Buy Clothes for Girls in the BebaKids Online Store. Beba Kids - fashionable clothes for children and teenagers from famous brands Baby kids children's clothing

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The online store site offers a wide range of products, which are collected with love. In our catalogs you can choose and buy clothes for your girls. A complete variety of proven and well-known brands of clothing that do not break the parents' pockets, but give princesses smiles and enthusiastic reactions from fashionable outfits. Stylish clothes for girls are our strong point! Low-quality or defective products are immediately written off. We give preference only to proven branded clothing. Therefore, fashionable children's clothing for girls purchased from us is a 100% guarantee of quality. The product we offer is original, as evidenced by the corresponding markings and quality certificates. Upon receipt of your order, you can check its quality in the presence of our courier. You have exactly one month to evaluate the characteristics of the product and decide whether it suits you or not. We understand that branded clothing for girls requires not only aesthetics, but also wearing comfort. If you are not satisfied with even one detail, you can return your purchase and get your money back.

All our products are children's branded clothing from well-known companies, its various models are mainly made in Italy. Fashionable children's clothing for girls and its leading brands that we offer:

  • Aviva (made in Russia);
  • Gaialuna (Italian production);
  • Byblos (country Italy);
  • Mayoral (Spain);
  • Denny Rose (made in Italy);
  • Les Trois Vallees (French production);
  • To Be Too (Italy).

Why these brands? The answer is obvious:

  • a wide range of products is offered by the above manufacturers;
  • high quality products;
  • luxurious appearance;
  • practicality of models;
  • current offers for any season.

We have separate pleasant bonuses for regular customers - all kinds of additional promotions and unique offers. In our catalogs, fashionable clothes for girls are presented for different seasons:

  • outerwear (down jackets, jackets, fur clothing, coats, raincoats, etc.);
  • headwear (hats, Panama hats, baseball caps, caps, etc.);
  • clothes for the beach, home, sports;
  • elegant dresses, luxurious sundresses, boleros, capes;
  • and much more in our assortment.

Give your girls the opportunity to replenish their wardrobe with stylish clothes made in Italy.

In the store we have tried to do everything for your convenience. To place an order, you need to select the section of the site that interests you, select the product and click the “Buy” button. Then add the item to the cart, where you will need to fill out the information fields and click the “Submit” button. After placing your order, our managers will contact you. Couriers will deliver your purchase anywhere in Moscow in 1 to 2 days. After courier delivery, you will have 20 minutes to try on. There is also a PickPoint delivery point and pick-up, that is, everything is extremely simple and easy. Not satisfied with the product? Please return within 30 days. But subject to the presence of a tag and presentation on it. We will return your money within 10 minutes. Rest assured, returning items to us is as convenient and pleasant as purchasing them.

The online store site offers a wide range of products, which are collected with love. In our catalogs you can choose and buy clothes for your girls. A complete variety of proven and well-known brands of clothing that do not break the parents' pockets, but give princesses smiles and enthusiastic reactions from fashionable outfits. Stylish clothes for girls are our strong point! Low-quality or defective products are immediately written off. We give preference only to proven branded clothing. Therefore, fashionable children's clothing for girls purchased from us is a 100% guarantee of quality. The product we offer is original, as evidenced by the corresponding markings and quality certificates. Upon receipt of your order, you can check its quality in the presence of our courier. You have exactly one month to evaluate the characteristics of the product and decide whether it suits you or not. We understand that branded clothing for girls requires not only aesthetics, but also wearing comfort. If you are not satisfied with even one detail, you can return your purchase and get your money back.

All our products are children's branded clothing from well-known companies, its various models are mainly made in Italy. Fashionable children's clothing for girls and its leading brands that we offer:

  • Aviva (made in Russia);
  • Gaialuna (Italian production);
  • Byblos (country Italy);
  • Mayoral (Spain);
  • Denny Rose (made in Italy);
  • Les Trois Vallees (French production);
  • To Be Too (Italy).

Why these brands? The answer is obvious:

  • a wide range of products is offered by the above manufacturers;
  • high quality products;
  • luxurious appearance;
  • practicality of models;
  • current offers for any season.

