Performances by Andrey Rozhkov in the Ural dumplings. Andrey Rozhkov: biography, creative life, family

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« Ural dumplings", showman, actor, TV presenter.

Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov/ Andrei Rozhkov was born in the spring of 1971 in Sverdlovsk. He tried three times to get a diploma as a welding engineer at the Ural Polytechnic Institute, but not a single attempt was successful. Rozhkov admits that the reason for this was the very fun life that took place in the construction team: student competitions, propaganda teams, meeting other teams.

The creative path of Andrei Rozhkov / Andrei Rozhkov

In 1993, a humorous evening was held at the Rainbow sports and recreation camp, where a team of five people performed. After resounding success, they decided to try their hand at the KVN game and took original name « Ural dumplings».

In two years Andrey Rozhkov became team captain.

– I joined KVN in 1995, and then, of course, everything was much simpler: there were fewer teams, almost no competition. In my opinion, about fifty teams came to the festival then. And it’s easier to stand out among fifty than among four hundred and fifty, as it is now. Imagine: competition in KVN has increased ninefold!

The team " Ural dumplings“There is a special “Ural” flavor, and the host of the competition, Alexander Vasilyevich, immediately singled out the guys. However, after a wild party, which was usually accompanied by alcohol, they were almost kicked out before the start of the competition. After editor Mikhail Shats stood up for the KVN participants, “Ural Dumplings” celebrated their successful debut on stage.

Andrey Rozhkov became one of the authors of the script for the show “Big Difference”, presented several joint miniatures with Alexander Revva on the stage of the “Comedy Club”, took part in comedy programs “ Show News", "Ural dumplings" and " You're funny!", and also starred in several serial projects, including the film "Valera-TV".

Personal life of Andrei Rozhkov / Andrei Rozhkov

He met his wife Elvira through mutual friends. Six years later, they formalized their relationship; the lovers had a son, Semyon. Five years later, the couple had another boy - Peter.

Andrey Rozhkov stated that they are not going to stop there and really want to raise their daughter.

– The youngest and the oldest are completely different guys. Although they look like two peas in a pod. Our little one is a destroyer. He broke everything that could be broken at home. Four chairs, broke all the mugs. The last thing he made was a TV, a plasma. I took a child's hammer, hit it, and the screen cracked. That's it, it doesn't work anymore. So now we live without a TV. And good.

Andrey Rozhkov lives with his family in Yekaterinburg and is building a country house. Unlike his colleagues, he does not seek to move to Moscow.

“Rather than go kneading mud, it’s better to go to the sea and the sun, so that the children can eat fruit.” I realized that I really like Uralic Pine forest. I miss it and want to go there all the time. In difficult moments of life, you want to sit under a pine tree. I even pick mushrooms sometimes. We have a lot of mushrooms. Come and we'll treat you!

Besides, Andrey Rozhkov gets carried away extreme species sports: kiting and windsurfing.

Andrey Rozhkov is wonderful Russian comedian. A charming, artistic showman, with an amazing sense of humor and charisma.

A permanent participant in the show “Ural Dumplings”, a favorite of the audience of different ages. Real National artist. The captain of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” is a born leader, capable of rallying people around him.

Andrey Rozhkov date and place of birth

Andrey Rozhkov height, weight

Andrey Rozhkov's height is 177 centimeters. Weight 80 kilograms.

Andrey Rozhkov biography

Andrei Borisovich was born and grew up in an ordinary Soviet family. He was an inquisitive boy who loved to ask questions and get answers. One day, an aunt came to visit the Rozhkov family. She had an automatic umbrella with her. The boy was greatly intrigued by the working principle of the amazing object. He quietly retired with this umbrella and completely dismantled it. He was no longer able to collect it. His parents scolded him, but decided that they were raising a future engineer.

The boy was actively interested in the structure of something. I made shooting games, firecrackers, and watched my father fix the car. I loved going to the village to visit my grandmothers in the summer. I liked herding cows, going for mushrooms, picking berries. Sports were also close to the boy. He became acquainted with swimming at the age of six, when his family went on vacation to Anapa. A few years later I started going to the pool and doing martial arts. His choice was judo.

