Why hair falls out on the head. Causes of severe hair loss - treatment with cosmetics and folk remedies, procedures and diet

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Every day a person loses from 150 to 200 hairs. This indicator is an example of normal metabolism and proper development of the bulbs. But sometimes the strands begin to fall out much more intensely than usual. The main causes of hair loss lie in hormonal changes, however, there are other factors.

Of course, no one will count the exact amount of hair falling out; it is much more convenient to use a simple but effective test. As soon as the hair falls out, take a close look. If it is whole, smooth, without obvious breaks and a hair follicle (dark thickening at the end), then everything is fine. In this way, the body gets rid of “old” hair, replacing it with new ones.

But if there is a bulb at the end, then additional tests need to be done. To do this at home, it is recommended to simply not wash your hair for several days, after which you run your hands over the strands on the top of your head and temples. Afterwards, separate curls should remain on the palms. The standard indicator (depending on natural density) is within 10 hairs. If there are more of them, it is necessary to urgently look for the cause of the loss and options for its elimination.

Main causes of hair loss in women

Sudden hair loss has certain causes. This could be severe stress, hormonal imbalance, violation of daily routine and nutrition, poor lifestyle, and much more. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Malysheva: why women lose hair - the main reasons

Iron deficiency

Anemia or anemia. A disease characterized by low production of hemoglobin in the blood. One of the reasons for its appearance is a lack of iron in the diet. This trace element is one of the most important for the formation of normal hair follicles and the prevention of alopecia.

To stop intense hair loss caused by iron deficiency, you need to consult a doctor who will draw up the correct course of treatment. Independent selection of drugs is dangerous, because an excess of ferrum is fraught with thrombosis and varicose veins. A trichologist may recommend the following options::

  • Use of specialized vitamins or dietary supplements. For example, Fenyuls, Ferroplex and others;
  • Consuming foods high in iron and reducing the amount of milk. One of the features of ferrum is that it is not digested together with fermented milk. Therefore, even a seemingly harmless dairy or protein diet can become the cause of a deficiency;
  • Introduction to the menu of cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12. Its second name is red, because it is the main product for increasing iron levels in the blood.

Genetic features

Most often, this cause of hair loss occurs in men after 40, although some women can also lose hair due to heredity. The scientific name is androgenetic alopecia. The main sign is the presence of similar cases in the family line and “special” places where bald patches form help to determine it. In particular, bald spots appear on the temples, crown or frontal lobe.

The cause of genetic loss lies in the increase in androgens in the blood. The disease cannot be treated at home, but significant success can be achieved in a hospital. To eliminate the problem, specific and nonspecific methods are used. It is worth noting that the growth and density of curls is restored only in places, although the process of hair loss almost completely stops.

Hormonal changes

This is the main reason why hair loss occurs after childbirth, the causes and treatment of which are extremely easy to find. During pregnancy, the female body produces a double portion of growth hormones (and also happiness, satisfaction, pleasure, which reduces the impact of stress), quickly absorbs nutrients from food, and activates all regenerative functions. Due to this, hair, nails begin to grow faster, and the skin becomes much cleaner and tighter than before.

But, as soon as the hormones return to normal after childbirth, active hair loss will begin. It occurs due to the fact that “old” hair has already reached the end of its cycle, and new ones grow much slower than before. In fact, the formation of bulbs simply returned to its normal state, as did the growth of new strands.

In addition, a similar problem often occurs during breastfeeding. During lactation, the amount of prolactin and oxytocin in the female body increases sharply, but at the same time, many useful substances leave. They are processed into breast milk, making it nutritious and beneficial for the baby. The body begins to suffer from their deficiency, “pulling” the remaining minerals from bones and other tissues.

Another hormonal cause of hair loss is increased cortisol levels. This is a hormone responsible for protecting the body from stress. It is produced in problematic situations and is aimed at drawing out useful substances from “non-priority” organs of the body (nails, hair) and saturating the vital ones. That is why constant stress and nervous breakdowns are primarily reflected on the face and the condition of the curls. Dryness, fragility appear, and normal metabolism is disrupted.

Alopecia is often caused by the thyroid gland. It is responsible for the proper distribution of vitamins, minerals, and the production of certain hormones. The thyroid gland begins to “sick” due to excess or lack of iodine. In any case, the first thing such a deviation manifests itself in is hair loss. The process itself is very sharp and intense. The strands literally come out in bunches, especially behind the ears and at the back of the head. It is possible to normalize the functioning of the gland only with the help of special medications prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Metabolic disease

The most common causes of hair loss in girls are poor diets, bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle. With sudden weight loss, not only the skin suffers, but also nails, hair and various internal systems. This happens due to the fact that such metaphysical processes are unnatural for the body. In the process of various “cut-down” tables (drinking diets, mono-nutrition and other dangerous methods), the body does not receive most of the substances it needs.

As a result, it uses reserve reserves that are drawn from the nails, epidermis and hair roots. As a result, fragility, loss and slowdown of their growth appear.

Psychosomatic causes of severe hair loss in women:

  • Stress, lack of sleep, and improper daily routine have become normal phenomena in everyday life. Other psychological causes of severe hair loss in women:
  • Fright, severe stress associated with an uncontrollable feeling of fear;
  • Prolonged feelings of despair, panic attacks, guilt or shame;
  • Melancholy, feelings of sadness, melancholy, depression or psychosis;
  • Severe overwork, lack of sleep, apathy.

Similar causes of healthy hair loss most often occur at a young age, in teenagers or girls under 30 years of age. When hormonal levels are added to the psychological component.

Use of medications

Chemotherapy, long-term treatment with antibiotics or any other aggressive drugs can cause complete baldness. During chemotherapy, some reversible changes occur in the body that are necessary for the treatment of cancer.

But during the treatment process, there is one drawback - the hair on the body (eyebrows, legs, etc.) and, of course, the head completely falls out. A distinctive feature of this type of baldness is that the strands fall off without a follicle. That is, after the end of therapy, growth will normalize and all thickness will return over time.

Chronic or acute diseases

Few people know, but even a disease such as osteochondrosis can cause intense hair loss. This loss is due to disruption of the nervous and circulatory systems. In case of damage or curvature of the spine and head, blood vessels are compressed. Skin and hair do not receive certain nutrients.

