Gaidar "conscience" - a brief summary. Nina Karnaukhova did not prepare a lesson and decided not to go to school

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Under the rays of the May sun, everything is growing quickly. Light white snowdrops have bloomed. A colorful carpet of grass and leaves unfolded in the meadows. The bird cherry blossoms are full of buds. A pleasant aroma wafted from the tree. The cold has struck. The morning fog did not rise in a ring from the forest clearing. He froze and lay on the ground like frost. Silence in the forest. The birds are silent. They are afraid of getting a cold in their throat. One cuckoo calls from early morning until late evening. (66 words)

Words for reference: aroma, frozen, afraid.
Grammar task:
  1. Indicate the tense of the verbs.
  2. Write out the verb in the indefinite form from the text.
  3. Write out the verb from the last sentence. Perform morphological analysis.


Nina did not prepare her homework, decided not to go to school, and secretly went into the grove. She put breakfast and books under a bush, and she ran after a beautiful butterfly.

She met a baby on the path. In his hand he held a primer with a notebook. The girl decided to make fun of him and called the baby a truant.

It turned out that the boy was running away from the dog and got lost. Nina led him through the grove. She was ashamed to take away breakfast and books and left them under a bush.

The dog came running. She didn’t touch the books, but she ate breakfast. Nina cried. She did not regret breakfast; a merciless conscience gnawed at her. (90 words)

Grammar task:
  1. Write out three verbs from the text, indicate their tense, person, and number.
  2. Put the verbs in the infinitive form: She came, she’s coming, she’ll look.

"An evening walk"

Before sunset I go for my usual evening walk. It’s fun to make your way through thickets of tall, lush, fragrant grass. I climb into the very depths of the forest. Now you’re having a hard time making your way forward. You will breathe a sigh of relief when you find yourself again on the sunny edge.

What beauty lies before you! Below, as if in full view, lies a wide valley, along which a blue river meanders like a snake. Across the river you can see our neighboring village and my favorite nearby lake.

In sunlight, all this takes on a magical look. (70 words) / Control dictation

Grammar task:
  1. Underline verbs in the indefinite form.
  2. Make a morphological analysis of the verb from the last sentence.

"Polar Day"

From the south we arrive by plane to the distant northern port of Murmansk. Soon evening will come and it will get dark. In the summer there is no darkness in the Far North. The sun moves around the sky day and night.

In winter, the sun does not rise above the horizon at all. Only the stars shine in the black sky. Sometimes the aurora blazes.

It is difficult for a person to get used to the night sun. At night a lot of people walk the streets. Many are sitting on benches. They read newspapers. Looking at store windows. And even children are on the streets at night and bask in the sun. (81 words) / Control dictation

Grammar task:
  1. Indicate the conjugation of verbs in the text.
  2. Parse the first sentence into parts of speech and parts of the sentence.
  3. Write down three phrases with unstressed vowels that are verified by stress.

"Forest Dwellers"

You won't be able to see every forest dweller. Very rarely do we see a red tail flash in the meadow. A family of moose sedately walks towards a watering hole. A mischievous little squirrel jumps from branch to branch in the park.

And only in winter do we see traces of wild boars, hares, ferrets and owls. Pathfinders find traces of a vole. There are fallen trees near the river. These are busy beavers working.

The huntsmen learn from the tracks which animals live in their forests in winter. In the spring, during high water, animals sometimes need human help. Do you remember the story of grandfather Mazai and the hares? And now foresters, hunters, and rangers are saving animals in floods. (90 words)

Nina Karnaukhova did not prepare a lesson and decided not to go to school. So that no one would see her, the girl secretly went into the grove. Having placed the bag with breakfast and books under a bush, she ran after the butterfly and came across a baby who was looking at her with kind, trusting eyes. In his hand he had an ABC book with a notebook. Nina guessed what was going on: Poor truant! she said sternly. From such an early age, are you already deceiving your parents and school? No! answered the kid. I was just going to class. But then a big dog walks in the forest. She barked and I got lost. Nina frowned. She took the baby by the hand and led him through the grove. The books and breakfast remained lying under the bush, because it would have been embarrassing to pick them up in front of the baby. The dog rushed out from behind the branches, didn’t touch the books, but ate breakfast. Nina returned, sat down and cried. No! She didn't feel sorry for the stolen breakfast. But the cheerful birds sang too well above her head. And it was very heavy on her heart, which was gnawing by a merciless conscience.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Work on the topic of the lesson

Control dictation


Nina did not prepare her homework, decided not to go to school, and secretly went into the grove. She put breakfast and books under a bush, and she ran after a beautiful butterfly.

