Birthday for a 3 year old girl. Three years old cute girl

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Happy birthday greetings to a 2 year old girl

The little girl is growing up quickly,
She pleases her parents with her loud laughter.
You look into her eyes - joy blossoms,
He already speaks his words with confidence and success!

The girl is 2 years old - the holiday is coming,
We congratulate you on her birthday.
Let the little girl catch happiness,
Congratulations, dear, and accept them from us!

Your baby is two years old, she has become big -
She leafs through picture books and is, of course, very smart.
Her wonderful little voice warms the hearts of her parents,
And the tenderness of a lovely embrace will warm both mother and father.

I congratulate my parents, I want to wish you on this holiday,
So that when hugging your daughter, you try to teach everything.
So that your sun shines and so that you grow into beauty,
So that everything in life would be simple for her, so that she would bring joy!

Another wonderful birthday,
This is the second time you’ve celebrated your daughter’s birthday!
Today accept congratulations,
Let everything you dream about come true!
Let the little one grow up smart and obedient,
Let him always live in affection and love,
And let her have everything she needs,
So that you can always give her everything in life!

Let Thumbelina today
Blooms with a smile
God's good love
Will float over the unsteady water!

And let the goldfish
Gives only happiness
So that you, my dear,
I would not have known misfortunes!

And let Cinderella from a fairy tale
Wishes for a miracle
Lots and lots of eyes
Shine in the morning!

May you be only two years old
But you are a ray of light,
The sweetest, the kindest,
The very best!

Happy birthday, honey, happy birthday, honey
Mommy and daddy are enjoying the holiday!
And grandma and grandpa don’t hide their happiness,
My granddaughter is 2 years old – the best holiday ever!
Let her grow up healthy, smart, and beautiful!
He will be kind to the world, everyone in the world likes it!
And may her most cherished dreams
They are embodied in life with bright lights!

When such a miracle grows in a family,
Happy family – it couldn’t be any other way!
May your daughter be healthy
At two years old she still doesn’t know
What joy, and love, and happiness
She managed to give it to all her loved ones.
We wish you to grow up to be a beauty,
And she became a TOP model or artist!

Princess, and nothing more! Beautiful like a princess!
Just charm, smiling, gentle!
Today the girl celebrates her holiday -
A great event - the birth of the second year!
We would like to congratulate you, baby, from the bottom of our hearts!
Grow up to please your mother, but don’t rush!
Let the wings behind your back grow stronger, and then
You will fly out like a dove from a warm nest.
May all your roads pass away from rocks!
To your happiness, dear, we will raise a glass!

You will feel the melody -
Personally, I like the phrase:
Our girl is two years old!
How you have grown, beauty!
Having overcome surprise,
Everyone will rush to hug you...
Please accept congratulations,
Dear birthday girl!

Congratulations on 3 years old girl

Our sweet little girl
Fidget, spinning top and fidget,
You're like a wind-up toy
You never sit still.

Makes us all happy and amused.

How many candles - look
Not one, but three!
Just a super treat!
The house is full of friends and guests -
Smile at them quickly!
Wonderful gifts await -
Let the holiday come brightly.

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

Three years is not an easy date.
You're almost an adult already.
They send you to kindergarten too,
And there are fun days!
You will play in the company
And learn a lot of new things.
You'll definitely forget because of boredom,
And there will be no time to be sad.
And there's fun ahead.
And take care of mom and dad.

Happy birthday, our joy,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
You are the queen today -
Sing, joke, play, dance.
You're still quite a baby,
Just go to the garden yourself.
But you are already too much
You know, you'll learn a lot.
Everything will be fine in life:
Sun, sky and friends.
Don't be sad in vain,
The whole family loves you!

Turned three years old
Our beloved daughter.
She's no more fun
You won't find her more beautiful!
We'll tie bows for her,
Let's dress up my daughter in a dress.
And we wish together
Warmth, fun, happiness.
We wish her friendship
We wish her peace
So that you stay for the rest of your life
So beautiful, sweet!

You are only three years old
And you sit like an adult.
And you torture everyone with different things
Serious questions.
You'll be leaving very soon
To my first kindergarten.
It's fun and a lot
Children, they say.
Well, let's celebrate for now
At least two hours.
You should be happy
And believe in miracles!

Your girl is three years old -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
We will give her toys:
Hurry up to play with them!
How smart and how beautiful -
Simply miraculously good.
May she always be playful
And let it grow slowly.
Every moment gives us laughter.
Let her always play
And laughs without interruption!

Congratulations, daughter,
You have grown a lot!
Dedicate to you
Let's have a couple of lines.
Let's wish you peace
Happiness comes from success.
Every day for you
It was just for fun.
To learn new things,
I fell in love with books.
To stay
Affectionate and sweet!

Three years - neither more nor less,
And the age of great achievements.
You have become very grown up,
And soon you will catch up with others.
You will learn a lot quickly:
Read and count and write.
You will be smarter than the ministers
And you will start to study at five.
Let's make you healthy
We wish you to play more.
And the most beautiful and smartest,
And become the happiest!

The third anniversary is a holiday
For our baby!
In a hurry to grow up -
Too hasty.
He's in a hurry to find out everything
Feel and touch everything.
She still has to
There is a lot to learn.
Let her be happy
May she be healthy.
For a wonderful life
And ready for an adult!

In little girls
Small nose.
Everywhere he pokes his nose,
Where they don’t ask.
In little girls
Dear eyes,
They fall asleep
From affection and fairy tales.
And fingers deftly
They are already leafing through books.
You're three years old
But you're still a baby!

Happy third birthday to you
We congratulate you together.
And all kinds of fun
And we wish you joy.
We wish to grow up
You shouldn't rush.
And gradually different
Ability to learn.
Always be cheerful
Always be naughty.
Today is a wonderful holiday!
It's your birthday!

Happy birthday to daughter 3 years old, congratulations to parents

Today for your daughter
Just three years old
Let her grow up to be a beauty
Knows no troubles, adversity
And mom and dad are happy,
How my daughter grows.

The number “3” is a number from a fairy tale:
Three wishes, three tips,
Three bears, three horses
And the king has three sons!

At 3 - everyone is sent to kindergarten,
They don't consider kids
Sometimes they ask for help -
The man is already “big”!

And everyone in the world knows
The third step leads to victory!
Congratulations! Without a doubt
The third is the best birthday!

Birthday! Exactly three!
We are with gifts, look:
These are books and toys.
These are loud firecrackers!
Three wonderful years
The whole family is proud of you!
Have fun and laugh loudly,
There is no smarter child!

The radiant sun came into your house -
Bright, cheerful - you couldn't find anything better.
Three years have already passed since then,
We must congratulate the sun on his birthday.
May your energy last for a hundred years,
The head, throat and stomach do not hurt,
Kind and brave people surround me,
And the love of parents always protects!

Three years is just wonderful
The baby is growing up sweet and attentive,
So let her continue to please you,
Let success spoil your daughter!

After all, the years will fly by quickly, quickly,
Time rushes so fast - amazing!
And our children grow up to be nice,
And we need to have time to instill in them the main thing!

Little baby princess girl
She is 3 years old, everything is so interesting!
It's her sweet birthday today,
She is waiting for the cake, full of patience!

The little sparkling eyes burn so brightly,
They want to get to know the world faster!
Let her be healthy, the happiest,
It will certainly be the most beautiful!

My daughter is three years old - joy in the house,
Everyone loves this sun!
Sweet, smart girl -
Everyone has been noticing this for a long time.
It has everything you need in life -
Beauty, character and coquetry.
Pamper your daughter, cherish her,
May her childhood be happy.

Three bears, three wishes,
Three sons, three trials,
And, whatever one may say,
The Serpent has three heads!
There are “three” in many fairy tales:
Three roads diverge
And we will remember without haste
Cinderella has three nuts.
Three funny pigs
Three ducklings (Ponka with them),
The hero has three tries
Win on the battlefield!
And they stand like the heat of grief
Thirty-three heroes!
The number three means so much!
She will bring good luck!
Let your dreams come true
Be happy, (name), you!