The artist began performing on stage while still in school. On one of school events schoolchildren showed miniatures from the lives of teachers and students. The audience was delighted. School was finished, certificate in hand. There was a choice to be made. Andrey Rozhkov “Ural Dumplings” In life, many things are decided by choice. Rozhkov did the right thing. Entered Polytechnic. Andrey actively participated in the life of the university. I really wanted to become a member of the Altair construction team. But they didn’t take him there. He joined the Horizon team and became one of his own.

Within the framework of the university and its life, a team of like-minded people was formed - Brekotkin, Isaev. With this composition, the guys began to play in KVN. The team was named “Ural dumplings”. Interestingly, there was such a restaurant in Yekaterinburg, and every participant dreamed of visiting it. The guys were seriously preparing for the games. KVN has become the main event, a passion in the life of each participant.

In 1995, the team entered the KVN Major League, and Rozhkov was its captain. The guys became the “Last Champion of the 20th Century”, winning the major league in 2000. The team was distinguished by their wit, charm and charisma, and incredible team spirit. KVN in the life of the team ended, but the humor remained. The guys were able to organize their own own show, where miniatures are shown, jokes are made, and songs are sung. The show “Ural Dumplings” is shown on the STS channel.

Andrey Rozhkov best numbers in the show “Ural Dumplings”

  • Was a participant in the show "Show News"
  • He wrote scripts and participated as an actor in the show “Big Difference”
  • Participated in the project “Unreal Story”
  • Appeared more than once in Comedy Club miniatures
  • He voiced such projects as: “Wolves and Sheep”, “Fairytale Patrol” “Paper”
  • Played in the film "Lucky Chance"
  • Loves football. He plays this game himself
  • Enjoys extreme sports - windsurfing, karting
  • I like to travel and buy unusual authentic things.

Personal life of Andrey Rozhkov

Rozhkov is married to Elvira. The couple has three children - Makar, Semyon and Peter.

Public position

Andrey was a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the 2018 presidential elections.


Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov - talented comedian, great artist, great person. The creativity of Rozhkov and “Ural Dumplings” is non-trivial, as correct and ironic as possible.

How comedian Andrei Rozhkov achieved success and founded the most successful team KVN?

Andrey Rozhkov, one of the veterans Russian KVN, delights viewers with his performances on television, the extraordinary scripts that he prepares for his team and various television shows. Fans are interested in the biography of the famous comedian, latest news in his career and personal life. We will talk about all this in the following material, we will tell you who Rozhkov’s wife and children are.

How did a sense of humor help the star achieve great success?

Andrei Borisovich was born on March 23, 1971 in Sverdlovsk into a family that had nothing to do with art. The boy grew up in a friendly atmosphere under the supervision of cheerful parents. The ability to laugh at oneself and at the jokes of others was passed on future star and played a key role in his fate.

Parents devoted a lot of time to raising Rozhkov, although they gave him quite a lot of freedom. They skillfully protected from addictions to alcohol and smoking, and were not allowed to behave irresponsibly. Due to this, Andrey took only the best.

Photo by Andrey Rozhkov

At school the boy was an average student; he was remembered more not for his academic successes and good grades, but by extracurricular activities and jokes. After receiving the certificate, the teenager did not go to the university, but to the Ural Polytechnic, which educated many Russian stars KVN.

He studied to become a “welding engineer”, but, as in school, he devoted more time to have a fun life as part of a youth construction team. It was then that he and his friends came up with the idea of ​​creating a team and starting to make their way into the “Merry and Resourceful Club”. This idea arose in 1993 after a performance by young people at the Rainbow camp.

It came to fruition with the creation of the famous “Ural dumplings”. For some time, Andrei acted as a member of the team, but his friends saw him as a leader for his bright performances, many ideas, responsibility and organizational skills. In 1995, Rozhkov became captain of the team.

