The best books on psychology available to everyone. Rating of books on psychology

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These world bestsellers will give answers to many questions that you have no one to ask. Yes, they will not replace you with a psychologist, but they will help you understand yourself and improve relationships with others (even if it seems to you that there really is no problem). We have compiled a list of the best books on psychology for self-development: they will teach you to better understand people and learn the secret of true happiness.

1 “Games that people play. People who play games, Eric Berne

If you're thinking of making a list of psychology books that are worth reading, start with this cult work. It will tell you about the general psychology of human relationships, where everything begins: communication with colleagues and relatives, with parents and friends, building harmonious and happy relationships with a partner and with one’s own children.

The system developed by Bern is designed to rid a person of the influence of life attitudes that program his behavior. You probably haven’t thought about it, but many of your actions, even the most common and basic ones, lead to disastrous consequences, and you don’t even understand what’s going wrong.

By the way, it was with the publication of this international bestseller that a psychological boom began in our country, when millions of people suddenly realized that psychology can be incredibly interesting and with its help you can understand a lot about yourself and others, avoiding many problems and suffering.

2 “You Know Nothing About Men,” Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is a destroyer of women's myths and a merciless critic of men's fears. Common sense and personal experience (three marriages and two divorces) are what he is guided by. And this turns out to be enough for unexpected discoveries (though only the woman will be surprised). For example, it turns out that men have no one to talk to about sex.

“A man can’t turn to his father for advice because what he can talk about happened to his mother, and a good son won’t want to think about his mother in that way.”

Friends also cannot become a source of information: “Starting detailed questions is the same as admitting your own inability.” This kind of reporting “from the other side” is what made journalist Steve Harvey’s books a bestseller in many countries. In this book, the author also talked about what men want at different ages (at 20, 30, 40 and 50 years old), when it is better for them to hint at marriage and how.

"I have four daughters, - says the author, - and I want them to look soberly at the relationship and understand where it will lead them.”.

3 “Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality”, Sigmund Freud

This work is definitely worth including in the best books on psychology and self-development. This is a true classic for those who understand psychology or are just starting to learn the basics of science. In Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality, Freud examines the relationship between man and woman in all its manifestations, and also studies the nature of sexual deviations.

The first edition of the book caused a storm of indignation from the Puritan public. A century later, the theses from Freud’s Essays no longer seem so scandalous, but they still retain their relevance: if you read the work to the end, you will be able to better understand what a man wants (and not only in bed).

4 “Formation of personality. A Look at Psychotherapy by Carl Rogers

Carl Rogers believes that every person deserves attention, respect and acceptance, no matter whether he is good or not in the eyes of the people around him. These principles became the basis of his therapy, his “person-centered approach” in general. For his work based on these seemingly extremely simple ideas, Rogers was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987.

“I would formulate my main discovery this way: I realized the enormous value of allowing myself to understand another person.”

The first reaction to a person you see for the first time is the desire to evaluate him. We are talking not only about appearance, but also about his words, gestures, manners and behavior in general. Very rarely do we think about what the words, feelings, and beliefs of another person mean to him or her. But it is precisely this attitude that can change us (and this, in turn, will affect relationships with others and harmony with ourselves). This is especially important in relationships with loved ones: positive acceptance and empathy without evaluating actions and condemnation become decisive,

5 "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey

The book will help you understand yourself and understand how to increase your own effectiveness. The author believes that in order to be productive every day, you need to develop seven basic skills, including the ability to prioritize, be proactive, be creative, and other useful qualities that will help you become a holistic person.

The most interesting technique Covey suggests is to mentally start with the end in mind. To start working correctly on your dreams and desires, you need to think strategically and clearly understand what you want to achieve and what to have as an outcome.

The goal should not be easy, it should keep you on your toes, even some tension. But it cannot be divorced from reality, otherwise it cannot be achieved. The easiest way is to imagine a rubber band. When it's slack, there's no tension in it, but if you pull it too hard, it can break. Visualize a goal that will not be easy, but it must be real. This will motivate you to work every day, but will prevent emotional burnout.

