I dreamed about my own brother. Why do you dream about your brother - interpretation of the dream

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Brother in a dream- If you get into a fight or quarrel with your brother in a dream, then the chance of getting a gift from fate is equal to zero.
Seeing a sick or drunk brother in a dream- to unpleasant events.
- to a guest or to visit.
Seeing your cousin in a dream- to problems in family relationships.
Seeing your brother's death or illness in a dream means that in life you will live a long time until the end of your days and will not have any health problems.
Seeing your older brother in a dream- to well-being, the younger - to responsibilities.
Seeing a happy, laughing brother in a dream- to good luck.
For a woman to see such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows a severe illness or sudden death.
If in your dream the main action takes place between the absence of a sister or brother in life, then in general this situation shows the situation in the family in general.
If you dreamed that you saw your brother, then expect good news in life.
If you dreamed about losing your brother- a very stormy future awaits you.
If you dreamed that your brother died, it means that most of the worries in the house will fall on your shoulders.
If you dreamed that you insulted your brother, it means that no one will help you in your matter. Fighting with your brother in a dream means despondency and disappointment.
If you dreamed that you were saying goodbye to your brother, it means that you will soon quarrel with someone.
If you dreamed that a stranger called himself your brother, it means that in life you need someone's support, but because of your pride you do not accept anyone's help.
If you dreamed about your brother, you may experience a feeling of competition in life.
If you dreamed of a brother whom you don’t have in reality, then most likely fate has a surprise in store for you.
If you dreamed about your brother, then in reality you lack self-confidence. Most likely, such a dream is associated with personal dissatisfaction with oneself and a deep dive into one’s personality. It is also possible that such a dream indicates that you do not agree with the distribution of roles in the family and the amount of love and attention that your parents give you. Perhaps this dream indicates to you that the spirit of competition in you is too strong and sometimes goes beyond all limits. You need to stop and prioritize correctly. This is the only way to achieve peace of mind and tranquility.
If you dreamed of a cousin, a trip or visit to relatives awaits you in life.
If you dreamed of a living brother- this is for profit and good news.
If you dreamed of an unhealthy or poor brother, then an unexpected turn awaits you in life. Brother dreams of fun travels and adventures.
If you dream about talking to your brother- your life will be long.
If you dream that you are quarreling with your brother- in life you will be upset about something.
If in a dream you dreamed of a brother who calls on you to help him, then in life you can not expect help from him.
If you see your brother in a dream, in reality you may hear false news or feel meanness on the part of those around you.
If in a dream you saw your dead brother alive, it means that someone wants to help you with something.
If you are separated from your brother- something good will happen in life.
If you dreamed of a good hug, then you will be doubly lucky.
If you have good relationships with colleagues at work, then it is quite possible that in a dream your friends at work may appear as your brothers or sisters. After such a dream, it is likely that in real life you and these colleagues will establish a mutually beneficial partnership. However, such a dream is not always positive, and it may mean that, for example, your family relationships are currently under threat.
If the deceased is a living brother- to trouble.
If, for example, your brother or sister does not communicate with their family, then such a dream predicts a breakdown in family relationships, perhaps even with more than one relative.
As a rule, dreams in which brothers and sisters are present are a fairly common and widespread occurrence.
Hugging your brother in a dream- fortunately.
Kill your brother in a dream- to an accident.
Burying a brother in a dream- to an irreparable loss.

Dreams about relatives often visit dreamers; sometimes they dream about deceased relatives and warn about significant events. Why do you dream about your brother? According to popular beliefs, a brother in a dream comes to scandals and quarrels in his family. Let's look at the answer in famous dream books.

The interpretation of the dream is ambiguous and depends on many reasons:

  • who dreamed of a brother - woman/man;
  • how the brother behaved in the dream;
  • whether you dreamed about your dead brother;
  • brother's age in reality - older/younger;
  • where the brother was in the dream - at home or in another place;
  • how the dreamer behaved and how he felt.

