Fitball exercises for weak muscles for children. Fitball exercises for infants

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A person at any age benefits from moderate physical activity and gymnastics - it helps to keep the body in good shape and activate important processes in the body. And even if the baby has only recently turned one month old, he already needs to instill a love of physical activity. Special devices will help with this, including a large ball called a fitball.

Benefits of exercise

The use of a fitball is very effective, since this device can have a positive effect on the condition of the baby’s body in several directions at once, depending on the type of exercise chosen. So, exercise can bring the following benefits to any child older than one month:

  • Almost every child has hypertonicity of the flexor muscles from birth, and it is necessary to take measures to relieve it. Exercising on a fitball allows you to relax the muscles, and if the abdominal muscles are relaxed, the digestive processes will significantly improve, the frequency and intensity of colic will decrease, and the respiratory function will also improve;
  • muscles not only relax, but also strengthen and develop;
  • vibration effects work as an element of physiotherapy, allowing you to relieve mild pain and stimulate the functions of many vital organs;
  • also regular exercises will help develop the vestibular system and speed up the acquisition of skills in properly coordinating your movements.

Among other things, gymnastics with parents on a fitball is a real charge of positive emotions for the baby. It gives the baby a feeling of security and ease of adaptation to new conditions, since the popular movement of rocking on the ball is similar to the state of the baby in the womb, which is familiar and comfortable for him.

General rules

You need to work with the baby very carefully so as not to harm such a fragile creature, but on the contrary, to help him get stronger. You should definitely listen to the following rules:

  • You cannot pull the child by the hands or feet; they hold the baby on the sports equipment by the forearms, tummy, back or butt, and do it very carefully;

Doctor's advice: it is best if the baby is naked during the exercises, since the presence of clothes can not only cause discomfort, but also significantly increase the likelihood that the baby will slide heavily on the surface of the fitball.

  • You should not do such gymnastics in complete silence - turn on quiet music and accompany the complex with singing, children's nursery rhymes and jokes - this way your child will really enjoy the activity;
  • if the baby is capricious and resists the exercises, there is no need to insist, because it is difficult for him to immediately get used to such an unusual activity. That is why it is better to postpone the complex to a time when the baby has a positive attitude;
  • The first classes should be very short - no more than five minutes, and after that you can gradually increase their duration.

It is very important to take a responsible approach to choosing the ball itself. The optimal size is considered to be a diameter between 60 and 75 centimeters. The advantage of a fitball of this size is that, if desired, all family members, not just the baby, can exercise on it. The elasticity of the inflated ball is of no small importance - when lightly pressed with the palm, it should spring back easily, there should not be excessive resistance or too deep immersion. When choosing, pinch the ball a little with two fingers - if small folds appear on the material, then the product is not of high quality. The seams should be invisible and imperceptible. When choosing a model for exercising with a child, it is better to give preference to a fitball with an anti-explosion system.

Video: exercises with fitball

Exercises for babies

The first exercises on the ball can be started gradually from the age of two weeks, and for this you need to select a special time - no earlier than an hour after the last feeding. Acquaintance with the fitball should be short - its surface is covered with a diaper, the baby is carefully placed on top on his tummy, and slightly holding the little athlete with his palm behind his back, the parent should easily move the ball back and forth and to the sides with a small amplitude.

Gradually, you can introduce other exercises, adding variety and lengthening the program:

  • to the already familiar sideways movements, you can add circular rocking in a similar position;
  • you can also perform similar actions, only placing the baby not on the tummy, but on the back;
  • in a face down or up position, press slightly with your palm on the back or tummy of the baby, causing the ball to spring a little;
  • the baby should be placed on his back on the bed and a ball should be rolled to his legs so that he pushes it away from himself;
  • The following exercises are for older babies (from 6 months). While lying on the tummy, parents hold the child by the legs and gradually tilt the ball forward so that the child’s arms reach the floor. To make everything interesting, you can lay out a few toys in front of the fitball, and then the baby will be happy to reach for them;
  • this is probably the most fun exercise, which is always accompanied by loud laughter - we fix the ball between our knees, holding the baby, as if we put him on the ball and show how to jump, pushing off with his legs;
  • the baby is lying on the ball on his stomach, one parent holds his hands in the forearm area, and the second holds his shins. The essence of the exercise is to roll the baby back and forth on the ball;
  • from 8 months you can try to stand on the ball, while the fitball should be well fixed in one position, and parents should protect their baby from falling at all times.

