When the clocks change to daylight saving. When will the transition to summer time take place in Russia and Ukraine (2015)

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Residents of Russia will not have to change their clocks this time, since a year ago, according to the Russian Federation, it switched to permanent winter time. Also not happening changing clocks to winter time 2015 in Crimea, DPR and LPR, since these regions are on this moment use Moscow time.

As has already been explained many times, this measure is being taken in order to save the country’s energy resources. After all, as we know, in winter there is very little daylight in the day, and accordingly, electricity consumption increases significantly. And changing the clock to winter time will save energy resources.

How will the transition to winter time affect our health?

At first glance, such a transition should only have a positive effect, because we have at least an hour left to get enough sleep in the morning. But no, because, as doctors say, when we switch to winter time, our body does not have time to readjust, which is why our sleep and performance are disrupted. After all, the body of each person depends on changing cycles sun rays, which means when it starts to get dark outside, our activity begins to drop, and vice versa, as soon as it dawns, our body is awake. And any changes during this period will be a strong burden on our body.

Among other things, in winter it begins to get dark earlier, so our body requires rest. However, mostly all the people are still working. This is also an additional test for our body.

How to adapt your body to the transition to winter time

In order to easily survive this period and not change your daily routine, you need to prepare for the time change in advance and then every morning you will feel more cheerful and do your work more productively and efficiently. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • 3-4 days before the clock change, try to go to bed and, accordingly, get up a little later. During this time, you will be able to adapt to the change in regime;
  • In the morning, tightly curtain the windows so that daylight does not leak into the room, and when you wake up, make sure that there is enough light in the house;
  • try to do exercises during daylight hours, and best of all, in the very morning, but in the evening you don’t need to immediately run to the TV or computer, it’s better to take an extra walk fresh air, and at home you can devote time to your hobby.

In general, during this period it is necessary to overload yourself with unnecessary information as little as possible, this includes TV, social media, games and so on. When switching to winter time, carefully ensure that your body receives all the vitamins and microelements it needs. After all, your body needs resources to maintain immunity and the healthy functioning of all organ systems.

On the night of October 25-26, clocks throughout Russia were switched to permanent winter time. At 2.00 Moscow time, residents of the country moved the clocks back an hour. After this, the time will not change. Due to the translation of the arrows, owners of gadgets on the Android system may suffer. And brokers on the Moscow Exchange will be able to win, as it will become more convenient for them to trade securities

Permanent winter time was returned to Russia on July 1, 2014. Then the State Duma amended the law “On the Calculation of Time”. July 22, Russian President Vladimir Putin law.

According to the law, the country was supposed to switch to winter time on October 26 at 2.00 Moscow time. At the same time, there are no plans to change clocks in the future, but a spring transition to summer time will not be.

The number of time zones in Russia was also increased. Now there are not nine, but ten. This was done taking into account the proximity to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zones. The new time zone is one hour ahead of Moscow time, and will include the Udmurt Republic and Samara Region. Time in regions bordering each other can no longer differ by more than one hour.

When switching to winter time, devices running on the Android operating system may not work correctly. Google talked about this a few days ago. The company said owners will have to manually change their watches. “Unfortunately, your Android will not be able to automatically change your clock to the new time. And this could mean, for example, that your alarm clock goes off an hour later than it should. We know this may be an inconvenience and we apologize,” the company said in a press release.

Google recommended taking precautions in advance. “To ensure you are not late for your scheduled meetings and events, we recommend turning off the Network Date and Time and Network Time Zone features in Settings and setting the correct settings manually,” the press release stated.

Moscow brokers working on the Moscow Exchange can benefit from the transition to winter time. “When Russia switches to winter time and the trading day crossing time between Russia and London increases, Moscow brokers will be more comfortable working with international investors, and international participants will be more comfortable trading on the Moscow Exchange. All this should lead to an increase in the liquidity of trading in Russian securities"- RBC Managing Director for the Stock Market of the Moscow Exchange Anna Kuznetsova.

However, according to her, the effect of the clock change will not be noticeable until March 2015.

The transition to winter and summer time was canceled in the summer of 2011 on the initiative of Dmitry Medvedev. After this, Russia began to live on permanent summer time. At the same time, the number of time zones in Russia was reduced from 11 to nine. Medvedev explained his initiative by saying that changing the clock is stressful for the human body. “I’m not even talking about the unfortunate cows and other animals who don’t understand the clock change and don’t understand why the milkmaids come to them at a different time,” he said.

In the spring of 2012, Vladimir Putin announced that the government might reconsider this decision. However, the bill quickly prepared in the State Duma was not considered. In 2013, several cases appealed to the Supreme Court public organizations, who demanded to abolish daylight saving time, but they were refused.

Every year, hundreds of countries around the world use winter or summer time depending on the season. This is done to save the use of daylight and electricity. The transition from one time to another takes place twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is important to know when the clocks change to summer time 2015, so that this day does not consist of absurd situations and delays.

