Where to place the thermometer when measuring temperature. How to measure a baby’s temperature correctly: choosing a thermometer for a newborn and the optimal method of measurement

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A small child in a family is not only a sea of ​​happiness, but also a huge responsibility. Parents should closely monitor and care for the newborn, because now the foundation of his health is being laid. At the first changes in behavior, it is necessary to identify the cause and correctly determine the baby’s body temperature. Today there is a lot of literature and video materials designed to help parents in this matter. Our article contains the most important recommendations.

What does a baby's body temperature depend on?

The thermoregulation of a newborn, especially in the first three months of life, is still imperfect. The baby still reacts sharply to external factors:

  • room temperature;
  • ambient temperature;
  • cloth;
  • air humidity.

☝When parents see a temperature of 37 or 38 on the thermometer, they should not immediately panic and give antipyretics. If the figure is 0.3 or 0.4 degrees higher than the average adult, this is considered normal. Each newborn still has its own individual norm. The task of parents is to correctly determine it.

Temperature norms by age

Step one. When should you take your temperature?

To take correct measurements, select the appropriate time. If a child is hysterical, crying and screaming, then the indicator will definitely not be correct. The baby should be calm. An indicator taken immediately after vigorous physical activity or going outside will be erroneous.

After a massage or morning exercises Give your child at least an hour to rest and only then go to him with a thermometer.

An important factor will be the measurement time. It has been established that early in the morning body temperature is lower than in the evening. Select certain hours awake and take measurements only in them. This way you can achieve the most accurate result. If the baby is already sick, measurements should be taken every 3-4 hours or at least 2 times a day, morning and evening. In a sleeping child, the body's work slows down and the indicator will be lower than usual.

So, the child is calm, the time has been chosen and you are ready to start measuring.

Step two. Where to take the temperature?

You can measure a baby's temperature:

  • in the ear;
  • in the rectum;
  • in the mouth;
  • in the armpit"
  • on the forehead.

Temperature measurement in the ear

→Please note that the final temperature reading will differ in different parts of the body. In the armpits from 36 to 37 degrees. In the rectum 36.9-37.4. In the oral cavity 36.6-37.2. The most accurate result is considered to be measurements in the rectal area - in the rectum.

The choice of measuring device will directly depend on the chosen measurement location.

Step three. Which thermometer to choose and how to measure a baby’s temperature?

Today, in any pharmacy in the city, parents will be able to choose for themselves and their baby a measuring device that suits the family in terms of quality and price. The consumer is offered several different options to choose from:

  • mercury thermometer;
  • Digital Thermometer;
  • nipple thermometer;
  • infrared thermometer;
  • strip thermometer.

Types of thermometers for babies

Mercury thermometer

The most common, most accurate and most inexpensive among devices. The measurement error is no more than 0.1 degrees.

The main disadvantage is the dangerous content.

The thermometer contains about 2 grams of mercury, but even this small amount can adversely affect health. Another disadvantage for infants will be the measurement time - about 10 minutes.

How to measure a baby's temperature with a mercury thermometer? Wash and disinfect the thermometer before use. It should not be cold, the child should be comfortable. Secure it tightly in the baby's armpit. Hold the child's hand tightly for at least 5 minutes. It is better to carry out the procedure while sitting on the sofa or bed. If the device falls, it will not break.

Comparison of thermometers

Digital Thermometer

Despite the fact that an electronic thermometer is inferior in accuracy to a mercury thermometer, it is what most mothers choose. For a newborn, this option is the fastest and absolutely safe. It can be used either rectally - in the rectum, or orally - in the mouth, or under the armpit. Models of thermometers may vary and for which specific zone it is best to use it - it is described in the instructions.

How to measure a baby's temperature with an electronic thermometer? In any case, the device must be washed and disinfected before use. When using a rectal thermometer, place the child on his back with his knees slightly bent. The device is inserted approximately 1 cm into the anus. It is important that the tip of the thermometer is in full contact with the baby’s body during the entire measurement time.

If you decide to measure the temperature in the mouth, then you need to place it under the baby's tongue. To hold the thermometer, the baby must press it tightly with his lips and not bite. This task is not the easiest for a baby, so this option is more suitable for older children.

Pacifier and electronic thermometer

Pacifier thermometer

The main disadvantage is the short service life. Must be pre-treated before use. The device is only suitable for infants who accept a pacifier. If the baby does not refuse the device, the measurement process will take only a minute. If the child has a stuffy nose, it will be difficult to measure the temperature with a pacifier thermometer.

