“We shouldn’t stop there. At each point of development it is necessary to strive only for the best

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Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev is a Russian comedian, musician, resident of the Comedy Club, participant in many humorous television projects, including the Killer League on TNT. Member of the trio “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev”, former member of the duet “Beautiful”.

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on February 25, 1983 in Krasnoyarsk. As a child, Sobolev was an active and cheerful child who felt quite confident on stage.

At the age of 13, Ilya entered the city KVN School League. In the final game, the teenager fought with the captain of the opposing team, Roman Klyachkin, who later became his best friend and colleague in the world of humor.

After graduating from Krasnoyarsk Lyceum No. 102, Ilya entered the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science in Krasnoyarsk, and then received an acting education at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy (SPbGATI).


At the institute, the guy began playing as part of the KVN team “Left Bank”, which in 2003 became the champion of the Premier League. A year later, “Left Bank” entered the Major League - the participants reached the quarterfinals. Then Sobolev distinguished himself at the Voting KiViN-2004 festival, and in 2005 he reached the semi-finals of the Premier League, losing to the teams Maximum (Tomsk) and Friends (Perm).

Even while participating in KVN, Sobolev and Klyachkin began performing in a duet called “Beautiful”. Soon the guys became residents of the Comedy Club Siberia. In 2007, the duo tried their hand at the first season of a new humorous competition from TNT, “Laughter without Rules,” in which they took 2nd place and received the right to participate in the “Slaughter League” show. In this show, until 2010, Ilya performed not only as part of the “Beautiful” duet, but also solo.

In August 2010, the TNT channel launched the entertainment show “Comedy Battle,” in which Ilya became one of the participants. The comedian, together with Dmitry Romanov, Evgeny Otstavnov, Konstantin Pushkin and Slava Komissrenko, performed as part of the “Aristocrats” clan in seasons 1 and 2 of the show and more than once became the author of the best jokes.

Ilya Sobolev in the Comedy Club: “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev”

In 2011, the “Beautiful” duet became the winner of the 9th season of “Laughter Without Rules,” in which the finalists of previous seasons took part.

In the fall of 2013, Ilya Sobolev, together with Alexey Smirnov and Anton Ivanov, founded the trio “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev” - in this composition, comedians became residents of the Comedy club show.

Ilya Sobolev and Uncle Vitya

There is an opinion that under the guise of the most mysterious participant in “Laughter Without Rules” and “Slaughter League”, the cynical and gloomy Uncle Vitya, it is Ilya Sobolev who is hiding. In defense of this theory, fans cited the following evidence: firstly, the image of Uncle Vitya was partly taken from Sobolev’s favorite film “Man on the Moon”, and secondly, in one of his speeches, Uncle Vitya’s voice broke, and the phrase he said “He’s no longer defender” was pronounced in a voice very similar to Sobolev. Having closely compared the photographs of Sobolev and Uncle Vitya, attentive viewers found similar details that makeup could not hide.

Another proof that fans of domestic humor found is the show “Money or Shame.” Its host is Uncle Vitya, and on Ilya Sobolev’s VKontakte page, the official page of this program appears in the list of his subscriptions almost at the highest place.

Answer to the haters of the show “Money or Shame” from Uncle Vitya!

Ilya Sobolev in every possible way denied his involvement in the “Money or Shame” show. When MBAND participant Artem Pindyura, enraged by the show’s host’s phrase (“MBAND is a show for worms”), recorded a video message demanding an apology, Sobolev posted a response video, but not an “apologetic” one.

Music and cinema

Since 2009, Ilya has been closely involved in music. Together with the artist Andrian Sobolev, he recorded several humorous songs, including “Don’t Think,” “Gansta,” and “I’m Stupid.” Several songs remained on the charts of the Radio Record radio station for a long time.

Sobolev Ilya and Andrian - I'm stupid

In 2017, Sobolev starred in the series “The Phantom of the Opera,” directed by Emil Nikoghosyan (“Moms 3,” “Champions”). The series tells the story of the friendship between police operative Alexey (Vyacheslav Evlantyev) and the ghost of the legendary swindler Pashka Veterok (Garik Kharlamov).

Personal life of Ilya Sobolev

Sobolev has been married for a long time. Ilya and his wife Natalya have two daughters - Eva and Sofia.

Ilya Sobolev now

Sobolev continues to work in the Comedy Club show, tour cities in Russia and foreign countries with his trio, as well as give private concerts and work as a presenter at various events.

