Humorous program with the participation of Rozhkov. Where does Andrey live now?

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Born on March 28, 1971 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Since childhood, he was interested in mechanics, loved to watch how cars were repaired, went to a club young technicians, and also practiced judo for 7 years and has a sports rank. After graduating from school, he entered UPI with the goal of obtaining the profession of a welding technologist, but he never received a diploma - even on the third attempt. He came to KVN quite by accident: in 1993, Andrei and the guys from his institute were vacationing in the south at the Raduga sports and recreation camp. Once there was a banal humorous evening, for which it was necessary to come up with a number. And they assembled an initiative group of five people, these five people today are the backbone of the team « Ural dumplings» .

At their first KVN festival, the team "Ural dumplings" appeared in 1995 and immediately stood out for its sparkling humor and color. Then Andrei was not yet captain - he took this position only a year later, but immediately became the most noticeable and recognizable player on the team. Started working with aspiring artists as an editor Mikhail Shats. Rozhkov was the author large quantity jokes and numbers. “Ural dumplings” quickly won the love of the audience and the jury, and in 1999 music festival in Jurmala, the team deservedly received the “Kivin in Light” prize. In 2000, “Ural Dumplings” not only reached the finals, but also became champions. And in 2002 they already won the KVN Summer Cup and became owners of the Golden KiViN.

For Andrey Rozhkov KVN is his whole life. He has been the captain of the team for 15 years, and according to him, he will not give it up until his retirement. In addition, he is the host of the comedy show “You're Funny!” (together with his friend Alexander Revva), together with the team he created his own program “Ural Dumplings” on STS, repeatedly participated in the “Comedy Club”, and is the author of the script for the TV show “Big Difference”. He has two young sons and dreams of a daughter.

Personal life of Andrey Rozhkov

He met his wife Elvira through mutual friends. Six years later, they formalized their relationship; the lovers had a son, Semyon. Five years later, the couple had another boy - Peter. Andrei Rozhkov said that they are not going to stop there and really want to raise their daughter.

The youngest and the elder are completely different guys. Although they look like two peas in a pod. Our little one is a destroyer. He broke everything that could be broken at home. Four chairs, broke all the mugs. The last thing he made was a TV, a plasma. I took a child's hammer, hit it, and the screen cracked. That's it, it doesn't work anymore. So now we live without a TV. And good.

He lives in Yekaterinburg with his family and builds Vacation home. Unlike his colleagues, he does not seek to move to Moscow.

“Rather than go kneading mud, it’s better to go to the sea and the sun, so that the children can eat fruit.” I realized that I really like Uralic Pine forest. I miss it and want to go there all the time. In difficult moments of life, you want to sit under a pine tree. I even pick mushrooms sometimes. We have a lot of mushrooms. Come and we'll treat you!

In addition, he is interested in extreme species sports: kiting and windsurfing.

Latest comments on the site

⇒ "The selection is simply excellent! The mood for the whole day is guaranteed! All my favorite tracks sounded even better in a very cool dance arrangement! An hour of good music can create a mood for a long time) It would be even better if all tracks were accompanied by clips or themed pictures. Otherwise, definitely like it) Thanks to the creator for the excellent musical taste and good mood)"
Added - 03/06/2019
⇒ "Cute cartoon, cute little animals! A very good cartoon not only for kids of different ages, but also for their parents! The cartoon itself is already old, but it deserves respect. This cartoon is a real adventure of two friends to the exotic places of China, while watching it, kids will also be able to feel like friends with Mole and Panda. I recommend it to everyone to maintain a good mood."
Added - 03/06/2019
⇒ "Cool idea. Impressed by the success story. I think I’ll try it for myself first, and then see how it goes."
Added - 03/06/2019
⇒ "What a cool thing the guys did, they should have made a video about how the deputies relax and how much they spend on vacation, otherwise they are being poor all the time. Nowadays such topics as how good it is to be a deputy are being widely discussed; work is just a dream; whether you want to go or not, you don’t go to work, but you will always receive a salary, plus benefits, free trips abroad on vacation with the whole family, and for what kind of merit. Ladies, make more videos ridiculing deputies, I sometimes watch videos about them on YouTube. You won’t see anything there."
Added - 03/06/2019

If you ask any Ural Dumplings fan who is the best “grandmother” of the team, you will get a definite answer - Andrey Rozhkov. Probably precisely because he plays the roles of old women very well, all KVN fans sooner or later are puzzled by the question of how old Andrei Rozhkov is. It turns out that this man is much younger than his characters, although he has been with Ural Dumplings all the way, starting from the very foundation.

Andrey Rozhkov - biography

Answering the question how old is Rozhkov from “Ural Dumplings”, it is worth mentioning that he was born on March 28, 1971, that is, this year he turned only 46 years old, which is several decades younger than the characters he often plays.

The artist’s childhood and youth were spent in Sverdlovsk. After school he went to get higher education to the Ural Polytechnic Institute, however, he never managed to reach this height. After successful completion entrance exams Andrey Rozhkov from Ural Dumplings went to work part-time in a construction brigade, and this activity seemed more interesting to him than studying. After three unsuccessful attempts to obtain a higher education, the young man, with his characteristic humor and optimism, decided that life could be lived this way.

