How to cheer up a girl on VK. The best ways to cheer up a girl

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Girls– very gentle and capricious creatures, so they are often in a bad mood. Often girls experience periods when life has already turned into a series of failures, and even PMS has begun. The last problem usually seems insignificant to men, but in fact, premenstrual syndrome can cause a lot of inconvenience to the female body, just like painful menstruation.

Sometimes I'm in a bad mood visits vulnerable girls after watching a sad movie or reading a book with sad content. It can also be unreasonable, because everyone has some sad memories hidden deep in their souls, usually associated with people or events from the past. Every guy should know how to cheer up his girlfriend.

How to cheer up a girl?

You can come up with a lot of ways to lift a girl’s mood, but in this case everything is individual, and there are practically no universal methods. Accordingly, it is better for you to have several backup options so that in case of failure you can immediately rehabilitate yourself. Below are methods that will definitely be useful to you.

Feed the girl

Many representatives of the fair sex love to eat, almost more than men. Most of them will be incredibly happy to present such a treat as a set of rolls, delicious ice cream, high-quality chocolate or a dish prepared by you personally. Of course, everyone has different tastes. Perhaps your girlfriend will appreciate the pizza you ordered and nothing more. She will be happy that she can enjoy her favorite food, and your care will be extremely pleasant.

Please her with a compliment

Even if you constantly please your beloved with pleasant words, they will never be superfluous. Come up with some original compliment and present it in an unusual way. The main thing in this matter is sincerity. Just don't overdo it, otherwise it may turn out too fake.

Write a love note

Such a cute sign of attention love letter or note will certainly cheer up any girl, even the most cynical. Write in it about your strong love for her, that you want to protect her, carry her in your arms and cherish her all your life. The girl will keep such a note among her most valuable things and re-read it periodically.

Give her some adrenaline

Extreme recreation is very popular these days. Offer such an original date to your girlfriend to unwind and get new impressions.

Sitting at home in a bad mood is not nearly as interesting as skydiving in tandem with an experienced instructor, flying in a hot air balloon, or experiencing weightlessness in an air chamber.

There are a great many options for such an unusual pastime. You can also fly in a helicopter or paraglider, scuba dive, ride down a mountain in a Zorb, or jump off the roof of a high-rise building.

Arrange for her to meet her friends

If your beloved has not seen some of her old friends for a long time, but you know that she really wants to see them, help her with this. Make an agreement with them yourself, arrange a meeting for them and surprise her with your initiative. It’s rare that a guy himself organizes a meeting for his girlfriend with her friends, because usually he doesn’t like them for various reasons. You can invite them to visit you if you live together, clean the apartment yourself and prepare snacks for guests. It would also be a good idea to book a table for a group of friends in some good cafe or, for example, a lane in a bowling alley. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about allocating a budget for entertaining your loved one. To cheer up your girlfriend, you will have to spend money in any case!

Give your loved one a massage

A girl's bad mood can be quickly corrected pleasant massage the strong hands of a loved one. This can be either a back massage or a leg massage. It is possible that such an original development of the process of raising the mood as a transition to an erotic massage with a piquant continuation is possible.

Cheer her up with laughter

It should be noted that you must take your lover's bad mood really seriously. The girl will be very offended if you show that you think she is overly emotional and are unhappy with it. Still, this doesn't mean you have to be too serious. Make her laugh funny joke or anecdote, or offer to download some comedy. Perhaps watching it will quietly cheer up your loved one.

Talk to her and feel sorry for her

Maybe your girlfriend's mood is spoiled by a series of minor failures. If her foot was first stepped on in public transport, then, getting out of it, she tripped, and upon returning home the mirror showed her mascara running all over her face, just try to talk to her in confidence. Calm your loved one, pat her on the head and tell her a lot of sweet words. Perhaps, having spoken to you, she will feel relieved, and a smile will immediately appear on her face.

Let her rest

If your girlfriend studies, works or is constantly engaged in any other activities, she may simply get tired of it and break down at any moment.

