How to keep a living Christmas tree longer? How to keep a living Christmas tree longer How to keep a Christmas tree longer in an apartment.

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Many people associate New Year with the smell of tangerines, fresh baked goods and, of course, a Christmas tree. Recently, more and more varieties have appeared. They are imported to us from the Celestial Empire in an endless stream. Previously, the fragrant forest beauty stood in almost every home, giving a festive mood and bringing an element of a fairy tale into everyday life. Adherents of old traditions even today cannot imagine the New Year without a real coniferous tree. But with its choice and storage method, questions often arise that can be answered in this article. Today we will talk about how to store a New Year tree so that it does not crumble until the Old New Year and does not lose its aroma.

How to choose the right Christmas tree

The most persistent New Year's tree is considered to be pine, and the brightest coniferous smell is that of fir. But if we talk about beauty, spruce will remain unsurpassed. Of course, with a thick, properly processed crown.

The fresher the tree is (cut down shortly before purchase), the longer it will not crumble and will retain its aroma.

  • A freshly cut Christmas tree can be recognized by its trunk. There should be needles right on it, and there should not be a wide dark-colored border on the cut.
  • The branches of a fresh tree should have elasticity, and the needles should be bright green. If the branch easily returns to its original position after bending (does not break or drop needles), this is evidence that the tree was cut down quite recently.
  • Another indicator of the freshness of a Christmas tree is the fragrant resinous substance found in the needles. If you rub them with your fingers, you will immediately smell strongly of pine, and traces of resin will remain on your hands - this means that the tree is fresh.
  • If the needles actively fall off when the spruce trunk hits the ground, there is no need to buy such a tree. It's unlikely to last long.
  • To maximize the freshness of the New Year tree, when transporting and storing the tree, make sure that its upper part and tips of the branches are not damaged.

Rules for storing Christmas trees

To prevent the Christmas tree from experiencing temperature fluctuations and falling off after a couple of days, it must undergo acclimatization. To do this, the tree is left in the coolest place in the apartment for one or two days. This could be a glazed balcony or veranda that is not heated.

  • Before installation, the spruce tree must be cut down and the tree placed in a container with settled water. The forest beauty should remain in the water for about 2 days. In this case, the evaporated water should be replaced with fresh water.
  • The lowest branches are cut in such a way as to clear the trunk by 15 - 20 cm. Subsequently, they can be used to make Christmas wreaths. Or use for home decor.
  • You need to install the Christmas tree in a container with wet sand or water. If this is not possible, you can wrap the cut area, with the part of the trunk cleared of branches, in an hygroscopic cloth, which will need to be constantly moistened.
  • The tree should not be placed near radiators or other heat sources. In addition, a few hours before turning on the garland, the plant is moistened with a sprayer. You also need to increase the humidity of the room where the New Year's tree is located, using the same spray bottle. Avoid spraying water on furniture and walls.

Old garlands equipped with electric bulbs emit heat, which causes the tree to dry out prematurely. Therefore, it is better to purchase a Christmas tree decoration consisting of LEDs. They are much more economical and produce virtually no heat.

Where to put the Christmas tree

When all the issues with the stand are resolved, a new problem arises: where to install the Christmas tree.

  1. In many families, the place to install the forest beauty remains the same from year to year. But it is advisable to look with fresh eyes to see if it is in the right place.
  2. If a Christmas tree is constantly placed right next to a hot radiator, then you shouldn’t be surprised why it crumbled so quickly. It must be installed as far as possible from all heat sources.
  3. Also, next to the New Year's tree, which, among other things, is decorated with flammable streamers, tinsel and plastic toys, there should be no open fire (fireplaces, stoves, heaters with a glowing coil). This will protect the tree from drying out quickly, and at the same time from catching fire.
  4. Pets love to play with Christmas tree decorations and often end up with the tree upside down. Therefore, it must be installed in a place where they cannot reach it. And if this is not possible, at least record it well.

How to keep a Christmas tree in the sand

  • The tree is placed in a container with sand, and then water is poured into the sand. Usually add 1 liter of water per bucket of sand.
  • The trunk must be immersed in sand at least 20 cm.
  • To make the storage of the New Year tree last longer, and the needles to remain green and elastic, add glycerin to the water with which the sand is moistened (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).
  • You need to moisten the sand with water and glycerin every 2 days.