Gallery “Positions of the baby on the fitball”

‘sitting’ positions ‘Side’ position Position ‘on your back’. It is important to hold the baby; if the child is afraid, it is better to stop the exercise The baby is held in the arms. In this position, you can rock the baby back and forth a little. ‘Supine’ position The baby balances on a fitball, holding hands with an adult


There are very few contraindications to the use of this sports device, but they still exist. You should not resort to exercises if the baby’s wound on the navel has not yet healed, he does not feel well, and even more so has an elevated body temperature. Also, you shouldn’t do the exercises by force; if the baby doesn’t want to, then you shouldn’t do it.

If you are preparing for childbirth, then make sure that a fitball is on your list of must-have purchases. This simulator will help not only the baby develop, but will also be of significant benefit to the new mother who wants to recover quickly after childbirth.

Girls, look, it might be useful to someone, it’s very useful for kids.

Exercises for infants on a fitball.

How is a ball useful from birth?
Rocking on a ball develops the vestibular apparatus (one of the most important components of activities with a child of the first year of life).
The baby can perform “passive” swimming, as he is used to doing in his mother’s tummy. This way he receives the necessary vestibular, visual and kinesthetic impulses.
Relaxes – in children from birth, as a rule, the tone of the flexors prevails. Relaxes the abdominal muscles, thereby improving digestion and reducing infant colic. If the abdominal muscles are relaxed, breathing improves significantly.
Vibration is a kind of physiotherapy; it has an analgesic effect, stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex, liver, kidneys and other vital organs.
From birth you can do simple gymnastics on a ball, making it more difficult with age. At the same time, all muscle groups are strengthened and developed. Strengthening the muscles of the back and especially around the spine makes it strong and flexible. This is the key to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the free distribution of nerve impulses throughout the body.
This is an interesting and fun activity. Having practiced from an early age, I assure you that in the future you will get a satisfied, happy, funny face on your baby as soon as you put him on the ball. All children usually love to play with a ball, which is very important for the emotional and psychological development of the baby.

How to choose a ball?
The most optimal size is 60 – 75 cm in diameter. This ball size allows the whole family to use it. It’s comfortable to just sit and jump on, even for adults. This reduces the load on the spine and relaxes the back muscles. In addition, gymnastics on such a large ball allows adults to have a healing effect on the entire body. Mothers will find it useful for restoring their figure after childbirth. Well, for kids this size of the ball can be used from birth to 4-5 years, and for playing even beyond.
Elasticity. When you press lightly on the ball, your palm should spring back, easily bouncing off it, and not encounter excessive resistance and not sink in easily. If you feel that the material of the ball is too thin, try “pinching the ball” - the formation of numerous small folds indicates the low quality of the product. A high-quality ball should have high plasticity - when inflated again, it should restore its shape without folds, wrinkles or cracks.
Strength is also the most important characteristic of the material from which the ball is made. Elasticity, springing properties and, consequently, functionality depend on it. High-quality balls are made of high-strength rubber and are designed for loads from 300 to 1000 kg. There are balls with an anti-explosion system (ABS), which is especially important when working with children.
Form. The seams formed on a high-quality ball when connecting parts are practically invisible visually and imperceptible during exercise, which cannot be said about balls of unknown origin (there is always a flash there - burrs, scars and fibrous structures, which is evidence of technological errors or unsatisfactory subsequent processing).
The nipple on the branded balls is flawlessly soldered inside, and does not interfere with work in any way, clinging to the carpet or clothing, and certainly cannot injure the skin. In a counterfeit product, the nipple protrudes noticeably outward and is often simply glued on, disrupting the natural shape of the ball.
Electrostatic properties. Good balls have satisfactory antistatic properties, making it easier to process their surface, are made of hypoallergenic environmentally friendly material and do not contain impurities hazardous to health. Modern technologies used in the production of high-quality balls prevent even small debris and dust from sticking to the ball.
Surface porosity. A quality ball will always be warm to the touch compared to a cold fake ball. Cheap balls are often “sticky” to the touch or even slippery - and performing exercises in these cases will be extremely difficult for the child.
Ball color. Branded balls, as a rule, are produced in a wide variety of colors (natural dark and light, metallic, transparent, with pictures, etc.), and among fakes, phosphorus-poisonous or bright rainbow colors predominate. Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov. wrote that “the work of muscles is the work of the brain,” that is, where the motor apparatus is in low activity, the general development of higher nervous activity is delayed. This is especially true for children in the first year of life.
The first lessons can begin as early as 2 weeks of age (you and the baby have already adapted at home, your feeding, sleep and wakefulness patterns have gradually improved, and your umbilical wound has healed). Classes should be carried out no earlier than 40 minutes - 1 hour after feeding.
Your first lesson is short. First you have to get used to the ball yourself. Sit on a chair or sofa, place the ball in front of you. Cover it with a diaper and carefully place the baby on his tummy in the center of the ball. It is not necessary to undress him at first, but from experience I will say that a dressed baby rests on the ball less steadily. Both he and you will feel insecure.
ATTENTION! During exercises on the ball, children should not be held or pulled by their palms (hands) or feet. The ankle and wrist joints are not yet ready to work with the weight of the baby - there is a high risk of injury.
The game and at the same time the exercise “Back and forth on the stomach” perfectly train the vestibular apparatus. The baby lies on the ball with his tummy down, mom or dad put their hand on his back, holding the baby and rocking him on the fitball back and forth, right and left. Then in a circle. This exercise helps to cope with gas. Repeat until you or your baby gets bored.

