Teacher on the podium: how a former teacher created a modeling agency. Small and shady

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One of Ksenia S.’s former numerous suitors allegedly loves extreme sex. After talking with him, the models learn a lot about sadomaso. And they can’t work for a long time until the bruises go away. This gentleman ties the girl like a bag: her leg and hands are together behind her back, the rope is fixed around her neck. But despite this, many girls agree to risky stunts: the fee is painfully high - about $2000 at a time.

Reverse side of the model

Oligarchs buy up modeling agencies and create harems for themselves

Elena Krementsova

Thanks to glossy magazines, even in the outback, girls know that the large agencies holding the Russian modeling market today can be counted on one hand. These are “Modus Vivendis”, “Fashion”, “Point”, “President”. It is very difficult to say who their actual owners are. Knowledgeable people claim that some Russian nouveau riche are buying up agencies for their own pleasure. And all the stories of glamor publications about the magical life in the model Through the Looking Glass solve one problem: to lure naive provincial women into the newly created harems.

Who calls the tune

- “Point,” according to knowledgeable people, was bought by an oligarch, a young man who is not yet 40. He is a big lover of women. Prefers inexperienced girls, aspiring models. They are allegedly recruited by his former mistress, who now acts as a personnel manager.

Previously, this agency was run by a certain Maxim, once a close friend of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. But he, they say, ruined the business, since he passed almost all new models through himself and loved to arrange threesomes on the yacht of some client.

Billionaire Alik is in constant search. Loves tall, slender blondes. This is why regular castings are held. The selection is serious. The girl goes through a manager, a psychologist and a doctor. They look at how communicative the applicant is. Alik does not limit the amount of money he hires. Everyone is given the phone numbers of his assistants, and those who distinguish themselves are given a credit card, which is constantly receiving money. It is believed that if a girl is given a card, then she is provided for. Even if the rich owner loses interest in her and stops visiting, the money still drips into the account.

Oligarch Andrei also loves tall and slender people. Not necessarily blonde, but definitely with narrow hips and long legs. He usually hangs out on his yacht or some exotic location. In the Canaries, for example.

Parties are preceded by a casting, usually in Luzhki. For this purpose, “Modus Vivendis” collects girls throughout Russia whose parameters are close to the classic 90-60-90. They bring 40 girls to Moscow and take away half of them. They are settled in a hotel, there is a show in the evening, at which the oligarch's confidant is already present. From this half, ten more people are weeded out, left for dinner, they take a closer look, and the very best are invited to the party. Preference is given to provincial women, since these are still able to sincerely enjoy inexpensive gifts and trips abroad.

At the end of the party, the girls are given a bag. Each one puts their hand in there and pulls out some jewelry with diamonds. This is called "baptism of fire."

There is one story about Andrey. Among the models who revolve around him, there was one who told everyone that she was honest and did not sleep with anyone for money. Having heard about this, Andrei said that he would pay a million dollars if she would give herself to him. The “honest” lady proudly refused and left. But two days later she called and said that she agreed. The oligarch invited her to the hotel. When the model arrived, he invited her to go into the bedroom and undress. Then he went into the room, threw a bag of money on the bed and said: “Get out, whore.” She dressed with an offended expression, but still took the money with her.

Ksenia Sobchak in work uniform

One of Ksenia S.’s former numerous suitors allegedly loves extreme sex. After talking with him, the models learn a lot about sadomaso. And they can’t work for a long time until the bruises go away. This gentleman ties the girl like a bag: her leg and hands are together behind her back, the rope is fixed around her neck. But despite this, many girls agree to risky stunts: the fee is painfully high - about $2000 at a time.

Elite Moscow models are regularly sent to London by fugitive oligarch Boris Berezovsky. The girls say that BAB in bed is very tactful and courteous.

There is such a Lyuba, a completely odious figure,” our reader from Saratov, Maxim Kuznetsov, warns inexperienced girls. - Previously, she was the director of a Saratov modeling agency, but now she has moved to Moscow. A very tough lady who selects her contingent from girls who are naive, dependent and susceptible to pressure. There were cases when she sent them from Saratov without warning them about what they would actually experience in Moscow. And already over the phone she forced the unhappy and confused girls into prostitution. Now she works closely with Petya Listerman. When he came to see her in Saratov, he was introduced to the girls as the director of a prestigious agency in the capital.

