The meaning of the word illusionist. Illusionists Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

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The art of illusion dates back to ancient times, when techniques and techniques for manipulating people’s consciousness began to be used not only to control them (shamans, priests and leaders), but also for entertainment (fakirs).

In the Middle Ages, professional artists appeared at fairs - puppeteers, magicians using various mechanisms, card magicians (sharps).

At the end of the 19th century, Harry Houdini, who created the ideas for many illusion devices, became widely famous.

In the 20th century, illusionists work in the circus, on the stage, and are taught the art of illusionism. Artists create a show based on complex physical effects, use electromagnets, microwave radiation, etc.

Ways to create illusions

An illusionist usually uses special technical devices - boxes with double bottoms, mirrors, etc., as well as manipulation techniques, that is, sleight of hand.

Illusionists demonstrate the appearance and disappearance of objects, people, and the transformation of one object into another.

Psychological manipulation of attention, its distraction with the help of assistants, repeated distracting movements, as well as phenomena based on optical illusion are widely used.

The creation of illusions using cards has become widespread. This type of illusion is called "card tricks."

The most famous illusionists

  • Alli-Vad (A. A. Vadimov-Markelov)
  • Valery Bastrakov
  • Charles Cameroon
  • Kevin James
  • Jacob Philadelphia
  • James Randi
  • Arthur Ellison
  • Lance Barton
  • P. S. Sorker
  • Dorothy Dietrich
  • Greg Frewin
  • Herbert L. Becker
  • Penn Fraser Gillette and Raymond Joseph Teller
  • Berry Jones and Stuart McLeod
  • Kristen Johnson
  • Rudy Kobe
  • Martin Taylor


  • E. Keogh, Tricks and magicians, M., 1958
  • E. Keogh, Illusionists and “wizards”, M., 1959
  • Vadimov A., The Art of Focus, M., 1959
  • Vadimov A. A. and Trivas A. A., From magicians of antiquity to illusionists of our days. M., 1966
  • Anatoly Kartashkin, The Art of Surprising, Moscow PROFIZDAT, 1990, ISBN 5-255-00163-5
  • Encyclopedia of tricks and puzzles, Rostov n/d.: Prof-Press Publishing House, 1999, ISBN 5-88475-319-5
  • Hmayak Hakobyan, Best Tricks, St. Petersburg, 2000, ISBN 5-88155-359-4

See also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Illusionist” is in other dictionaries:

    - “THE ILLUSIONIST” (De illusionist) Netherlands, 1983, 90 min. Aesthetic absurd comedy. This super extravagant, absurdly surreal film, soon after its release, even found its way onto our video market, which should be considered one of the mysteries... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Magician Dictionary of Russian synonyms. illusionist noun, number of synonyms: 4 artist (63) magician (2 ... Dictionary of synonyms

    illusionist- a, m. illusionniste m. 1. philosopher Follower of illusionism. Ush. 1934. 2. Circus actor performing tricks using varied and complex devices. BAS 1. The same praise is said to writers, actors, poets and, finally, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    A variety circus performer, he performs tricks based on the use of special equipment or on manual dexterity, speed, precision of movements... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ILLUSIONIST, illusionist, husband. (philosophical). Follower of illusionism. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ILLUSIONIST, huh, husband. A circus performer who performs complex tricks, often using special equipment. | wives illusionist, i. | adj. illusionistic, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    A; m. Circus and stage actor performing illusion numbers. Circova and. Magician illusionist. ◁ Illusionist, and; and. Illusionistic, oh, oh. * * * illusionist, circus performer, performs tricks based on the use of special... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    1) follower of illusionism 1; 2) a circus performer who masters the art of illusionism 2. A new dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. illusionist a, m., soul. (fr. illusionniste... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    illusionist- A; m. see also. illusionist, illusionist Circus and stage actor performing illusion acts. Circus illusion/art. Magician illusionist... Dictionary of many expressions

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word illusionist

illusionist in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


illusionist, m. (philosopher). Follower of illusionism.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, m. A circus performer who performs complex tricks, often using special equipment.

and. illusionist, -i.

adj. illusionistic, oh, oh.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. An adherent of illusionism (1*).

      Representative of illusionism (1*).

  1. m. Circus and variety artist, mastering the art of illusionism (2*).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


variety and circus performer, performs tricks based on the use of special equipment or on manual dexterity, speed, and precision of movements.


The Illusionist (film, 1984)

"Illusionist"- a film directed by Jos Stelling, released in 1984. The film's script is a reworking of Freck de Jonge's theater play "Tragedy".