6 “I’m alone at home, or Vasilisa’s Spindle”, Ekaterina Mikhailova

The book that made it to our top is based on the stories of women who took part in group trainings. Each plot has its own family history and the image of the mother. Her high expectations or suffocating love, an addiction that lasts a lifetime. The author thus proposes to understand not only (and not so much) with his real mother, but with the “mother in herself”, with the attitudes and behavior patterns learned from her. You will be able to rewrite your past, get rid of complexes and problems, only by realizing how large a place it occupies in your inner world. After this, you will be able to build relationships with yourself and others at a new level (and with your mother, by the way, too).

7 "Before Your Baby Drives You Crazy" by Nigel Latta

Practicing psychologist Nigel Latta is raising two sons, so he deals with issues of child upbringing 24/7. Over the years of work, he has repeatedly encountered the most hopeless cases of problem children and the boundless despair of parents who can be helped.

His books enjoy constant success, including due to the author's easy style and sense of humor. Reading his works, it is easier to understand and accept yourself as a parent. And how nice it is to realize that your case is not yet the most advanced.

8 "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" by Oliver Sacks

This is a deep and wise book in which everyone will find something useful for themselves. A neuropsychologist describes cases from his practice and says that our brain is largely to blame: what tricks it can play with our lives, provoking the subconscious to motivate you to certain actions and actions.

The book talks about the extreme manifestations of various diseases, but they also shed light on some random and everyday misconceptions of quite healthy people. The book has a rich “dramatic” destiny. Several plays and even an opera have been staged based on it. You definitely need to at least familiarize yourself with it in order to be a smart (and well-read) girl. And if you understand the motives of your (and other people’s) actions, you will be able to analyze them and predict people’s behavior - why not a superpower? There is definitely a practical approach to this, even if you don’t end up becoming a psychology guru.

9 “To Have or to Be”, Erich Fromm

Each new book from Fromm became an event in the secular society of the Western world. “To Have or to Be” is one of the most famous works in which the author diagnoses an entire society: the desire for possession and consumerism has replaced in us the desire for existence itself.

Man is too preoccupied with momentary things that have nothing to do with the art of living. Therefore, everyone needs to think and reconsider their values, understanding what is true and what is false. If you don’t do this, you will be doomed to forever be dependent on something (situations, people, circumstances) and feel lonely. It is important to clearly understand what you want and stand your ground, but not resort to threats, blackmail, and, especially, not to press for pity.

10 “A book about who parents are, where they come from and why they force you to eat vegetables and do many other unnecessary things”, Francoise Boucher

It’s not for nothing that this bestseller was included in books on psychology that everyone should read (especially if you have children or are preparing to become a mother). Because it is not for you, but for your children (if they are over nine years old). The author helps provide perspective from a teenager's perspective, telling young readers why "adults are so clingy" and "how you can tell by your mother's face that you can get more pocket money."

It’s great to read this book together - firstly, a joint activity will help you get closer during the difficult period of adolescence. Secondly, you will begin to understand each other better. Thirdly, the tension between you will disappear, because Françoise Boucher, influencing our souls and hearts, uses the best medicine in the world - laughter.

The power to change lives is perhaps the highest value of reading. It happens that you read such a book, and at one moment it strikes you like thunder! Wisdom, expressed in simple and understandable words, instantly opens the mind and expands consciousness. At this very second, real magic happens - you become a better and more perfect version of yourself!

Unfortunately, we all know that moments like this don't happen very often. And to help positive changes enter your life faster, we have compiled a list of the 8 best books by the greatest psychologists that can really change you and your life in general. Let's check how much you have already read, and how much new things are still waiting for you!

1. “The Discontents of Culture” by Sigmund Freud

Who can afford to reject the views of the world famous father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud? In one of his most famous works, “The Discontents of Culture,” Freud dismantles the structure of civilization and the principles of human relationships. This book is for those who are not afraid of heavy reading. As they say, if you can read this book from the first to the last page and understand its meaning, then you will know why our civilization is built the way it is and not any other way.

Who is this book for: For those who are interested in why and how our civilization exists. And also for especially patient and diligent readers.

You can download the book .

2. “Think Slowly... Decide Fast” Daniel Kahneman

Through decades of multifaceted research, Kahneman challenges the various cognitive biases that fill the human subconscious and guide our behavior day after day. Understanding that our mind consists of two parts (instinctive/basic and more critical/rational) along with how they participate in the decision-making process will help you quickly make the right choice in any situation. This book will be useful in all areas of your life: from solving daily problems to major business strategies. After reading, you will once and for all change your view of the rules of choice.

