Konstantin Meladze about his love for Vera Brezhneva: “I got married on a grand scale!” “It’s all back for Brezhnev”: Konstantin Meladze found a new blonde from Viagra - social networks Meladze dumped Vera Brezhnev

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Konstantin Meladze became a guest of Dmitry Gordon in his author's program. The producer and composer made a number of sensational confessions. In particular, he talked about how his romance with singer Vera Brezhneva began.

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze // Photo: Social networks

According to Konstantin, Vera failed to make a strong first impression on him. When the future spouses first met, the girl couldn’t do anything. In order for her to be able to perform at VIA Gre, the producers had to send her to courses. Already in the first days, Vera Brezhneva began to pleasantly surprise Konstantin. The girl worked hard, and after a few weeks she was simply unrecognizable.

But still, feelings between Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze arose much later. The producer was completely unmoved by Vera’s marriage, as well as the birth of her daughter. But at some point, Konstantin realized that he could not live without a girl. He had to hide his affair from his wife for ten years. Now Konstantin Meladze considers his wife the most woman in the world.

“I don’t want to offend anyone. But speaking objectively, of all the former participants of VIA Gra, Vera achieved the greatest success. She is the most talented, the sexiest and the hardest working. Did she marry grandly? It’s more likely that I got married grandly” - Konstantin thinks.

The producer also touched on the topic of the relationship between Vera Brezhneva and his children from his first marriage. He confirmed the words of journalists that the children do not want to communicate with the singer. But they found a common language with Vera’s daughter Sarah.

The “little white one” from Viagra again became her mistress - Erica Herceg, who easily eclipsed Brezhnev with her beauty, youth and talent, they wrote online.

Only the lazy did not discuss the couple of Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva in 2015. The thing is that Vera had been sleeping with Meladze, who was married at that time, since 2005 and was not embarrassed by the fact that her ex-wife was about to give birth to a third child. The secret relationship lasted for 8 years, and then Yana Summ asked her husband to leave. At that time, she already knew that Konstantin was dating Vera Brezhneva. More recently, it became known that Vera and Konstantin, who had been married for three years, began to move away from each other.

No photos of them together appear on the Internet, and Meladze has even begun to be noticed in the company of the blonde from Viagra. It is worth noting that Vera Brezhneva is very similar in appearance to Erica Herzog, only Erica has a stronger voice and is a little younger in age. At 30 years old, the girl looks 18 years old, which Meladze always liked.


They said that on her Instagram page the girl not only praises Meladze as a producer, but also writes provocative posts about how her love is limitless and he is the most wonderful person on Earth. Users predict that in 2019, the Duke will become the producer’s new wife, and Brezhneva has already returned in full.

In addition to this, Vera does not want to get pregnant from Konstantin, which also makes us think about the sincerity of the singer’s feelings.

However, Brezhnev is not far behind; she posted a provocative photo with her longtime friend, fashion designer David Koma. The photo shows that the girl allows herself a little more than just friends - she leans on the fashion designer, as if he is her main shoulder and support.

They were tired of hiding... This is how the music elite reacted to the news about the unexpected wedding of singer and producer Konstantin Meladze. After all, rumors about a romance between the two stars appeared almost from the very moment young Vera joined the Via Gra group in 2002. The fact that Brezhnev and Meladze want everything to finally be official is also evidenced by the quick reaction of the singer’s PR manager, who immediately confirmed the information about the wedding to the media. “Yes, this is the absolute truth - . They are completely happy, but are not yet ready to share the details of what is happening. We have to wait a little,” said the star’s representative.

The celebration took place on October 22 in the town of Forte dei Marmi among the closest friends of the stars. Apparently, the friends of the happy lovers are truly devoted and faithful, because none of them leaked the details of the event to the press. The only comment about an important event in her life was left by Brezhnev herself on Instagram. “Happiness loves silence. I wish it to everyone,” the singer wrote under her beautiful and romantic photo.