If you came to a dream happy and healthy sibling, there will be positive changes in your overall destiny. If your brother is in a dream looked sick or poor, the changes will be unfavorable.

Older brother portends good events in life, financial stability and prosperity. However, sometimes a dream can indicate a desire to find protection, especially if a girl sees the dream.

If you come to sleep younger brother, expect unforeseen hassles and additional responsibilities in the family or at work. The dream also talks about a lack of warmth and spiritual communication - the dreamer needs this.

If you are dreaming quarreled with my brother, in real life, expect quarrels and conflicts in the family. A normal conversation with a brother in a dream foreshadows a lot of things to do, hard work and restoration of strength.

Seeing a dead brother in a dream - not good. Some dream books interpret such a vision as a sign of illness, others as a sign of trouble. It is bad if in a dream you played gambling with the deceased. This plot says that the dreamer’s life is literally hanging by a thread.

However, there are other interpretations. If the brother looked cheerful, the dream bodes well. If he looked sad and worried, it was bad luck.

Seeing your brother drunk- you will soon hear about his frivolous actions, which will result in big troubles. Heavy alcohol intoxication portends a serious illness of the brother.

If you saw their brother covered in blood(hands, face, clothes), difficult financial times will soon come for both. If your brother is scared in a dream, expect family troubles. If a brother cries, the dream foretells joy.

Seeing a loved one in dirt- feeling of heaviness and guilt. Try to find out what is bothering your brother and how you can help him. It’s bad if a brother is lying in the mud: such a dream prophesies troubles and hardships for a loved one.

Seeing your brother drowning in the water- you will have to unwind the tangle of problems that he created.

Other stories

Birth of a little brother in a dream foreshadows news. If the message brought joy in a dream, the news will be pleasant. A feeling of bewilderment or anger about the birth of a brother predicts receiving shocking news.

Hugging brother in a dream - to conflicts and quarrels in the family, clarification of relationships. Kisses with brother promise a tense relationship, in contrast to hugs and kisses with other relatives.

Fight with brother is considered a positive symbol. This plot foreshadows either quick enrichment or good support from other people. Moreover, the support will come as a complete surprise to the dreamer.

Brother's murder in a dream - to sadness and chagrin. Or this dream advises you to quickly get rid of an old family problem. It’s worse if the dreamer himself played the role of the killer. This plot foreshadows a very bad life situation, shame and dishonor.

Brother's death in a dream promises well-being for everyone - both the “dead” himself and the dreamer. Another interpretation of the plot is the message that the dreamer will be needed. The funeral of a brother who is alive in reality promises well-being and health.

Wedding of a single brother in reality involves big changes in the lives of family members. Married brother's wedding foretells the birth of a child. Not necessarily from him himself, just hear the news from family or friends.

If a woman dreamed wedding with one's own brother, the dream portends good things. The dreamer is very attached to her family. Sex with a sibling speaks of intimate problems: a woman is fixated on her intimate life.


Why do you dream about cousins? The dream has a similar interpretation to its sibling. If your cousin looked happy and healthy, expect favorable changes. A quarrel or conflict with a cousin carries negative symbolism.

Non-existent brother

How to understand a dream in which you see a brother who does not exist in reality? Such dreams talk about feelings of abandonment and loneliness. A person is so closed that other people cannot reach his heart.

If a non-existent younger brother came into the dream, the plot talks about feelings of jealousy or rivalry in the dreamer's life.

The non-existent half-brother will tell you that in your close circle of friends there is no mutual understanding between the parties.

Opinion of dream books

French dream book believes that the sleeper will have to face meanness or betrayal if he saw his brother in a dream. The dream also foreshadows family conflicts and strife. Seeing your brother's death in a dream means joy and profit.

Big dream book portends receiving news if the sleeper saw such a plot. A fight promises strong family ties and a sense of gratitude.

