A short message about the work of L. N. Tolstoy. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

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There are 3 lessons for studying the fairy tale:

  • Lesson 1 - introduction to the biography of the writer; analysis 1; 2 stories.
  • Lesson 2 - “Which a long way she went for him”; analysis 3; 4; 5 stories.
  • Lesson 3 - “What is Gerda’s strength?” analysis 6; 7 stories.

H. C. Andersen's fairy tale “The Snow Queen” arouses great interest among children. A non-traditional lesson (theatrical performance) is presented, aimed at developing the creative abilities of students. This is the third lesson on this work.

Lesson objectives:

  • development of creative and analytical abilities of students;
  • development of speech and skills expressive reading;
  • working with the concept of “subtext”

Lesson plan:

1. Scene “Kai and Gerda”

2. Conversation on the content of stories 6; 7.

3. Game “Competition of Connoisseurs”

4. Solving a crossword puzzle.

5. Scene of the guys returning.

6. Information about the film fairy tale.

7. Information about the international Andersen gold medal.

8. Information about the house-museum.

Lesson equipment: portrait of H.H. Andersen, room furnishings, illustrations for a fairy tale, drawings by students.


Today we will continue our acquaintance with the heroes of the fairy tale “S. TO". In lesson 1 we got acquainted with the biography and work of the writer; we sorted out the story about the mirror and its fragments; met a boy and a girl.

On 2 - considered 3; 4; 5 stories; They saw what a long journey Gerda went on for Kai.

Today we will analyze 6; 7 stories and try to answer the question:

“What is Gerda’s strength?”

Let's remember our heroes, and to do this, let's turn to the facts from Andersen's biography.

Students hear messages about the life and work of the writer.

1. Fairy tale scene.

Roof of the house. Children sitting on chairs. Gerda sings a psalm. A piece of mirror hits Kai in the eye.

Winter. Kai examines snowflakes through the glass. Praises.

2. Conversation with students:

  • what happened to Kai?
  • How did Kai disappear?
  • what did Gerda do?
  • Why does everyone Gerda meets on her way help her?

History 6.

  • Who else did Gerda meet on her way to find Kai?
  • What does the Laplander tell her?
  • To whom is the deer taking the girl now?

Work with text.

  • How did the Finnish girl meet the girl?
  • What does the reindeer ask the Finnish woman?
  • What did the Finnish woman answer?
  • How do you understand the Finnish woman’s explanation of why both people and animals serve Gerda? (Gerda wins you over, surprises you with her dedication, her love for Kai, for whose sake she endures so many trials. She does not complain, does not think about herself, patiently continues to search for the boy. Gerda thinks: “How kind all people and animals are” - and her kindness receives response).
  • How does the Finnish woman see Gerda’s strength? (she's an innocent sweet child)
  • Why does the Finn consider rescuing Kai the most difficult test for Gerda? (the girl must win not only evil spell Snow Queen, but also Kai’s indifference, the evil forces in him)
  • How did Gerda manage to cope with the last obstacle - the army of the Snow Queen?
  • (reading the Lord's Prayer, appearance of angels)
  • Why didn’t the angels protect Kai when he was being taken away by the Snow Queen, because he is also a child? (he tried to read the “Our Father”, but only the multiplication table was spinning in his mind)

Why is God's help given specifically to Gerda? (Gerda, unlike Kai, acts not at the behest of her mind, but at the behest of her heart. Gerda’s love and kindness, with God’s help, saved Kai)

What question does the little robber ask Kai? Why is she asking this? (reading a quote from a fairy tale)

Do Kai and Gerda answer this question?

What is Gerda's strength?

What qualities of Gerda helped her defeat the Snow Queen and save Kai?

3. Game “Contest of Experts”.

The class is divided into 3 groups.

Task: 1. Find out the hero. 2. Continue the hero’s speech. 3. Find the mistake.

One student receives the “Most Attentive Reader” prize. (chocolate angel)

4. Continued work in groups. Solving a crossword puzzle.

Keyword: dandelion

Words for the crossword: eternity, bulldogs, muff, raven, mirror, knife, stove, menagerie, splinter.

For each correct answer you receive a point.

5. Showing the scene of the ending of the fairy tale (grandmother, clock striking, roses, singing a psalm).

Teacher's message to students:

What do you think is the strength of a little girl?

The power of the Snow Queen ended, she was defeated by love, as the power of winter always ends, defeated by the spring sun.

