In a dream, the death of a close relative who is alive. Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? How a person dies

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Any dreams about relatives are very difficult to interpret. After all, these people mean a lot to us, and it is quite possible that we may dream about them after thinking about them. Therefore, when interpreting dreams about relatives, one should take into account the true relationship with them.

What if you dream about the death of a relative?

Maybe this is just a sign to show them a little care and attention.

Also, such a dream may be a reflection of a real quarrel or the end of a relationship with the person you dreamed of being deceased.

In general, a dream about your own death, or the death of loved ones, does not portend anything bad, but rather the opposite. Anyone who dies in a dream, on the contrary, will have a long life in life. If the one who sees the dream dreams of the torment of a complete stranger, this may mean a violation of the peaceful flow of life and other troubles.

When you dream of recently deceased acquaintances, friends and relatives, this means a change in the weather, and rain should be expected.

Many people are afraid of any dreams about death. Such dreams mostly subconsciously cause feelings of anxiety and panic. Well, this is not even surprising, because the transition into oblivion leaves no one indifferent. Everyone is afraid of this, although few admit it openly.

In the old days, it was believed that the dead were dreamed of because they had not been remembered or visited for a long time. This means you need to remember according to Russian customs, go to the cemetery, clean up the grave and light a candle in the church for the repose of your soul. Often many people do not understand why they dream about the death of a relative, and begin to panic in vain.

In such cases, it is better to take a dream book or just go online. Here you can find the answer to any question.

Any news of death in a dream is a good sign. It predicts longevity, prosperity and health. But here we must take into account whose death the news was received. It is likely that in real life people meet very rarely and worry about each other. They just need to meet and then the anxiety will disappear. But be that as it may, such a dream indicates that everything will be fine.

Also, news of death can warn of intentional or accidental misrepresentation. Or about an active working period, which, when it ends, will bring good profit. People who dreamed may have abilities in life that are inaccessible to the sleeping person. And then the dream means that he not only does not envy, but is sincerely happy for them.

What does it portend?

No matter how strange it may seem, even imminent death is a very good sign, because the soul is immortal and seeing death in a dream means that a person will experience a change from bad to good.

Sometimes the death of a relative in a dream can be interpreted ambiguously. For some, it means changes in life and the troubles associated with it. For women, he can predict a new and interesting meeting. And a person who dies in a dream foretells a long life and good health.

There are dreams in which death comes for relatives with a scythe. Such a dream often predicts a long and successful life, as well as family well-being and family wealth. For childless families, such a dream can predict the birth of a long-awaited child.

If you have an unpleasant dream, for example that your beloved aunt is sick. It is quite possible that higher powers are sending information that she will live for quite a long time.

But she should pay close attention to her health. It is likely that she has some serious illness that cannot be ignored and requires long-term treatment. Therefore, a person who had such a dream must definitely warn the person he saw about a possible illness.

Sometimes it is also necessary to advise him to undergo a thorough examination. So a dream about death does not mean anything terrible, but on the contrary, it portends people health, longevity and a calm, successful life. All you have to do is pay attention to this dream.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? Surely many dreamers who have seen such dreams ask this question. Is a dream about death always associated with impending danger? This is what we will look into in our article.

Death of a loved one in a dream

Such a dream does not always indicate impending danger. If you are watching someone close to you die, your relationship with your loved ones may have deteriorated. Do quarrels and scandals happen in reality? In this situation, the dream book advises not to waste time and effort. It is more advisable to call it a day and no longer communicate with these people, no matter how sad it may sound. As a rule, this applies to lovers, and not to blood relatives.

What else can the dream book tell? Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? Such dreams mean your worries about your loved ones. Perhaps your feelings are in vain, and sometimes even useless. It is because of them that discord occurs in relationships with a loved one. You are too attached to him and with your experiences you cause significant harm to his feelings by criticizing and imposing your position on this or that issue. The dream book advises giving your loved one the opportunity to deal with their problems themselves and support them in all their endeavors. It is this position on your part that will improve the shaky relationship and cross out all the reasons for worry.

The death of a loved one in a dream can also mean your hatred of one of your relatives. Perhaps in your dream you pour out all your negativity on him. In this case, the dream book advises to end the relationship or learn to ignore this person’s statements and advice, otherwise the situation may lead to irreversible consequences.