Nina met a baby on the path. In his hand he held a primer with a notebook. The girl decided to make fun of him and called the baby a truant.

It turned out that the boy was running away from the dog and got lost. Nina led him through the grove. She was ashamed to take away breakfast and books and left them under a bush.

The dog came running. She didn’t touch the books, but she ate breakfast. Nina cried. She did not regret breakfast; a merciless conscience gnawed at her. (53 words)

According to A. Gaidar

Grammar task

1. Write out three verbs from the text, indicate their tense, person, number and gender.

2. Put the verbs in the indefinite form. She came, she’s coming, she’ll have a look.

(You can use CMMs: control dictation (p. 86).)

III. Summing up the lesson

What spellings were found in the dictation text?

What words were you unsure about spelling?

Subject: Work on mistakes made in dictation and when completing a grammar task.

Goals: analyze and correct errors made in the control dictation; develop the ability to work on mistakes; repeat what you have learned about the verb.

Formed UUD: P.- structuring knowledge; conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions; reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity; To.- proactive cooperation with the teacher and peers; control, correction, assessment of the partner’s actions; R. l.- establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Checking homework

Read the story you created.

State its main idea.

III. Analysis of control dictation

(Students classify the mistakes made and fill out the table.)


Number of mistakes

Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress

Paired consonants at the root of a word

Letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu, chk, chn, nch

Dividing soft sign

Dividing solid sign

Unstressed case endings of nouns

Unstressed personal endings of verbs

Unstressed case endings of adjectives

Not with verbs

Words with uncheckable spelling

Skipping, replacing letters

Total errors

Write down the words in which you made mistakes, indicate spelling patterns, select test words.

(Students who did not make mistakes can be offered the following task.)

Write down and label all the studied spellings. Where possible, select test words.

Drops fall from the heated roof, from transparent icicles. Under the bright spring sun they sparkle with colorful lights. Hot sun spray is flying.

Tousled sparrows bathed in the sun's spray and chattered and sang joyfully. The white rooster drank from a sunny puddle. He shook his red comb, drew his wings, and danced.

According to E. Shim

IV. Physical education minute

V. Repetition

Write 10 verbs that describe what you did after you left home and went to school. Put them in an indefinite form.

(It is better to complete the task on separate pieces of paper.)

VI. Reflection

VII. Summing up the lesson

What mistakes did you make in the dictation?

Can you say that you have corrected them and understood their cause?

What can you praise yourself for today?


Individual tasks on cards (depending on mistakes made in the dictation).

Topic: Generalization on the topic “Verb”

Target: develop the ability to recognize spelling patterns in verbs and other parts of speech, justify their spelling, and determine the grammatical features of verbs.

Formed UUD : P.- structuring knowledge; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions; reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity; analysis, comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics; synthesis; To.- the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; R.- comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action; highlighting and realizing what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, assessing the quality and level of assimilation; l.- establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Updating knowledge

What words are called complex? (Those that consist of two or more roots.)

What rule do you need to remember to write these words correctly? (In complex words the connecting vowels o and e are written.)

Write down the words from dictation, underline the connecting vowels.

Vegetable grower, fabulist, horse breeder, centipede, serpentine, generous, stranger, commander, pedestrian.

(Check, self-assessment.)

III. Self-determination for activity

Make up a word that will be the key word for today's lesson.

The first letter denotes a paired consonant sound to the sound [k]. The second letter is the past tense verbal suffix. The third letter denotes an unstressed vowel sound, which we remember in the word painting.