Naturally, this cause of hair loss can only be solved by getting rid of the main problems. In particular, regular massages and masks with a local irritating effect (pepper, mustard or cognac) will help to slightly reduce alopecia.

Age-related changes

This problem is common among older people. There are very few elderly women who have retained their former beauty and thickness of hair after many years. The reason for this loss is time and a decrease in supporting hormonal levels. In addition, with age, regeneration processes slow down and each lost hair grows much slower than the previous one.

Types of severe hair loss in women - alopecia

Types of baldness are classified according to the location and intensity of manifestation. There are such types of alopecia:

What to do about hair loss

Depending on the cause of the loss, it is important to choose the right treatment. It is advisable to approach solving this problem comprehensively, that is, using several versatile techniques at once.

What to do if you have hair loss depending on the cause:

  • In case of hormonal changes, be sure to undergo examination by a doctor (including an external examination, donation of blood, urine and feces). It is important to get tested for the level of AChT and other hormones. Ask to pay attention to cortisol. Having the examination card in hand, the specialist will be able to draw up the correct treatment plan;
  • For genetic abnormalities, use the services of an endocrinologist and a genetic engineering specialist. In addition, use alternative medicine. The main goal is to stop the loss. To do this, you can rub oils, special solutions and vitamin complexes into your head;
  • If alopecia occurs due to psychological factors, make your life as free from stress and irritants as possible. Constant neuroses can cause not only baldness, but also seborrhea, acne, nervous rashes and other troubles;
  • Has hair loss caused sudden weight loss? Normalize your diet and bring your weight back to normal. It is important to follow a diet with proper, balanced nutrition: an even distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet.

Naturally, effective treatment of alopecia cannot but include general methods. These include walks in the fresh air, taking vitamins and minerals, and changing the rules of self-care.

Tips to prevent hair loss:

  • When washing, use special shampoos, preferably without silicones and parabens. The best thing is homemade. There are excellent options for detergents made from egg yolks, mustard and other natural products;
  • Be sure to make masks to treat hair brittleness. Falling strands do not always fall out of the follicles; much more often they simply break off. To prevent this, recipes for oil masks are suitable;
  • You need to remove pills from your life as much as possible (if possible, of course). Instead, introduce into your diet special supplements for hair growth and strength, as well as vitamins recommended by your therapist;
  • Thinning and brittleness of the ends and main length are caused by various thermal styling tools. In the process of improving your hair, minimize the use of curling irons, hair dryers and straightening irons;
  • In autumn and spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency, try to introduce as many fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet as possible. To select special vitamins, it is better to seek help from specialists;
  • To prevent premature baldness, reduce the use of dyes. You need to be especially careful with aggressive lighteners and blondes.

Hair loss treatment

The trichologist selects a treatment plan strictly individually. If, in addition to certain causes of hair loss (stress, increased cortisol, iron deficiency), there is also itching of the scalp and dandruff, then you should urgently consult a doctor. Additional consultation will not only restore their structure, but also normalize their appearance.

In most cases, doctors prescribe patients a recovery course with the help of mineral and vitamin supplements (dietary supplements and microminerals separately). Zinc, selenium, iron and magnesium are especially popular. Reviews claim that the most effective complexes are Aevit, Pantovigar and Vitrum Beauty.

To normalize hormonal levels and the functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine-containing drugs are actively used: Iodomarin, Eutirox and others. In some cases, special dietary tables and procedures are prescribed.

Among professional procedures, the undoubted leaders in the treatment of hair loss are:

  • Mesotherapy. Treatment of the scalp with a roller with a vitamin cocktail or beneficial acids (hyaluronic, nicotinic);
  • Aroma combing with natural oils;
  • Ozone therapy;
  • Massages, scrubbing.

In addition, you should not neglect warming procedures. These can be various masks, galvanotherapy or warming compresses (only if there are no contraindications).

Since ancient times, a beautiful, thick braid has served as a sign of a healthy body and a source of pride among most peoples. With the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world, many women have a problem associated with alopecia - pathological hair loss.

However, sometimes panic is unnecessary, and the seemingly non-stop loss is a variant of the possible norm. In this regard, it is necessary to find out what the causes and degrees of the disease are.

Normal hair loss

Sometimes women experience increased hair loss, which results in the feeling that the volume of dead hair is enormous, their mood deteriorates, and thoughts of illness arise.

But in order to accurately assess the situation, it is necessary to count the hairs that fall out every day. Perhaps the woman is just overthinking the situation, while the number of lost bulbs does not exceed the norm.

Science has reliably established that the number of follicles on the head depends on the pigment - melanin in hair color. For blondes it reaches 160 thousand, brunettes and brown-haired women are in second and third place - 110-120 thousand, red-haired - in last place - 80-90 thousand.

Another equally important factor is the thickness of the hair, which is directly proportional to red hair with the thickest shaft. Thus, nature seems to compensate for its every action.

The life of any hair is divided into clearly defined cycles:

  • the growth phase, which lasts three to four years and is the most common;
  • transitional stage - the process of dying off of curls begins;
  • the final stage, the resting stage - the cells are gradually restored, after three to four months the cycle will start again.

It is acceptable to lose bulbs in women with red hair - 80 pieces daily, with dark pigment - 100-120 pieces, in blondes - 150 pieces.

A simple hair loss test

In order to understand whether the condition of the hair is pathological, it is necessary to test how strong the process is.

First, you should carefully examine the end of the hair shaft; if the bulb looks light and healthy, then there is no reason to panic - there are no dermatological or other diseases.

Afterwards, you need to wait without cleansing the scalp for about two days, and before washing, carry out the following manipulations: grab the strands, run your palm three times in different parts of the head, and then check the result by first placing the result on paper.

The number of hairs lost should not exceed fifteen. If more is discovered, then you should contact a specialized specialist - a trichologist for advice.

Why hair falls out so much: reasons for women

Factors influencing hair loss are varied:

One way or another, pathological hair loss in a woman can be a sign of a very serious disease, so you should seek advice from a trusted specialist.

Methods for diagnosing hair loss in girls

An experienced specialist will usually refer the patient for a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • blood tests - general, biochemical, iron content;
  • trichogram, as well as spectral study of the scalp.