Why do you dream about the death of a loved one and what emotions did the dreamer experience? Know: it is the surrounding little things and feelings in the process of viewing a dream that play a huge role in the correct interpretation. If in your dreams you watched this with a smile, joy and calmness, then the relative who appeared in your dreams will have a quiet and long life. It is also a good sign if you are in a trusting relationship with this person. In this case, your relative will delight you with his presence for a long time. Are you in a cold relationship? Such a dream means the “death” of your relationship.

What if you watched a loved one pass away, crying and grieving? This speaks of the danger that awaits someone close to you. Perhaps it's a disease. The dream book advises insisting on visiting a doctor. Remember: the more painful the death in a dream, the more troubles await him.

Death of a sick relative in a dream

Many dream books have an answer to the question: “What does it mean if you dream about the death of a loved one who is sick in reality?” First of all, such dreams can mean terrible injustice that you will face in the near future. Perhaps you will participate in some project that will bring you a lot of problems, including colossal losses. Therefore, think about whether it is worth agreeing to invest your money and effort in this matter. It is on this decision that your future fate and well-being will depend.

Death of a close friend, girlfriend in a dream

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one - a friend? This means that health problems await you. Even a minor illness should not be neglected. Rest assured: after medical intervention, all symptoms will quickly leave you.

Death of parents, brothers, sisters in a dream

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one (mom, dad)?

Perhaps unexpected profits await you soon. It could be a gift, an inheritance, a win. This period of life favors you. Therefore, feel free to buy lottery tickets and take part in the draws. You will definitely be lucky.

The death of a sister or brother means distance from your family. Remember, have you ever offended your loved ones with a harsh word or deed? The dream book advises you to apologize for all your misdeeds to your family.

Other situations

If in your dream you watched a relative die with a large loss of blood, this means that you will soon quarrel with people close to you. The dream book advises being restrained, calm and giving in on unprincipled issues. In another situation, you risk developing a difficult and long conflict.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? If a dying person said something in a dream, then try to remember what it was. Perhaps this is something very important to you.

This dream can also be interpreted as the fact that you are not open enough in communicating with others. You never listen to the opinions of older and more experienced people. It's a pity! In life, not only your desires dominate. This should be taken into account when starting any important business.

Also, these dreams may mean that you will soon have to work together. Therefore, do not try to complete the project yourself, use the knowledge and skills of your colleagues.

If in a dream you learned about the death of a loved one from other sources, then expect a promotion up the career ladder or an increase in salary. But remember: this requires a lot of effort and money. The dream book advises not to deal with other issues now, but to direct all your talents to work. In this case, prosperity is guaranteed to you.

If a relative (or friend) passed away quietly, but you felt heartbreaking pain, then expect global changes in your personal life. You may be surprised by the news of a new addition to the family.

Sweet dreams!

If a relative died in a dream, the dream book reminds that in the old days such stories not only did not disturb, but even replaced modern forecasts of weather forecasters. There are many other explanations for what the symbol means in dreams. Interpreters proceed from the degree of relationship and mood of the dreamer.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's dream book you can find a very unexpected explanation for why you dream that a relative who has died has to be buried again. Moreover, the deceased came to life at his own funeral. Rest assured, such a mysterious plot was not just a dream.

A loved one who has passed on to another world is trying to warn you that the idea is doomed, and you should not waste your time and energy on it.

Some unexpected event will cause great stress. At the same time, the incident will turn out to be a turning point for the better.

What's going on in the present

If the patient happened to see that a relative had died, the fateful sign promises that recovery is just around the corner. And vice versa: if you dreamed that a sick relative died in reality, he will recover.

When you happen to see a living close relative die suddenly in reality, the dream book is reassuring that a nightmare is nothing more than a reflection of the sleeper’s fear of being left without support.

The mood in a dream and after waking up can tell you a lot. Feelings of anxiety often mean that the dream hero is actually in a difficult situation. Trust your intuition and find out how your relative is doing, maybe you can help him.

What to expect in the future

When in a dream you happen to see that a close relative or relative has died, although the hero of the dream is alive in reality, a completely natural feeling of anxiety arises for him. The most common interpretation of the dream is the opposite: the one you dreamed about has many years of prosperity ahead of you.

If you dreamed that a relative or, in reality, a living loved one died, some dream books warn of serious, sometimes irreconcilable disagreements that may arise between the sleeping person and the one who dreamed about it.