Cooler than the Queen of England

For comments, we, of course, turned to the most authoritative expert on this issue, Peter Listerman.

Why does an oligarch need a modeling agency? Is this really such a profitable business?

Yes, the modeling market has grown tremendously over the past few years and has become very lucrative.

Large business structures in Russia and the CIS have indeed begun to buy up modeling agencies around the world. After buying football clubs, this hobby comes in second place among the powers that be. Only recently, my friend, a well-known Western lawyer who handles the cases of many top models and Hollywood stars, helped a Russian oligarch acquire a modeling agency in London. Being the owner of a modeling agency in Russia and Europe is as prestigious as belonging to the royal family. For 5-10 million euros, a businessman buys a pass to the world of the elite of world fashion and social life.

One of the first Russian oligarchs, Ilya Medkov, and I bought our first Parisian agency 16 years ago. Then I realized that beauty rules the world. A year after buying the agency, I already knew almost all government officials. And more Hollywood stars came to celebrate the birthday of our modeling agency than to the Oscars.

Do you work closely with a certain Saratov-based Luba?

Tigran from St. Petersburg, Gia from Krasnodar and, of course, Lyuba from Saratov - these are all my students who continue to work for me at all regional castings...

Why do many glossy magazines print photos of models or simply beautiful, successful young women without naming their names?

Some oligarchs, in order to please their beloved girls, ask me to put their photos on the covers of glossy magazines. If the girl is beautiful, it's possible...

What is the difference between a model and a currency prostitute?

In price! To get a top-class prostitute for a trip to Europe, you need to pay 5-10 thousand euros. And in order to win the heart of a top model, you need to spend a lot of time, effort on a romantic relationship and, of course, 200 - 300, and sometimes even 500 thousand euros on gifts and traveling around the world on a private plane and yacht.

What character traits does the success of models depend on?

Happy completion of my career as a top model - marriage depends only on me! I, like an angel with devil's horns, decide for myself who should be happy.

Why weren’t you allowed into the Miss Russia competition? They say that Russian Standard bought it, you were put on the stop list, and you were running around the entrance, trying to find out where the banquet would be after the competition.

I wanted to buy this competition, but the organizers charged too much money and did not want to sell. Then Russian Standard bought his lemon for two. And my oligarch friends wanted to buy it for three. So they didn’t let me into the banquet.

For your information

According to tax officials, the salary of models from the most prestigious metropolitan agencies, on which they pay taxes, ranges from 600 to 4,500 rubles per month. At the same time, “Modus Vivendis” is located in a separate building near the Kievsky railway station, “Fashion” has an office of about 300 sq.m in the Chistye Prudy area. "Point" occupies a three-story building near Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Real estate prices in these areas range from $2 thousand (for rent) to $10 thousand (for purchase). Agencies are either bought out by very cool businessmen or are supported financially by them.

Small and shady

The advertising agency within which Natalya organized her department disappeared within six months, but during this time she managed to understand the work schemes and recruit the first database of clients and models. So after the closure of the agency, Dolgopolova risked going free.

The model market is small, ​everything is based on personal agreements. At the same time, there is no legislative framework regulating the relationship between models and agencies, as well as the official profession of “model”. “I had to protect both the model and the client, because they bring me money. At the same time, both sides demanded guarantees from me,” recalls Natalya. While many agencies abroad “grow models” like professional football players, tying them up with long-term contracts, in Russia there is no such practice - a model can leave at any time, which means there is no point in investing “for growth.”

Moreover, some people treat models as “escorts,” which is a completely different business. “Normal modeling agencies don’t do this, this is a stereotype invented by grandmothers on the benches,” Dolgopolova assures.

Natalia Dolgopolova (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Natalia was helped by her pedagogical education and experience in school. “If you can “build” 40 children at a summer camp, then you can teach 18-year-old models not to be late and to comply with agreements,” Natalya laughs. To keep both clients well-fed and models safe, BAZAmodel has developed a strict system of rules to avoid problems typical of shadow markets. One of them is that the agency works only under contracts, 100% prepayment or a letter of guarantee, if it is working with an advertising or event agency, with which the customer pays after the project. “In seven and a half years of work, there has never been a time when I was not paid or paid less,” says Natalya. “There were only delays in payment, and for some reason only for large companies.”

