Wishes to another friend. Funny birthday greetings to a friend in your own words

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Let's discuss what exactly should be said on such a holiday, what you can wish for. You don’t need to tell your friend what will bring her joy. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this. But people are individual, each girl has her own life values ​​and aspirations. It would be good to take this into account. Therefore, you need to think about what to wish your friend on her birthday. Not everyone wants love (perhaps at the moment it will only cause aggression). Not everyone thinks about health. Standard words do not warm

soul. Some people are more interested in their career, others in self-improvement, and so on.

To the girl-sun

What can you wish a friend for her birthday if the main goal of her life is to create a family (personal relationship)? Something that will help with this! Example: “Honey! You are as beautiful as a star, your sexy rays attract men's glances, more than a football match - fans! I wish you unearthly shine, unforgettable adventures in the warm sea of ​​love! Let your plans come true before you even have time to make a wish! Let there always be a person nearby who can anticipate your every whim! Let the stars in the sky envy your luck and attractiveness!”

What can you wish a friend for her birthday if she is career-oriented?

This is exactly the option when you can fantasize from the heart! Don't stop yourself, wish only the best. However, keep in mind that in the presence of your boss, you should not wish your girlfriend to take his place. He may misunderstand and be offended.

Example: “Honey! You are the hope and support of the company (team, enterprise, etc.). Your ideas are worth more than gold! Your energy bubbles up stronger than the water in Everything your thoughts touch lights up with energy and optimism! We wish you a quick rise to the top of your dreams! Have a smooth road, accompanied by devoted friends and associates! Let luck be your faithful friend, success - a devoted comrade! Let your eyes not know the bitter tears of defeat! Let your wishes come true without obstacles and problems!”

For the closest people - the warmest words and wishes. Interesting and cool thoughts - also for them! Only a very close friend will understand the meaning of the words and concepts adopted between you. What can you wish your friend on her birthday? Love and dreams come true! Unearthly happiness, long life! Or maybe just that

what she wants at the moment, you are aware of her desires and problems!

For example: “My star! You are the closest and dearest person to me! I can only lean on your shoulder in life! I can only entrust my dreams and failures to you! You will never fail, deceive, or betray! This time I want to wish you to hit the jackpot! Immeasurable good luck, mutual love, a few problems so that you can shine brighter from overcoming them! Let there always be someone nearby whom you can rely on, even rely on, if you want! May your capabilities far outstrip your desires! Let a new dream light up every morning, and in the evening let the satisfaction of its fulfillment come!”

And one more example, in short: “Beloved girlfriend! I wish you a bright, beautiful life, a successful career, a faithful husband! May wealth, love and health accompany you throughout your life! Let the wind of change bring new projects and wonderful meetings, filling your life with delight and pleasure!”

I want you to never be out of luck! May an ocean of joy always be in your home, and may a sea of ​​good luck and happiness always stand in your way! I wish you that sincere and happy love finds you! Always be as beautiful and cheerful!

My dear, best friend! Always be so bright, kind and joyful that your smile brings joy to your friends, and your eyes, like diamonds, glow with joy and fun. Always be healthy, never know trouble, let every day be filled with happiness and positivity. I will always be by your side, rejoicing in your successes and career take-off. Your true friends will always be happy about your success.

I congratulate you today
I leave a wish,
I say happy birthday
And I read poetry!

You are so sweet today
And good to everyone.
After all, today at the table,
You've gathered friends!

Congratulations on your name day
And they will give you everything!
I want you, darling,
Wish you everything!

So that your angel does not sleep
And he always helped out.
And so that your life
How the gardens bloomed!

What can you wish for such a sweet and sincere person like you! May you always remain like this, and I am very happy that on my way I met such a true friend who knows how to value friendship! Be always happy!

Be joyful and sweet, always go towards your big goal, without turning aside along the way! Respect your parents and live the way you want! And I will always support you, friend, because you and I have been through so much together! Always be as kind and sympathetic! Happy Birthday to You!

