Beautiful dancing in the club. Key aspects of dancing with a girl

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How to dance in a club?

If you are not a regular at fashionable parties, but visit clubs only from time to time, you probably have a burning question: how to dance in a club? What movements should you make? In order not to look ridiculous, you need to follow simple rules, and then everything will work out. Now club dances are very diverse: R"n"b, hip-hop, strip dance, erotic dance, Latin, hustle, freestyle, tectonic and much more. Everyone can choose the style they like. You can combine elements different dances and create your own unique and original style. Slow couple dances also retain their popularity - after all, with their help, a girl and a boy can establish contact and start romantic relationship.

Dance school. It would be ideal if you found the time and money to attend a dance school. These activities would be extremely beneficial not only for your physical health! During lessons in the direction you have chosen, you could meet new interesting people, have fun and usefully free time, get rid of excess weight.

During training, you will learn to relax, move relaxed and free. If you had any internal tension, stiffness, or constraint, you can easily get rid of them, like unnecessary ballast. Choose a school where professional dancers teach, get opinions former students schools, if possible, visit the first free lesson, see if it is well equipped dance hall(is there a shower, ventilation, lockers for changing clothes) - all these simple steps will help you not make a mistake in choosing a school and not waste your time and money. It will take a lot of time to learn to dance professionally, but to dance at a disco without embarrassment, 10-15 lessons will be enough. Don’t forget to repeat at home the movements you learned in class. The main thing is your desire!

If you don't have the opportunity to attend a dance school, it doesn't matter! You can start your workouts at home. Home schooling no less effective and accessible to everyone who wants to learn to dance. The Internet offers you great amount training videos on how to learn to dance in a club. Professional dancers They will share with you the secrets of their skills. When training at home, remember to look in the mirror and control your movements. Educational videos in large quantities you can find it on YouTube, and also download it from the popular tracker or from another file hosting service. Here are some videos we recommend watching:

Video on how to dance in a club for a guy

Video of how to dance in a club for a girl (go-go)

Remember that practicing at home or at a dance school is not enough; constant training on the dance floor is necessary.

When you come to the dance floor, follow the main rule - relax! Don't think about how fashionable it is to dance in a club. Give free rein to your emotions and enjoy the dance. Only those who move freely move truly beautifully. Be sure to listen to the rhythm and move to the beat. A dancer who is out of rhythm will immediately introduce disharmony into the process. Improvise, try not to dance according to a pattern that you learned once, otherwise both you and the people watching you will quickly get bored with the dance. Be original, don't copy others, even if they move great.

Keep up the good physical fitness. To dance beautifully in a club, you must have good plastic surgery And flexible body. If you sit at the computer all day and then suddenly decide to go dancing, your body may react inappropriately. Therefore, do exercises in the morning, play sports, and take care of your health. Then you will succeed not only in dancing, but also in other endeavors.

These simple recommendations will tell you how to learn to dance in a club! By dancing from the heart, you will not only catch the admiring glances of representatives of the opposite sex, but you will also get to know yourself better and reveal your inner world. See you on the dance floor!

Modern dance styles a lot, but before you copy the movements that you liked from this or that video clip, you should work on your plasticity and grace. To do this, you don’t have to attend choreography classes, just spend a little time practicing at home.

How to learn to dance at home?

Before you start training, objectively assess your abilities. To do this, turn on the music, stand in front of the mirror and dance. Try different movements: raise your arms, move your hips, move your shoulders. If something turns out badly, then you need to work.

During this “spontaneous” dance, try to feel your body as a whole and each part of it separately. Feel your arm, leg, waist, and entire body separately.

Remember, more sweeping movements convey energy, but if you make them smoother, you can convey all your tenderness and calmness.

In the process of learning to dance, the main thing is practice. Therefore, do not limit yourself to going to the club. If you feel shy about dancing at first, be an observer. Watch how other girls dance, divide these movements into beautiful and unsuccessful ones. When you get home, try to repeat what you liked best. Practice and perfect these movements.

How to dance freely in a club?

If you think you've practiced enough at home, it's time to hit the dance floor. We will give you some tips that will help you quickly get used to it and conquer everyone with your sense of smell.

The main thing to remember is that dance is lightness and positive emotions, so don’t complicate it, just enjoy the moment, and mastery will come with time.

How to learn to dance - video

Even if you're not an avid clubber and partygoer, but don't want to keep up with everything that young people are interested in, there's a bit of a learning curve before you hit the clubs beautifully. And may the first visits to such places not be so joyful and pleasant, because “ fall face down in the dirt“You probably don’t want to, but don’t give up on your attempts to learn to dance.

Dance. History and modernity

Having been to a nightclub at least once, you have noticed guys and girls crowding around, not on the dance floor itself, but around it. And their envious glances at the dancers do not leave them for a minute.

These guys often don’t dance not because of reluctance, but because of simple modesty or lack of dance skills and mastery. And in this article you can find information on how to learn to dance in a club.

A surge in the active development of club life was noted in the 80-90s of the last century. The dance culture itself is rooted in thousands of years of history. Dance has always been one of the main ways to attract others, usually the opposite sex. And the essence of such a “demonstration” of oneself in all its glory does not lose relevance.