Three years is a serious milestone
It's almost an anniversary for your baby.
And the girl is so happy to see us all,
She receives guests with a smile.
Let him grow healthy and eat a lot,
Let him listen to his mother and father.
Today they will give her a lot of gifts -
There is no happier face in the whole world!
Grow up carefree, beautiful and smart,
Don't forget to laugh more.
Today listen to all the congratulations
And treat us to tea and cakes!

Your girl is three years old -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
We will give her toys:
Hurry up to play with them!
How smart and how beautiful -
Simply miraculously good.
May she always be playful
And let it grow slowly.
Every day is a good day in childhood
Every moment gives us laughter.
Let her always play
And laughs without interruption!

Happy 3rd birthday daughter
Congratulations today.
What she became
Beautiful and fashionable!
Strives like a mother
She imitate -
Apply eyelashes,
Comb yourself.
Let's give her a doll
And a lot of toys.
She's already grown up
From rattles!

Turns three years old
To the most beautiful baby.
So let her play
And let him read books.
Now she has to go
I'll have to go to kindergarten.
Company child
He will be terribly happy.
Let her walk
More in the yard.
Grows cheerful, glorious,
With harmony in the soul!

Today at your daughter's
They will give you toys
She has no doubt about it.
Among the wishes
Health and happiness
I want to wish
Be brave in part.
Let life be bright
Cool, dynamic
And holds a lot
Great events!

The baby is turning
Three years old today.
So let her play
With whatever she wants.
There will still be time to listen
Up to a thousand prohibitions.
But she's better tomorrow
Will think about it.
Grow big and smart
And take care of your mother.
In the meantime, let's get some cake
Run to us quickly!

Birthday is a holiday
Main for children.
We collect the most
We are native people.
The girl is three years old
Congratulations soon!
She is not in the world
Better, more fun.
Let it grow
Without worries and tears.
Well, you teach
Daughter seriously!

Your daughter is smart, beautiful,
Energetic, cheerful.
She's only three years old
But I grew up so hard!
I learned a lot
Say different words.
May she continue to give
She gives you her love.
Listens to mom and dad
She is growing up to be a good girl.
The most interesting hobby
And he will find talent in himself!

Your daughter is three years old -
I will never believe it!
The look is too mature and stern,
The girl is too smart!
I wish her health
Much joy to know.
And of course for no reason
Never lose heart.
Let him grow even smarter
Let him read a lot of books.
Never forgetting
Have fun every moment!

Pictures of a 3 year old girl.

Birthday pictures:

Congratulations by name:

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Happy birthday greetings in verse and prose.

Happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old child

More voice greetings for children on their birthdays

Toys, various sweets,
Happy Birthday!
Gifts, children's joys,
And plenty of treats!

3 years is a glorious occasion
Play, joke, laugh,
Sing funny songs
And (who - name) admire!

Eyes, cheeks... Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!

On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!

Dear, beloved son!
You are the only one we have.
The best, the bravest,
Smart, dexterous and skillful.

The third year has gone well for you -
This is very good!
You better grow up
Help mom and dad!

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Voice congratulations to a child for 3 years

The video has been deleted.

Three today little angel,
To the candy girl.
I wish you good health
A mischievous coquette.

I want to be obedient
Listen to your elders, don’t be naughty,
With your ringing, loud laughter
Make us laugh more often.

I wish you happiness
Golden fidget.
I hug you tightly today,
We all love you very much. ©

Happy birthday girl

Who's so smart about us?
And beautiful, look -
This is a girl from a fairy tale.
She's three today.

Congratulations, our joy,
Be healthy, cheerful,
Be obedient, eat porridge,
We wish only good things.

Just make your parents happy
And reveal your talents.
Putting things in order in the house
Never get tired. ©

You are exactly 3 today!
Give a smile to the world.
Dance baby, have fun
And spin as fast as a spinning top!

Grow up beautiful, mischievous,
Exemplary, affectionate, simple.
Let everyone around you be friends,
Every day brings happiness! ©

Happy birthday boy

Three slim candles today
Decorate your cake.
Guy you are already respectable
And the groom is very big.

Happy Birthday,
Let's wish only good things
Be healthy, agile, strong,
May life be good.

Let him come to you more often
Elf is magical, mischievous
And on fun trips
Goes with you. ©

Good-natured, sweet boy,
The whole family is proud of you.
Never cry baby
So you are a brave hero.

Exactly 3 for you, boy.
Congratulations! Be healthy!
Laugh joyfully and loudly.
Be ready for discoveries! ©

Voice congratulations to a child from cartoon characters

Congratulations on the 3rd birthday of a girl

What a cute girl
We can't look away!
Performed by a beauty
Ours now has three.

Congratulations, our happiness,
Don't worry, grow big.
Children's life, let it only be
Bright, kind and colorful.

Don't be naughty and be obedient
Smile, our ray of light.
Let him paint in light colors
Childhood joyful landscape. ©

You're growing up fast
You become a chatterbox
You only give joy to your family,
They are toys for you!

When you laugh loudly,
Then the whole world shines.
Be a nice girl
Yes you are!

And 3 for you today
It was fulfilled with joy.
A hundred gifts for you,
So that you just smile! ©

Beautiful congratulations to your daughter

Our sweet daughter
Birthday today!
We hasten to congratulate the little one,
We are preparing congratulations.

Our dear girl,
Our beloved child,
You are already three years old
It's diaper time.

You're already quite an adult,
You already know so much
And, like a ray of sunshine,
You fill the house with light.

Grow, our beloved,
To the joy of parents,
Counting the happy days
And we will try

So that only enjoying life,
You lived without knowing troubles.
And we will try
Be happy, dear! ©

To your little princess
I'm already three years old.
Happiness, pride, admiration
Only in the parent's soul.

I wish you good health
Your golden doll.
So that it is always kept
Your girl is destined.

Let him develop his talents,
Makes his family happy.
For her luck today
I drink soda while standing. ©

Three years old is celebrating today
Fairy tale fairy.
We will kiss, baby,
Without sparing the cheeks.

We wish you to be healthy,
Gentle, kind, sweet.
Stay so smart
Bright and beautiful. ©

Happy Birthday.
Our dear child.
Three for you today,
Our lively kitten.

We wish you to be healthy,
Curious, mischievous.
Surrounds you, bunny,
Let the world be bright and colorful.

Make new progress
Smile and dance.
Let the good fairy send
A gentle kiss for you. ©

It buzzes and whistles for you
Thomas the Tank Engine!
Maya the bee flies high
And the Shopkins laugh!

Do you like to watch cartoons?
Sweet girl.
And also play and sing,
And laugh loudly.

Look at the heroes
Learn friendship.
After all, you are three today,
You need to know about friendship.

And also - to be healthy,
Live, play, dream,
To love mom and dad.
Baby, congratulations! ©

Congratulations on the 3rd birthday of a boy

Happy birthday, boy!
As many as three, fidget!
I wish to be healthy
Nimble, nimble, like a torpedo.

Let them protect you, prankster,
Heaven from mistakes
Let every day be full
Joy and magic. ©

The gentleman is three today,
Everyone around is happy
Congratulations, hugs,
My funny, dear friend.

I wish you to be healthy
Smart and obedient.
We love you, child,
You are the best.

I wish mom and dad
Great strength, patience
And financial flows
This is without a doubt. ©

Happy third birthday to you,
Nice boy, congratulations!
Curious, healthy
I wish you to grow.

May your childhood be happy
Full of joyful discoveries,
Let every day give a lot
Exciting events. ©

Our birthday today
Marks as many as three.
Gifts for you today
And a flow of great love.

Be healthy, nice boy,
Be brave and be mischievous.
Just let it be interesting
Surely everything is all around.

I wish mom and dad
Strength and patience always.
To develop together with my son,
Never get angry. ©

Our baby, beloved bunny,
Here you are, three years old.
For your parents you are happiness
A flash of joy in fate.

I wish to be healthy
Strong, strong to grow.
Let childhood be like a fairy tale
A magical world of sweet dreams.

Be obedient, smart, brave,
Always curious.
May it always burn brightly
Your personal star. ©

Enjoy the sun, every day
And only surprise your relatives with success.
Have fun, boy, look at the world,
You're big, and you're exactly 3!