Storing a Christmas tree in water

Alternatively, you can store the Christmas tree in a container of water. Or wrap the lower part of the trunk with a cloth that absorbs and retains moisture well, and then regularly water it with a nutrient solution.

The coniferous tree is placed in a container filled with water (bucket, tank) with the addition of 1 tsp. citric acid, 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and 30 - 40g. crushed chalk.

You can make a nutritional mixture of 1 aspirin tablet, 1 gr. salt and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Such an environment will stop the development of pathogenic flora and provide nutrition to the tree.

There is a way to store a Christmas tree in a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (it should have a dark red color). There is also a special additive for fertilizing coniferous trees, which can be purchased in online stores that sell everything for landscaping.

Some people, in order to increase the shelf life of the Christmas tree, add a piece of refined sugar and copper wire to water with aspirin.

The evaporated part of the nutrient solution must be constantly replenished and care should be taken to ensure that the lower part of the trunk is at least 20 cm deep in it.

The nutrient mixture can be used to moisten the cloth in which the lower part of the trunk is wrapped, or sand.

How long will a live Christmas tree stay in the apartment?

A coniferous tree at room temperature will dry out within 2 weeks, if you do not increase the shelf life of a living Christmas tree using the methods described above.

Of course, the cut tree will still dry out, but proper care and constant hydration will extend the “life” of the forest beauty for a whole month.

To maintain the freshness of the pine, it will need to be created in the same conditions as the Christmas tree. It is perfectly stored in damp sand with the addition of various nutrients and antiseptics, and also spreads the pine aroma throughout the room.

Note! The pine trunk will become thinner over time as a result of drying out, and the tree, if placed in a regular stand, may fall. Therefore, the pine needs to be secured very well so as not to collect needles throughout the room.


In order for a coniferous tree to retain its freshness until Epiphany and even longer, it does not need to be placed on a cross, as was done in the last century - it is enough to create the necessary conditions. Read how to store a New Year tree, and the forest beauty will extend the festive mood for a whole month.

The most fun and fabulous holiday is coming soon - New Year. The mood in the house is created by the forest guest, the green beauty of the Christmas tree. But how can you preserve your Christmas tree for as long as possible? What can be done to prevent needles from falling off prematurely?

It happens that after a week there is no trace left of the smell of pine needles. And after a couple of days it turns yellow, and all the needles fall off. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a few secrets on how to preserve your Christmas tree for a long time.

The most important thing in preserving a Christmas tree for a long time is to learn how to choose the right tree when purchasing.

  • The trunk of the Christmas tree being sold should not be too thin, otherwise the green beauty will not stand for very long and will quickly crumble.
  • The needles should be not only on her eyelids, but also in a thick layer on the trunk. The color of the needles is only dark green, without any yellow or brown tints.
  • There should not be a wide brown border on the cut of the tree trunk.
  • You can check the freshness of the tree by lightly hitting it on the floor. If the needles remain in place, then the spruce is fresh.
  • The branches on the Christmas tree should be elastic and not brittle. This is very easy to check by bending them a little. A fresh branch will bend in all directions with ease. If the forest beauty was cut down a long time ago, its branches will immediately break when bent.
  • The fact that the Christmas tree is only from the forest is indicated by its smell. The less time has passed since the tree was cut down, the more fragrant it is. Having picked a couple of needles and rubbed them in your hand, an oily crust should remain on the skin.

When transporting your New Year's guest home, make sure that the branches and tops do not break. To do this, the tree is carefully tied, collecting branches closer to the trunk.

Secret 2 - getting to know the premises

When the Christmas tree has arrived at your home, do not rush to immediately bring it into a warm room. Let it sit in a cool place for a while to acclimatize. Many people wrap it in wrapping paper and put it on the balcony. It stays in this form until it’s time to decorate.

How to preserve a Christmas tree so that it does not crumble for as long as possible? Having brought the Christmas tree into a warm room, you should not immediately unwrap and untie it. It needs to warm up to room temperature within a couple of hours. And after this it’s time to untie the branches from the trunk. The tree is shaken, a few needles may fall off a little.