It is important for both girls and guys not only to “join” the club culture, but also to be able to make an impression. But not with simple convulsions and twitching of limbs, but with the harmony of its dance moves. How to learn this?

Rules to help beginners

First and very important rule: don’t be afraid of the dance floor, because, in fact, this is the same place as an ordinary bus stop, only people stand there and move here. If you are not a sociopath, it will be easy for you to take a step towards the dance floor and join the club movement.

You will need:

  • Stylish comfortable clothes. Advice for girls: if you have never danced before, for the first time choose jeans and stable shoes without heels;
  • The ability to observe and the desire to repeat the simplest movements;
  • A positive attitude and faith that everything will work out.

The next rule: no need to show your bad side. You won't be able to hide your inability to dance for long under the guise of banter. Awkward movements very soon they will become the subject not of laughter, but of ridicule.

What to do? Don't tell yourself: " This is not mine, well, I don’t know how and that’s all" You can learn about how to dance in a club correctly from a lot of sources. Your ability to look and see will be very useful to you. When choosing a dance, remember that club culture It is not at all monotonous and there are no clear dogmas that must be followed.

And a truly interesting and spectacular dance often combines a lot of styles and movements from a variety of directions. You can only dance hip-hop, but clubs don’t always play music suitable for this style.

Add elements to the dance, for example, funk, which will give your dance liveliness and novelty. This is mainly caused by widespread musical palette, which DJs use for their tracks.

Features of training

If you take a close look at how modern youth dance in nightclubs, you will notice that in most cases there is nothing complicated. The task for you and your body is to be able to adjust and feel the rhythm of each melody, to skillfully change from one movement to another. If you learn this, then your movements will be unusually bright and appropriate, and the audience will not ignore it.

If you're serious about dancing on every dance floor available to you, it's worth visiting a dance studio at least a couple of times. This will come in handy for a guy who wants to know how to dance attractively in a club. Just a few lessons will be enough to gain basic skills.

There are even more options for girls. Sometimes even visiting the nearest fitness studio is enough. A couple of basic dance aerobics moves (steps) will really help you out in the club. The best part is, you don't need to have any dancing ability to do aerobics.

How to choose a mentor

You may want to do some research before going to the studio. Its essence is to study the services offered. The main criteria: price, studio location and reviews.

So, the price depends on a number of factors. First: the professionalism of teachers. The cost of training from a good and famous choreographer will not be low, but the quality of the services provided (attention of the trainer, conditions in the studio, ease of choosing the time of classes, etc.) will be at a high professional level.

Usually girls and guys who want to know how to dance in a club are concerned about which instructor is right for them. Read information about the coach, or better yet, watch videos of his training and performances. If your potential choreographer dances beautifully, as you like, feel free to go to him.

Also, do not forget to find out how the classes are going, whether you will have to train in a group of beginners or “join” an already training group. The first option will give you not only necessary knowledge, but also comfort during classes.

The location of the studio in the part of the city closest to you is also very important. You will have less opportunity to be lazy. After all, even if you find best choreographer countries, but it will take a very long time to travel to his classes, the desire to study may disappear. After all, the inconvenience of travel will create other problems, while people who suffer because they do not know how to dance in a club should first of all feel moral pleasure from the classes.

A very important criterion when choosing a studio is feedback from training visitors. By reading them, you can learn about the quality of services. Study the information well, and only then decide whether you should go to the studio or not.

What's your style?

There are a lot of ways to dance in a club. In addition to searching dance studio, it is important to think about choosing the style you want to learn. After all, your body is more inclined towards some directions. Therefore, you need to learn what comes easiest to you.

The easiest and suitable dance For girls who have never danced before, it will be Zumba. This is a type of dance aerobics. This kind of dance can develop your sense of rhythm - a fundamental point for dancing in a club. Young people often choose krump, hip-hop, funk and even disco.

When choosing, try not to think about the popularity of a particular dance. After all, if it does not bring you pleasure, there is no point in spending time and money studying it. You want to learn to dance in a club, and not become a prima ballerina.

In addition to classes in studios, you can train at home. This method can save you time and money if not financial opportunity to pay for classes or time after work or study. Listen to new releases dance music, just turn on the radio with club music to get into the rhythms of the tracks.

Next, you can try to copy the movements of dancers from Youtube. Don't rush to cover everything at once. Start small simple steps and follow the advice that seasoned dancers give. It is important that you feel comfortable and that your dance is not simple dialing mechanical movements, and creative process, charging others with positive energy.

This will help you find “your” movements that you will like. They will become the basis for your further education.

Going to a club and dancing with a girl may seem too difficult for some. It's loud, crowded, and no one really knows anyone. But if you think about what these factors really mean and follow the tips below, you'll see that dancing with a girl is actually very easy!


Approach the girl

    Find a girl you like. Make sure she doesn't have a boyfriend and be on the lookout for any other guy who might be interested in her too. As a general rule, no one wants to get into trouble unless you are being obnoxious and arrogant. If the girl has a boyfriend, apologize and move on.