Infrared thermometer

A number of models are used contactlessly; you just need to bring the device to the baby’s temple or forehead. After 5-10 seconds, the result will appear on the screen. A number of thermometers measure temperature in the ear or mouth. An infrared ear thermometer is not suitable for babies under one year old. The size of the tip is too large for small ears. The main disadvantage is the high price.

Thermometer strip

Just apply the indicator strip to the child’s forehead and in 20 seconds you will see the result. The main disadvantage is that the indicator is not accurate. Using such a thermometer, an approximate result is determined and it is determined whether the newborn’s temperature is elevated or not.

The strip thermometer is convenient, but not very accurate

✿The baby’s body temperature is one of the main indicators of health. This is why the issue of correct measurement is so important for newborns. Parents, be careful and take care of your children!

Children's pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky answered the question about measuring temperature in the presented video:

Even a slight increase in temperature affects the child’s well-being. However, it is often necessary to know the child’s temperature accurately. Temperature can be measured in three ways: rectally, orally, and in the armpit.

Thermometers are mercury and digital. Digital ones, in turn, are divided into aural (measure temperature in the ear), oral (most often in the form of a pacifier) ​​and measuring temperature in the armpit.

A glass mercury thermometer contains mercury or tinted alcohol to indicate temperature. It is easy to use and gives relatively exact values temperature. Its disadvantage is that it can break and the child may be injured. Before use, the glass thermometer must be shaken until the mercury column drops to 35.5 ° C. After use, the thermometer must be shaken until the mercury column drops below 37 ° C, and washed with cool water and soap. If necessary, the thermometer can be sterilized by keeping it in an antiseptic solution for some time. Then put it in its usual place so that you have it at hand when needed.

A digital thermometer signals with an audible or optical signal that the temperature measurement process is complete. It cannot be sterilized, but simply wipe it with an antiseptic solution if necessary.

Taking temperature in infants

Some experts believe that up to 6 years of age, measuring temperature in the armpit is not accurate, and neither a mercury thermometer nor a digital one should be used in the mouth, which the baby will not be able to hold correctly.

When taking temperature rectally, lubricate the thermometer with Vaseline to make it glide better. Place the baby on his back and slightly bend his legs, pulling him up. Holding the foot of one leg with one hand between the big and index finger, and the other foot between the index and middle, with your free hand insert the thermometer into the child's anus approximately

one centimeter, holding it in your hand like a pencil.

To accurately measure temperature, the tip of the thermometer should be in the anus for 2-3 minutes. Normal body temperature measured rectally should be 36.8-37.5° C.

If you measure a baby's body temperature in the armpit, it is better to do it as follows.

1. Shake the thermometer with sharp downward movements of the hand so that the mercury goes down into the thickening at the end. If you are using an electronic thermometer, check that it is turned on and indicates readiness for measurement.

2. Place the baby on your lap and tuck the end of the thermometer under his armpit.

3. Press the baby's hand tightly and hold the mercury thermometer for 5-7 minutes. Electronic thermometer Usually it tells you when the measurement is finished.

4. Take out the thermometer and, turning it so that the mercury is clearly visible, look at the temperature.

Measuring temperature in children over a year old

In children over one year old, the temperature can be measured under the armpit, and it is best if the child lies on his back. Before using the thermometer, make sure the tip is intact.

and the mercury column is below 37 ° C (if the mercury column is above this figure, you need to take the thermometer by the back end and shake it until the mercury level drops below this mark).

Insert the thermometer under your arm and be careful not to let it slip out.

The measurement time with a mercury thermometer is 7 minutes. The temperature measured in the armpit is approximately 5-6 tenths of a degree lower than body temperature and is normally 36.2-36.8 ° C.


temperature measurement

Despite the lower accuracy, they are often limited to oral temperature measurement (this method is more often used in Russia, since many doctors recommend that parents measure rectal temperature only under the supervision of a doctor). This method can be used for children who can hold the tip most an effective drug Paracetamol is used to reduce the temperature. Aspirin should not be used in children under 12 years of age to avoid the risk of a rare complication called Reye's syndrome. For infants, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the indicated dose of the drug. Repeated administration of the medicine must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. Do not put warm clothes on a feverish child or cover him with a thick blanket. This will reduce body heat transfer. Give it to the child drinking plenty of fluids.

If you have an electric fan, this can also be used to lower your baby's body temperature. If all this does not help, wipe the child with a sponge moistened with cool water, but under no circumstances from the refrigerator, as this can only worsen his condition.

Place a thermometer under your tongue for 3 minutes or use special pacifier-shaped thermometers.

A newborn baby is so tender and fragile that it is scary to touch him. In the first days of communicating with a baby, many mothers are afraid of harming him, even when changing or washing a diaper, and operations such as cleaning the nose and washing the eyes are generally a jeweler’s work.