Who is this book for: for indecisive, always doubting people. It is great for those who always procrastinate when making important decisions.

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3. “The Psychology of Influence” by Robert B. Cialdini

If you are one of the people who is constantly rejected by others, someone who is never taken seriously despite your best efforts to become an authority figure, Robert B. Cialdini wrote this book especially for you! In his best-selling book, Cialdini teaches readers 6 principles of persuasion that will ensure that your opinion is never undervalued again. By applying these 6 principles in your daily life, you will always be the center of attention and will be able to seemingly command people with just one word. Mind manipulation in disguise? May be. Are Cialdini's tips amazing? Definitely!

Who is this book for: For people with great ideas who fight to get them recognized. For those who want to influence others and become significant in their society.

You can download the book .

4. “Geniuses and outsiders: Why do some have everything and others have nothing?” Malcolm Gladwell

Do you want to know how the most successful people from all over the world reached such incredible heights? Malcolm Gladwell spent many years searching for the answer to this question, and all his discoveries can be found in this wonderful book. Through his observations, Gladwell developed the “10,000 hour rule,” which provides a clear understanding of how a person achieves a high level of success. Whoever you are - athlete, musician, actor, entrepreneur, etc. – if you want to become a global figure, then this book is for you!

Who is this book for: For everyone who wants to become a champion, a leader or just a great person. For motivated individuals who dream of achieving success in their careers.

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5. “Flow.” Psychology of Optimal Experience” by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi

Csikszentmihalyi draws on decades of research to reveal exactly how our happiness is embodied in the work to which we dedicate ourselves. He argues that happiness is achieved through a mental state known as Flow, in which an individual's high level of skill is met with work difficulties. Imagine a mathematician solving a tricky problem, or an artist bringing his concept to life with seemingly perfect brushstrokes. What happens in the brain during this state is simply paradoxical!

Who is this book for:for everyone who likes to approach their work creatively, as well as for those who devote a lot of time to their hobby.

You can download the book .

6. “David and Goliath. How underdogs beat favorites" Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell makes our list for the second time with yet another brilliant book! Through the many real-life examples that have become Gladwell's signature style, we learn that incredible results can become real, especially when small people face big challenges. Whether it's defying your boss, performing a physical feat, or overcoming a mental condition, Gladwell shows us that it is entirely possible to win even when the odds are against you.

Who is this book for: For those who struggle with adversity and want to overcome the obstacles in front of them.

You can download the book .

7. “Awareness. How to find harmony in our crazy world" Danny Penman and Mark Williams

In today's frantic world, it is very easy to get lost in the lightning pace of everything around us. We rarely remember that this very moment can bring us true happiness; it is enough to calm down and feel its depth. In this mega-popular book, Williams and Penman show us how to learn to live with peace in our ever-changing world. Finding peace in the present (and not according to hippie ideology, but based on tried and tested psychological techniques) is the only correct path to real happiness.

Who is this book for: For those who are tired of the fast pace of life, who want to learn to live relaxed and peaceful.

You can download the book .

8. “Emotional intelligence. Why it may matter more than IQ" Daniel Goleman

You may have noticed that in recent years interest in IQ has begun to wane, giving way to a new theory called EQ or emotional intelligence. And this is not in vain. Today's psychology shows us that EQ is a better and more accurate predictor of personal success and mental health than IQ. Emotional intelligence, as the name suggests, is our ability to identify and manage not only our own emotions, but also the emotions of others, and it is our ability to deal with situations according to their emotional side. Overall, a great book to think about.

Who is this book for: For everyone who wants to learn how to manage their own and other people’s emotions, as well as extract the best from all situations that arise in life.

You can download the book .

What psychological books can you recommend? Write your recommendations and reviews in the comments.

Remember that it's never too late to improve. Read and develop with pleasure!

Not everything here is as smooth as it appears in fairy tales. The princes on the gray wolves and the fools on Sivki-Burki have completely disappeared, or what? Today, women are forced to be their own practicing psychologists, and they come to the need to somehow manage their own destiny through trial and error. But what you want to receive from fate in perpetuity is not something that is lying badly, but real women’s happiness! Brand new, shiny.