The period of secrets

How quick and unexpected their wedding was, so long, thorny and hard-fought was their path to this marriage. The lovers had to go through insults, disappointments and even betrayal. I had to hide my feelings and tell lies not only to journalists, but also to close people. Now everyone remembers Konstantin Meladze’s reaction to newspaper publications about their romance, supported by photographs where the composer was photographed near Brezhneva’s Kyiv apartment. “All this is just another invention of journalists,” said Konstantin, “they have already married and divorced us a hundred times over the past 10 years, and now they have decided that we are lovers. This is base nonsense. Vera and I are long-time friends and colleagues, and there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that we visit each other in our free time. We have families and children, we are already established people, and if we decided to be together, then the newspaper headlines would not bother us.”

In the end, everything happened exactly as the star composer said then. She and Vera eventually decided to become official spouses, and no one could stop them. It’s just a pity that this long path to family happiness was not without sacrifices. He considers himself like that. The mother of three children, she claims: she first felt that her husband’s heart belonged to another 10 years ago. “I guessed, but didn’t know for sure. In 2005, while pregnant with my youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to betrayal, instinct, and temporary weakness. I was able to forgive the betrayal,” Yana told Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists.

Soon, however, she felt that the normalization of relations with her husband was only temporary: “I received confirmation that I was serving as a picture behind which my husband was living a different life. I say openly: I am one of those women who, suspecting deception, can look at her husband’s phone number. And then I couldn’t stand it and dialed her number. She said: “I have no reproaches or complaints. For me, calling you is humiliation. But I do this for one reason: I need to understand what is happening in my family.” The answer was insincere: “We have a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter... He is my mentor. There is nothing…"

Yana did not believe Vera then, and her relationship with Konstantin continued to deteriorate. As a result, the couple decided to divorce. But at the end of 2012, Konstantin got into an accident near Kiev, because of him a woman died, and Yana decided to postpone the divorce: she had to support her husband at a difficult moment. It was then that the first personal meeting of the two rivals took place. “Kostya withdrew into himself and did not answer calls,” Yana said in an interview. - And then this woman came to my house. For what? She said she wanted to help. But I think she came to come out of hiding. I had one question: “In the name of why are there so many broken destinies? I called you. Count how many years of my life you took from me. Almost 10 years!” In response - eyes wide open: “It’s just that then I thought that it would be better this way...”.

Yana officially divorced Konstantin only in 2014. It is clear that after so many years of deception, she could not help but harbor resentment against either her husband or his chosen one. True, this does not prevent her from considering Meladze a wonderful dad, who adores and does not deny anything to his daughters Alice and Leah, as well as his son Valera. The composer's youngest child has autism, and he needs parental care and love like no other.

Fruits of labor

So far, the most original commentary on the wedding of Meladze and Brezhneva comes from the pen of singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. “Smart women have already begun to marry in Europe,” she complimented Vera. - And they do it right, this is the only guarantee that you will not be abandoned in the event of a divorce. By the way, an excellent couple has developed, in my opinion: she is extraordinarily good, and he is practically a god.”

It’s funny, but Konstantin himself is ironic about the fact that someone considers him a handsome man. This is exactly how he reacted to the title “The Most Handsome Man in Ukraine” awarded by our magazine. “When I was named “The Most Beautiful” according to Viva!, I thought it was some kind of mistake. To be honest, this is the most unexpected reward in my life. But since this happened, it seems to me that they chose me not so much based on my external data, but on the work that makes a favorable impression on people. Thank God, I don’t consider myself handsome!”

As for Vera, in one of her interviews she honestly admitted that the ideal relationship in marriage is a myth: “The relationship between a man and a woman is work, a constant search for compromise. They are easy only at the very beginning, when it’s all romance, or after many years, when the main work has been done, and you’re just enjoying yourself.”

I would like these words to become prophetic and all the “work” in the novel between Vera and Konstantin remains in the past and now they are simply enjoying themselves together. Of course, there will be people who will always reproach the singer for this affair and marriage, but we should not forget that she fought for her love. But because the words of others are foreign to her when she has hard-earned happiness. “Love is when two people close their eyes and still see each other,” shares Vera. - I need love, warmth, affection. Of course, for me, an indicator of feelings is the actions that a man does for me. Wonderful knightly and pleasant little things. But, like any girl, I love to hear magic words. This is a declaration of love, preferably every day. If several times a day, even better.”

It seems that the most important confession in her life came recently in a small Italian town. It was simple and laconic: “Yes.”

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze are a popular singer and successful producer, muse and creator, husband and wife. Their tandem is of interest to many, especially since the couple hid their relationship for a long time.