“Here and there on his back” - now turn the baby over and put him on his back. You will immediately see how he strains his abs, trying to stand up. Also rock in different directions, relaxing the back muscles. In general, fitball is a very valuable tool for relaxation and prevention of microdisplacements of the spine .

“Spring” - the child lies belly down on the ball. Springy down/up movements (short, soft, jerky pressure with palms on the baby’s butt and back). Here you will need the correct grip of the legs - such “fork” grips are used in dynamic gymnastics. Place your ankle between your index and middle fingers. The thumb “closes” the ring around the baby’s leg. If the description of the grip seems too complicated, just grab the baby by the ankles and wait for him to straighten his legs, pushing off from your palms. The result is spring-like jumps. The spring can also be done on the back, then a six-month-old baby usually strives to rise - as a result, the necessary muscles work.

"Watch." The baby lies on the ball with his back. We hold the child by the chest with both hands and swing the child on the ball, making circular movements (clockwise and counterclockwise) to the right/left side.
These were basic, simple exercises recommended by our masseuse. If you get a taste for it and want more, read on. But remember that the exercises described below require a fair amount of skill and patience to master. Do not force your child if he is not in the mood or has no need to become a “professional gymnast”!
For sedentary and walking infants, there is a more difficult exercise - “Wheelbarrow” - belly down. The child rests his hands on the ball, and you raise your legs, as if you have a “car” in your hands. Sometimes it can be difficult to maintain balance.

Another fun exercise game, Tiptoe, will help develop balance and train the ankle joint. With a one-year-old child (or older children), you can play on the ball with your insurance. The baby stands on the ball, you hold it by the arms (fix the apparatus with your knees), and the child tries to walk. The exercise can be complicated by asking the child to stand on tiptoes, like a girl from a Picasso painting.
"Fold." Position – tummy on the ball, baby “hugs” the ball with his palms. Hold your baby's shin with each hand. Rolling the ball backwards - pull the baby towards you, bending the legs at the knees. Roll the ball forward - straighten your legs. We repeat several times.

"Airplane". (A complex exercise that requires patience from the baby and mother in mastering the movement). Position on the ball – on its side (alternately). Mom (or dad) holds the child by the right shin and right forearm. The baby's left side lies on the ball. We roll right/left several times. Then we change position.

"Rider". The baby's back is on the ball. We lift the baby, holding the forearms, into a sitting position. You need to hold this position for several seconds, balancing on the ball. Then we place our “gymnast” again with his back on the ball.

"Soldier". Starting position – the child’s feet are on the floor, holding the ball with his palms. The mother carefully monitors (you can support at first) as the baby tries to stand on his own for a few seconds, leaning on the ball. We recommend starting this exercise closer to the 8-9th month.

"Grabber." When your baby learns to grab a toy, you can scatter several small toys on the floor, and you will see how he begins to tear off first one handle, and then two at once, from the ball, trying to grab the toy. Your activity will turn into a fun game.

