Why dream about a tsunami? Who had the dream

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Recently I dreamed that there was a huge tsunami coming from the sea, we couldn’t hide, but it passed us by. We get on the subway and find out that my uncle broke his leg on a business trip, then it turns out that he died. I feel uneasy, I don’t know how to tell others about this. At some metro station candles are burning, monks are walking around, they are going to cremate him:

Nspolo-yahoo-com Reply

I had this dream about two months ago, so it cannot be said that it was inspired by recent events in Southeast Asia. So. It happens on a late winter evening. It’s dark outside, heavy low clouds are rushing across the sky, a strong wind is blowing, it’s cold, the ground is covered in a crust of ice. I watch all this beauty from the window of my room. I know that others are standing in exactly the same way, clinging to the windows. Because on TV they are constantly broadcasting warnings about an impending catastrophe - that a comet is about to fly very close to the earth and touch the earth’s atmosphere with its tail. This could cause a tsunami. Although I live near the Baltic Sea, I am quite far from the coast, and our sea is too shallow for giant waves. So there seems to be nothing to be afraid of. But suddenly the leaden-gray sky begins to turn purple at the horizon. The glow expands and shines through more and more brightly from behind the clouds. And following the glow, a huge wave, shimmering with a steely sheen, rises like a mountain from behind the horizon. They are broadcasting on TV that the wave will reach our place in three hours and that everyone should save themselves as best they can. I run outside to look for our wandering cat, who, of course, cannot be abandoned. This is where I wake up. A wonderful dream. I still remember all its details.

Tkn Reply

Hello. My name is Tatyana. I am 25 years old. Lately I have been having dreams with the presence of water. 1. Tsunami. Some people and I see a huge wave approaching and try to save it. People around me are carried out to sea or killed by hitting something, but I escape. And it seems like the sun is again and quiet, and then a new wave and everything repeats (not exactly the same, but similar). And so on several times. The water is bright blue with foam on top. But this dream is not a nightmare, I’m not particularly scared, rather anxious. 2. The next day I dreamed that I was in some village and they sent me to a well for water. I go out and the village, all the streets, are flooded. The water is cloudy, green-brown, dirty. I'm walking - the water is up to my waist. And most importantly, as if this is something ordinary, it doesn’t particularly surprise me in a dream. I approach a high well (it’s up to my chest). it is full - about 1 cm from the edge to the water level. The water is just as dirty. I come to him several times, take water NOT FROM THE WELL but nearby, take it into the house and again go to the well. For the last time I go up to the well and think: the water in the well is probably better, I need to take it from it. I lower the bucket and out comes a huge snake (unnatural, more like a hand on which a stocking was pulled, but I just know it’s a snake) - green, plain and with an open mouth on the side. She leans over me. I grab it with my hands and try to throw it away. She doesn't give in. And then the picture changes: I’m lying in my bed and this monster crawls under my T-shirt. A nightmarish feeling of cold and surprise. I scream (for real, not in a dream) and jump up in fear. Damn it. But I never woke up screaming from a bad dream. this is the first time. What is this? Tell? This is not the best time in my life right now. I just moved to another city, there is no work yet, friends and family are far away, I just recently painfully broke up with my loved one and I still can’t move on... Tell me?

Dolores Reply

Dear Tanya, it seems to me that your dream with a wave is precisely about the trials that are taking place in your life now. Stormy changes that require you to “group” and concentrate. But everything is fine. The main thing is that you don’t drown, you save yourself.

Naty720rambler-ru Reply

Naty720rambler-ru Reply

I dream about tsunamis. For the 3rd time already. Somewhere in 2-3 months. A huge wave hits the city and sweeps away everything in its path. I know that this will happen, but no one knows about it except me. All living things are covered like tiny ants and no one is doing anything to save them. I know that I will be saved, but every time I feel horror when this giant wave approaches again. In these dreams I am so emotionally tense that after them I always want to cry... These are some of the most vivid dreams that usually do not foretell anything joyful. I don’t know why I dream about them and how to get rid of them. This is probably some kind of warning...


My mother and I came to the beach, left all my things, and went for a swim, and then I saw a small tsunami, my mother and I started running, she told me “go get your things,” I answer her, “I don’t care, I have to run, life is important.” , then the tsunami disappeared from sight and my mother wanted to go to the toilet, I said to my mother “just hurry up”, then a small war covered her and I shouted “nooooooo”, my mother came out of the toilet and there was no tsunami, then I think while there is no wave, then I can pick up my things, my mother’s phone was wet, it didn’t work, then my dad drove up and we got into the car, on the way, my dad stopped at a gas station because he had little gas, I told him “just make it faster” (at I was afraid that I would die), we started driving, at first at low speed, then I saw a large tsunami behind us, and we started driving quickly, we avoided the tsunami. THE END (I noticed that there was a wave, then there wasn’t, and at the end the wave was big, strange)

Each dream is unique, inimitable.

Just as there are no identical moments in waking life, there are no similar dreams. But the peculiarity of the dream world is that the visions that come to us at night also carry a deep hidden meaning.

How many ciphers, riddles and hints there are in dreams! How difficult it is to unravel them - but that’s what dream books are for. A special place in them is occupied by spontaneous phenomena and everything that is in one way or another connected with the primary elements, namely water, earth, fire and air.

Water appears to be a particularly multifaceted symbol. It is a primordial force, and in dreams it can symbolize the sphere of feelings, the emotional environment, and the energy of life.

Such a dream can mean a lot. It is not difficult to understand why you dream of a flood, provided that all the details and conditions of the dream are taken into account.

