How to open a dance school. How to open a successful dance school? Balls, dance parties and advertising

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If you are thinking about how to open a dance school, we will describe in detail the business plan with calculations and exact step-by-step actions. A new entrepreneur needs to know how to organize similar activities and what obstacles will arise along the way.

To achieve success in the dance business, you should approach all aspects competently - from registration to advertising promotion of the studio. Each of the stages described below is important and neglecting any of the points will only lead to unforeseen losses and loss of reputation.

Relevance of the dance business

Advantage this direction is that organizing such activities will not require large investments or complex paperwork. Almost anyone can open their own dance school from scratch. And with the correct selection of services offered and good place location of the studio can guarantee a quick return on investment and net profit.

Today many people want to dance. They like it for a number of reasons, because dancing brings pleasure, lifts their spirits, helps keep their body in good condition. fit shape, promote communication and make a person more self-confident. And with the variety of dance styles, you can find a style that will distinguish your school from its competitors and will be interesting for modern youth.

Before you deal with paperwork and other nuances, think about what format you will work in and what you will offer to clients. When choosing a style, focus on the following factors:

  1. What interests you personally and what kind of teachers you can invite to work.
  2. Demand among the population of your city - what dances are now fashionable and popular, what people are most interested in.
  3. Study your competitors - you shouldn’t offer the same dance styles; if there is already a strong and reputable school of a particular direction in the region, then new clients are unlikely to come to you.

Also figure out what target audience you will be targeting. For example, this could be a dance school:

  • For children.
  • For adults who do not know how to dance at all and want to gain confidence in their movements, regardless of style (“Dancing for Everyone”).
  • For young people who prefer modern so-called street trends.
  • For women ( oriental dancing, half-dance).
  • For men (breakdancing).
  • Wedding.
  • Ballroom (for professionals), etc.

This factor will largely determine how to successfully name the studio, where it is most appropriate to locate it, and how to promote it.

Where to start?

We list the main legal steps that will have to be taken at the start of the project:

  1. Register with the tax service as individual entrepreneur(IP) or legal entity(OOO). The second option is needed only when there are several co-founders, that is, business partners.
  2. Choose a suitable tax system (UTII or simplified tax system), according to which you will pay monthly government contributions on your income.
  3. Specify OKVED codes according to the services you offer to the population.
  4. When arranging the premises, you will have to invite representatives of the SES, Fire Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor, who, after inspection, will issue the appropriate permits to conduct activities.

Conveniently, no licenses or certificates are required for this, which greatly simplifies and speeds up organizational stage.

Studio space

Choose your location carefully future school dancing. If you rent a room in a fitness center, sports complex or cultural center, then most of the vicissitudes with regulatory authorities will disappear by themselves. In these establishments everything is already equipped in accordance with the basic requirements of SanPiN and fire safety. Otherwise, you will have to monitor every detail yourself.

The convenience of studio placement is also important target audience. So, when focusing on married couples, children and women housewives, it is successful to choose a place somewhere in a residential area. But if your clients are students, busy business women and entrepreneurs, office workers, then it is best to rent premises somewhere in the central part of the city.

And although the payment here will be higher, there are still clear advantages:

  • It is easy for clients to get into the club when it is located near work.
  • Such an establishment is considered more elite and prestigious, which means the cost of services can be raised higher.
  • You don’t have to spend too much on an advertising campaign, since it’s enough to place a bright sign and put up several attractive posters near the studio.

When choosing a room, pay attention to the following important parameters:

  1. The free space for the dance room is at least 80 square meters. m.
  2. It is possible to separately arrange a bathroom, showers, changing rooms and a foyer.
  3. Installed good system ventilation, as well as other communications.

You need to properly zone the space. So, 80 square meters are allocated for the dance process. m. or more. Be sure to set up two locker rooms (for men and women) of 10-15 square meters each. m. each. Showers and toilets are installed next to them. At the entrance there is a place for the administrator (about 20 sq. m.), reception or foyer.