You make very good friends
It's more fun to play and walk with them.
Sometimes you can tell secrets,
Share happiness, jump through puddles!

Be kind and cheerful, dear baby,
Mom will help you when you're sad
Dad will give the right, smart advice,
There is no one better than you in the whole world! ©

The child turned three,
He's a completely grown-up guy.
Let mom and dad have less
He causes problems.

Let him always be healthy,
Lively, noisy, mischievous,
Let the boy get along with everyone,
Let him be loved by everyone.

Curiosity is a must
I want to encourage you.
So that you can be a genius
Raise a boy out of him. ©

Birthday cake is so tempting
Let me take a bite.
Just blow out the candles quickly
There are already three of them.

Happy birthday baby
Our favorite bully.
Mischievous, very cheerful,
Smart, brave little boy.

Be healthy, just be active,
Be curious about what you have.
You are all of us, boy,
We adore and love. ©

Congratulations on the 3rd birthday of a girl

Today, my daughter, you are in a great mood,
You are 3 years old, nice birthday,
The guests gladly congratulate you,
And they give a lot of gifts for good luck.
Always be obedient and smart
Be beautiful, healthy and happy,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Let luck choose only you.

You are our pride and reward,
We are happy to see you cheerful,

You are our little fairy

Cheeks, eyes. Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

There are only toys all around -
Today the little girl is three years old;
We don't know how to read
But we can draw.
We will be the most beautiful;
Let's all eat cake together,
We will listen to congratulations.
Congratulations, wishes,
May all your dreams come true,
So that she can live a thousand years
Let's wish her good luck
In the summer, relax at the dacha;
To be healthy and loved,
Kind, wise and beautiful.

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

Three years is a serious milestone
It's almost an anniversary for your baby.
And the girl is so happy to see us all,
She receives guests with a smile.
Let him grow healthy and eat a lot,
Let him listen to his mother and father.
Today they will give her a lot of gifts -
There is no happier face in the whole world!
Grow up carefree, beautiful and smart,
Don't forget to laugh more.
Today listen to all the congratulations
And treat us to tea and cakes!

Three years is not an easy date.
You're almost an adult already.
They send you to kindergarten too,
And there are fun days!
You will play in the company
And learn a lot of new things.
You'll definitely forget because of boredom,
And there will be no time to be sad.
Let your childhood shine with colors
And there's fun ahead.
Don't rush to grow up, dear,
And take care of mom and dad.

Happy birthday baby
Our dear.
You are now a three year old
Such an adult!
We wish to obey
Mom and dad.
Have fun, jump
Run endlessly!
Enjoy your childhood
Don't be sad in life.
And obediently to the kindergarten
Walk every day!

Turned three years old
Our beloved daughter.
She's no more fun
You won't find her more beautiful!
We'll tie bows for her,
Let's dress up my daughter in a dress.
And we wish together
Warmth, fun, happiness.
We wish her friendship
We wish her peace
So that you stay for the rest of your life
So beautiful, sweet!

You are only three years old
And you sit like an adult.
And you torture everyone with different things
Serious questions.
You'll be leaving very soon
To my first kindergarten.
It's fun and a lot
Children, they say.
Well, let's celebrate for now
At least two hours.
You should be happy
And believe in miracles!

Your girl is three years old -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
We will give her toys:
Hurry up to play with them!
How smart and how beautiful -
Simply miraculously good.
May she always be playful
And let it grow slowly.
Every day is a good day in childhood
Every moment gives us laughter.
Let her always play
And laughs without interruption!

Happy 3rd birthday daughter
Congratulations today.
What she became
Beautiful and fashionable!
Strives like a mother
She imitate -
Apply eyelashes,
Comb yourself.
Let's give her a doll
And a lot of toys.
She's already grown up
From rattles!

Congratulations, daughter,
You have grown a lot!
Dedicate to you
Let's have a couple of lines.
Let's wish you peace
Happiness comes from success.
Every day for you
It was just for fun.
To learn new things,
I fell in love with books.
To stay
Affectionate and sweet!

The third anniversary is a holiday
For our baby!
In a hurry to grow up -
Too hasty.
He's in a hurry to find out everything
Feel and touch everything.
She still has to
There is a lot to learn.
Let her be happy
May she be healthy.
For a wonderful life
And ready for an adult!

Turns three years old
To the most beautiful baby.
So let her play
And let him read books.
Now she has to go
I'll have to go to kindergarten.
Company child
He will be terribly happy.
Let her walk
More in the yard.
Grows cheerful, glorious,
With harmony in the soul!

Happy third birthday to you
We congratulate you together.
And all kinds of fun
And we wish you joy.
We wish to grow up
You shouldn't rush.
And gradually different
Ability to learn.
Always be cheerful
Always be naughty.
Today is a wonderful holiday!
It's your birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old girl

Perhaps on their third birthday, girls and boys realize for the first time that today is their birthday. They realize the importance of this event and look forward to it, so the congratulations should include new beautiful gifts and a colorful atmosphere.

Since at the age of three girls already look in the mirror, they cannot but be pleased with a beautiful dress, shoes or small handbag. Various kinds of sweets and chewing gum will also come in handy, since kids are unlikely to understand anything about the very traditions of birthday celebrations and the main detail for them is still gifts. However, a good and beautiful poem read at a birthday party will, without a doubt, please both the birthday girl and all the other guests of the event.

Three years is a happy time,
No heavy burden weighs down,
There's no need to rush all the time
And you can live a fun life!

We wish you on your birthday,
Say your congratulations,
To give you a gift,
And to praise you very much!

We would like to wish you happiness,
May you grow up beautiful and cool,
To live honestly and joyfully,
I always valued my friends!

Sweets and cake with candles,
And you are the most beautiful of all now.
Congratulations with flowers,
You're really big with us.
You are three years old in the world,
You are in such a beautiful dress,
And the sun shines tenderly,
And the birds sing about your house!
We will hug you with tenderness,
We wish from our hearts,
Grow in love under the blue sky,
Health, happiness, beauty!

On your birthday, honey girl,
Let everything be just for you.
Let everyone give you a lot of gifts,
Let everyone hug you, loving you so tenderly!

You are three years old, it’s a big holiday!
And you’re just like a princess, you’re shining.
May your guardian angel be with you,
And may everything you dream about come true!

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

Three years is just wonderful
The baby is growing up sweet and attentive,
So let her continue to please you,
Let success spoil your daughter!

After all, the years will fly by quickly, quickly,
Time rushes so fast - amazing!
And our children grow up to be nice,
And we need to have time to instill in them the main thing!

Three years is your first anniversary,
Look how many guests have gathered,
Let me congratulate you on your birthday,
Please accept gifts and wishes.

May the sky be peaceful above you,
And let your health shine with strength,
Let the infinity of stars above your head,
A bright path is cleared for dreams.

The years have flown by quickly these days,
Let them be few, only three,
We managed to grow up with you,
And everyone grows with you, look.
May your every day be better
And the sun will light the way,
The wind will disperse the evil clouds,
You are more joyful, be happier.
Grow up for the joy of mom and dad,
We speak tenderly, lovingly,
After all, our child is the most, the most,
So happy birthday to you!

Little baby princess girl
She is 3 years old, everything is so interesting!
It's her sweet birthday today,
She is waiting for the cake, full of patience!

The little sparkling eyes burn so brightly,
They want to get to know the world faster!
Let her be healthy, the happiest,
It will certainly be the most beautiful!

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Today our daughter
Just three years old
Let her grow up to be a beauty
Knows no troubles, adversity
And mom and dad are happy,
How my daughter grows.

Birthday greetings for a 3 year old girl

Dear princess, today is your third birthday,
Accept gifts and best congratulations from everyone,
Explore the wonderful world with pleasure,
Grow up healthy, never be discouraged.
Let the golden angel protect you,
Let your dreams always come true,
May happiness walk next to you,
Let luck smile sweetly.