A key tool for business promotion was a website where customers could choose a model and place an order. Natalya spent about 55 thousand rubles on its creation in 2009.

The teacher's accuracy also came in handy when doing accounting. “In a week, each model can work on several projects with different customers. Can you imagine what kind of paperwork this is?” - says Natalya.

Dangerous Partnership

In 2011, Natalia's business was on the verge of collapse. Difficulties began with the birth of the child. “I went to the maternity hospital from work, answering phone calls and supervising projects until the last minute,” she recalls. For the first six months after the birth of her son, Dolgopolova was sure that the child was not an obstacle to work, and she even went to meetings with a breast pump. But as soon as the baby grew up and required more attention, I had to supervise the work of a staff of three employees from home. “That’s when the chaos began,” says Dolgopolova.

Now she admits that she made a mistake herself, agreeing to work with a partner advertising agency within the framework of a common legal entity. The advantages seemed obvious: BAZAmodel would receive new client and investment opportunities, and the partner would have the opportunity to attract BAZAmodel models to events without agency. On the recommendation of her partner, the girl hired a new manager who was supposed to coordinate cooperation with the advertising agency. Natalya expected that she would spend less time on work, but it turned out the opposite.

“When a new LLC was created, the partner wanted to transfer all my assets (domain, bank accounts, my office, wardrobe for promotional events) to a common legal entity, but he refused to transfer his assets,” recalls Natalya. — I acted on the principle “everything is yours, everything is mine, but everything is mine.” Dolgopolova proposed to stop cooperation. In response, the new manager copied the client and model databases, financial statements and contracts, transferring everything to the failed partner. “The worst thing is that they took the passwords from the site and began working on behalf of BAZAmodel, receiving all applications from clients, but not paying the models,” says Dolgopolova. “I had a six-month-old child in my arms, and I had to solve all these problems.”

The passwords were returned only for $1.5 thousand. Dolgopolova realized that she could only trust herself, closed the office and found two managers who were ready to work with their own client databases without salary, for a commission of 20-30% of the profit. She herself began to work from home. This, by the way, turned out to be timely: the modeling business in Moscow was rapidly moving online. If in 2009 the agency conducted up to seven “live” castings a week, then by 2012 their number had decreased to one or two, and in 2017 “live” castings are held no more than once every six months. “Clients select models based on photographs. And therefore, the factor of trust in the agency becomes even more important,” emphasizes Natalya.

Over the course of a year, the scheme for working with outsourced managers was worked out perfectly, and Dolgopolova decided not to change it. Currently, three permanent project managers, an accountant and an outsourced IT specialist cooperate with the agency. In a small office near the Rimskaya metro station, only a full-time administrator is constantly present; documents and a wardrobe are stored there. Sometimes the office is used as a showroom where the client can see the girls.

"Universal Soldiers"

Many people think that a model's job is to walk the catwalk and pose for glossy magazines. In fact, in Russia, modeling agencies are most often involved in recruiting personnel for exhibitions and presentations, and BAZAmodel is no exception. 70-80% of his orders are related to these types of events. The company has 15-18 regular clients, advertising, PR and event agencies - Podezhiki, Market Emotion, Polilog, Redday, Festa, etc. “A big plus of the agency is efficiency. It always meets deadlines for order fulfillment,” says Irina Komleva, head of the event organization department at the Polilog agency.

Now the agency has 350 models in its database, of which 70-80 are active. These are the ones who look good, are ready to work and have the maximum number of positive reviews from clients. Natalia invites clients to choose not only by height, weight and hair color, but also by a combination of other characteristics, for example, marital status and hobbies. “All this information helps to understand a person’s motivation, whether he needs to pay for education or housing,” explains Natalya. “The model is not bound to me by a permanent contract, and if she doesn’t have the motivation to earn money, she won’t come to the project.”

Natalia Dolgopolova (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

The database also contains data on education and knowledge of foreign languages: “If a model is beautiful, but doesn’t learn anything, then the maximum she can do is stand and smile. Such models are also needed, but “universal fighters” who have both outstanding external data and a high degree of sociability are more in demand,” says Dolgopolova. At the same time, she claims, BAZAmodel’s commission is lower than the market average: while some competitors charge 40-50% from models, Dolgopolov charges 20-25%. “If you behave dishonestly towards models, the agency will not have a permanent base of “universal soldiers,” says Natalya.