The room itself is equipped with large mirrors on the walls or even around the entire perimeter. Special attention Pay attention to the floor - it should be durable and comfortable for dancing. Usually laminate or parquet is laid. In the rest room you need to put several sofas or armchairs, as well as install a desk for the administrator, a telephone and other available equipment.

Depending on your financial opportunities such premises are rented, purchased or built from scratch. But the latter option involves large capital investments. Although sometimes it remains the only one available, since in the city it is not always easy to find a suitable building that meets the needs of a dance school.


Pay special attention to the selection of employees. All teachers must be not just experienced professionals, but also have a good reputation, be able to communicate with different students, be attractive, and quickly evaluate physical abilities person, be friendly and disciplined. Remember, the reputation of the institution as a whole depends on what kind of teachers work at the dance school.

An employee is also needed for an administrative position, which the owners sometimes perform on their own. This person must answer calls, advise on all issues related to the work of the school, register clients, etc.

There must be a cleaning lady on staff. If classes take place all day, you will have to clean things up regularly. If you have a less busy schedule, cleaning can be done in the morning or evening.


To attract customers, you should engage in a targeted advertising campaign. Its methods depend on what audience you are targeting. Main channels for promoting a dance studio:

  • Bright sign.
  • Printing products - leaflets can be left in educational institutions, schools, kindergartens, offices, distribute on the streets, etc.
  • Posters and announcements posted all over the city - on transport, special boards, entrances, stops.
  • Advertising on billboards and in the media.
  • Use online resources - create a website, organize a group on social networks, communicate on forums, etc.

One of the main ways to attract new audience is to hold open parties in dance style, as well as participation in various city events. In this case, you will be able to clearly show the students’ skills, the attractiveness of a particular direction, the level of the school and the potential result.

And only after the first successes can you count on word of mouth, when satisfied clients will enthusiastically share their achievements among their friends.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Financial part of the project

Having summed up everything you need to open a dance studio, you can calculate the start-up costs.

Also keep in mind that at first you will have to have a reserve of money to ensure uninterrupted operation of the hall, regardless of whether clients appear immediately in the desired quantity.

Income and the rate of return on business will depend entirely on how many people you were able to captivate with your idea, as well as how much one lesson or subscription costs.

For example, at prices of 400-500 rubles per lesson, you can count on a monthly profit of 350 thousand. True, these indicators will not be achieved from the first days of work. Thus, after attracting a sufficient number of students, you can expect that within a few months the initial costs will be fully recouped.

Video: how to open a dance school?

Dancing is one of the most popular activities for young people. Almost every second person dreams of doing them. That is why opening your own dance school is one of the most promising investments. The profitability of the business ranges from 40 to 50%, the project pays off in a year to a year and a half. The starting capital is about 500,000 rubles. All this attracts budding businessmen. But opening a dance school, like opening any other business, requires proper organization.

What are the prospects of the direction?

Dancing not only helps you get your body in order, but also helps you lose weight. overweight and form the correct forms, but also develop smooth, graceful movements, maintain the tone of the body. And most importantly, dancing is a source of cheerfulness and good mood. With their help you can quickly get rid of fatigue and relieve stress.

Thanks to this, the number of dance schools and studios is growing every year. They often open in fitness clubs, cultural centers, schools and universities.

The right choice of dance direction and location of the future school is the key to its success.

Determining direction

Opening any dance school should begin with choosing a dance direction. The following areas are identified:

  • Classic ballroom dancing– waltz, foxtrot, cha-cha-cha.
  • Latin American - salsa, rumba.
  • Eastern - belly dancing.
  • Modern trends - hip-hop, break, freestyle.
  • Dancing for everyone – that is, teaching the basics dance moves for their subsequent use in clubs and discos.
  • Pole-dance – pole dance.

In order to choose the right direction, you need to conduct research and answer several questions:

  1. What dances are in fashion now, what will be in greatest demand?
  2. How high is the competition in a particular segment?
  3. For what areas can you really find good teachers?
  4. What dances would attract you personally?

Having received answers to these questions, you can create a rough list of dance courses.

It is best to focus on the more popular areas, but at the same time open one or two areas of less popular areas that are not so widely represented in other schools. For example, folk dances.