A flood or a tsunami, a flood in a city or a house, a huge wave or slowly rising water - what exactly did you dream about? Such dreams with floods and tsunamis may have the following scenarios:

  • You just saw a flood or a flood from the outside, detached.
  • We saw the flood from quite a distance.
  • Flooded city.
  • We saw how a wave or tsunami carried people away.
  • There is a lot of water, streams fill the land more and more.
  • You dream of a tsunami, a hurricane.
  • Flood in your house or apartment.
  • You dreamed of a large ocean or sea wave.
  • You are fleeing a tsunami.
  • You are carried by a wave, a stream.
  • You are in a stream of clean, clear water.
  • Flood with muddy water, you are in it.

Such dreams sometimes resemble a disaster movie or a real nightmare. But do not be alarmed - they never literally indicate disasters or disasters in reality, and do not portend great troubles.

The most you can dream of about a flood, tsunami or deluge is a warning about dangers or possible risks, but these dreams also often promise a whirlpool of joyful events. So remember the most accurate details of what you dreamed about, and we’ll find out what awaits you.

See with my own eyes

Flood, tsunami, floods, houses and streets hidden under layers of water are terrible sights.

If you dreamed of such a natural disaster from the outside, you yourself did not participate in it, were not a victim, it did not affect you in any way - what do such visions mean?

1. If you just happen to see a flood in a dream, like in a movie, this means that you are overwhelmed with feelings, you are overwhelmed by waves of emotions and experiences.

This is not a bad thing, but if feelings prevent you from thinking objectively, focusing on your activities and daily affairs, if it keeps you from sleeping, think about how to pacify your emotions, at least a little. Intrusive thoughts can be harmful. But don’t be shy about your emotionality, show your feelings!

2. If in your dream you saw a flood or deluge from afar, somewhere in the distance, this may warn that somewhere very close to you there is an unpleasant, but at the same time too intrusive person. It draws strength and energy from you. You should identify him and try to get rid of his company.

3. If you saw in a dream a flooded city, houses and streets hiding under water, flooded cars and trees, Miller’s dream book warns of possible difficulties and even troubles.

You should restrain yourself and lead a cautious, modest lifestyle, do not rush to take risks and try not to get involved in conflicts, not to temporarily participate in adventures or competitions. And also take care of your own health and, if possible, take care of loved ones.

4. A terrible dream in which a flood carries people away, people rush in waves, unable to resist, and you see it from the outside - means that you are threatened with some kind of loss, loss, damage. You should be more careful in business.

5. If in your dream you closely observe how water gradually, slowly but surely floods the land, piece by piece, leaving no dry patch of land, Miller’s dream book interprets this as possible vagaries of fate.

This can be understood in different ways, but you should be prepared for the possibility that fate will not be too simple in the near future, and all things will not go smoothly.

This will probably be a period of failures and difficulties, but if you are not afraid of them, you will overcome everything - and the white streak will come again.

6. Seeing a flood in your own house or apartment warns of lack of freedom in relationships with your family and friends, of some bad aspects in the house. Your family hearth is undergoing conflicts that are gradually filling your family, and if they are not resolved, they can cause damage to your family.

7. And if you saw a big, strong ocean wave, or you dreamed of a big foamy wave in the sea, this promises the same power of love that will overwhelm you, cover you and take you to a new world, emotional and sensual... Just don't drown completely!

8. Tsunami dreams of stormy events in life. A period of active social life awaits you; you won’t get bored - every day fate will throw you new surprises.

You can expect acquaintances, unexpected meetings, exciting events and interesting events. Don't miss this bright period, it can change your life and give it a new quality!

9. If a merchant or entrepreneur dreams of floods, tsunamis and deluges, this is good. In this case, Miller’s dream book promises great success in business, success, and constant profit.

Clients, buyers and money will flow in like water. But remember that periods of success do not last forever, try to use the moment wisely to develop and become more successful!

10. When such a dream comes to a man, it promises him a promotion. New status, new, higher and enviable position in society.

11. But for lovely ladies, seeing something like this in a dream can also promise a rival! Perhaps some insidious homewrecker has a grudge against your beloved.

Just be careful, but don’t fall into hysterics and don’t immediately rush to aggressively accuse anyone, especially without reliable grounds!

The wave takes you somewhere...

Of course, it is better to see a natural disaster from the outside than to get caught in it. But if you still dreamed about how you were drowning, being carried by a wave, what could this mean?

1. As the dream book indicates, a flood or tsunami, from which you are trying with all your might in a dream to escape, is a sign that says that in reality you will and should take active actions that will be aimed at a new course of fate.

In other words, you yourself must change your life now, give things a new turn, actively change those areas of life that you consider necessary. Now is a more than favorable period for this, so don’t be afraid, change your life, make changes in your relationships and affairs, change yourself!

2. If a flood wave carries you like a doll, and you simply cannot do anything, even partially resist the flow, but simply submit to fate and float in the stream - this may promise illness or trouble caused by your passivity.

Life is stormy, but going with the flow without doing anything is also wrong. At least now is a period for you when it is better to fight and take active action.

This may concern your health or relationships, work or family. You yourself will notice in which area of ​​life you are passive and do not try to change anything. Do you think you can't, or you shouldn't? Very in vain! Trust the dream book, start changing what is stagnating, otherwise you will not avoid troubles.

3. If the stream of water you found yourself in was clean and strong, you will be whirled by a whirlpool of new, powerful feelings, passions and emotions.

Enjoy the feelings, just control the situation so as not to make serious stupidities, mistakes and everything that you will bitterly regret later. Don't go to extremes!

4. If you find yourself in a muddy, dirty stream and are drowning, expect serious obstacles in business, illnesses or failures. Don't be afraid of them - you can handle it! And also, do not push away your loved ones - perhaps they will give you a saving hand and help you get out of the stream of failures.

Floods, tsunamis, natural disasters, floods - all this should not frighten or disturb you much if it happened in a dream.

Even if such a dream warns you of possible dangers, illnesses or temporary failures, do not forget that no one in the whole world really decides anything for you in your destiny, and does not control your own life flow.