If diseases of other competence are identified as a result of a blood test, the trichologist will issue a referral to a specialist of a different category - an endocrinologist, dermatologist or therapist.

Spectral analysis of hair allows us to study its “mineral history”, since as it grows, the hair shaft is nourished by lymph and blood, recording the composition of substances obtained during growth.

Different groups of people have both the risk of an overabundance of microelements and the risk of their deficiency. Deficiency is typical for growing organisms, pregnant and lactating women, athletes suffering from depression, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, and dieters.

There is a surplus among those living near hazardous enterprises, or people in chemical professions.

The correct way to carry out spectral analysis is as follows: first cut four strands at the back of the head, get a bunch 3 mm thick and about 5 cm long, then put everything in a paper bag, marking the ends and send it to the laboratory.

In this case, two weeks before the analysis you need to switch to a milder shampoo. The identified imbalance will help prescribe the correct treatment and necessary vitamins.

Trichogram is a visual study through a special magnifying glass. It comes in two types – with and without photography. Trichogram allows you to identify the condition of the skin and follicles, the percentage of “sleeping” and “awake” bulbs, the amount of hair ready to fall out, and the stage of alopecia.

Phototrichogram using a special program allows you to calculate the number of rods per square centimeter, the percentage of the ratio and even the speed of hair growth.

It also becomes possible to assess the density of the rod, whether there is inflammation and peeling. Based on the results, the trichologist will be able to diagnose alopecia (if the hair loss is truly pathological).

There are three types of this disease:

  • focal - loss of cover in a certain area of ​​the head with qualitative changes in the structure in a nearby area, sometimes local with an oval bald patch, partial - if the lesions are combined into one, complete loss over the entire head;
  • diffuse – uniform loss with depletion of the remaining hair around, most often associated with hormonal problems;
  • androgenetic - along the parting in women.

What to do if a woman’s hair begins to fall out significantly: general recommendations

To combat the disease, you should calm down and contact a competent specialist who will help diagnose and choose a treatment method. In this case, the general recommendations, regardless of the reasons, will remain unchanged:

  • giving up bad habits - alcohol, smoking, which cannot have a positive effect on beauty;
  • building the right regime, a woman needs to get enough sleep - 8-9 hours a day;
  • walks - about an hour in the fresh air;
  • do not overheat or cool your head, wear hats according to the season;
  • do not create complex hairstyles, do not damage your hair with perms or curling irons;
  • massage your head with special rollers or a laser comb;
  • eliminate the cause of stress, prevent nervous exhaustion of the body;
  • diversify your diet, make sure that vitamins B, C, D, E, calcium, iron are present in the required quantities, for which you must include meat, animal proteins and seafood in the list of products.

Traditional medicine against hair loss

Official medicine recognizes drugs and hardware for the treatment of alopecia.

Medicines include:

Healing procedures:

  • darsonval - electric shock to the hair follicles, is a method of physiotherapy;
  • cryomassage – critical temperatures improve blood circulation in the vessels;
  • plasmolifting - the method is based on the action of platelets, which trigger the process of cell reproduction, actively affects the growth of hair follicles, stimulates the growth of the shaft; is a fairly natural method that is safe for health; a small amount of blood is taken from a person and processed in a centrifuge; does not cause allergies, there is no need for anesthesia, as during transplantation, pain relief occurs only at the request of the patient; has a long-lasting effect;
  • transplantation - when severe hair loss in women is in the last stage, is the process of transferring donor follicles, an expensive procedure.

Treatment with folk remedies

Home treatments are also common in hair treatment. The most popular are oil masks: with burdock, egg yolk, nettle and onion.

You will need honey, mayonnaise, olive oil, and onion juice.

All ingredients should be taken one tablespoon at a time and mixed until smooth, then apply the mask with a comb, massaging the roots well and leave it on the head for an hour, then rinse using baby soap - this way the greasy base is washed off faster.

Mustard mask

Mustard provokes blood flow to the follicles, the skin becomes hot, and the penetration of beneficial substances into the follicles is actively stimulated. Hair grows at a faster rate.

However, the mask must be applied in compliance with safety precautions, since mustard irritates the mucous membranes and should not be allowed to get into the eyes. And keeping the mask on longer than prescribed is also unsafe.

To prepare the mask, you need to prepare the following mixture of dry mustard, two tablespoons of some vegetable oil, sugar and one yolk, all in a one to one ratio.

The mustard mask can only be applied to the root area, otherwise there is a risk of drying out the hair, and the ends should be lubricated with almond or burdock oil. So the mustard will bake strongly, it is better not to overpower yourself, but to sit with the mask, depending on your personal tolerance.

The head should be wrapped in a plastic bag and a towel. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

Mask with cognac

A cognac mask has a restorative effect on hair; to make it you will need a spoonful of cognac, a spoonful of vegetable oil of any origin and one yolk. All of the above should be mixed well, massaged, applying starting from the roots. After the hair is well processed, you need to create a “steam effect”. Wash off the mask with shampoo after an hour.

Rinsing hair with herbs is also a popular measure in folk medicine. For example, infusions of birch leaves, hop cones, nettle, St. John's wort, chamomile, burdock root, marshmallow, cherry and calamus.

Beer, especially warm beer, has a beneficial effect on hair growth. The infusion of the yellow capsule on beer is unusual.

Warming compresses with parsley and aloe and hand massage of the roots also have a great effect on the bulbs.

In this case, special attention should be paid to allergic reactions and not experiment unnecessarily.

The following video contains additional information about why hair falls out.

Excessive hair loss or alopecia - that is the question...

When it comes to hair loss, the first thing you need to understand is the difference between excessive hair loss(effluvium) and alopecia.

The Latin term "effluvium" translates to "loss" and usually means excessive hair loss. However, it remains controversial how much hair loss is considered excessive. Normally, we lose 50-100 hairs every day.

Alopecia is hair loss with obvious and visible thinning of the hair stripe. In this case, the skin begins to show through either evenly over the entire head, or in one or several specific areas - up to complete baldness. Accordingly, there are several different types of hair loss.