It must be remembered that men should take care of their fragile lovers and allow them to rest sometimes. Take care of the household chores and put your loved one to bed.

When she wakes up rested, she will be filled with pride that her boyfriend went shopping, cooked food, washed the dishes and did the laundry.

Give her a romantic date

Think about the last time you had a real date. Maybe your girlfriend there's just not enough romance? Even if you recently went to the cinema or a cafe, arrange something special for her. This could be a gift of a luxurious bouquet, a yacht trip, a romantic picnic, dinner on the coast, or a luxurious honeymoon room rented in the best hotel in the city.

If you only have the option for something more modest for now, fill the bathtub and add a large amount of foam to it.

Arrange the candles, turn off the main lights, prepare the wine or champagne, and then invite your beloved into this little kingdom of your love.

Surprise your beloved

Do something that your significant other doesn’t usually expect from you. For example, if she likes to take walks in the evenings near home, but can never take you out, take it and offer it to her yourself go for a walk.

She will be amazed by such nobility on your part, and her mood will certainly rise immediately.

Cheer her up with various pleasant little things

Any capricious person cannot resist the breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even tea or coffee you prepare, brought to bed. She will also be pleased with some small, but very cute, gift. Most likely, the safest option is a cute soft toy.

Distract her

If you know your girlfriend well, you are definitely aware of what can distract her from sad thoughts. Take up some of her hobbies with her, invite her to take pictures, go to a museum, cook something together, play cards or a board game.

Perhaps watching her favorite series or reality show together will be enough.

Most girls are touched by the fact that their men are ready to watch on TV what their women want.

Just give flowers or some decoration

Only the most spoiled person would call such a gift banal. Girls will always be pleased with this, especially if you present a very a beautiful bouquet or a chic ring just to cheer her up. Prepare a speech that you will give when presenting gifts. She should reflect your sincere great feelings for her.

Give her physical intimacy

Often girls, being in a bad mood, only need to be hugged, stroked on the head, and kissed many, many times on the cheeks, lips, nose and neck. This makes them feel loved and protected.

Let your girlfriend feel this way, being in your strong and caring arms.

Of course, you can casually check how she feels about having sex. Intimacy promotes the production of endorphins. Hormones of happiness will undoubtedly lift your loved one’s mood for a long time. If she doesn't mind, give her the highest bliss without thinking about yourself at all. Be gentle with her and attentive to her wishes. Perhaps this is the easiest and cheapest way to cheer up a girl.

Cheer up a girl using SMS - it's not difficult at all! Representatives of the fair sex will certainly like every sweet message from a loved one that comes to their phone.

Main - don't expect an answer from her and don’t ask her questions via SMS about why she doesn’t answer. Perhaps she was too busy to write a response, but she managed to read it and already smiled faintly.

Her soul was definitely rejoicing, and with your obsession you can show that your actions are by no means selfless, which is very important to her.

Feel all your happiness and love for her before writing this SMS. You will need to convey a piece of your joy that you have your girlfriend to her through an SMS message. After reading it, the girl will feel happy and remember that there is no need to waste time on a bad mood, because it is much better to appreciate what we have.

Possible SMS options:

I'm texting the greatest happiness on Earth,

and so beautiful

that it was me who got you.

In dreams and in reality

I only see you.

You light up my life

My love!

It is a great joy for me to be with you.

And in the harsh winter, I will warm you,

because you are happiness for me.

If you and your beloved do not live together, but both are registered on the VKontakte social network, there you can perfectly cheer her up! The creators have conceived gifts that can be purchased for “votes” - the currency of the site. You can write her a sweet message full of love and attach a romantic gift to it in the form of, for example, a heart pierced by an arrow.

If you know for sure that she dreams of becoming your wife, you can splurge and give her the most expensive “electronic” gift – a diamond ring. Add the caption “I love you! One day I will give you the same real ring and you will become my wife forever, I will take care of you and take care of our eternal happiness.”

