Vlad Kadoni education biography. From psychics to love

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On August 28, 1986, at 19.06, on the outskirts of Novosibirsk, the son of the strongest witch in Siberia, Elena Golunova, was born. She gave birth to her first child at the age of 18 and gave him the name Victor. The boy never saw his father; he died almost immediately after his birth. Elena was very upset about the loss of her beloved man. She showed her father’s photographs to her son only once - on the day of his esoteric coming of age, after which she destroyed all the archives right before the boy’s eyes. From early childhood, Victor did not recognize his name. At first he simply did not respond to him, and then, barely learning to speak, he came up with fictitious names for himself, introducing himself to strangers.

His social life began with a series of conflicts with peers. The strange student of an ordinary Soviet school was passionate about the study of religion and conducted unique chemical experiments; he aroused envy with his abilities to foresee events and change the mood in the team. At the age of 11, the boy undergoes initiation - his mother reveals to him for the first time the features of the ancestral gift and he begins esoteric training at home. From this moment on, the personal life of the young magician turns out to be absolutely closed to others, and he himself becomes an obvious outcast among his peers.

After graduating from school, Viktor Golunov easily enters the university to study sociology. He is fascinated by the science of the structure of society, its structural elements and development. It seems to him that esotericism has given him basic knowledge about the essence of an individual person, and now he seeks to understand society as a whole. While studying philosophy and sociolinguistics, a self-confident student often argues with teachers, defending his point of view and his own beliefs on controversial issues. Now in conflict not with his peers, but with his mentors, Victor seeks expulsion from the university and leaves the walls of the higher educational institution.

As soon as Viktor Golunov turns eighteen, he officially changes his first and last name. The guy gets rid of the name Victor, hated since childhood, and becomes Vladislav. And he changes his surname Golunov to Kadoni, which he chose during his initial esoteric education: in one of the ancient languages ​​there is the word “kadoni”, which is translated as “warlock”. With a new passport, Vlad Kadoni enters medical school and gets a job. He cooperates with several construction companies and in just a couple of years goes from an intern to a senior manager with several dozen subordinates. Already at the age of 20, Vlad understands all the intricacies of the profession and receives a job offer in Moscow.

Having moved to the capital, Kadoni initially hides his life in esotericism from new acquaintances and colleagues - he continues to work in a construction company and begins to secretly practice occult sciences. But soon others become aware of his unusual abilities and people begin to turn to the young sorcerer with requests for help.

At the age of 23, Vlad Kadoni decides to go to the casting of the television project “Battle of Psychics” on the TnT channel, which he successfully passes and, having taken part in the filming of the program, is one of the five strongest psychics in Russia. However, the young ambitious participant does not reach the finals, which greatly disappoints him and hits his pride. This experience, according to Vlad, infects him with an irresistible craving for television, and within six months he goes to the most scandalous reality show in the country - “DOM2”. Having spent two and a half years on the project, Vlad pays less and less attention to personal techniques and esotericism in general, completely devoting himself to self-development in the social sphere. During his time on the television project, he becomes famous and gains fame as one of the brightest and most scandalous participants. Vlad wins the “Person of the Year” competition and is sent to the “Battle of Psychics” again. This time he reaches the final and takes third place. However, he still remains disappointed and decides to finally break with television. Kadoni leaves the television set “House 2” immediately after filming “Battle of Psychics” ends. Hiding from the cameras in his apartment, Vlad regains his strength and rethinks his whole life. He is engaged in self-development, begins to write a novel and gets a job in a closed psychiatric clinic, where he gains unique experience in the field of psychiatry and clinical psychology. At the age of 28, having left medical practice, Vlad Kadoni returns to TnT, but not as a participant, but as a co-host of the television project “House 2”. A year later, his author’s column appears in the morning program on the NTV channel and...

On the TNT channel. Positions himself as a black magician, esotericist and clairvoyant.