  • A modern dream book foreshadows the receipt of false news or a false rumor.
  • Newest dream book: seeing a cheerful brother means a prosperous long life, a sick brother means a speedy recovery.
  • Azar's dream book predicts a long life.
  • Medea's dream book promises difficulties in life.
  • The horoscope dream book believes that the dreamer will soon find a true friend.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse looks at the story from a positive perspective. A dream with a fight or quarrel has a negative meaning.

Dream Interpretation 2012 . An older brother dreams of a need for protection, advice and support. The younger one dreams of the need to show concern for someone.

Zadeki's Dream Interpretation believes that seeing a living brother dead in a dream means prosperity and longevity, seeing him in water means getting rid of troubles, seeing him sick means recovery.

Seeing your brother in a dream is a sign of receiving news from him or about your other relatives;

Parting with him in a dream is a case of extraordinary luck;

Losing him is a rapid development of events that can change your life.

Seeing your brothers in a dream full of strength and vitality is a sign of joy for their success.

If they ask you for help in a dream, are sick or weak, then do not expect pleasant events.

If in a dream you quarrel with your brother, then a lot of grief awaits you, a quarrel with relatives and bad news.

Fighting with a brother in a dream is a sign of great affection and family ties that nothing but money can destroy.

A dream in which you miss your absent brother means that you are very grateful for his support and help.

Seeing your brother blind in a dream is a harbinger of his imminent death.

If you see in a dream that he is drowning, then you will have to deal with some complicated business into which your brother got you involved.

If you accidentally meet your brother in a dream, then you will be stunned by terrible rumors about your relatives that accidentally reach your ears.

Seeing your cousin in a dream means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or receive news from a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but who has always been dear to your heart.

Separating from your brother in a dream foreshadows a happy occasion.

For a girl, a dream about her brother predicts that someone will propose to her.

For a brother, a dream about a brother predicts family squabbles. Seeing your half-brother in a dream is a sign of deception on his part.

Seeing him dead is a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies.

Such a dream also foretells winning a case in court.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Brothers

If you saw your brothers healthy and full of energy in a dream, then both your and their fate will be successful.

If you saw them in poverty, suffering, or begging for help, not very pleasant events await you soon.

In general, for people who have brothers or sisters, dreams with their participation are a completely natural phenomenon.

D. Loff wrote that such dreams should be specifically interpreted only if brothers or sisters appear in them who do not exist in reality. Perhaps this “balance of power” reflects your perception of the family as a whole. For example, your brother (sister) does not get along with the family - then the dream about an incomplete family reflects a breakdown in family relationships.

If you dreamed of one of your colleagues in the role of a brother or sister and you perceive this very positively, then perhaps you have a constructive partnership ahead of you.

If this dream has caused you anxiety and it seems to you that the new brother or sister is penetrating too deeply into your life, then in real life you should increase your distance from them.

Interpretation of dreams from

Very often, relatives appear in our dreams - mom, dad, grandparents... Why do you dream about your brother? What does it mean if you dream about your brother? Let's look at the interpretations of various dream books.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed about your brother being healthy and energetic - you will have a reason to be happy for your or his fate. In a dream, a brother is poor, hungry, sick, asks for help, or some misfortune has happened to him - this dream indicates the approach of unpleasant events in life. Take care of your health and be vigilant.

Brother - Vanga's dream book

If you saw your brother (a loved one) sick in a dream, this indicates that in reality he needs real support and attention.

Freud's dream book - why do you dream about your brother?

For a man, such a dream means danger from possible sexual competitors. If a young woman dreams of a brother, this means her desire to replace her sexual partner with another, or to have another one.

Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

And why do you dream about brother according to Hasse’s dream book?

  • Losing a brother means turbulent events in the future; quarreling with your brother means grief in real life.
  • Seeing your brother means family well-being.
  • Parting with your brother means a happy moment in life.
  • Losing a brother means changes, events that will develop rapidly.
  • Scolding a brother means he will be upset about some reason.

