8 view of the world around the working program. Implementation of the concept of modernization of education within the framework of the course "The World Around" in the primary grades of the correctional school of the VIII type

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Explanatory note

This academic subject is important in teaching junior schoolchildren with disabilities of the VIII type school, since this group of children has problems in mastering general speech skills, their horizons are narrow, their ideas about themselves and the world around them are not sufficiently formed. In the course of training, students form elementary ideas and concepts necessary for teaching other academic subjects, adaptation, socialization, and the development of the cognitive and personal spheres of the child take place.
In the 3rd grade, it becomes possible to develop the mechanisms of coherent speech by forming associative links between the speaker's thoughts, the objectivity of its content and the adequacy of speech design. Work continues on intonation, which is of great importance in the organization of a related statement. The skill of compiling a descriptive, narrative story is being worked out; the ability to model text - reasoning is formed. The system of work on the development of speech is based on an integrated approach aimed at solving different, but interrelated tasks in one lesson, covering all aspects of speech development and the development of higher mental functions of schoolchildren with intellectual underdevelopment.
The work program on the subject "World around" for grade 3 (VIII type) is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory and legal documents:
- programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type: Preparatory, grades 1-4. / Ed. Voronkova V.V.; – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.
- the curriculum of the GBS (K) OU of school No. 487 for the 2014 - 2015 academic year.
The duration of the program is 1 academic year.


    expansion and enrichment of ideas about the immediate surrounding world. Teaching the ability to see, compare, generalize, concretize, draw elementary conclusions, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and patterns contributes to the development of the analytical and synthetic activity of students, the correction of their thinking.


    to form students' knowledge about the world around them, the ability to conduct a dialogue, to enrich vocabulary;

    develop the ability to see, compare, generalize, concretize, draw elementary conclusions, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and patterns;

    to educate students in diligence, independence, patience, perseverance, curiosity, to form the ability to plan their activities, exercise control and self-control.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

Types and forms of organization of the educational process. To implement this program, various types of lessons, forms and types of work, as well as teaching aids and technologies are used.


    traditional (acquaintance with new material; consolidation of the studied material);

    testing knowledge, skills and abilities;

    systematization and generalization of the studied material non-traditional lessons (excursions, quiz lesson, game lesson, etc.)

Teaching technologies:

  • health-saving;

    information and communication;



    technologies of multi-level and differentiated learning, ICT, etc.

Forms of work in the lesson: individual work.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Types and forms of control.

When implementing this program, three forms of control are used: individual. Which, in turn, is divided into types: external control of the teacher over the activities of students, mutual control and self-control of students. Control is carried out introductory, current and final. Control methods: oral survey, independent work, test, etc.

Seasonal changes in nature.

    Weather (clear, overcast, heavy rain, light rain, snow). Signs of summer: sunny, hot days, warm rains, green leaves, flowering herbs, picking berries, mushrooms.

    Signs of autumn: cloudy days, cold rains, fogs, discoloration of leaves on trees and shrubs, leaf fall, wilting of grasses, onset of cold weather, departure of birds.

    Signs of winter: short days, long nights, frosts, hoarfrost, snowfalls, blizzards, thaws.

    Signs of spring: lengthening of the day, an increase in the number of sunny days, warming, melting of snow and ice, ice drift, first spring flowers, swelling of buds on trees, the appearance of leaves, the arrival of birds, the first thunderstorm. Children's games in different seasons.

    Seasonal work in the garden, in the garden. Participation of children in the work in the garden and in the garden.
    The street where the school is located. Houses, sidewalks, pavement, squares. Designation of street names and house numbers. School and home address.

    Transport. Tram, bus, trolleybus. Rules of the road: cross the street on the green light of the traffic light, in places where there is a sign "transition".

    Dishes. Cup, glass, mug, plate, saucer, bowl. Discrimination. Care of dishes (washing, storage). Furniture. Table, chair, sofa, bed, armchair, wardrobe. Appointment. Furniture care (wiping with a dry and damp cloth, vacuuming, knocking out, cleaning the bed).

    Cloth. Cap, hat, beret, wardrobe, mittens, gloves, stockings, socks, stockings. Appointment of various types of clothing. Garment care (brushing, washing, drying, folding and storing).

    Shoes. Footwear winter, summer, autumn-spring. Shoe care (washing, drying, brushing, using shoe creams).

    Vegetables. Potatoes, cabbage, beets, peas or beans. Appearance of a potato tuber, cabbage head, beet root. Taste. Eating these vegetables. Storing them in the winter. Sprouting seeds of peas or beans.
    Watermelon, melon or other gourds. Distinguishing by color, size, shape, taste, smell. Collection of watermelon and melon seeds for feeding birds in winter.

    Berries. Rowan, viburnum, cranberry, lingonberry or other local berries. Comparison in color, shape, taste.

    Trees. Oak, poplar or others. Recognition and naming. Parts of a tree: root, trunk, branches, leaves. Seeds of oak, poplar. Plants in the flower beds. Asters, marigolds, marigolds or others. Recognition and naming. Distinguishing parts of plants: root, stem, leaves, flowers.

    Houseplants. Tradescantia, geranium or others. Discrimination. Caring for indoor plants (washing flower pots, pallets, proper arrangement of plants in the classroom).

    Early flowering plants. Goose onion, anemone, snowdrop, tulip or others. Observation of the appearance of the first flowers.

    Plant. Generalization. Trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers. Recognition, distinction.

    Pets. Goat, sheep. The main parts of the body, nutrition. Benefits for people.

    Wild animals. Hedgehog, bear. Appearance, food, habits. How they winter.

    Birds. Bullfinch, titmouse, rook, starling. The size of the birds. Body parts of birds. What is the body covered with? Distinguishing these birds. Benefits for people. Feeding birds in winter. Preparing for the meeting of birds in the spring.

    Migratory and wintering birds, on the example of bird watching in the area.
    Domestic birds. Chicken, duck. The main parts of the body, nutrition. Care of chickens and ducks.