Then you need to saw off the bottom of the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees and remove the lower branches. But under no circumstances throw them away. The twigs are used to make a New Year's wreath, ekibana or any other holiday decoration. If you just put it in a vase with water, it will also be very festive.

Using a sharp knife, peel the bark of the trunk in a circle up to twenty centimeters high. This is done to open fresh pores. To make them open as much as possible, dip the barrel in hot water and vinegar. After watering the tree, the pores will absorb all the useful components, and it will remain fresh for as long as possible.

The 3rd secret is in water

Before installing the spruce in a permanent place, first let it be well saturated with moisture. To do this, you need to take settled water, melted snow works very well, and fill a bucket with this liquid. Leave your Christmas tree in a bucket of water for 3-4 hours.

Add half a glass of sugar, 5 grams of salt, 25 grams of glycerin, 50 grams of water to the water. cologne. You should also add an aspirin tablet to destroy all rotting bacteria. Salt and sugar will feed the tree.

4 secret - sand

The tree is saturated, now you need to install it in a permanent place. You can use a bucket and pour sand into it. Or purchase a special stand in which there will be water at all times.

Take a bucket or large flower pot and fill it with clean sand. The sand should be well watered. Place a Christmas tree in it and water it every day. Make sure the sand is wet at all times.

In order for the Christmas tree to stand for as long as possible, it is watered with water with the addition of:

  • Salt, sugar and aspirin;
  • A solution of fifty percent glycerin;
  • Gelatin, previously filled with water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid per 3 liters of water;
  • Powdered chalk or white clay;
  • Store-bought coniferous fertilizers also prolong the life of the New Year's beauty;
  • If you add a pink solution of potassium permanganate to the water, it is quite possible that by the end of the holidays the tree will take root.

To store a Christmas tree in water, you need to either purchase such a holder with a water container inside it. Or place the forest beauty in a bucket, cutting off the lower branches so that they rest tightly against its edges, while holding the tree.

Make sure that the water in the bucket is always above the level where the bark was cut. The same food additives are added to the water as when watering sand.

You can add fertilizers left over from the garden to the water. Urea is often used by adding it and leaving the tree in it for a day. The next day, take out the tree, make a large cut at the very bottom of the trunk, stick a piece of woolen, undyed fabric into it and place the tree back in the bucket.

Or 5 gr. superphosphate, 25 g. ammonium nitrate and a pinch of potassium nitrate. Mix all this and pour a tablespoon into water daily.

Students from one of the Forestry Research Universities conducted experiments on which solution to store the Christmas tree in for the longest time. One was placed in sweet water, and aspirin was added to the second. And to the third they put a copper coin.

Sweet water took first place. The tree stood in it the longest, practically without crumbling. But the best option is to add three components at once.

5 secret - if the Christmas tree is in a pot

If you bought a live spruce growing in a special pot, then when you bring it into the house, do not cause it to suffer heat stroke. She will feel good in the cold, but when she comes from outside, first for a while, put her in a cooler room. And so gradually bring it into the apartment.

For those who use an artificial tree, after removing it from the case where it has been stored all year, simply vacuum it well. It would seem better to wash it, but this cannot be done. Otherwise, if water gets in, the iron base of the New Year's structure will rust.

Useful tips

Only a live spruce can bring a long-awaited, incomparable aroma and a wonderful New Year's mood to your home.

If you decide to buy a natural Christmas tree for the New Year, then we have prepared some tips for you on how you can preserve it for a longer period so that it exudes aroma during all the New Year holidays and even after them.

Choosing a Christmas tree

As a rule, you can find spruce, pine or fir at Christmas tree markets. All these trees differ from each other both in smell and appearance, and in their lifespan after felling.

There are several general rules when choosing a tree. For example, the trunk must have needles, even sparse ones, and the cut tree must not have a tight border. You will learn about these and other tips for choosing and storing a New Year's tree here.

How to keep your Christmas tree longer

1. Bend the Christmas tree branch slightly. If it bends easily, but cracks, the wood inside is already dry. This means that very soon the needles will begin to fall off.

* A good spruce tree has all its branches very elastic and difficult to bend.

* If you rub spruce needles in your palm, you will smell the pine needles.

* A good spruce also has bright green needles.