Illusionist (disambiguation)


  • The Illusionist (film, 1984) - directed by Jos Stelling
  • The Illusionist (2006 film) - directed by Neil Burger
  • The Illusionist - director Sylvain Chomet

The Illusionist (2006 film)

The Illusionist (cartoon)

"Illusionist" is the second full-length animated film by Sylvain Chomet, which was released in 2010. The cartoon was produced at his Edinburgh film studio Django Films by an international team of animators. The budget for the cartoon is estimated at approximately £11 million, and the financing itself was provided by Pathe Pictures. The film is dedicated to the memory of Sophie Tatishchev, the daughter of the screenwriter.

Examples of the use of the word illusionist in literature.

A week later, Mr. Bronson took Woodrow to a matinee at the Hippodrome Theater to watch the famous illusionist Thurston.

Dreiser, anarchist Emma Goldman, illusionist Harry Houdini, banker John Pierpont Morgan.

Then Danny remembered how, as a child, he came to them on his eighth birthday. illusionist and showed such amazing tricks that Danny then discussed them with his friends for several days and did not sleep at night, trying to unravel the secret.

But these gradual differences become insignificant if you imagine how far we all were, illusionists and the so-called realists, from what actually happened.

MIFF Paris-Texas Then the video era began: Last Tango in Paris and Conformist Breathless Illusionist Terminator 2 and The Silence of the Lambs Citizen Kane Subway Twin Peaks Pulp Fiction Leon, seen, however, in the cinema, like Reservoir Dogs Then I became a film critic and there were a lot of good films?

The smoke did not smell like burning, it had no smell at all, it was more like the kind that circus performers who are greedy for external effects use in their hoax tricks illusionists.

Hugo in the dining room, recalls Edmond Goncourt, standing alone at the table, preparing to read his poems, and this preparation is somewhat reminiscent of preliminary preparation illusionist before the start of the performance, somewhere in the corner, trying out his tricks.

The prosecutor looked at the abundant dastarkhan, wondering what to put on the plate, how Illusionist suggested kazy - horse sausage.

On mutual responsibility,” suggested the dining companion mockingly, but Illusionist I didn’t understand the irony, he joyfully picked up, catching the essence: - Well done, lawyer and lawyer at the table, that’s right - mutual responsibility, and therefore let’s drink to our friends, we once helped Tulkun Nazarovich rise, he’s probably for you, This is what the earth rests on.

The prosecutor was surprised by the brief but apt description of many who Illusionist remembered, and these people now opened up to him in a new way.

This is not Tashkent, this is not a crummy state dacha,” he muttered smugly Illusionist, pleased with the impression he made on the important guest.

The night was waning and Illusionist He seemed to be in a peaceful mood, but then a girl who had helped Mavlyuda at the beginning of the feast came in and brought in a huge lyang of pilaf, sprinkled with Dashnabad pomegranate seeds on top.

Not a bad idea, not a bad one, at least it sounds convincing,” said Illusionist, straightening his shoulders and perking up.

“Shout, shout, neither your KGB nor the Ministry of Internal Affairs will hear you,” he said maliciously Illusionist and laughed, supported by the gold-toothed vassal.

Hello, Arthur, sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night, we were drinking to your health here,” he said Illusionist, without taking his eyes off the Senator.

An illusionist (magician, fakir) is an artist who performs tricks based on certain physical and psychological phenomena and subconscious delusions.

The illusionist demonstrates to the audience tricks and tricks based on certain physical or psychological laws, playing on a person’s subconscious misconceptions. The art of illusion was mastered in ancient times; the first illusionists can be considered shamans and priests, who used their skills to manipulate people’s consciousness. Later, fakirs, puppeteers, magicians and card sharpers began to appear, usually performing at fairs. They turned illusionism into circus art.

The most important task of an illusionist is to ensure that his performance captivates the audience, and that the trick interests and provides aesthetic pleasure. At the same time, the secret of the “miracles” seen by the audience must certainly remain unsolved.

At the end of the 19th century, Harry Houdini became widely famous. He laid the foundation for many tricks and methods of illusionism, which later became widely known among masters of illusion. In addition to performing the most complex stunts and escape tricks, he also exposed charlatans. He brought to light more than a dozen miracle workers and clairvoyants.

One of the most popular Russian illusionists was Emil Teodorovich Kio. People's Artist of Russia, the founder of the famous dynasty of illusionists, he was the first Russian illusionist with large equipment to transfer his performances from the stage to the circus arena. This significantly complicated the work of the illusionist, since the all-round view allowed the audience to observe the trick from all sides.

Kyo's main advantage was true artistic skill; he did everything so vividly and naturally that, even having figured out the secret of his trick, many did not pay attention to it and continued to enjoy the enchanting action. His “Rejuvenation” trick was especially successful. The essence of it was that an old woman would go into a vertical box, he would close her there, pierce the box with all kinds of swords, and then open the door, and an unharmed young girl would come out of the box.