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

There are only toys all around -
Today the little girl is three years old;
We don't know how to read
But we can draw.
This evening with dad, with mom,
We will be the most beautiful;
Let's all eat cake together,
We will listen to congratulations.
Congratulations, wishes,
May all your dreams come true,
So that she can live a thousand years
No losses, no tears, no troubles.
Let's wish her good luck
In the summer, relax at the dacha;
To be healthy and loved,
Kind, wise and beautiful.

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Cheeks, eyes. Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!

How many candles - look
Not one, but three!
Delicious cake for your birthday -
Just a super treat!
The house is full of friends and guests -
Smile at them quickly!
Wonderful gifts await -
Let the holiday come brightly.

You are our little fairy
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
For us you are joy and bright hope,
The whole family adores you, daughter.
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth,
May you always be affectionate and kind,
May your birthday be happy
May you always be in a great mood.

Our sweet little girl
Fidget, spinning top and fidget,
You're like a wind-up toy
You never sit still.
You are 3 years old today, congratulations,
We wish you to be healthy and obedient,
Let your ringing, cheerful laughter,
Makes us all happy and amused.

Our girl, beloved, dear,
You are 3 years old, congratulations,
We wish you good health, happiness,
Let all troubles and bad weather go away.
You are our pride and reward,
We are happy to see you cheerful,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May fate be kind to you.

Today, my daughter, you are in a great mood,
You are 3 years old, nice birthday,
The guests gladly congratulate you,
And they give a lot of gifts for good luck.
Always be obedient and smart
Be beautiful, healthy and happy,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Let luck choose only you.

Happy birthday to a 3 year old child:
In verse | In prose | Short | To the boy

Dear princess, today is your third birthday,
Accept gifts and best congratulations from everyone,
Explore the wonderful world with pleasure,
Grow up healthy, never be discouraged.
Let the golden angel protect you,
Let your dreams always come true,
May happiness walk next to you,
Let luck smile sweetly.

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

There are only toys all around -
Today the little girl is three years old;
We don't know how to read
But we can draw.
This evening with dad, with mom,
We will be the most beautiful;
Let's all eat cake together,
We will listen to congratulations.
Congratulations, wishes,
May all your dreams come true,
So that she can live a thousand years
No losses, no tears, no troubles.
Let's wish her good luck
In the summer, relax at the dacha;
To be healthy and loved,
Kind, wise and beautiful.

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Cheeks, eyes... Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!

How many candles - look
Not one, but three!
Delicious cake for your birthday -
Just a super treat!
The house is full of friends and guests -
Smile at them quickly!
Wonderful gifts await -
Let the holiday come brightly.

You are our little fairy
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
For us you are joy and bright hope,
The whole family adores you, daughter.
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth,
May you always be affectionate and kind,
May your birthday be happy
May you always be in a great mood.

Our sweet little girl
Fidget, spinning top and fidget,
You're like a wind-up toy
You never sit still.
You are 3 years old today, congratulations,
We wish you to be healthy and obedient,
Let your ringing, cheerful laughter,
Makes us all happy and amused.

Our girl, beloved, dear,
You are 3 years old, congratulations,
We wish you good health, happiness,
Let all troubles and bad weather go away.
You are our pride and reward,
We are happy to see you cheerful,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May fate be kind to you.

Today, my daughter, you are in a great mood,
You are 3 years old, nice birthday,
The guests gladly congratulate you,
And they give a lot of gifts for good luck.
Always be obedient and smart
Be beautiful, healthy and happy,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Let luck choose only you.

Happy birthday! 3 years is a long time,
Your baby has become so sweet and beautiful!
Congratulations and wish you further development,
So that your health becomes stronger every day.

So that the smile does not leave the child’s face,
So that you want to smile and laugh loudly,
To be surrounded by care and tender love
Your baby, so that happiness becomes inevitable!

Congratulations in prose for 3 years

Little, radiant, smiling sun, happy birthday to you! You are already 3 years old. You are our joy and happiness. A huge incentive and an incredibly beloved person. We wish you a lot of strength and energy to explore the world. Good health, learn a lot of new and interesting things every day. Do not part with your childish spontaneity, and let your beloved eyes glow with happiness and kindness. We love you very much! Kisses! Hugs!

Happy 3rd birthday, honey!

Congratulations on your third birthday, sunshine,
Always shine rays of happiness on us!
After all, there is no more smiling child in the world,
The only important thing is to grow healthy!

And even though you are only three years old,
There is still a great life ahead!
Be happy in any weather:
Sing, dance, play and have fun!

Three years old cute girl

Little sun,
Doll eyes!
It's been three years now
Cutie girl!

You grow up, be smart,
Make mom and dad happy
Don't be sick, be happy
And the most beautiful one!

Congratulations to the beautiful princess on her 3rd birthday

Happy 3rd birthday to the beautiful princess. I wish you to be a happy girl with a good mood and good health. I wish you much joy and great success. I wish you the development of talents and wonderful opportunities to express yourself, as well as many beautiful outfits and delicious chocolates.

Wishes for 3 years old

In these wonderful 3 years
I want to wish you
Never know adversity
Be curious everywhere.

Let the tears dry
Your radiant laughter flows.
Everyone freezes in delight
From your funny fun.

You grow up to the delight of your mother,
Don't forget to love her.
And be capricious in front of dad,
To convince you otherwise.

In general, be happy
I don't worry about my family.
And don't walk hastily
Towards a white wedding day.

The girl turned three

How time has flown!
Our daughter has grown up.
She doesn't need rattles
The girl turned three.

Let your big eyes
They continue to see fairy tales.
Don't rush to become older -
Enjoy your childhood to the fullest!

At three years old, the little princess already understands everything perfectly and realizes that a special day has come for her. Therefore, it is worth choosing beautiful, touching wishes for the young birthday girl. Of course, happy birthday greetings to a 3-year-old girl should not be too mature, complex, or long.

Touching congratulations for a 3-year-old girl from her parents

The first to congratulate the little birthday girl will certainly be her beloved and loving parents. A great idea would be to wait for the hero of the occasion to wake up and by this time prepare interesting surprises for her. The easiest option is to hang balloons everywhere. They can be either regular colored or foil - in the form of the girl’s favorite characters or supplemented with thematic inscriptions. In the latter version, the parents will read the warm words from the balloons to the birthday girl, because she will not be able to do this on her own yet.

Some handicraft mothers decide to make the number 3 from miniature paper flowers with their own hands.

This product delights young birthday girls and perfectly decorates the apartment for the holiday. In the future, the flower number will be an appropriate accessory for a photo with the hero of the occasion.

Of course, you can’t do without congratulating your 3-year-old girl on her birthday. When presenting a gift, you can read a beautiful short poem or a small wish to the baby in your own words.

  1. You are exactly three today. Look how you have grown - an independent lady, dad's hope, mom's joy. We wish you happiness, princess! May your life be wonderful. Let your eyes not know tears, Let them shine like two stars!
  2. You and I are inseparable, I know you inside and out. For forty weeks we were united, For three years we have been one. You are the long-awaited meaning of life, You are light and joy for me, You are my fragrant flower. I live, keeping that tag. My precious angel, growing big is my joy! I love you, my precious one, you are the best on earth!
  3. Happy birthday, our kitten, Congratulations. How old are you today? Count it: one, two, three. Be good and obedient, respect mom and dad, and today, on a magical day, make three wishes. Enjoy your childhood. Don't rush to become an adult. Dear little man, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

How to congratulate your child's parents in an original way

Guests invited to a child’s third birthday always prepare congratulations to the parents. For the first few years, the little princess’s mother and father perceive the girl’s birthday as their own personal holiday.

Parents will be pleased to hear that they have given birth to such a beautiful, wonderful baby. And, of course, it is worth noting the correct upbringing and the large list of achievements of the girl at such a young age.

A wish for a child and mom and dad can be made common by dividing it into parts. Another good option is to prepare two short congratulations. One is for the girl personally, the second is for her family.

To make your congratulations original, you can complement it with a beautiful printed poster with a family portrait or even prepare a short film about parents and their baby. The latter can be compiled from common photographs and videos of the family.

Surely mom and dad will like the collage of pictures of the birthday girl from the very first month to three years. But only close family friends or relatives can do this.