We have separate pleasant bonuses for regular customers - all kinds of additional promotions and unique offers. In our catalogs, fashionable clothes for girls are presented for different seasons:

  • outerwear (down jackets, jackets, fur clothing, coats, raincoats, etc.);
  • headwear (hats, Panama hats, baseball caps, caps, etc.);
  • clothes for the beach, home, sports;
  • elegant dresses, luxurious sundresses, boleros, capes;
  • and much more in our assortment.

Give your girls the opportunity to replenish their wardrobe with stylish clothes made in Italy.

In the store we have tried to do everything for your convenience. To place an order, you need to select the section of the site that interests you, select the product and click the “Buy” button. Then add the item to the cart, where you will need to fill out the information fields and click the “Submit” button. After placing your order, our managers will contact you. Couriers will deliver your purchase anywhere in Moscow in 1 to 2 days. After courier delivery, you will have 20 minutes to try on. There is also a PickPoint delivery point and pick-up, that is, everything is extremely simple and easy. Not satisfied with the product? Please return within 30 days. But subject to the presence of a tag and presentation on it. We will return your money within 10 minutes. Rest assured, returning items to us is as convenient and pleasant as purchasing them.

The online store “” is the official distributor of European and Russian clothing brands in Russia. The company has its own constantly growing network of branded multi-brand stores aimed at children and teenagers from 1 to 16 years old. The company's stores always have a large assortment of seasonal clothing, successfully selected brands that combine well and complement each other.

Why is the BEBA KIDS store so popular in Russia?

Over 12 years of successful work in the Russian market, the company has carefully studied all the specific needs of its small clients. Unlike many global fashion brands, this company knows exactly what assortment to offer to Russian consumers on the eve of the school season or holidays, as well as holidays. This kind of concern for customer needs has helped create a huge, grateful customer base.

The most fashionable children's clothing
- The largest assortment - more than 15,000 products
- Fastest and free delivery
- The most honest return guarantees
- The most convenient payment, we will send without prepayment
- The best team works in our favorite online store!

In addition, the company has well-established logistics - goods are delivered to more than 100 cities in the country. In 2010, an Internet project was launched, thanks to which you can visit the company’s website at any time of the day, seven days a week, get acquainted with the assortment, and order delivery of clothes and shoes for your children.

How does an online store work?

From the point of view of an ordinary buyer, the online store has a modern design in an original design. The site interface is easy to use - it helps the user find products, select the right sizes and quickly place an order.

The main page of the site is filled with only useful information. Dynamic banners, as well as blocks with product categories located below, direct us to interesting company offers: sales, promotions, news about competitions and gifts. The online store uses every opportunity to help its customers buy quality products at low prices.

How to choose and buy products?

To go to the product catalog, hover over the horizontal menu bar and click on the section name. A drop-down list of categories will open, which in turn have additional subcategories in the form of pop-up windows.

In the pop-up list, select the category name and click to go to the section page.

There is also an alternative catalog menu in the dynamic banner field: here we see clickable blocks with the names of product categories for children of different ages. Notably, this option directs the buyer to products at a discounted price.

In addition to the main catalog of clothing and shoes, the menu contains sections for accessories for schoolchildren, including bags and satchels. You can also select products by brand.

The search bar helps you find the product you need by simply entering the first few letters of the product name. In the search drop-down list, select the appropriate option from your request.

All pages of product categories have several selection parameters that help the user find the right products quickly and conveniently. This way you can switch between categories, sort products, and also use filters.

Right there on the category page, in the product card, select the appropriate product size, and also enable the quick view function. A pop-up window will display brief information about the product, including an image, a choice of sizes and quantities, and a “Buy” button.

The product page is, in principle, no different from the above-described pop-up window with brief characteristics. The exception is the image magnification function. Hover your cursor over the photo to view the product in detail. The photo quality is not very good, but it at least makes up for the inability to touch the product with your hands, as you can usually do in a regular retail store.

If you are in doubt about the correct dimensions of a product, use the approximate size chart. Each category of clothing, shoes and accessories has similar tables.