It was in the Horizon construction team that the career of the future successful comedian began. The nascent KVN team received its first standing ovation at a performance at the Rainbow camp, after which it was decided to organize a full-fledged team. Set in " Ural dumplings" lasted for two years from 1993 to 1995, after which Rozhkov was chosen as team captain and led his colleagues to the pinnacle of success at the festival in Moscow.

Then in the biography of Rozhkov from the “Ural Dumplings”, as well as in the history of the entire team, several turning points. Alexander Maslyakov noticed the team from Yekaterinburg among almost fifty other teams. However, the first success could turn into a crushing failure, when the team was almost expelled from the competition for celebrating the victory too wildly. Nose light hand Mikhail Shats, the guys were given a second chance, and, as we know today, not in vain, because the team successfully held five seasons of KVN, was able to enter a separate show and recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. “Ural Dumplings” became the first KVN team in history that has retained its composition through the decades, is still on TV screens and has the honor of celebrating its anniversary on the Kremlin stage.

But Creative skills Rozhkova is not limited to “Ural dumplings”. He could be seen in such television projects and comedy shows like " Comedy Club", "Southern Butovo", "Unreal Story", etc. In addition, there is a film with Rozhkov “Lucky Chance”, and his voice can also be heard in “Fairytale Patrol”, “Paper” and some other cartoons.

Hobbies and personal life

Personal life Andrei Rozhkov’s life is inextricably linked with family and sports. This successful comedian is a candidate master of sports in sambo, and also enjoys windsurfing, football and some extreme sports. By the way, contrary to popular belief, Andrei Rozhkov’s height is not as high as it seems to people with visual seats, because he doesn’t even reach 180 cm.

On the pages gossip columns you can find photographs of Andrei Rozhkov and his wife. In fact, the famous comedian is an exemplary family man. Andrei met his wife 6 years before the marriage was registered and was always kind to his beloved. After the wedding, the couple had their first child, Semyon, and five years later, their second son, Peter, appeared. Rozhkov’s wife from Ural Dumplings once mentioned that they are not going to stop there, because they want to become happy parents of their daughter. Famous Artist He is also a wonderful father - after each filming, he rushes home to work with his children and devote all his free time to them.

Andrei Rozhkov’s entire family supports him both in his passion for sports and in creative development. Thus, Elvira Rozhkova creates stained glass windows and becomes famous in this field of activity. The couple's eldest son, Semyon, early age followed in my father's footsteps, because he had already written several humorous skits, which were successfully played at school evenings.

Where does Andrey live now?

Andrey Rozhkov and his family live in his native Yekaterinburg, which creates a lot of problems for the artist. After all, his main place of work is located in Moscow. Despite this, the comedian always insisted in interviews that Moscow is not “his” city. That's why he'll never move there permanent place residence. Andrei Rozhkov sees his old age in a house somewhere near Yekaterinburg, from the window of which a pine forest will be visible.

By the way, little-known, but interesting fact- the Rozhkov family is in close friendly relations with the family of another famous comedian Alexandra Revva. To confirm this friendship, the men once performed in a duet on the stage of the Comedy Club, as well as the popular show “You're Funny!”

The Rozhkov family is an example of a simple Russian family, in which love and mutual respect are of paramount importance. The famous head of the family does not hide his family from the press, but, unlike many show business stars, he does not make his personal life public. All the hobbies and interests of Rozhkov’s family are known only from a few interview responses. Otherwise, the comedian prefers to indulge in his quiet family happiness away from prying eyes in your home in the private sector of Yekaterinburg.

Andrey Rozhkov is wonderful Russian comedian. A charming, artistic showman, with an amazing sense of humor and charisma.

A permanent participant in the Ural Dumplings show, a favorite of viewers of all ages. Real National artist. The captain of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” is a born leader, capable of rallying people around him.

Andrey Rozhkov date and place of birth

Andrey Rozhkov height, weight

Andrey Rozhkov's height is 177 centimeters. Weight 80 kilograms.

Andrey Rozhkov biography

Andrei Borisovich was born and grew up in an ordinary Soviet family. He was an inquisitive boy who loved to ask questions and get answers. One day, an aunt came to visit the Rozhkov family. She had an automatic umbrella with her. The boy was greatly intrigued by the working principle of this amazing object. He quietly retired with this umbrella and completely dismantled it. He was no longer able to collect it. His parents scolded him, but decided that they were raising a future engineer.

The boy was actively interested in the structure of something. I made shooting games, firecrackers, and watched my father fix the car. I loved going to the village to visit my grandmothers in the summer. I liked herding cows, going for mushrooms, picking berries. Sports were also close to the boy. He became acquainted with swimming at the age of six, when his family went on vacation to Anapa. A few years later I started going to the pool and doing martial arts. His choice was judo.