Dream brother according to Loff's dream book

If you dreamed about a non-existent brother, you may encounter betrayal and hypocrisy, jealousy and family troubles in life. To receive a letter from your brother means to be disappointed in the lies and meanness of those around you. The death of a brother speaks of joy and profit.

Seeing your own brother in a dream can mean news from afar, or news from the brother himself or one of your close relatives.

If you dreamed about your deceased brother, then you will achieve success in all your endeavors, and thanks to good health you will live a long life filled with harmony and happiness.

If you dreamed that you were talking about something with your brother, then in reality you will need a lot of effort to achieve your goal, as well as rest to restore them.

Dreaming of a brother in prison means that you are abusing the trust of your family and friends. I dreamed of a second cousin - a meeting with a relative is coming. In a dream, starting a fight with your brother promises in reality to experience a feeling of family love, gratitude and recognition towards your brother. If you see your brother in the water, it means joy.

If a real brother was dreamed of by a deceased person, then this dream means longevity.

Interpretation of the dream according to O. Smurov’s dream book

If in a dream you start a fight with your brother, this is a sign of affection and kinship. A dream in which you grieve for an absent brother is a sign of gratitude for your brother's support and appreciation.

Seeing your brother blind in a dream is a sign that in real life your brother needs to be very careful, since this dream speaks of danger and imminent death. If you dream that your brother is drowning in water, then this means that you will have to extricate yourself from the unpleasant story that your brother got you into.

For a young unmarried girl, a dream about her brother could mean a proposal that her lover will soon make to her. For a young guy, a dream about a brother foreshadows disagreements and squabbles in the family circle.

Why do you dream about your brother or cousin?

Seeing your half-brother in a dream means deception on his part.

A dead brother dreams of wealth, profit, victory, and can also portend winning a case in court. Having a brother in a dream can mean a relationship with brothers in reality, and if you are an only child (for a man), then this is a symbol of unification, male friendship and mutual assistance.

Meeting your own brother means feeling dissatisfied with your life, lacking the strength to achieve your goal. Seeing a cousin - a dream means family problems. Arguing with your brother - beware of loss through your own fault.

Brother of husband and boyfriend - dream book

If you dreamed about your husband’s (boyfriend’s) brother, this means sexual dependence on some person (lover)

Why do you dream about an older or younger brother?

Meeting an older brother in a dream means well-being and stability in reality, the implementation of plans, and good health.

Dating a younger brother comes with additional responsibilities.

Dream Interpretation - brother's wedding

The brother's wedding is a dream of favorable events, the fulfillment of a cherished dream or the approach to its fulfillment. Also, your brother’s wedding may mean that in reality you will receive a long-awaited gift.

A brother is a very close person, so it is not surprising that he may appear in a dream. But due to the fact that relatives in night dreams always carry a semantic load, you need to know what your brother is dreaming about in order to be able to correctly respond to certain events in real life.

It is very important to pay attention to all the nuances of the dream in which the brother appeared. Of great importance for an accurate interpretation is the degree of relationship, as well as what actions the loved one took in their night dreams.

The degree of relationship is of great importance for correct interpretation. As a rule, dreams in which immediate relatives appear carry a greater meaning.


More often than others, the question arises: why do you dream about your brother? Most often, the appearance of a sibling in a dream is a harbinger of receiving news from close relatives. In addition, such a dream should be understood as a sign that at this time your brother lacks communication with you.

Brother is sleeping

If in your night dreams your brother is simply sleeping, then this is a reflection of harmonious family relationships. If in reality you do not have a sibling, but you saw him in a dream, it means that in reality you have a like-minded person and a true friend who you can completely trust.

Why do you dream about your brother’s wedding?

When you dream about your brother’s wedding, serious changes are coming in real life. Most likely, they will be positive and will relate to career growth. But if in reality your brother is still single, then such a dream may simply be a harbinger of his marriage in the near future.