Measuring temperature is also not an easy task, but it is necessary to be able to measure it: if there is any suspicion of illness, it is important to determine whether the baby has a fever. This is also required in order to determine whether it is comfortable infant indoors, whether it is too warm or lightly dressed. Thermoregulation in newborns is not yet the same as in adults; the body cannot independently cope with changes in thermal conditions.

In the first month of a child’s life, it is necessary to monitor his body temperature, then what can we say about periods of illness? In order to carry out this control, you need to have a thermometer in the house.

How does the temperature change in a newborn?

The thermoregulation processes occurring in the body of a newborn maintain body temperature fluctuations in the range of 1.5ºC. Physical activity, eating, and crying cause increased heat production. There may be fever during teething, and also as a reaction to a pathogenic infection, including vaccination. On the contrary, when a child has just woken up from a night's sleep and is at rest, the body temperature decreases.

It should be remembered that an increase in temperature in itself is not a disease; it only signals the occurrence of problems and discomfort in the body. Moreover, a rise in temperature during illness means that the body is fighting infection.

Thermoregulation stabilizes by 2-3 months, while the normal temperature of a baby is 0.4ºC higher than that of an adult, how much should it be? The measurement result also depends on how it was carried out. The temperature of an infant under 6 months of age is considered normal if it does not exceed 37.5ºС, while the most low temperature It turns out when measuring it in the armpit, in the mouth it is higher by 0.5ºC, and in the anus - by a whole degree.

Temperature standards for various measurement methods

Using the tympanic method, it is possible to measure the child’s temperature only when he grows up a little, since the passage in the newborn’s ear is still very small.

There are 4 main ways to measure temperature in infants. Let's get to know them:

  1. In the armpit or inguinal fold. This method is called axillary. The average normal value with this method of measurement is in the range of 36.3ºС – 37.3ºС.
  2. In the mouth, this method is called oral. The measurement result should be 37.1ºС.
  3. In the rectum or between the buttocks. The range of values ​​​​should be in the range 37.6ºС - 38ºС.
  4. In the ear, this method is called tympanic. The norm for the ear is 31.3ºС.

The indicated values ​​are obtained if the measurements were carried out according to all the rules. Exceeding the specified values ​​by 0.5ºС is considered pathological.

What thermometer should I use?

Modern medicine provides the opportunity to use many different devices. They all have their strengths and weak sides, different accuracy and reliability. In addition to the traditional glass mercury thermometer, you can purchase a digital electronic thermometer, an electronic dummy thermometer, a button thermometer for rectal temperature measurement, as well as an ear infrared or chemical and even a thermotest, which is an indicator strip coated with an emulsion. Let's look at those that are used most often.

Traditional mercury thermometer

Use a mercury thermometer very carefully

The glass meter is placed under the armpit or inserted into the rectum. Advantage mercury thermometer is ease of use, high accuracy, a convenient scale on which the normal temperature limit is marked, low cost. However, a mercury thermometer also has significant disadvantages:

  • breaks or breaks easily, as it is made of thin, fragile glass;
  • contains mercury, which is a strong poison, so a broken thermometer requires significant efforts to eliminate both the glass and the mercury contained in it, up to calling the “Rescue Service”;
  • You need to hold it for 5-7 to 10 minutes.

Electronic digital thermometer

There are many types of electronic thermometers, each of which is designed to measure a specific area of ​​the body. There are thermometers for axillary, rectal, and ear measurements, but since such a thermometer requires close contact with the body, accurate measurements can only be taken with rectal or oral administration. Underarm measurements may show lower results due to large errors. The thermometer has the following advantages:

  • it is easy to use, safe and lightweight;
  • measurement time is 3 minutes;
  • At the end of the measurement, the thermometer beeps.

An electronic thermometer has a significant drawback, as it does not accurately measure temperature.

Its disadvantage is low accuracy. The error can reach 1 degree. To increase the reliability of the result, you should hold it longer, even after the sound signal.

Thermometer in the form of a pacifier

The thermometer has the same shape as a regular pacifier and is a type of digital thermometer. The nipple is made of latex or silicone, and the device can be equipped with a device to sound a sound signal after the measurement is completed.

The advantage of this device is that the shape is familiar to the baby; unlike other types of thermometers, using this device does not upset the child or make him cry. The device is made of safe materials. However, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • low measurement accuracy;
  • measurement time is from 3 to 5 minutes;
  • the shape of the pacifier may differ from the one the baby is used to;
  • unsuitable for use if the baby does without a pacifier at all;
  • The period of use of the device is limited to the time when the baby uses a pacifier; after giving up the pacifier, the thermometer cannot be used.