Types of loss

Androgenic hair loss

In the case of androgenic hair loss, also called alopecia androgenetica, androgenic alopecia or androgenetic hair loss, you can thank your parents (and they, by extension, theirs). This form of hair loss caused by heredity or genetics. More precisely, in this case two factors came together. Firstly, excessive dihydrotestosterone levels(DHT) in the scalp, and secondly, hereditary hypersensitivity to this testosterone. As a result, the hair growth phase is significantly shortened. Since the hair on the back of the head is generally insensitive to DHT, the front of the head is primarily affected. Common examples of androgenic hair loss are receding hairlines.

Diffuse hair loss

If the hair fall out evenly all over the head, then they talk about diffuse hair loss. Terms such as telogen effluvium or diffuse alopecia are also used for this diagnosis. Because the the reasons are varied, From stress to thyroid disease or infections, there is no single diagnostic method. Women are more likely to suffer from this type of hair loss.

Patterned hair loss is a widespread phenomenon

Patterned hair loss is also medically called alopecia areata, alopecia areata, alopecia circumscripta or areaata celsis. Visually on the head, less often in the beard and very rarely on other parts of the body, areas of baldness are round in shape. There is no consensus on the possible causes of this condition. Most likely, it is caused by an erroneous reaction of the body's own immune cells, caused or enhanced by stress.

Causes of loss

Hair falls out for many reasons

When hair falls out in large quantities, it is almost always unpleasant. However, since the causes of hair loss can be different, there is, unfortunately, no single universal remedy. Therefore, it is important to determine the exact causes of hair loss. Often one of the following factors plays a role.

Genes are mostly to blame

According to experts, hair loss is caused primarily by genetic factors and is then called androgenic hair loss, alopecia androgenetica or androgenetic alopecia. More precisely, in this case two factors came together. Firstly, hereditary hypersensitivity to certain sex hormones, and secondly, the minimum concentration of these hormones, called androgens, in the scalp of patients. Due to genetic predisposition, the male sex hormone testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Typical examples of androgenic hair loss are receding hairlines, which often get worse, as was the case for me.

When the immune system goes crazy

Areata hair loss, also called alopecia areata, alopecia areata or alopecia circumscripta, is usually less known. But in fact, more than a million people suffer from this inflammatory disease accompanied by hair loss in Germany alone. They are easily recognized by the rounded areas of baldness that mainly form on the head. Most experts agree that the disease is caused by a malfunction of the immune system. It mistakenly attacks your own hair, causing hair loss.

Hair suffers from stress too

Excessive stress can lead not only to illness, but also to hair loss. Although the validity of this claim is questionable for alopecia areata, despite several studies linking patchy hair loss to stress, what is certain is that diffuse hair loss (telogen effluvium) can occur and worsen under severe stress.

Hair falls out due to lack of nutrients

The availability of nutrients is almost always a prerequisite for normal growth. Hair is no exception. They need not only vitamins, especially group B, but also microelements, as well as amino acids such as arginine, glutamine and cysteine. If some of these nutrients are missing or limited, it can lead to hair loss. For example, hair loss is very common with a deficiency of biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, or with a deficiency of the micronutrient zinc. The main reason is diet, but also monotonous eating.

Hair loss as a symptom of the disease

Sudden hair loss may also indicate an illness. The cause can be so many diseases that it is hardly possible to give a complete list of them. Sudden hair loss is especially common due to infections (alopecia parvimaculata or alopecia symptomatica), such as carbuncles, shingles or erysipelas. Also, the cause may be mucinosis (alopecia muciosa), syphilis (alopecia specifia), metabolic disorders or thyroid diseases. It is because excessive hair loss can be a sign of a serious medical condition that it is always recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Hair loss as a side effect of medications

Sometimes excessive hair loss is not due to the disease itself, but to its treatment. This is especially true in the treatment of cancer, diseases of the thyroid gland and blood coagulation system. In women, contraceptives can contribute to increased hair loss, especially when changing medications.

At-risk groups

Who most often suffers from hair loss?

Excessive hair loss has many causes, so the condition can affect a wide variety of people. However, some groups of people experience hair loss more frequently and are more vulnerable than others.

Men suffer from hair loss more often than women

When considering individual forms of hair loss, it becomes clear that the disease manifests itself differently in men and women. In men, genetically determined hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) is much more common. On the other hand, diffuse hair loss (diffuse alopecia) is more common in women. However, among representatives of the “stronger sex” hair loss is much more common. This is also due to the fact that today the most common form of “normal” hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. Although data from different sources may vary slightly, hair loss is estimated to affect at least two out of five men. For women, this value is about 30 percent.

Hair loss is more common in older people

Hair loss does not start in old age. On the contrary, even babies lose their hair. However, in children they are quickly replaced, while in old age this process is often limited. In fact, age itself is a common cause of hair loss. Hair loss in older people is also called “alopecia senilis”, or senile alopecia. It is caused not only by the limited lifespan of hair roots, but also, as a rule, due to aging of cells and a decrease in regenerative abilities. In women, the risk of hair loss increases significantly after menopause, as a result of changes in hormonal balance.

Your hair is at risk from poor diet

An increased risk of excessive hair loss may also be associated with a monotonous diet. This is why this condition is often observed in people who are on a strict diet but do not ensure that the body receives the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities, for example, through the use of suitable nutritional supplements. Research shows that people who consume less than 1,000 calories a day and very little protein are at greatest risk.

Hair too Vitamins, amino acids and microelements are constantly required. Vitamin B7, also known as biotin or vitamin H, plays a special role in this. Biotin deficiency often directly leads to hair loss. Research shows that hair loss can also be a consequence of insufficient intake of the micronutrients zinc and iron. Since iron is found primarily in meat products, the risk of such deficiency is increased in vegetarians.

Hair falls out more often when stressed

Many studies show that stress can increase or even cause hair loss. In this case, there is a danger of shortening the hair growth phase and inflammation of the roots. There is no consensus on whether stress can cause alopecia areata. On the other hand, it is certainly a cause of diffuse hair loss (telogen effluvium).

Sick people experience more hair loss

Hair loss is a typical accompanying symptom of a number of diseases. Infections (alopecia symptomatica), such as herpes zoster, erysipelas and carbuncle, can be especially common causes. Thyroid disease, syphilis or depression can also contribute to hair loss. People with anorexia or bulimia are also at risk due to inadequate nutritional intake. In addition, in some cases, treatment of diseases leads to hair loss. This side effect is especially common when using anticoagulants, beta blockers, drugs for the treatment of thyroid pathology and cancer. For women, products containing gestagens (for example, many birth control pills) are also important. This is not surprising, since the female sex hormone is also included in drugs to combat excess hair growth.