Quarrel with sibling

A quarrel with your brother in your night dreams does not bode well. It is a signal that warns that relationships with your loved ones are not going well. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the current situation as soon as possible and try to correct it.

My brother got sick

If you dream that your brother is sick, then such a dream has nothing to do with the health of your relative. This dream is a warning that very unpleasant events will happen in reality. which was caused by your carelessness.

Older or younger brother

If you dream of an older brother who looks like a younger brother, then this is evidence that you are constantly competing with your brother and strive to defend your position in life. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to defend your brother, then this speaks of your spiritual closeness. And if you have to fight with a relative in the dream, then you will soon make a big profit.

Full brother

When a stepbrother appears in night dreams, which the dreamer actually has in real life, this indicates that close friends need help and support. But if such a relative does not exist in reality, it means that a person has appeared in your environment with whom it is unlikely that you will be able to establish a relationship.

Sister marries brother

A dream in which a sister marries her brother symbolizes the dreamer’s attachment to her blood relatives.

Sex with brother in night dreams

Sometimes the question arises: why do you dream about sex with your brother? Such a dream focuses attention on the troubles of a person in his personal life.

Dreaming about the birth of a brother

It is very good if in your night dreams you dreamed of the birth of your brother. This symbolizes a profitable undertaking in reality. But on the other hand, such a dream focuses on increased competition. If the little brother cries according to the plot of his night dreams, then difficulties will arise in the implementation of a profitable project. But if you managed to calm the crying baby, then you will be able to sort out all the problems.

Cousin - dream book

A cousin appears very often in dreams. Such a dream, as a rule, is always associated with life’s disappointments. In some dream books, such a dream is interpreted as a hint from the subconscious that you need to remember your relatives and visit them.

A quarrel with a cousin in a dream is considered a good omen. This is a sign that friendship and trusting relationships with a relative can be maintained for a long time. But if, according to the plot of your night dreams, you had to hug your cousin, then this indicates that in real life you will have to face betrayal. For a woman, such a dream predicts the betrayal of her beloved man.

Other interpretations of night vision with a cousin may be as follows:
  • Talking to him is a premonition of something bad.
  • Visiting it means the emergence of alarming situations.
  • To see in poor condition is an expectation of sad events.
  • Seeing in a good mood means making a successful acquisition.

Brother husband

A husband's brother in a dream symbolizes dissatisfaction with family relationships or failure in a planned business.

In addition, other storylines may mean the following:
  • A happy and healthy husband's brother portends joyful events in life.
  • A relative who asks for help warns that it is necessary to minimize communication with unfamiliar people.
  • If the husband's brother is drowning, then this indicates that in reality he will have to face a complicated matter.
  • When a relative hugs you, thoughts of betrayal may arise in your head.

When you dream about your ex-husband's brother, this indicates that soon someone from the past will remind you of yourself. Also, such a dream can be advice that the time has come to deal with old connections. If you don't do this, you will be constantly haunted by the fear of repeating your past mistakes.

Seeing a guy's brother in a dream

If you dream of a guy’s brother, then this is an insignificant symbol in the dream and it does not foretell any special changes in life. According to the interpretations of dream books, after such a dream, events are planned in life in which it is better not to interfere. But if the ex-boyfriend’s brother appeared in his night dreams, then maybe. There's a secret admirer in your life.

Death of a brother - interpretation of sleep

A dream in which the plot is connected with the death of a brother is always of a warning nature. The general interpretation in many dream books indicates that the dreamer may commit some reckless actions in real life. But in order to more accurately understand what should be feared in reality, it is necessary to analyze the entire plot line of night dreams.

When a brother dies according to the plot of night dreams, this, first of all, means that there is a strong emotional connection and affection between the closest relatives. Sometimes such a dream is a sign that the dreamer or woman loves his brother very much and is very afraid of losing him. The desire to constantly keep your brother close to you is very selfish, therefore, you need to overcome this.