The ball can also be used as a toy - thrown at each other, rolled on the ground or on the floor. Usually the laughter doesn't stop. And your baby will be charged with joy and positive emotions. In addition, you will independently and without much difficulty improve his physical shape and develop certain muscles. Your baby will become more active, stronger, will no longer be afraid of changes in the position of his body, appetite and sleep will improve, and he will receive a great positive emotional charge.
Don't be afraid to experiment within the walls of your home. Sincerely rejoice at any successes of your baby.
The ball is also very good for practicing with children who have any neurological (hyper-, hypotonicity, etc.) or orthopedic pathology (torticollis, hip dysplasia, etc.). But in these cases, classes should only be conducted by a specialist!

Previously, in the post-Soviet space, there was an opinion that the baby should lie tightly swaddled - supposedly this way the baby’s arms and legs would be straight. But today all doctors recommend giving the baby freedom and not wrapping him up too tightly. Gymnastics from the first years of life and daily light massage are also considered mandatory. All this is necessary for the full and proper development of the child’s internal organs, muscles and circulatory system. Fitball exercises for infants are one of the most useful and fun.

What is the use of them:

  • The muscles of the abdominal cavity, back and arms and legs are strengthened;
  • Muscle hypertonicity goes away very quickly after these exercises;
  • The baby’s circulatory system, the development and functioning of all internal organs are stimulated;
  • Prevents the occurrence of painful colic;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Forms correct posture;
  • Develops metabolism;
  • Increases the child's endurance;
  • Develops the baby's vestibular apparatus;
  • Promotes the development of coordination in the child;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Suitable for working out any muscle group.

The fitball is a large ball made of dense rubber. Thanks to its design, it does not explode under any circumstances and is a safe tool for exercising with a newborn.

There are only three reasons why you should give up these exercises:

  • The umbilical wound did not heal;
  • The baby is sick;
  • There is no desire for mother or baby to study.

In all other cases, a fitball is ideal for gymnastics with a baby, and the benefits it brings cannot be compared with any other apparatus or instrument.

How to exercise on a fitball correctly?

First of all, you need to consult with the pediatrician who supervises the baby (since classes can only begin when the baby is two to three weeks old).

After inspection and approval, you can immediately begin classes. There are several recommendations to follow:

  1. For the first two to three months of classes (until the child is 3 months old), it is necessary to put a diaper on the ball so that the rubber does not irritate the baby’s delicate skin.
  2. You can exercise only an hour after feeding.
  3. The time of classes must be gradually increased: starting with 5-10 minutes, then each lesson can be increased by 2-3 minutes.
  4. It is better to undress the baby completely before the lesson; you can leave him only a diaper.
  5. During classes, use classical instrumental music - it will create a pleasant atmosphere and relax the baby.
  6. It is important to talk to the child during exercises so that he feels the presence of his mother and her attention.
  7. The baby should be placed on the ball with his feet facing the parent, and bright toys or books can be placed in front of the ball, so the baby’s attention will be occupied and the gymnastics will be quick and fun.
  8. If some exercise is difficult to do, the muscles “seize”; it is worth repeating this exercise several times, trying to work the muscle.
  9. If the baby is tired ahead of time or is capricious, it is better to interrupt the lesson. It should not only develop the child’s body, but also bring joy to him and the mother.

The best time to do gymnastics is in the morning from 7 to 11 am.

What does a special exercise ball look like - Fitball

It is at this time that gymnastics will have the most beneficial effect on the child’s body, who is most active at these hours and is in a good mood. But if this cannot be done in the morning, you can do gymnastics on the ball at any other time.

If a mother doubts her abilities and is afraid of harming her child, you can invite an instructor to the first few lessons, who will show and tell all the necessary exercises and techniques for performing them.

Basic exercises on a fitball for infants

You can have fun on the fitball by simply sitting on it with your child and swaying. Many mothers feed their babies on a ball, but it is best to do basic exercises that will physically develop the child. In fact, there are not very many of them, but each has a positive effect on one or another muscle group.

Rocking on your tummy

It is necessary to carefully place the child on the ball, tummy down. Don't forget to put on a diaper if the baby is less than 2 months old. Then you need to put one hand on the back of the baby, and the other on the legs and, holding the baby in this way, begin to gently rock him forward and back, then right and left and in a circle. This exercise helps avoid painful colic and relaxes the baby's abdominal muscles. It also promotes the proper development of the vestibular apparatus.

Rocking on your back

The second technique exercise is the same as the first, but the child must be turned onto his back. The ball must also be swung in different directions, but you need to hold the baby by the head and chest, making sure that he does not slip off the ball or throw his head back too much. This exercise strengthens the child’s spine and prevents its displacement or curvature. It also forces you to work your abdominal muscles.