Selecting a room

To open a school, it is important to choose the right premises. It should be spacious enough and equipped for dancing. So, the following requirements are put forward to the hall:

  • area from 150 sq. m.;
  • ventilation system;
  • preferably plastic windows;
  • availability of heating;
  • flooring - laminate or unvarnished parquet.

It is important that the floors are not hard and springy.

At least one wall of the hall must be equipped with mirrors at least 2 meters high.

The room should also have good acoustics and the lighting should be bright.

In addition to the main dance hall, additional premises are needed:

  • Locker rooms for men and women. The size of each is 15 square meters;
  • The presence of two showers in each of the locker rooms;
  • Hall or foyer with reception desk;
  • Recreation room for staff measuring 20 sq. m.

A few words about geography:

  • There should be no competitors near the school.
  • It is desirable to be located in a residential area or city center, where there is a large flow of people.

The future hall can be rented in a regular business center or in a fitness center, or you can buy space for it in a residential building. By the way, you can open your own fitness club.

Dancing is good for health, promotes slimness and well-being, and finally, it’s just pleasant and interesting activity, so their popularity is growing every day. But to show off an intricate step at a party or at a disco requires not only desire and courage, but also certain skills, and therefore classes in dance classes, schools and studios are very popular. And if you feel like you're ready to start an exciting new business, it's time to learn how to open a dance school and make it profitable.

What are we dancing?

First of all, you need to decide what exactly beginner dancers will be taught at your school, that is, decide on the dance direction. It is not at all necessary to choose one thing: the same school can teach classical ballroom dancing, salsa, which is popular today, and oriental dancing. The choice depends on several factors:

  • demand: what exactly your target audience needs, what dances are now in fashion;
  • competition: what existing schools in your city offer students;
  • opportunities: what kind of good teachers do you already have in mind?
  • your personal preferences.

Now another popular trend has appeared, which in terms of mass popularity can compete with the most popular dance genres - “Dancing for everyone”. This is a program that allows those who do not know how to dance at all to learn how to move so as not to feel like a black sheep at parties and clubs. Each dance school usually offers its own unique program “for everyone,” which includes basic elements most popular modern trends. It is this direction, with proper popularization and advertising, that attracts dance schools most of students: after all, they can see and feel the result after a few weeks. And many of them continue to attend school after completing such training (as a rule, it lasts no more than 2-3 months), having chosen one of the directions for themselves.

Choosing a room for a dance school

Finding a hall where you can teach dance skills is not so easy, since there are certain requirements for the premises, and quite strict ones:

  • its size must be at least 80 square meters;
  • the classroom must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • for dance classes in the hall you need large - the entire wall - mirrors and ballet bars;
  • adjacent premises are required: men's and women's locker rooms, each with an area of ​​15 sq.m. each;
  • showers are needed in locker rooms;
  • one more room - the foyer, where the reception desk will be located;
  • a rest room with upholstered furniture is also needed; its size must be at least 20 square meters. meters.

Similar premises can be found in fitness centers, and you can also look for a suitable room in cultural centers.

A more complex and expensive option is to equip such a room yourself: purchase a room of suitable size and remodel it to suit your needs. But you need to keep in mind that the costs in this case will be considerable: if there has been no dancing in the room before, most likely you will have to change the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors. Together with cosmetic repairs to the remaining premises and possible redevelopment, all this may turn out to be expensive project.

Choosing a location for a dance school

Not only the technical parameters and interior of the dance school premises are important, but also its location. Moreover, a successful dance studio can be located both in the city center and on its outskirts - in a greasy area; each of them will have its own clients, since both solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages.

School in the city center

Like any enterprise in the center, such a school will be considered more prestigious, and therefore it will be possible to install more high prices. There will be no need to spend a lot on advertising: a bright sign and advertisements on neighboring streets will suffice, and it will be convenient for employees of nearby offices to go to classes immediately after work.