6. Information about the film fairy tale.

Guys, let us congratulate the guests present at the lesson on the arrival of spring. (it is advisable to give roses to the guests).

Gerda - Elena Proklova, now famous actress,

Kai - Vyacheslav Tsyupa, chief director of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater.

The film was shot for a year and a half near Leningrad.

The film fairy tale was awarded the Grand Prix at children's film festivals:

The audience loved the film, and both adults and children still enjoy watching it.

There are many interesting sayings in the movie fairy tale, because you can’t erase words from the movie: let’s listen to them.

Give me your fur coat, hat, muff, mittens. I'll take them for myself. After all, friends should share.

Raise no objection! Otherwise I’ll fire you from the gang of my own free will!

Even if we quarrel, I won't let anyone touch you. I'll shoot you myself!

When I'm angry, even the fur on my robe stands on end.

Children need to be pampered. That's when real robbers grow out of them!

If I put together the word “eternity,” the queen will give me the whole world and a pair of skates to boot.

I beg you, let's go to prison! I'll choose a drier place for you myself.

Why in gold? It's heavy and goes slowly.

Well, it may be slow, but it’s gorgeous!

7. At the beginning of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” Andersen wrote: “When we reach the end of the story, we will know much more than now.” Yes, this is true.

The immortal characters of Andersen's fairy tales live today in Denmark and throughout the globe.

Not by chance highest award, awarded to the best children's writers in Europe, is named after the great Danish storyteller. This - International Gold Medal Hans Christian Andersen, which was received by such children's writers as Erich Kästner, James Kruess, Astrid Lindgren, Gianni Rodari.

8. Information about the museum (Murzilka magazine, 2005)

The student's prepared message is heard.

Lesson summary:

What have we learned from the heroes of the fairy tale? (patience, kindness, love for people close to us).

written quiz.


I. Choose the correct answer and underline it:

  1. The Snow Queen promised to give Kai the whole world and something in addition. What exactly?
    • a pair of skates;
    • skis;
    • sled.
  2. What are the windows made of in the palace of the sea king in the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid”:
    • made of pearls;
    • from amber;
    • from corals.
  3. What the swineherd traded for the princess's kisses:
    • a pipe and a jug;
    • rose and nightingale;
    • pot and rattle.
  4. What was written on the letter from the old Laplander to the Finnish woman in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”:
    • on the skin;
    • on fish;
    • on an ice floe.
  5. Gerda's thing, which the little robber kept for herself":
    • cap;
    • coat;
    • coupling

II. How many...

  1. How many days did the swan brothers spend each year in their homeland?
    - 11
  2. How many sisters did the Little Mermaid have?
    - 5
  3. How many tin soldiers were given to the boy in the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”?
    - 25
  4. How many scientific books have been written about the artificial nightingale in the fairy tale “The Nightingale”?
    - 25
  5. How many mattresses, feather beds and peas were placed on the princess’s bed in the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”?
    - 20 mattresses, 20 feather beds and 1 pea
  6. How many kisses did the swineherd demand from the princess for the wonderful objects?
    - 110 (10 for a pot of bells and 100 for a rattle)

III. Guess the hero from the description:

  1. Water ran from her hair and dress straight into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and yet she insisted that she was real.
    - Princess from the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”
  2. She was so lovely, so tender, all of dazzling ice, and still alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was no warmth in them, no meekness.
    - The Snow Queen
  3. She was wearing a thin cambric skirt, a blue scarf on her shoulder and a shiny brooch on her chest, as big as the girl’s head. The beauty stood on one leg, arms outstretched...
    - Dancer from the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”
  4. It was very similar to the real one, but it was all sprinkled with diamonds, rubies and sapphires.
    - Artificial nightingale from the fairy tale “The Nightingale”
  5. He is dressed wonderfully: he is wearing a silk caftan, but it is impossible to say what color. It turns blue, green, or red, depending on which direction it turns. He has an umbrella under his arms...
    - Ole-Lukoje
  6. Her shoes were gilded, her dress was slightly raised and pinned with a scarlet rose, she had a golden hat on her head, and a shepherd’s crook in her hands.
    - Shepherdess from the fairy tale “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep”