In September 2017, Sobolev joined the #TOPSHOWMEN project, a community of the best presenters from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Also in September 2017, Sobolev resumed publishing vlogs on his YouTube channel. In his videos, the comedian covers all the most relevant and eternal topics: old age, fears, show business stars, the gay community, etc. In October 2017, Sobolev, together with other members of the Comedy Club, went on a tour of North America.

Ilya Sobolev “Bad jokes”

In the winter of 2018, the comedian announced a new show, “Prozharka,” which launched on the TNT4 channel. As part of the project, aspiring comedians and humor professionals made fun of a specific person throughout the entire episode. One of the first heroines of the program was Olga Buzova.

IN this The Santekhkomplekt - Ural company, one of the leading suppliers in the field of integrated sales of plumbing and heating equipment, turns 12 years old. A well-formed package of offers, currently the best in terms of price and quality, allows the company to feel confident in the market. Flexible pricing policy, efficiency and constant active growth form the basis for the successful activities of this supplier. Today, on the pages of the portal Strom66.ru, Boris Nikolaevich Ryzhkovsky, executive director of the Santekhkomplekt - Ural company, talks about the history of the organization’s formation in the market, everyday work and, of course, about the prospects for development within the construction industry of the Ural region.

Boris Nikolaevich, what facts did the founders of the company operate on when they made the decision to create it 12 years ago?
Probably, like most companies at that time, our organization arose quite spontaneously. Nikolai Nikolaevich Glushchenko, who has been its director since the founding of the company, is now an adviser to the general director. Quite by accident, he came across a certain need for supplies in the chaos that was everywhere observed during this difficult time in our country and convinced the Santekhkomplekt company, then operating in Moscow, to organize its own branch here in the Urals, completely self-sufficient and independent. Since then, we have been present in the market for the supply of plumbing equipment in the region.
Are there currently factors in the industry for you that serve as clear and reliable guarantors for the future successful development of the company?
The company's development prospects are almost endless. If we consider this issue across all existing market segments, then, firstly, you can be sure that no one will ever stop using buildings; this statement also applies to the repair of facilities, and much more. A continuous process of development is evident, and, I note, every year the number of square meters of housing commissioned only increases. Accordingly, the number of water pipes we install is also growing.
The widespread construction of new housing and rapid business advancement in the commercial real estate industry are further confirmation of the most optimistic forecasts. Therefore, I do not see objective factors for reducing production turnover.
Retail trade, where we deal with private consumers, that is, we find ourselves in a situation where a person individually buys something for apartment renovation, personal construction, or is looking for new equipment to replace outdated equipment, is also stable in its indicators. Thus, the stable position of the company allows us to feel as confident as possible in the market. There are simply no significant market risks for us now.
How dependent is your activity on the client’s situation? Is there a difference in interaction with government customers and private consumers?
We really work with both government customers and commercial organizations. The main difference is that in the first case, these are, of course, tenders.
What are the determining factors in choosing a particular tender?
We look at the adequacy of the proposal itself, the timing of its implementation, and all segments and formative parts of the work. If we clearly understand that the issue is completely clear to us, we know how to implement the project, we will definitely take part in such a tender.
Does contact have a different interaction structure with commercial clients?
Commercial clients approach their selection less formally and rarely hold tenders on their own. Therefore, here the contact almost immediately moves into direct interaction and work on servicing the object.
Nowadays, various exhibitions, fairs, and presentations are held in the region on a fairly regular basis. How often do you take part in such events?
Naturally, we take part in a wide variety of exhibitions. We fully cover the entire Ural region in this range of our activities. In Yekaterinburg, unfortunately, we have not yet noticed such a strong exhibition, perhaps not even a specialized one, but a mixed one, which a professional would definitely not pass by. In Moscow, for example, the niche of such a project is firmly occupied by Aquatherm. For a true professional in his field, it is simply a shame not to attend this exhibition. No matter what happens, whether his company exhibits or not, the person will still come to the exhibition. We do not observe similar phenomena in our city. Therefore, the choice of exhibition depends on the specific task at hand. If promotion within the region is required, for example, in Tyumen, then we go directly there. With local territories everything is much simpler.
That is, marketing moves have multiple variations?
If there was a dense flow of visitors at the exhibitions, then it seems that no additional effort would be required from us. However, we are constantly trying to do something independently in this area. For example, we conduct seminars. It’s not even necessary to organize them here in Yekaterinburg; we often go to the field. Let's say, we gather interested specialists from enterprises in Kamensk-Uralsky, talk about new equipment or water supply systems. This is where direct contact with the consumer occurs. Naturally, not all of them will become our clients in the future, but these events effectively serve us in the process of building the company's reputation.
Is it possible today to highlight some of the most interesting new products from the entire range of services you provide?
It is very difficult to single out something separately; we are a comprehensive company supplying equipment in the field of water supply, heating and sewerage. Therefore, for any type of object we have a certain set of goods, starting with the provision of a simple industrial premises - a warehouse, and ending with high-status objects - shopping centers, hotels.
In each direction we have our own interesting developments. For example, a silent sewage system for high-rise buildings. It is clear that a powerful stream of water falling from a great height provides a wide sound effect. The systems we present are resistant to both noise and vibration. Nobody in our region is doing anything like this on purpose. The most notable objects include, for example, the Antea building.
It can be summarized that each customer group corresponds to a specific product portfolio. Some people need standard products of standard housing, others need an individual commercial offer.
How is this by no means narrow range of products ensured?
Now the water supply line alone has more than ten different options, ranging from the simplest black galvanized pipe, the classic version, to cross-linked polyethylene. With such a large product range (more than ten types of heating devices, a wide range of shut-off valves, etc.), we provide our customers with the widest choice and have placed a clear emphasis on this quality in the last two years. It is important that the products in demand are always in stock, so that we guarantee this availability to the customer. This factor is especially relevant for those customers who experience any difficulties when operating the equipment. Situations are different. People cannot wait a day, or two, or three. We guarantee the availability of equipment without time or quantity restrictions.
Can your customers count on comprehensive warranty service?
Of course, we provide warranty service. For example, we provide full comprehensive maintenance of shut-off valves.
Boris Nikolaevich, please describe in more detail what is meant by the words “the best offer on the market”?
We have several so-called best offers on the market. That is, these are products, on the one hand, that are very popular and in demand among consumers. On the other hand, we as a company can provide the best offer for these goods. For example, this is the WAVIN metal-plastic pipe system for water supply, aluminum radiators, or our line of mixers.
On holidays for the company, what would you like to wish your clients?
I would wish everyone not to rest on what has already been achieved. At any point where we are now, we can do our work better and better. We, as a company, try to be for our partners exactly those who help jointly improve what has been previously achieved.