This exercise involves making the ball spring under the child. The baby should be placed on his back again and his legs should be secured as follows: the index and middle fingers grab one leg, and the thumb clasps the second, so that the baby’s ankles are firmly fixed by the parent’s hand. The other hand must be placed on the child’s back and spring with him.


For this exercise, you need to transfer the child to another surface (table, bed). Take the ball in your hands and bring it closer to the baby’s feet so that he begins to instinctively push it away. In this way, the child’s leg muscles and spine are trained.


For this exercise, mommy needs to sit on the floor and firmly hold the ball with her feet so that it is stable and does not roll away. Then take the baby under your arms and put him on the ball, holding his back. The baby will jump and walk on the ball with his feet, which will have a positive effect on the child’s entire skeleton and on his mood.

"Get it"

The point of the exercise is that the child must reach the toy that lies directly in front of the ball. To do this, you need to put the baby on the ball on his tummy and, holding the legs, tilt him forward with the ball.

Downloading the press

To work the abdominal muscles, you need to place the child on his back on the ball and, holding him by the shoulders, lift the child and lay him back on the ball so that the lower part of the body does not come off the surface of the fitball.

These are the main exercises on a fitball for infants, which will help work out all their muscles, increase endurance and immunity.

How to choose the right fitball?

Many mothers are afraid of injuring their child with such exercises, but if you perform them correctly and follow safety precautions, and also purchase a quality ball, then nothing bad will happen.

You can buy a fitball at any store that specializes in children's products or sports equipment.

It is best to purchase a universal ball for children and adults, which is about 75 cm in diameter. For exercises with newborns, you should purchase a ball with an absolutely smooth surface with an anti-burst function. This can be indicated by the corresponding brand of ball: BS or BRQ.

Preference should be given to companies specializing in such products. The general characteristics of the ball are:

  • Odorless;
  • Homogeneous;
  • Dense;
  • No seams;
  • Must withstand up to 150 kg of weight;
  • A nipple may be soldered into the ball;

By choosing a ball based on these characteristics, parents are guaranteed to purchase a quality product for their baby.

One of the effective and affordable ways to physically develop a baby is exercise on a fitball. It is best to work with children in the morning, when they are at their peak of activity. Do not start charging earlier than 1.5 hours after feeding, otherwise the baby will burp and become capricious.

Long gone are the days when babies were tightly swaddled and forced to lie still until almost six months. Modern pediatricians value the freedom of children and strongly recommend swimming and gymnastics. One of the effective and affordable ways to develop a child physically is exercise on a fitball.

According to all the rules

You can carry out the exercises after two weeks of the baby’s life, when the umbilical wound has healed. By this time, most children have already managed to recover from childbirth and enter the feeding regime.


The baby will touch the ball with his body and face, so cover the simulator with a diaper. It is better to undress the child so that the folds do not put pressure on the back and tummy. Before starting gymnastics, warm up the muscles by giving your baby a light massage.

Perfect time

It is best to work with children in the morning, when they are at their peak of activity. Do not start charging earlier than 1.5 hours after feeding, otherwise the baby will burp and become capricious.

Monitor your baby's well-being

If everything is not okay with your child, he is sick or not feeling well, postpone exercises on the ball. Make sure nothing causes any discomfort to the baby.

First lessons

To get acquainted with fitball, 4-6 minutes is enough. During this time, parents will have time to get used to the gymnastic equipment and gain confidence in their actions.

If the child is nervous and resists, do not insist. He also needs to get comfortable and get used to it.

The right attitude

How to hold a baby correctly

At first, it is difficult for parents to understand how it is more convenient and safe to take a baby, especially a newborn.

Calm down, sit on a chair in front of the exercise ball and place the baby on the center of the exercise machine, tummy down. Now rock it a little, increasing the amplitude of the vibrations.

Try not to pick up or pull the baby by the feet and hands. The joints that are located there have not yet become stronger.

During exercise, hold the baby by grasping your ankles.

Thematic material:

The results of your work will be visible after a month if you practice according to the rules and maintain regularity.

Both benefit and entertainment

Some parents think that such physical exercises are intended for children with problems, and they are deeply mistaken. Those who are doing well with their baby should not neglect gymnastics.

The miracle ball will become an indispensable thing in a home with children. It will help improve your health and be suitable for fun games and entertainment.