Meeting and working at VIA Gre

They met at a casting for the VIA Gra group in 2003. As Meladze said in an interview, they took girls literally from the street into the team. This happened in the case of Brezhneva - at one of the group’s concerts, the administrator noticed Vera among the fans, took her phone number and invited her to audition.

At the very first meeting, Konstantin realized that this was the type that they had been looking for for a long time.

He even compared her to the young Brigitte Bardot. However, the girl could neither sing nor dance. The producer gave her a month to improve in these areas, and came to classes every week to monitor her progress.

“The result is amazing! It was like some kind of cartoon when a tomato appears in five seconds,” - with these words Konstantin commented on the transformation of the young singer.

Meladze objectively calls Brezhneva the most hardworking and successful ex-participant of the VIA Gra project:

“In just a year of working in the group, she has become a real, established star.”

Vera was a constant member of the group for four years. And in 2007, at the peak of her popularity, she officially announced that she was leaving the project.

But she did not stop making music, nor did she stop collaborating with Meladze as a producer and composer. A year later, in 2008, Brezhneva released a solo song and video “I Don’t Play” - it instantly became a hit. Success followed one after another - the singles “Love Will Save the World” and “Real Life” entered the music charts. But the musicians hid their activities for a long time. The author of the above-mentioned songs is a certain A. Fitsich. It turned out that this was the pseudonym under which Konstantin Meladze was hiding.

Now the Meladze-Brezhnev tandem has two solo albums, “Love will save the world,” presented in 2010, and “Ververa,” released in 2015.

Everyone's personal life

At the time Vera and Konstantin met, the girl was in a relationship with Vitaly Voichenko.

On March 30, 2001, the couple had a daughter, Sonya. Meladze was also married. The wedding with Yana Summ took place on July 22, 1994, who gave birth to his daughter Alice. Therefore, there could be no talk of any relationship between the young singer and the established producer.

Moreover, in the fall of 2006, Vera married businessman Mikhail Kiperman.

On December 14, 2009, their daughter Sarah was born. In Meladze’s personal life, everything was also going great: in 2004, daughter Liya was born, and the next year, son Valery.

But in October 2012, Vera Brezhneva announced a divorce. Rumors immediately appeared in the press that the artist was having an affair, but she denied this information. As a result, the process of divorce passed quietly and peacefully. And at the end of the summer of 2013, the Meladze couple also announced a divorce. After many years of marriage, the couple, whose family life seemed exemplary for many, decided to put an end to the relationship. The children live in Kyiv with their mother, but Konstantin continues to look after them.

Love story

For many years, the press attributed an affair to Meladze and Brezhnev.

Naturally, the celebrities denied all these speculations. Even when photographs of Konstantin appeared in the newspapers next to the singer’s apartment, he called the information that they were lovers nonsense.

He said that he has friendship and business relations with Vera.

However, Yana Meladze had doubts about Konstantin’s marital fidelity in 2005, when she was pregnant with her son. After her divorce from the composer, she said in an interview that at that time she felt a crisis in the relationship. The woman chalked it up to betrayal and fleeting weakness. Moreover, the situation soon returned to normal. However, in 2007, according to Yana, confirmation appeared that she was only serving as a screen behind which her husband was leading another life. The wife found Brezhneva’s number on her phone and called not to reproach or express complaints:

“For me, calling you is humiliation. But I do this for one reason: I need to understand what is happening in my family.”

Brezhnev responded, according to Meladze’s ex-wife, as follows:

“We have a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter... He is my mentor. There is nothing…".

They really communicated closely and supported each other in everything. For example, when a tragic car accident occurred in 2012, in which Konstantin killed a woman, Brezhneva came to his home to help him in difficult times.

Yana Meladze admits that the day before she wanted to file for divorce, but decided to wait to support her husband. Naturally, she was not happy about the singer’s appearance in her home. She asked directly:

“Why are there so many broken destinies? I called you."

The woman accused Vera of taking almost ten years of her life. Reaction - eyes wide open and the phrase:

“I just thought then that it would be better this way...”

Konstantin Meladze's story about his relationship with Vera Brezhneva:

Finally together

But even after becoming single again, neither the producer nor the singer was in a hurry to announce their relationship. Although in Jurmala they lived in the same room and were seen together on the street.