What is a business game? Specifics of organizing a business game during a training session at a university. What is the difference between a business game and training? An example of three business games in the course “Business Communication/Business Communications”.

Business game– this is an imitation of the work process, its modeling, a simplified reproduction of a real production situation. This is a method of consolidating the theoretical material received in the course “Business Communication”/Business Communications.”

The main features of a high-quality business game as a teaching method:

  1. there is a task or problem that needs to be resolved;
  2. distribution of roles and role functions;
  3. modeling the management decision-making process;
  4. interaction between game participants;
  5. multiple alternative solutions;
  6. presence of conflict situations;
  7. the presence of a system for assessing gaming activity.

Goals of business games:

  1. training through workflow simulation;
  2. formation of a professional mentality;
  3. motivation of students;
  4. training management decision-making skills;
  5. student assessment.

The difference between a business game and training

The game models the entire work process from start to finish (for example, organizing and conducting a business meeting), and the training addresses a specific aspect of the process (for example, the psycholinguistic aspects of business speech).

The game has a time limit (start and end), and training does not always have clear boundaries.

The game trains a set of skills, while the training is aimed at mastering one skill.

There are always winners and losers in the game, and training is aimed only at personal indicators.

The game always has a specific goal, which can only be achieved with the help of effective solutions, and training does not always have clear goals.

Examples of business games

Business game “Assigning a task to a subordinate.”

Purpose of the task– conduct a business conversation with a subordinate regarding the assignment of a production task:

  • the task is traditional, planned;
  • the task is extreme, unplanned.

Preparing for the game. Participating in the game leader and subordinate. The group acts as an observer. The person acting as a manager needs to think through a possible task and select an official (for example, an economist, a fire safety specialist, a fire inspector, etc.) to whom it will be entrusted.

Then you should prepare for the content of the business conversation:

  • explain the task and instruct the subordinate;
  • bring the task to the stage of understanding by subordinates of its essence;
  • motivate subordinates to conscientiously and efficiently complete the task.

When bringing a task to the consciousness of a subordinate, the manager must ensure that the subordinate clearly understands what, when, how, under what conditions, by what forces and by what means, by what time, with what final results the assigned task must be completed.