And you can solve any problems yourself by showing strength and will!

Why do you dream about Tsunami? What does it mean to see Tsunami in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about Tsunami in a dream?

Seeing a Tsunami in a dream - If you had a dream in which a city is hit by natural disasters in the form of an earthquake, a tsunami, and all that remains is ruins, then in real life you need to be more careful and more observant, because you can get into a serious mess, which will not entail anything good and useful for you.

Universal dream book

If you dream of a Tsunami, what does it mean:

Tsunami - Brief interpretation: unexpected change; to get out of control; feel like a victim.

Popular expression: everything is upside down; a wave of emotions; at the very epicenter.

Disasters on our planet are always destructive. However, the consequence of destruction is also the construction of a new one. What in your life needs updating?

The most common dream in which people see a natural disaster is a dream in which they dream of a tsunami. If water symbolizes emotions for you, then a tsunami is a symbol of emotions overflowing. Are you caught in a standing wave, are you running away from it, or are you watching it from a safe place? How can this relate to your real life? Is there a tense situation in your life or are you experiencing very strong emotions? If you didn't dream about a standing wave, then what kind of natural disaster did you see in your dream? Earthquake or volcano? They symbolize unexpected changes. Has your life changed dramatically lately? Do you feel like things are out of control? Do you live in an explosive situation? Do you feel like a victim? How do you feel about a natural disaster in your dream? Does this match your behavior during difficult periods in real life?

A dream in which you saw a natural disaster also suggests that everything that you no longer need will be destroyed (naturally) and you can calmly continue moving through your life.

Angelic dream book

Why do you dream of Tsunami according to the dream book:

Tsunami - If you dreamed of a tsunami, then in reality a vibrant social life threatens to overwhelm you with its activity. Seeing a tsunami in a dream means some kind of shocks, experiences, emotional unrest, stormy events in life.

If you were born in January, February, March or April, then a tsunami in your dream may predict a scandal with your husband’s or wife’s mother (with your mother-in-law or mother-in-law).

Seeing a tsunami in a dream for those born in May, June, July or August means you will soon repent of what you have done and regret it.

If you dreamed of a tsunami and you were born in September, October, November or December, then in reality you will face impotence and general weakness. This applies to both the state of the body and the state of your financial and personal affairs.

In any case, if you saw a tsunami in a dream, then you can prepare for some shocks, anxieties, and a turbulent period in life. If a tsunami destroys your home, this may mean a quarrel with loved ones and relatives.

If you saw a tsunami in a dream, then in reality you will need fortitude, endurance, prudence, the ability to control yourself and the ability to understand other people - these traits will help you overcome the difficulties that are sure to arise ahead.

Dream Interpretation Tsunami

If you believe the Dream Books, disaster dreams most often come to those who in reality are in the grip of strong feelings and emotional experiences. For example, Tsunami, seen in a dream, can symbolize relationships within a married couple. This unbridled element can erase everything in its path, leave no trace of the former, calm life... But there are versions (and some Dream Interpretations trust them) that Tsunami in a dream speaks not about feelings, but about a stormy social life, which you are leading in reality.

Seeing a tsunami in a dream- negative emotions that overwhelm you.

If you see the Tsunami as an image and do not observe its destructive consequences, this is still a warning sign. At the moment, you will find yourself at the mercy of vivid feelings and emotions. They carry a negative, destructive meaning. It can be anger, and anger, and hatred, and envy. In any case, such feelings have a bad effect on both emotional health and the entire body. Think before it's too late how you can get rid of them!

Seeing a tsunami in a dream (for men)- get a promotion.

The whirlpool of events will turn out positively for you. But! Career growth and advancement up the career ladder will most likely not be your personal achievement, but rather a matter of chance. Perhaps some events will take place (like a natural disaster - unplanned and very unpredictable), as a result of which you will find yourself “on top”. However, Remember also those who will inevitably suffer during this Tsunami...

Seeing a tsunami in a dream (for a woman)- something threatens your family happiness.

A tsunami will cover your family hearth with a powerful avalanche - provided that you yourself do not prevent this natural disaster in every possible way! A tsunami arises where unbridled passions and emotions rage. Probably, your family life is not as calm and quiet as you would like. But quarrels and conflicts, as a rule, do not arise out of nowhere - something necessarily contributes to them! If you want to save your relationship and your family hearth, be sure to try to regulate your relationship with your soulmate, and bring peace back to your family.

Escape from a tsunami in a dream

Escape from the tsunami

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Escape from a Tsunami mean, or what it means to see Escape from a Tsunami in a dream.

Escape from a tsunami in a dream

Tsunami in a dream

Tsunami in a dream

Escape in a dream

I dreamed today that I was arrested. You can’t call it a colony, but I wasn’t allowed to leave the building. I came up with ways. I had bracelets on my arms with electronic sensors. I needed to find an ID code so that they wouldn’t squeak and wouldn’t catch me. I still managed to get into some room, there was a dark-haired young man there. I asked him to cut my hair so that they would stop recognizing me.

I now have cropped hair, short.

In my dream, he cuts my hair; I have straight, dark brown hair. I look in the mirror and my hair is longer than it really is. I start cutting my hair, but I only cut it where my ears are. I assume that the dream foreshadows something bad.

Please tell me, explain.

Escape in a dream

I’m running away with friends (from a dream) from some huge building, saving people I personally don’t know along the way. But they also help me get out of there, i.e. they save me too. In the middle of the dream, I see how my friend (from the dream) dies from an explosion while trying to defuse a bomb under a car. Half the time I see only in one eye, then, when I have to run out of the building down the stairs to the street, I see everything perfectly again, I run away with an old acquaintance (from real life), we flee together with him, no one can catch up with us.

Then my friend disappears somewhere, and it seems to me that someone has caught me, but no, it turns out to be a friend, but again I can only see with one eye. And then we ride out on a friend’s motorcycle that appeared out of nowhere onto a safe road, where no one can catch up with us.