IV. Who says these words to whom:

  1. “Fi, dad! It’s not artificial, it’s real!”
    Princess to King in the fairy tale “The Swineherd”
  2. “Do you have the courage to follow me everywhere? Have you thought how big the world is? Have you thought that we won’t be able to go back?”
    - Chimney sweep to shepherdess
  3. “We know who has sweet soup and pancakes today! We know who has porridge today and pork cutlets! How interesting!"
    Maids of honor to each other in the fairy tale “The Swineherd”
  4. "Who is this? Do you have a passport? Give me your passport now! Hold it, hold it! He doesn’t have a passport!”
    Rat to the tin soldier
  5. “Turn yourself into big dumb birds and fly away! Take care of yourself!”
    The Evil Queen to Eliza's brothers in the fairy tale "Wild Swans"
  6. “You have been sheltered, warmed up, you are surrounded by a society in which you can learn something, but you are an empty head, and it’s not worth talking to you! Believe me! I wish you well, that’s why I scold you - this is how true friends are always recognized! Try to lay eggs or learn to purr and make sparks!”
    Chicken to the ugly duckling
  7. “Look, you tramp! I would like to know if you are worth having people run after you to the ends of the earth!
    Little robber - Kaya in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”
  8. “Don't be afraid, they can fly whenever they want! Have you seen beautiful red, yellow and white butterflies that look like flowers? After all, they were flowers before, they just jumped from their stems high into the air, beat their petals like wings, and flew away.”
    Student – ​​Ida in the fairy tale “Little Ida’s Flowers”
  9. “Yes, yes, it’s true, it’s nice to hear smart words. What good is this tweeting? What does it bring to the bird? Cold and hunger in winter? There’s a lot, nothing to say!”
    Field mouse to mole in the fairy tale “Thumbelina”
  10. “I can’t make her stronger than she is... After all, she walked halfway around the world barefoot! She doesn’t have to borrow strength from us, her strength is in her heart!”
    Finka to the reindeer in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”

The highlighted cells should contain the name of the heroine, one of the most famous fairy tales Andersen.

VI. Attentive reader. Questions, difficult and not so difficult:

  1. Who was given a special title: the first singer of the imperial night table on the left side?
    – Artificial nightingale
  2. In which fairy tale was the reward for deception a knight's cross in the buttonhole and a court rank?
    – In the fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes”
  3. Which fairy tale chapters are named after the days of the week?
    – “Ole-Lukoje”
  4. The heroine of which fairy tale says: “Why don’t we have immortal soul? I would give all my hundreds of years for one day human life, so that later you too can rise to heaven!”
    - "Mermaid"
  5. In the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” the crow says to Gerda: “Would you like to take the lamp, and I will go ahead. We will follow the straight path, we won’t meet anyone here.” “But it seems to me that someone is following us,” said Gerda. Who was following them?
    - Dreams
  6. What place, according to the Andersen spruce, is the best on earth?
    - A forest where the sun shines and the birds sing
  7. In which Andersen fairy tale did the logs take root and sprout and a fragrant bush appeared, all strewn with red roses?
    – In the fairy tale “Wild Swans”
  8. In which Andersen fairy tale were three dogs sitting at the wedding table with other guests?
    – In the fairy tale “Flint”