If you have made your choice and are ready to buy the appropriate model, click on the appropriate button - add the products to the virtual cart to place your order. You can also go to the virtual cart using the button at the top of the site.

On the order page, before placing your order, you should leave your contact information, e-mail, mobile phone number and name.

Check the selected products, their quantity, price including discount, and the total order amount.

Don't forget to enter the promotional code in the special box before placing your order. Then all you have to do is select delivery options and payment method for your order.

Conclusion about the operation of the online store

Undoubtedly, the uniquely designed company website, brevity and simplicity of presentation of information about products make it possible to go shopping without distractions. Also, many promotional offers on good quality branded products can attract those who want to take care of their children with love.

Children's clothing from Beba Kids.

Being a parent means taking full responsibility for your children, worrying about their health and properly showing care and guardianship. Children grow and develop quickly, so they periodically need to update their wardrobe and buy children's clothes. The main criteria for children's products for parents are quality and affordable price. Children are fidgety, they constantly need parental attention, and shopping tires them. Therefore, modern parents are better off choosing online purchasing. is a store of fashionable children's clothing, shoes, accessories, bags and backpacks, toys. All products presented in the catalog on the website have a guarantee of quality and safety. The catalog contains more than 15 thousand items. The company cooperates only with the best manufacturers and reliable suppliers, so it can vouch for quality and fast delivery. Children's clothing at Bebakids is fashionable, practical and comfortable at the same time. Therefore, your child will always be dressed in accordance with fashion and the season.

An assortment of children's products on favorable terms of purchase!

The Bebakids assortment offers a wide selection of products for children aged 0 to 16 years. Here you can choose clothes and shoes, as well as school uniforms, bags, backpacks, as well as games and toys. All products are divided into three age categories for boys and girls - up to 2.5 years, from 3 to 7 years, from 8 to 16 years. Collections are regularly updated in accordance with fashion trends. All products have certificates of conformity. Clothing at Beba Kids from leading Italian manufacturers such as: Street Gang, Gaialuna, Artigli, Best Band, To Be Too, CR68, Ronnie Kay, Byblos and others. Why are the assortments mainly based on Italian brands? Because they meet all quality and design standards, which is confirmed by European and Russian experts. The assortment also includes brands from Russian and other foreign manufacturers. It is very convenient to select clothes in the store - there is a table of sizes, as well as the “Selection of clothes” tab, by filling out which you will receive competent advice from the store manager on choosing the right size.

Bebakids promotional codes and coupons for discounts

Our service suggests that whenever you intend to buy something in an online store, look at the presented list of Beba Kids promotional codes and coupons. It will help you see all sorts of ways to instantly save money. Here you are guaranteed to find the most favorable purchasing conditions. Choose the offer you like and buy even cheaper from now on! Current coupons and promotional codes are always at your disposal! - online store of Italian and Russian clothing, shoes for children. The site presents casual and school clothes and shoes, as well as accessories, cosmetics and toys. The store sells clothes and shoes for children aged 0 to 17 years. The Baby Kids company’s meticulous attitude towards the assortment allowed it to win the hearts of children, since the site presents bright and fashionable clothes. Parents appreciated the quality of children's clothing and shoes.

The Beba boutique provides the opportunity to deliver clothes with fitting - this means that the selected items will be delivered to your home and the child will have time to try on the clothes. More on delivery below, but now I suggest going to the BabyKids product catalog.

Children's clothing catalog Bebakids

Most of the products presented on the website are made in Italy. Therefore, the site has a large catalog of Italian and a small part of Russian children's clothing.

In the Beba Kids online store you can buy children's clothing from the following Italian brands: Street Gang, Byblos, To Be Too, amigo seven, Gaialuna, CR68 68), Best Band. Russian children's clothing is presented in the Bebakids online store by the Noble People brand.

In the Bebakids store catalog, clothes and shoes are distributed according to the age and gender of the child. Each category contains a large selection of stylish items and accessories. Many visitors to the children's online store become their loyal customers. And this is easy to explain - the Baby Kids online store knows the preferences of young fashionistas and carefully selects and updates the range of children's products.

