
- No, black.
- Why is she white now?
- Because it’s still green.
What are we talking about?
(About black currant)

The geese went to water in single file (one after the other).
One goose looked forward - there were 17 heads in front of him. He looked back and there were 42 paws behind him.
How many geese went to water?
(39. 17 ahead, 21 behind, and the goose itself, which was turning its head)

A man bought apples for 5 rubles per piece, but sold them for 3 rubles per piece.
After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do this?
(He was a billionaire)

Why did Lenin wear boots and Stalin wear boots?
(On the ground)

Under what condition do 3 boys and 2 girls, 4 adults, 1 dog and 1 cat not get wet by standing under just 1 umbrella?
(Assuming it doesn't rain)

An old woman was carrying 50 eggs to the market, and the bottom fell out. How many eggs are left? (Pronounce “a bottom” as “one”)
(Everyone crashed as the bottom fell out)

How to jump from a twenty-meter ladder without breaking?
(Jump from the first step, or, for the brave and dexterous, from the second or third)

Ivan walked to Moscow and went to the mill. There are 4 windows, on each window there are 4 cats. Each cat has 4 kittens, and each kitten has 4 mice. How many legs are there in total?
(Ivan has two legs, the rest are paws)

Funny difficult riddles with a trick with answers

A word of 4 letters is given, but it can also be written with 3 letters.
Usually you can write it in 6 letters and then in 5 letters.
Originally it contained 8 letters, and occasionally consists of 7 letters.
(“Given”, “it”, “usually”, “then”, “born”, “occasionally”)

What kind of bird do you need to pluck the feathers from to get morning, day, evening, and night at once?

You enter through one door and exit through three. You think you left, but in fact you entered.

What is the longest word in the Russian language?
(The Lay of Igor's Campaign)

Two legs are on three legs, and the fourth is in the teeth. Then four ran up and ran away with one. They shouted two on three and three on four. But four screamed and ran away with one.
(A child with a chicken foot in his teeth riding a tricycle)

Everyone knows that three cubed equals twenty-seven. Four cubed equals sixty four. What about the tongue in the cube?
(Language in Cuba is Spanish)

The boy Petya’s mother works as a cook at school, and his father works at a meat processing plant. Question: what is the weight of the boy Petya?

They don’t burn on their own, but you still have to extinguish them.

What happens if you combine Microsoft and iPhone?

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are burning. Which house will the police extinguish?
(Police don't put out fires, firemen put out fires)

Crossroads. Traffic light. KAMAZ, a cart and a motorcyclist are standing and waiting for the green light. The yellow light came on and the KAMAZ accelerated. The horse got scared and bit the motorcyclist's ear. Like a traffic accident, but who broke the rules?
(Motorcyclist - he was not wearing a helmet)

The first man is the owner of the precious stones,
The second person is the master of love,
The third person is the owner of the shovel,
The fourth person is the owner of the big stick.
Who are they?
(Kings in a deck of cards)

Russian people have always been a mystery to foreigners.
Boris Polevoy

Fun riddles with a trick with answers

The most famous semiconductor?

What is it: hanging on the wall and crying?
(Beginner climber)

What are the similarities between a motorcyclist and a chicken?
(Both sit down and rush)

How to find Lenin Square?
(You need to multiply the length of Lenin by the width of Lenin)

Why does the rooster sing so much?
(Because he has ten wives and not a single mother-in-law)

Why doesn't the horse eat chocolate?
(And who will give it to her?!)

Which plant knows everything?

Who was the first traffic cop in Rus'?
(Nightingale the Robber)

What is the fear of Santa Claus coming called?

Between two luminaries I sit alone.

Maybe I'm a fool, but it feels so good to be stuffed.

What do milk and a hedgehog have in common?
(Both can collapse)

“It’s an eternal mystery how the same woman drives a man crazy over and over again.”

What is 90-60-90?

Funny riddles for girls and women with a trick

Small, wrinkled, is there in every woman?

What is 90-60-90?
(Driving past a traffic cop)

Before calling a woman a “bunny,” what should a man check?
(Make sure he has enough "cabbage")

What is the difference between a women's dormitory and a men's dormitory?
(In the women's dormitory, dishes are washed after meals, and in the men's dormitory - before)

Husband getting ready for work:
- Honey, clean my jacket.
“I’ve already cleaned it.”
- And the trousers?
- I cleaned it too.
- And the boots?
What did the wife answer?
(Do boots have pockets?)

The name of the first woman in the world to master an aircraft.
(Baba Yaga)

The girl could not sleep at night. She twisted and turned, but nothing could help. Suddenly she picked up the phone and called somewhere. And after that she was able to fall asleep peacefully. Why exactly after the call could she fall asleep?
(In the next apartment, a neighbor was snoring very heavily. She called him and woke him up. Then she fell asleep)

She’s capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten...
(Daughter, not mom)

What's not in a woman's handbag?

What did Anna Karenina leave as a legacy to modern fashion?
(Platform shoes)

A gift for my husband from the resort.

How many shoes does a woman need to be “completely happy”?
(One more pair than she already has)

In this video there are other tricky, funny and cool riddles with a trick. Try to guess!

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