He was the first to create a humorous atmosphere around the once mystical art of illusionism, adding to his performances carpet clowns who constantly argued with him and tried to expose his tricks. Subsequently, all illusionists began to use this method, as if telling the viewer: “We are not doing anything magical, but it is not easy to expose us.”

Personal qualities




A magician's salary depends on his success and the popularity of his performances.

who is an illusionist? and got the best answer

Answer from The (SICON)[newbie]
Illusionism is a type of circus art that is characterized by the use of sleight of hand, tricks or special equipment to create the illusion of breaking the usual physical properties of well-known objects. The name comes from the French word “Illusionner” - “to mislead”.
An illusionist (magician, fakir) is an artist who performs tricks based on certain physical and psychological phenomena and subconscious delusions.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: who is an illusionist?

Reply from --- [expert]
Magician. Copperfield, for example)

Reply from Yovetlana[guru]
To put it simply - a magician, although this is not entirely true.

Reply from . [guru]
An illusionist is someone like a magician. He doesn’t perform real miracles, but what he sees seems like real magic to people. Although in reality it is just sleight of hand and long training. They fool people very well!

Reply from Igor Krushinsky[guru]
ILLUSIONIST, illusionist, m. (philosophy). Follower of illusionism.
Ushakov's Dictionary
1. Adherent to illusionism (1*).
2. Representative of illusionism (1*).

1. Circus and variety artist, proficient in the art of illusionism (2*).
Efremova T. A. New dictionary of the Russian language

Reply from Grigory Tereshko[newbie]
An illusionist is a person who works in a circus.

Reply from Grigory Sh.[guru]
Magicians are divided into illusionists and manipulators.
An ILLUSIONIST is a circus performer who performs tricks using special equipment.
MANIPULATOR - a circus performer who performs tricks based on sleight of hand.

Magician (illusionist)- this is a person who, using sleight of hand, tricks or special equipment, creates the illusion that objects have violated their usual properties.

The art of mastering illusion comes from ancient times, when with its help it was possible to control the people (shamans, priests) and entertain people (fakirs). Professional illusionists appeared in the Middle Ages, when at fairs one could see puppeteers and magicians using various mechanisms and demonstrating tricks with cards.

Every era had its famous magicians. Today, illusionists work on the stage, in the circus, there are special courses that allow you to master this skill, and there is a lot of literature on this topic.

Illusionists They are constantly improving their technical arsenal, and people go to illusionist performances in order to be deceived.

Surnames and names of famous illusionists (magicians)

Harry Houdini

This famous illusionist was born in Budapest on March 24, 1874. The artist's real name is Eric Weiss.

Houdini gained worldwide fame due to his ability to free himself from shackles, handcuffs and straitjackets, thanks to the incredible flexibility that was developed through grueling training since childhood.

Uri Geller

Born in Israel on December 20, 1946. In the 70s, Geller's show became popular in Europe and the United States thanks to a simple and old trick with bending spoons, borrowed from illusionist David Berglas. He is known for a series of numbers involving stopping and starting a clock, bending a large number of spoons, and guessing the design in a sealed envelope. Geller is best known for his trick of stopping the clock on London's Big Ben.

David Copperfield

Copperfield became famous for his grandiose tricks, during which the disappearance of an airplane, the Statue of Liberty, he demonstrated the ability to fly, passing through the Great Wall of China, escaping from Alcatraz prison, from an exploding building, falling from Niagara Falls, disappearing from an Orient Express carriage, liberation from a straitjacket , survival in a pillar of fire. The magician gives more than 500 concerts a year annually, traveling all over the world.

David Blaine

Born in New York in 1973. His most famous acts were: being buried alive in a plastic container (1999), being frozen in ice (2000), standing for 35 hours on top of a 22-meter column (2002), and being imprisoned without food for 44 days in a box above the surface of the Thames. The capabilities of this man’s body are so great that Blaine broke the world record for holding his breath under water, staying there for 17 minutes.

Nicolas-Philippe Ledru

(1731-1807), known as Comus. The pseudonym Comus was taken from the Greek god of feasts and celebrations, Comus. The magician entertained the royal court, aristocrats and the common public with his tricks.

Emil Keogh

Emil Teodorovich Girshfeld-Renard (1894-1965) is the founder of a dynasty of illusionists. He developed a number of tricks that are still used by many illusionists today. It is no coincidence that in 1960 he received the title of best magician in the world in England. Emil Teodorovich's book "Tricks and Magicians" has become a useful guide for artists of this genre.

Kio's sons, Emil and Igor, eventually began performing with their father and continued the dynasty.