How many years have we been together? We know almost everything about each other! My friend, on this birthday of yours, I won’t say which one, I only wish you to experience positive emotions. May the gentle sun greet you every day, and may rays of happiness illuminate your path! Let your wildest and most extraordinary wishes come true! I want your birthday to be full of miracles!

What to wish for a happy and cheerful
Always so open and radiant
To my best friend,
Who shared all the hardships with me?

And I wish you good luck - hold by the tail,
Always greet guests with a smile.
Let your house be full of friends
And happiness would always follow you!

Raise a glass of wine to you
Today all your friends
After all, it's your birthday,
We always celebrate so joyfully!

My dear and dear best friend! Always live cheerfully, may the sun of joy rise daily for you! Be cheerful and perky, happy and lucky! And I will always be happy to support you if you need my help!

My dear friend, together
With you we share joy and dreams
And today is your birthday
I give you these flowers.

I want more gifts for you
Give and congratulations.
And allow me some remarks
Paste, even though company is waiting!

It's always such a joy with you
And jokes make it hot,
Sometimes for my own joy
You hide the pain of your soul.

So I want to say
That your happiness is on the doorstep!
And I can wish -
Don't miss him on the way!

You and I have gone through life
Both joy and sorrow, friend!
And without you I would be completely bored,
It would be my life, but we found

With you each other and I want
On your birthday, congratulate you,
My dear friend,
And what can I wish for you?

So it's always to be happy,
Health and fun to your home
And also catch some luck.
And let the road be forgotten by trouble!

My dear friend, on your birthday I wish you: gentle sunshine in the sky, excellent mood on earth, vigor, youth and good health in your body, and true love in your soul. Prosperity to you and fulfillment of your desires! May your loved one always be present nearby, may close people and true friends be alive and healthy. Good books and songs to you! May every day bring a lot of happiness, joy and success!

Happy Birthday, girlfriend! It's always fun and interesting with you. It's a pleasure talking to you. When we grow up, it is unknown how our lives will turn out, but I will remember you and the funny incidents that happened to us. Still, I would like to hope that our paths will not diverge. After all, with a friend like you, going through life is much easier. Good luck to you, more joy, fun, good mood and all the best!

My dear friend, happy birthday to you! You are my most charming, most charming and most attractive. I hope I don't seem presumptuous by saying that I know you very well. Therefore, I have ceased to be surprised at how harmoniously your special unique femininity, intelligence, sensitivity, insight, truly feminine charm and coquetry are present in you. Many nice gifts for you today, male attention, sweet surprises. And a sunny and festive mood.

Dear friend! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and kiss you on both cheeks. You are the most beautiful woman I know among our friends. Thank you for your fun and loyal friendship. I am pleased to communicate with such an interesting and attractive laugher who makes the leisure time of any company exciting. I tenderly value our relationship and wish that it continues throughout our earthly journey.

There are many myths about female friendship, but every time I congratulate you on your birthday, I am more and more convinced that they do not concern us. We never argue, we don’t quarrel over trifles and we don’t envy each other’s happiness. So may the new year of life give you boundless joy, fun and bring long-awaited love into your life. Let it turn out to be mutual and finally end your long search for happiness.

My dear, good, sincere friend, your birthday is the most joyful and bright holiday on the calendar. Let the clouds not darken it, and let the sunshine maintain a charming blush on your face. Let your beauty captivate all men, but your heart will be given to only one, the most worthy. Let your health inspire envy and only grow stronger over the years. Let your actions be assessed correctly by those around you and bring exceptional joy to you and your loved ones.

On your birthday, I want to wish you that men fall in stacks at your beautiful feet, your closet is bursting with new outfits, your house is always filled with the aroma of your favorite flowers, and your life is like the most amazing and magical fairy tale.

I don’t need words to say how close we are, but I’m talking now and will always tell you that the thin threads that connected our destinies are stronger than love and more reliable than happiness. I congratulate you and wish that our friendship, like good wine, only becomes stronger over the years!

