Yandex bankroll. Bankroll

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The game has been known to many for a long time, but right now it is experiencing its real peak of popularity. Every day hundreds, or even thousands of newcomers appear, trying to learn a successful game strategy and grab their mouth-watering piece from the constantly playing millions.

Bankroll Basics - Rescue for Beginners

No matter who the person is - a talented mathematician, a professional psychologist or an experienced card player - in any case, at the first stage of learning poker, he will experience certain difficulties. The first thing an inexperienced poker player needs to learn (as quickly as possible) is what a bankroll is and how to manage it. After all, the duration of his “career” depends on this. Too many people step on the same rake, and then, in despair, give up everything, without even knowing all the delights of this card game.

Of course, it’s worth considering what a bankroll is if you play poker for money. After all, only when something valuable is lost does a person begin to take more balanced and adequate actions, evaluate and analyze every moment of the game. But there is also a downside to this: the burden of responsibility sometimes encourages rash, risky actions that can lead to bankruptcy. This is exactly what the bankroll rules are designed to save you from.

Variation is inevitable

First, a poker player for money needs to understand that sooner or later a bad streak will come. It is impossible to win all the time, even if you do everything absolutely correctly, soberly weighing every step. Luck is also important in this game. In fact, any card can become the nuts, and, according to the laws of probability theory, you will not always have it. In order not to become prematurely bankrupt in these dark days, you must strictly adhere to the rules that govern bankroll management.

So, a little specifics. What is a bankroll? This is, in fact, your bank. Buy-in is the amount that will be withdrawn from you for participating in the tournament. If you play cash games, the alternative is the blinds, which you will definitely have to set at the table. The bankroll management rules regulate the ratio of buy-ins and blinds to the player’s bank in order to feel confident at the selected limit.

Bankroll theory for cash

If from the first steps of conquering poker you decide to try your hand at cash games, you should adhere to an unshakable rule: play limits based on the assumption that your pot is equal to or greater than 300 big blinds. For example, you have chosen a table where they play with blinds of 1/2. It turns out that your bankroll should be at least 2 x 300 = 600. This is done so that you can feel relaxed at the table and not be afraid to play marginal hands, hoping for luck.

You should also adhere to one more rule: you cannot lose more than 5% of the bank. For example, let's do a little calculation: you sit down at a table with a stack of 200 with blinds of 1/2. If your buy-in is reduced to 170 due to a number of losses and unsuccessful hands, you do not have the right to continue playing at this limit - you can no longer afford it, think about switching to a lower one.

Bankroll theory for MTT

With tournaments the situation is different. The specifics of a multi-table game are significantly different from cash games. There is no time to wait, the blinds automatically grow and sooner or later they will begin to bite your stack. You will have to play for many hours before reaching the prize zone, and all this time you are hanging by a thread, risking being without any prize money. Despite the length and complexity, MTTs are very popular, and this is due to the fact that they have the most delicious prizes. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of dollars can be played in one tournament.

You can’t earn such fabulous cash prizes in one evening at micro-limits. But you shouldn’t rush into expensive tournaments in the hope of earning more. There is a bankroll rule for MTTs too: you must have an amount equal to 40 buy-ins for the tournament. Let's give an example: your bank is 100 conventional units, in this case you can afford to play tournaments no more expensive than 2.50.

Adequate assessment of opportunities

Beginners who decide to play for money in online rooms are faced with the search for answers to the question of what a bankroll is. This is where you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in poker completely. You can play several tables at once for many hours, and these tables will be of completely different types: tournaments, cash, limited hold'em, Omaha, SnG.

That’s why rules for maintaining a bankroll have been created so that, after playing too much, you won’t go into the red on the very first evening. By knowing in advance what a bankroll is, you will ensure yourself a longer existence in the poker arena, albeit not as a world star, but at least as an adequate and promising player. If you learn to strictly manage your bank, you will automatically no longer have psychological problems. The next one in the game will simply not be able to knock you down, because in poker the winner is the one who knows how to withstand the distance, and not in one hand.

A bankroll is the amount of money that a person allocates to play poker. This allows you to manage only this money in the game and not spend the rest of the funds necessary for life.