    Insects. Ant, fly, ladybug, dragonfly. Name. Appearance. Where live.
    Animals. Generalization. Animals, birds, fish, insects. difference in appearance.

    Health protection. Face, parts of the face: forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes (appointment - eye protection). We see with our eyes. How to maintain good eyesight. Ears. We hear with our ears. How to take care of your ears. Nose. We breathe through our noses and smell. The meaning of cleanliness of the nose. How to use a handkerchief. Mouth. Lips, teeth, tongue. Appointment of teeth, dental care.


name and characterize objects and phenomena, compare and classify, establish common and distinctive properties;

    participate in a conversation, answer questions, supplement the statements of comrades;

    speak coherently according to the plan, using simple common sentences, correctly using the forms of familiar words;

    take care of clothes and shoes;

    maintain order in the classroom, boarding school, at home;

    observe the rules of personal hygiene;

    follow the traffic rules.


    names and properties of the studied objects and their parts;

    generalizing names of the studied groups of subjects;

learned traffic rules.

Planning of educational material

3rd grade

1 hour per week

IIquarter (7 hours)




The locality where you live.

Urban transport.

If lost. Health protection.

Autumn. November.

Family. Mothers Day.

Apartment. Furniture. Dishes.

Test work.


    know the address of residence, school;

    types of urban transport

    name and purpose of furniture, utensils.
    Be able to:

    determine the type of animal, compare and distinguish between animals;

    write a story about an animal.

    IIIquarter (6 hours)




Winter. Winter signs. January. Christmas.

Pets. Wild animals.

Types of birds. Predatory, domestic, singing

Spring. Spring signs. Spring months. Maslenitsa.

Houseplants. Test work following the results of the third quarter.

Human. Sense organs. Protection of the senses.


    signs of winter, spring;
    names of winter months;

    names of 3 wintering and domestic birds, names of 3-4 domestic and wild animals;

    names of flowers, herbs, fruits, parts of plants, compare plants;

    appointment of the Red Book, nature reserves and zoos;

    names of human organs, location of organs on the human body, body parts of the human body.

Be able to:

    speak coherently according to the plan, using simple common sentences;

    distinguish animals by appearance; monitor changes in nature. Help wintering birds;

    generalize the concept of animals: animals, fish, birds, insects;
    to observe changes in nature;

    identify parts of the face: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, cheeks, teeth, tongue.

IVquarter (6 hours)





Cosmonautics Day.

Planet Earth.

Fire Department Day.

Early flowering plants.

Summer is coming soon.

    signs of spring;
    names of spring months;

    names of early flowering plants, herbs, compare plants;

Be able to:

    speak coherently according to the plan, using simple common sentences;

    distinguish plants by appearance; monitor changes in nature.

S. V. Kudrina

Software and methodological support for the lessons "The world around" in grades 1-4 of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type. Teacher's Guide

© Kudrina S. V., 2010

© VLADOS Humanitarian Publishing Center LLC, 2010

© Design. LLC Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2010


This manual is aimed at professionals providing correctional and educational assistance to children with intellectual underdevelopment. It is designed to ensure that teachers are familiarized with the new educational and methodological complex "The World Around". The CMC implements the author's program "The World Around", corresponding to the educational areas "Natural Science" and "Social Science", and ensuring the continuity of education of children with intellectual underdevelopment between preschool educational institutions, primary classes and middle school.

In addition to this manual, the educational and methodological kit consists of:

1. Textbooks "The world around" (grades 1-4).

2. Notebook for students on a printed basis (grades 1-4).

The materials of the methodological manual introduce the teacher to the main provisions of the teaching methodology, which formed the basis for the development of the program of the academic discipline "The World Around" and this TMC. They allow you to get an idea of ​​the structure, content and specifics of working with all the manuals that make up the teaching materials, highlight the main trends in the modern approach to organizing familiarization with objects and phenomena of the natural and social environment, allow the teacher to develop his own approach to using the proposed materials in practice.

The manual consists of 5 parts. The former outlines general approaches, and the latter presents particular issues of teaching children with intellectual underdevelopment in grades 1–4.

Changes in the life of society in recent decades are reflected in various areas and, in particular, in education. The instability of modern society requires its members to be able to navigate well in a rapidly changing world and adapt to new situations in order to more successfully solve problems and achieve concrete results. Under these conditions, education, as a means of human socialization, should ensure the formation of the necessary qualities of the individual and a complex of practically significant knowledge and skills.

The main features of the current state of the education system and the direction of the proposed changes are formulated in the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010". It reflects modern national interests in the field of education.

Accelerating the pace of society's life, expanding the possibilities of choice in various situations requires special training of future independent members of society, so that they can consciously make this choice and feel responsible for it.

The expansion of interaction between different cultures, a large flow of diverse information create the need for the child to form a calm, confident attitude to the new; the ability to analyze situations from the standpoint of their safety, interest, value; tolerance and sociability, which are based on a solid understanding of the foundations of the ongoing phenomena.

The development of production and the service sector will reorient vocational education to the training of young people, whose further professional activity will be marked by increased professional mobility.

Based on the above, the following are put forward as significant characteristics of a modern member of social and working life: education, morality, enterprise, responsibility, the ability to anticipate the possible results of decisions made, the ability to cooperate, and mobility. Great importance is attached to the formation of Russian self-consciousness without losing national roots.

The stated provisions of the "Concept ..." are proposed for implementation through concrete steps to improve the modern education system.

The essential problems of the modern school are considered to be the congestion of the content, the inconsistency of educational information with modern requirements, the weak structure of the content of academic disciplines, the lack of a close connection between the content of academic disciplines and modern life. The solution to these problems, according to the concept of the "Concept", lies in maintaining the fundamental nature of natural science, humanitarian, art education, focusing on the modern needs of the individual, society and the state, i.e., the formation and amount of knowledge and skills, and the development of the personality of the student, his "cognitive and creative abilities." To do this, in the learning process, an integral interconnected system of universal knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, should be formed.