Even if your beloved at this moment is very sad and sheds tears, sitting in front of the monitor, such a personal message will not only give her good spirits, but will also bring a lot of joy, optimism and faith that everything is fine, and it will be even better !

Video: How to cheer up?

Attention, TODAY only!

Girls are very emotional creatures. They quickly become upset and depressed. But there is always a chance to cheer them up and lift their spirits, even through correspondence on social networks. It is important here that the interlocutor is in the mood for a conversation.

And to solve the problem, you need to know how to cheer up a girl if she is sad, even if she is not the lady of your heart.

Reasons for lack of mood in girls

There can be many reasons.

Some are minor and others are serious problems:

  1. Diffidence. One of the common reasons why women become depressed. The girl thinks that she is not attractive enough, not interesting and boring. Maybe she's unsure of the outfit she's wearing. In such a situation, a sincere compliment will help.
  2. I broke up with my boyfriend. A common reason after which a woman does not want to communicate with anyone and withdraws into herself. She feels as if she is out of place. If you and the girl are close, then she herself will tell you about this incident.
  3. Problems at work, in school. Perhaps your friend is not up to the task. The bosses are dissatisfied with her work and because of this, a conflict arises. Or she has strained relationships with her colleagues.
  4. Fatigue. When a girl gets tired, her mood disappears. I don’t want to do anything, just lie and look at the ceiling. Maybe the girl worked a lot, studied, or “ran around the city” for several hours. Purely physically, I don’t have the strength to have fun.
  5. Family problems. It is also possible that not all is well in the family. And such a situation puts pressure on emotionality.
  6. Health. Anything is possible here: a toothache or a headache, an injury, various “women’s ailments.” If this is the case, then you may not know it, because girls don’t like to talk about such things.
  7. Your behavior. This happens because you don't know how to joke. Your jokes are tactless and rude. In this case, it is worth clarifying the reason for her bad mood. If the fault is with you, then it would be better to apologize.
  8. Boredom. It's corny, but true. This thing has a very strong impact on your emotional state. When a person is bored and doesn’t know what to do, emptiness begins to oppress. Idleness causes nervousness and decreased emotionality.

How a guy should behave if a girl is not in the mood:

How can you cheer up in VK by correspondence?

Before you start typing a message to her in contact, there are a few tips to consider.

This is necessary in order not to aggravate the situation even further.

  1. The first and important point - do not be ironic. Humor can lift your spirits, but only in a good way.
  2. Try to distract from the problematic topic.
  3. If you are in a bad mood, you will not be able to resolve the situation.
  4. The most important thing is attentiveness. Listen, become a vest in which you can cry.
  5. Don't forget about positive examples. Tell various funny situations from life.
  6. There is no need to use a lot of slang and unclear words.
  7. Don't try to be a clown.

How to cheer up a girl is explained in the video:


If it bothers you that your friend is sad, then cheer her up.

You don’t need to be a clown for this, because the simplest things can make a lady smile:

  1. Wishes for good morning, good day or good night. This helps to charge a person with positivity and good mood. If communication takes place via VK correspondence, then be sure to send her an emoticon or a sticker.
  2. Send a funny or cute video. Another best option. Find an interesting video with funny animals and send it to your girl. The main thing is to avoid vulgar and stupid videos.
  3. Compliments. The most win-win option. Any girl loves to receive pleasant words addressed to her, and this is an indisputable fact.

Reference! For example: “I never cease to be amazed at how pleasant your voice/beautiful eye color is.”. Act as you see fit.


A good joke helps relieve tension and support further communication.

The female sex appreciates a sense of humor, so you can tell funny stories or jokes.

Important! Remember that jokes should not contain obscene words and avoid vulgar phrases (about sex, about an ex, etc.).

Jokes with a hidden compliment are perfect. For example, you can say that she resembles someone with her voice or character. And it’s important - don’t overdo it, everything should be in moderation.

Good jokes include those that have elements of comparison with objects or phenomena.