It is important to control the size of your bankroll and be able to increase it. This is the only way to move up and make really big profits in poker.

What is a bankroll and why is it so important?

Experienced players win approximately 80% of the time, and lose 20% of the time. Therefore, even in case of failures, professionals do not panic. They understand that in the long run there will still be victory. A Having the right bankroll size helps you survive through difficult times.

How to properly form a bankroll?

Bankroll is your main capital in poker. The player takes the first money of his bankroll not from poker games, but from his personal funds. The further goal is not to lose this money, but to increase it and form a larger bankroll.

Even if it is possible to replenish your account with a large amount, beginners are recommended to enter with a bankroll for small bets. Then you can gain experience and understand it. If you play at high stakes right away, then the professionals will be able to constantly beat you without giving you even the slightest chance to win. This can have a negative impact and discourage you from playing poker altogether. Therefore, everything needs to be done gradually.

There are cases when professional players even rose from 1 dollar. With clear actions and control over their bankroll, these people gradually increased their capital and were able to become truly rich. Therefore, you can start playing poker even with minimal investment. A large bankroll is not the most important thing. It is important to follow a clear algorithm of actions and manage money correctly.

Experienced player Annette Obsrestad hasn't added a cent to her bankroll at all. She took money from winnings in free tournaments and was able to raise millions from a minimal amount. This clearly shows that the initial size of the bankroll does not play such a big role. Now there are microlimits where players will be comfortable even with a minimum cash reserve.

How to determine the correct amount for your bankroll?

Professionals identified 2 important bankroll rules:

  1. You need to take an amount at the table that does not exceed 5% of your bankroll.
  2. You cannot leave the game if you have already lost 10%.

It is believed that for cash games you need to have 40 buy-ins. That is, the player must be able to play 40 times at certain bets. Then there is practically no chance of losing your bankroll if you follow the basic rules of the game. For poker it is considered that you need 100. Here the figure is higher, since in a tournament it can be quite difficult to enter the prize zone and the number of opponents here is an order of magnitude greater.

What affects the bankroll amount?

It is important to consider your level of play. Beginners are advised to take a larger bankroll than experienced players. If you win 60% of hands instead of 80%, then the money amount should be higher.

The type of poker directly affects the amount bankroll. If you prefer pot-limit or limit poker, then you can go in with a much smaller bankroll. Here the bets will be quite small, and it becomes more difficult to lose the buy-in. But for Texas Hold'em you will need a larger bankroll. Here games often go all-in, where you can lose the entire buy-in in a minute.

If you have a large bankroll in poker, you can enter bets with a buy-in of 10% of the main amount. However, with a small cash reserve It is not recommended to take more than 3% into the game from bankroll.

How to raise bet limits?

Now you know what a bankroll is. However, many beginners do not understand at what bankroll they need to switch to high stakes. Basically you need to follow the rule that you must have a minimum of 40 buy-ins to play. However, this rule does not always work. Growth is also influenced by the following factors:

  • A person's positive or negative performance.
  • Psychological pressure.

Let's take a closer look at each aspect

Profitability of the game

Before moving to a new level, you need to understand whether you are playing for profit or loss. Calculations can be made using a simple formula: divide your profit by the amount initially invested, then multiply this value by the number of games played. With a value of zero, you are not making a profit in poker, but you are not playing at a loss either.

If you get a value of more than 25%, then you can move up the limits. In this case, it is advisable to carry out the analysis after 300 hands played. If the score is high (more than 50%), you can easily move to a higher level without fear of losing.

There are special programs where you can enter the meaning of each game. At the end, you will see how much profit you have and whether you can move to higher rates.

Psychological influence

Having understood what a bankroll is, you can consider the psychological factor. Many people find it difficult to play at higher stakes even with a suitable bankroll because they worry about losing a lot of their money. Because of this they feel constrained at the table and make mistakes.

You need to gradually move up to a higher level and try to adapt to the average rates. If you constantly play at low limits, then you will not be able to make big money from poker.

Professionals It is recommended to return to a lower level from time to time, if you feel uncomfortable or are afraid of large bets. But at the same time, you need to constantly make new attempts to increase the limits until you manage to fully adapt to them.