In the same year, “Ural Dumplings” performed at the Moscow KVN festival in Moscow. Then Alexander Maslyakov Sr. noticed them and saw enormous talent in the guys; with the support of editor Mikhail Shats, the team was able to get into the Major League.

A little later, the young stars managed to perform at a gala concert in Sochi - the audience was happy to meet the already beloved “Ural dumplings”.

Rozhkov in the image of the Moor

Every season until 2000, the team participated in comedian competitions and entered the KVN Major League, and in 2000 the guys were able to win: they were named the last champion of the century.

Afterwards, Rozhkov and his team continued to work on television and founded several popular television shows. In 2009, STS began broadcasting the TV show “Ural Dumplings,” which gained enormous popularity: viewers and fans could watch humor stars regularly.

Andrei’s talent allowed him to transform into many hilarious roles: on stage and on television he often appeared in the images of women and even grandmothers.

Rozhkov managed to participate in several television projects that were founded by his friends and associates. In some he was a participant, in others as a guest artist, in others as a screenwriter.

In 2013, “Ural dumplings” had the honor of holding anniversary concert in the Kremlin Palace - this is how they celebrated their 20th anniversary.

The man continues his active creativity. He managed to star in several TV series, including: “Southern Butovo”, “Unreal Story”, etc. Rozhkov is friends with Alexander Revva, too famous comedians and a participant in the show " Comedy Club", participated with him in joint miniatures.

Who is the wife of the Russian KVN star?

Andrey has many friends, girls appreciate and love him for his ability to joke brightly and pleasantly surprise. More than 10 years ago he found his love - it turned out to be Elvira. The romance lasted 6 years before leading to marriage.

Began family relationships, which were soon illuminated by the birth of their son Semyon, and five years later - Peter. By the way, heredity has already begun to manifest itself in the eldest son: he successfully participates in school evenings.

The couple do not intend to stop and want to realize Andrei’s dream - to have a daughter.

The happy family lives in Yekaterinburg, despite the fact that Rozhkov often has to visit Moscow. But he loves too much hometown to leave him.

This is the story of the famous funny man and caring father Andrei Rozhkov. His talent continues to sparkle with new ideas and funny performances. We wish the man further success in his professional and family career.

Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov is a comedian, TV presenter, screenwriter, captain of the KVN team, former head of the creative association “Ural Dumplings”, and now a member of the duet “Your Dumplings”.

Together with the image of the incomparable Grandmother in “Dumplings”, bright performer He is remembered by fans of humor for filming the shows “Comedy Club”, “MyasorUPka”, “Unreal Story”, “Yuzhnoye Butovo”, “Paper”, “Valera-TV”, as well as in the comedy film “Lucky Chance”.


The future extraordinary comedian was born in Sverdlovsk on March 28, 1971, in a working-class family.

As a child, he was a very inquisitive child: he loved to watch his father make crafts and repair a car. When one day his aunt came to visit them with a Japanese automatic umbrella, the boy quietly retired to the bathroom and disassembled it into parts, trying to figure out the principle of operation. unusual mechanism. He failed to assemble it again, but the adults realized that there was an engineer growing up in their family. Later he attended a club young technicians, he was moderately hooligan, making automatic shooters, scarecrows, and flying rockets with his friends.

Andryusha also liked to spend time with his grandparents, who lived in the village: some in the Moscow region, others in the Urals. He loved to go with them to the forest to pick mushrooms, berries, nuts, run barefoot on freshly cut grass, herd cows, and fish.

When, at the age of 6, he went on vacation with his parents to Anapa, he saw the sea for the first time and was indescribably delighted. Then he learned to swim, although he took a lot of water while doing it. Andrei’s favorite books in those years were “Silver Hoof” and “ Stone Flower» Pavel Bazhov.

In the third grade of school, he was fond of swimming - he could freely swim 50 meters underwater. He was seriously involved in judo and had a sports rank, he loved skiing, participated in amateur performances.

The future artist’s debut appearance on stage took place as part of a school propaganda team. They made parodies of school life and teachers. According to Andrey, the audience then cried with laughter.