2. If you plan to buy a Christmas tree for a period of less than 7 days, then it can be installed anywhere without much care. However, if you want the tree to stand for more than a week, you will have to take care of it.

How to keep a living Christmas tree

3. The Christmas tree should not be placed next to a heat source such as a radiator, fireplace or heater.

4. Humidify the air. Pour water into the stand or, at worst, wrap the tree with a wet rag. It is better to use melt water so that the wood does not absorb chlorine.

5. You shouldn’t put a newly purchased Christmas tree right into the room. Leave her for several hours in the hallway or on the balcony.

And if you bought a Christmas tree more than a week before the holiday, then it is best to store it wrapped in paper and in the cold.

Read also: 20+ ways to BEAUTIFULLY decorate your TREE for the New Year

How to care for a Christmas tree

6. Before installation, clear the tree trunk from about 10 cm of bark. It is also worth using a sharp knife to plan the spruce, thereby opening its fresh pores.

7. Spray the spruce branches with water from a spray bottle. This way the tree will retain its freshness longer.

8. The Christmas tree can be installed in a bucket of wet sand. Approximately 1 liter of water is used for one bucket of sand. Add a small amount of glycerin or gelatin. The bottom of the tree trunk should be covered with sand by about 20 cm. Add water to the sand every two days.

How to keep a Christmas tree at home

9. If you install the Christmas tree in a bucket or tank with water, you can add citric acid (0.5 teaspoon), 1 tsp to the water. gelatin and crushed chalk. You can also add 1 aspirin tablet, a little salt and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Aspirin prevents the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria.

Salt and sugar provide the tree with some nutrients.

10. When you decide to get rid of the Christmas tree, to remove dried needles, simply knock the trunk on the floor.

*An artificial Christmas tree made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) must first be vacuumed. But you shouldn’t wash it, as there is a risk that the metal rods will rust.

How long will a Christmas tree last at home?

The spruce will last 10 days and will have a faint aroma.

Pine can last up to 14 days and will delight you with a strong aroma.

Fir can last up to 21 days with a medium aroma.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays?

1. Give it for recycling. The Christmas tree can be turned into sawdust for boiler houses or fertilizer.

2. Take the Christmas tree to the zoo, where it will become food for the animals.

3. If you have a summer house, you can chop the branches and trunk to make a protective layer for the soil.

4. You can make a paste for colds:

* Grind 300 gr. pine needles

*Add 200 gr. honey.

*Add 50 gr. propolis

Store the solution in the refrigerator.

Use the solution 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals, washed down with warm water.

1) Live Christmas tree

The advantages of a natural Christmas tree are the smell, aroma of a coniferous forest and a natural appearance. Here are some points to pay attention to when choosing a Christmas tree.

When to buy a Christmas tree. Now they are on sale, thick and beautiful, but it is unknown what they will sell just before the holiday. Therefore, if there is any cold room where you can store a Christmas tree, then you must buy it in advance and store it, for example, on the balcony. If there is no balcony, you can try to tie the Christmas tree outside the windows. In a warm apartment with dry air from central heating, the tree will have a hard time, and after two weeks all its needles may fall off.

The size of the tree should correspond to the size of the room where it will stand. It is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings and the size of the room. The Christmas tree should not clutter up the room and interfere with the passage of people. If you plan to place the Christmas tree in a corner, it is better to take a “one-sided” tree. It is better to place a Christmas tree with a lush, uniform crown in the middle of the wall of a spacious room.

Trunk. Having arrived at the market and pulled out what you liked from a pile of branches, cones and needles, you need to hit the butt (the lower part of the trunk, which once formed a single whole with the stump remaining in the forest) on the ground. If, as a result of this action, needles fell on the ground, then you can safely put this “miracle” in its place. If the test was successful, meticulously inspect the trunk for mold, mildew and other impurities.

As a rule, Christmas trees for sale are cut down in due time, upon reaching the age of eight, and in this case, with a tree height of one and a half meters, the normal weight is considered to be five kilograms, or better yet, all seven. A very thin trunk is a sign of disease. A healthy tree should have a trunk with a girth of at least 6 centimeters; if it branches, it’s okay, it makes the tree look even fluffier.