Girls clothes

Girls are big fashionistas from an early age. The rich assortment of children's clothing and accessories in the store has captivated every young beauty. The highlight of the store is that the clothes for girls resemble smaller copies of adult clothes. Children's clothing not only looks stylish, but is also comfortable, as it is thought out to the smallest detail, taking into account children's spontaneity.


The choice of outerwear for girls at Bebakids is no different from a boutique for a young girl. Therefore, when dressing a child in an online store, a mother can easily choose any look for her baby. A variety of children's clothing in baby kids will allow you to dress a girl, taking into account the fashion trends of the season. And so, on the website of a children's clothing store you can buy:

  • overalls, bib overalls
  • fur items (fur coats, vests)
  • coats, raincoats
  • down jackets
  • vests
  • jackets

Casual and school wear

In the store you can buy completely different things that a girl needs for every day. The site presents a variety of casual and school clothes.

Due to the large assortment on the Beba Kids website, you can easily choose a basic set for a girl in the store. If you buy a couple more beautiful things to complement the base, then girls can easily combine clothes, creating their own individual look every day.

I have prepared a small list of children's clothing for girls, which are presented on the shelves of the online store, take a look:

  • blouses and shirts
  • bolero, capes
  • trousers and jeans
  • turtlenecks and jumpers
  • vests and cardigans
  • tights, socks, knee socks
  • leggings, shorts, breeches
  • underwear and loungewear
  • clothing for sports and beach
  • sweatshirts, t-shirts, tops
  • skirts, jackets
  • dresses, sundresses
  • school uniform
  • clothing for newborns and babies

Shoes for girls Beba kids

Shoes are just as important for girls as clothes. In the Babykids store you can buy winter, summer, and also demi-season children's shoes for girls. The size range of shoes is presented on the website parallel to the centimeters of the foot and this is very convenient, because then you can eliminate the purchase of children's shoes of the wrong size. To determine the correct size, place your child's feet on a piece of paper, circle and measure. The entire list of shoe models for girls that can be bought in the store:

  • boots
  • sneakers, sneakers
  • moccasins, clogs
  • sandals, shoes
  • slippers
  • booties
  • uggs, boots

Girls' hats and other headwear

For the youngest representatives of the fair sex, offers to purchase hats with ears that will protect a newborn from the wind and cold. Teenage girls can pick up fashionable and stylish hats here. The Baby Kids store did not limit itself to this assortment of hats, so I suggest you familiarize yourself with the full list:

  • hats
  • pompom hats
  • headbands and scarves
  • scarves, capes
  • hats, berets
  • gloves and mittens

Elegant dresses

Every girl should have an elegant dress in her wardrobe! And who better than a mother can understand her daughters. Beba Kids follows the latest developments in the global fashion industry and constantly updates its range. Therefore, every beauty in a children's clothing store will be satisfied with the purchase of a dress.

Are you looking for a dress for your daughter for a party in kindergarten or a Christmas tree for school? Check out the Bebakids catalogue:

  • elegant dresses
  • sundresses
  • boleros, boas, capes
  • fancy suits

Bags and accessories

A bag and accessories will add a bright note to the overall composition and help complement the image of a young lady. Look at the large catalog of children's bags and accessories presented in the Baby Kids online store for girls. In the online store you can always choose accessories for everyday life, for school and travel.

  • bags, satchels
  • clutches
  • backpacks
  • pencil cases
  • shoe bags
  • suitcases
  • bijouterie
  • ties, bow ties
  • umbrellas, belts, suspenders
  • headbands
  • elastic bands, hairpins
  • bows

Clothes for boys

There is an opinion that girls have a wider choice of clothes than boys. The clothes for boys presented on the site will dispel this myth. The Bebakids store offers a wide range of products and children's clothing for boys.


At you can choose beautiful outerwear for kids. For teenage boys, outerwear is presented in different styles. It’s easy to see this, look at the catalog of clothes for boys:

  • vests
  • jackets
  • coat
  • overalls
  • down jackets
  • overalls
  • leather jackets
  • windbreakers

Casual clothes and school uniforms for boys at

Young people will be able to fully express their individuality. The variety of items presented in the Bebakids online store allows teenage boys to show their taste and preferences in clothing. The site presents a catalog of clothes for boys with sizes ranging from 2 to 18 years.