In the general education school, the ideas of the "Concept ..." were reflected, among other things, in a new approach to the organization of the propaedeutic period in such educational areas as "social science" and "natural science" (biology, physics, chemistry, geography, history, social science, etc.). P.). In the Basic Curriculum, they are combined at the level of the initial stage of education into one integrated educational course "The World Around". The features of this course are:

1. Integration of knowledge of two areas: natural science and social science, which makes it possible to form an integral set of ideas about the world as a single world of nature and society, and the place of man in it.

2. Formation of the worldview of students based on a system of scientific views on the interaction of nature and society, which creates the basis for the conscious assimilation of environmental concepts and the formation of knowledge and skills that ensure the socialization of the child, the foundations of his safe life.

3. Familiarization of children with the main events in the history of the Motherland, which is one of the essential foundations for the formation of a child's civic feelings.

To achieve the goals of learning within the framework of the "World Around", several versions of the programs have been developed ("Green House" by A. A. Pleshakov, "Nature and People" by Z. A. Klepinina, "The World Around" by N. F. Vinogradova, "The World Around" O. T. Poglazova, B. D. Shilina, "Our Motherland and the modern world. Past and present" by N. I. Vorozheikin and N. F. Vinogradov and others. fully meets the possibilities of a particular learning situation.The Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation determines the number of hours allocated for the implementation of the above programs: 1 hour in grades 1–2 and 2 hours in grades 3–4.

The “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education” provides for the provision of special educational services to children with disabilities, including children with intellectual underdevelopment, according to their condition and with the task of fully integrating them into society.

Currently, there are two versions of the Basic Curriculum of the VIII type correctional school. In the first version, the educational areas "social science" and "natural science" are presented as follows:

As part of remedial classes in grades 1–4. lessons are conducted on the development of speech on the basis of familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality (“the world around”), respectively, 1-1-2-2 hours (program of V. V. Voronkova).

In the second version, the named educational areas are presented differently:

The presented materials testify to the lack of consistency in the curriculum of correctional schools of the VIII type. Thus, in the first version, there is actually no propaedeutics of natural and social science disciplines studied in grades 5–9. In the practice of the work, an attempt is made to eliminate this problem with the help of a wider implementation of interdisciplinary connections between various academic disciplines, as well as through increased emphasis on the study of the social science and natural science content of the course of acquaintance with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality (“the world around”).

The second version of the Basic Plan provides for a propaedeutic period. However, to a greater extent, it is focused on the propaedeutics of studying natural science courses (grades 0–5), rather than social science courses. The propaedeutics of the latter is provided for at the second stage of education (in grade 6). This, in our opinion, does not make it possible to fully solve the problem of the continuity of education and makes it difficult to carry out comprehensive work on the socialization of schoolchildren with intellectual underdevelopment.

Committee of the Administration of the Kosikhinsky District of the Altai Territory on Education and Youth Affairs

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Kosikhinskaya secondary school"

Accepted methodological


primary school teachers


___ dated "____" _______ 201__

I approve:

School principal ________N.A. Kostenkova

Order No. ______ dated ______ 201__

Working programm

in the subject "World around"

4th grade

(1 hour per week, total 35 hours)

The program was compiled on the basis of the Program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Voronkova - M .; Enlightenment, 2013

Compiled by:

Primary school teacher Guba S.A.,

teacher of the first qualification category

2016-2017 academic year

Explanatory note

The work program for students of grade 4 of type VIII was developed on the basis of:

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

Author's program V.V. Voronkova "The development of oral speech based on familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality"(Programs of special (correctional) educational schools of the VIII type. Preparatory, grades 1-4. Edited by V.V. Voronkova. Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 2013)

This subject is specific for teaching younger mentally retarded students. Its introduction into the curriculum is due to the significant lag of mentally retarded children in their development from their peers with normal intelligence. Classes, therefore, the subject are integrative in nature, are considered as correctional.In the process of studying the subject ofthe vocabulary is enriched and refined, skills are formed withcomparisons and classificationsdescription of objects, natural phenomena, setdevelopment of elementary dependencies, active participation in the conversation. TOurs is aimed at correctioncognitive and speechactivities,higher mental functions.

The main teaching method is conversation. Conversations are organized in the process of getting acquainted with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality at subject lessons, excursions, while observing seasonal changes in nature and people's work, based on existing experience, practical work, demonstration of educational films, filmstrips, subject and plot pictures.

On excursions, students get acquainted with objects and phenomena in a natural setting; at subject lessons - on the basis of direct sensory perceptions. By observing, children learn to analyze, find similarities and differences, draw the simplest conclusions and generalizations. Observations of the weather and seasonal changes in nature expand our understanding of the world around us, develop attention, observation, and sensory perception. In the process of direct observation of reality, the vocabulary of students is enriched; when organizing a conversation, it is activated, that is, learned words are included in speech. Practical work helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills.

Target: Enrichment and refinement of the dictionary. Naming objects and phenomena, characterizing them according to their main properties. Comparison with other objects and phenomena. Classification of objects.


Invite students to participate in the conversation.

To achieve correct, complete and distinct answers to questions, the ability to ask questions, to supplement the statements of comrades.

Description under the guidance of a teacher of objects and natural phenomena after observing them and talking.

Drawing up, under the guidance of a teacher, short stories about the studied plants and animals, about natural phenomena, seasonal changes in nature.

The use of newly learned words in speech, the expression of spatial and temporal relationships between specific objects through prepositions and adverbs.
Students form elementary ideas and concepts that are necessary when teaching other academic subjects, the idea of ​​the immediate surrounding world is expanded and enriched, they receive some ideas about the world that is outside the field of their sensitive experience.
Teaching the ability to see, compare, generalize, concretize, draw elementary conclusions, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and patterns contributes to the development of the analytical and synthetic activity of students, the correction of their thinking.
In connection with the expansion and refinement of the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the vocabulary of students is enriched: the relevant terms are introduced, the meaning of words is clearly differentiated (stem - trunk, grass - bush - tree ) , shows the difference between the species and generic concept (rose - flower ) , students practice in an adequate and more accurate combination of words denoting objects, their signs and actions. In the process of direct observation of reality, the vocabulary of students is enriched; when organizing a conversation, it is activated, that is, learned words are included in speech.