Alessandro Cagliostro

(1743-1795) was a famous adventurer of his time, his real name was Joseph Balsamo. Since childhood, he showed a penchant for fraud. The career of the future count began with the sale of counterfeit miracle potions and treasure maps. After the death of his aunt, Vincenza Cagliostro, Joseph took her surname and awarded himself the title of count. It cost him nothing to increase the size of the diamond or remove a crack from the diamond, turn burlap into silk, and turn an iron nail into gold. Cagliostro convinced that he knew the secret of the philosopher's stone, and he himself was more than three hundred years old. Constantly traveling, the count reached Russia, where he conducted magical sessions and talked about owning the elixir of immortality. However, the thirst for a luxurious life and the dubiousness of the tricks that served as the basis for Cagliostro’s profit constantly drove him from place to place. Moreover, the count actively participated in the political life of Europe. As a result, he was captured in Italy and accused of fraud and warlocking, ending his days in prison. The history of this illusionist and adventurer is so rich in adventures that it is reflected both in literature and in cinema: Dumas’ novel “Joseph Balsamo” and the film “Formula of Love.”

Bartolomeo Bosco

Born in Turin in 1793. Extreme talent quickly brought this wandering magician to the salons of the rich.

David Werner

Nicknamed Dai Vernon, born in Canada in 1894. It is believed that it was this magician who established the classical rules for this profession and was able to deceive Houdini himself. The fact is that Harry Houdini boasted that you only need to see a trick no more than three times to understand how it is performed. In 1919, Vernon accepted the challenge of showing Houdini "The Ambitious Card" eight times in a row, but Harry never understood the secret to performing it. Many famous modern magicians studied with Vernon.


(1750-1800) - famous Italian magician. The illusionist's performances were distinguished by their pomp and refined surroundings. Pinetti demonstrated the capabilities of the third eye by reading closed books and recognizing objects in boxes. His performances were so successful that the magician was invited to the court of George III at Windsor Castle. There the show was a brilliant success, featuring dozens of assistants, exotic animals, complex mechanisms and mirrors. The artist's popularity allowed him to tour in Portugal, Germany and Russia. A magician could break a fresh loaf of bread in front of the crowd and find there a gold coin, which immediately turned into a token with the magician’s initials. It is believed that it was Pinetti who laid down the features of the modern image of a magician - recognition, courage, artistry and a little pomp. In his experiments, the illusionist used knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, mechanics and medicine.

Criss Angel

Born in 1967. His parents are Greek by origin. Criss has many professions: magician, illusionist, stuntman, hypnotist, yogi, musician. Angel does such tricks as: levitation surrounded by a dozen people, walking on water with his eyes closed, etc.

Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin

(1805-1871), French illusionist, called the father of modern magic. Before Robert-Houdin, illusionists always performed in cheap taverns and at fairs. But Robert-Houdin raised illusionism to a professional level and brought it into the light.

Qing Ling Fu

(1854-1922), was one of the first Asian magicians to receive international recognition for his skills. Born near Beijing, Fu amazed audiences of thousands by inhaling and exhaling smoke and bright fire, making objects disappear.

Harry Blackstone Sr.

(1885-1965), a famous magician and illusionist, has earned the title of one of the best illusionists in America.

Lance Barton

(1960), American illusionist. Performs his nightly show at the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

Protul Chandra Sorcar

(1913-1971). Famous Indian magician and illusionist. Thanks to his talent, he traveled all over the world, demonstrating the act “sawing a woman in half.” His son Protul Chandra Sorcar Jr. continued his father's work.

Jeff McBride

(born 1959). American. He performs unique performances that combine magic with pantomime, elements of oriental martial arts and Japanese Kabuki theater. Performs all over the world.


(1903-1963) Kalanag - this stage name of Helmunt Schreiber was borrowed from "The Jungle Book" by R. Kipling (Kala Nag - Black Snake). The highlight of his program was “suspending” his wife Gloria in the air, and it seemed to everyone that she was floating in the air while lying down. He also showed tricks with cards.

Boitier de Colt

(1847-1903), French magician. Changed the clothes of a Catholic priest to a magician's cloak. Most of his tricks were his own inventions and therefore completely unique. Many of his tricks ("disappearing lady", "flying birdcage") are still performed today. In the history of illusionary art, there is not a single master who would have invented so many new effects and various technical devices as Boitier de Colt.

Harutyun Amayakovich Hakobyan

(1918-2005), Soviet and Russian pop artist, manipulative magician. People's Artist of the USSR. Having become an illusionist and having learned the secrets of many tricks, Hakobyan wanted to free his acts from unnecessary props. The lack of props could only be made up for by brilliant hand technique. After years of hard training of his hands, constant training and warming up of his fingers, Hakobyan became a manipulative magician and was able to create performance programs from tricks that required almost no props. The name of Harutyun Hakobyan was widely known outside the Soviet Union.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Pay attention! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website and in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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