Benefits of exercising on a fitball:

  • Infants often experience increased tone in the flexor muscles. This creates inconvenience for newborns and is sometimes accompanied by painful sensations. With a fitball, hypertonicity goes away faster, which accelerates the development of children.
  • Exercises strengthen the back muscles, train the vestibular apparatus, and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Rocking on a fitball is a kind of massage and stimulation of the proper functioning of internal organs. Exercises improve blood circulation and establish smooth breathing.
  • Gymnastics on a ball normalizes the functioning of the digestive system - the main culprit of children's crying at night. Such exercises are an excellent prevention of gas formation, colic and constipation, which bother almost all infants up to 3 months.

Rocking on the exercise machine is reminiscent of the movements in your mother's belly. Therefore, newborns are very comfortable on a gymnastic ball.

Not every fitball is good

Responsible parents approach the choice of equipment thoroughly. To avoid confusion when buying a ball, take note of a few tips.

About quality

Buy a fitball at a children's or sports store (this will give you a better chance of getting a quality product).

Pay attention to the presence of such a characteristic as continuity. It is marked with the letters ABS or BRQ. This means that when punctured, the ball will not explode with a bang, but will slowly deflate.


Choose a fitball without spikes or “pimples”; for infants, a smooth, but not slippery surface is better.

Thematic material:

The product should not emit the smell of rubber or other chemicals.


Gymnastic balls are produced with a diameter of 45 to 75 cm. Take larger ones so that your mother can exercise as well, restoring her shape after long months of pregnancy.

Electrostatic indicators

Dust and small debris do not stick to a good fitball. Electrical discharges accumulated in the product are also harmful to newborns. When purchasing, this can be easily checked using synthetic fabric.

For young children, a fitball is a universal exercise machine - it offers both dynamic exercises and a relaxing massage. Depending on the intensity of the activity, you can invigorate or calm the baby.

Age matters

The main advantage of a gymnastic ball is its simplicity. Training is carried out even without special preparation. If possible, invite an instructor at first. He will select a suitable set of exercises and show you how to do them correctly.

From birth to six months

Gymnastics for children under 6 months usually consists of a set of simple elements.

"Let's swing"

Place the baby on the ball, tummy down. Holding it firmly by the back, begin to slowly rock the fitball back and forth, left and right, in a circle. Then repeat the exercise, only this time the child will be on his back.


The baby lies with its tummy on the ball. With one hand, grab his legs so that the thumb forms a ring around the legs, and the ankle is between the index and middle fingers. This girth is called the “fork”. With your other hand, lift and lower the baby while resting on the ball. This tummy massage reduces the accumulation of gases in the intestines.


We place the child with his back on the fitball and, rocking, circle around his axis. It is most convenient to hold the baby by the tummy.


The exercise is performed on the couch. We roll the ball close to the legs of the lying baby. As soon as the baby feels it, it will begin to instinctively push it away. This is explained by an innate reflex and is very beneficial for the health of the baby: the muscles of the legs are trained, the skill of standing up is strengthened.

We complicate exercises on a fitball from 6 months

From the age of six months, more complex gymnastic elements are added to classes.


We firmly fix the fitball with our feet or press it against the wall. We place the baby on it with its legs, holding it by the body. We show you how to bounce and have fun with your little one!

To turn a child into a wheelbarrow, place his tummy on a fitball. The little one rests his hands on the exercise machine, and the adult holds his legs and rolls him forward.

This exercise differs from the previous one only in that now a toy is placed in front of the ball. When the child rolls on the fitball to the floor, he will take out the object.


One of the best exercises to strengthen the back muscles of infants. Only this time you will need two adults. Dad takes the little athlete by the shins, mom grabs his forearms. We roll the child so that only the arms or legs touch the fitball.


This type of exercise is suitable for children from 8 months, when babies are already standing at the support. In our case, the support is a fitball.

Baby on your back. Grasping your forearms, raise it 90 degrees and lower it again. This way, infants develop good abdominal muscles.

As you can see, classes after 6 months become more complex and intense, so it is better to abandon the diaper. Don't limit yourself to the standard set of exercises and come up with new movements and elements with your child.

Fitball is not just another tool for early development that is fashionable today. Exercises with this miracle ball will make your beloved child stronger, more active, improve sleep and appetite, and bring a lot of positive emotions.

Modern parents have much more opportunities for the physical and emotional development of their infants than their own parents did many years ago. One of such generally available and useful acquisitions is a gymnastic fitball ball. Classes there are interesting and useful not only for children over one and a half years old, but also for newborn infants. In this article we will talk about how to properly organize fitball exercises for infants, what exercises can be performed on the ball depending on age.