You can also make fun of your occupation or stupidity, of nature or the paradoxes of life. Clever jokes allow you not only to make a girl laugh, but also to show your broad horizons.

We try to make you laugh over the phone and SMS.

Of course, it’s quite easy to cheer up a girl in person, because you can watch her reaction and stop at the right moment. But you can cope with this task both by telephone and by correspondence.

If communication is based on messages, then try using funny phrases:“You see, I’m writing to you and I’ll sin a little. You’re too beautiful, you’re undermining my faith.”

Play with your imagination and come up with something original and funny, but not vulgar.

Another option is send her a funny gift, a picture and back it up with an interesting story. In the morning, you can also send her a funny SMS, and she will definitely smile.

If communication occurs during a telephone conversation, then voice plays an important role here:

  • Intonation should be expressive and lively.
  • Read jokes from social networks, but watch your voice. It shouldn't be monotonous.
  • And if you know how to parody someone’s voice, then use this trick.

Create a joke with this character. For example, copy the voice of any famous person (singer, actor, politician, etc.).

How to interest and cheer up a girl via SMS is explained in the video:

Jokes for when she's sad

Who doesn't love jokes? Everyone likes them because they lift your spirits and make you feel cheerful for a long time.

But there is one nuance - not everyone likes jokes with vulgar notes or rude phrases.

  • “If programmers come to power, entire ministries will be replaced with a small script”
  • “When you clean the dirt off your mouse, you discover new features of your browser.”
  • “A hedgehog was walking through the forest, farted, landed and moved on”

If nothing comes to mind, then turn to the Internet for help.

What question should I ask?

Many men are interested in: what to ask a girl if she is not in the mood and is sad? You can ask what caused this mood. If she trusts you, she will open up and talk about her experiences.

Ask questions that will be of interest to both of you. For example, ask about their profession, goals or dreams. You can also chat about crazy things that have been or will be done in life.

Important! React to your lady's answers. Don't forget to express your emotions.

Any question should be interesting and easy. Don't make the girl think too much, don't make her blush. Communication should be based on mutual emotions.

What to write?


Just imagine how nice it will be for a girl to receive a poem.

You can compose it yourself or find it on the Internet.

“What happened, baby? Are you really sad? Where is your smile! Come on, honey, don't be mad. Share with me, I won’t offend you.”

“I love you even when you’re sad,
But don’t you dare be sad.
After all, life is more beautiful with a smile on your face!”

“Smile, my friend, and don’t you dare be sad,

There's no need for you to be sad.

Look, I'm trying

Makes you very happy.”

“Don't be sad, look how beautiful the day is

Smiles at you.

Higher nose, wider smile

Everything is about to get better”

Funny pictures and jokes

Mood is a thing that either exists or doesn’t. Sometimes an annoying little thing is enough to ruin a good mood.

But we definitely have to fight this. After all, as they say, laughter prolongs life.

The best and easiest option is funny pictures.

On the Internet you can find pictures for every taste. Girls like humor associated with pets and other animals. Such cute creatures not only cause tenderness, but also increase emotional balance by 100%.

Important! A funny picture should not contain obscene or vulgar expressions. After all, such a joke can offend the girl even more. It’s better to send her photos with funny cartoon characters, animals, bad shots, etc.

Watch a video collection of funny pictures:

Girls are emotional creatures, and sometimes it is difficult to understand when they are in a bad mood. But the main question is how to raise it.

You can seek help from advice that will show you the right path. Try to trust your instincts, analyze the situation and only then try to cheer the girl up.

Remember that every person is different, and you just need to find an approach.

A good mood means positivity, health, optimism, self-confidence! But what to do if the girl you love is sad? How to cheer up and at the same time look like an original, interesting, confident guy in her eyes? There are many different options and ways to make you laugh, lift your spirits, captivate you with something new, and arouse interest in the world around you. The main thing when choosing a method is to focus on the interests and character of your girlfriend, because the same options can lead to different results.