We write the fourth letter at the end of the word plow.

The fifth letter is the ending of the past tense verb in the neuter gender.

The sixth letter denotes an unpaired voiced consonant.

Answer: verb.

What will today's lesson be about? (Summarizing what has been learned on the topic “Verb.”)

- What spelling patterns will we repeat, what skills will we consolidate?

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson Work on the textbook

Ex. 243 (p. 115).

Read the poem expressively.

Determine its main idea. (The main idea is in the last sentence.)

- What kind of sentence is this in terms of intonation and purpose of the statement? (Exclamatory in intonation, motivating in purpose of the statement.)

- Find the verbs in the test. Ask them questions.

Complete the written assignments for the exercise. (Examination.)

How did you write verbs with the particle not? (Apart.)

- What other spellings are found in verbs?

Ex. 244(p. 115).

(Independent execution. Check.)

What verbs did you write down in the first group? (Verbs in the indefinite form.)

What can you say about these verbs? (They are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings.)

- Explain what these words mean.

What verbs change for persons and numbers? (In present and future tense.)

Name them. (Receives - present tense.)

- Which singular verbs change gender? (In the past time.)

- Name them. (I'm used to it- feminine gender.)

- Break down the first sentence by member. (One student works at the board.)

Ex. 245(p. 116).

Consider the first diagram.

What can you say about this verb? (This is a conjugation verb, present or future tense, 3rd person, plural.)

(The remaining diagrams are analyzed by analogy. Next, students independently select words for each diagram and write them down. Testing, self-assessment.)

V. Physical education minute

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

Explanatory dictation


The entrance door opened. The dog ran out into the street. The red tail swayed happily. Suddenly he froze. Snow. The first snow in a dog's life. The dog tilted his head slightly and listened to the falling snowflakes. One hit him on the nose and melted. The dog shook his head and snorted. Did not like. Cold. The dog moved through the snow. The snow creaked under his paws. The dog stopped and pricked up his ears. He didn't like the silence. He ran down the path again. The snow creaked again. The dog finally understood. He turned back and began to examine his tracks. He looked, stepped from place to place and was surprised at the new tracks.

(At this stage of the lesson, you can use KIMs: explanatory dictation (p. 83); collection of dictations and test works: warning and explanatory dictations (p. 151-152).)

books under a bush, she ran after the butterfly and came across a baby who was looking at her with kind, trusting eyes. In his hand he had an ABC book with a notebook. Nina guessed what was going on: Poor truant! she said sternly. From such an early age, are you already deceiving your parents and school? No! answered the kid. I was just going to class. But then a big dog walks in the forest. She barked and I got lost. Nina frowned. She took the baby by the hand and led him through the grove. The books and breakfast remained lying under the bush, because it would have been embarrassing to pick them up in front of the baby. The dog rushed out from behind the branches, didn’t touch the books, but ate breakfast. Nina returned, sat down and cried. No! She didn't feel sorry for the stolen breakfast. But the cheerful birds sang too well above her head. And it was very heavy on her heart, which was gnawing by a merciless conscience.

help me write a summary

Nina Karnaukhova did not prepare a lesson and decided not to go to school. So that no one would see her, the girl secretly went into the grove. When she put breakfast and books under a bush, she ran looking for a butterfly and came across a baby who was looking at her with kind eyes. In his hand he had an ABC book with a notebook. Nina, of course, guessed what was going on." Unhappy truant!" - "No... I was just going to class. But then a big dog walks in the forest. “She barked, and I got lost,” answered the baby. She took the baby by the hand and led him through the grove. The books and breakfast remained lying under the bush, because it would have been embarrassing to pick them up in front of the baby. Nina returned, sat down and cried. No! She didn't feel sorry for the stolen breakfast. Her heart was heavy , which was gnawing by a merciless conscience.