  1. They say that a birthday is a celebration of one. We will not agree with this. We need to congratulate three. Mom, who doesn’t sleep at night, who rocks until the morning. Dad, who holds the hand, who plays endlessly. And, of course, your child, after all, he is three today! No matter how many words we say, you alone will understand them. So that your child grows up in the world, bright, smart and brave. So that they don’t forget about him. Happiness, a joyful destiny. So that he grows to your joy, So that you can be proud of him, So that obstacles get out of the way. And may God bless!
  2. Your baby is already three years old. A gift, a miracle of life for a family! What eyes, hands, ears, mouth! Princess, sweet fruit of great love. Let her become sweeter every day, Let her talents wake up quickly. And in the morning let your house wake up with laughter. Three years - how many happy days there are in them! Health to your lovely star, Guarded by angels from heaven. Let there always be a place in her life for fairy tales, adventures and miracles!
  3. I'll have to borrow it, Mom, you'll have curlers soon. The princess is growing up, now she has three nice ones. I wish you a sweet life, like a big and delicious cake. Mom admired it, Dad was incredibly proud.

Happy birthday greetings from grandparents

On a birthday, who rushes to congratulate a child early in the morning with a bunch of gift packages in their hands? Of course, her grandparents! For adult family members, grandchildren's birthdays are always special holidays. They are so pleased to watch how the kids grow, how they become adults and independent.

A birthday is another reason to tell your grandchildren about your love for them and, in general, to express all your warm feelings, emotions, and experiences.

Grandparents can read wishes to the girl in their own words or find suitable poems on the Internet. So that the baby can keep congratulations from them for a long time, it is worth writing the selected text on a beautiful card. It is important to wish the girl to grow up healthy, happy, have more beautiful dolls, many reasons for sincere joy and excellent relationships with her parents.

  1. Berry girl, bird girl, Our cheerful miracle titmouse, Runs fast, spins in a dance, Sings something and frolics like a squirrel! We congratulate you on your birthday, we wish your granddaughter happiness for a hundred years, so that everyone loves you madly, many gifts and toys are given! Be cheerful, obedient and sweet, very healthy, cheerful, beautiful, enjoy life, bathe in happiness, remain a bright sun for us!
  2. Our granddaughter, princess, you’ve turned three. You are sweet and lovely, just look in the mirror. Be smart and happy, please your parents' eyes, be a patient girl. Mom and dad's diamond!
  3. The kindest heart, naive eyes, The princess from a fairy tale has been with me for three years, I want to wish my granddaughter that she, like Cinderella, will be a sweet hard worker, That she will see the truth in people, like Belle, Confidently walk towards the goal, like Ariel, Be braver than from the fairy tale Mulan, How Rapunzel had ocean hair. You are a bright sun, dear granddaughter, I admire you, my dear!

Short wishes and short poems

Any three-year-old baby will expect not only beautiful congratulations for her holiday, but also, of course, gifts.

It is very easy to please a child at this age. Any bright, beautiful toy can delight a girl.

  • You can buy a doll or a teddy bear, a set of children's dishes or other accessories for role-playing games, books with large letters and musical inserts, all kinds of stickers, soap bubbles, and creativity kits.
  • Three-year-old girls already love to dress up, so a good solution would be to choose a dress or blouse, a funny backpack, a set of elastic bands/clips, tights with Disney princesses and other similar options for the birthday girl.
  • As a gift, a 3-year-old girl can be given a certificate for attending sports/developmental classes. Many clubs are already ready to accept children from this age.

A beautiful congratulation will be a pleasant addition to the present. You can write short poems or a few lines of prose directly on the gift. “Darling (name), I wish you to grow up as beautiful and charming. Never get sick, obey mom and dad!” You can choose a lot of options for your wishes.

  1. Happy 3rd birthday to the beautiful princess. I wish you to be a happy girl with a good mood and good health. I wish you much joy and great success. I wish you the development of talents and wonderful opportunities to express yourself, as well as many beautiful outfits and delicious chocolates.
  2. You are already three years old, our dear baby. Look at yourself, how beautiful you are! We congratulate you, beloved girl, and we want you to be the happiest!
  3. Your berry is three years old. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts. Even though it may be bad, the kids are all good. Ah, beautiful candy, Like a fairy on a flower. The coquette squints slyly and spins lightly.
  4. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! After all, today you are 3. Make a wish, Blow out the candles in the cake. Be healthy and smart, And beautiful, and kind! And we wish the stars from the sky to always bring you!

If it is not possible to buy a three-year-old girl a full-fledged gift, then your congratulations should be supplemented with at least some pleasant trifle. For example, bright stickers, a set of colored crayons, a ball, a bottle of soap bubbles.

Video on the topic

Happy Birthday greetings to a 3 year old girl

Cheeks, eyes... Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

We will celebrate three years!
We are pleased to note:
You can’t call it tiny -
How fast you are growing!
We wish you adventures,
Children's fairy-tale moments,
Amazing miracles
And toys - to the skies!
Surprise mom and dad
Amuse your grandmothers
Be smart, no doubt.
Happy birthday!

How many candles - look
Not one, but three!
Delicious cake for your birthday -
Just a super treat!
The house is full of friends and guests -
Smile at them quickly!
Wonderful gifts await -

They say that the birthday is
This is a celebration of one.
We will not agree with this.
We need to congratulate three.

Mom, who doesn't sleep at night,
What rocks until the morning.
Who's holding daddy's hand?
Which plays endlessly.

And, of course, your child,
After all, he is three today!

You alone will understand them.

That your child grew up in the world,
He was bright, smart and brave.
So that they don't forget about him
Happiness, joyful destiny.

So that he grows to your joy,
So that we can be proud of him,
So that obstacles get out of the way.
And may God bless!

Dear sun, delicate flower,
You are only living in the world for a second year.
I wish you to always smile
And never, ever shed tears.
You delight everyone with your angelic appearance,
You help to forget any grievances.
Be very happy, my baby,
And with you - the whole big family. Little, radiant, smiling sun, happy birthday to you!
You are already 3 years old. You are our joy and happiness. A huge incentive and
incredibly beloved person. We wish you a lot of strength and energy for
knowledge of the world. Good health, learn a lot of new things every day and
interesting. Don't part with your childish spontaneity, and
Let your beloved eyes glow with happiness and kindness. Very you
love! Kisses! Hugs!

Your baby is already three,
Such happiness for the family!
Let him grow up healthy
And it makes me happy year after year!

Let mom and dad surprise
He reveals his talents.
She will be obedient and beautiful,
And, of course, happy!

Little sun,
Doll eyes!
It's been three years now
Cutie girl!

You grow up, be smart,
Make mom and dad happy
Don't be sick, be happy
And the most beautiful one!

You were just a baby
And she's already grown up so much,
You're already three years old
Happiness, triple joy!

Let your little eyes just shine
Your mischievous laughter sounds
And let goodness surround you,
May the Lord protect you.

You dance, dance, baby,
Good days to you in destiny,
Like a fairy tale book
Life will open up to you!

Princess, happy birthday to you! We wish your life to always be fabulous and magical. May good miracles always surround you. Grow up smart and beautiful, an excellent assistant to mommy. Always be a kind, pure and bright person. Please everyone with your sincerity and ease.

Dear, kind angel,
You are your parents' flower.
And beauty, princess,
And everything is interesting to you.

Touch, smell and grab,
Know the world in three years.
Ask questions to everyone
What and how? Where? For what?

Already grown up big
And we all wish you,
So that I grow up healthy,
She was kind and affectionate.

Smart, bright, energetic,
And an excellent assistant.
I was in a great mood
Happy Birthday!

Your baby is already three years old.
A gift, a miracle of life for a family!
What eyes, hands, ears, mouth!
Princess, sweet fruit of great love.

May she become sweeter every day,
Let your talents awaken quickly.
And in the morning let your house wake up with laughter.
Three years - how many happy days there are in them!

Health to your lovely star,
Guarded by angels from heaven.
May there always be a place in her life
For fairy tales, adventures and miracles!