If you dreamed about the death of your brother, then this does not have any negative consequences directly for the relative himself. Rather, on the contrary, such night dreams prophesy a long and prosperous life for the brother.

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, one dreams of a dying brother in cases where serious financial difficulties arise in real life. But on the other hand, such a dream can predict the fact that soon someone close to you will ask you to borrow money. Moreover, in this case, the dream focuses on the fact that one cannot refuse. Understanding why you dream that your brother has died, you can avoid mistakes that will negatively affect life in general.

Why do you dream about your brother’s funeral?

If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to attend your brother’s funeral, then this can be interpreted as follows:
  • Walking in a funeral procession means worrying about the health of your loved ones.
  • Seeing a brother in a coffin means fate will give him longevity.
  • Saying goodbye to the deceased at the grave means strong feelings about relatives in reality.

If you see in a dream that a brother who is alive and well is dying, then you should expect some negative changes in life. Perhaps soon you will receive unpleasant news that will concern not only you, but also your relatives.

Kill brother

Killing a brother in a dream is not a very good omen. Such a dream indicates that you will be involved in a shameful event. But if the murder of a brother was committed in self-defense, then this portends good luck in the business sphere.

In Freud's dream book, fratricide symbolizes that you are not satisfied with your relationship with your partner.

  • If you strangled your brother in his night dreams, then you want to diversify your relationship.
  • Murder with a firearm indicates problems in the intimate sphere.
  • If you killed your brother with a knife, then this indicates that you have cooled down towards your partner and are experiencing a strong attraction to another person.

Brother gets into a car accident

If in your night dreams you watch your brother get into a fatal car accident or simply witness his murder, then this indicates that soon in real life you will be overwhelmed by strong emotions for some reason.

When a deceased brother dreams, this usually warns that the dreamer may commit an unseemly act. Try to remember what the deceased relative may have told you. This can be a clue to action in the real world.

The question often arises as to why a dead brother dreams of being alive. If you saw him happy and healthy in your night dreams, then the dream warns that people in your immediate circle are having a bad influence on you and are giving you the wrong advice. Because of this, your financial situation may worsen significantly.

The most complete interpretation of the dream is given in Miller's dream book. It indicates that you definitely need to pay attention to the plot of the dream in which your deceased brother hugs you. This is a warning from above and should definitely be heeded. The thing is that the things you are so passionate about can lead to unhappiness lately. You need to stop for a while and analyze the situation around you.

It often happens that one dreams of a deceased brother in a variety of dream plots:
  • If you see that he has climbed out of the grave, then your friends will soon turn away from you.
  • If he dreamed of being alive, but in a state of alcoholic intoxication, then your unseemly actions will soon become public knowledge.
  • When he pushes you towards the pit, then in real life you will be disappointed in love.
  • If you hug and kiss, you will soon become seriously ill.
  • When he asks you to borrow money, this portends great financial losses.
  • If he plans to kill you, then you should expect that there will be intrigue around you.

If in a dream you have a desire to hug your brother, but for some reason this does not work out, then this indicates that you really lack family ties. On the other hand, this dream can also focus your attention on the fact that your loved ones also lack your attention and care. Try to join the family and offer your help in solving various everyday problems. After this, life will be painted in bright colors, and will also become more rich and interesting.

A good sign is a dream in which you have to swear and fight with your deceased brother. It portends success in the financial sector. A business person will be able to conclude very successful deals that will bring great profits. But if you talk calmly with your deceased brother, then this indicates that you will have serious health problems. This is a signal that you need to undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, undergo treatment. Maybe you just need a good rest away from home. Try to remember what your late brother told you in your night dreams. Maybe this will be a hint for you and will help prevent unpleasant turns of fate.

If you dreamed of a deceased brother who died a long time ago, then in reality problems will appear that are rooted in the past. But such a dream also indicates that you will be able to deal with them. In such night dreams, a relative is a symbol of help and protection. Also, a long-dead brother may dream of a change in the weather.

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