The artist began performing on stage while still in school. On one of school events schoolchildren showed miniatures from the lives of teachers and students. The audience was delighted. School was finished, certificate in hand. There was a choice to be made. Andrey Rozhkov “Ural Dumplings” In life, many things are decided by choice. Rozhkov did the right thing. Entered Polytechnic. Andrey actively participated in the life of the university. I really wanted to become a member of the Altair construction team. But they didn’t take him there. He joined the Horizon team and became one of his own.

Within the framework of the university and its life, a team of like-minded people was formed - Brekotkin, Isaev. With this composition, the guys began to play in KVN. The team was named “Ural dumplings”. Interestingly, there was such a restaurant in Yekaterinburg, and every participant dreamed of visiting it. The guys were seriously preparing for the games. KVN has become the main event, a passion in the life of each participant.

In 1995, the team entered the KVN Major League, and Rozhkov was its captain. The guys became " The last champion 20th century", winning the major league in 2000. The team was distinguished by their wit, charm and charisma, and incredible team spirit. KVN in the life of the team ended, but the humor remained. The guys were able to organize their own own show, where miniatures are shown, jokes are made, and songs are sung. The show “Ural Dumplings” is shown on the STS channel.

Andrey Rozhkov best numbers in the show “Ural Dumplings”

  • Was a participant in the show "Show News"
  • He wrote scripts and participated as an actor in the show “Big Difference”
  • Participated in the project “Unreal Story”
  • Appeared more than once in Comedy Club miniatures
  • He voiced such projects as: “Wolves and Sheep”, “Fairytale Patrol” “Paper”
  • Played in the film "Lucky Chance"
  • Loves football. He plays this game himself
  • Enjoys extreme sports - windsurfing, karting
  • I like to travel and buy unusual, authentic things.

Personal life of Andrey Rozhkov

Rozhkov is married to Elvira. The couple has three children - Makar, Semyon and Peter.

Public position

Andrey was a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the 2018 presidential elections.


Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov is a talented comedian, great artist, great person. The creativity of Rozhkov and “Ural Dumplings” is non-trivial, as correct and ironic as possible.

Andrey Rozhkov – Russian comedian, captain of the KVN team “Ural dumplings”, main character comedy television shows“Unreal Story”, “Valera-TV”, “Southern Butovo”.

The main films of actor Andrei Rozhkov

  • short biography

    Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov was born on March 28, 1971 in Yekaterinburg. Before becoming a professional joker, Andrey tried to become a welding engineer. “I even worked a little as a welder in a construction team. A very interesting profession... Through the glass when welding you see sparks... - admits Rozhkov. – But the fact is that when I graduated from college, the situation in the country was, to put it mildly, not so hot. I managed to get a job in another area - I worked as a builder for some time.”

    Andrey came into the world of KVN straight from the construction site. In the universe of cheerful and resourceful people, a funny red-haired guy found himself in the mid-90s. In 1993, 22-year-old Andrei was vacationing at the Raduga sports and recreation camp. There, together with four friends, Rozhkov performed at a humorous evening. The amateur team received thunderous applause from the audience. After such success, the guys decided to try their hand at “ big game» KVN. Rozhkov and the team called themselves “Ural dumplings” and stormed Moscow. Two years later, Andrei Rozhkov became team captain. “Of course, then everything was much simpler: there were fewer teams, almost no competition. In my opinion, about fifty teams came to the festival then. And it’s easier to stand out among fifty than among four hundred and fifty, as it is now. Imagine: competition in KVN has increased ninefold!” - the comedian reflects.

    As part of the Yekaterinburg team “Ural Dumplings,” Andrey wrote jokes and performed on stage for more than ten years. Gradually the team reached major league KVN, and their permanent red-haired captain became a real TV star. After all, KVN is shown on the main channel of the country in prime time - such a time will make anyone famous, especially since talented comedian. Simultaneously with his work in KVN, Andrei also appeared in such humorous shows as “Comedy Club” and “Thank God, you came!”

    However, despite his popularity, Andrei Rozhkov admitted that he dreams of something more than a career as a comedian. “Someday I will grow up to serious things. Maybe producing or directing,” Andrey said. – I hope the day is not far off when I will do something of my own! Such thoughts visit me and swarm in my head more than once!”

    By the age of 38, Andrei Rozhkov managed to slightly satisfy his ambitions. In 2009, he became a screenwriter for the TV show “Ural Dumplings”. Rozhkov wrote funny mini-stories from Everyday life, which were embodied on the screens by his colleagues in the famous KVN team. In the same year, he became one of the heroes of the comedy television series “Southern Butovo” (2009 – 2010), dedicated to life ordinary guys from the outskirts of the capital, where main role performed by Sergei Svetlakov.

    In 2011, 40-year-old Andrei Rozhkov became the co-host of the STS channel’s entertainment TV show “Unreal Story,” dedicated to mysterious historical events. And in 2012 he headed cast comedy television series “Valera-TV” of the same STS channel. The project is about a unique TV channel, directed by provincial cameraman Valera: he always and everywhere appears with a video camera and evokes laughter from viewers with his stories about the life of provincials.

    Andrei Rozhkov is married to the artist Elvira, who gave him two children - sons Semyon and Peter. In his free time from work, Andrey likes to engage in extreme sports. For some time Rozhkov practiced judo.

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