During a business conversation, the manager gotta get answers for the next questions(to make the right decision):

  1. Will this subordinate be able to complete the proposed task?
  2. Does he want to do this task?
  3. What kind of instruction and to what extent does he need?

The person playing the role of a subordinate (from among the trainees) is given an instruction to refuse to complete the task. Insufficient professional competence is used as arguments for refusal. This attitude will allow the person performing the role of a leader to apply psychological, pedagogical and communicative techniques of influence on the subordinate, forming his psychological readiness to complete the task. In addition, the recognition of a subordinate's incompetence will provoke the manager to give instructions.

Organization of a game lesson

The person acting as a manager conducts a business conversation with a subordinate in two versions: first a planned task, then an extreme task, i.e. unplanned. Each conversation lasts from 15 to 20 minutes. The roles of performers can be played by those interested from among the students.

The remaining participants act as competent judges. Their goal is to analyze the results of a business conversation, instruction and the communication techniques used. After the performance, a discussion is held in which all participants are involved.

Preliminary preparation for a business conversation - assigning a task

  1. Come up with and formulate a task in the form of a management decision, as well as the conditions necessary for its implementation.
  2. Set your goals for the upcoming conversation.
  3. Make a plan for the conversation in advance, think about the time, place and organizational conditions for its holding.
  4. Consider the beginning of the conversation, introducing the interlocutor into the conversation, and the conditions for creating an atmosphere of complete trust.
  5. Prepare questions for your subordinate, the clarification of which will help achieve your goal.

Note: To complete this task, the person acting as the leader is given 10 minutes.

Progress: invite a subordinate to your place and tell him the reason for the call.

  • Explain the work that needs to be done to the subordinate and ask him if he can handle it.
  • Answer all questions from the subordinate regarding the upcoming work; if necessary, show him how he can do it.
  • Explain the requirements regarding the timing of this work and keeping you informed of its progress.
  • Ask the subordinate to repeat the task or ask where he plans to start.
  • Show confidence in the subordinate’s abilities, use the “advance praise” technique.
  • Use communication techniques taking into account the psychotype of the subordinate. If a subordinate refuses to complete a task, find out the reasons for the refusal, try to eliminate them, motivate the specialist taking into account his personal expectations, and bring the conversation to an end.
  • End the conversation with a concrete decision and action.
Table “Quality of conversation”

Business game “Meeting”

Purpose of the business game- acquiring skills in organizing preparation and holding business meetings with maximum efficiency.

Procedure for conducting a business game:

  • When conducting a business game, there is no distribution of roles, and the participants are everyone present in the lesson.
  • The game leader reminds participants of the basic theoretical principles for preparing business meetings, which include the following main groups of actions: meeting planning; setting the agenda; determining the composition of participants; preparing participants for the meeting; preparation for the manager's meeting; preparation of the premises; direct holding of the meeting.


You are a leading construction company in the city of N. This year, fires at your construction sites have become more frequent. This causes enormous damage to business. Your budget allows you to allocate funds to solve this problem in the amount of 30 thousand dollars.

Thus, the main task is to develop a plan to resolve the issue that would ensure normal operating conditions for the company.

Work order:

  1. Select 4 students from the group with instructions to evaluate the actions and behavior of the meeting participants. Appoint one of them to lead the group of experts.
  2. Form subgroups of meeting preparation participants (those who prepare documents for the meeting, those who participate in the meeting, those who prepare documents after the meeting).
  3. The rest of the group of students are meeting participants who are expected to ask questions during the meeting.

If, in the opinion of the presenter, the goal of the meeting has been achieved, the results of the work are summed up. If developing a solution fails, you can try to simplify the problem by changing the proposed circumstances. Finally, the final decision is formulated and written down in the form of a resolution.

Business game “Negotiation”

Purpose of the business game– acquisition of business negotiation skills.

Instructions for participant No. 1. You are the Fire Control company, which is engaged in fire audits, that is, it establishes the degree of compliance of the enterprise with all fire safety standards.

Your client, Aquaexpert LLC, is behind on payment for your services. Two days before the payment deadline, you reminded the director of this company (he is the one who deals with procurement and gives orders for the transfer of money) about the approaching payment deadline, he promised to pay the invoice. The payment day came, but the money never arrived, so the next day you decided to personally meet with the debtor.

The Aquaexpert company is a large client who brings in good income, and you do not want to ruin your relationship with him. By regularly opening a new branch, this company turns to you for services.