Career development

Having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man entered the mechanical and mechanical engineering faculty of the local polytechnic. He chose welding technology as his specialty.

Even when he was an applicant, Andrei dreamed of getting into a construction brigade, so already in his first year he hurried to join this elite student movement. True, his first attempt to become a construction worker was unsuccessful. He completed the young fighter course and the initiation rite in the Altair detachment, but then he was expelled from the team, where there was a very tough selection. By the way, the members of Altair later very much regretted this circumstance.

But in another construction team, “Horizon,” he immediately fell in line, met real friends and like-minded people there, and then remained in its ranks for six years.

Andrey Rozhkov in KVN

According to some sources, he graduated from the institute, but according to others, he did not (allegedly, even on the third attempt he could not defend his diploma). Then he worked, but not as an engineer, but as a construction worker, where the salary was higher.

In 1993, he and other construction brigade members (Dmitry Brekotkin, Sergei Isaev, Dmitry Solovyov, Sergei Ershov), while relaxing at the Rainbow summer camp, came up with an incredibly funny number and performed it at a humorous evening, causing genuine delight in the audience. Inspired, they created the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”.

According to Andrey, preparing for the games was like a sip for him fresh air, a real outlet after hard work. The friends got together almost every day, they gave out incredible interesting ideas, jokes, reprises.

In 1995, he was elected team captain. In his new capacity, he participated in the games at the festival in Sochi, where their first major success awaited them - access to the Major League. Then, for several years in the “big” KVN, they never tired of surprising fans of humor with their sparkling performances.

Rozhkov became the most noticeable and recognizable player, a brilliant author of many incredibly positive and amazing numbers. In 2000, the team became the winner Major League, having earned the unofficial status " The latest champions XX century". Among the achievements of Ekaterinburg residents was also the “KVN Super-Champions Cup” and five prizes from the “Voting KiViN” festival.

Show Business

After completing his career in KVN, Andrei Rozhkov continued his creative activity in creating unique and original projects “Pelmeni”, which in 2009 began to perform as creative association, participated in other entertainment programs. Often, to portray him on stage, he received the image of an amusing Grandmother. As his colleagues joked, he agreed to play the role of an old woman solely in the hope of inheriting her apartment.

Andrey Rozhkov as grandmother

The actor was an agent of "Show News", offering a comic version of the usual news broadcast, a participant in the show "Southern Butovo", in which the central roles were played by Dima Brekotkin and Sergei Svetlakov, and such superstars as Garik Kharlamov, Alexander Tsekalo, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Philip were involved Kirkorov.

Andrey Rozhkov in the show “Ural Dumplings” - Date in Prison

He was also the author of scripts for “The Big Difference”, a performer of miniatures in the “Comedy Club”, and a presenter in humorous program"You're funny!" (in partnership with Alexander Revva). He appeared in the sketch show “Unreal Story” (played a locksmith-scout, a Soviet inventor), “Valera-TV” (embodied the image of Vitya and Lekha), in comedy series"Away from family square meters", where he appeared in the role of a student at the Uryupinsk Institute of International Relations Petya Shmakov.

Andrey Rozhkov - Disco 80s

In 2013, their popular group celebrated its 20th anniversary creative activity grandiose concert performance in the Kremlin Palace under the title “20 years in the test”. During the same period, they received the prestigious TEFI-Commonwealth television award.

Alexander Revva and Andrey Rozhkov at the Comedy Club

In 2015, Andrey voiced the characters in the educational animated series for children “Paper”, in 2016 - the Scientist Cat in the animated series “Fairytale Patrol”, a seagull named Cliff in animated film“Wolves and Sheep: Crazy Transformation”, where other characters were represented by Alexander Petrov, Yuri Galtsev, Liza Boyarskaya, Sergei Bezrukov and other actors.

On the eve of the new year 2017, the Pelmeni team, led by Andrey, presented the Olivedas show program at STS. They timed the performance “The Mistress of the Copper Frying Pan” to coincide with the women’s holiday on March 8, the name of which, apparently, helped childhood hobby Rozhkov with the work of Pavel Bazhov.