How many disappointments will you have to endure to understand the psychology of men? How many tears will the long-suffering pillow absorb while we learn to masterfully forge our feminine happiness? And is there a way to avoid all this mess?

We remember that in fairy tales, all horror stories end happily in a wedding. The same effect can be observed in romance novels. Are there any smart books where we can read not other people’s happy stories, but find tips and tricks on how to build our own relationships with these strange creatures - men? Yes, as much as you like!

Putting aside for now the fundamental works of psychological theorists, we select practical advice. Here is a short list of the most popular "women's" books today.

Books for women on relationship psychology and self-improvement that are worth reading

Karen Pryor

Eva Berger

Lena Lenina

Liz Tuccillo, Greg Behrendt

Hunting for a male. Track, lure, tame. A Practical Guide by Alex Leslie

Dean Delis, Cassandra Phillips

Steve Harvey

Sergey Petrushin

Sherry Schneider, Ellen Fein

Elena Vos

Gary Chapman

Barbara de Angelis

Joe Dispenza

Louise Hay

Natalya Pokatilova

Elena Gamayun

P. Rakov

The best psychology books for women

The list can be overwhelming. Read - not re-read. And it’s not a fact that you will be able to deceive the villainous fate after the first book and find your only love immediately and for the rest of your life. Therefore, ladies sometimes wonder: what are the best books on the psychology of relationships between a man and a woman?

In any case, the more you learn about the relationship between a man and a woman, the sooner you will learn to understand men and build a harmonious relationship with your partner. And it happens that from the very first pages something “sticks out”, and everything seems to fall into place on its own. It depends on your luck.

Why do you need books on psychology?

Why books, and not advice from your mother or girlfriends? Yes, because each person has his own life experience. And people give advice based on it. Okay, if this experience is happy, then, if it does not help you, then at least it will not harm you. But to build your life on someone else’s, and even unsuccessful, experience, to put it mildly, is unreasonable.

Even worse, try to solve your problems on forums or in “answers”. Sometimes you can find competent advice there, but you can also read such nonsense that it’s time to immediately go to a monastery and pray for the happiness of others for the rest of your life.

Books on psychology describe the life situations of hundreds of thousands of people with different destinies (you must admit that you don’t have that many friends, and your mother is completely alone). Advice is given not by an amateur, but by a knowledgeable person. And not from my own bell tower, but based on numerous studies, based on the conclusions made by generations of professional psychologists. It's worth something.

There are also books on this list that were written not by professionals, but by people who have extensive experience and a “keep eye”, people who know how to draw conclusions. Their books may also be useful to you if you want to understand how the space of love works, in which such different men and women coexist peacefully.

For example, Steve Harvey immediately admits: no, not a psychologist, but a person wise from life experience. Frankness bordering on cynicism, exposing generally accepted myths, breaking stereotypes, and a unique sense of humor will help drive out of your head some cockroaches whose existence you never even thought about.

Of course, the books don't have your specific situation with names and dates, but there are many similar ones. You will have to independently find the answer to the question “what am I doing wrong” and relearn the art of communication. This is work! But if you do not have the opportunity to see a professional psychologist, then books on psychology for women can be the only thread for you that will lead you out of the maze of failures and lead you to your feminine happiness.

Of course, popular and intelligent books on psychology and self-development are presented in the Russian-language segment (including translations) in much greater quantity and quality. Those named are only the tip of the iceberg, as well as the women's problems listed in them and ways to solve them.

To find more, you can visit bookstore websites. The most popular and “proven”:

Eksmo, Bukvoed, e-book store Litres (list).

There are many books that talk about human psychology, but everyone has their own favorite authors and works that have sunk into the soul. I will tell you about the best books on psychology - naturally, in my opinion and taste, I will give a short summary and share my thoughts.

About people

In my opinion, any movement forward begins with an attitude towards ourselves and other people; each of us must find our place in society and learn to interact with other people. The best books for this in my opinion are: “Philosophical Tales” by Nikolai Kozlov,

Who will like this book: those who like a consistent presentation of material using empirical examples and are ready for self-development; for those who are partial to a good outline, it must be said that all the material in Kozlov’s books is well structured; those who are ready to take a close look at themselves and their lives (this is especially important for women).

Rarely a list of the 10 best books on psychology can do without Berne, and I won’t prevaricate either - "Games People Play", authored by Eric Berne, was once my reference book.