The Moscow modeling market includes several dozen large agencies: i-Model, Verona, Modus Vivendis, etc. It is not difficult to find beautiful girls who want to earn extra money; the main problem is discipline and work organization. “Some agencies, having received money, immediately cease to be interested in how their models will work. As a result, in the morning the girls are late or come with skin problems, half of the blondes turn out to be brunettes, some of the models have underestimated their weight and cannot fit into the prepared uniform,” says Natalya. To minimize risks, the BAZAmodel manager leading the event must be present at it to help coordinate and monitor the work. In addition, Dolgopolova maintains constant personal contact with models and does not send to work those whom she has not seen for a long time and in whom she is not sure.

This allows the agency to stay afloat, even though the crisis has hit the Russian modeling business hard: events have become less frequent, and many foreign representatives of the fashion industry have left the country. In 2017, BAZAmodel's revenue ranges from 280 thousand to 450 thousand rubles. per month (net profit - from 180 thousand to 350 thousand rubles). “We do four to five large projects a month, which include a whole range of our services - personnel selection, tailoring, provision of makeup artists, stylists, photographers, sometimes even catering and transfer,” says Natalya. “And about 15-20 simple projects related only to personnel selection.”

The larger the project, the more problems there usually are. For example, in 2015, BAZAmodel selected one hundred models for the GEM Fest music festival, held in Georgia. “You need to understand that in order to approve a hundred models, a client needs to provide 500 models for a “live” casting, and in order to select 500 models, we need to review 1 thousand models, and there will be 3 thousand applications,” says Natalya. A project of comparable complexity was the selection of models for the Mercedes stand at the Moscow International Motor Show 2016. At the casting, 520 people were screened, and there were more than 1 thousand applications. As a result, 70 people worked at the stand, with another 30 in reserve.

Sew and teach

The agency is currently exploring several new areas. For example, over the past three years, clients have periodically asked to find employees for the positions of secretaries and personal assistants, and this year Natalya decided to arrange such services as a separate Smart & Beauty HR service. “We will select secretaries and assistants not only with a good resume, but also with a bright appearance,” explains the entrepreneur.

Another new service, launched in March 2017, was Dress your staff - a service for renting and sewing clothes for promotional staff. “At some point, I realized that this was a profitable area that was already bringing me up to 40% of my profit, and I decided to develop it into a separate project,” recalls Dolgopolova. In 2010, the agency made costumes for models representing the stand of Vnukovo Airport at the EBACE aviation exhibition in Geneva. As a result, the airport ordered the agency to sew the same uniform for its VIP terminal. “I constantly work with one workshop that sews for my models for exhibitions. I entrusted the same craftsmen with developing an order for Vnukovo Airport,” says Natalya. “It turns out that I just did my job well in recruiting personnel: I dressed the models beautifully for the stand - and this is the result I got.”

At the end of 2016, together with the Fashion TV channel, Natalia Dolgopolova’s agency began working on creating a model school. Agreements have already been signed, a training program has been thought out, agreements have been reached with sponsors and the platform on which everything will take place. It is planned that the school will be operational by the end of summer 2017. However, many competitors already have similar schools - there are many more people who want to master this profession than the real demand for the services of models.

- Informal self-expression is more popular than ever in the market. Menagerie of Business Sectors is a brand with soul. A challenge to B2B style standards. In addition, creating such a “zest” costs enormous effort, time and other resources. There is a whole concept behind the beasts, an ideology that is not just a flashy style to stand out, but our legend. Let the market, potential clients and competitors see how much we are ready to invest in the implementation of seemingly simple and quick tasks.

What is the idea of ​​the “Business Sector”?

- Our work is based on three principles:
1. Don't refuse
2. Do no harm
3. Don't cheat
Unfortunately, violation of these principles has long been a scourge in the world of B2B services - we are for honest marketing. The opening of the company was preceded by a professional market analysis, which made it possible to see the real pains of the client and the level of work of competitors. The Business Sector is a product that is effective and trusted. As a result, work with less than 20% of clients ends in one-time cooperation. The rest have been working with us for years.