Escape in a dream

If I dreamed that I met my beloved who was waiting for me at my entrance. But in reality he is sitting in a pre-trial detention center. In a dream, I asked why you were here, to which he told me that he ran away to me! What does this mean, tell me?

Tsunami wave in a dream

Tsunami fish in a dream

Tsunami in a dream

Escape from an unpleasant place in a dream

I and my 2 children are waiting for my husband, with whom we agreed to live together in Russia (at the moment we are not in Russia). Every day he postpones his arrival, citing problems at work. Throughout the entire dream the weather was cloudy and oppressive. The children and I are sitting in some old unheated apartment, even one wall is missing. There are broken furniture and torn things all around. A drunk company can be heard behind the wall. And at this moment my husband calls and says that he will not come to us at all and will not live with us. I am in a state of shock, since all my things have already been moved to a new place, I grab the children and run away from this apartment. We are running along the streets of my city that are familiar to me, but all the streets are from different areas, and we can’t get out of them, although we run as fast as we can. On the way we meet different animals, all of them so large, and some voice tells me that until the animals have eaten enough and get out of the way, we can’t drive them away or go around them. At first I saw 4-5 well-fed cows, they brazenly looked at us and chewed. Next we came across a large brown pig with 4-5 piglets, who were greedily eating something. And at the end of the path there is a huge turkey, like an ostrich. All the animals looked at us wildly, but did not harm us. In the dream I was very scared. I was alone with my grief. Something was weighing heavily on my soul. The ringing phone woke me up.

Escape from home in a dream

Good day! Today, from May 2 to May 3, 2013, I had a strange dream! That I'm a werewolf dragon! And our family was exposed, i.e., they found out where the family of human dragon werewolves lives! They break down our door, and we leave in a hurry, wondering what else they want from our family, and so they destroyed almost everyone for fun! And like a little girl, I turn around and look at our castle house and see how people are breaking down the door, I regret that I’m so used to a nice, cozy place, and now we have to leave it because of such curious, restless people who need everything!

Tell me what the dream wants to tell me about!

Thank you.

Escape from an unpleasant person with an old acquaintance in a dream

I was visiting my parents in the village. I went to the neighbors for some reason, and there I met a person who was unpleasant to me. In reality I don’t know him, but in a dream I knew him, I was afraid and avoided meeting him. He (as always! - I knew this in a dream) tried to force me to stay, did not let me leave, grabbed my hands, my clothes, constantly watched me. There were a lot of people around. I wrapped myself in a large stole and tried to escape unnoticed. At some point, I noticed that under the stole I had a very transparent blouse, and I began to wrap myself in it even more so that he would not see my breasts. Then I stood on some elevated platform (most likely a meter-high stage) and saw a former classmate in the crowd below. A classmate suggested running away together. He distracted that guy until I ran out the gate.

When I ran a decent distance away, a classmate caught up with me. He was completely naked for some reason.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

Tsunami in a dream

Tsunami in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Tsunami. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what Tsunami dreams mean, or what it means to see a Tsunami in a dream.

Tsunami in a dream

I had this dream last night,

My older sister and I are swimming in the sea, far from the shore. In general, we float and float towards the shore, slowly, communicate, laugh, and, already not far from the shore, I feel that we have been picked up by a wave that is growing and growing. Lifts us higher and higher. I turn around and see that we are on a tsunami, on a tsunami wave, at the very top. And then the tsunami approaches the city and throws us off. And my sister and I fall. I’m flying and understand that we’re about to die, I grab my sister’s hands and shout that I love her, I love her very much (my sister and I are very friendly in real life)! Then, I curled up into a ball, continue to fall, cry and repeat the words out loud: “Just don’t fall on the asphalt, just don’t fall on the asphalt,” and then I fall, break...

And I woke up suddenly at night! And it felt like I was dying...

Tsunami in a dream

An unfamiliar coastline with a steep bank, very long. I walked far along it, away from people and noise, and when I was sitting on this steep bank, lost in my thoughts, suddenly a little boy came up, I took this child and went back, looking for his parents. Despite his young age, he gave me guidance. And it was this boy who silently drew my attention to the growing wave on the sea.

The tsunami was about the size of a 9-story building, the color of the wave was very beautiful - clean, dark emerald. I tried to get away from her myself and save this child, strangely, but my movement was along the coast and the desire to go beyond the edge of this moving wall. Somehow it was possible, when it surged, only my legs were in the water up to my knees and the water rolled onto me from the shore. But I still haven’t found the child’s parents...

Tsunami in a dream

The beginning of the dream is like this: From the side I see a wet shore, probably of the ocean, as if a pimple was squeezed out of the ground like an iceberg, and by some force this iceberg rushed towards the shore, onto land and moved the clay cliffs that were in front of the shore inland.

Then I dream that I am swimming crawl, in turquoise beautiful water, during a big sigh I see with my peripheral vision that a large wave is flying above me (like a tsunami), I was scared, but did not lose my composure and I see under the water how this wave mixed with that water in which I swam, the water became the same blue color, only not transparent, but bubbly, as in reality when mixing water there are bubbles, a funnel, etc.

It became a little harder to swim, but I wasn’t tired and, on the contrary, I increased my speed and swam to the shore. I didn’t see how I swam, I just felt that the job was done. Please explain this dream to me.

Tsunami in a dream

I dream that I am walking along the Gulf of Finland with a friend and the waves are starting to rise.

And suddenly all the water suddenly begins to go into the bay, I tell my friend that there will be a huge wave, I grab her hand and we run away, when we reach the forest, we turn back and there is a huge blue wave (5-7 floors high). We run into the forest and hide and the water doesn’t even touch our feet.

I searched through dream books, but didn’t find anything sensible, please help.