During the same period, the show program “Not allowed in the porthole” was shown. dedicated to the topic space, and also the premiere of the comedy “Lucky Chance” took place, where he played the role of the key character Valera, who, together with his friends, discovered a winning lottery ticket. The on-screen wife of his hero named Masha was played by Olesya Zheleznyak, whom the comedian considers the best comedic actress.

Interview with Andrey Rozhkov about the film “Lucky Chance”

“Pelmeni” pleased its fans with other wonderful projects, including the program “Caviar of Thrones,” which is a new interpretation of the previously released TV show “Game of Jokes,” and the show “50 Shades of Tan,” the name of which is a reference to the best-selling book “50 Shades of Gray” by Erica James ”, but dedicated to a variety of summer recreation.

Personal life of Andrey Rozhkov

The popular comedian is married. His friends helped him say goodbye to his bachelor life by introducing him to his friend Elvira. The sympathy between them arose immediately, but the wedding took place only 6 years after they met.

The couple lives in country house near Yekaterinburg and raises three sons - Semyon, Peter and Makar, born in 2016. Before his birth, the artist half-jokingly and half-seriously stated that they would have children until they had a daughter. They do not plan to move to Moscow, to Andrey’s main place of work.

According to some sources, the second son, Peter, was born not in a hospital, but at home. Moreover, the birth was not attended by an obstetrician, but by Andrei himself. This was supposedly a common decision between him and his wife.

On television nowadays you can see great amount various entertainment programs. But there is one team that for many years we adore not only Russian viewers. This “culinary masterpiece” from the Urals leaves no one indifferent, and its inspirer and leader Andrei Rozhkov is a real talisman of the friendly team.

Our hero was born in Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg, on March 28, 1971 into an unremarkable family. But they say about this that God kissed him. There is no other way to explain the great talent that he is endowed with. star comedian. And as you know, talented individuals experience the full consequences of this gift. Therefore, Andrei Rozhkov, whose biography is always in the center of attention of fans, leads quite open image life.

His childhood was very interesting and varied, because his grandparents lived in very distant places from each other - some near Sverdlovsk, and others near the capital. Little Andrey had the opportunity to spend his holidays in different places. And he used it in the most interesting and exciting way possible. Sports were always present in his childhood. Classes in the judo section were very fruitful and brought the artist a rank. In addition, Andrei always loved all kinds of technology and studied in the corresponding circle.

The versatile boy enjoyed reading books, skiing, swimming, performing in amateur performances, being among nature, and picking mushrooms. His parents helped him grow up as an enthusiastic child. And life brought wonderful fruits while still at school.

He received his stage baptism in the school propaganda team, receiving thunderous applause from captivated spectators who laughed until they cried and had cramps in their stomachs.

School years and youth

After finishing secondary education high school, Rozhkov went to submit documents to the Sverdlovsk Polytechnic Institute for welding. A cheerful student life began, in which he dreamed of becoming a member of the student construction team.

Without wasting any time, in his first year of study he made an attempt, albeit unsuccessfully. This did not cool the guy down at all, and he tried again. The second time was productive and brought Andrei into the company of faithful comrades, with whom he spent all his years of study.

Accurate information about the fact of obtaining a diploma higher education Andrey cannot be found. Therefore, there is a lot of controversy on this basis: some talk about three unsuccessful approaches to defending a diploma project, while others claim that there is a diploma.

Nevertheless, our hero began his labor activity at a construction site as a simple worker, for financial reasons. One day in the summer of 1993, while on vacation at a health camp, Andrei and four other student friends put humorous skit. Their creative project was very enthusiastically received by the public, which was the impetus for organizing the KVN team with interesting name"Ural dumplings". It was very interesting for like-minded people with extraordinary talents to work together, share their ideas, and implement successful jokes on stage. This hobby became the real meaning of their lives.