If you are thinking about why everything in your life turns out this way and not otherwise, then this book is undoubtedly recommended for reading.

In short, all situations in our lives are in one way or another connected with communication and behavior, and we behave either like adults, or like parents, or even like children. Berne in his book describes a bunch of social interaction mechanisms - these are the ritual actions of our time, which everyone who wants to succeed and become a happy person should get acquainted with.

About personal life

Personal life is one of the most important components of a person’s life; if a person is happy in a relationship, then he seems to feel wings behind his back, everything works out for him and he feels true inspiration, no matter what he undertakes! And if things don’t go well on the personal front, then the picture becomes sad - no success, no victories, just soul-searching.

Therefore, improving your personal life is very, very important - for both women and men. Sometimes it helps to just talk, express all your dissatisfaction and mutual reproaches. But what if there are deeper problems? Not all married couples are ready to go to a psychologist (by the way, not everyone admits that they have problems), so sometimes it’s easier and more effective to turn to a book.

Many women lack sincere relationships, they would like to meet a person with whom they can build a real family - but at the same time, most women are not ready for self-development, they are in a kind of trap and think in the categories that they learned from their parents and friends , other women. To learn how to build relationships, you need to begin to understand the stronger sex.

The first book about relationships that I want to recommend is useful for women. This is a book "You don't know anything about men" Steve Harvey.

By the way, he is a professional comedian, and not a psychologist at all, but it seems to me that you need to listen not to the opinions of those who conscientiously sat through all the lectures at the university, but to those who have practical experience - here Harvey will receive a lot of psychologists, because he has he has two divorce proceedings and three marriages under his belt (you must agree, this gives him the right to talk about relationships, as well as women and their husbands).

In my opinion, the book will help both unmarried girls and women who have been married for a long time - you must admit, something can always be improved. Many men recommend reading this book, calling it self-development instructions for women who want to get married.

I probably won’t surprise anyone by including in my selection of the 10 best books on psychology the work "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" John Gray - if you haven't read this book, you've probably heard about it.

Yes, it is customary to criticize it - it is too Americanized, the author repeats himself too often. Personally, I liked the fact that the work gives practical recommendations - what to do and what to do if the relationship is not going well. Yes, you can reach many points on your own, but it is better to reduce the time and read the book (especially since it is easy to read).

And finally, one of the books thanks to which I saved my marriage - "Why do men lie and women cry" Barbara and Alan Pease.

My acquaintance with Alan Pease began with a book about body movements - how our gestures say more about us than words, and how to behave in order to achieve what we want. Therefore, when problems began in my personal life, I was looking for literature among familiar authors, and the book by the Pease couple was what I needed.

If you have problems with emotional interaction, if you feel that you are being manipulated in relationships, and your family life is in great doubt, then it’s time to read this book - it will be useful for your relationship.

There are many more wonderful books that both women and men will enjoy, but it’s best to start with something truly worthwhile that will help your self-development.

About development

The last part of my selection is devoted to personal development; it seems to me that a developed person will achieve success in any field of activity - the whole point is that he has the right mindset and follows certain rules of mental hygiene.

If you have ever despaired, feeling that you want too much and are afraid of not being able to do everything, this is your reading. I think each of us is familiar with the situation when your dreams still cannot come true. Barbara Sher tells you what to do about it and how to make your desires come true.

In fact, everything is very, very simple - first of all, you need to formulate your main dream, and then gradually implement it. It sounds simple, but in the book the author gives a lot of really useful advice and tells instructive stories that provide the necessary motivation.

I consider one of the best books on personal growth to be a work by Tina Seelig called “Why didn’t anyone tell me this at 20?”

This is something between a guide for a beginning businessman and a textbook on how to find your place in life. Each of us is looking for our own path, for some it comes naturally, others require some kind of external motivator, and Tina Seelig’s book can be it. By the way, Tina Seelig is also not a psychologist - she is a teacher and works at Stanford University - she teaches a course on innovation in entrepreneurship.

This book will give you truly creative and revolutionary thinking. You will learn to look for new ideas, try new things and look for inspiration in everyday things.

If you want to learn something new or create new habits, then read the book "One habit a week" by Brett Blumenthal - you can become better than you really are.