It must be remembered that at higher rates other principles of the game may apply. There are more experienced opponents here who can quickly "read" your actions. Therefore, you need to be able to adapt to new opponents and be able to quickly switch your playing style.

Evaluating your own game

It is important for yourself to keep statistics of all games and note the results after they are carried out. Over the long term, you will be able to analyze which types of tournaments are best for you to participate in, which tables bring you the most profit. With the right analysis, you will be able to move to new limits in time without harm to your bankroll.


Now you know what a bankroll is in poker. It is important to manage this amount of money correctly and choose the limits for the game wisely. If you master the basic subtleties, you can clearly increase the rates without risk or loss of money.

To obtain a stable profit in a bookmaker's office, in addition to knowledge and professional skill, competent distribution of the bank over a long distance is required. To be in the black, a player must take seriously planning a budget for sports betting.

Why do you need the right bankroll?

Beginners do not attach importance to their own bank, playing with all available funds. A person is confident of winning a particular fight and bets on the money that is on his balance sheet. As a result, the team loses and he is left with nothing. But the desire to bet has not disappeared, so the inexperienced bettor is in search of capital and is looking for various ways to find it. Such people resort to the help of family, friends or relatives, take out loans at high interest rates from credit or other financial institutions, without thinking that the situation could have been avoided at the initial stage with proper budget planning.

Bankroll distribution is a mandatory procedure when betting on a sporting event. The game balance is divided in such a way that in case of loss the client has the opportunity to win back in several passes. Remember, profit does not come immediately; for stable earnings you need to move gradually and consistently, using various types of strategies.

Bankroll size

The size of the bank depends directly on the financial capabilities of the player. Experienced players place bets on 10% of the budget amount. According to statistics, professional cappers receive a monthly income of 20-30%. Therefore, for greater returns, you need to get a decent bank. If a client wants to earn 10 thousand rubles a month, he will need 50 thousand rubles.

The size of the budget directly depends on the possible profit. The larger the bank, the higher the profitability. At the same time, having decent funds, additional opportunities, methods and methods open up for the user when playing with a bookmaker. With a small amount, the user will have to limit himself to several types of successful strategies.

First, decide on the capital that you are willing to invest in the bookmaker’s office. Each person has their own needs, but as a rule, you cannot spend your entire salary on bets. Investments should be minimal relative to total income and amount to no more than 25%.

Choose gambling sites where the odds are the highest, but do not forget about the legality of such companies. When entrusting savings, the player must be convinced of the safety and security of personal funds. Having several working accounts, the client will be able to bet on bold quotes and receive 2-5% more of the potential profit.

When betting, be careful with your bankroll. It is allowed to use only those strategies that will not drain the budget.

Successful Strategies for Bank Formation

There are many ways to build a bankroll. Experienced clients divide the budget into several parts. Having $100, they leave $80 on their balance (4 bets of 20 each), saving the rest for a rainy day.

Basically, the betting procedure is as follows:

Flat– a fixed coupon amount when the user spends a previously set percentage of the balance (2%, 3%, 5%, etc.).

Flat with rapids- the size of the bet changes depending on the profit received. If income increases by 25%, then the coupon value increases in the same way to $25.

There are still many methods for successfully forming a bank, but in the end it comes down to the fact that the player himself chooses the optimal and acceptable strategy for himself. With proper planning, the player will not only learn to plan and distribute savings over the long term, but also avoid unnecessary or erroneous bets.


Bankroll management is one of the main points when betting that you need to pay special attention to. Regardless of your knowledge and bookmaking skills, incorrect distribution of the account will lead to rapid ruin. If a person is not able to form a budget, then the chances of profit are significantly reduced. Money loves calculation, so a competent strategist who wants to make money must pay increased interest to such a problem.

Bank – funds that the client is initially willing to risk to achieve income. Beginners often do not see the line between money that cannot be lost and money that can be lost. This problem is not so important if a person comes to the office for pleasure or entertainment, but a serious approach requires proper attention to all the details and trifles, including financial issues. Proper bankroll planning is the first step to successful long-term betting.

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