The main teaching method is conversation. Conversations are organized in the process of getting acquainted with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality at subject lessons, while observing seasonal changes in nature and people's work (virtually), based on existing experience, practical work, demonstration of educational films, subject and plot pictures.
The main component of the conversation is the speech of the student herself. The teacher directs her speech activity, activates her, corrects mistakes, teaches her to focus on certain objects and phenomena, correctly observe and establish connections, express her impressions and judgments in verbal form. When formulating answers to questions, the student consolidates the ability to correctly build sentences; describing objects, phenomena, talking about what she saw, she learns a coherent statement.
Practical work helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills. Observations of the weather and seasonal changes in nature expand our understanding of the world around us, develop attention, observation, and sensory perception.
Proper organization of classes, specific teaching methods and techniques contribute to the development of speech and thinking of students.

Features of the course content in grade 4:

Enrichment and refinement of the dictionary. Naming objects and phenomena, characterizing them according to their main properties. Comparison with other objects and phenomena. Classification of objects. Participation in a conversation. Correct, complete and distinct answers to questions, the ability to ask questions, to supplement the statements of comrades. Description under the guidance of a teacher of objects and natural phenomena after observing them and talking. Drawing up, under the guidance of a teacher, short stories about the studied plants and animals, about natural phenomena, seasonal changes in nature. The use of newly learned words in speech, the expression of spatial and temporal relationships between specific objects through prepositions and adverbs.

The place of the subject in the curriculum

The study of the subject "The world around us (man, nature, society)" is given 1 hour per week in accordance with the basic curriculum. The total number of hours is 34.

In the course of studying the course "The world around us", younger students at an accessible level mastermethods of knowledge of nature and society , including observation, measurement, experiment. To do this, the educational process must be equipped with the necessarymeasuring instruments: scales, thermometers, centimeter rulers, beakers.

Educational and thematic planning


Sections, topics of the training course

Number of hours



Test papers

Laboratory works


Working programm

Seasonal changes.

City, village, village.

Inanimate nature.

Live nature.


Course content

Seasonal changes (6h)

Weather (clear, overcast, rain, snow). weather every day. Changes in nature, the life of plants and animals in the autumn months: cooling, leaf fall, wilting of herbs, flowers, the appearance of seeds, fruits, departure of birds; in the winter months: cold, snow, ice, frost; in the spring months: warming, icicles, melting snow, arrival of birds, bud break, first flowers, flowering of fruit trees.

City, village, village (5h)

The main street of the city, village. Institutions of the city, village, village (post office, telegraph, telephone center, shops, market, cinema, club, museum, factory, factory, hospital, pharmacy, etc. Road traffic. Rules of the road: correct street crossing (all cases).

Inanimate nature (7h)

Sun and different seasons. Calendar. Air and the meaning of air. Thermometer. Wind. Direction of the wind.Mushroom parts, mushrooms edible and inedible.

Wildlife (17h)

Elk, deer. Appearance, food, habits. Goose, turkey. Appearance, food, habits. Benefits for people. Departure and arrival time of different birds. Rest and work at home. Sleeping mode. Diet.

Annex 2

Thematic (lesson) plan for studying the subject

"The world"





Title of the section, topic of the lesson


Type of control and feedback

Informational resources

I quarter (9 hours)

Seasonal changes (6h)


Summer. Calendar.





Vegetables, fruits, berries.


Illustrations of vegetables and fruits.


Field plants: cereals. Winter and spring crops. Care for them.



Field plants: cereals. Parts of plants. Eating, processing.



Parts of plants.


Seasonal changes in nature (autumn). Weather monitoring Thermometer.




Mushrooms. Variety of mushrooms.




City, village, village (5h)


Transport. Types of transport. Traffic Laws.


Illustrations. Types of transport.


Fish. Body parts of fish. Nutrition. Aquarium fish care.





Russia is my motherland. Moscow is the capital of our country.



II quarter (7 hours)


St. Petersburg is a city on the Neva.


Presentation.Moscow is the capital of our country.


Seasonal changes in nature (autumn).


Presentation.Saint Petersburg.

Inanimate nature (7h)


Villages and big cities. What gives the city to the village and the village to the city.



Our town. City institutions.







Furniture. Types of furniture, purpose, care of furniture.


Illustrations. Furniture.


Apartment. Rooms, their purpose.


III quarter (11 hours)


Seasonal clothes. Hats. Shoes.


Seasonal changes in nature (winter).


Wildlife (17h)


Dishes. Types of dishes, purpose, care.



Houseplants. Care for them. Practical lesson.





Domestic and wild animals in winter.


Migratory and wintering birds. Domestic birds.


Presentation.Migratory and wintering birds.


Seasonal changes in nature (winter).



Family. adults and children in the family.



The money of our country. Receiving and spending money.







Migratory birds.


Seasonal changes in nature (spring).



Wintering birds.

IV quarter (8 hours)


Health protection. Hygiene.



Mid-spring, overflow.



Insects in spring. Frog.



Trees, shrubs, herbs. Comparison.



Early flowering plants.



Seasonal changes in nature (spring)



Health protection and safe behavior in summer.



Final lesson.


Planned results of mastering the program by students

Personal Outcomes

    manifestation of a sense of pride in their homeland;

    the formation of initial skills of adaptation in the world through the development of the basics of safe life, the rules of behavior in the natural and social environment;

    awareness of personal responsibility for one's actions, including in relation to one's own health and the health of others, to objects of nature and culture;

    installation on a safe, healthy lifestyle based on knowledge about human organ systems, hygiene of organ systems, rules of conduct in dangerous situations (in an apartment, house, on the street, in the surrounding area, in nature), environmental safety rules in everyday life.