Needles. Fresh spruce has a bright green color. Lightly rub the needles between your fingers: if the tree is fresh, you can feel the slight oiliness and fragrant smell of pine needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch, it means that something is wrong with the tree, most likely it has frostbite.

Branches. The tree should be fresh; if it is dry, it will begin to crumble in two or three days. A fresh tree's branches are elastic and cannot easily be broken off, while a dry tree's branches easily break off with a characteristic crack. The branches should stretch upward.

Transporting the Christmas tree. To avoid breaking branches on the way home, it is best to wrap the tree in burlap and tie it with rope. Carry the purchased Christmas tree home with the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not fray. When you bring the tree into the house, its top, on the contrary, should be in front.

Installation of the Christmas tree. If the tree is purchased in advance, then before the holiday itself it is better to keep it in the cold: hanging it outside the window or placing it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was purchased directly on December 31, then under no circumstances should you immediately bring it into a warm room, install it and decorate it: such a temperature difference can cause the tree to get sick and die. If the frost outside is below -10° C, do not bring the tree directly into the apartment. Let it stand in the entrance for about 20 minutes so that it thaws.

Before installing the tree, you need to clear the trunk 8-10 cm from the bark and plan it with a sharp knife (to open fresh pores) under running water. You can also trim the top of the spruce tree at an angle, and anoint the fresh cut with Vishnevsky ointment.

You can install the Christmas tree in different ways:
Bucket with sand. The ideal option is a bucket of clean, damp sand. A liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which a small amount of glycerin or gelatin is pre-dissolved. Another option - as for garden flowers - is an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. Some people recommend adding a small amount of a suitable liquid fertilizer along with the water. It is better to install the Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is covered by at least 20 centimeters. The sand needs to be watered after 1–2 days.
Container with water. The water at the time of installation must be hot and contain acid - acetic or citric. The acidic environment can be replaced with effervescent aspirin tablets. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.
Wrapping the trunk. The simplest option - but far from ideal: wrap the trunk at the cut site with a damp cloth, which must be moistened periodically. Then strengthen the tree in a cross, on a stand or in some other way.

Spruce branches can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle - thereby keeping the tree fresh longer.

Or you can plant a small Christmas tree from the garden in a bucket or tub for the holiday and bring it into the room. The tree is transplanted a few days before the holiday into a fairly spacious container. The roots are generously moistened, wrapped in synthetic film and sprinkled with sphagnum moss or simply coarse peat. To avoid sudden changes in temperature, they first bring the tree from the cold garden into a bright but fairly cool room, and only later, on the eve of the holiday, move it to a warm, heated room.

The place for the Christmas tree is chosen away from heating appliances. The room is ventilated more often, and the root system of the tree is well watered (moss immediately absorbs all the moisture, so on average four liters of water are used per day). After the holiday, the Christmas tree along with the container is taken outside to a place protected from the wind. If the weather is warm, the tree is removed from the tub and planted directly in the ground. In cold, frosty weather, they wait until spring, and the tree with the container is buried in the garden and covered with peat, film and snow.

2) Artificial Christmas tree

The advantage of an artificial Christmas tree is its durability; it will not lose its appearance by the end of the holidays and can last for several years. As for the smell, they have now learned to cleverly imitate it. You can buy a bottle and spray your Christmas tree.

Now you can buy an artificial Christmas tree of any type, quality and even color. Christmas trees for every taste: Canadian and blue, pine, fir, with cones, snow-covered, colored, with toys on the branches. Or, for example, spruce with optical fiber. Such a tree glows “from the inside” - the branches and needles shimmer with multi-colored lights. What points are worth paying attention to?

Price. The cost of artificial trees depends on many parameters. The main thing is the country of origin. The most expensive spruce trees are brought from Germany, Italy and Holland. Mostly middle-class Christmas trees are taken from Taiwan and Thailand, the cheapest are Chinese products. The second factor that determines the price is the height of the tree and the environmental friendliness of the materials. The method of assembly also influences the price: expensive trees are laid out like an umbrella, cheap ones are assembled from branches. Each additional “bells and whistles”, namely: fluffiness, original colors, the presence of cones and snow on the branches, also affects the price.

Strength of branches and needles. You can test a Christmas tree like this: soft needles should be stroked “against the grain”, and hard ones should be pulled by the needles. If the needles did not fall off and quickly returned to their original position, the exam was passed.