Ear and non-contact infrared thermometers

A modern device for measuring temperature, thanks to which the result can be obtained instantly. The earpiece, as the name suggests, is inserted into the ear, it is non-contact, you just need to bring it to the forehead or temple. The advantage of this device is its safety of use: the dimensions of the sensor are so small that the eardrum will not be damaged.

Infrared thermometer most convenient for measuring body temperature infant

The disadvantages of this thermometer are:

  • the impossibility of using the ear option for very young children, since their ear canal is too small to insert the sensor;
  • high cost: much more expensive than other types of thermometers.

How to measure temperature correctly?

Even though it's not easy, even small child Doctors recommend placing a thermometer under the armpit, as the result is the most accurate. With the oral method, significant fluctuations are possible. You need to choose a measurement method that least upsets the baby and suits the mother. Before starting measurements, the child must be calm; high physical activity, crying, and feeding lead to an increase in temperature and make the measurement result less accurate. Changing a diaper is also an irritating factor; even the temperature and humidity in the room affect the result. It must be borne in mind that in the evening the result will be slightly higher than in the morning. The thermometer should not be very cold, otherwise the baby will react strongly to its touch.

You can use special strips to measure temperature. But no matter what method you use, keep in mind that the child must be calm

Rectal measurement method

It is not recommended to use this method often, although it gives the most accurate result in young children. It's important to do everything right. The thermometer must be placed very carefully, especially if a traditional glass one is used. It is necessary to warm it to room temperature, lubricate it with Vaseline or vegetable oil. Some mothers use baby cream, but this is a less successful solution as it can cause tingling.

How to measure:

  • The baby should be placed on his back, the legs bent at the knees raised and the thermometer carefully inserted into the rectum;
  • the depth of immersion of the thermometer should not exceed 1.5 - 2 cm;
  • if the child cries and arches his back, there is no need to continue the procedure: there is a danger of breaking the thermometer in the baby’s butt;
  • After holding the thermometer for several minutes, you must very carefully remove it, look at the result, and then wash it with soap, preparing it for the next use.

It is very important to remember that only special electronic thermometers are suitable for this method. To measure correctly:

  • You should take the child by the earlobe and slightly pull it back and up;
  • the ear canal will straighten, the eardrum will become visible, after which you should carefully insert the sensor into the ear;
  • The device should be removed with the same care so as not to damage the baby’s hearing aid.

Measuring temperature using the axillary method is a troublesome task, since the baby is constantly spinning and raising his arms

Measuring the temperature under the arm is the most common and simplest of all methods, but we must remember that you need to be careful with this method. Before placing a thermometer, you need to make sure that your skin is clean and dry. With the axillary method, the result should not be more than 37.5ºС, an excess will be considered pathological.

The measurement should be carried out at the same hour every day, and the thermometer readings should be recorded. A normal result will be the average of all measurements.

Let's try to do without a thermometer

The fever of a sick baby manifests itself in such a way that you can find out about it without a thermometer. Before taking your temperature, there are some signs you should pay attention to:

  1. By placing the back of the hand on the groin fold, armpit area or area under the knee, you can feel the heat if the baby is above 38ºC. Having detected an increase in temperature, you need to set a thermometer to determine how much it has risen, whether it should be lowered and call a doctor.
  2. Signs of an increase in temperature are. Of course, this sign only works when the child feels unwell, and not when he is simply cold.
  3. High temperature is accompanied by dry mouth and severe thirst. Dehydration sets in and the baby constantly asks for a drink.
  4. An increase in temperature to 39ºC is felt not only in the folds of the body, but also on the tummy, forehead, and neck. This is very easy to notice, the difference from normal condition strong enough.
  5. An increase in temperature can also be determined by the pulse. How many blows is the norm? The baby should have about 100 beats per minute. To get an approximate temperature value, you need to subtract 100 from the pulse value and divide the difference by 10. The result is the number of degrees that need to be added to the norm, which is 36.6ºС. A pulse equal to 130 means (130 – 100): 10 + 36.6 = 39.6ºС.
  6. The appearance of convulsions lasting up to 3 minutes indicates a heat of about 39ºС. Convulsions are an indication for the use of antipyretics.
  7. The simplest sign of fever is redness of the face. The appearance of too bright a blush or red spots on the cheeks is a sure sign of fever.
  8. Closely related to the pulse is a change in breathing. The heart beats faster, breathing also quickens, the baby breathes with difficulty, this phenomenon is observed after 39ºC.

These signs will indicate that the child is unwell. Having noticed them, you need to check the temperature with a thermometer, if possible, and immediately consult a doctor.

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