Metasubject Results Regulatory

    understand the learning task specified by the teacher;

    save the learning task of the lesson (independently reproduce it in the course of work at various stages of the lesson);

    highlight known and unknown knowledge and skills from the topic of the lesson;

    plan your actions during the lesson;

    record at the end of the lesson satisfaction / dissatisfaction with their work in the lesson; be objective about your successes/failures;

    control and correct their behavior in accordance with established rules;

    set new learning goals in cooperation with the teacher.


    analyze objects of the surrounding world, drawings with the selection of distinctive features;

    classify objects according to specified (main) criteria;

    compare objects on various grounds;

    establish causal relationships between phenomena, objects.


    listen to a partner in communication and activities, do not interrupt, do not cut off in mid-sentence, delve into the meaning of what the interlocutor is talking about;

    use polite words in case of being wrong, “I’m sorry”, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you”, “Thank you for the remark, I will definitely take it into account”, etc .;

    write a story on a given topic.

Subject Results

    be aware of the need for careful attitude to historical and cultural monuments;

    classify objects of wildlife, referring them to certain kingdoms and other studied groups;

    discover relationships in nature, between nature and man, use to explain the need for respect for nature;

    use the texts and illustrations of the textbook, other sources of information to find answers to questions, explanations, prepare your own messages about nature;

    develop correct posture;

    follow the rules of rational nutrition, hardening, disease prevention;

    understand the need for a healthy lifestyle and follow the relevant rules;

    behave properly in case of fire, water supply failure, gas leak;

    observe the safety rules on the streets and roads, distinguish between road signs of different groups, follow their instructions;

    understand which places around us can be especially dangerous, anticipate hidden danger and avoid it;

    observe the rules of safe behavior in nature.

Basic requirements for the level of training:

Students should be able to:

    Name and characterize objects and phenomena, compare and classify, establish elementary dependencies;

    Actively participate in the conversation;

    Speak coherently on the proposed topic based on observations;

    Perform practical work to care for the home, planting plants in the school area, harvesting;

    Observe the rules of personal hygiene;

    Obey the rules of the road.

Students should know:

  • Names and properties of the studied objects, groups of objects, natural phenomena;

    Rules of the road, all cases of correct street crossing

Educational and methodical teaching aids:

1. N. B. Matveeva, M. A. Popova. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions of the 8th type "Living World" Grade 4; M.; "Education"; 2013

2. “Program for special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V. V. Voronkova “Preparatory class, grades 1-4”, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 4th edition M .: Education, 2006 - 192 p.

Logistics of the educational process


Appendix 3

Work program correction sheet by subject

"The World Around" (2016-2017 academic year)


Section name

Lesson topic



according to plan

Reason for adjustment

Corrective actions



in fact

Examination sheet of the work program of the subject

Subject: _____________________________________ Grade: _____________________

Program compiler: _____________________________________________________________

Expert: ___________________________________________________________________________

Date of completion: "_____" __________________ 201___

Criteria and indicators

Criterion severity

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

"Secondary school in the village of Moshenskoye"

Agreed: I approve:

Deputy Director for WRM Director of the school: ____________ (A.M. Anishina)

__________________ (G.A. Pavlova)

"____________"______________2017 "__________" _______________2017

Adapted work program

on the subject "Living world"

Grade 4 (home schooling)

2017 - 2018 academic year

Considered at a meeting of the department Compiled by: teacher

primary school teachers: Vazhnetsova V.A.

Minutes No.______ dated _____________________2017

Head of the Department: ____________________________________

S. Moshenskoye - 2017

Explanatory note

The work program for the course "Living World" was developed on the basis of the main exemplary program "Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type: grades 0-4" edited by I.M. Bgazhnokova - M., 2011 in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard of primary general education of 2009). Living world (N.B. Matveeva). The proposed program is textbook oriented Grade 4: Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions VIII species: N.B. Matveeva, M.A. Popova, T.O. Kurtova., M .: "Prosveshchenie", 2016.

The "living world" in special educational institutions of the VIII type is the initial link in the formation of natural science knowledge, the propaedeutic stage in the development of conceptual thinking on the basis of information about living and inanimate nature, as a subject for the development of speech should enrich and develop an active vocabulary.

The Living World course solves the following correctional - educational and educational tasks:

    clarifies children's ideas about animate and inanimate nature, gives new knowledge about its main elements;

    on the basis of observations and the simplest experimental actions, expands ideas about the relationship between animate and inanimate nature, about the forms of adaptability of the living world and environmental conditions;

    reinforces ideas about the Sun as a source of light and heat on Earth, to understand the role of the Sun as the cause that determines the change of seasons, its importance in the life of wildlife;

    clarifies the information available to students about the air and the formation of ideas about the role and participation of air (oxygen) in the life of plants, animals and humans;

    develops the ability to observe natural phenomena, compare them, make oral descriptions, use the results of observations in speech;

    forms students' knowledge about the nature of their region;

    forms the initial information about the environmental activities of man, teaches students a careful attitude to nature.

The main teaching method is conversation. The main component of the conversation is the speech of the students themselves. Proper organization of classes, specific teaching methods and techniques contributes to the development of speech and thinking of students.

The Living World program is not built on the principle of planning for a quarter, it presents blocks of topics, the sequence of study of which can be varied by the teacher independently.

The leading teaching methods are conversations, stories, observations and the compilation of descriptions of natural objects or natural phenomena based on them.

The Living World course program is designed for 34 hours (1 hour per week, 34 training weeks).

1st quarter - 8 o'clock, 2nd quarter - 8 o'clock, 3rd quarter - 10 o'clock, 4th quarter - 8 o'clock.

The results of the development of the subject

Personal Outcomes:

Evaluate life situations (people's actions) in terms of generally accepted norms and values: in the proposed situations, mark specific actions that can be assessed as good or bad.

To explain from the standpoint of universal human moral values ​​why specific actions can be assessed as good or bad. Independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct common to all people (the foundations of universal human moral values).

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

Learn to express yourselfѐ assumption (version) based on work with the illustration of the textbook.

Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Learn to distinguish the right task from the wrong one.

Learn together with the teacher to give an emotional assessment of their activities in the lesson.

The means of forming these actions is the technology of evaluating educational achievements (educational success).

Cognitive UUD:

Navigate in your system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.

Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, your own life experience and information received in the lesson.

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of joint work.

Process the information received: compare and group objects and their images.

Transform information from one form to another: retell small texts, name their topic.

Communicative UUD:

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior in the classroom and follow them.

Subject Results:

1st line of development - be able to explain the world: name the surrounding objects and their relationships with the help of a teacher; explain how people help each other live; name living and non-living natural resources and their role in human life; name the main features of each season.

2nd line of development - be able to defineѐ attitude to the world: evaluate the correct behavior of people in nature; evaluate the correctness of behavior in everyday life with the help of a teacher

Seasonal changes in nature . Weather (clear, overcast, heavy rain, light rain, snow). Signs of summer: sunny, hot days, warm rains, green leaves, flowering herbs, picking berries, mushrooms. Signs of autumn: cloudy days, cold rains, fogs, discoloration of leaves on trees and shrubs, leaf fall, wilting of grasses, onset of cold weather, departure of birds. Signs of winter: short days, long nights, frosts, hoarfrost, snowfalls, blizzards, thaws. Signs of spring: lengthening of the day, an increase in the number of sunny days, warming, melting of snow and ice, ice drift, first spring flowers, swelling of buds on trees, the appearance of leaves, the arrival of birds, the first thunderstorm. Children's games in different seasons. Seasonal work in the garden, in the garden. Participation of children in the work in the garden and in the garden.

Inanimate nature. The soil. Soil composition (sand, clay, stones). The simplest soil properties. Forms of the Earth's surface (plains, ravines, hills, mountains).

Live nature.Plants. Trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers. Recognition, distinction.Animals. Pets. Goat, sheep. The main parts of the body, nutrition. Benefits for people.Wild animals. Hedgehog, bear. Appearance, food, habits. How they winter.Birds. Bullfinch, titmouse, rook, starling. The size of the birds. Body parts of birds. What is the body covered with? Distinguishing these birds. Benefits for people. Feeding birds in winter. Preparing for the meeting of birds in the spring. Migratory and wintering birds, on the example of bird watching in the area.Domestic birds. Chicken, duck.

Human.Head and brain, nutrition. Daily routine and healthy lifestyle.

This work program takes into account the characteristics of the student. Forms of education: practical exercises, the use of bright accessible visual material, the use of Internet resources.

Teaching methods: storytelling, conversation, work with a book, observation, research, viewing screen aids, practical work, didactic games.

Educational and thematic planning and the main activities of the student

No. p.p.

Program section name

Total hours

Main types of learning activities in the context of GEF

Seasonal changes in nature

Generalize and systematize students' knowledge about the seasons and months of the year, days of the week. Learn to observe changes in nature,

identify signs of the seasons. To consolidate the ability to generalize observations on excursions and in life.

Formation of ideas about phenomena in inanimate nature (freezing of rivers (freezing), hoarfrost, hoarfrost, thawed snow, flood, downpour, hail, fog).

Inanimate nature

Formation of knowledge about the basic elements of inanimate and living nature. Participation in a conversation. Formation of skills to observe, describe an object, interact with objects and phenomena, make suggestions about what they saw.

Live nature

Formation of knowledge about the basic elements of inanimate and living nature. Formation of ideas about the relationship between animate and inanimate nature, forms of adaptation of the living world to environmental conditions. Formation of students' knowledge about the nature of their region.


Formation of the basic concepts of man as part of nature. Formation of initial information about human environmental protection activities.


Educational-methodical and material-technicalsecurityeducationalprocess.

Program: Programs of a special (correctional) educational school of the VIII type: 0 - 4 classes, edited by I.M. Bgazhnokova - M., "Prosveshchenie", 2011.

Textbook: N,B, Matveeva, M.A. Popova, T.O. Kurtov. Grade 4 textbook "Living World" for special (correctional) schools of the VIII type. - Moscow, Education 2016.

Additional literature:

Vinogradova N.F. The world. M.: Education, 1999.

Kazakova O.V. Lesson developments on the course "World around" M .: "Wako" 2004.

Kasatkina N.A. Educational and educational classes in the extended day group. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

Morozova I.A., Pushkareva M.A. "Introduction to the environment". M: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

Equipment Subject pictures, models of vegetables, fruits, herbariums of plants, technical means.

Planned results of studying the subject

Students can acquire the following knowledge and skills

Students should be able to:

    name and characterize objects and phenomena, compare and classify, establish elementary dependencies;

    actively participate in the conversation;

    to speak coherently on the proposed topic based on the observations made;

    to distinguish between garden plants, vegetable gardens, forests, meadows, fields, their names; cultivated and wild flowering plants;

    distinguish between wild and domestic animals, birds, describe their habits, lifestyle, determine their significance in human life;

    correlate seasonal changes in nature with human life;

    determine the season, describe its main features.

Students should know:

    names and properties of the studied objects, groups of objects, natural phenomena;

    Rules of the road, all cases of correct street crossing.

seasonal changes

Target: formation of concepts about different seasons. Based on the cause - the activity of the Sun, determine the consequences - signs of the seasons. Generalization and consolidation of ideas about the life of plants, animals at different times of the year. Consolidation of ideas about human activities in connection with seasonal changes in nature.

Formation of ideas about phenomena in inanimate nature: freezing of rivers (freezing), hoarfrost, frost, drizzle, ice drift, thaw, flood, downpour, hail, dew, fog.

Plants and animals at different times of the year. Garden, garden, field, forest at different times of the year

Wild and domestic animals at different times of the year.

The work of the people of the city and village at different times of the year

The relationship between natural changes and changes in the life of plants, animals, and human activities is established.

Inanimate nature

Target: familiarization of students with the properties of the soil, its composition, significance for the life of animals and humans. Formation of elementary ideas about the properties of soil elements: sand, clay, stones, humus. Formation of primary ideas about the forms of the earth's surface.