Helpful or Harmful?

The question of the benefits and harms of fitball for the development of infants does not have a clear answer. Most pediatricians are inclined to believe that harm is possible if parents do not follow the technique of performing gymnastics, if they start using a gymnastic ball too early for exercises with the toddler. The optimal age at which you can start such activities is considered to be from one and a half months. Until this age, it is better to refrain from various manipulations and exercises, so as not to injure the baby’s spine and umbilical wound.

However, the benefits of exercising on a gymnastic ball significantly outweigh the few disadvantages:

  • helps relieve symptoms of muscle hypertonicity, which are characteristic of almost every child aged from birth to 5-6 months;
  • the skeletal and muscular systems are strengthened;
  • the baby’s weak abdominal wall is strengthened, which helps prevent or reduce the manifestations of infant colic;
  • the vestibular apparatus develops, the child coordinates movements better;
  • the child develops correct foot placement and correct posture;
  • the state of the nervous system improves.

In order for your baby to get the maximum amount of benefit from exercises on a fitball, it is important to choose the right ball itself.

Only smooth balls are suitable for children aged 2-3 months. At 4-5 months, it is quite possible to offer the baby textured fitballs with pimples and ribs for exercises or gymnastics - this will be an additional massage effect.

Ball size matters too- if you buy it not only for the baby, but also for yourself, in order to quickly get into good physical shape after childbirth, take a larger ball - 75 cm in diameter. If the ball is intended only for babies, 45 or 55 cm in diameter will be enough.

Avoid fitballs of dubious quality that have a strong odor. The materials may be unsafe - the child may develop severe allergies and chemical burns. The surface of a good, high-quality fitball for babies is non-slip and smooth. Check for ABS markings- this means that the ball will not explode or burst at the time of use - the tests have been passed, which is what this marking actually says.

Already have a ball that meets safety requirements? Then we move on to studying the technique of classes for babies under the age of one year.

First of all, parents need to learn how to choose the right time for classes with their child - at the time of gymnastics, the baby should be well-slept, rested, healthy and well-fed. However, you do not need to start doing a set of exercises immediately after eating; wait an hour and a half after feeding and only then start exercising.

General strengthening exercises aimed at stimulating muscle work, toning the child, invigorating, are best done in the first half of the day, and a calming relaxation set of exercises is best performed in the evening, shortly before bathing and going to bed. If you do not take into account the direction of the exercises, you can disrupt the child’s daily routine, worsen his sleep, as a result of which the exercises will not be beneficial. The baby will not get enough sleep, he will feel tired.

You need to increase the time of training gradually - from 3-5 minutes to 15-20 minutes. The load should also increase wisely - start with one or two exercises, gradually introduce new tasks, increase the time they are completed.

Hold your child securely during exercise to prevent him from falling off the exercise ball and causing injury. If the child desperately resists, shows signs of fatigue, or is capricious, the activity should also be stopped - no benefit can be achieved from gymnastics through tears and whims, no matter how hard you try.

Always accompany the lesson with cheerful and relaxed comments, read rhymes, sing a song, this is important so that the child understands that he is not being subjected to a strange ritual (which, by the way, can be dangerous!), but is being played with. Only then will the baby begin to perceive classes adequately and positively.

If you are working with an undressed baby, be sure to cover the surface of the fitball with a diaper - this will be more pleasant for the baby. Do not forget about safety for a minute - do not leave the baby without support, support and attention - a fall from a fitball can be very painful and traumatic.

Methods for performing the lesson

With a baby from 1.5 to 3 months

This is the youngest age group involved in fitball training. For such children, it is important to perform gymnastics in the most delicate, gentle manner. Therefore, experts recommend groups of exercises aimed at relaxing muscles, reducing tone and preventing intestinal colic. The rest of the exercises are not needed for the baby yet.

Relaxing exercises on a gymnastic ball for kids are very simple to perform.

  • Belly ride. Place the baby on the fitball with his stomach down, his head should also be turned to one cheek. Hold the child behind his back with one hand and his legs with the other. Begin to gently swing the ball to the right and left alternately. Gradually complicate the exercise by adding rocking back and forth, and then in a circle. Watch the speed and amplitude - the child should not be frightened or rocked. This exercise facilitates the removal of intestinal gases, reduces the intensity and frequency of colic, and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

  • Riding on your back. After rolling on your stomach, move on to riding on your back. Place the baby on the ball with his back, but so that the baby's head does not fall back. Hold the baby's tummy with one hand, and secure the legs with the other. To begin with, it will be quite easy to rock the baby from side to side, then the exercise is complicated in the same way as the first. This technique promotes the formation of posture and the development of back muscles.