Usually the transition from winter to summer time takes place at the end of March. The clocks change on the last Sunday in March. The translation occurs one hour ahead of the time in effect in a certain time zone. Time is converted back to last sunday October: on this day the hands of all clocks go back.

Will Russia switch to daylight saving time in 2015?

It’s clear: the closer the last Sunday of March is, the more Russians are concerned about the question of when the clocks will be changed to summer time 2015 in Russia and will this change take place at all? By the way, this year the last Sunday in March falls on the 29th.

According to a 2011 decree, Russians moved their clocks forward an hour, which meant switching to permanent summer time. That is, in winter the needles were no longer turned. But this innovation did not take root: the time calculation that was adopted did not correspond to geographical time. Yes in some regions big country Constant summer time was several hours ahead of standard time.

Because of this situation, many problems arose and people felt great inconvenience. Therefore, in 2014 it was decided to change the time calculation again. October 26 last year, as usual, the last Sunday of this autumn month, the clock hands in all regions of the country (more precisely, in 80 out of 85 regions) were moved back an hour. It turned out that Russians again began to live according to winter time. But, attention: this time has now become permanent. Therefore, in Russia in 2015 the clocks will not change on the last Sunday of March!

Will Ukraine switch to summer time in 2015?

As for when the clocks change to summer time in Ukraine, this will happen on the last Sunday of March. That is, in 2015, Ukrainians will have to change time from winter to summer on March 29. Clocks across the country are moved forward one hour. You need to remember to change the clocks several weeks before the event. You should try to go to bed and get up at least 20-40 minutes earlier than usual.

To fall asleep faster, doctors advise taking a warm shower. Getting up early can be combined with exercise and a contrast shower. The first week of daylight saving time is difficult for many. But you just need to gain strength and try to survive this period as productively as possible. The most important thing for Ukrainians is not to forget to change the clock hands on March 29th. On March 30, Monday, you need to come to work at the new time. Summer or winter time has nothing to do with the Lunar calendar.

Like in other countries

Most countries in Europe, America and Asia will switch to daylight saving time on the night of March 28-29. The clock is moved forward one hour. The reverse transition to winter time will occur in 2015 on the night of October 24 to 25, because the last Sunday of the month falls on these dates.

Why is time change necessary?

To rationally use daylight hours, changing clocks was invented in ancient civilizations. For example, in Ancient Rome a day consisted of 12 parts, no matter how long it lasted. It is for this reason that Roman clocks only have 12 markers. In winter, one hour lasted 44 minutes, but in summer – 75 minutes.

Concerning modern history, then Benjamin Franklin spoke about the mass introduction of daylight saving time. He came up with such a move in order to winter period residents spent fewer candles: smartly and economically. Globally, the first transition to daylight saving time took place during the First World War. During times of crisis, the world always feels especially acutely how much it needs to save. Including saving resources.

There has always been debate about how easy it is for a person to adapt to such temporary shifts. Psychologists say that constantly changing time twice a year has a bad effect on human health. Natural biological rhythms are disrupted. People with heart disease and various neurological abnormalities need to be especially careful with the transition to a new time.

The Russians will not change the time in March 2015. The country has decided that it will live on permanent winter time. As for Ukraine, the switch to summer time will traditionally take place on the last Sunday in March.

The idea of ​​changing clocks originated in the 17th century, when Benjamin Franklin, during his trip to Paris, saw that people were using a lot of candles and thought that changing the time, even by one hour, would help them save a lot of resources.

In 2017, the transition to winter time will occur on the night of October 29, from Saturday to Sunday, Dialog.UA reports. Ukrainians need to set their clocks back an hour at 04:00 am. It is worth noting that many people, in order not to get up so early, turn the arrows back the night before when going to bed.

In 1916, Germany and France were among the first to officially change clock hands from summer to winter time and vice versa. Today, more than 100 countries are already doing this.

Experts explain that changing the clocks allows people to work longer and use as little artificial light as possible.

In turn, doctors say that changing clocks to winter time has a very negative effect on the human body and is harmful to health.

Two thirds of the world's countries do not change their clocks depending on the time of year (see infographic). Although in different years about 50 countries experimented with switching, but eventually abandoned it. For example, Chile, which stretches for 6.5 thousand km from north to south, introduced and canceled daylight saving time four times, returning it last time in 2016.

Researcher at Nikolaevskaya astronomical observatory» Felix Bushuev explained to Today that changing the clocks makes economic sense precisely in our middle latitudes, where daylight hours in winter and summer differ in duration by almost half - 8 hours in winter and 16 hours in summer.

Near the equator (zero latitude) and 3300 km north and south of it, where day and night are almost the same, economic sense There is no time change. This is what explains that time change exists in Europe, the USA and Canada, but it does not exist in countries Latin America, Africa, South-East Asia. Until 2015, clocks were changed in Russia, but they refused, leaving winter time forever.