Enchant this world with radiant eyes. Remain as beautiful and eclipsing the Sun. And let this day become a holiday for your tender soul, giving care and comfort for the whole year. Let your wishes come true just from your smile. May love protect you from adversity and give miracles of fulfillment of blissful dreams with which you can always please your loved ones. Be yourself in everything, because you are perfect.

Let your friends be good
And strong as a nut, health!
And let them treat you
All with respect and love!
And it’s always easy for me with you,
Warm, cozy, interesting.
I would like to wish everyone
Such girlfriends, to be honest!

You are sweet, spectacular!
You are always bright!
Let your cherished, beautiful dream come true.
May joy surround you and success accompany you.
Bloom and smile and be the happiest of all.

Girlfriend, I wish you happiness,
May life not be saddened by troubles,
And the bad weather will go away,
And God always protects you.

I won’t wish you love,
She will come or has come,
Unexpectedly, unexpectedly,
After all, it is beyond our control.

I wish you to be beautiful
Like pearls in one shell
I wish I could be as sweet
Like a cornflower in its native land.

To sparkle with a smile
Your beautiful eyes
And for you to be loved
Today, tomorrow and always!

Live only the way you wanted -
Don't be afraid of winter and prickly winds,
So that a list of wonderful moments in fate
Made up of thousands of enthusiastic words.
So that the kids can’t upset you,
My beloved carried it through life in his arms.
May the angels protect you forever,
But the heart was not touched by bitterness and fear.
Appreciated by management, dreams came true,
And the cold of doubt did not penetrate your home.
May you be the happiest and most joyful
Was there every day, every hour, every moment!

Let there be no difficulties
In your life!
From the heart, friend
I wish.
Eat for pleasure
And don't get better.
And always satisfied
Smile sweetly!
Dress fashionably
In the best boutiques
And live freely -
All in your hands!

I want to wish you
Live carefree, without knowing troubles.
Laugh loudly and meet friends,
And treat us and hug us as we see off.
My dear girl!
May everyone's wishes come true!
There is nothing closer and dearer to me than you and the memories of you...

As a friend to a friend I wish,
May you have enough of everything in life:
Money, happiness, success - in abundance
And don’t be too arrogant about it.

I don't mind wishing for you.
Always be a mischievous “lighter”!
There will be so much joy ahead,
What will brighten up your everyday life!

Girlfriend, I wish you
So that life is beautiful,
Like a fairytale paradise
Of light, happiness and warmth!

Let every moment be unique
It just makes you happy.
Be both beautiful and loved,
Calm in heart and soul.

My beloved girlfriend,
I wish to live without knowing troubles,
Let the cuckoo sing to you
100 long and happy years!

The most beautiful wishes for girlfriends for free

I wish you a long, long life,
And the smooth surface and the blue sky,
And palms full of happiness,
And there will be eternal spring in life!

I wish you to always be beautiful,
I wish not to know sorrow,
Always love and be loved
And don't forget about me!

Let everything be wonderful in life!
Graceful! Sweet! Gently! Passionately!
Brilliantly! Bright! Fantastic!
Beautiful! Fashionable and practical!
Carefree! Tasty! Delicious!
Extraordinary! Colorful!
Successful! Just! Flawless!
And with pleasure, of course!

Girlfriend, I wish you wonderful days,
When you are just nearby, life is already fuller.
Let happiness beat in your heart,
Let the wind call into the distance
Let the world where the sun is everywhere,
Your path leads you!

I wish it brings joy
All that you value, friend, you:
Success for children, so that they give strength,
And your husband fulfilled all your dreams,

And so that health does not bypass the house,
And so that there are no mistakes in life,
And even the sun in the sky faded,
From bright impressions and smiles.

How little we need to be happy - the health and success of our children, the attention and love of loved ones. May the bird of happiness fly to you and help all your dreams come true. Always be loved and desired, never be discouraged, solve all problems easily and simply. May hope, faith and love always accompany you!