Congratulations to a wonderful girl, a cute bunny, a bright sun, a joy for mom and dad. We wish you to grow quickly, never get sick, be cheerful and inquisitive. Let the world reveal its kindest and most magical secrets to you. Let the love of your parents protect you from evil and help you overcome difficulties. Happy birthday!

Your lovely daughter
It's already three years old.
We wish you good health,
It's sunny weather in the house.

And you, baby, happiness,
So that your eyes sparkle,
To have a place in life
Magic, goodness and fairy tales.

Happy birthday to my daughter!
Let her grow up happy.
Let it be beautiful, very tender,
And life goes on with luck.

And I also wish for the baby
Be healthy, believe in miracles.
Let your eyes shine with joy
And heaven bless!

Your little one has grown so much,
Celebrating three years
Let the princess daughter be yours
Never get bored!

Let energy and vigor
The stream is always bubbling,
And don't let your little eyes cry
Never from resentment.

And, of course, may you be healthy
The baby will have a lot
There is a sea of ​​beauty and talent,
So that all the boys fall in love!

Two years is an important age
You've grown up, you've grown up,
We wish you on your birthday,
So that you can be happy
Play, dream and smile,
Our princess, don't be sad,
Be healthy, beautiful, smart
And keep growing!

Congratulations to the beautiful princess, charming beauty, dear
creation, charm itself, happy birthday. You are 2 years old today, and
this means it’s time to set off on a journey to new discoveries and
amazing adventures. I wish you, beauty, a good fairy tale of life and
incredible miracles, cheerful mood and elegant dresses.

Our young lady is 3 years old.
There will be a holiday - no matter where!
Even gloomy weather
Suddenly disappears without a trace.
Let the smile disappear from her face,
It won't come down, it won't fly away.
Well, the goldfish
All wishes will come true.

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Sweet, smart girl -
Everyone has been noticing this for a long time.

You are our pride and reward,
We are happy to see you cheerful,

Happy Birthday Baby,
I love you.
Let him be next to you
Your mommy.
Be healthy, grow up happy,
It's your holiday.
May it be your third birthday,
Will give miracles. Happy birthday today
Congratulations baby
You are already 2 years old
You are big with us.
I wish you to grow
Healthy and beautiful,
To the delight of mom and dad
May you be happy.

Today is a big event:
Our beauty is three years old!

The rock is already emerging;

Giving inspiration to poets...
In the meantime, you, our sunshine,

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

They say that the birthday is
This is a celebration of one.
We will not agree with this.
We need to congratulate three.
Mom, who doesn't sleep at night,
What rocks until the morning.
Who's holding daddy's hand?
Which plays endlessly.
And, of course, your child,
After all, he is three today!
No matter how many words we say,
You alone will understand them.
That your child grew up in the world,
He was bright, smart and brave.
So that they don't forget about him
Happiness, joyful destiny.
So that he grows to your joy,
So that we can be proud of him,
So that obstacles get out of the way.
And may God bless!

It's hard to contain emotions
And joy warms us inside
From a fast growing child,
Not a year, not two, but three.
May the child be healthy
And let your relatives be happy,
Dreams of a wonderful miracle,
And happiness flows over the edge.

After all, the years will fly by quickly, quickly,

Sweets and cake with candles,
And you are the most beautiful of all now.
Congratulations with flowers,
You're really big with us.
You are three years old in the world,
You are in such a beautiful dress,
And the sun shines tenderly,
And the birds sing about your house!
We will hug you with tenderness,
We wish from our hearts,

Health, happiness, beauty!

May your energy last for a hundred years,

And the love of parents always protects! You are three years old today
We give you a couple of lines
Give your loved ones your smiles
May it be a holiday, goldfish
Will fulfill all your dreams
The ones you dream about so much.

Happy 3rd birthday daughter
Congratulations today.
What she became
Beautiful and fashionable!
Strives like a mother
She imitate -
Apply eyelashes,
Comb yourself.
Let's give her a doll
And a lot of toys.
She's already grown up
From rattles!

I congratulate you on your first year of life! In this small but
I wish you a very solemn date to grow up without getting sick or being capricious, but
learning new things and becoming more and more mature every day and
more independent. May you have many interesting things ahead,
joyful moments and events. Happy birthday!

Happy third birthday to you
We congratulate you together.
And all kinds of fun
And we wish you joy.
We wish to grow up
You shouldn't rush.
And gradually different
Ability to learn.
Always be cheerful
Always be naughty.
Today is a wonderful holiday!
It's your birthday!

You are our little fairy

Well, you're three years old, friend!
So accept congratulations!
I wish I didn’t hang my nose,
I would always find entertainment.
And to please my father
And mother, who is responsible for you...
And be with them... Until the end...
After all, you are alone in the world!

The third anniversary is a holiday
For our baby!
In a hurry to grow up -
Too hasty.
He's in a hurry to find out everything
Feel and touch everything.
She still has to
There is a lot to learn.
Let her be happy
May she be healthy.
For a wonderful life
And ready for an adult!

Happy birthday baby
Our dear.
You are now a three year old
Such an adult!
We wish to obey
Mom and dad.
Have fun, jump
Run endlessly!
Enjoy your childhood
Don't be sad in life.
And obediently to the kindergarten
Walk every day!

Turns three years old
To the most beautiful baby.
So let her play
And let him read books.
Now she has to go
I'll have to go to kindergarten.
Company child
He will be terribly happy.
Let her walk
More in the yard.
Grows cheerful, glorious,
With harmony in the soul!

Sweets and cake with candles,
And you are the most beautiful of all now.
Congratulations with flowers,
You're really big with us.
You are three years old in the world,
You are in such a beautiful dress,
And the sun shines tenderly,
And the birds sing about your house!
We will hug you with tenderness,
We wish from our hearts,
Grow in love under the blue sky,
Health, happiness, beauty!

Happy birthday, lapula,
Be beautiful,
Be healthy
Like a cheerful sun!

Baby! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you to grow strong,
healthy and vigorous, be smart, grasp everything on the fly, learn
excellent, be obedient at home and in kindergarten, find real
friends and love your parents dearly!

First tooth, first step, first year.
Oh, how time goes by quickly.
We know we can't keep up with him.
Let your childhood be bright, we want it
Make you laugh and play,
And for all your days I wish
Magic, like in a joyful fairy tale,
Amulet of parental affection,
Don’t be whimsical and crybaby,
... to appreciate and love mom and dad.
Develop, grow and mature,
Smile, laugh and sing.

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

My dear, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I wish you a lot
delicious sweets, beautiful toys and that everything will make you very, very strong
loved! Let your life be a joyful fairy tale that never
ends! I wish you to grow big, strong and healthy! Let
you are surrounded only by kind people who will give you the sea
happiness and fun!

One year has passed,
Full of joyful events.
And your little lump squeaks
Made a thousand discoveries.
The child stood on his feet,
I learned to eat from a spoon.
And a magical ringing laugh
Illumines everyone with happiness.
Let the first birthday
It will be bright and colorful,
Let it give you the mood
For the baby and all the family!

Three years is a serious milestone
It's almost an anniversary for your baby.
And the girl is so happy to see us all,
She receives guests with a smile.
Let him grow healthy and eat a lot,
Let him listen to his mother and father.
Today they will give her a lot of gifts -
There is no happier face in the whole world!
Grow up carefree, beautiful and smart,
Don't forget to laugh more.
Today listen to all the congratulations
And treat us to tea and cakes!

Turned three years old
Our beloved daughter.
She's no more fun
You won't find her more beautiful!
We'll tie bows for her,
Let's dress up my daughter in a dress.
And we wish together
Warmth, fun, happiness.
We wish her friendship
We wish her peace
So that you stay for the rest of your life
So beautiful, sweet!

Our sweet little girl
Fidget, spinning top and fidget,
You're like a wind-up toy
You never sit still.

Makes us all happy and amused.

What a miracle these eyes are,
What a cute coquette
Smiles, laughs
And, of course, she rarely cries!
And today she is two years old,
What a holiday! Congratulations,
And walk through life proudly
And I wish her success.

Happy 3rd birthday to a beautiful child. I wish you a lot of cartoons and
sweets, a lot of games and fun, a lot of adventures and friends, a lot
toys and fun activities, a lot of happiness and love from family.