Tsunami in a dream

I remember only a very vivid snippet of a dream where the city is captured by a huge wave, and the city is not at all coastal.

I see myself in the city center, on the shopping square, with a lot of people. And suddenly I look back... It’s very quiet and calm, a huge wave covers people, so that many don’t even understand what’s happening. There is no panic, no one even has time to move. The thought in my head is the end of the world. I manage to grab onto some iron railings (so as not to be washed away anywhere) and from further impressions, I can roughly guess that I survived this cataclysm.

Tsunami in a dream

Backstory (what's in reality): I live in a coastal city. In my bedroom there is a panoramic window on the entire wall. I live on the 3rd floor, but the house is on a mountain, so my window is approximately at the level of the roofs of five-story buildings. In general, quite high.

Actually, a dream: I dream that I am standing at my large window, looking out onto the street. And I see that a huge wave is coming from the sea. It flooded the entire city so that the water level reached half of my window, that is, very high. The water was a little cloudy, but still blue, as is usually the case in the sea during a storm. I was a little worried, but overall, what was happening aroused curiosity rather than fear in me. Not a drop of water got into my room; the window held it. The water flowed like a river past my window. The dream was very realistic, bright, beautiful. Why could this be a dream?

Tsunami in a dream

I was at the sea, there were big waves, very high waves of about 10 meters fell on me and my brother, we were having fun, after that I went on the wave myself, it picked me up and I ended up at the very end of it and fell on it, meters from the 10th height, when I was falling, I saw my enemy from life, it seemed strange to me, after I fell, I stood up and saw such a wave that would have washed away half the world, I ran home, I lived in a house and not in apartment, I started shouting to mom and dad that a tsunami was coming to the house, and it was time for us to escape, and the guardians behaved very calmly, I held the door, after which water began to fill all the rooms, I shouted that it was time to leave and woke up.

Tsunami wave in a dream

Sometimes I dream that a huge tsunami wave is flying towards me, but I manage to hide from it, sometimes it covers me.

Tsunami and going to a fortune teller in a dream

I dreamed of a tsunami, and on a lake. I stood on the sand in the center of this lake, then a big wave came, but I was able to get to the shore. Several people drowned. Having got ashore, I went to the fortune teller’s apartment. She turned into a cat, then into a mouse, then into an old woman. She said that I have diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lymph (this is actually not the case) and kidneys (this is true). She also said that I would not be together with my loved one and that my future profession was a prostitute. The dream occurred from Friday to Saturday. What could it mean?!

Tsunami fish in a dream

I have a dream that a huge wave is rushing straight towards my city, I’m running somewhere, hiding and... Well, in general, I’m saving myself somewhere in a shelter, and when I go outside, I see that the wave has moved away and left behind a huge amount fish, and for some reason this fish is simply gigantic in size...

Tsunami in the Indian Ocean in a dream

I had a dream from Thursday to Friday on the 10th lunar day.

I was in the water not very far from the shore. The water was dark and “thick”, but not scary at all. Indians swam next to me... Like yoga. I was amazed at how they stayed on the surface of the water without making any effort... It was as if their bodies were lighter than water, and they were floats. Their faces were almost black and friendly.

In an instant, a large wave lifted me and carried me to the shore. The push was so strong that I flew up and found myself a hundred meters above the ocean. From above, I saw that a huge wave of a beautiful turquoise color covered the beach and the people on it. Having carefully planned for land, I began to look for my husband. Near the very shore, diving into the water, I saw many drowned people in bizarre poses. They all swam in clear and calm water. An inner voice said that these are all sinners and this is their punishment.

I never found my husband either on the shore or in the water.

Interpreters of the House of the Sun, help decipher the dream of a tsunami in the Indian Ocean.. Thank you!

Tsunami spirits in a dream

Hello! Today I had a very strange dream - as if I bought several very expensive perfumes, in the boutique I liked their scents more than all the others, I bring them home, perfume myself and now the smells seem a little cloying to me. I was holding perfume in my hands and suddenly it suddenly became dark around me and I saw through the window that there was a lot of dark, dirty water on the street and high, foamy waves were approaching. The water has already reached the edge of the balcony (and I am with my 4-year-old daughter in a high-rise building, on the top floor), I understand that a little more will flood the apartment. I'm in panic. And suddenly the water stopped abruptly, the sun appeared - I see some structures scooping up water, I see rescuers. They warn that this will not last long, the flood could be stopped so that people had the opportunity to go to another place and wait there, and soon the water will begin to rise again. I grab what is of the greatest value to me (in the dream, for some reason, this is the perfume I bought, and for some reason I open one of them and smell it, but I don’t smell it), I open the balcony door and see that it’s a pack of cigarettes, which lay there did not even get wet, which in my dream I was incredibly happy about. At this time, my daughter tells me that I am doing some nonsense and need to hurry. I called my mother to warn her that my daughter and I were going to see her and that’s it - I woke up. Please explain what such a dream could mean?

Escape from a tsunami in a dream

I had a dream about a tsunami and how my friend and I were running away from it. My friend and I are sitting on the beach, suddenly a wave rises, but not a tsunami, just a big wave. I shout to my friend, “Run quickly, it’s going to cover everyone, we need to rise as high as possible.” Then, we run up, through the forests, climb up the rocks, over the stones. In my thoughts I understand that the wave will get us now. As soon as we go up, I understand that this is not a tsunami at all and everything turned out okay and we go down again to this beach. After about 10 minutes we see the wave again and again we run away to this mountain, the same thing repeats. I understand that there is no danger and we go down again. And after 10 minutes. Again the same picture. And so this dream was repeated and repeated.