Although not immediately, Andrei Rozhkov became captain. After all, he always had the excellent abilities of a true leader, capable of organizing team members and leading them to victory. This is exactly what happened - they became participants in the Major League, where throughout all their appearances they were rightfully the favorites of many spectators and fans. And as a pattern - victory in the Major League in 2000. And besides:

  • “KVN Super Champions Cup”;
  • Several awards in “Voting KiViN”.

Years passed and performances in KVN ended, but like-minded people could not leave their favorite activity. The hobby grew serious.

Beginning of career and star trek

In 2009, it was decided to organize television project comedy direction “Ural dumplings”. At the same time, the comedian appeared in other show programs and even film projects. The most significant were such TV shows:

  • "Show News";
  • "South Butovo";
  • "A big difference";
  • "Сomedy Club";
  • "You're funny!";
  • "Valera-TV".

Pelmeni regularly work on new episodes of their show, timed to coincide with various holidays. Andrey writes a lot of texts for programs, continuously delighting his fans throughout the vast country and beyond. Their performances are always unique and varied, rich in sparkling jokes and non-standard views on ordinary things and everyday situations.

For their style and uniqueness in the world of satire and humor, they receive universal love and admiration. Their creativity lifts your spirits and helps you look at yourself critically from the outside. And, who knows, maybe without Rozhkov we would never have seen any of this.

This talented young man showed himself well in some films, for example, in the series “Outside Native Square Meters” and comedy film"Lucky chance." The characters of the animated multi-part project with an educational bias for young viewers “Paper” speak in his voice. Andrei worked on it in 2015, and already in 2016 he added to his background in voicing cartoons, participating in two more projects - “Fairytale Patrol” and “Wolves and Sheep: Crazy Transformation”.

Five years ago, an extraordinary team, headed by our hero, celebrated the 20th anniversary of its creative path. This event was marked new program“Twenty Years in the Test”, shown in the Kremlin Palace and awarding the team with the TV award “TEFI - Commonwealth”.

From all this an interesting conclusion arises that Andrei Rozhkov, “Ural Dumplings”, his biography, the artist’s family - all this is one whole inseparable block of talent.

Personal life of a popular comedian

For those who know almost everything about their idol, it is no longer a secret how old Andrei Rozhkov is. He's in his prime creative forces and full personal plans. After all, he has a beloved and loving wife and three charming sons. By nature, our hero, despite his popularity, is somewhat shy. This explains the fact that he for a long time was in the army of bachelors. But his colleagues and, at the same time, long-time friends, one day expanded the circle of his acquaintances, introducing him to a girl named Elvira.

They immediately liked each other, but did not rush to get stamps in their passports. They, as by agreement, wanted to take a closer look and create a strong happy family. And six years later, the lovers legalized their relationship. Two years ago, the couple had a third son, they named him Makar. The eldest is called Semyon, and the middle one is Peter.

Moreover, it is known for certain that Andrei, as a personal obstetrician, delivered births with his own hands. They took this step consciously.

Andrei Rozhkov’s wife is raising the children and also finds time for her business. The wife's occupation is related to glass; she creates amazing beauty stained glass.

The actor himself enjoys active hobbies such as windsurfing and kiting. He likes traveling to different countries world and purchasing some special souvenirs there that are associated only with a specific state.

There are rumors that the couple do not plan to stop at three children. They really want to have a daughter, so you shouldn’t be surprised if soon their family will have not five, but six members, or even seven. Think about how old Rozhkov is and you will immediately understand that they still have a lot of time to fulfill their dreams. The main thing is that the attempt succeeds quickly, otherwise you will have to create new project“Dumplings - 2” from Rozhkov’s children. This is, of course, a joke, but there is some truth in every joke.

In the meantime, the family lives near Yekaterinburg in a finally completed house and is in no hurry to move to the capital. The bustle of Moscow streets does not attract them, and their age allows them to live at a decent distance from their place of work and constantly move between two cities without noticeable stress. Photos of a happy union can be found in sufficient quantities on social networks. The star makes no secret of her personal life.

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