Do you want to be effective? Do you want to become a new person with new hobbies? Read Blumenthal's book. You will understand how small steps work - you can reach any big goal by moving gradually. You will learn to improve your health, you will achieve well-being, you will be able to get anything - from excellent musical taste to high productivity at work.

And the last book on my list is "100 ways to change your life" Larisa Parfenteva.

I read this author back when she ran a column on her publishing house’s website. In fact, there are many ways to change everything in your life, but few people know about them and are ready to try.

In Parfenteva's book you will find answers to the most important questions that will help you change your life gradually. You will learn to forgive your past grievances, you will be able to overcome your own fears and find your own path to realization.

Time for self-help books

When should you read self-development books? Always. Men and women have different approaches to problems - for one person any problem is primarily stress, for another it is an interesting task. The books I recommend will help you understand yourself and set your own life in the right way. If you are not in a relationship (or your relationship is going through a difficult period right now), then it's time to read something important for yourself. Don’t wait for someone to advise you or give you a suitable book - look for it yourself and change when you want.

If at some point you feel that the circumstances that are happening to you are suddenly out of control, then know that you need a reboot, you need to look at what is happening from a new perspective, and a good self-development book will help with this.

Choose psychological books that help improve life and contribute to the self-development of the individual and the individual, and you can make your own list - those psychological books that helped you personally.

Open any newspaper or magazine and you will find terms coined by Sigmund Freud. Sublimation, projection, transference, defenses, complexes, neuroses, hysteria, stress, psychological trauma and crises, etc. - all these words have become firmly established in our lives. And the books of Freud and other outstanding psychologists were also firmly included in it. We offer you a list of the best - those that changed our reality. Save it for yourself so you don’t lose it!

Eric Berne is the author of the famous concept of scenario programming and game theory. They are based on transactional analysis, which is now being studied all over the world. Bern is confident that every person's life is programmed before the age of five, and then we all play games with each other using three roles: Adult, Parent and Child. Read more about this concept, which is popular all over the world, in the review of Berne's bestseller "", presented in the "Main Idea" Library.

Edward de Bono, a British psychologist, developed a method that teaches you to think effectively. The six hats are six different ways of thinking. De Bono suggests “trying on” each hat to learn to think in different ways depending on the situation. The red hat is emotion, the black hat is criticism, the yellow hat is optimism, the green hat is creativity, the blue hat is thought leadership, and the white hat is facts and figures. you can read “The Main Idea” in the Library.

  1. Alfred Adler. Understand human nature

Alfred Adler is one of Sigmund Freud's most famous students. He created his own concept of individual (or individual) psychology. Adler wrote that a person’s actions are influenced not only by the past (as Freud taught), but also by the future, or rather the goal that a person wants to achieve in the future. And based on this goal, he transforms his past and present. In other words, only knowing the goal can we understand why a person acted this way and not otherwise. Take, for example, the image of the theater: only towards the last act do we understand the actions of the heroes that they committed in the first act. You can read about the universal law of personality development proposed by Adler in the article: “”.

Doctor of medicine, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge devoted his research to brain plasticity. In his main work, he makes a revolutionary statement: our brain is capable of changing its own structure and work thanks to a person’s thoughts and actions. Doidge talks about the latest discoveries that show that the human brain is plastic, which means it can change itself. The book features stories of scientists, doctors and patients who were able to achieve amazing transformations. Those who had serious problems were able to cure brain diseases that were considered incurable without surgery or pills. Well, those who did not have any special problems were able to significantly improve their brain function. Read more, presented in the Library "Main Thought".

Susan Weinschenk is a famous American psychologist specializing in behavioral psychology. She is called "Lady Brain" because she studies the latest advances in neuroscience and the human brain and applies what she learns to business and everyday life. Susan talks about the basic laws of the psyche. In her bestseller, she identifies 7 main motivators of human behavior that influence our lives. Read more about this in the review of the book “,” presented in the “Main Thought” Library.

  1. Erik Erikson. Childhood and society

Erik Erikson is an outstanding psychologist who detailed and expanded Sigmund Freud's famous age periodization. The periodization of human life proposed by Erikson consists of 8 stages, each of which ends with a crisis. A person must go through this crisis correctly. If it does not pass, then it (the crisis) is added to the load in the next period. You can read about important age periods in the lives of adults in the article: “”.