Dream about a tsunami in a city

I dream as if I am in my ordinary apartment in a panel multi-storey building, but instead of the usual landscape outside the window there is an ocean or sea (a very large body of water). And then I see through the window a huge wave approaching, simply gigantic in size, like a tsunami, it seemed to reach the height of a huge skyscraper. I just feel horror at the sight of this approaching wave, I understand that there is no way to hide or run away from it... This makes me very uneasy. I feel it covering the house, but it stands still. Then a new smaller wave comes, then small ones, then huge ones again, and so they alternate... They cover the house and destroy everything in the way, but my house stands, every time I see all the waves very clearly, it just fascinates me, it’s beautiful, but very scary.. Sometimes a little water flows into the house, but no more... The water is clean...

After this dream (it was very real), I feel as if I really experienced a tsunami... A very vivid dream.. I still remember everything... What could it mean?

Saving fish from an aquarium from a tsunami in a dream

Me, my husband, father and some girl (I didn’t see it in the dream) were, it seemed to me, somewhere in the area of ​​Japan, we were in our car, which we left in the parking lot and went to the zoo, but all separately. I somehow found myself near the aquariums, and at some point I realized that a tsunami was approaching. After which my first thought was that I needed to save fish from aquariums. And I began to break the wall of the aquarium with something (it was difficult since the walls were very strong) so that the fish would swim out from there. And when I made a small hole, a huge number of fish rushed out from there, and I still tried to push them with my palms. Then I returned to the car in the parking lot and looked for those with whom I had arrived. The tsunami covered the zoo and damaged the buildings a little, but everyone, in my opinion, remained alive and was fine.

Tsunami big wave

Dream Interpretation Tsunami big wave dreamed of why there is a big wave in a Tsunami dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a big Tsunami wave in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

Dream Interpretation - Wave

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

If a man had a dream, you will soon receive a promotion. To make this happen faster, gargle with sea water for a week.

If a woman had a dream, then someone is trying to take your husband away from you. To preserve your family hearth, add a drop of your blood every day to the coffee or tea that your loved one drinks.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Dream Interpretation - Wave

Tsunami waves

Dream Interpretation Tsunami Waves dreamed of why you dream about Tsunami Waves in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Tsunami Waves in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami (wave, waves)

A scandal will break out with the mother of the husband or wife.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

Tsunami - Stormy events in social life that can overwhelm you.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Seeing waves in a dream means obstacles in business, efforts and struggle for success. If the waves are clear, it means you will gain new knowledge that will help you make better decisions in life.

Dirty waves portend a mistake fraught with irreparable consequences. River or lake waves - for peace of mind and self-confidence, sea waves - take a trip. Sea waves rolling onto the shore during a storm - you will be overcome by anxiety and a gloomy mood.

Sailing through stormy waves in a dream means taming the unbridled temper of someone who will then begin to worship you. Drowning, choking in the growing waves - will soon get rid of danger.

The blast wave that lifted you into the air and threw you away predicts that friends will violate your rights by abusing the trust you placed in them.

Dream Interpretation - Wave

"to be on the wave" success, luck. “Strong excitement”, “worry”, worry, worry.

"waves of sadness, joy." A large wave absorbed or covered something, “the matter was covered” (temporarily or permanently). “Stormy” is what they say about a drunk person with an unsteady gait.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Waves - an unexpected close road, a journey. Waves - excitement, feeling of a wave driving - fire, loss. - . Hair, braids, forelock - having thick hair in a dream - you will have good fame. Oiling your hair with oil is a joy. Having tangled hair is a shame; scratching means freedom; having long ones is good; cutting your own hair is a misfortune; crawls out in a dream, falls out - anxiety and bad news. Scratching long braids is a dishonor; wait for the road. If you dream of a black braid or cowlick, this person will profit. Having white hair is no need to rush. As you dream that you are cutting your cowlick, there will be some kind of loss. Whether you comb or wash your cowlick is good: respect and honor from people. Loose braids are a road. “I dreamed that someone cut my braids - I broke up with the man.” Scratching your braids means guests from the road. Combing your braids and looking in the mirror is a life changer. For a girl, she will get married somewhere far away. It's like seeing yourself gray - it's a prison. Cutting off your braids in a dream is a great shame.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Waves - symbolizes your concern about your own life or the presence of a certain number of events in your life. If the waves are small, then you will experience anxiety or several important incidents. If the waves are high, then what happens can cause serious harm to yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Wave

Waves in a dream mean worries, worries, trips. The larger they are, the more experiences await you ahead. The dream predicts that you will have a hard time. Muddy and dirty waves mean a big quarrel or a serious illness. Seeing the surf is a sign that your problems will soon be resolved. The measured beat of the waves foreshadows peace of mind. See interpretation: water.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

You will be overcome by powerlessness and weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

There will be repentance for what you have done.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

It's a pity that the waves are muddy, it's so nice to swing on them.

See a huge tsunami wave

Dream Interpretation Seeing a huge tsunami wave dreamed about why you dream about seeing a huge tsunami wave? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a huge tsunami wave in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami (wave, waves)

A scandal will break out with the mother of the husband or wife.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

Tsunami - Stormy events in social life that can overwhelm you.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Seeing waves in a dream means obstacles in business, efforts and struggle for success. If the waves are clear, it means you will gain new knowledge that will help you make better decisions in life.

Dirty waves portend a mistake fraught with irreparable consequences. River or lake waves - for peace of mind and self-confidence, sea waves - take a trip. Sea waves rolling onto the shore during a storm - you will be overcome by anxiety and a gloomy mood.

Sailing through stormy waves in a dream means taming the unbridled temper of someone who will then begin to worship you. Drowning, choking in the growing waves - will soon get rid of danger.

The blast wave that lifted you into the air and threw you away predicts that friends will violate your rights by abusing the trust you placed in them.

Dream Interpretation - Wave

"to be on the wave" success, luck. “Strong excitement”, “worry”, worry, worry.