Hair loss in women and men

Do women suffer from hair loss?

It is often assumed that hair loss mainly affects men. However, this is not entirely true. Indeed, in general, representatives of the “stronger sex” are more susceptible to excessive hair loss. However, this condition also affects many women. However, for women, significant hair loss is especially difficult, since healthy and thick hair is more associated with physical attractiveness and beauty than in men.

For this reason, women are, on average, more likely to use amino acids, vitamins and microelements. This often results in improved hair health because it provides additional nutrients, sometimes even critical for hair growth. This situation may also be due to the fact that women are more likely than men to try to lose a couple of kilograms through diets, without always consuming the necessary nutrients.

Main reasons Hair loss is partly gender dependent. Even in the case of similar causes of the disease, its course in men and women differs significantly. Women are also advised to consult a trichologist or dermatologist as soon as possible, since hair loss can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Diffuse hair loss is predominantly a female problem

So-called diffuse hair loss, also known as diffuse alopecia or telogen effluvium, is more common in women than in men. This form of hair loss may not be noticeable at first glance because certain areas of baldness are missing. Quicker, hair falls out relatively evenly throughout the head, which leads to hair thinning.

The causes are extremely varied and range from stress, iron deficiency and hormonal fluctuations (often due to birth control pills, menopause or pregnancy) to serious infections and thyroid disease. Telogen effluvium is also a common side effect of some medications. A study conducted in Switzerland found that diffuse hair loss in women can be effectively treated with B vitamins and sulfur-containing amino acids.

Androgenic hair loss affects men and women differently

Although androgenic hair loss, also called androgenetic alopecia or hereditary hair loss, is the most common cause of hair loss in men, in women it is much less common. Its cause, namely genetically determined hypersensitivity to certain sex hormones in combination with minimal concentrations of these androgens in the scalp, is not itself associated with gender, but the course of the disease often varies significantly. In men, hair loss usually starts from the forehead, which leads to the appearance of bald patches, then the front and back of the head are involved. This course of the disease is very rarely observed in women who are more likely to experience hair loss in the parietal region, often very pronounced.

Women also suffer from patchy hair loss

For patterned hair loss (areata celsis, alopecia areata or alopecia circumscripta), there are no significant differences by sex. Is it true, It still occurs more often in men than in women. Localized hair loss leads to the formation circular patches of baldness, which are often very bothersome to women and are probably caused by their own immune cells. However, it is believed that mental stress, such as stress, increases and possibly provokes the development of the disease.

Hair loss treatment

From inside or outside?

Very often it is impossible to reverse processes that have already started. At best, you can mitigate their consequences and prevent the worst. This also applies to the human body. The aging process, deficiency conditions or body image problems have a reason. According to the proven concept of the modern era, we willingly treat the consequences. In medicine, we also often focus our attention on the symptoms rather than their cause.

As with all things, when treating hair loss we need to think about whether we are dealing with symptoms or causes.

Cause Research

We cannot influence the hereditary factors associated with hair loss. Therefore, we are not responsible for these reasons. They were laid down several generations before us. However, we can address nutritional or hormonal causes of hair loss. An unbalanced diet, fast food, baked goods made from premium flour, irradiated vegetables, fruits contaminated with pesticides, artificial flavors, sugar, sweeteners - all this and much more does not contribute to the body receiving enough nutrients that each of its cells needs. Hair cells also need microelements.


Hair loss is a problem that people have been struggling with since time immemorial. Even in the writings of Aristotle - therefore, more than 2300 years ago - there are corresponding indications on this matter. Today the problem has become so urgent that several drugs have been developed against hair loss. Various approaches to treatment have led to the fact that today drugs are taken orally or applied to affected areas of the skin. Men and women require different medications or dosages due to different causes and triggers of hair loss.

To date, only a few drugs effective against androgenic hair loss. The results of numerous tests show: nothing can make hair grow back. Hair loss can only be slowed down and, at best, stopped, but this requires long-term - almost lifelong - use. If the use of the drug (which often takes several months to show its effects) is stopped, the hair will fall out again.


At androgenic hair loss The drug of choice is minoxidil-based products. Such products are available in the form of solutions, sprays and contain minoxidil as an active ingredient. Such products must be applied to the affected areas of the head twice a day. Different concentrations of solutions are used for women and men.

During the study of the effectiveness of treatment with minoxidil, in most cases it was noted slowing down hair loss. However, researchers note resistance of a certain number of patients to this molecule. These remedies are recommended by your doctor.


Preparations in the form of tablets with the active ingredient finasteride can also be used. The drug prevents the development of androgenetic alopecia, inhibiting the conversion of the sex hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Used only for the treatment of alopecia in men. In women, it is possible to stop or slow down androgenic hair loss with the help of medications containing estrogens. Such drugs are prescription drugs and are used only under the strict supervision of a physician.

Complex drugs

To grow, hair needs nutrients such as vitamins, microelements and, of course, amino acids. The body can obtain many of these substances through a healthy diet. Sometimes the use of appropriate nutritional supplements is also helpful. First of all, they must contain B vitamins, amino acids (cysteine, argenine), as well as trace elements. If they are absent or insufficient, hair follicles become smaller and weaker or hair begins to fall out. Many types of hair loss can be successfully corrected by consuming the nutrients included in the appropriate formulations.

Numerous studies conducted in Switzerland have confirmed the effectiveness of combined treatment with B vitamins and cystine for diffuse hair loss. In addition, the use of B vitamins and cystine for androgenetic alopecia can also lead to an increase in the amount of hair in the growth phase. It is important that they are consumed, only then will they have a lasting therapeutic effect. Worth choosing drugs with medicinal status, - this guarantees that their effectiveness is clinically proven. Such complex drugs are over-the-counter and available for purchase at pharmacies.


The most popular and widely represented is Pantovigar; for diffuse hair loss, trichologists often recommend it. It meets all the above parameters to address the problem of diffuse hair loss.

High dosages

The availability of nutrients is almost always a prerequisite for healthy development and growth. Hair is no exception. They especially needB vitamins, amino acids and other microelements . If some of them are missing or limited, it can lead to hair loss.

