All names from the cartoon My Little Pony. My Little Pony full list of characters

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My Little Pony- This children's cartoon produced by Hasbro animation studio, part of the franchise of the same name, owned by the same company. The first episode of the show's first season was released on October 10, 2010.

In the animated series, the title of which was officially translated into Russian as “Friendship is a Miracle,” the action takes place in the fictional country of Equestria. Equestria is mainly populated by intelligent ponies, as well as others fantastic creatures(griffins and dragons) and ordinary animals (rabbits, dogs, cats and others).

The world of Equestria is full of magic, and almost no one in the land of ponies can do without it. For example, it is with the help of magic that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna control the time of day, raising the Sun or Moon at the right time.

All characters " May Little“Pony” there are more than a hundred in total, but most of them are minor and they appear in the cartoon only from time to time. Basically, the plot is built around 6 main heroines.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle)

We can say that it was with this pony that the entire animated series began.

Twilight Sparkle (in the official Russian adaptation - Twilight Sparkle) is a lilac-colored unicorn pony with purple eyes. Twilight's tail and mane are made up of three colors: dark blue, purple, and hot pink. Her cutie mark is a pink six-pointed star surrounded by five smaller white stars.

At the very beginning of the series, Twilight Sparkle is shown to the viewer as a pony who loves to learn and that's it. free time spends time reading books, preferring them to communication and walks with friends. However, everything changes when Princess Celestia asks Twilight to go to Ponyville to oversee preparations for the festival.

Rarity (Rarity)

Of all the characters in My Little Pony, Rarity can be called the most fashionable and elegant. Like Twilight Sparkle, she's a unicorn, but that's it. external similarities ends between them.

Rarity is a white pony whose mane and tail are dark purple and her eyes are bright blue. WITH in English her name literally translates as “rarity,” which fully characterizes this pony: Rarity loves everything unusual, knowing a lot about true beauty. Her cutie mark is 3 blue crystals.


Pony Fluttershy - pegasus light yellow color. Her mane and tail are soft pink and her eyes are turquoise. This pony's cutie mark is 3 pink butterflies.

Fluttershy was the shyest and shyest of all the characters in My Little Pony before she met Twilight Sparkle and the others. In the first episode of the animated series, she spoke in a quiet, unintelligible voice and could not even pronounce her name, but after meeting new friends, she became more confident in herself.

Pony Fluttershy loves animals and strives to constantly take care of them. She is able to communicate with them and understand, and also has an innate talent - a special look allows the pony to control animals.

In his forest house Fluttershy sheltered a large number of various representatives of the fauna, but her favorite pet is a white rabbit named Angel.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash, Rainbow)

One of the fastest among all the My Little Pony characters is Rainbow Dash. This pegasus is light blue in color with lilac eyes, and her mane and tail are colored in the colors of the rainbow. The pony's cutie mark is also related to this - rainbow lightning shooting from a white cloud.

Rainbow Dash is the complete opposite of Fluttershy: bold, self-confident and cocky. Sometimes Rainbow can be a little rude, which is why she has conflicts with her friends, but in reality she is very kind and is always ready to help.

Rainbow Dash's main responsibility is to monitor the weather in Ponyville, clearing the sky of clouds. When she first meets Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash says that she can clear away all the clouds in 10 seconds, which is the fastest time of any pony in the city.

Pinkie Pie

In addition to pegasi and unicorns, Equestria is also inhabited by ordinary ponies with greatest similarity with real horses. One of them is Pinkie Pie (Pinkamina Diana Pie). This pony is tender- Pink colour with a mane and tail more bright shade. Her eyes are light blue and her cutie mark is 3 balloon.

Most of all, this pony loves sweets and parties. She works at a local bakery where she helps Mr. and Mrs. Cake bake cupcakes and cakes. Cooking is her main talent. Pinky also loves music and can play many musical instruments.

Pinkie Pie is very cheerful and cheerful, which sometimes goes to the extreme. There is practically nothing that could make her sad, but sometimes, due to increased emotionality, her joy can suddenly change to sadness, bordering on depression.

Apple Jack

Applejack - green-eyed pony orange color with a wheat-colored mane and tail. Her distinctive sign is 3 red apples.

Applejack from My Little Pony lives and works on the family farm, Sweet Apple, where, in addition to her, Applejack's brother Big McIntosh also works. younger sister Apple Bloom and Granny Smith.