The symbol means the inability to build relationships. An ignoramus runs the risk of finding himself face to face with the coming misfortune - no one will want to lend him a helping hand and will be right in their own way.

Who was the deceased?

The dream book explains why you dream of finding out that a relative has died. Prediction largely depends on the degree of relationship.

  • The death of your mother in a dream reminds you that it’s time to take care of yourself;
  • The image of a father who has passed into another world suggests that someone is yearning for the sleeping person;
  • The death of children foreshadows conflicts in the family and at work;
  • A relative with whom you are in a quarrel has died - you will soon make peace;
  • A distant relative has died - unexpected profit, winnings or gifts are possible;
  • The symbol calls for taking into account the interests of the family, consulting with relatives, and communicating more often;

If you dream about the death of a relative who is alive▼

A dream about the death of a relative who is alive promises him a long, joyful life. His health is not in danger, and your relationship is growing stronger day by day.

Why do you dream about the death of a close relative ▼

The death of a close relative in a dream has several meanings. On the one hand, these may be upcoming minor ones. On the other hand, if you had such a dream, it may symbolize the emergence of deep relationships in the future.

Dream about the death of an already deceased relative▼

If you dreamed about the death of a deceased relative, this indicates the depth of the relationship that connected you during life. Such dreams help one to come to terms with, to realize that one will have to go further along the path of life without a deceased relative.

What did you do in your dream?

Seeing the death of a relative in a dream▼

The dream book interprets the dream of the death of a relative as an internal dreamer. In the depths of the soul lurks an insidious feeling of guilt that prevents you from acting in reality.

If the dreamer receives news of the death of a relative ▼

If the death of a relative comes in a dream, this does not bode well for him. It’s just that in this way the dreamer imagines his thoughts about this person - his concern about him. To get rid of this obsessive feeling, you just need to meet with your relative more often in real life.

Many people believe that the death of a loved one in a dream is a negative omen that promises something bad. In fact, the opposite is true, since, according to numerous dream books, in most cases such a dream has a positive interpretation. To decipher a dream, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of interpretations.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one?

In most cases, such a dream, on the contrary, means that a loved one will live a long time. A dream in which a loved one has passed away far from you foreshadows a quick death, but an increase in wages is prophesied by a dream in which the death was unnoticeable. It is best to put aside all unimportant matters and devote all your efforts to developing your career. Let's figure out why we dream about the death of loved ones who tried to escape, but the dreamer was unable to help them. A plot like this means that, most likely, he did not fulfill an important promise in real life. The dream book gives a recommendation that you need to finish all your business and pay off your debts.

Seeing the death of a loved one and feeling mental pain at the same time means that significant changes will soon occur that relate to your personal life. A night vision in which a loved one died, losing a lot of blood, prophesies the occurrence of minor family troubles. Such a dream may also mean that a person needs the dreamer’s help. Let's find out what it means if you dream of the death of a loved one, which was unnatural, this is an indication that the dreamer is not opening up enough to other people. If the death of a loved one was due to the dreamer’s fault, it means that he is tired of numerous advice and wants to live his own life. A dream in which a loved one passed away in agony represents the presence of remorse. Seeing a loved one die quickly is a good sign, indicating that all problems will soon be resolved.

Why do you dream about the death of a close relative?

The death of parents in a dream foreshadows the receipt of a large sum of money in reality, for example, it could be a gift, an inheritance, or a win. The dream book hints that the ideal time has come to try your luck by buying a lottery ticket. Let's find out why we dream about the death of a close relative, namely a sister or brother, since such a dream indicates the presence of a problem in a relationship. Analyze your recent actions; perhaps you offended someone dear to you without meaning to.

One of the dream books states that the death of a relative in a dream symbolizes the fact that in real life his influence will decrease significantly, and perhaps you will have very little contact. If your grandmother died, then you should expect a serious turning point, and the changes will affect not only the dreamer, but the entire family. The night vision in which the husband died can be perceived as a recommendation that you should take a closer look at your spouse, because he's hiding something. If all parents died in a dream, this is an indication that the dreamer is currently in a difficult financial situation.

Why do you dream about the death of a close friend?

Such a dream in most cases is of a warning nature, since it indicates the presence of health problems. The Dream Interpretation recommends not to miss even minor deviations from the norm. The death of a friend may also promise the receipt of unpleasant news, and it should be treated as calmly as possible. The passing of a friend in a dream represents the presence of fatigue due to accumulated tasks and lack of time.

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