The virtual world is communication at a distance. There are times in life when a couple is not together and they have to communicate via the Internet. Some people believe that it is impossible to show your feelings and influence the feelings of another person from a distance; this is not so. You can communicate via

  • social media,
  • email,
  • calls and correspondence on Skype,
  • exchange messages and photos on WhatsApp and other messengers.

You can cheer up a girl, even if you are not nearby, in different ways:

  • send a sweet, sincere message with romantic content: confess your love and write to her how beautiful, extraordinary and unique she is. Such a letter will not leave any girl indifferent, she will definitely smile and thank you with her good mood;
  • Write the letter yourself and send it by mail. This old romantic way to show your feelings will never go out of style! Beautiful words, design, aroma (the paper can be scented with perfume or eau de toilette) will do their job and the charmer’s mood will immediately improve. Although the method, of course, will take quite a lot of time;
  • send a funny music video postcard, a poem, a humorous song performed by funny characters - if you choose a joke, knowing your chosen one’s sense of humor, it will definitely bring a smile and lift your spirits.

Original method: order delivery to the girl’s apartment, you can even in another city - flowers, a sweet gift, a soft toy or a gift card for shopping/activities with a courier, such an unexpected surprise will definitely bring a joyful smile.

Improve your mood on VK simply and easily. In the virtual world, there are many different ways to express yourself, show attention and please another person. Social networks offer their subscribers ample opportunities for communication.

  • Give a paid or free virtual gift to your friend. It could be a beautiful bouquet of flowers with wishes of all the best, a greeting card, a funny cartoon character, a funny song or rhyme. To pay for such a gift, you just need to top up your account using a mobile phone, bank card or electronic money.
  • If you can’t pay for a gift, send a few nice, cute phrases via VKontakte correspondence. In free applications you will find many pleasant virtual souvenirs, funny or romantic cards, interesting original quotes and phrases, sayings of famous people.
  • Give the girl a clip, photo, video. Record your love message on a video camera, read a poem, just say a few nice words to the camera. The girl will definitely appreciate all your efforts!

You can easily and quickly cheer up a girl and via SMS. Send some funny, playful phrases to her phone. In the morning, wish you a pleasant day, and in the evening, good night and sweet dreams. Add a virtual bouquet of flowers to your message, decorate the message with a funny emoticon, funny animals, and beautiful pictures. If you don’t have enough imagination for beautiful original messages, just send her jokes. Jokes should be short, concise and truly funny so that the girl does not have to read them for a long time. The jokes themselves, again, need to be selected taking into account the tastes and interests of the interlocutor.

How to improve your mood if you are nearby

If you have the opportunity to shorten the distance and meet your beloved in person, then you definitely shouldn’t waste time on correspondence. After all, live communication is much more effective than emoticons, and even a silent hug from a loved one can pull you out of despondency.