How does the “Business Sector” stand out in the marketing market?

- We consciously do not follow the lead of market degradation. Forget like a nightmare, rudeness, missed deadlines, high costs, deception on the part of performers, constant stress, uncertainty in work and lack of understanding of what you are paying for. We consciously do not follow the lead of market degradation. Maintaining the standards of proper work is not just empty words for us. We have a conscience and we have principles. We have character!

Desperate to find a groom, many girls turn to marriage agencies, and the bravest and most desperate Russian brides go to the show “Let's Get Married.” True, surprises may await brides in Larisa Guzeeva’s marriage paradise...

Nikolay Voronov, musician

Remember the Internet freak who created the hit about the white dragonfly of love in 2008? The hipsters' enthusiasm subsided, no new hits followed, and Nikolai decided to make his presence known in the matrimonial show. The famous city crazy Sveta Yakovleva, the editor-in-chief of an unknown glossy magazine Anna, and the fetish model Regina (the only couple-seeker in the issue whose mental state is beyond doubt) came to Voronov to marry him. Nikolay's choice will surprise you.

Sergei and his mother Valentina Sergeevna

31-year-old Sergei came to the show looking for a modest and chaste bride. The last requirement was extremely important for the groom, who admitted to a fear of germs and viruses.

Very cool Kirill

Simple-minded and smiling Kirill read his poems (not bad) and told a strange story about how, after a long separation, he confused his girlfriend with another. The bride found the groom “impulsive”, but still chose him, which proves that strange guys also find their happiness.

Owner of the modeling agency Alexander

43-year-old tanned Alexander with a funny hairstyle was confused in testimonies about his marriages, dodged questions, awkwardly joked with brides and was brave. The friend of the third participant in the episode lost her nerves. “You are not a good person,” the girl summed up. The rest of the brides agreed with this opinion, and the chosen girl refused to go out with Alexander.

Tea lover Pavel

Blogger Pavel, despite his fear of women, went to Channel One, taking with him a thermos of his favorite tea. For the show, the groom dressed up as a character from the fairy tale about Dunno, but even the funny hat didn’t help the guy relax. Pasha was unable to overcome his fear and make acquaintance with one of the brides.

Hussar, wit and lover of balls Anatoly

74-year-old Anatoly reminded the show's guests of the stylish era with his gray hair and curled temples. The silver-haired monsieur came to the show with his very young dance partner, and the couple even awkwardly waltzed in front of the audience.

Psychedelic tattoo artist Evgeniy

The groom, dreaming of getting out of the cycle of death and rebirth, came in the hope of finding a companion to travel around Asian countries. One candidate bride did not suit Eugene according to the “karmic line of development”, and another was rejected by friends, but among the girls there was still an energetically faithful participant.

Gauguin Solntsev, TV freak

Gauguin took part in both “House-2” and “Dinner Party”, but the finest hour of the outrageous comrade was the meme “LAWYER!” on the show “Let Them Talk.” In “Let's Get Married,” he began to open up on the lyrical side, but as soon as the first candidates appeared in the studio, everything fell into place. What the conservative Roza Syabitova could not achieve with her caustic remarks was achieved by the first bride named Snezhana. Gauguin accused the girl of aggressive pursuit and broke the table. The wedding of the second bride turned into a debate on the topic “Who is gay here.” But still, Gauguin managed to make a romantic choice.

Dmitry, dreaming of immortality (literally)

From the beginning of the program, nothing was foreshadowed, but during the second viewing, the groom, without raising an eyebrow, admitted that the main goal in his life was to gain immortality. The groom, by his own admission, will spend centuries of eternity on the scientific study of the phenomenon of love. However, the groom’s concepts of love also turned out to be specific. In his opinion, the “sexual method of reproduction” is outdated, and children should already be grown in vitro.

“He’s very strange,” summed up the third bride.

Radium in slippers

Radium became the groom vying for the heart of 54-year-old Irina. She remained impressed - both by the appearance of her boyfriend and by his sexual preferences. Radium preferred to conceive children in the forest to the sounds of nature on a certain day of the lunar cycle. The groom has a difficult relationship with his own seed - details from the 27th minute.

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