Vlad Kadoni. Biography

Victor Golunov, known under the pseudonym Vlad Kadoni, born in the summer of 1986 in Novosibirsk. His mother is the Siberian witch Elena Golunova, who gained all-Russian fame after the thirteenth season of the show “Battle of Psychics” appeared on television. It was she, a hereditary sorceress, who passed on her gift of clairvoyance and the ability to communicate with the world of the dead to her eldest son Vlad Kadoni.

Elena Golunova has two more sons: the middle one, Dmitry, and the youngest, Lev, who was born only in 2010. According to her, she was the first to pass on her rare gift through the male line, and all the men in her family are distinguished by colossal energy and ability for esotericism.

In childhood Vlad Kadoni was going to become a clergyman, but having become disillusioned with the church, he began to practice black magic. He moved from his hometown to Moscow, took a new name and surname “Kadoni”, which in his own language means “warlock” and promised himself to practice only esotericism.

Vlad Kadoni. Television career

Vlad Kadoni first appeared on screen as part of the participants in the sixth season of the “Battle of Psychics” project in 2008. He was also involved in the filming of the eleventh season, but did not reach the finale. All the skeptics' statements Vlad Kadoni parries.

If you really can do something, hide it, pretend to be weak-minded or pretentious, so that people always have the opportunity to doubt you. If society has no doubt that you are a sorcerer with power over life, it will not give you the right to choose at the main moment. And even saying this, I understand that many will say that he is lying. Millions will give doubts, and if it stops, I just need to make a couple of predictions that will never come true or appear a couple of times on “House 2” and allow others to mock me.

February 20, 2009 Vlad Kadoni ended up in the perimeter of the scandalous television project “House 2”. At the place of execution, he admitted that he intended to prove to others the lack of abilities of the so-called “white magician” Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. At first he said that he did not want to be a participant in this clownery, but after a couple of days he returned to become the favorite hero of fans of the reality show “House 2”.

Vlad Kadoni lived with the beautiful Nelly Ermolaeva, but soon the girl moved to Nikita Kuznetsov and married him. Then Vlad Kadoni built relationships with Inna Volovicheva, but this couple was more like a farce, especially since the black magician was much more interested in the intricacies of intrigue within the walls of “House 2”.

It was Vlad Kadoni who initiated many scandalous events on the perimeter, and was not afraid to provide incriminating evidence on the participants. In September 2010, he publicly announced that he was going to increase his manhood to thirty centimeters.

Inna Volovicheva was happy to check the result of the operation and described the sensations in her blog.

Vlad Kadoni also maintained close contact with the mother of the first child on the project, Margarita Agibalova, and her family. But after a series of events and her skepticism about the proposal Vlada Kadoni move from the status of friends to the status of lovers, their “warm” gatherings in the kitchen of the VIP house stopped.

Vlad Kadoni literally declared war on Irina Agibalova, thereby securing victory in the “Person of the Year” competition in the fall of 2011. After all, it was the main long-liver of the scandalous project “House 2” who caused strong negativity among viewers, which only increased her rating.

September 21, 2011 Vlad Kadoni left the set of “House 2”. He signed a contract with the producers of esoteric shows in Estonia and Ukraine, and also appeared in the final episode of the thirteenth season of the Battle of Psychics program to support his mother Elena Golunova. However, she lost first place to the Slavic magician Dmitry Volkhov.

Vlad Kadoni maintains friendly relations with the famous director Valeria Gai Germanika, continues to participate in the life of the long-running reality show “House 2”, where he returned in 2015 as a host, and organizes seminars and personal receptions for everyone.

I lead a double life. In everyday life I am a serious person, at work I am a serious and adequate person. And when the desire for thrills begins to play in me, I want adventurism or provocations, I give myself pleasure through television. But I wouldn’t call myself a showman because I don’t entertain people: I entertain myself!

Vlad Kadoni. Personal life

Kadoni was more than once credited with having affairs with participants in the TV show (for example, with Kristina Deryabina and Maria Kokhno), and it was even rumored that the sorcerer was married and had children.