The famous book by the famous American psychologist Robert Cialdini. It has become a classic in social psychology. "" is recommended by the best scientists in the world as a guide to interpersonal relationships and conflict management. A review of this book is presented in the Main Idea Library.

  1. Hans Eysenck. Dimensions of Personality

Hans Eysenck is a British scientist-psychologist, one of the leaders of the biological direction in psychology, the creator of the factor theory of personality. He is best known as the author of the popular intelligence test, IQ.

Psychologist Daniel Goleman completely changed the way we think about leadership by declaring that “emotional intelligence” (EQ) is more important than IQ for a leader. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify and understand emotions, both your own and others, and the ability to use this knowledge to manage your behavior and relationships with people. A leader who lacks emotional intelligence may have top-notch training, a sharp mind, and endlessly generate new ideas, but he will still lose to a leader who knows how to manage emotions. You can read why this happens in the review of Goleman’s book “,” presented in the “Main Thought” Library.

The famous sociologist Malcolm Gladwell presented a number of interesting studies on intuition. He is sure that each of us has intuition, and it is worth listening to it. Our unconscious processes huge amounts of data without our participation and, on a silver platter, gives the most correct solution, which we just have to not miss and use wisely for ourselves. However, intuition is easily frightened by a lack of time to make a decision, a state of stress, and an attempt to describe your thoughts and actions in words. A review of Gladwell's bestseller "" is in the "Main Idea" Library.

  1. Victor Frankl. The will to meaning

Viktor Frankl is a world-famous Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist, student of Alfred Adler and founder of logotherapy. Logotherapy (from the Greek “Logos” - word and “terapia” - care, care, treatment) is a direction in psychotherapy that arose on the basis of the conclusions that Frankl made as a concentration camp prisoner. This is therapy for the search for meaning, this is a method that helps a person find meaning in any circumstances of his life, including such extreme ones as suffering. And here it is very important to understand the following: to find this meaning, Frankl suggests exploring not the depth of personality(as Freud believed) and its height. This is a very serious difference in accent. Before Frankl, psychologists mainly tried to help people by exploring the depths of their subconscious, but Frankl insists on exploring the full potential of a person, on exploring his heights. Thus, he places the emphasis, figuratively speaking, on the spire of the building (height), and not on its basement (depths).

  1. Sigmund Freud. Dream interpretation
  1. Anna Freud. Psychology of the Self and Defense Mechanisms

Anna Freud is the youngest daughter of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. She founded a new direction in psychology - ego psychology. Her main scientific achievement is considered to be the development of the theory of human defense mechanisms. Anna also made significant progress in studying the nature of aggression, but still her most significant contribution to psychology was the creation of child psychology and child psychoanalysis.

  1. Nancy McWilliams. Psychoanalytic diagnostics

This book is the Bible of modern psychoanalysis. American psychoanalyst Nancy McWilliams writes that we are all irrational to some extent, which means that two basic questions must be answered about each person: “How crazy?” and “What exactly is crazy?” The first question can be answered by three levels of mental functioning (details in the article: “”), and the second - by character types (narcissistic, schizoid, depressive, paranoid, hysterical, etc.), studied in detail by Nancy McWilliams and described in the book “ Psychoanalytic diagnostics".

  1. Carl Jung. Archetype and symbol

Carl Jung is the second famous student of Sigmund Freud (we have already talked about Alfred Adler). Jung believed that the unconscious is not only all the lowest in a person, but also the highest, for example, creativity. The unconscious thinks in symbols. Jung introduces the concept of the collective unconscious, with which a person is born, it is the same for everyone. When a person is born, he is already filled with ancient images and archetypes. They pass from generation to generation. Archetypes influence everything that happens to a person.

  1. Abraham Maslow. The far reaches of the human psyche

Martin Seligman is an outstanding American psychologist, founder of positive psychology. His studies of the phenomenon of learned helplessness, that is, passivity in the face of supposedly irreparable troubles, brought him worldwide fame. Seligman proved that pessimism lies at the heart of helplessness and its extreme manifestation - depression. The psychologist introduces us to two of his main concepts: the theory of learned helplessness and the idea of ​​explanatory style. They are closely related. The first explains why we become pessimists, and the second explains how to change our thinking style in order to turn from a pessimist to an optimist. A review of Seligman's book "" is presented in the "Main Thought" Library.

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