In Jurmala

It became known for certain that they were really together only after the wedding.

With the wedding planner

It took place in October 2015 in Italy, in Forte dei Marmi, in the circle of closest people.

As Konstantin says, the wedding was great. The painting ceremony was conducted by the mayor of the city at the city hall, which was located next to the hotel where the star couple was vacationing. After that, the lovers went to a restaurant on the seashore.

“Everything was gorgeous,” the composer recalls. “We walked and had a blast.”

But the newlyweds were constantly pursued by some Italian photographer, from whom they had to hide. However, the paparazzi still managed to take one photo. Meladze called him terrible.

But even after marriage, celebrities do not show off their personal lives; most often they are photographed by paparazzi or photos are posted by their friends.

Although Meladze admitted that he got married grandly, keeping in mind what an amazing woman became his wife.

Vera admitted in an interview that there are no ideal marriages. According to her, the relationship between a man and a woman is a constant work, an eternal search for compromises. Ease occurs only at the beginning, when there is pure romance between lovers.

“Or many years later, when the main work is done, and you’re just enjoying yourself.”

Brezhneva repeatedly said that happiness loves silence. Therefore, spouses rarely share personal photos on social networks, and their joint appearances always cause a stir.

On October 23, we celebrated a small anniversary: ​​two years from the date of marriage registration. The wedding, which took place in Italy, was intimate, and no details or photos were leaked to the press. Today in the show “The Fate of a Man”, the composer spoke about his relationship with one of the most beautiful singers on the national stage, and also revealed details of how he married the ex-soloist of “VIA Gra”.

According to Konstantin Meladze, none of his friends and relatives knew about his wedding with Vera. The two of them simply flew to Italy, where they modestly signed at the city hall, which was located next to their hotel. Afterwards they sat in a restaurant on the seashore, and then the two of them spent two completely happy, luxurious days. Boris Korchevnikov asked: how did the stars manage to ensure that not a single photo was published in the media? Konstantin Shotaevich noted with a smile that one photo was published, albeit a terrible one.

“Some Italian photographer was running after us all the time. We were hiding from him, and it was absolutely fascinating. We dodged brilliantly,” said Konstantin Meladze about how his Italian wedding went with Vera Brezhneva.

By the way, the majority of TV viewers in comments on social networks have already noted that the episode of “The Fate of a Man”, the hero of which was Konstantin Meladze, was dedicated specifically to Vera Brezhneva. The presenter constantly asked the composer questions about the singer, shifting the topic of conversation to Brezhnev and the history of Meladze’s relationship with her. So, for example, when the presenters compared Brezhneva and Meladze with Pygmalion and Galatea, Konstantin Shotaevich replied that it was still unclear who Pygmalion was in their pair.

“There are many similarities. Another question is which of us is Pygmalion and which is Galatea. You have to think... I spent a lot of time and energy on work, career, music. And in many ways she opened my eyes to some other, much more attractive and necessary things... When she appeared in my life, I began to travel, look around, got out of the submarine...” - Konstantin Meladze acknowledges the merits of his wife Vera Brezhneva.

Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva

The composer emphasized that love for Vera Brezhneva did not appear immediately. He doesn’t understand love at first sight at all, and it all started with sympathy, but there were doubts, torment, and addiction: “Nothing was foreshadowed. Everything happened gradually, and only in recent years did it develop into some kind of attachment... I was very late in developing a sense of family. Until the age of 45, my first priority was work and some things completely distant from family life... If my first marriage didn’t work out, it wasn’t because someone was to blame. It’s just, apparently, I wasn’t prepared enough for this, that’s all...”

Let us remind you that rumors that Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze are dating have been circulating for several years. In 2014, the producer divorced his wife Yana, with whom they lived together for 19 years and raised three children. In 2015, the star couple had a secret wedding in Italy. As the ex-wife of the producer said Yana Summ in an interview with the portal kp.ua, she guessed about the betrayal, but did not know for sure: “In 2005, being pregnant with my youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to betrayal, instinct, temporary weakness. I was able to forgive the betrayal. And I received confirmation that I serve as a picture behind which my husband lives a different life.”

Konstantin Meladze told his love story with Vera Brezhneva

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