To solve the problem it is necessaryfilling this deficit . At the same time, it is important that the consumeddaily dosages of these components were high , only then will they have a lasting therapeutic effect. Another feature is that most vitamins, such as B vitamins, are water soluble. This means that once they enter the intestines, they are excreted from the body every day, so it is difficult to accumulate them if you consume low dosages.

This is why to treat hair loss you need to consumehigh dosages of necessary substances. It is also important to complyregularity and uniformity their intake into the body during the day,at least 2-3 times a day Then it is possible to achieve the required concentration of these components, thereby achieving a therapeutic effect.

Pantovigar contains high dosages of active ingredients. By taking Pantovigar 3 times a day, you can maintain an even level of substances necessary to solve the problem of diffuse hair loss.

Other drugs in a similar group have lower dosages. Therefore, when choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account not only the list of components included in it, but also their dosage and the recommended frequency of administration per day.

Combination of keratin and cystine

It is known that the mainstructural protein of hair horn cells is keratin , the chemical basis of which is amino acids.

L-cystine – natural aliphatican amino acid that is part of keratin. Hair contains up to 15.9% L-cysteine. This suggests that for normal hair formation it is necessary that there be a sufficient concentration of amino acids in the hair follicles.

Pantovigar contains a unique combination of keratin and cystine, the main structural elements of hair.

It can help solve not only the problem of hair loss, but also activate new hair growth and improve its overall quality.


Pantovigar is a medicine. Its effectiveness and safety have been confirmednumerous clinical and scientific studies which were held in various countries.

pea extract, which has a targeted effect on the dermal papilla, the most important component of the hair follicle.

However, it must be remembered that shampoo acts on the hair structure only from the outside, so the real cause of hair loss is not eliminated.

You can often hear that shampoos with microelements nourish hair. In fact, you can only fully nourish the body itself - especially the cells that produce hair and provide it with all the nutrients. Hence, true support comes not from without, but from within. The treatment concept is innovative, combining providing the body with microelements in the form of capsules in combination with a specially developed shampoo.

Should choose combination preparations with amino acids, B vitamins, biotin, zinc. In terms of shampoo, it is better to give preference to one that contains as few chemical ingredients as possible.

Prevention and prevention of hair loss

Hair loss can have various causes. Unfortunately, effective prevention is not possible for all forms of hair loss. But if you follow a few tips, you can at least slightly reduce the likelihood of hair loss. The fight against hair loss is most effective before it starts.

Nutrient Help

Healthy hair requires a range of nutrients. First of all it is necessary to mention B vitamins, thanks to which the hair becomes stronger, shiny and durable. Since hair loss can also be caused by various infections, prevention with biotin is important. This substance, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, protects the hair roots from inflammation. Biotin deficiency can directly lead to hair loss. It is also important to use such amino acids, such as cysteine, arginine and glutamine, which cannot always be produced by the body in sufficient quantities, especially in old age. In addition, hair needs microelements. At the same time, it is important zinc- which, like biotin, can prevent inflammation - and iron. In the case of a monotonous diet or diet, these substances may be completely absent from food or present in insufficient quantities. Then special multi-complex drugs and supplements can help. It should, however, be emphasized that a sufficient supply of nutrients has a preventive effect only in certain forms of hair loss.

Avoid excessive stress

There is a link between extreme stress and certain types of hair loss. It is considered proven that diffuse alopecia, in which hair falls out all over the head, can also be caused by stress. Some medical research suggests that stress may worsen or even cause alopecia circumscripta. With this inflammatory disease, accompanied by hair loss, rounded areas of baldness form in certain areas of the head.

Scientific studies carried out at the Charité in Berlin and at the University Hospital in Hamburg also confirm that stress can negatively affect the life cycle of the hair. Too much stress can cause inflammation of the hair roots. A shortening of the hair growth phase is also possible. As a result, hair falls out (much earlier). Because excessive stress itself, especially if a person is exposed to it over a long period of time, has a negative impact on overall health, not just hair, should be avoided if possible.

Those who act when it is too late miss priceless chances!

As soon as the first signs of excessive hair loss begin to appear, it is necessary to contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and use products suitable for the treatment of a specific type of hair loss.

2953 10/08/2019 5 min.

It is considered normal for a healthy person to lose about a hundred hairs per day. New ones grow in their place. The first signs of incipient baldness (“alopecia”) may be slower hair growth and excessive hair loss. It can be complete or partial. The problem indicates some kind of disorder or disease in the body. The fight against the consequences of the disease must begin with its full treatment. Women of any age can face an unpleasant situation. Let's consider the possible reasons why girls lose hair, what to do in such situations, and what to be wary of.

Causes of sudden hair loss in women

A small quick test will help identify the unpleasant problem. It is worth carefully examining the fallen hairs. If they do not have a bulb, a kind of whitish or dark sac, then there is no need to worry. If it is present, you must not wash your hair for about three days, then pull the bundle of strands at the temples and crown area. If more than five hairs remain in the hand, this is already a pathology that requires a thorough examination by a specialist doctor.

There can be quite a lot of factors that precede hair problems. Some of them are associated with an inactive and irregular rhythm of life, others are caused by the negative influence of the external environment, and others are caused by the onset of serious diseases.

There are two main groups of factors:

  1. Anagen effluvium is a sudden complete loss of hair. Caused by strong exposure to drugs and chemicals. Doctors do not prescribe special treatment. Hair restoration is observed only after the cessation of negative factors.
  2. Telogen effluvium has acute and chronic forms. The first lasts up to six months, the second – several years. Complete baldness is not observed, the patient is prescribed therapy.