Applejack is a reliable and hard-working pony, but can be overly stubborn at times. In almost every episode of the animated series, Epjack demonstrates her honesty and straightforwardness - qualities for which all her friends value her.

Pinkie Pie( Pinkie Pie) - translated as Little Finger Pie. But I used to think: what if it’s just “pink” pink? Maybe! Then you get Pink Pie (or Little Pink Pie).

Apple Jack

Apple Jack - Apple Vodka or Apple Cider. And if you just write her name separately, you get “Apple” and “Jack”.

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash - Rainbow Dash. Or Rainbow Dash.


Rarity ( Rarity) - Rarity, Curiosity, Rarity. Carousel translated as Rarity. The word rarity means something like the word rarity. And it’s true, Rarity is very fashionable and sews beautiful dresses.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle) - Twilight Sparkle. Twilight is Twilight, Sparkle is Sparkle. This means that she should be called Twilight. The name in translation is very suitable for Twilight, her label fits “Sparkle”, “Twilight” is already known: she looks like night and the opposite side Sunset shimmer.

Sunset shimmer

Sunset shimmer( Sunset Shimmer) - Sunset Shimmer. Sunset matches her hair, Shimmer matches her mark. Or Shimmering Sunset.


Fluttershy - in dictionaries, if this word is written in English, it will simply be Fluttershy. But if you look at the word more closely, it can be translated as “Timid Trembling.”

WITH elegance

Celestia - translated as “divine” - Celestial or “Heavenly”.

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It is with her arrival in the town of Ponyville in Equestria that this story begins. She has a lilac color and a blue mane with pink stripes. If at the very beginning Sparkle was an introverted pony who was only interested in studying, then in Ponyville she makes friends: Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy, and reveals her friendly and kind character. Sparkle is always ready to give good advice to her friends. She is also the calmest and most rational of the whole group, and is also distinguished by her straightforwardness.

Another important trait of her character is skepticism. She is distrustful of everything supernatural, and even when she encounters evidence, she still remains skeptical and tries to refute it. Let's say she declares that all Pinky's predictions are nothing more than a coincidence, even though they come true over and over again. And with all her skepticism, it is she who is the element of magic.


This pony works at the Apple Alley farm and mainly grows apples, of course. She represents the element of honesty, always ready to help those in need and helps her sister Apple Bloom and friends. She has several main distinctive features: firstly, she has a huge appetite, she is able to eat anything and as much as she wants; secondly, her stubbornness, which sometimes leads her to arguments and even cunning, which is unbearable for such an honest pony, so she is always the first to apologize.

Applejack doesn't care what she looks like, and she's never afraid to get dirty. Rarity is horrified by her mannerisms when she eats with open mouth, enters the house with dirty hooves, and most importantly - oh horror! – does not make the bed. She hates things that she calls "girly", let's say ball dresses, wears a cowboy hat and wears his mane in a ponytail.

Represents the element of fidelity. Her loyalty is tested more than once, but she always remains faithful to her friends. She also has other qualities, for example, a competitive spirit, because of which she often enters into competitions, and according to her own statement, she hates losing most of all. In addition, she is self-confident, sometimes even impudent, and is very fond of practical jokes.

Pinkie Pie

This pink pony works in a candy store and throws parties. She is always cheerful, optimistic and chatty, embodying the element of laughter. It is she who usually defuses tense situations with her funny antics, and often does things that baffle her friends, and most of all the rational Sparkle, which is why she is not always taken seriously.


A shy golden-pink pegasus pony who embodies the element of kindness. Her timidity is so great that when she first appeared, she could not even say her name loud enough for Twilight Sparkle to understand it, and often hides her face under her mane. However, she loves animals very much, and she and Twilight manage to find mutual language with the help of Spike, Twilight's pet.


Designer and seamstress, runs her own fashion store, Boutique Carousel. Represents the element of generosity, is distinguished by great elegance and love of luxury, she takes her duties very seriously. appearance, being the complete opposite of Applejack, and her manner of speaking is very stilted.

« Names are not translated...»

“I didn’t say anything,” March Hare hastily interrupted him.
“No, I did,” Mad Hatter objected.
“I didn’t think so,” March told Hare. - I deny everything!
“He denies everything,” said King, “don’t put it in the protocol!”
“Well then, that means Dormouth said it.”