Our country lives according to Kyiv time, which corresponds to the 2nd time zone (+2 hours from Greenwich Time, taken as the reference point). Although geographically 5% of the territory “falls out” from this belt: part Transcarpathian region falls into the 1st time zone, and Lugansk and part of Kharkov and Donetsk - into the 3rd.

Therefore, according to Bushuev, when it is 12:00 in Kyiv, then in Lugansk “according to the sun” it should be 12:40, and in Uzhgorod - only 11:35. Because of this, in the eastern regions people are unhappy with summer time, since it gets light there at 3 a.m., and in the western regions they are unhappy with winter time, which is why it is still dark at 9 a.m.

It is believed that rising early in summer and late in winter reduces the country's electricity consumption. According to economists, savings are up to $1 per Ukrainian per year, or about $40 million per year (0.15% of the state budget).

But doctors are against it. Corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Vasily Lazorishinets says that “winter” time is more acceptable for human body, since it corresponds to his biological rhythms. Core workers and night owls suffer the most from the change in time tracking.

In 2015, the transition to daylight saving time in Russian Federation will not be. In October 2014, Russia set its clocks back an hour and adopted permanent winter time. More precisely, this time is not called winter, but zone time. Note that other countries switched their clocks to daylight saving time already in March 2014 (on the night of the 30th).

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Let's go back a few years...

Back in the summer of 2011, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the periodic change of time to summer and winter was abolished. After the law came into force, so-called summer time began to operate throughout the Russian Federation, which is 2 hours ahead of astronomical time. Residents of the country took this news very ambiguously, since no one has canceled the biological clock. As a result, after the time change, people began to experience chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, apathy, and depression.

In October of the same year 2011 The State Duma considered a bill that proposes changing clocks to winter time. In other words, it was about returning everything to normal - as it was in Soviet years. In those days, “maternity time” was only an hour ahead of astronomical time.

State Duma petition to introduce “winter” time in Russia

The State Duma sent a petition to the government of the Russian Federation to return the time change to “winter” in 2014. Russian Prime Minister D. A. Medvedev said that this issue It is worth approaching with particular scrupulousness and carefully considering all the pros and cons. The decision should be made based on the scale of the regions.

“You can’t cut from the shoulder!” (With)

This issue, according to Dmitry Medvedev, has a lot of proposals and approaches. “Time is such a “thing” that requires the most careful attitude and improvements,” quote from the news agency.

Residents of Russia are not very happy with “summer” time in winter, when the sun gets bright late and sets early. People with chronic diseases often experience exacerbations, in particular this applies to diabetics, heart patients, patients vascular diseases and from persons with mental disabilities.

About supporters and opponents of daylight saving time

  • Opponents of daylight saving time said at the beginning of the year that the move could have a detrimental effect on television broadcasts. Olympic Games in Sochi. In March 2014, for this reason (or perhaps not for this reason...), the clock change was temporarily postponed until the next government review. Opponents say daylight saving time has a negative impact on energy savings.
  • Proponents of time change have been arguing for many decades that it is in a positive way affects the body because it supports healthy image life. An American sociological study found that when people switch to daylight saving time, they more easily adapt to the increase in daylight hours and become more active.

However, other scientists, in contrast to the Americans, claim that a large number of the population feels tired, workers' productivity decreases, as a result, the body tries to quickly adapt and adjust to the new time, loses balance and becomes susceptible to various colds and viral diseases. People prone to chronic fatigue feel all the “delights” of changing the clock to daylight saving time in all its glory, becoming more irritated, depressed and exhausted.

The decision of the residents of Crimea to switch to summer time in 2015

Crimean Ministry of Information and mass communication The results of a sociological survey among the population conducted on the peninsula were published. During this event, the authorities wanted to find out how Crimeans feel about changing the clocks to daylight saving time. It turned out that the residents of this region are not at all against this innovation.

The survey was conducted on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula from May 20 to May 22, 2014. Of the nearly 2,500 respondents, more than 73 percent believe that returning the seasonal transfer will not bring any benefit and is not worth doing. However, 20 percent of respondents have the opposite opinion: they express a desire to quickly return the time change in Russia. And only 5 percent answered either ambiguously or with the phrase “Not important.”

Another question asked by sociologists concerned the most suitable time zone for the Crimean Peninsula. 75% of respondents answered that Moscow time would be suitable for them, and only 20% voted for Kiev time. For other residents of the Republic of Crimea, this issue is not fundamental. And really, what difference does it make what time zone you live in? The main thing is that there is no war!

Based on these sociological surveys and the responses received to them, the Ministry of Information sent a report to the State Council of the Republic of Crimea with recommendations on maintaining the previous time zone in this territory. The report also says that the idea of ​​switching to daylight saving time in 2014 was not supported by Crimeans.

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