The most common causes of hair loss include:

  • insufficiently strong immunity. Excessive loss of strands may be associated with weakening of the body. In turn, it is caused by non-compliance with work and rest schedules, childbirth, breastfeeding, and frequent colds. It is important not to start exhausting yourself even more by using restrictive diets. Excellent prevention is taking vitamins, stabbing and moderate exercise;
  • . Often caused by abuse of mono-diets, it can appear due to monthly heavy menstruation. Leads to drowsiness, general weakness and even anemia. It is necessary to timely replenish nutrients by including iron-containing foods in the diet and taking a course of vitamins;

  • hormonal imbalances, consequences of chemotherapy. An imbalance in female hormones can have disastrous consequences. More often, this excess testosterone is observed at the onset of sexual activity, during childbirth and menopause;
  • consequences of severe stress. Constant “chronic” nervous tension causes disruption of blood circulation in the scalp and its nutrition. Taking antidepressants can significantly worsen the situation. The best alternative would be herbal teas with mint and lemon balm, relaxing baths with chamomile and normal sleep;
  • negative impact of critical temperatures. Careless attitude to hats in the open sun in hot and cold weather can lead to significant health problems;
  • taking medications. Many tablets have a negative effect on the hair and scalp. During the treatment of other diseases, it is worth taking additional special vitamins;

  • . The most common among them are dermatitis and seborrhea. Only after they have been eliminated will it be possible to begin restoring the hair follicles;
  • lack of microelements and vitamins. Vividly manifested in the spring, it can be caused by excessive smoking and drinking drinks containing alcohol;
  • impaired blood circulation at the hair roots. Insufficient oxygen supply to the vessels of the head can be caused by a general illness or excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine;
  • negative impact of external factors, polluted environment. The environmental situation greatly affects not only the hair, but the entire body;
  • improper care of curls. The problem can be caused by frequent use of a hair dryer, various straightening irons and curling irons, inappropriate shampoo and other products, tight hairstyles, and tight hats.

Irreversible causes may include age-related changes in the body and heredity. In total, there are about 50 factors of hair loss.

Main risk factors

The main risk group includes girls in adolescence and the postpartum period. Hormonal imbalances during puberty lead to increased production of androgens. There is a deficiency of estrogen in the body. Lack of hormones is also typical for women in the postpartum period. It affects a significant reduction in the life cycle of hairs.

The classification of female alopecia includes 4 types:

  1. Androgenic. Occurs when hormone production is disrupted and is most common among older women. Loss can occur locally, in the frontal or parietal areas. Androgens in women do not lead to complete destruction of the follicle.
  2. Diffuse. Characterized by uniform thinning of strands over the entire surface of the head. The hair falls out along with the root. The cause is the use of medications and emotional turmoil.
  3. Focal. Areas of baldness appear with a large number of dead follicles. Over time they increase in size. If not treated promptly, complete hair loss may occur.
  4. Seborrheic. Failure at the hormonal level is the most common cause. Grayish scales appear on the skin and itching occurs.

When the first signs of the onset of the disease appear, you should consult a trichologist. He will conduct an initial examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Myths about bald heads in girls

There are a large number of myths associated with this unpleasant problem. Many women are inclined to believe them, although they are not supported by scientific facts and research. Let's look at the most popular among them.

Myth 1: Hair loss only begins in old age. A common misconception among women. Baldness can begin in adolescence, and by adulthood, bald patches on the head will be clearly visible.

Early baldness in women

Myth 2: the disease is inherited through the maternal line. Indeed, research conducted by German scientists in 2005 showed that the gene leading to baldness is transmitted through the mother. But in 2008 it turned out that another destructive gene was passed on from the father.

Myth 3: Wearing hats leads to hair loss. Baseball caps, hats or caps do not have a negative effect on the scalp.

Myth 4: Frequent washing and dyeing lead to baldness. They only affect the external condition of the curls, but do not affect their loss.

Myth 6: Constant exposure to the sun causes hair loss. Neither the sun's rays nor visiting a solarium give a similar effect.

Myth 7: Excess carbohydrates in the diet leads to hair loss. They provide the body with beneficial nutrients that support healthy hair. Cleveland dermatologist William Bergfeld proved this in his research.

What to do and treatment

Before prescribing a course of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis of the disease. This will allow you to identify the exact cause of the problem and begin to eliminate it. A comprehensive examination includes:

  • blood chemistry;
  • trichogramma;
  • hair analysis;
  • blood analysis.

Treatment of the causes that caused the onset of baldness will allow the hair to begin to recover on its own. If, however, the case requires radical intervention, the following may be prescribed:

  • drugs for oral administration;
  • head massage;
  • homeopathy;
  • means for external local use;
  • medical masks and shampoos against hair loss;
  • laser therapy;

All methods are aimed at stopping hair loss and stimulating new hair growth.

To achieve a positive and lasting result, complex treatment is used. To prevent the recurrence of the problem, women need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and monitor the hygiene of their strands.

Video: Why hair can fall out a lot

For more details regarding hair loss in girls, watch the video


Hair loss in women is a fairly common ailment. A fairly large number of reasons contribute to its appearance. A number of preventive actions will help prevent baldness. Despite the abundance of myths, none of them has scientific support. Modern medicine makes it possible to comprehensively cope with the disease through drugs and.

Hair on the head grows from hair follicles, which, like other cells in the body, are constantly renewed, which is why a person loses hair every day. However, there is a certain norm of hair loss (approximately 60-100 hairs per day), if it is exceeded, it is worth talking about the beginning of baldness, which can lead to alopecia. The reasons can be different, however, most often diseases lead to baldness.

So, what diseases cause severe hair loss? First of all, these are endocrine, gastroenterological problems, as well as radiation damage, oncological, venereological and some other diseases. However, even knowing what diseases cause hair loss, first of all, you should visit a trichologist, who, after examination and tests, will refer you to specialized specialists who will treat the specialized diseases.

Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland and hair loss are more closely related than many people think. Most often, women suffer from endocrine imbalance associated with the malfunction of this gland.

The thyroid gland is the core of the endocrine system, on which the smooth functioning of all systems of the human body depends. Therefore, dysfunctions of this organ manifest themselves in the most negative way, including in appearance: nails break, skin deteriorates, but most importantly, hair begins to fall out very much due to problems with the thyroid gland. The most common diseases of this gland are:

  • an increased level of hormone production (hyperthyroidism) causes intoxication of the body and hair loss not only on the head;
  • decreased levels of hormones (hypothyroidism) disrupt the functioning of the heart, circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract; with hyperthyroidism, hair follicles do not receive enough oxygen, protein, vitamins and minerals for health and full growth;
  • Thyroid hormones are constantly at pathologically high and very high levels (thyrotoxicosis), so the body’s immune system begins to work against it, mistaking organs and tissues for foreign elements, which depresses the hair follicles and leads to rapid and severe baldness.