« Names are not translated»

“Girl,” said Big Bad Wolf, “where are you going?”
“I’m going to my Grandmother,” answered Little Red Riding Hood, “to bring her some pies.”

« Names are not translated!»

- Hello, Mr. Filsey! — I prefer “Mr. Rich.”

Names are not translated - this rule is often cited as an argument on forums; it is indignantly used by the authors of reviews of the next “Little Red Riding Hood”; You can even hear it on TV along with a joke about the name Serpen (August). Hundreds of comments to “” in one way or another touched on the issue of translating names. As a rule, the answer to this question was unequivocal “ don't translate" And it’s not without reason that there’s such a reaction!

- You are Moon Pony, Moon Pony!

Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of reproaching translators (not only of the series “ Friendship is the miracle) for such “adaptations”. For example, one of the characters " Toy Stories", astronaut, in the original name is Buzz Lightyear. The first name is a reference to real-life astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the last name is a space-themed word (light year). Both versions of the Russian translation, Svetik And Lighter, are unsuccessful in their own way. The first one has nothing to do with space, but rather reminds us of Tsvetik from the adventures of Dunno. The second one also points not to space, but to a lighter. Animated series " Kim Possible"for some reason turned into " Kim Possible" The lost play on words with a parody of a famous spy film has been replaced by an association - not even with an assessment! - with candy from the school canteen.

« Names are not translated»

– a search for this phrase will not give any links to textbooks for translators. Only forums, magazines and discussions in which “everyone knows that names cannot be translated,” “this is a rule,” “they teach this in school.”

What is this rule and where did it come from? Where can I read it?

The names in the passport are not translated - this is done for the convenience of both those crossing the border and government employees. This also includes the situation with Augustus-Serpen (in addition, this is August, who is Serpen, named in honor of Augustus, who is Octavian). For literary text Rather, the following rule applies: “ names are not translated...poor quality" Viewers of the first season were shocked not by the very fact of translating the name of the Moon Pony - Moon Pony, but by such a construction of the phrase, the translation of two characters as one, and the loss of the play on words. By the way, find an adequate replacement for the double pun mare(sea) – mare(horse), night mare(mare of darkness) – nightmare(nightmare) is really very difficult.

In the second season, a different trend emerged, which at first many perceived with enthusiasm. Wonderbolts, Rapid Fire, Fleetfoot, Cloud Chaser... The first sign of the fallacy of this approach was Siterniptrag (Hayseed Turnip Truck). The names will not say anything to the Russian viewer Jet Set, Upper Crust And Fancy Pants(they tried to keep the joke here - rather unsuccessfully). And with the rich man Filsey Richam, as the Bronies put it, the translators “didn’t talk.”

The authors of the Russian version listened to numerous requests regarding character names. But in the end, the result can be described as a series about outfits from the first season: at first you like it, and then it reaches the point of absurdity. In addition to the mentioned Siterniptrag in the series, for example, there are Princess Platinum And wise Clover. Let him beat Clover the Clever it didn’t work out (which is a pity), but who would be worse off Platinum And Clover?

The book “ The word is alive and dead"( by the famous translator and editor Nora Gal. The book is structured as a review of examples of successful and unsuccessful work with language and is especially directed against the excessive and unjustified use of clerical style and foreign language borrowings. Nora Gal analyzes many translation, writing and simply speech errors and outlines some general principles, thanks to which literary text sounds lively and expressive, reads captivatingly and inspires the reader’s trust (based on Wikipedia materials). A separate chapter is dedicated to the names of the heroes. works of art(

The following quote from Nora Gal's book shows how the honest senator was treated:

« But, I think, the case is not trivial and therefore more distressing. Twain's novel was translated anew, almost a pamphlet, where the American electoral system, parliamentary morals, the Senate and senators were sharply and evilly ridiculed. In the sea of ​​venality and demagoguery, Twain erected one island - a senator named Noble. But not every Russian reader knows that Noble in English means noble, honest. Couldn't this senator be christened in a way that sounds English and still lets the meaning shine through? Why not at least a senator named Chasten! After all, there are surnames Chester, Chesterton, Chesterfield.»