    Gauge her interest. Although it's not always necessary, try to get a signal from her that she wants to dance. You can look her in the eyes and smile. If she smiles back or otherwise hints that she's noticed you, she probably wants to dance with you.

    Dance to the music, approaching it from behind. Come under certain angle so she can see you coming. Leave some space at first so she doesn't feel like you're forcing yourself on her.

    • Some girls don't like being approached from behind. Act on the situation and decide if it might be better to approach it from the front.
  1. Wait for her to get closer. If she is interested, she will move closer and dance with you. Most women dance to their own rhythm, and as you dance to the beat, embrace it and follow it. Move your hips together so that you both feel comfortable dancing.

    Key aspects of dancing with a girl

    1. Lead. After you've danced with her for a bit and are ready to change the pace, your partner may feel comfortable if you place your hand on her thigh. If she doesn't like it, apologize and consider moving on to another partner, unless she expresses her desire to continue dancing with you.

      Let her allow you to touch her. Some girls will want to increase the energy between you by allowing you to touch certain parts of your body. In almost any situation, only the woman is allowed to initiate it. She will most likely take your hand and place it where she needs it.

      • Do not pinch or grab it in any other quick or childish way. You will destroy all the chemistry that has developed between the two of you. Play it safe and let her be in charge until you are absolutely sure of what she wants.
    2. Pay attention to proportionality. If you are a tall and lanky guy, try to choose girls who are also tall or at least of average height. If you're dancing with a girl who's significantly shorter than you, your moves will likely look awkward no matter what you do.

      Focus your attention on her. Don't look back at other people. Let your eyes also participate in what you do. good dancers they dance to be looked at, and not to be looked at themselves.

      Follow the rhythm. In most clubs, songs tend to follow the same rhythm - one-two-drum, one-two-clap. You should stick to the rhythm when dancing with her, otherwise she will most likely lose interest.

      Focus on your legs. This is just as important, if not more important, than moving your torso. Use both heel and toe. Move them smoothly, and your whole body will also move smoothly.

      Vary your movements. When the song changes, do the same with your movements. Squat down slightly. Place your hands on different parts of her body (within reason, unless she suggests otherwise). Gesture every now and then if you like. Standing out from the crowd will keep her interested.

      Be confident. If you look awkward or like you're uncomfortable, it will turn her off. Girls love confident people. Remember that no one is watching you dance. Everyone came to have fun and enjoy the environment just as much as you.

      Accept no. If your partner makes it clear that she's had enough of dancing with you, no matter how short it may be, accept it and move on. Remember that your chances of dancing with another girl increase once you finish your last dance.

    • If you're dancing in front of a girl you're interested in, look her in the eyes and smile. Don't appear too excited or nervous.
    • If a girl turns you down, don't just stay put. Keep dancing and quickly move on to someone else.
    • If you start dancing with a girl and she doesn't move to the music or doesn't move at all, she's not interested in you. Move on.
    • If you are worried about being rejected, in the best possible way will dance with the one who dances herself. Ideally, she will be next to a friend who is dancing with someone else.
    • Try not to choose a girl who dances in big company girlfriends She may turn you down just to show off, or because she doesn't want to be the only one dancing separately.
    • If a girl really doesn't want to dance with you, she will completely remove your hands from her hips.


    • If you approach a girl to dance, and she suddenly urgently needs to “go to the ladies’ room,” consider yourself rejected. Don't try to dance with her when she returns. If she really needed to pee and wants to dance, she will come to you.
    • Don't touch her butt to get her attention or you will get a slap as this really irritates most girls.
    • Never ask a girl at a club to dance with you because you'll end up shouting in her ear. The best thing to do is just start dancing with her and let things take their course.
    • Try not to have the last dance with her a slow dance because you have more chances be rejected because these songs are more for couples. If she turns you down, it can be very awkward and hurtful.

Today's video tutorials are a little unusual because they are aimed exclusively at guys. Although girls will find in them useful information for thought.

Instructor Alex Kornilov will teach you lessons club dancing for guys, so watch and listen carefully. Most men believe that they know how to dance at a disco and behave very relaxed, sometimes even too much. Others, on the contrary, are shy and are always concerned about not seeming funny. Both models of behavior are unnecessary extremes. In fact, it is quite possible to belong in any company, to feel confident at a disco, while causing admiration and not irritation among girls. And only three aspects will help you with this: technique, sense of rhythm and energy. The first aspect is developed by methodically repeating movements. Spend at least half an hour dancing every day. Soon angular and unusual movements will look harmonious and natural. It is also very important to feel the rhythm. Listen to music and let it pass through you. Let it sound in you as often as possible. Move and live to the rhythm of the music. And most importantly, put energy into your dance. Technically refined, but “dead” movements will not please either you or those around you. Basically, watch club dance lessons for guys and learn how to dance at a disco to become the king of the dance floor.

This video is about dancing in pairs. Here you will find not only tips on dance technique, but also recommendations on how to meet the girl you like at a disco, how to behave when a girl has shown interest in you or, conversely, remains indifferent.

For some reason there is no second lesson on the Internet. If you suddenly discover it, write to us about it in the comments.

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