But this arrangement also has its disadvantages. The first and main one is high rent, which will “eat up” a considerable part of the high cost of education. If the city is quite large, then traffic jams may regularly form on the approaches to the center, which will inevitably lead to students or even teachers being late. In addition, those who do not live in the center will most likely prefer a dance studio closer to home.

School in a residential area

If you decide to open a dance studio away from the center, you can count on relatively low rent. Another undoubted plus is that among the visitors there will be more housewives who will prefer to study not in the “busy” evening time, but during the day, when the halls are often empty. Due to this, the hall's traffic will increase. Competition here will be low - in such areas dance schools usually not much, but, of course, before choosing a room, you should make sure that there are no similar establishments nearby.

The disadvantages of this location include a small number of students, especially at first: dance halls on the outskirts are rarely crowded; lower cost of classes than in the center and the need to invest in advertising and conduct various promotions to attract clients.


However, if you have excellent teachers - experienced and knowledgeable, the location of the school and advertising will not be decisive. People come to such a teacher again and again, his classes are recommended to friends, so good dance teachers are the golden fund of your school.

To keep the hall open, you need 4–6 teachers who will work according to schedule. You will also need two cashier administrators working in shifts: they will have to communicate with visitors, answer calls, and sell subscriptions. To maintain order in the premises, you need to hire a cleaner.

We calculate income and expenses

Like any other business, you need to start organizing a dance school with detailed business plan. One lesson in a dance studio can cost from 250 to 500 rubles ( we're talking about about groups). The one who needs individual lessons with teachers, as a rule, they pay more - 700–1000 rubles per hour.

As a rule, each group consists of 10–15 people. The most popular time is in the evening, from 17:00 to 22 or even 23:00. However, morning groups can also be popular; housewives and people with flexible work schedules are happy to attend. On morning time Usually individual lessons are also prescribed.

For a dance studio to pay off and generate income, at least 5 groups need to work there per day.

The costs of opening a dance school-studio may be as follows:

  • Rent - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the city and the location of the school. If the rent for premises exceeds this amount, there is a risk that the school may become unprofitable.
  • Costs for employee salaries will be about 120,000 per month. Fixed wages usually from administrators and cleaners. Dance teachers typically receive a percentage of memberships sold.
  • Equipment costs (mirrors, machines, flooring) – 80–100 thousand rubles. If you take a room that is already equipped for a dance hall, these costs can be avoided.
  • Investments in advertising are about 30 thousand.

Thus, the income of a dance studio can be 100–150 thousand rubles per month, so the funds spent on organizing the business will return quite quickly.

Enterprise registration

To start a dance school, it is enough to register as a When choosing a taxation system, preference should be given to or (if such an opportunity exists). No licenses are required to teach choreography.

If you are not renting a ready-made dance hall with everyone necessary permits, and if you organize and repair your own, you will need to obtain special permission to open a school in it from the city administration, the Fire Department and the SES.

Advertising and promotion

Whether or not to invest in advertising your establishment is a question to which every entrepreneur seeks the answer himself. At first, of course, you will have to do this. Of course, they will bring some of their “own” students after them. But it is necessary to notify the residents of the surrounding area about the opening of the studio; here advertisements and distribution of leaflets in crowded places will be used.

Large-scale advertising on radio or television is needed, perhaps, only if you are offering something exclusive, something that has not yet been seen in the city, and you expect that people from any area will come to you for the “new product.”

You definitely need a dance school website or at least your own pages on city portals: now, increasingly, the question of where to go to study, including dancing, is asked to search engines. And it will be very helpful if information about your studio appears in the top lines of the search.

Another interesting way to draw attention to the project is dance evenings, where students can express themselves and show new skills, and just have fun. Those around you will definitely have a desire to “learn the same way,” and the studio will have new students.

Organizing a dance school is more troublesome than expensive. So for a person who understands dance styles and knows how to work with creative people, this could be an excellent opportunity to organize profitable business with minimal investment.

The easiest way to open a dance school is to buy.

But if you still want to do it yourself, we suggest you step by step instructions from an expert from Tequila Dance Studio.