Let's return to the character Filthy Rich and consider the translation of his name in more detail. Literally this expression means “ filthy rich", which is what the joke is based on: " Mr. Filthy? – I prefer Mr. Rich" Of course, in literal translation the joke will be lost - as well as without translation at all. Why not pick up Russian analogues of the expression “filthy rich”? For example, "money bag". "Mr. Bag" is already more like a joke. “Money” is not very suitable for the role of a name, so you can play with the types of money. For example, dinero is very similar in structure to famous surname DiCaprio (or De Niro). And here is a new dialogue between Granny Smith and Mr. Bag Di Nero: “ Mister Bag? – I prefer “Mr. Di Nero”».

However, the word “ Bag", to put it mildly, sounds very strange as a name. But there are other expressions that characterize wealth: “rakes money with a shovel,” “moneybags.”

« Mister La Pato? – I prefer “Mr. Grabby”"(Grabby La Pato)

« Mr. Tolsto... - I prefer “Mr. Rich”"(Moneybags Rich - real name retained here)

Or in a more condensed version:
« Mr. Thick... - I prefer “Mr. Sam”"(Fat Sam)

Pay attention to the declensions: a man’s surname does not have an “o” (Di Nero), just like a woman’s name does not have a consonant (Smith), but there is no declination male surname on a consonant and feminine on “a” - this is a mistake. Therefore, for example, Princess Celestia had to announce the wedding Shining A Armora(cf. Mark Twain) and princesses Mi Amora Cadenz Y . There really is such a rule (, although on forums dedicated to translation from Japanese, users sometimes make it a rule that it is prohibited to declension of surnames with “a” (for example, Akira Kurosawa). Apparently, this “rule” is just as justified as the ban on translating names.

Let's look at other names. Terrifying to hear Siterniptraga Of course, it was not worth translating literally: “ Hay and Beet Truck» (« Hayseed Turnip Truck"). But it was possible to limit simple name, which sounds quite English – and at the same time Russian! – Reddis.

What about the names of the main characters? So far, out of six, only one and a half have been translated (yes, Rainbow Dash , like Moon Pony, also caused “delight” among the audience). At the same time the name Twilight Sparkle Quite pleasant to the ear: in our world a horse may well be called Sparkle.

Applejack. This name in the original relates not only to apples themselves, which, by the way, is played out in the teaser Appletiny. Broni found an excellent analogy in Russian: Anisovka. Both meanings are present in the name (although methodologists and psychologists may not like them).

Fluttershy. Based on the name, this pony is very timid, which is why she trembles. In the Russian language there is an idiom for this case: trembles like an aspen leaf. Osinka!

At first glance, how can you translate the name Fluttershy this way? But later in the series there are two teasers: Flutterguy(which indicates her new voice) And Klutzershy(sad sack). In the first case, Spike can call Osinka With a baton, in the second, pegasus athletes laugh at the slow-moving Kerosene stove. Here's what a conversation on a train would sound like:

- What should we do with the tree? - Are you talking about the apple tree? - No, I'm talking about Osinka. ... - She's not a tree, Dashie! - And I would like to become a tree!..

It's not just the names of the characters that help maintain the atmosphere of the series: almost every title hides a joke, a play on words - often, as noted in the "Petition", related to horses ( Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Canterlot). Without translation of some names, the series will also lose color. Here, as an example, we can cite “ Dodge JunkEshon", the town that AJ is leaving for. As the reservations suggested, the town can be given a name Adventurer's Shelter or Sly. It is immediately obvious that something is unclean there!

Pegasus team name " The Wonderbolts" is a reference to the American aerobatic team « Thunderbirds" And even if it didn’t work out in the Russian version, “ Wonderbolts"is still closer and clearer to the viewer than " Wonderbolts" Fleetfoot, one of the group's members, also remained as is - but the name speaks of its speed. The appearance and decisive (as it later turns out) character of the captain is reflected in the name Spitfire. To translate or not is a moot point: on the one hand, “ Spitfire» – famous military aircraft; on the other hand, you can give her a last name Fire(by analogy with O’Henry or O’Neill), however, not so seriously perceived by ear.

« Names are not translated?»

Let us remember here another “lightning” - we mean the cartoon character “ Bolt». Vivid meaning the name was perfectly conveyed by replacing just one letter: in the Russian version the dog’s name is Volt. If he stays Bolt– associations would come to mind, for example, with a construction site or a workshop (and this is in the best case).