The soil. Soil composition: sand, clay, stones. The simplest properties of the soil, their importance for plants.

Soil cultivation methods: loosening, watering, etc.

Forms of the earth's surface: plains, lowlands, hills, mountains.

To study the soil, it is necessary to use visual material (sand, clay, etc.).

Live nature


Purpose: to consolidate ideas about plant life. Expand ideas about plants, highlighting such groups of plants as cultivated and wild, medicinal. Show the role of man in the creation of cultivated plants, their significance in human life. To acquaint students with the structure, life, cultivation and importance of field plants for humans.

Garden plants, vegetable gardens, forests, their comparison. Cultivated and wild plants (2-3 most common). Caring for flowers in the garden. Medicinal plants: calendula, St. John's wort. Rare plants and their protection. Park (square). Human creation of parks. Field plants. Rye, wheat, oats, etc. Human care for field plants, their importance in human life. The structure of field plants: root, stem-straw, leaf, ear, panicle. The influence of seasonal changes on the life of field plants.


Target: show the role and importance of pets in human life. To acquaint with the work of man in the creation of new breeds of animals useful to him. To introduce students to a new group: waterfowl (wild and domestic), with the features of their structure, adaptation to their habitat.

Domestic animals: horse, sheep, cow, pig. Breeding by man of domestic animals, caring for them. Farm. Variety of pet breeds. Birds. Variety of birds. Birds are friends of the garden; bird protection.

Domestic birds: chicken, goose, duck. Appearance, habits, care for offspring. Care for them.

Wild birds: duck, goose, swan. Appearance, lifestyle. Comparison with domestic duck and goose.

Insects. Appearance, lifestyle, nutrition.

Beneficial insects. Breeding and human use of bees. Apiary.

Insect pests.

When studying domestic animals, note the work of a person in creating new breeds of animals, show how a person uses his knowledge about nature, the characteristics of animals in organizing the care and breeding of an animal. Comparison of wild and domestic birds will allow the teacher to show the relationship between wildlife and human activities


Target: the formation of elementary ideas about the meaning of the human brain, about the correct organization of one's life. Show the relationship between man and the environment. Talk about the need for respect for nature as a human habitat, its protection.

Prevention of brain injury.

Daily regime. Overload prevention, correct alternation of work and rest.

The state of nature and its impact on human health. Human care for the purity of water, air, care for the earth. Protection of rare plants and endangered animals. Zoo. Reserve. Forestry.


Students should be familiar with the following concepts:

    about the earth, its composition, properties, significance for plant life;

    about the plants of the field, garden, their structure, human use;

    about domestic animals and birds, their habits, way of life, the role of man in the life of domestic animals;

    about insects, their role in the life of nature;

    about the interaction of man and nature, the significance of the state of nature for human life;

    on the relationship of seasonal changes in inanimate and living nature.

Calendar-thematic planning for the living world, grade 4

1 quarter - 8 hours

Beginning of autumn. Seasonal changes in nature

Harvesting. Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.

Field plants (rye, wheat, oats, corn). The structure of field plants.

Garden. garden plants.

(fruit trees, berry bushes, flowering plants).

Medicinal plants. Rare plants and their protection.

(calendula, St. John's wort).

Domestic and wild animals in autumn. Human breeding of domestic animals.

Late fall.

Nuts. Walnut, hazelnuts, pine nuts. Distinguishing in appearance, taste.

Trees, shrubs, herbs. Variety of plants in nature.

Diversity of animals in nature.

The soil. Soil composition (sand, clay, stones). The simplest properties of the soil, their importance for plants.

Soil cultivation methods.

Be able to express your thoughts.

Forms of the earth's surface: plains, lowlands.

Forms of the earth's surface: hills, mountains

Seasonal changes in nature at the beginning of winter. The alternation of the seasons, the names of the months.

The influence of the sun on changes in nature, on the change of seasons. Knowledge control for the 1st half of the year

Domestic and wild animals in winter.

Labor of people in winter.

Children's fun

Evergreen trees. Spruce. Pine. Recognition. Parts of a tree: root, trunk, branches, leaves, needles. Seeds.

Formation of ideas about phenomena in inanimate nature.

February is the last month of winter.

Know the signs of winter, the names of the winter months, the signs of winter: cold, snowfall, black ice, frost, hoarfrost, snowstorms, thaws, short days, long nights.

Domestic animal - cow, horse

Domestic animal - sheep, pig

Wild animals: elk, deer.

Appearance, food, habits.

March - spring month


Domestic birds: goose, duck, chicken

Wild birds: duck, goose, swan. Appearance, habitat, food.

Migratory birds.

Insects are harmful and beneficial. Butterfly, cockchafer, bee, ant, fly.

Fish - as representatives of animals.

Man is part of nature. Protection of rare plants and endangered animals. Zoo. Reserve. Forestry

Human health. Disease prevention. School day routine. Rest and work.

The human head and brain. Prevention of brain injury.

May - end of spring

(excursion).. Knowledge control.


Lesson Topics

Qty. hour


Planned subject results

Types of control

minimum level

enough level

Know the signs of summer and autumn, their difference: sunny hot days, warm rains, green leaves on trees, picking berries, mushrooms, air temperature, water, amount of heat.

To be able to correlate seasonal changes in inanimate nature with changes in human life.

Speak coherently on the proposed topic based on observations.

current control

Know the names of vegetables and fruits, garden plants and vegetable gardens. Mushrooms and their structure.

Know the harvest time.

Be able to identify and distinguish between groups of plants (fruits - garden plants, vegetables - garden plants). Learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from non-edible ones

Name and characterize objects, compare and classify. Participate in a conversation, complete the answers of comrades.

Know the names of field plants; the main organs of the plants of the field: root, stem-culm, leaves, spike, panicle, (cob), grains.

To be able to distinguish field plants, describe them; find similarities and differences in their structure.

Learn to listen to friends and help. To be able to characterize objects, find common and difference.