In 2015, tired of the rumors, Vlad said that his heart was taken. Later, photographs of the psychic’s beloved began to appear on his Instagram photos. A year later, the media learned that the girl’s name was Kadoni Anna Devitskaya.

In 2010-2011, Devitskaya was the producer of the mystical show “Battle of Psychics,” where she met Vlad Kadoni. Since then, the couple has not separated.

Kadoni is not only the host of a scandalous TV show and a participant in other projects on the TNT channel, but is also very successfully engaged in business. In the fall of 2016, he opened a luxury perfume boutique, and at the beginning of 2017, a beauty salon.

Vlad Kadoni is an incredibly interesting personality, a strong person who positions himself as a clairvoyant, a specialist in the occult sciences, and a black magician. He took part in the television project “House 2”, as well as in the “Battle of Psychics”.

Vlad Kadoni's real name is Viktor Golunov. He was born in Novosibirsk in 1986. The young man inherited his sensational abilities from his mother, the hereditary sorceress Elena Golunova. She passed on the gift of a fortuneteller to her eldest son.

Vlad has two younger brothers who also have abilities in esotericism. According to Elena, all the men in her family have tremendous energy.

As a child, Victor dreamed of becoming a church minister. However, growing up, he radically changed his views and became interested in black magic. The young man came to the capital after reaching adulthood. Here he first changed his name. Translated from his own language, “Kadoni” means “warlock.” From that moment on, Vlad Kadoni took up exclusively practical esotericism.

Vlad’s first appearance on television took place as part of the “Battle of Psychics” project. The young man took part in the sixth and eleventh seasons, but he failed to reach the finals.

The guy did not take the first failure to heart and after some time appeared on the set of the television project House 2. On the very first day of his stay on the perimeter of the scandalous reality show, he stated that he had come with the sole purpose of exposing the deception of Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. He is sure that the “white magician” does not have any supernatural abilities and intends to prove this to others. Initially, Vlad Kadoni did not intend to become a participant in this “circus” called House 2. But literally a few days later he came to Polyana and settled in the men’s bedroom.

House 2 is a television project for young people who want to find love. This is exactly what Vlad Kadoni did as soon as he stepped onto the perimeter of the well-known show. On the very first day, he took a liking to a beauty, with whom the young man very quickly moved into a separate apartment. However, the relationship with the brunette was very difficult and soon the girl began dating.

After this, Kadoni drew attention to Inna Volovicheva. At first, the guys tried to maintain exclusively friendly relations, which over time grew into mutual sympathy. For the rest of the participants in the TV set, such a statement was more than unexpected, but Vlad tried his best to prove to Inna and everyone around him that he had strong feelings for the girl. And they were really strong, because they manifested themselves exclusively in insults, jealousy, and aggression. In rare moments of truce, the guys dreamed of a wedding. However, later the quarrels became more frequent and began to develop into scandals, one of which became the last for the couple. Having quarreled with Inna, Vlad Kadoni persuaded the rest of the participants and after the next vote, Volovicheva went out of the gate. Soon the girl returned to the perimeter again to look for her love, but she no longer wanted to have anything to do with Kadoni.

Rita Agibalova is another friend of Vlad. The guys claimed that they were connected exclusively by friendly relations. But, after Rita separated from her husband, Kadoni admitted that he loved her. However, this time the magician did not expect reciprocity from the girl.

In the fall of 2011, the predictor decided to leave the project, saying that he intended to build love beyond the perimeter.

Now Vlad Kadoni is friends with Valeria Gai Germanika, provides assistance and holds meetings for everyone who is interested in his activities. In addition, the young man continues to appear on the television project “House 2”, advising participants on the psychology of relationships.

Vlad Kadoni is an ordinary guy from Novosibirsk who gained some fame thanks to his participation in the show “Battle of Psychics.” The man’s name is a pseudonym that he took for himself after moving to Moscow.