Fire resistance. The packaging must indicate that the Christmas tree is made of special fire-resistant polyethylene or plastic. The best synthetic Christmas trees are now made from polymers with the addition of so-called fire retardants - substances that prevent fire. Such trees do not burn; in the worst case, they only smolder.

Ultimately, you will have to choose from three main types of Christmas trees: with cast needles, cut from PVC film or twisted from fishing line.
Cast plastic Christmas trees are the most expensive to make, but they look more natural than any other. The secret is that each branch is cast separately in special molds. They are not produced in Russia, but German products of this class are quite enough to decorate the windows of jewelry boutiques and offices on central streets. A meter-long Christmas tree made using this technology will cost at least $150–200.
Christmas trees made of PVC film with an aluminum trunk are more widely represented in stores than others. PVC does not burn or decompose, which makes them safe. They look quite natural, especially if the kit includes plastic cones and cotton wool snow. And if this cotton wool is glued in several layers, as some German manufacturers do, then the illusion of “snowiness” becomes complete. Domestic PVC Christmas trees cost 600 rubles per meter, while European ones cost about $100.
Christmas trees made from fishing line, the branches of which resemble bottle brushes, are now extremely rare to find. They are produced only in a specialized workshop at the Ufa Cable Plant. But in Soviet times, all trade establishments were decorated with them, people dreamed of getting at least a small tree like this somewhere. In addition to nostalgia for childhood, the buyer will only be attracted by the emphatically unnatural appearance of such a Christmas tree. They cost, as befits mass-produced goods, inexpensively (up to 500 rubles), but now they are a real rarity.

What is important to know. Whatever the New Year tree is made of, it must be equipped with a hygiene certificate. Such a document is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection. It certifies the chemical safety of the product, that the material from which it is made does not contain formaldehyde, resin, methylene and acetone. You can only buy New Year's garlands made from artificial branches or a whole spruce if you have this document, otherwise you have a chance to breathe in toxic fumes all holidays and suffer from the suffocating smell of plastic.

The New Year tree in the house until the end of January will bring joy, and not bring trouble in the form of yellowed needles falling off on the third day, if you follow a few simple rules.

1. You need to choose the right Christmas tree. A tree cut down as late as possible will last longer. This type of spruce always has needles of a rich, deep dark green color, the branches bend rather than break, and the resin on the trunk and frame sticks to your hands.

2. Do not immediately bring the purchased spruce into a warm room. Saw off two or three centimeters from the log house and place the tree in a cool room in a bucket with pre-settled water. If the paws of the spruce were tied with a rope,

be sure to remove it. This way the tree adapts to new conditions much better. Add water regularly, morning and evening. In a couple of days you can bring the tree into the apartment.

3. There are many substances that are recommended to be added to water to make the tree stand almost forever, but the use of the vast majority of them will only ruin your tree and not preserve it. Do not under any circumstances add aspirin, sugar, salt, etc. to the water. The benefits of these substances for wood are a myth.

4. The ideal growing medium for a Christmas tree is clean sand, moistened with a special nutrient solution for coniferous crops. Sand and mortar can be purchased at any garden store. Make sure that the sand is always slightly damp, add clean water if necessary, and use the nutrient solution according to the instructions. And then the result will please you. Moreover, if you get a spruce in good condition, then there is a high probability that it will take root. Then you can save it until spring and plant it in the garden.

5. A spruce tree will last a long time if it has access to fresh, cool air and sunlight. A place near a window may seem ideal, but in reality it is not: there are heating radiators under the window, and it is strictly forbidden to place the Christmas tree near heat sources, as it will begin to dry out and turn yellow. But there is always a way out! Place the Christmas tree in the center of the wall on the side of the room where

a window or balcony opens. Ventilate the room more often; three to four times a day for fifteen minutes will be enough for spruce. If there is no severe frost outside, then when leaving home, leave the window or the door to the balcony ajar if it is glazed.

6. You cannot break off the top of the spruce, even the smallest piece, even if the star does not sit as you would like. Otherwise, the needles will begin to fall off the next day.

7. Spray the tree with cool water from a spray bottle once a day. This way the tree will be fresher and the pine aromas will be brighter.

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