There is a character with an adapted name, who doesn’t mind the “techie” associations: Gadget from Rescuers (“ Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"). Name " gadget” would have sounded incomprehensible at the time of this translation. And now it will be more suitable for a computer geek than for an inventor.

The Disney animated series that appeared on our screens in the early nineties are generally very successful in terms of both translation and adaptation. Who doesn't know Black Cloak with his catchphrase “ come on, away from the screw!» Neither Darkwing Duck, nor Darkwing Duck are not both a good name and a recognizable image. The name of its pilot is also adapted very competently: the viewer can imagine the trajectories along which he flies Zigzag McCrack(orig. Launchpad McQuack).

The very first example was the dialogue from " Alice» Carroll. Translator Demurova wrote a separate article about “ Alice”, in which, in particular, attention is paid to names (“ On the translation of Carroll's tales", Without going into details, we note that Hatter, Sonya Mouse, Tweedledee and Tweedledee, Jabberwocky With Bandersnatch would lose a part of themselves if their names were translated “head-on” or not translated at all.

With rare exceptions, all the names in the series about ponies are “talking”. Therefore, the question of whether to translate or not is inappropriate. It's more worth asking, How translate (or rather - adapt). If we ignore each name separately, then we can answer it like this: thoroughly, thoughtfully, efficiently.

An animated cartoon about the task of one of the characters, named Twilight Sparkle, who was sent by her teacher, Princess Celestia, on an important task - to find friends and learn what friendship is.
Twilight Sparkle, who, along with all the cartoon characters, lives in the fairy-tale country of Equestria, goes to the city of Ponyville, accompanied by the dragon Spike, whom the princess sent to look after and help the student. They meet various people of the country and become friends with some of them. Every day Twilight Sparkle sends her report to her mentor, Princess Celestia, about new adventures and events.
Dreamland where ponies live Equestria, which is also inhabited by different residents(read the names of the My Little Pony characters below), among which there are unicorns, which include little Twilight Sparkle, as well as Earth ponies, Pegasi and Alicorns. Every resident of this country lives for a reason, but has their own responsibilities, they are endowed with magic and magical powers.
Unicorns all have one horn, which contains their magic, and also know how to use telekinesis. They are a type of pony with a horn.
Earth ponies are mainly engaged in various types Agriculture, therefore, among all the inhabitants they are closest to nature. Ponies are very hardworking and this is what their species is famous for.
Pegasi in the country they control the weather, they manage this with ease, since from birth Pegasi are endowed with wings, which allows them to fly among the clouds, on which, by the way, they can also walk.
Alicorns separate species, there are very few of them, but they are the most powerful in the country, since they embody elements of the other three species at once, they are not just ponies, but ponies with wings and a horn. Possess great mystical power, there are only five of them in the whole country.
Name Photo Description Who voiced

My Little Pony list of main characters

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle
Sparkle is called Twilight, she has a very interesting body color, but her tail and mane are blue, with purple and pink stripes on them. She is the best student of Celestine, who is a princess in the cartoon. Sparkle is a book lover and is passionate about magic and science. Sparkle is the embodiment of the element of magic. Tara Strong,
Olga Golovanova


earth pony
Applejack is the element of honesty and is a cheerful orange pony with green eyes and a yellow mane. She is also marked with the sun and has freckles. This pony is very reliable, she is good-natured and attentive to the problems of others. On her head is a cowboy hat. The whole family of this pony lives on a small farm called Apple Alley. The whole family grows fragrant apples and then sells them. They also bake all sorts of sweets from apples and sell them too. Ashley Ball
Larisa Brokhman,
Olga Shorokhova

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash is a very brave pony horse, she is heavenly in color and has pink eyes. Dash is a very brave pony, she is not afraid of anything, and her job is to drive clouds across the sky. She feels great in the sky and moves quickly there. She wants to join the squad of the best ponies that fly. This pony is the embodiment of loyalty. Ashley Ball
Lina Ivanova,
Elena Chebaturkina


Rarity is a unicorn who works as a fashion designer. He has his own personal boutique called Carousel. He is very cute, his mane is purple bright color, always chicly styled, and her body is snow-white. Rarity loves sewing and does it all the time. She is a big neat person, she likes order, and she embodies generosity. Her sign, which distinguishes her from others, is three sky-colored crystals. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova


Fluttershy, a cute pegasus who is very afraid of heights. She has a sunny yellow body and a pink mane. This pony loves to communicate with her brothers. She has magical look, which is unique, she knows how to master it perfectly. Her gaze can frighten any animal. But in fact, Fluttershy is shy and very often gets scared by any rustle, she lives in a forest, she has her own house there. She is the embodiment of kindness. It can be distinguished by three pink butterflies. Andrea Libman,
Olga Golovanova

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie
earth pony
Pinkie Pie is a very cheerful pony, her color is pink and her mane and tail are curly. She is a big fidget and cannot sit in one place for a single minute. She loves to play pranks on her friends, organize various parties for them, and loves sweets. She is an employee of a bakery whose name is Sugar Corner. She is the embodiment of laughter. It can be recognized by its distinctive icon, these are three balloons. Andrea Libman,
Lina Ivanova


the Dragon
Spike the dragon holds the position of assistant to the well-known Sparkle. Spike the dragon was awakened by Sparkle while he was sleeping in the Egg. During the magic exam, she revived him. He is very small for now and loves turquoise. He is in currently in love with his lady love Rarity. Katie Weslak,
Olga Shorokhova

My Little Pony minor characters

Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia
Celestia is a princess heroine whose task is to raise the Sun every day. This beauty is an alicorn, she has a very long horn and large wings, thanks to which she can fly. Her mane is constantly developing, even in the absence of a breeze. Its color is deep turquoise, and its distinctive sign is the Sun. Nicole Oliver
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova

Princess Moon

Princess Luna
She is called Princess of the Moon and is Celestia's little sister. Her dream is to plunge everything into constant and eternal night. But Celestia defeated her, imprisoning her on the moon and using the elements of harmony, and then turning her into a princess. And she turned from an evil and treacherous pony into a decent and good princess Moons. Her eyes are dark green, her mane is dark blue, which flickers with lights. It can be identified by its blue crescent. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova

Princess Cadence

Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance is Twilight's favorite nanny. She has a special talent: when ponies quarrel, she knows how to reconcile them very quickly. She has bright purple eyes, as well as purple-pink wings that help her move quickly. You can recognize her from afar, because her distinctive sign is a blue heart, it is made in the form of a ring in a gold rim. Britt McKillip
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova,
Olga Shorokhova

Shining Armor

Shining Armor
Armor is one of Twilight's brothers, who is considered the most best brother and calls it SBDN, it is distinguished by its blue color and dark blue stripes. Married to Princess Cadence. Cheerful and kind, brave and selfless, probably because of these character traits he became the ruler of the Crystal Empire. Andrew Francis
Evgeniy Valts,
Oleg Virozub

Flurry Heart

Flurry Heart
Twilight's niece, daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Flurry Heart is the only alicorn in the country who did not appear with the help of magic, but was born in natural conditions. Quite by accident, she broke the “Crystal Heart” artifact, for this reason frost and darkness fell on the country, but by uniting into one crystallization, the alicorns managed to restore warmth and light. Tabitha St. Germain


the Dragon
This dragon sowed the spirit of discord and chaos, but was imprisoned in stone. After some time, he freed himself, but with the help of his friends’ magic he was defeated and reincarnated into a good dragon. John de Lancie
Nikita Prozorovsky

Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom
earth pony
She founded the "Mark Finders" club and became a leader. Has a yellow color. Michelle Kroeber,
Olga Shorokhova


Scootaloo, a pegasus, is a girl, but with a boyish personality. Extreme sports enthusiast, loves to ride a scooter. It is distinguished by its orange color and blue mane. Madeleine Peters
Lina Ivanova

Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle
A shy unicorn who sings well. Relatively clumsy, dreams of becoming a designer. Claire Corlett
Olga Golovanova

Babs Seed

Babs Seed
earth pony
A pony from a neighboring town is looking for insignia along with everyone else. It has a dark ocher coloration with a dark pink mane with pink stripes, as well as white freckles. Brianna Drummond
Daria Frolova


The first griffin to receive the insignia. Talented and friendly. Erin Matthews,
Daria Frolova

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer
Stubborn, insidious and cruel, although at first glance friendly, sincere and caring. Knows how to remove distinctive signs from other heroes. Kelly Sheridan,
Lina Ivanova

In addition to the above-mentioned characters, the country of Equestria is home to many other inhabitants, both good and evil.

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