To know about garden plants, about their use by man. Seasonal work in the garden.

Be able to compare and distinguish between garden plants.

Use simple logical expressions. Justify your assertion in an elementary way.

Know a number of common medicinal plants (calendula, St. John's wort, plantain, etc.), their help to people.

Park (square)

Know how to use medicinal plants correctly (for their intended purpose). Creation of parks

Describe the herbarium, drawings or pictures.

Focus on accomplishing the task at hand.

Know about the lifestyle of wild and domestic animals in autumn; about the role of man in the life of domestic animals.

Correlate seasonal changes in inanimate nature with changes in the life of wild and domestic animals in autumn.

Be able to compare, establish cause-and-effect relationships; control the correctness of the work.

Know the main signs of late autumn.

Distinguish the signs of late autumn, explain the reason for seasonal changes in the life of wildlife. Be able to compare, classify.

current control

Know the names of different types of nuts; know about eating them.

Be able to compare and distinguish nuts in appearance, taste.

Express your thoughts clearly and logically.

2 quarter - 8 hours

Know the names of the most common trees and shrubs.

Be able to distinguish between trees, shrubs, herbs.

To be able to classify, compare, find similarities and differences. Establish cause and effect relationships.

To know about the way of life and habits of various groups of animals.

Be able to compare representatives of different groups of animals.

Be able to compare, generalize.

To know about the soil, about its composition, importance for plant life. Know about the soil, its properties, importance for plant life

Build a monologue statement on the proposed topic. Maintain proper posture at work.

Know how to cultivate the soil: loosening, watering, etc.

Know about the forms of the earth's surface: plains, lowlands, ravines, hills, mountains.

Be able to describe the various forms of the earth's surface:

plains, ravines, hills, mountains.

Build a monologue statement according to the proposed

topic. Sit correctly at the desk, watch your posture.

current control

Know the signs of winter: snowfalls, frosts, snowstorms, snow sparkles beautifully in the sun, in winter the sun rises late, sets early, days are shorter, nights are longer, etc.

To be able to observe objects of the surrounding world: to find changes. Be able to compare observed objects.

Know about the influence of the sun on changes in nature (air temperature, water, amount of heat), on the change of seasons.

Be able to correctly name the studied objects and phenomena.

Actively participate in the conversation, supplement the answers of a friend.

3 quarter - 10 hours

Know about the lifestyle of wild and domestic animals in winter; about the role of man in the life of domestic animals.

Correlate seasonal changes in inanimate nature with changes in the life of the house. and wild animals in winter.

Be able to classify, compare, give complete answers to questions.

Know about the types of people's work in the winter. Winter games and sports.

Correlate seasonal changes in inanimate nature with changes in human life in winter. Be able to build a monologue statement on the proposed topic.

Know about evergreen trees, about the main parts of a tree.

Be able to identify and describe evergreens, distinguish between coniferous and deciduous trees.

To be able to compare, highlight common and difference. Be able to listen to the story and highlight the main thing.

Know about phenomena in inanimate nature: freezing of rivers (freezing), hoarfrost, hoarfrost, drizzling rain, ice drift, thawed snow, downpour, hail, dew, fog.

Be able to correctly name the studied objects and phenomena.

Be able to listen carefully to your teacher and friend. Read correctly and consciously with observance of intonation.

Be able to compare observed objects. Distinguish the signs of the seasons, explain the cause of seasonal changes in the life of wildlife.

Observe objects of the surrounding world, find changes, describe objects.

Know the main parts of the body, nutrition. To know about the benefits brought to people, about the role of a person in the life of a house. animals.

Be able to distinguish a cow, horse, sheep, pig from other houses. animals; describe habits and lifestyle.

To be able to competently and logically correctly express their thoughts, build their story, based on the support table.

Know the characteristics of wild animals: elk and deer (appearance, food, habits).

U. to distinguish elk and deer from other wild animals, habits and way of life.

Know the first signs of spring.

To be able to compare observed objects, observe objects of the surrounding world: find changes.

Know the main parts of the body, habits, nutrition. To know about the benefits brought to people, about the role of man in the life of poultry.

Be able to distinguish a goose, a duck from other poultry; describe habits and lifestyle

To be able to describe objects and an object according to a plan and a picture, to combine objects according to a common feature, to find something superfluous and to substantiate the judgment expressed.

4 quarter - 8 hours

Know the characteristics of wild birds, lifestyle, habitats.

Be able to compare wild duck and goose with domestic duck and goose.

To be able to compare, find similarities and differences, draw elementary conclusions.

Know the names of migratory birds.

Be able to recognize migratory birds by description.

Be able to describe an object from a picture, according to a plan.

Know the features of insects: appearance, where they live.

Know about the features of bees, their role in the life of nature; about the benefits that people bring

Be able to distinguish between harmful and beneficial insects.

Be able to explain, provide assistance, accept the help of a teacher.

Know the names of fish, their types, external structure and significance in human life. Know the names of aquarium fish, their features (nutrition, maintenance, care).

To be able to recognize, identify, distinguish between fish among representatives of other groups of animals.

By means of comparison, identify common and distinctive features, analyze the results of the comparison.

To know about the influence of man on nature; rules of conduct in nature. Know the types of rare plants and endangered living things, the rules of behavior in nature.

To be able to protect and preserve nature, to take an active part in the protection of the nature of their region.

Know the basic rules for disease prevention. Know the importance of health for human life.

Know how to take care of your health; make the right health decisions. To be able to develop the correct daily routine, combine work and rest, rationally allocate time,

current control

Z. about the meaning of the goal. brain for human life; injury prevention goal. brain.

Be able to follow the rules of mental hygiene.

Know how to properly assess situations.

Know the signs of the coming summer: the sun is warm, hot, dew, fog, there are clouds and clouds in the sky, summer rain, picking berries.

To be able to observe the objects of the surrounding world, to determine the changes that occur with the object.

To be able to observe objects of the surrounding world, to find changes; make notes in notebooks.

tell friends