Gaidar Arkady Petrovich Conscience Conscience Nina Karnaukhova did not prepare an algebra lesson and decided not to go to school. But so that her acquaintances would not accidentally see her hanging around the city with books during the working day, Nina secretly walked into the grove. Having placed a bag with breakfast and a bunch of books under a bush, she ran to catch up with a beautiful butterfly and came across a baby who was looking at her with kind, trusting eyes. And since in his hand he was clutching an ABC book with a notebook in it, Nina realized what was going on and decided to play a joke on him.

Poor truant! - she said sternly. - And from such a young age you are already deceiving your parents and school? - No! - the kid answered in surprise. - I was just going to class. But then a big dog walks in the forest. She barked and I got lost. Nina frowned. But this baby was so funny and good-natured that she had to take him by the hand and lead him through the grove. And Nina’s bunch of books and breakfast remained lying under the bush, because picking them up in front of the baby now would be a shame. The dog rushed out from behind the branches, didn’t touch the books, but ate breakfast. Nina returned, sat down and cried. No! She didn't feel sorry for the stolen breakfast. But the cheerful birds sang too well above her head. And it was very heavy on her heart, which was gnawing by a merciless conscience. Determine the main idea of ​​this story. Why did Nina feel ashamed? Will Nina ever skip class?

Conscience is a moral consciousness, a moral sense or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret place of the soul, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed; the ability to recognize the quality of an action; a feeling that encourages truth and goodness, turning away from lies and evil; involuntary love for good and truth; innate truth, in varying degrees of development.

Fulfill the moral standards established in society. How do you understand this? Respect other people and their rights. Explain with textbook text. Selfless help to other people. The heroes of which literary works helped people selflessly? Tell us about it. Gratitude. Tell me, do you know how to thank?

There is a most beautiful creature to whom we are always indebted, this is a mother. N. Ostrovsky If from childhood you have not learned to look into your mother’s eyes and see anxiety or peace in them, you will remain a moral ignoramus for the rest of your life. V. Sukhomlinsky - How do you understand these quotes?

The heart of M. Skrebtsov's mother A large beautiful birch tree grew in the forest with three little daughters of thin-trunked birch trees. The mother protected her daughters from the wind and rain with her spreading branches of the Birch. And in the hot summer from the scorching sun. The birches grew quickly and enjoyed life. Next to their mother, they were not afraid of anything. One day there was a strong thunderstorm in the forest. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed in the sky. The small birch trees trembled with fear. The birch hugged them tightly with its branches and began to reassure them: “Don’t be afraid, lightning won’t notice you behind my branches. I am the tallest tree in the forest." Before Birch’s mother had time to finish speaking, a deafening crash was heard, sharp lightning struck straight into Birch and scorched the core of the trunk.

Birch, remembering that it must protect its daughters, did not catch fire. The rain and wind tried to knock down the Birch, but it still stood. Not for a minute did Birch forget about her children, not for a minute did she loosen her embrace. Only when the thunderstorm passed, the wind died down, and the sun shone again over the washed earth, the Birch trunk swayed. As she fell, she whispered to her children: “Don’t be afraid, I’m not leaving you. Lightning failed to break my heart. My fallen trunk will be overgrown with moss and grass, but my mother’s heart will never stop beating in it.” With these words, the trunk of the mother’s Birch tree collapsed, without touching any of the three thin-trunked daughters during the fall. Since then, three slender birch trees have been growing around the old stump. And near the birches lies a trunk overgrown with moss and grass.

If you come across this place in the forest, sit down to rest on the Birch trunk, it is surprisingly soft! And then close your eyes and listen. You will probably hear the mother's heart beating inside him... Questions and tasks for the fairy tale: Why do you think a mother always protects her children?

When it comes to evil deeds, repentance involves not just admitting your mistake, but getting angry at it. A repentant person hates his action and pushes it out of his life and out of his heart. He even cries. Following a change in self-esteem, an external change must also occur. It is necessary to correct your past mistake with a deed that will be the opposite of the sin committed.

The most important decoration is a clear conscience. Cicero Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor. Schopenhauer A. A clear conscience is not afraid of lies, rumors, or gossip. Ovid Better paint on your face than a stain on your heart. Cervantes A clear conscience is a constant holiday. Seneca

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