So how do you evaluate the potential market and demand? Market experts say that the demand for dance training is always present, but with the crisis the audience began to be cautious, so it is necessary to emphasize that dancing is not just a sport, but also favorite hobby, and also an excellent way to combat stress (which is especially important in unstable times). There is no need to be afraid of competition in dance, say market players: high demand is better than its absence. To choose a niche, you need to analyze not only the demand, but also your liking for certain types of dance. And in order to properly work out how to differentiate from competitors, it is necessary to take into account the areas where strong players are located (networks or recognizable brands) and traffic in these places, their pricing policy, dance directions, the presence of strong teachers, their pros and cons.

Personal experience

I opened when none of the players were in the city (St. Petersburg) yet. Now I have a big advantage - we are a network. We have a budget for promotion, we occupy good positions on the Internet. If I open new school, they will notice me more people, since our brand is known to those who are interested in dancing, and a larger number of potential clients will also see us on the Internet in search engines. Now we have 20 of our own halls and 3 franchises in Russia and we will expand. In general, our niche can be called competitive, but there are few strong players and networks in the city. When studying competitors, I look specifically at the big players in the market, the networkers.

We cover almost everything age categories. We have children from the age of 1 year with their mothers, from the age of 3 they are already studying without their mothers, teenagers, students, adults, pensioners (they dance for free according to municipal program). We even conducted classes for pregnant women. All of these groups require their own approach. Young people are interested in partying. For older people - an opportunity to find your soulmate or new friends.

To open a dance school, it is advisable to understand choreography or be a “practicing leader,” that is, dance and teach. In the dance environment, it is important to create a strong personal brand. As a rule, clients come to study with certain teachers, and if valuable employees leave for competitors (taking their students with them), then the owner will have a chance to retain clients with the help of a personal “brand” - provided that he maintained a positive relationship with the audience. Contact with the audience can also be maintained through dance parties and events.

Of course, in addition to an interest in the dance field, experience in business is also desirable. IN otherwise you can buy the template successful business franchise, having previously studied the market.

Personal experience

I have no choreographic education, but I started dancing as a hobby about 20 years ago, and it was my interest in dancing that pushed me to create of this business. I am a practicing leader, and this gives me a great advantage over those school owners who do not understand dance. Optimally, if you are not just interested in dancing, but practice it yourself, education does not matter. It happens that a franchise is purchased, but nothing is heard about the school, because the director does not move in dance circles and does not live his business, does not introduce new trends. We have almost 100 staff and we respond very quickly to changes in business, customer requests, and staff issues.

If you start out by opening a small dance school with 2-3 halls, renting premises, then, according to average estimates, you can earn 100-500 thousand a month, depending on the city and region, traffic, demand, and so on - factors that determine the success of the business , a lot. If your location has three halls, this is a small complex that allows you to reach a larger number of clients at one time. Mostly people go dancing in the evening - after work, school, university. To attract clients during the day, you need to offer discounts for daytime hours, but you will most likely be recruiting small groups anyway. Ultimately, when your halls are overloaded in the evening and during the day you will recruit groups average size, your business will grow and there will be a need to open a second school. So gradually from a small hall you can grow into a network of dance studios.

Investment volume

Step by step instructions

So, how to start attracting clients and promoting a dance school?

The sales department is responsible for selling the school's services. They look for potential clients in open sources, at events, and all contacts are entered into the database. In addition, managers work with incoming calls.

To find personnel it is better to use open sources(sites, social media, announcements), as well as recommendations. It’s good if you work in this field and know professional teachers personally. If you have interesting project and you are working on promoting your brand, teachers will begin to contact you. Perhaps you can lure some employees from other schools. In addition, after a while you will be able to “grow” your students into professionals. Teachers can be full-time or part-time, depending on their workload. Accordingly, one can conclude with them employment contract or a contract. If funds allow, you can not search for personnel yourself, but find an agency as a contractor.


It is more convenient to create an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified form of taxation. If there are two founders in the business, you need to create an LLC, which provides for profit tax and income tax.