Participation in the battle did not bring the young man the desired popularity. He decided to go to Dom-2. Vlad Kadoni’s personal life did not improve there. Participation in the battle left an imprint on his biography. Many people didn't take him seriously.

However, this did not stop Vlad from achieving what he wanted. The man, starting in 2015, became the host of the television show “Doma-2”.

Personal life of Vlad Kadoni

The magician’s personal life has become of interest to the public ever since Vlad Kadoni first appeared on the project. The man met with Nelly Ermolaeva. In addition, his biography was connected with Inna Volovicheva. Take a look at the photo. The young people here are very happy.

However, their union did not last long. For some reason, it was difficult for the young man to start a serious relationship on the project. Many girls did not take Vlad seriously. It seemed to them that he was more concerned with promoting himself than with finding a soul mate.

It is also known that some time ago Vlad Kadoni met with the famous Russian producer Valeria Gai Germanika. The girl is known for her scandalous films, which, although they did not appear on the big screen, were nevertheless remembered for their uncensored plot among fans of short films.

After Kadoni parted with Germany, for a long time his personal life was shrouded in darkness. Now the young man is in a relationship.

Vlad's relatives say that he is very happy. However, no one mentions the name of his chosen one.

Vlad says that he and his girlfriend are from different companies. Few will approve of this union if they find out who managed to win the magician’s heart. The TV presenter does not want to provoke the emergence of gossip around his person. That is why he keeps the name of his beloved girl secret. However, their photos together appear quite often on social networks.

Interview with Kadoni

No one will tell so vividly and colorfully about the biography and personal life of the darkest man in the Dom-2 project like Vlad Kadoni himself. The man often gives interviews for popular women's magazines. In addition, you can read an interview with him in the Dom-2 magazine for 2017.

Vlad Kadoni on the project "Dom-2"

Journalists asked Vlad several questions of interest to TV viewers. Thus, information appeared in the press that Kadoni purchased a house for his beloved. Journalists asked if this was true. The man admitted that he actually bought real estate for his beloved. As it turns out, it's just a townhouse. Vlad took it as a mortgage, deciding to make a “little” surprise for his lady of his heart. The presenter's friend very quickly found out what kind of surprise her beloved had prepared for her.

Having discussed the purchase of a townhouse, the young people came to the conclusion that this expenditure was untimely. It’s better to wait a little and buy a big, luxurious house where they can accommodate two, and perhaps three of them, if they manage to have a child.

Vlad Kadoni in the “Battle of Psychics” program

Among domestic stars, Vlad Kadoni stands out in many ways. The personal life of a celebrity is of unfading interest. The details of Vlad Kadoni’s relationship with his girls intrigue a considerable number of fans.

Biographical information

Vlad Kadoni (in narrow circles known as Viktor Golunov) was born on August 28, 1986 in Novosibirsk.

An interesting fact: as a child, the boy wanted to be a priest, but by the age of 11 he began studying black magic. His mother, a hereditary witch and healer, passed on her gift to her son.

Having matured, the young man demonstrated his hidden and obvious talents in the following television projects:

  • "House 2";
  • “Battle of Psychics, Season 6”;
  • "Battle of Psychics, Season 11"

Participation in them made him famous throughout the country. Today the TV star lives in Moscow and provides paid services to the population as a sorcerer and psychic.

Who did the scandalous TV presenter marry?

Vlad Kadoni is a notorious person. There have always been many rumors surrounding the sorcerer’s personal life. The most common version was the assumption that his girlfriend was one of the participants in “House-2”. Evgenia Schmitd, one of the latter, was spotted in the company of a young man at the Sweet Life restaurant. The couple did not hide from the cameras, willingly posing in front of them. Little is known about the motives for their meeting.

Vlad Kadoni and another participant in the TV show, Kristina Deryabina, also tried to play love. However, at the very beginning of the story it was clear that it would not grow together. The young man’s cynical behavior and frivolous attitude towards Christina played a key role in this.