VII. Reasonings and the most interesting reasonings of our readers

  1. Why do you think Gerda managed to defeat the powerful Snow Queen?
    - In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. And little Gerda really needed to save Kai. She was not afraid of either the dangerous journey, or hunger, or the Snow Queen herself. Such brave hearts always win! (Pavlov Kolya, 2nd grade); Gerda, with the warmth of her heart, was able to melt the cold of the Snow Queen (Oleg Lutikov, 2nd grade); Because Gerda is kind, faithful, brave, patient and courageous. She doesn’t think about herself, that’s why she won. WITH God's help(Gerda prayed constantly). Good conquers evil. (Tamara Goryshneva, 3rd grade)
  2. Which Andersen fairy tale do you think is the most beautiful? Why?
    - "Mermaid". The heroine realized that she wanted to live among people. She fell in love human world and the prince, for whose sake she turned into sea ​​foam. At the end I couldn’t hold back my tears and I think everyone cries at the end of this beautiful fairy tale! (Yana Sultanova, 5th grade)
    - "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". There are such wonderful soldiers here, such beautiful dancer, such wonderful castle from cardboard! Lots of magic and beauty! (Pavlov Kolya, 2nd grade); Because this fairy tale is very beautiful story about love and a very touching ending! (Korobkova Dasha, 5th grade);
    - "Wild Swans". Because she is romantic and very good (Julia Leonova, 2nd grade);
    - « Ugly duck" The fairest fairy tale. The duckling suffered a lot, but did not complain about his grief and therefore received a reward - he became beautiful swan! Very beautiful ending! (Tamara Goryshneva, 3rd grade);
    - "The Snow Queen". This is a fairy tale about how Gerda, out of her love for Kai, decided on a difficult search when Kai was carried away by the Snow Queen. (Nikhatueva Angelina, 4th grade);
  3. Describe 3 characters from 3 fairy tales by Andersen in three words. For example, the soldier from the fairy tale “Flint” is brave, enterprising, and resourceful.
    - Thumbelina: caring, kind, patient (Yana Sultanova, 5th grade); gentle, caring, patient (Tamara Goryshneva, 3rd grade); decisive, courageous, courageous (Vika Tikhomirova, 4th grade); small, beautiful, sweet (Dasha Korobkova, 5th grade); small, kind, beautiful (Nikhatueva Angelina, 4th grade);
    - The Little Mermaid: loving, dreamy, vulnerable (Yana Sultanova, 5th grade); loving, selfless, romantic (Oleg Lutikov, 2nd grade);
    - Gerda: brave, kind, patient (Yana Sultanova, 5th grade); brave, loving, determined (Nikhatueva Angelina, 4th grade); kind, loving, brave (Oleg Lutikov, 2nd grade); good, desperate, cheerful (Julia Leonova, 2nd grade);
    - Tin soldier: brave, in love, dreamy (Pavlov Kolya, 2nd grade); faithful, persistent, in love (Dasha Korobkova, 5th grade);
    - The king from the fairy tale “The King’s New Dress”: fashionista, stupid, vain (Vanya Pavlov, 2nd grade);
    - Swineherd: proud, witty, skilled (Tamara Goryshneva, 3rd grade);
    - Ole-Lukoye: fabulous, kind, funny (Dasha Korobkova, 5th grade);
    - The Snow Queen: evil, bad, icy (Julia Leonova, 2nd grade); cruel, soulless, smart (Tamara Goryshneva, 3rd grade);
    - The girl from the fairy tale “The Little Match Girl”: poor, hungry, dreamy (Vanya Pavlov, 2nd grade)
    - Little Klaus: kind, resourceful, good (Julia Leonova, 2nd grade).

Surely there are no people in the world who childhood(and many - even as adults) would not like to read fairy tales, would not admire the strength, dexterity, resourcefulness of the undaunted and invincible heroes. However, we are accustomed to fighting evil, taking risks own life and in the end wins mighty hero, a prince in love or, at worst, a quick-witted Ivanushka the Fool. But here we have before us the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen “The Snow Queen”. So what do we see? main character- a small, gentle, fragile girl who turned out to be able not only to resist the charms of the cold and beautiful Snow Queen, but also to destroy her palace, rescuing her sworn brother Kai from trouble. What trials did Gerda face, what obstacles did she overcome during her long and dangerous travels? This tireless traveler could overcome any difficulties, because faith, hope and love lived in her heart. She managed to pass where, perhaps, even a famous knight would have retreated. I think this fairy tale teaches us that even the small and weak will always be able to achieve their goal if they believe in their strength and the fidelity of their chosen goals.

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Slide captions:

Reflection lesson. Fairy tale writers and their heroes.

Hans Christian Andersen "The Snow Queen".

Our goal for the lesson. Unravel the secrets of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”.

Complete the tasks. 1.What fairy tales by H. C. Andersen have you read? Write down their names.

Fill in the gaps in the text. One day the evil one...made a mirror in which everything...shrinked, and everything...seemed even worse. The Troll and his students ran with the mirror everywhere, and one day they wanted to get to....Suddenly the mirror was torn out of their hands and.... The fragments scattered throughout the world. A person with such a fragment in his eye noticed in every thing only..., and if the fragment hit..., then it turned into a piece of ice.

Guess the words and write them down. Weapon of the little robber. 1

Favorite flower of Gerda and Kai.

Who took Gerda to the Snow Queen's palace? 3

Gerda's thing, which the little robber kept for herself.

The country in which the greatest storyteller, Hans Christian Andersen, lived and worked. 2

What made Kai forget Gerda, his grandmother and everyone at home?

The word that Kai had to put together from pieces of ice in order to gain freedom. 5

A country where there is eternal snow and ice. 4

Write the letters in the given order and find out in which city H. C. Andersen was born. 1 2 3 4 5

Put your thoughts about what you read into your wisdom box... Why do you think Gerda managed to free Kai and defeat the Snow Queen? What is the girl’s strength?

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