  1. Kind words and compliments. Everyone knows that a woman loves with her ears. Many girls love it when they get compliments, admire their beauty and charm, and stand out among their friends. The main thing is that the words are beautiful, sincere, and come from the heart. Don’t throw around cliched phrases about a beautiful body, but highlight her charming nuances that make you fall in love with her - a scattering of cute freckles, a gentle curve of her lips, a charming carefree smile.
  2. Romantic dinner. Give your girl a beautiful, unforgettable dinner by candlelight, with gentle music, gifts, and good food. If you do not have culinary talents, then it is better to order a treat in a cafe or restaurant. It could be pizza, a delicious original dessert, a variety of canapés with cheese, caviar, and seafood. There must be fruits and chocolate on the table. Delicious food, beautiful table setting, gentle music and pleasant communication will definitely brighten up all your sorrows.
  3. Distract and make you laugh. A very effective way to cheer a girl up is the distraction method. You need to try to switch the girl’s attention from sad thoughts to something else, more positive and funny. Jokes, anecdotes, funny stories told in person are the best way to add positivity, optimism and good mood to a girl’s life. To make it less intrusive, you can tell a funny story about what just happened to you or what you saw along the way. It doesn’t have to be real, which you can admit at the end, but after the phrase “you won’t believe what just happened to me!” The girl’s attention will definitely switch from her problems to your story.
  4. Gifts. They, too, are undoubtedly capable of cheering up girls. The main thing is that it is original, interesting, and unforgettable. Prepare several small gifts for the girl; these could be cute trinkets, romantic cards, flowers in the form of a small elegant boutonniere, or a soft toy. Hide gifts in different places in the apartment and look for them together! Give her hints in a funny, playful way, quietly guide her to the place where the gift is hidden. Joint treasure hunts not only unite emotionally, but also cause laughter, surprise, and delight!
  5. Massage. Nothing is more relaxing than a relaxing, sensual massage. A romantic setting, twilight, burning candles, the aroma of fragrant oils, quiet gentle music can change sadness into joy and happiness. Give your girlfriend a pleasant massage; this procedure will definitely lift her spirits and add tenderness to your relationship.
  6. Weekends together. Anticipation and planning a weekend together already lifts your spirits. Arrange a trip to the cinema together to watch a funny funny film, go to nature, ride a carousel in the park, arrange a shooting competition at a shooting range, just take a walk along the city streets! Even the very anticipation of going out can dispel sadness, and when it comes directly to fun...
  7. Meeting with friends. If you spend all your free time together and your girlfriend starts to get bored, organize her a party with her friends. Book a table at a cafe or nightclub, invite her best friends there and let them take a break from the daily routine. Believe me, the girl will be very grateful to you for such a gift!
  8. Watching a movie together or listening to music. A win-win option to improve relationships, improve your mood and add positivity to your life. Shared experiences from watching a movie or listening to music bring you closer together and allow you to plunge into the magical world of sight and sounds. A great chance to get to know each other better, find out tastes and preferences.
  9. Love confession will help her feel your support. Tell her this in person, looking soulfully into her eyes, or write a beautiful letter with an original design.
  10. Listen. And sometimes it’s enough just to be there, silently listen to the flow of thoughts of an upset girl, hand out napkins on time and give an encouraging hug. After all, very often it is enough for a person to express all his experiences in order to ease his soul and feel better.

This material contains the best options for improving the mood of any woman, and all this can be done without particularly large finances, and sometimes even for free, which will help even students to please their beloved women.

How to cheer up a girl if she is not in the mood in correspondence and in contact, phrases, SMS examples and what to write

You can cheer up a girl by corresponding with her in contact, by sending her a story about some event in your life with the addition of funny emoticons, or by sending her a funny postcard as a gift.

It is advisable to come up with phrases and examples of SMS messages that you can write for a girl yourself, focusing on your friend’s worldview, her age and sense of humor.

So, for example, after a date that ended with the first kiss, a guy can write to his beloved SMS with the following content: “Darling, don’t laugh, but after a kiss like ours, my parents got me.”

How to cheer up a pen pal when she's sick

You can cheer up a pen pal when she is sick by using Photoshop and choosing a frame from the cartoon “The Kid and Carlson,” where the Kid feeds the sick Carlson jam. All that is required is to replace Carlson’s head with your own, and transform the girl into the Kid, attaching the inscription: “It would be better if I were in your place!”

If the Photoshop option doesn’t work, you can send the sick girl an SMS “Go ahead and sneeze at your cold!”

How to make a girl laugh with a cute joke at school and joke examples

Girls are funny people, so making them laugh, especially when they are in a good mood, is quite easy. Sometimes this can be done even without words - by posing as a grumpy cleaner or a strict teacher.

You can also borrow examples of funny jokes from the Internet, because you won’t make the same joke every day, will you? Although it is possible that for the first two or three days it will be funny even if the same joke is repeated, for example:
- Do you know what hedgehogs eat?
— Cacti (discarded Christmas trees, camel thorns, etc.).