Mom and dad are fussing,
Prepare cake and treats
May your holiday be merry,
Three years since my birthday!
Everyone gives you gifts,
They joke and play with you.
May your family throughout your life
They surround you with such attention.

Our girl, beloved, dear,
You are 3 years old, congratulations,
We wish you good health, happiness,
Let all troubles and bad weather go away.
You are our pride and reward,
We are happy to see you cheerful,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May fate be kind to you.

Three bears, three wishes,
Three sons, three trials,
And, whatever one may say,
The Serpent has three heads!

Three roads diverge
And we will remember without haste
Cinderella has three nuts.
Three funny pigs
Three ducklings (Ponka with them),
The hero has three tries
Win on the battlefield!
And they stand like the heat of grief
Thirty-three heroes!

She will bring good luck!
Let your dreams come true
Be happy, (name), you!

Congratulations on your third important date. Let there be a holiday at 3 years old
every day, let the house be filled with cheerful and ringing laughter, let
life will be interesting and happiest, let there be many friends
and joyful surprises.

The little sparkling eyes burn so brightly,

Today, my daughter, you are in a great mood,
You are 3 years old, nice birthday,
The guests gladly congratulate you,
And they give a lot of gifts for good luck.
Always be obedient and smart
Be beautiful, healthy and happy,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Let luck choose only you.

Our young lady is 3 years old.
There will be a holiday - no matter where!
Even gloomy weather
Suddenly disappears without a trace.
Let the smile disappear from her face,
It won't come down, it won't fly away.
Well, the goldfish
All wishes will come true.

Today your baby is one year old,
We sincerely congratulate you.
Let your child grow up
Sorrow, not knowing bitterness.
Let him always smile
After all, happiness is created by laughter.
Let him never get sick
Let him achieve the best in life!

You are only three years old
And you sit like an adult.
And you torture everyone with different things
Serious questions.
You'll be leaving very soon
To my first kindergarten.
It's fun and a lot
Children, they say.
Well, let's celebrate for now
At least two hours.
You should be happy
And believe in miracles!

You are three years old, it’s a big holiday!

Your girl is three years old -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
We will give her toys:
Hurry up to play with them!
How smart and how beautiful -
Simply miraculously good.
May she always be playful
And let it grow slowly.
Every day is a good day in childhood
Every moment gives us laughter.
Let her always play
And laughs without interruption!

A year has passed since a miracle happened -
You have great joy.
A child was born into your friendly family,
He came down to you from heaven like a bright angel!
And suddenly the house became more comfortable, brighter,
Everyone’s heart felt more pleasant, warmer,
Happiness lay quietly in the crib!
And at the same time, time was rushing by...
In the year of your new life, you have accomplished a lot:
We learned to sit and walk, began to sing...
We wish you the same growth and development.
And, of course, meet with us more often!

Yes, three years have flown by
Your child has grown up.
Learned to speak
Run, jump and walk!
He can dance and joke,
He’s no longer shy around strangers,
Sings wonderful songs
He deserves praise for this.
Happy birthday to your little one!
Let him eat great porridge,
Smiles more often

Yes, three years have flown by
Your child has grown up.
Learned to speak
Run, jump and walk!

He can dance and joke,
He’s no longer shy around strangers,
Sings wonderful songs
He deserves praise for this.

Happy birthday to your little one!
Let him eat great porridge,
Smiles more often
Well, let life be sweeter!

You're three years old, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Happy Birthday Baby
You are already three years old.
You will surprise everyone more than once
Whatever the weather.
There are many surprises ahead:
Toys, cake and fairy tales.
We wish you to grow strong
In love, health, affection.

Cheeks, eyes... Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!

My daughter is three years old - joy in the house,
Everyone loves this sun!
Sweet, smart girl -
Everyone has been noticing this for a long time.
It has everything you need in life -
Beauty, character and coquetry.
Pamper your daughter, cherish her,
May her childhood be happy.

Our sweet little girl
Fidget, spinning top and fidget,
You're like a wind-up toy
You never sit still.
You are 3 years old today, congratulations,
We wish you to be healthy and obedient,
Let your ringing, cheerful laughter,
Makes us all happy and amused.

Kiss and hug everyone
And the whole long third year
Promise to listen to adults!
May your world protect you
In a hurry to make dreams come true,
The house of toys will be full,
And the enthusiasm sparkles in the eyes.

Turning three years old!
This holiday is the best!
Let miracles await today,
Loud laughter rings out!
Let the sun shine brightly,
Lots of fun days ahead!
Wonderful gifts,
Happiness, joy, friends.

Our girl, beloved, dear,
You are 3 years old, congratulations,
We wish you good health, happiness,
Let all troubles and bad weather go away.
You are our pride and reward,
We are happy to see you cheerful,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May fate be kind to you.

You are our little fairy
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
For us you are joy and bright hope,
The whole family adores you, daughter.
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth,
May you always be affectionate and kind,
May your birthday be happy
May you always be in a great mood.

Happy birthday to this wonderful little girl! For 2 years already you
making your parents happy. We wish that in your wide open to this world
His eyes always shone with love and a thirst for knowledge. Be healthy,
smile, have fun, learn new things and don’t worry about anything. Happiness
to you, little sunshine, a sea of ​​pleasures and everything you need
I want to!

We will celebrate three years!
We are pleased to note:
You can’t call it tiny -
How fast you are growing!

We wish you adventures,
Children's fairy-tale moments,
Amazing miracles
And toys - to the skies!

Surprise mom and dad
Amuse your grandmothers
Be smart, no doubt.
Happy birthday!

Today, my daughter, you are in a great mood,
You are 3 years old, nice birthday,
The guests gladly congratulate you,
And they give a lot of gifts for good luck.
Always be obedient and smart
Be beautiful, healthy and happy,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Let luck choose only you.

Oh, where from, oh where from
Have you taken such a miracle?
They raised him for a whole year,
They baptized with a glorious name,
Kissed and pardoned
Taught, pampered,
Dressed up, dressed up,
Amused, developed
And they loved selflessly!
Your baby has grown noticeably.
Be healthy, glorious little boy,
Sweet, affectionate, funny.
Gain new knowledge
Crawl, run and play.
Smile with your full mouth,
After all, you are one year old today!

Happy two years to a sweet girl
Today we all congratulate each other.
We wish you to be a cutie, a laugher,
Spin around like Yulia so as not to get tired!
Let toys and girlfriends please you,
Let the small steps be confident.
May life have a smooth path
And may flowers always bloom on it!

How quickly the days fly by...
You are exactly three today,
It seems like just yesterday
The first words were spoken.
You grow to the delight of your loved ones,
You bring them love and happiness.
May childhood give miracles.
May the heavens protect you!

Congratulations, miracle, on your 3rd birthday. I wish this one
the year of your happy life was full of various games and
enticing, interesting amusements and fun, your big and
small victories. I wish you to remain a lovely child and yourself
great joy in the life of loved ones.

How many candles - look
Not one, but three!
Delicious cake for your birthday -
Just a super treat!
The house is full of friends, guests -
Smile at them quickly!
Wonderful gifts await -
Let the holiday come brightly.

It's a beautiful day
First birth.
A year flew by quickly -
It's like a moment.
How your little one has grown,
He walks on the floor by himself.
Laughter, fun and courage
Let them not leave.
Let him grow healthy
Kind, energetic.
May happiness be in his destiny
It will be limitless!

Happy third birthday to you! Grow healthy
smart, cheerful and happy child. May you have today
the best holiday with lots of sweets, gifts, congratulations and

On your birthday, honey girl,
Let everything be just for you.
Let everyone give you a lot of gifts,
Let everyone hug you, loving you so tenderly!
You are three years old, it’s a big holiday!
And you’re just like a princess, you’re shining.
May your guardian angel be with you,
And may everything you dream about come true!

I congratulate the charming and sweet child on his 3rd day
birth. At 3 years old, life is wonderful and full of amazing things.
I wish you, baby, to feel the kindness of your dear hearts and strong
love, watch good and funny cartoons, read interesting and
instructive tales, to know what is good and what is bad,
to sincerely rejoice at your victories and new discoveries.