Dysfunctions in the thyroid gland disrupt the circulation of energy in the body, which also makes hair brittle, dry, and promotes early gray hair. Baldness caused by diseases of the thyroid gland should be combated mainly with medications that are aimed at healing the affected organ itself and restoring hair. To select effective medications, you need to contact an endocrinologist, and a trichologist will help solve problems with alopecia. With strict adherence to their recommendations, as well as a balanced diet, physiotherapy and massages of the scalp, and the correct selection of hair care products, you can stop baldness and achieve the restoration of normal healthy hair.

Note! You should not take iodine-containing medications before receiving tests, otherwise significant harm may be caused to the body.

Syphilitic alopecia

When syphilis enters the second stage (starting from the 6th month of the disease), secondary recurrent symptoms appear in the form of syphilitic baldness. Hair loss is localized mainly on the head, although baldness can also affect the eyebrows, beard, armpits, but can also be diffuse.

Syphilitic alopecia develops against the background of infectious damage to the endocrine system and nerve fibers, as well as general intoxication of the body.

Such baldness is one of the most manifest signs of secondary syphilis. With small focal alopecia, the foci of baldness are very large, rounded, within their boundaries the hair partially falls out, and baldness begins from the temporal areas. As the disease progresses, small areas unite and cover large parts of the head, turning into a diffuse form, where there is no hair left at all.

Such alopecia can begin either in one lesion or in several at the same time. To accurately diagnose syphilitic alopecia, it is necessary to donate blood for the Wasserman reaction. With specific anti-syphilitic therapy, baldness disappears quite easily (after a couple of weeks), and new hairs begin to grow in place of the bald patches (after about a month and a half).

What to do for a complete cure? It is necessary to remove the very cause of baldness, i.e. cure syphilis. Its treatment takes a long time, you need to be patient. It consists of long-term use of the drug “Pyrogenal” in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, as well as vitamins aimed at enhancing hair growth. In addition, corticosteroid tablets and ointments for external use are prescribed. For a speedy recovery, you should take physiotherapeutic procedures such as Darsonval, phonophoresis with vitamin complexes, zinc electrophoresis and ultraviolet radiation. Also, to prevent deterioration, the application of paraffin and ozokerite dressings is helpful.

If there is a large amount of hair loss due to syphilis, trichologists recommend cutting your hair almost to zero - this will increase the blood supply to the hair follicles in the affected areas. If the patient decides to leave his hair, he should use only natural shampoos, without additional substances, and also periodically make masks from honey, wheat germ and essential oils. It is necessary to have your own individual comb, preferably a plastic comb that is easy to handle every day.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract indirectly affect the condition of hair on the head. With a strict diet recommended for patients with stomach ulcers, you cannot consume quite a lot of foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins and other substances necessary for normal hair growth (for example, milk, citrus fruits).

With pancreatitis, hair may fall out due to a developing vitamin imbalance.

When intoxicated by pathogenic bacteria that have entered the intestines, the body's vital forces are redirected to fight them, so there are no longer enough resources to maintain hair, they become dull, lifeless and begin to fall out.

With dysbacteriosis, the integrity of the intestinal microflora is disrupted, beneficial bacteria are suppressed, and if the process becomes chronic, all body systems begin to experience discomfort, this immediately affects the condition and appearance of the hair on the head.

Baldness due to immunological disorders

According to modern research, the cause of alopecia can be a virus from the herpes family - cytomegalovirus, which has penetrated the human blood. Therefore, if alopecia is suspiciously strong and rapid, the doctor will recommend testing for CMV using the polymerase chain reaction method. Treatment is carried out by applying an antiviral cream to the affected areas.

Autoimmune alopecia occurs when the body begins to produce antibodies against skin cells, including those on the scalp, causing hair follicles to die, tissue to scar, and hair curls stop growing (another name for such alopecia is cicatricial alopecia). This happens in diseases such as lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and others. It can also occur after hormonal disruptions in the body, sometimes after childbirth. In such cases, alopecia is diffuse, since antigens penetrate anywhere in the body.

Additional Information. It is impossible to say for sure whether hair falls out due to HIV. Yes, patients with the human immunodeficiency virus in the blood lose hair, but this happens due to disruptions in the hormonal system and homeostasis that occur as the disease progresses and passes into the AIDS stage.

Hair loss due to diabetes

With type 2 diabetes, patients are dependent on insulin injections and have low energy levels and increased lethargy and drowsiness. Hair can become thinner, weaker, break and fall out in large quantities.

Oxygen and other beneficial substances are difficult to reach the hair follicles, so most people with high blood sugar suffer from hair loss due to diabetes. In addition, with this disease, the level of stress increases, it becomes cyclical, which has a very negative effect on the hair and its ability to regenerate. An additional blow to the hair is adverse reactions to medications taken by diabetics, as well as fungal infections of the scalp. Diabetes provokes the development of thyroid diseases, whose dysfunction has a very negative effect on hair growth.

Type 2 diabetics are advised to strive to control their disease, which automatically maintains the vitality of their hair. Since diabetes is considered incurable today, it will not be possible to return your hair to its previous appearance. You should reduce your stress level, adapt to a new lifestyle, and accept its limitations. It is necessary to optimize your diet so that the required amount of vitamins and minerals enters the body. Regular repeated (up to 5 times a day) combing and head massage with vegetable oils and a complete rejection of thermal hair styling procedures will have a very positive effect on the health of your curls.

With insulin resistance, the hair not only begins to grow strongly, but also becomes oily, and the scalp itches and becomes covered with seborrhea. This happens due to the fact that in insulin-resistant people, the destruction of protein in the blood does not occur, at the same time, increased blood sugar makes the vessels and arteries stiff and narrow, and calcification can occur. As a result, hair follicles do not receive enough nutrition and die. As a rule, insulin resistance in men is accompanied by androgenetic hair loss.

Other diseases

Erectile dysfunction and burns of various etiologies also cause baldness. Giardia and hair loss may be interrelated (this is also possible with other helminthic infestations). In acute forms, baldness can be overcome by curing the underlying disease.

Hair always reacts very sensitively to changes in health. If baldness and other hair problems begin, you need to consult a trichologist, who will tell you what diseases cause hair loss and refer you to a specialized doctor to eliminate the problems.


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