The activities of dance schools are not yet licensed, since it has not yet been determined what type of service this business belongs to - educational, leisure activities or, for example, health improvement. If you are renting premises, then most likely the landlord or management company must take into account the standard requirements. If you are furnishing a room from scratch, you must take fire safety requirements into account. To work with children, you need health certificates. It is also necessary to coordinate the sign with the city executive committee.

Dancing - popular look a sport that for some remains part of a hobby, while others devote it to whole life. IN major cities Increasingly, specialized studios are opening where anyone can relax and get a boost of pleasure. Dance courses are so popular that it can be a good income and even. How to open a dance school from scratch? Few people know about this.

Profitability of a dance school

Before completing the relevant documentation. Everything needs to be thought through carefully. In order not to be distracted from the thought process while preparing food, you can.

Of course, a dance school as a business can become a good source of profit. The disadvantages of such an event cannot be ignored. To understand the pros and cons of this business, you should look at the table.

Positive points from the dance studio Disadvantages of a dance school as a business
small, you just need to find a room and find specialists Must be rented large area in the city center or at the sports complex
The profit will be stable throughout the year, the peak of employment occurs in autumn, winter and spring There is a lot of competition if you open a school in a big city
IN summer time year it is possible to conduct classes on open areas– this will save money on rent and allow you to stand out among competitors Reduced demand for the service in cities with a population of less than 500,000
Turnover of the client base, on average a person is actively engaged for 2-3 months

The dance school is an interesting place for entrepreneurs who want to receive a stable income from their business. The studio pays for itself within a year, but you need to be attentive to the teachers of the institution.

Business documentation

A regular dance studio does not issue diplomas, so there is no need for licenses. educational activities. Any entrepreneur needs registration to open a business. Before you open a dance school, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. The action can be performed if you plan to rent small room(up to 80 sq.m.). This option is suitable for dance teachers who want to open own business. To open an individual business you will need the following documents:

  • photocopies of all pages of the passport;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee;
  • application in the appropriate form with notary stamps.

If a person wants to understand how to open a large-format dance school or organize, then it is better to create an LLC. To do this, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  • application form, confirmation of authorized capital;
  • receipt paid at the bank;
  • LLC charter;
  • copies of passports of all founders, certified by a notary.

OKVED dance schools 92.34.2 - activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools. It is not necessary to use cash register, it is enough to maintain strict reporting forms.

Premises for a dance school

Before you open a dance school, you need to acquire a platform. The success of the entire business depends on a well-chosen premises. Here are the main points that the future owner of a dance establishment should pay attention to:

  • ventilation - if the studio is stuffy and clients begin to feel discomfort, they will stop attending this school;
  • availability of locker rooms and shower rooms – important point, since people need to get themselves in order after intense training;
  • the presence of mirrored walls and high-quality flooring;
  • good lighting and air conditioning in every room.

Buy or rent premises? This question is asked by everyone who is faced with opening such a business. According to experts, it is profitable to acquire ownership only of premises whose area is less than 150 square meters. meters. In other cases, it is better to conclude a lease agreement for several years in advance.

Business profitability depends on many factors

Studio promotion

Proper business organization will allow you to receive a stable monthly profit in the amount of 100,000-200,000 rubles. The following factors greatly influence profit:

  1. Competitiveness– it is difficult for start-up schools to achieve a stable income, since customer base small. In this case, franchises of famous dance studios are well justified.
  2. Location- also a decisive indicator, since people are not ready to go to the outskirts of the city to learn a waltz or modern dance.
  3. Diversity dance programs – everyone wants to choose, so it is necessary to staff the staff of teachers as much as possible, focusing on popular types of dances.
  4. Process organization– you need to create a friendly environment, hold some kind of student meetings, offer participation in competitions and conduct special classes at outdoors. People should look forward to attending a dance school.
  5. Advertising company– it is better to place the main emphasis on Internet resources. Colorful virtual banners in thematic blogs will definitely bring potential clients. It is also important to contact some popular blogger and give him a monthly subscription with the condition of reviewing the school in a positive way.

Of course, all this requires a lot of time and effort if you want to get good result in good monetary terms. Another great idea is purchasing a franchise for a dance school.

It is profitable to open a dance studio only in big cities

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