"waves of sadness, joy." A large wave absorbed or covered something, “the matter was covered” (temporarily or permanently). “Stormy” is what they say about a drunk person with an unsteady gait.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Waves - an unexpected close road, a journey. Waves - excitement, feeling of a wave driving - fire, loss. - . Hair, braids, forelock - having thick hair in a dream - you will have good fame. Oiling your hair with oil is a joy. Having tangled hair is a shame; scratching means freedom; having long ones is good; cutting your own hair is a misfortune; crawls out in a dream, falls out - anxiety and bad news. Scratching long braids is a dishonor; wait for the road. If you dream of a black braid or cowlick, this person will profit. Having white hair is no need to rush. As you dream that you are cutting your cowlick, there will be some kind of loss. Whether you comb or wash your cowlick is good: respect and honor from people. Loose braids are a road. “I dreamed that someone cut my braids - I broke up with the man.” Scratching your braids means guests from the road. Combing your braids and looking in the mirror is a life changer. For a girl, she will get married somewhere far away. It's like seeing yourself gray - it's a prison. Cutting off your braids in a dream is a great shame.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Waves - symbolizes your concern about your own life or the presence of a certain number of events in your life. If the waves are small, then you will experience anxiety or several important incidents. If the waves are high, then what happens can cause serious harm to yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Wave

Waves in a dream mean worries, worries, trips. The larger they are, the more experiences await you ahead. The dream predicts that you will have a hard time. Muddy and dirty waves mean a big quarrel or a serious illness. Seeing the surf is a sign that your problems will soon be resolved. The measured beat of the waves foreshadows peace of mind. See interpretation: water.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

You will be overcome by powerlessness and weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Tsunami

There will be repentance for what you have done.

Dream Interpretation - Waves

Stormy waves mean strong experiences.

The waves are muddy, dirtier - quarrel, illness.
White cobra dream book

Each dream is unique, inimitable.

Just as there are no identical moments in waking life, there are no similar dreams. But the peculiarity of the dream world is that the visions that come to us at night also carry a deep hidden meaning.

How many ciphers, riddles and hints there are in dreams! How difficult it is to unravel them - but that’s what dream books are for. A special place in them is occupied by spontaneous phenomena and everything that is in one way or another connected with the primary elements, namely water, earth, fire and air.

Water appears to be a particularly multifaceted symbol. It is a primordial force, and in dreams it can symbolize the sphere of feelings, the emotional environment, and the energy of life. Such a dream can mean a lot. It is not difficult to understand why you dream of a flood, provided that all the details and conditions of the dream are taken into account.

A flood or a tsunami, a flood in a city or a house, a huge wave or slowly rising water - what exactly did you dream about? Such dreams with floods and tsunamis may have the following scenarios:

  • You just saw a flood or a flood from the outside, detached.
  • We saw the flood from quite a distance.
  • Flooded city.
  • We saw how a wave or tsunami carried people away.
  • There is a lot of water, streams fill the land more and more.
  • You dream of a tsunami, a hurricane.
  • Flood in your house or apartment.
  • You dreamed of a large ocean or sea wave.
  • You are fleeing a tsunami.
  • You are carried by a wave, a stream.
  • You are in a stream of clean, clear water.
  • Flood with muddy water, you are in it.

Such dreams sometimes resemble a disaster movie or a real nightmare. But do not be alarmed - they never literally indicate disasters or disasters in reality, and do not portend great troubles.

The most you can dream of about a flood, tsunami or deluge is a warning about dangers or possible risks, but these dreams also often promise a whirlpool of joyful events. So remember the most accurate details of what you dreamed about, and we’ll find out what awaits you.

See with my own eyes

Flood, tsunami, floods, houses and streets hidden under layers of water are terrible sights.

If you dreamed of such a natural disaster from the outside, you yourself did not participate in it, were not a victim, it did not affect you in any way - what do such visions mean?

1. If you just happen to see a flood in a dream, like in a movie, this means that you are overwhelmed with feelings, you are overwhelmed by waves of emotions and experiences.

This is not a bad thing, but if feelings prevent you from thinking objectively, focusing on your activities and daily affairs, if it keeps you from sleeping, think about how to pacify your emotions, at least a little. Intrusive thoughts can be harmful. But don’t be shy about your emotionality, show your feelings!

2. If in your dream you saw a flood or deluge from afar, somewhere in the distance, this may warn that somewhere very close to you there is an unpleasant, but at the same time too intrusive person. It draws strength and energy from you. You should identify him and try to get rid of his company.

3. If you saw in a dream a flooded city, houses and streets hiding under water, flooded cars and trees, Miller’s dream book warns of possible difficulties and even troubles.

You should restrain yourself and lead a cautious, modest lifestyle, do not rush to take risks and try not to get involved in conflicts, not to temporarily participate in adventures or competitions. And also take care of your own health and, if possible, take care of loved ones.

4. A terrible dream in which a flood carries people away, people rush in waves, unable to resist, and you see it from the outside - means that you are threatened with some kind of loss, loss, damage. You should be more careful in business.

5. If in your dream you closely observe how water gradually, slowly but surely floods the land, piece by piece, leaving no dry patch of land, Miller’s dream book interprets this as possible vagaries of fate.

This can be understood in different ways, but you should be prepared for the possibility that fate will not be too simple in the near future, and all things will not go smoothly.

This will probably be a period of failures and difficulties, but if you are not afraid of them, you will overcome everything - and the white streak will come again.

6. Seeing a flood in your own house or apartment warns of lack of freedom in relationships with your family and friends, of some bad aspects in the house. Your family hearth is undergoing conflicts that are gradually filling your family, and if they are not resolved, they can cause damage to your family.

7. And if you saw a big, strong ocean wave, or you dreamed of a big foamy wave in the sea, this promises the same power of love that will overwhelm you, cover you and take you to a new world, emotional and sensual... Just don't drown completely!