Fashionable clothes from Beba Kids will appeal to all representatives of the stronger sex. And so, on the site you can buy clothes for boys:

  • trousers, jeans
  • turtlenecks, cardigans
  • jumpers, vests
  • suits, jackets
  • leggings, bermuda shorts
  • underwear, socks, knee socks
  • clothes for home and beach
  • sportswear
  • shirts, t-shirts
  • sweatshirts, long sleeve t-shirts
  • shorts and breeches
  • school uniform
  • Baby Clothing

Shoes for boys

At Beba Kids for boys you can buy shoes for all seasons of the year. Shoes occupy, if not the first, then certainly not the last place in a boy's wardrobe. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex are very careful when choosing shoes for themselves. Teenage boys pay attention not only to comfort, but also to design and combination with other elements of clothing. Therefore, they are especially attracted to original shoes from famous designers and brands. Check out the models that the Bebakids online store offers to buy:

  • boots
  • sneakers, sneakers
  • moccasins
  • rubber boots
  • sandals
  • boots
  • shoes
  • booties

Baseball caps and hats for boys

Boys are very picky when choosing a headdress. Therefore, parents need to consult with their child before deciding to buy a headdress, because, first of all, your child should like it. Fortunately, the online store has a fairly large assortment of hats for boys and teenagers:

  • baseball caps
  • hats
  • pompom hats
  • hats-helmets
  • gloves mittens
  • scarves, capes
  • Panama hats, headbands, scarves

Bags and accessories

Bebakids offers a wide range of accessories and bags for boys. The website has a large catalog of school bags and accessories.

Males, even if they are still small, prefer to make independent decisions. If boys suddenly have doubts about the choice of bags and accessories, then parents can get involved in the decision making. Dad, because he knows exactly which cufflinks will suit his son’s shirt. And right now, check out the catalog of children's accessories. which are presented on the Baby Kids website.

  • backpacks
  • backpacks
  • bags
  • shoe bags
  • pencil cases
  • suitcases
  • ties
  • butterflies
  • umbrellas
  • belts, suspenders


The babykid store is not a specialized children's toy store, and few people know that the site offers a rich assortment. Toys play a big role in a child’s development! And the joy of a baby’s happy eyes when receiving a new toy does not leave anyone indifferent. Of course, how can you not pamper your child!

On the online shelves of the Bebakids store there are a variety of categories of children's toys:

  • toys for newborns and toddlers
  • toy weapons and vehicles
  • toys for girls and boys
  • games and learning
  • interactive
  • books for kids
  • constructors
  • dolls and accessories
  • musical instruments
  • soft
  • radio controlled
  • developing
  • souvenirs
  • role-playing games
  • electronic
  • art supplies
  • goods for sports and recreation
  • cartoon and TV series characters

Beba Kids promo codes

Do children's clothing require large financial expenditures? I offer a way to receive discounts and other advantageous offers from the Beba Kids online store - Promotional Codes! All promotions and sales are uploaded to our resource Children Pipetki in the Promotional Codes section. To activate, click on the "Use coupon" button.


You can pay for goods and children's clothing on the Bebakids website in several ways. The online store offers modern payment methods:

  • cash to courier
  • by bank card on the website
  • cash on delivery
  • through Sberbank
  • through the Yandex money system

Delivery Moscow

The Beba Kids online store delivers throughout Moscow, St. Petersburg, cities of Russia, and CIS countries. If you need delivery of children's clothing to Moscow and outside the Moscow Ring Road, you can first familiarize yourself with the conditions:

  • 290 rubles (within the Moscow Ring Road)
  • 390 rubles (outside the Moscow Ring Road)
  • 190 rubles (for orders over 6,000 rubles)
  • 290 rubles (for orders over 6,000 rubles outside the Moscow Ring Road)
  • free (for orders over 12,000 rubles)

More detailed information about delivery and payment can be found on the official website

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