  • Football for kids. The baby should be placed on the floor, on a special mat, in a supine position. The fitball is leaned against the legs and the wall of the ball is lightly pressed onto the baby’s feet. Reflexively, the baby will push the ball away, thereby developing and strengthening the muscles of the legs. Increased tone due to intense but soft extension movements will decrease.

Avoid jumping exercises and rolling the ball up and down. Do not sit your child on a fitball, it is too early for him - the spine is not ready for vertical load.

With a 4-6 month old baby

At this age, you need to combine relaxation exercises with exercises to develop the muscle corset. The baby’s favorite toys will help with this; he has already managed to acquire them. The set of exercises becomes more meaningful and requires active participation from the baby.

  • “Get the toy.” This is a more complicated version of the tummy ride, which was described in the complex for babies. After rolling the baby, making circular movements on his stomach, place his favorite toy on the floor in front of the football. The baby will reach for it, hold his legs tightly, fixing the back with your other hand. Stretching is important for developing the lateral oblique muscles, as well as stimulating the abdominal muscles and shoulder girdle. To make your baby’s efforts crowned with success, push the fitball slightly away from you so that the baby can reach the toy and firmly grasp it with his hands.

"Jumping" Mom sits on the floor, clamps the fitball between her legs, fixing it. Supporting the child under her arms, she lifts and lowers him with his feet onto the ball; it is important that the baby pushes off the ball with his feet. It is better to start this exercise from 5 months, but you need to make sure that the load of the baby’s entire body does not fall on the legs.

  • "Movable wheelbarrow." This is a variant of the “Wheelbarrow” exercise, beloved by many children, in which the mother holds only the baby’s legs with her hands, and with his hands he “walks” along the floor. The difference will be that the baby will move the ball with his hands, moving it forward. The exercise develops your arms, chest, neck and upper back well.

For children over 6 months

For infants of this age category, classes become even more difficult, and in addition to the two complexes listed above, they add exercises for the development of motor skills and dexterity.

  • "Goalkeeper". If the child sits independently, sit him opposite you and push the ball towards him. The child’s task is to catch it with both hands, and ideally, to push it back to the mother. The exercise develops coordination of movements and logical abilities.
  • "Horses." Place the child, who has already begun to sit, on the ball and hold him by the sides closer to the armpits. First, move the ball slightly with your baby's bottom to the right and left, back and forth. This will warm up and prepare the muscles of the buttocks and back. Then make gentle jumping movements on the fitball - the exercise helps develop the back muscles.
  • "Snowball". This exercise is for infants who have begun to stand independently. It will help in mastering the first steps. Place the child near the ball, help him grab the “ears” of the ball with his hands. On the other side, secure the ball with your foot so that it does not roll forward at high speed. When the baby holds tightly, begin to gradually move the ball forward, loosening the hold with your foot. The child will gradually learn to step with his feet after the ball.

To ensure that the product lasts as long as possible, Experts recommend using the following recommendations.

  • Keep the fitball clean. Wipe it every day with a damp, clean cloth, and wash it twice a week with baby soap.
  • Do not start performing more complex sets of exercises if the child has not yet reached the recommended age or has not mastered the exercises of the previous set.
  • After class, put the fitball away where your baby won’t see it. If a bright and interesting “thing” appears once a day, it will be more entertaining than the usual, eyesore toy.
  • To achieve better results from home exercises with your baby, combine exercises and exercises on a fitball with a massage. You need to exercise on the ball after a massage, when the muscle groups are warmed up and ready for additional stress.
  • Contraindications

    There are not many contraindications for exercising on a fitball, but you should definitely familiarize yourself with them. It is better to refuse classes if your child:

    • high temperature, teething;
    • recovery period after illness, severe weakness;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, paralysis and paresis (special therapeutic massage and exercise therapy complex are required);
    • hydrocephalus;
    • large umbilical or inguinal hernia (there is a risk of pinching);
    • congenital heart defects (classes are possible, but only under the supervision of a doctor);
    • birth injuries (training is not excluded, but only after consultation and prescription of a complex of exercise therapy by an orthopedist).

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