Your task: achieve payment for services provided without spoiling the relationship with the client.

Instructions for participant No. 2. You are the director of Aquaexpert LLC. The Fire Control company has provided you with a fire audit service with deferred payment, which is very beneficial for your company. Typically, you pay your bills on time. But this time you missed the payment date, although the manager reminded you to pay two days before the deadline, since you need this amount for staff training. You can pay the bill, but it is not profitable for you. The next day after the date, the director came to meet you.

Your task: delay the terms of payment for the service as much as possible without spoiling the relationship.

Stages of the game: stages of negotiations.

Distribution of roles: We conditionally divide the audience into two teams: the Fire Control company and the Aquaexpert LLC company. Participants elect directors, deputies, inspectors, economists, etc. and think through arguments to defend their positions.

Documentation preparation:

  1. Protocol on the distribution of positions.
  2. A letter is a proposal (one contracting party) and a response to it (the other contracting party).
  3. Agreement.
  4. Certificates of completed work.

All documents are filed in a folder and transferred to the expert group.

Evaluation of the actions of the game participants:

Points: for the use of speech etiquette formulas, for the use of professional terms, for the use of speech tactics.

Penalty points: for failure to comply with speech etiquette, grammatical errors, speech errors, incorrect question, excessive emotionality, incorrect use of a professional term.

Thus, an effective method of organizing and conducting practical classes is a business game, which awakens the cognitive activity of students, promotes the formation of independent thinking, forms a professional mentality, terminological culture of future specialists, and helps to develop the communicative component of any professional field.

– co-founder of the website portal, associate professor, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of Russian language and speech culture of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Material from the textbook:

Ermolaeva Zh.E. Official business style of speech: effective communication M., 2014.

Students in grades 7-8 at the municipal stage complete their participation in the Olympiad. Assignments for them should be built taking into account the school stage and be based on the same principles of feasibility, fun and focus on preparing for real Olympiad tests in the future. Taking this into account, students in grades 7-8 are offered two written assignments creative nature. While completing each task, students create response text, based on the proposed questions. Lead time - no more than three astronomical hours. The maximum total score for both tasks is 50. Examples of possible tasks and comments on them are contained in a separate document (regional methodological commissions have the right to draw up their own tasks of other types for the municipal stage or take these as a basis, observing the continuity of tasks at the school and municipal stages).

Task No. 1

Act as a participant in a book fair and represent a publishing house that specializes in publishing books for reading on the go. Come up with a name for your stand and make a list of 8-10 books to display on your stand. For each book, provide a brief summary (up to 5 sentences) explaining your choice.

Comment on the task:

This task tests both the general reading erudition and taste of the Olympiad participant, and his ability to succinctly and entertainingly present specific books, characterizing them taking into account the addressee - the potential reader; mastery of the genre of a short summary of a book.

Evaluation criteria: maximum score – 20 .

It is recommended to award – 5 points; for selection of publications - according to 0.5 points for each title of literary work (maximum – 5 points); for writing an annotation for each work - 1 point(maximum – 10 points).

Task No. 2

Read the following text:

Yulia Govorova

From the collection of SMS

This book was compiled from messages. As I see it now: I’m walking along the alley, wet snow, rain, early spring, the air is cool and fresh, the smell of spruce, in my jacket pocket, as always, there’s a phone, I take it out and dial it in complete silence...

“Send a message now? - Yes…"

“I wanted to go, but a butterfly landed on my leg.” And don't move

– Apple tree petals are now flying into the house, into buckets of water, and into soap dishes.

– The leaves in the forest are all wet, big wet leaves. But beautiful

- Bird cherry has heard enough of the nightingales. And the tea is also saturated with singing

– I carry a butterfly in my palm, like a falconer

– Light blue shells, light, from hatched chicks, carried by the wind, swept away with a broom by a janitor in the park

– The leaves did not fall, but descended, springing on the branches like cats

- Apples fell on the table

– Chickens on the branches of apple trees

– I’m walking home to the workshop through the garden, and on the path I hit a hedgehog with my foot.

After reading the text, answer the questions. The answer must be a coherent text.

1) Can this text be called a “story”? Briefly justify your answer.

2) What is the “plot” of the text based on, what is the internal logic of the narrative?

3) Who/what are the “heroes”? How are they portrayed?

4) What role does the introduction play?

5) Are there any cross-cutting motifs, repeating images, or echoes in this text? What effect do they create?

tell friends