But Nelly Ermolaeva was really interested in Vlad as a potential girlfriend. He even proposed marriage to her and prepared a ring for this purpose. However, the beauty was not free at that time; her boyfriend turned out to be Nikita Kuznetsov. The sorcerer in love had to endure the bitterness of rejection.

Without losing hope of finding a new relationship, the “black magician” looked at another candidate - the plump Inna Volovicheva.

To mutual disappointment, the romance did not take place. Vlad Kadoni and his girlfriend were together for only a short time. After breaking up, they remained friends for some time. But when Volovicheva got ready to marry her and forgot to invite her former lover to the celebration, he angrily announced his final break with her.

It’s interesting to know: even before his relationship with Inna Volovicheva, the young man began to increase his manhood. Through surgery, he achieved his long-time goal - a 30-centimeter “giant of love.” The seducer invited this luxurious brunette to be the first to experience the miracle of plastic surgery in action, about which the girl left a comment on her personal microblog.

In 2011, the young man communicated with Valeria Gai Germanika. They were observed together in a cafe more than once, but the nature of the meetings remained unclear.

During the ex-host’s stay in the Battle of Psychics, a version appeared about an affair with Natalya Banteeva. It is claimed that after the show ended, the psychics were spotted kissing at a party.

All the girls who had tasted a relationship with the “warlock” unanimously spoke about his penchant for weaving cunning intrigues. This is what interested the young man in the first place. Thus, he did not strive for a real relationship, but to raise his rating and to attract everyone's attention.

The one and only love of a black magician

A famous sorcerer once said that it is quite difficult to meet a person whom you can love more than yourself. Soon the magician's personal life began to take a new direction.

Vlad Kadoni has repeatedly stated that he has been in a permanent heterosexual relationship for a long time. Nevertheless, his words were not taken seriously, and rumors about homosexuality circulated throughout the country.

Meanwhile, the famous bachelor posted personal photos online with a mysterious stranger, taken so that her face could not be seen. Fans tried in vain to find out the name of Vlad Kadoni’s new girlfriend. The ubiquitous journalists were the first to succeed in solving the mystery and finally found out the true state of affairs.

The lady of the heart of the cynical magician was Anna Devitskaya, known in the past as the producer of the “Battle of Psychics” on the TNT channel. The lovers have been together for more than six years and met when the young man appeared on the program. All these years, Anna Devitskaya and Vlad Kadoni carefully hid their relationship.

It looks like their relationship is really very serious. The young woman went to great lengths to get the opportunity to be with her loved one. According to the contract, close relationships with show participants were not allowed. Despite this, the couple crossed the forbidden line, and Devitskaya left her occupation for the sake of a new participant in the program.

The age difference between Vlad Kadoni and his girlfriend is eight years in favor of the black magician. Nevertheless, he is satisfied with the state of things and has the most serious intentions. The young man declares that he is immensely happy with Anna. According to him, she is that true love.

For the sake of great feelings, Vlad Kadoni’s girlfriend today still remains without a prestigious job. A grateful man does everything possible so that his chosen one does not need anything. In addition to the sought-after magical services, he went into the perfume business and invested at least 8,000,0000 rubles in it. Today, in his luxury perfume store you can purchase a fragrance at an average cost of 18 thousand rubles.

According to the latest data, Vlad Kadoni and Anna Devitskaya are planning a housewarming party in the near future. The famous sorcerer took out a mortgage in the amount of 6,500,000 million rubles. Now he owns an elite mansion located ten kilometers from Moscow.

Young people will soon move into a modern townhouse, and then, lo and behold, they will have a wedding. The black magician repeatedly declared his intention to connect the rest of his life with Devitskaya.

Vlad Kadoni still remains on the list of the brightest and most extraordinary personalities of modern Russian show business. He has everything that many can dream of: stable popularity, a huge army of fans, supernatural abilities and inexhaustible possibilities for further development. There is very little left - to find simple human happiness and create a cozy family hearth with your beloved.

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