I wish my interesting, beautiful, wise friend not to change either externally or internally, because you are beautiful as you are! Live brightly and richly, beautifully and richly! And may your home always be full of love, soul, and comfort!

Dear friend, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you great success in all your endeavors. I wish you spiritual highs, inexhaustible vital energy, family well-being. May your life flow like a full river, may you always be lucky in everything. Good health to you, best friend, self-confidence and good luck in everything. Live and enjoy life for many, many years. May you be surrounded by reliable, loyal friends. Be as wise, kind and beautiful. Let the melody of spring always ring in your soul.

Happy birthday to my friend on this joyful and bright day. Let the sun shine in your soul and let your hearts tremble joyfully. Let love warm you on cold days, and let respect and admiration reign at work. May your health always be as strong as a nut, and your smile as warm as a ray of sunshine. Live without knowing significant problems and bitter troubles.

Today is the birthday of one person who is very important to me. It was with her that we spent our childhood years, which we still remember. Although I have no doubt that we will also tell our children about our cool childhood. She was the only one who was there for me when I had various problems. I will never forget the help and support she gave me. Know that this is all simply priceless. I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you the most necessary thing - health. You love various extreme sports and everything else, so your health will definitely come in handy. I also want to wish you inspiration, otherwise you too often complain that the muse does not come to you. Just be happy and healthy, my dear. Believe that everything else is in your hands. Happy holiday! Everything gonna be alright.

My friend, since your last birthday, I have accumulated a lot of wishes that today will fall on you like an avalanche. I wish you excellent health, great love, so that you can drown in emotions, passion and tenderness. I wish you a huge number of gorgeous bouquets of flowers, both with and without an occasion. I wish that your dreams always live within you, and that they always come true, one after another. I wish you warmth and kindness, so that there is always a reason to laugh sparklingly, I wish you miracles and magic in life. Darling, I want to tell you that although we are not related by blood, I probably have no person closer to you in all the land. You are always there to help, support, cheer, cheer, and advise. Sometimes, I learn from you to live easily, think positively and love openly, without selfishness. I am very lucky that I walk through life side by side with such a person! Happy Birthday, I love you very much!

Always be as bright, generous, desirable and successful. I wish you good health, loyal friends, good mood, a lot of positivity and true female happiness. Today the huge and crazy world is spinning just for you. Happy birthday my friend!

Beautiful words of congratulations to a friend on her birthday in prose

I wish the best friend in the world, the most sympathetic, kind, tactful, to have every reason to feel happy, loved and inspired! Let your kindness give you only positive emotions!

Well, here you are, my friend, old stick, another year older! What can I wish for you? Let wrinkles not be visible, cellulite disappear, lips and boobs become bigger, and men salivate! In short, Happy Birthday, I love you!

I wish you good health, great happiness, the broadest prospects, great achievements, great victories, constant abundance, interesting events and exciting travels! May luck and success always accompany you! Congratulations!

Receive best wishes on your birthday! I wish you success in all your endeavors! I wish you spiritual uplifts, inexhaustible vital energy, family well-being. May your life flow like a full river, may you always be lucky in everything. I wish you good health, confidence and good luck in everything. Live and enjoy life, and let the melody of spring and love always sound in your soul!

My faithful friend, I want to wish you female happiness, a husband who knew how to appreciate you, pamper you and love you endlessly, healthy parents who are ready to support any of your business and, if necessary, offer help.

Today is my friend’s holiday – a wonderful birthday. May your life bloom like a lush rose, may all your wishes certainly come true, may luck never leave you. Good health to you, friend, good mood and success in all your endeavors. May your life be long, fun and happy. Always be at the apogee of admiring attention. Never lose heart, be confident. May you always be lucky in everything, and may hope, faith and love never leave you.