8. Tsunami dreams of stormy events in life. A period of active social life awaits you; you won’t get bored - every day fate will throw you new surprises.

You can expect acquaintances, unexpected meetings, exciting events and interesting events. Don't miss this bright period, it can change your life and give it a new quality!

9. If a merchant or entrepreneur dreams of floods, tsunamis and deluges, this is good. In this case, Miller’s dream book promises great success in business, success, and constant profit.

Clients, buyers and money will flow in like water. But remember that periods of success do not last forever, try to use the moment wisely to develop and become more successful!

10. When such a dream comes to a man, it promises him a promotion. New status, new, higher and enviable position in society.

11. But for lovely ladies, seeing something like this in a dream can also promise a rival! Perhaps some insidious homewrecker has a grudge against your beloved.

Just be careful, but don’t fall into hysterics and don’t immediately rush to aggressively accuse anyone, especially without reliable grounds!

The wave takes you somewhere...

Of course, it is better to see a natural disaster from the outside than to get caught in it. But if you still dreamed about how you were drowning, being carried by a wave, what could this mean?

1. As the dream book indicates, a flood or tsunami, from which you are trying with all your might in a dream to escape, is a sign that says that in reality you will and should take active actions that will be aimed at a new course of fate.

In other words, you yourself must change your life now, give things a new turn, actively change those areas of life that you consider necessary. Now is a more than favorable period for this, so don’t be afraid, change your life, make changes in your relationships and affairs, change yourself!

2. If a flood wave carries you like a doll, and you simply cannot do anything, even partially resist the flow, but simply submit to fate and float in the stream - this may promise illness or trouble caused by your passivity.

Life is stormy, but going with the flow without doing anything is also wrong. At least now is a period for you when it is better to fight and take active action.

This may concern your health or relationships, work or family. You yourself will notice in which area of ​​life you are passive and do not try to change anything. Do you think you can't, or you shouldn't? Very in vain! Trust the dream book, start changing what is stagnating, otherwise you will not avoid troubles.

3. If the stream of water you found yourself in was clean and strong, you will be whirled by a whirlpool of new, powerful feelings, passions and emotions.

Enjoy the feelings, just control the situation so as not to make serious stupidities, mistakes and everything that you will bitterly regret later. Don't go to extremes!

4. If you find yourself in a muddy, dirty stream and are drowning, expect serious obstacles in business, illnesses or failures. Don't be afraid of them - you can handle it! And also, do not push away your loved ones - perhaps they will give you a saving hand and help you get out of the stream of failures.

Floods, tsunamis, natural disasters, floods - all this should not frighten or disturb you much if it happened in a dream.

Even if such a dream warns you of possible dangers, illnesses or temporary failures, do not forget that no one in the whole world really decides anything for you in your destiny, and does not control your own life flow. And you can solve any problems yourself by showing strength and will! Author: Vasilina Serova

dream interpretation tsunami wave

Floods and tsunami waves are a good sign for entrepreneurs and businessmen. Such a dream predicts incredible success in business, good luck and excellent profits. Your material well-being will increase, and the flow of clients will increase. But do not forget that success does not last forever, and be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to develop your business.

tsunami wave according to the dream book

A tsunami wave seen in a dream means worries and anxieties, and the larger the wave, the more trials await you in the future.

tsunami wave according to the dream book

If in a dream you look at a huge wave that destroys your home, then such a dream is a harbinger of minor quarrels in the family or conflict situations with loved ones.

dream interpretation tsunami wave

Dreaming of a tsunami wave means that in reality a vigorous social activity awaits you, and the closer the wave is to you, the more likely it is that you will be an active participant in it. If you managed to avoid a natural disaster, it means that success and good luck will soon await you.

tsunami wave in a dream what is it for

If a man had such a dream, then a promotion awaits him in the near future. Such a dream warns a woman that someone wants to take over your husband’s heart and thereby destroy your family.

what does it mean if there is a tsunami wave in a dream

Seeing a giant wave in a dream is a sign that your life will be overshadowed by anxiety and emotional distress.

Waves of any body of water (sea, ocean) or waves that appear in a dream completely out of nowhere can have a polar opposite and at the same time correct meaning. This is explained by the fact that water is the source of all life on earth. It is initially charged with positive emotions and positive perceptions. Thus, a calm, clean sea, a lake, light waves, and solar ripples mean, according to many dream books, a surge of vitality and good news. Dark, muddy water carries an absolutely opposite meaning.

This is a symbol of quarrels, emotional distress, illness and fatal mistakes (dream book by Miller, Tsvetkov).

Big waves, tsunami, flood in a dream

Huge waves, a tsunami, a flood, a deluge covering the horizon cause a state of horror in a dream. You want to run, look for shelter, but your legs, as a rule, don’t obey you, or it’s simply impossible to find a suitable place. It’s heavy in the head or it goes back, but due to some circumstances you remain alive and wake up with anxiety and unpleasant mental sensations.

The dream scenario may vary depending on the characteristics of the psyche, but the essence remains the same: danger, fear, hopelessness.

Tsunamis symbolize your attitude and behavior in the family, in society, at work, at home, anywhere. This is your state of mind and attitude to what is happening around you. The emotions that you experience in a dream most likely live in you somewhere deep at the subconscious level. Hopelessness. You don’t allow your emotions to come out and make your life easier. Or it’s likely that you don’t have the opportunity to get rid of them.

Analyze the current situation in your life. Most likely you are unhappy with something. This could be: a depressing lack of money, an unpleasant situation at work, hostile relationships with loved ones, or other pressing problems that you cannot cope with on your own in everyday life.

After each such dream, you should analyze your past day, week, and maybe even month. It is quite possible that you will notice a certain trend, a cyclical pattern, when you experience a tsunami or huge waves. Based on your observations, you can draw a conclusion for yourself what a tsunami and flood mean specifically in your situation.

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