Your birthday is here!
We will congratulate the birthday boy.
And on this holiday with pleasure
We will put three candles on the cake.
What is destined by fate
Nobody knows yet.
The whole world is open before you
And there is a great life ahead.
Grow up for the joy of mom and dad,
Live and smile at people
And don’t forget about the most important thing -
Just believe in love and happiness!

The first year is the most important:
You can crawl nicely
You've been trying to stomp for a long time,
Talking is funny.
Let parents cherish
They love and regret greatly.
Make them happy every hour
Happy first year to all of you!

Little baby princess girl
She is 3 years old, everything is so interesting!
It's her sweet birthday today,
She is waiting for the cake, full of patience!
The little sparkling eyes burn so brightly,
They want to get to know the world faster!
Let her be healthy, the happiest,
It will certainly be the most beautiful!

You are three today, dear,
Be the same as always
Cheerful, happy, crazy
And all roads are for you.

There will be three wishes:
Look around with joy!
Give everyone a happy laugh!
Always be the happiest!

Toys are scattered again -
The little girl is already three years old;
We don't know how to read
But we can draw.

We will be the most beautiful;

We will listen to congratulations.
Congratulations, wishes,
May all your dreams come true,
So that she can live a thousand years

Let's wish her good luck
In the summer, relax at the dacha;
To be healthy and loved,
Kind, wise and beautiful.

Three years, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!!!

May it be your third birthday
It will be joyful for everyone
And more and more often it is heard
Your happy children's laughter!
Show us what you can do:
Songs, dances and poems.
Tell me it's delicious
It smells like mom's perfume!

Give your smile to everyone
And laugh more cheerfully
You are exactly three today,
Welcome your guests soon!
Blow out the candles on the cake,
But just don't forget -
Make your wishes!
And be happier everyone!

In the morning, my Swallow's eyes glow.
Her birthday crept up - she’s three years old today.
Girlfriends will come in bows, and friends in ties.
You are the most beautiful, my Thumbelina!
To the delight of us parents, your daughter is growing up.
Shine like a star, like the sun, like gold!

Three years is a long time
Joy and laughter
Touch-me-not doll,
Sweetness and fun!

On this day today
I wish you,
So that the love of God
She beamed joyfully!

So that a bear comes out of the forest
Brought raspberries
Joy - bunny,
Squirrel - viburnum!

Cinderella would give
Magic and miracles
And Malvina so that -
Happiness and comfort!

Happy 3rd birthday to a sweet child. I wish you, baby,
interesting hobbies, a fast bike, a fun swing, interesting
books, good cartoons, joyful walks, wonderful holidays,
desired gifts, happiness in the family and strong love from parents. So a year has flown by,
How the stork flew to you.
Happy birthday, baby!
There's a path ahead
Life, adventures,
Bright entertainment.
Let's wish the sea
The main thing is health.
Also only joy
And more sweets.
Listen to mom and dad
Eat well.
Jump, run, smile
And have a little fun!

Three years is not an easy date.
You're almost an adult already.
They send you to kindergarten too,
And there are fun days!
You will play in the company
And learn a lot of new things.
You'll definitely forget because of boredom,
And there will be no time to be sad.
Let your childhood shine with colors
And there's fun ahead.
Don't rush to grow up, dear,
And take care of mom and dad.

Three years have passed since the appearance
Dear child into the world,
And today, on your birthday,
There is nothing funnier or more beautiful
Birthday boy in this world.
You can't read yet
But listen quickly to our congratulations,
And let's go to the table to celebrate.

Three years is a long time
Joy and laughter
Touch-me-not doll,
Sweetness and fun!
On this day today
I wish you,
So that the love of God
She beamed joyfully!
So that a bear comes out of the forest
Brought raspberries
Joy - bunny,
Squirrel - viburnum!
Cinderella would give
Magic and miracles
And Malvina so that -
Happiness and comfort!

Today is a big event:
Our beauty is three years old!
Elegance can no longer be hidden, and
The rock is already emerging;
Yes, you will, to greater joy,
Giving inspiration to poets...
In the meantime, you, our sunshine,
Congratulations on your third anniversary!

The radiant sun came into your house -
Bright, cheerful - you couldn't find anything better.
Three years have already passed since then,
We must congratulate the sun on his birthday.

May your energy last for a hundred years,
The head, throat and stomach do not hurt.
Kind and brave people surround me,
And the love of parents always protects!

Congratulations my sweet princess,
So grown up - you're two years old!
I wish to explore the world with interest,
And many small but significant victories!
Grow healthy, beautiful, like a picture,
Bring goodness to everyone and be happy!
And let there always be a reason for a smile,
After all, you are just beginning your journey!

Congratulations, daughter,
You have grown a lot!
Dedicate to you
Let's have a couple of lines.
Let's wish you peace
Happiness comes from success.
Every day for you
It was just for fun.
To learn new things,
I fell in love with books.
To stay
Affectionate and sweet!

There are only toys all around -
Today the little girl is three years old;
We don't know how to read
But we can draw.
This evening with dad, with mom,
We will be the most beautiful;
Let's all eat cake together,
We will listen to congratulations.
Congratulations, wishes,
May all your dreams come true,
So that she can live a thousand years
No losses, no tears, no troubles.
Let's wish her good luck
In the summer, relax at the dacha;
To be healthy and loved,
Kind, wise and beautiful.

There are only toys all around -
Today the little girl is three years old;
We don't know how to read
But we can draw.
This evening with dad, with mom,
We will be the most beautiful;
Let's all eat cake together,
We will listen to congratulations.
Congratulations, wishes,
May all your dreams come true,
So that she can live a thousand years
No losses, no tears, no troubles.
Let's wish her good luck
In the summer, relax at the dacha;
To be healthy and loved,
Kind, wise and beautiful.

Two years ago this miracle was born,
Princess, beauty, delicate flower,
Let colds pass by,
Grow up for everyone's joy, grow up, little angel.
Let the sun kiss the top of your head more often,
Be happy, baby. Accept as a gift
Funny books, funny toys,
Hug mom and dad quickly.

There are only toys all around -
Today the little girl is three years old;
We don't know how to read
But we can draw.
This evening with dad, with mom,
We will be the most beautiful;
Let's all eat cake together,
We will listen to congratulations.
Congratulations, wishes,
May all your dreams come true,
So that she can live a thousand years
No losses, no tears, no troubles.
Let's wish her good luck
In the summer, relax at the dacha;
To be healthy and loved,
Kind, wise and beautiful.

Cheeks, eyes... Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!

Three years is just wonderful
The baby is growing up sweet and attentive,
So let her continue to please you,
Let success spoil your daughter!
After all, the years will fly by quickly, quickly,
Time rushes so fast - amazing!
And our children grow up to be nice,
And we need to have time to instill in them the main thing!

Happy 3rd birthday to this sweet miracle. I wish you, baby,
always be in a wonderful mood and play cheerfully, with passion and
open the page of a new day with interest, never stand still
and constantly do what you like.

Happy Birthday!
You're almost an adult, baby.
And I wish without a doubt
Be healthy, our strong man.
You're already three years old
You are growing like clockwork.
Do you like different weather?
You learn poetry by words.
Grow up like this, dear child,
Always in happiness and love.
To your parents,
Don't ever frown.

Three bears, three wishes,
Three sons, three trials,
And, whatever one may say,
The Serpent has three heads!
There are “three” in many fairy tales:
Three roads diverge
And we will remember without haste
Cinderella has three nuts.
Three funny pigs
Three ducklings (Ponka with them),
The hero has three tries
Win on the battlefield!
And they stand like the heat of grief
Thirty-three heroes!
The number three means so much!
She will bring good luck!
Let your dreams come true
Be happy, (name), you!

The year flew by unnoticed -
It's your first birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Time to spend with you.
Wish you more happiness
Listen to your elders, don’t get sick,
Laugh loudly and have fun
It's joyful to look at the world.
May your angel protect you
Protects with his wing.
Let the world be filled with miracles,
Light, magic, goodness.

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