Dear, my beloved friend! You are a real ray of sunshine for everyone around you. And I get your warmth as a best friend a little more than others. Thank you for this! On your birthday, I sincerely wish you cheerfulness, light in your heart and simple feminine happiness!

They say that a woman's life is short, but this is not true at all! After all, my friend has many years of happiness, prosperity and love ahead of her! I know it will be so, because on her birthday we will all wish her this! She is our friend, for someone she is a dear person, which means that our faith in miracles is quite enough to make everything we wish for on this day come true!

Dear friend! Today is your birthday, and I once again want to remind you that you are an amazing person. Caring, beautiful, wise, economical - it's all about you. I hasten to wish you all the best, because you, like no one else, deserve happiness in life. May troubles never knock on your happy home. Always be cheerful and a great optimist, and with this mood I wish you to live to be a hundred years old. And of course, celebrate this crazy anniversary with you and dance a striptease on the table, to the surprise of your grandchildren! I wish you don’t count on the fact that you and I will ever part, don’t even dream! You can’t get rid of me so easily, and even if you die, then die together! I’m joking, of course, but there is some truth in this, my friend. You are so dear to me that I am ready to do anything for you, I am ready to be friends with you forever! Happy birthday!

My dear, precious friend! Congratulations on your birthday! May you have everything you wanted and let everything that prevents you from living happily go away! May your health, my dear, never fail you, may your good mood never leave you, and may your radiant smile never disappear from your bright lips. Let there never be problems and difficulties, but only love, prosperity and understanding. Happy birthday!

Birthday greetings to your girlfriend in your own words

Happy birthday to you, my friend! I wish you a sweet life, delicious moments and, as they say, that everything is in chocolate! But seriously, I wish you a peaceful sky, love, confidence in moving towards your goals, financial well-being, good luck in all areas of life, so that life sparkles and plays with all the bright colors and colors, bringing pleasure, joy and happiness!

Dear girlfriend! Congratulations! You are so kind, cheerful, bright! You warm us with your warmth and radiant smile! May everything work out for you, may everything succeed! Congratulations!

A friend is a witness, accomplice and the last incorruptible authority of the “women’s” court, at the same time. Happy birthday, my many-sided and irreplaceable!

What a wonderful holiday - birthday. How many compliments and warm words we wish on this day. Dear friend, allow me from the bottom of my heart to congratulate you on your personal holiday and wish you all the best. May today bring you a lot of joy and good luck. May you certainly be lucky. I wish you, my best friend, great happiness, long life, beautiful and mutual love. May fate always be favorable to you, may a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.

Happy birthday to you, my dear. I am very grateful to fate for bringing me to you. You are a Friend with a capital F and you deserve the best in this life, which is what I sincerely wish for you. The most comfortable home, the most friendly family, the most temperamental and generous husband, the most obedient children, the most luxurious car, the best health, the most unearthly happiness! And I take upon myself the responsibility of being the most faithful friend.

Let life be filled with love, care, kindness, bright emotions, incredible travels and good interesting people. Attract joy and all good things like a magnet. Congratulations!

Today is the most wonderful holiday - my friend’s birthday. From the bottom of my heart I wish you joy, long and happy years of life, success at work, and all the best. May you always be lucky in everything, may fate bring you only pleasant moments. I wish you good health, attention and great luck in everything. Let only good news make you happy. Dear friend, always be in shape, let everyone admire you and say only sincere compliments. May your guardian angel protect you from all bad things.

Dear friend! You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful things!!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements! Happy birthday!

My dear friend, on this wonderful and festive day, accept my congratulations on your birthday. Don’t be sad that the years go by, because every year you are more and more beautiful. You and I have come a long way in life, and you have never betrayed me. Always be as charming, smiling and responsive. You are a ray of light to everyone who knows you. You inspire everyone to do good deeds and deeds. And I want to wish you that all your goodness will return to you. You deserve it. I also want to wish that your dreams always come true, that luck never leaves you. Be loved and love. Happy holiday!

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