How can you make a girl laugh on the first date ideas, on a walk if she is bored and sad

If a girl is bored and sad on the first date, then there is a high probability that the second date will not take place at all. Therefore, you need to act and urgently cheer up your chosen one. If you can’t make jokes yourself, then you can memorize several dozen, especially witty jokes.

However, before you try to make your friend laugh, ask her about the reason for her sadness. In some life situations, humor may be inappropriate.

How to make a woman who is offended laugh, what to talk about

It will actually be easier to make a woman who is offended laugh after you understand the reason for her offense. If the offense is directed at you and the reproaches expressed are fair, then it is better to apologize and ask your lady for forgiveness. Having made peace, it will be possible to defuse the tension with a couple of good jokes or a now appropriate joke.

How to make a girl laugh until she cries with one message

Search the Internet for a message that will make you laugh until you cry and send it to the girl. If she is in a good mood, then such a message should make her laugh too.

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    thank you very much for me

If a girl is in a bad mood, her boyfriend usually has a hard time too: how can you carefreely go about your business when your girlfriend is bored, sad and generally somehow “ugly”? Therefore, many young people want to know how to cheer up a girl.

Of course, there is no universal recipe: all girls are different, and what is guaranteed to lift the spirits of one will only drive another into even greater melancholy. We can only guarantee one thing: Don’t try to tell a girl “don’t be sad” It probably won't work. Well, how can you not be sad when you are sad?

Try it unobtrusively find out why your girlfriend is in a bad mood: many girls are deliberately in no hurry to complain, because they are waiting for attention and care from the young man. But the key word here is “unobtrusive”: there is no need to conduct an interrogation with partiality. If a girl is in no hurry to tell you everything right away, perhaps she is not being flirtatious, but really does not want to talk about it.

Whatever the reason for your girl’s bad mood, you don’t need to consider it frivolous and laugh at it: you can consider a broken nail or meaningless nonsense, but for many girls this can ruin the mood for a long time. Your task is not to assess the seriousness of the causes of the blues, but simply to cheer up the girl. It is better to postpone conversations about emotional sensitivity to a more appropriate time or not to start at all.

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways to cheer up a girl- . Just not “on duty”, but sincere: if you tell a tear-stained girl that she is beautiful, it is unlikely that this will please her. She knows that she doesn't look her best right now. But you shouldn’t invent too original compliments: a girl in upset feelings may not appreciate your extraordinary sense of humor.

Of course, this doesn't mean you have to be deadly serious. Very often, it’s a good joke or anecdote that helps lift a girl’s mood.. Just keep your sense of humor in check: you should know which jokes your girl likes and which ones will only upset her even more. If your girlfriend is not in the mood, you need to joke about neutral topics, but in no case at her expense: even if she usually takes harmless jokes at herself normally, in moments of mental distress it is better not to take risks.

You can try distract a girl from the cause of her bad mood. Here you need to take her interests into account. Some will be calmed down by a walk or a trip to the zoo, some by sitting in a cafe over a cup of coffee, others by watching a romantic comedy or melodrama, and for some, physical activity, for example, going to the gym, or a dose of adrenaline helps them take their mind off sad thoughts. . Rely on your powers of observation, and if you are not sure, just ask.

Often girls in a bad mood need physical intimacy. No, we're not talking about sex now. They just want you to hug them and pat them on the head. This way they feel protected. But there are girls who, in moments of sadness, do not want to be touched, but need solitude to “recharge their batteries.” If your girlfriend is one of them, respect her wishes.

Although sex should not be discounted either, sometimes it helps a lot, because making love helps to produce “happiness hormones” - endorphins. Just make sure that the girl really wants it, and in the process, try your best to please her. Sex must be good or not at all. Forget about yourself for a while: this is not ordinary sex, but a kind of “psychotherapy session”; your pleasure is not in first place right now. Don't attack the girl, have good foreplay, be gentle and attentive. A girl should feel desired and loved.

In fact, only you can cheer up your girlfriend. Just show her your love and care- She will certainly appreciate it and smile.

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