Non-alcoholic beer recipe for making at home. How is non-alcoholic beer made, from what ingredients? How to cook it at home? How else to brew non-alcoholic beer at home

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Do you like foamy drinks, but want to give up the degree and intoxication? We have prepared for you several recipes for making homemade non-alcoholic beer that will delight you with the classic taste and aroma.

A simple non-alcoholic beer recipe

You will need:

  • 10 liters of water,
  • 300 g hops,
  • 400 g sugar,
  • 600 g of dry kvass or barley flour.


  1. Combine hops, flour and water; Bring the resulting mixture to a boil.
  2. Turn off the heat, at this point the flour should settle to the bottom of the pan.
  3. In another bowl, boil the sugar syrup, thick like sour cream and rich brown in color.
  4. Let it cool and turn into caramel. Crumble the sweetness, mix with the hop broth, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. The beer infusion should be kept in a cool place for 24 hours; after which it is filtered and kept for another day on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.
  6. Filter non-alcoholic beer and bottle it. You can taste the drink right away.

Now you know, without wasting almost any time and getting a delicious drink from “penny” ingredients.

Non-alcoholic homemade barley beer

You will need:

  • 10 liters of water,
  • 2 kg barley,
  • 200 g of any hops,
  • 1/3 cup maltose,
  • 400 g sugar and 1 tbsp salt.


  1. Dry the barley well in the oven, grind it in a meat grinder/blender, or buy crushed malt.
  2. Pour the malt with water (9 liters), cook over low heat for an hour, then strain and cool.
  3. Mix the remaining water with hops in a separate bowl and simmer for half an hour over low heat.
  4. Strain both liquids, mix, add salt and cook for another two hours.
  5. Add maltose, mix well and leave to cool in a cool, dark place.
  6. Prepare brown caramel from sugar and a glass of water, let it cool and turn into candy, crumble.
  7. Mix burnt caramel and malt broth, heat and wait until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.

Cool the liquid and pour into bottles. Your caramel beer is ready to drink.

By the way, for brewing beer wort, a brand machine is ideal. Firstly, it is equipped with everything necessary for this in the basic configuration, and secondly, with it you can prepare not only beer, but in general any homemade alcoholic drinks!

Recipe for brewing non-alcoholic beer

You will need:

  • 10 liters of cold water,
  • 1 kg rye bread,
  • 1 glass of barley malt,
  • 1 glass of honey,
  • half a glass of maltose,
  • 50 g cumin,
  • 50 g dried mint,
  • 2 tbsp. l salt.


  1. Cut the bread into slices and toast in the oven until brown.
  2. Place the crackers in a saucepan, pour in 3 liters of boiling water, and leave to steep for 2 hours.
  3. Strain the resulting infusion, mix with salt and maltose. Leave to brew overnight.
  4. At the same time as the first decoction, heat the remaining water on the stove, mix with malt and cook over low heat for 2 hours.
  5. Cool the broth, add herbs, spices, honey and leave to steep for 24 hours.
  6. In a large container, wooden or plastic, combine both decoctions and stir thoroughly. Let it brew for 7 days in a cool, dark place.

Beer without yeast or alcohol can be bottled and tasted.

How to store non-alcoholic beer at home and how is it useful?

Without alcohol, it is less and stricter than a drink with alcohol. Within a month it will lose its taste and aroma, so prepare the beer in portions, for 1-2 meals.

The drink, which is prepared at home from natural ingredients, will have a refreshing, invigorating and stimulating effect due to the sugar and grain content. And most importantly, if you don’t drink alcohol, then with this beer you can support any company and not feel like a black sheep.

When you decide to brew real beer from available ingredients, you will need a small brewery that will simplify the brewing process and save you from wasting time. You can find the correct model by reading

Very often you can see the “0” sign on the labeling of beer bottles. This means that this foamy drink is non-alcoholic and has no strength. This is actually true. Even the most ordinary lemonade has its own percentage of alcohol. The strength of non-alcoholic beer can range from 0.2 to 1%. Such a product can be an excellent substitute for strong drinks for those who are having difficulty trying to get rid of alcoholism or do not want to get involved in it.

Cooking technology

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Non-alcoholic varieties of hop products are prepared according to a more complex scheme than traditional ones. This explains the high price of those manufactured at industrial enterprises.

A special feature of the preparation technology is the use of special varieties of yeast in the preparation process that do not ferment maltose into alcohol.

You can also remove alcohol from a drink by boiling the beer at low temperatures. Thus, the alcohol contained in the product gradually evaporates. The disadvantage of this method is the change in taste. The most effective way to reduce strength in industrial enterprises is a membrane method. It is based on osmosis or dialysis. When using it, sulfuric acid is used.

Heat treatment

There are various options for making non-alcoholic beer at home.
conditions. One of them is the use of a brewery. The cooking process in it is carried out in the traditional way until fermentation. Fermented homemade beer undergoes additional heat treatment. It is an evaporation process that is carried out at a temperature of 78 o C. It is the boiling point of ethyl alcohol.

You can carry out the evaporation process in a regular saucepan. To do this, you need to put it in the oven. On an open fire it is very difficult to maintain the desired temperature throughout the entire process.

When a drink overheats, it loses its taste. After the evaporation process is completed, the non-alcoholic product is cooled under a closed lid. During the process of evaporating beer at home, the active yeast in it dies. To “invigorate” the drink, special yeast starters are added to it. After this, it is bottled, corked and stored for several weeks.

Non-alcoholic beer, the same one, the mention of which for some reason immediately brings to mind the rubber woman. Have you noticed how much of it has appeared lately? Advertising, that's understandable. The rulers decided that if a bottle of beer appeared on the television screen, the nation would immediately fall into drunkenness, fornication and decadence. Beer advertising is prohibited. That’s why manufacturers began to advertise non-alcoholic products, in order to promote the “right” thing. But it turned out that non-alcoholic beer is still popular and almost all Russian brands have acquired their own non-alcoholic counterpart. And it's not just about advertising. With a general decline in the beer market, the growth in sales of the non-alcoholic segment amounted to tens, if not hundreds of percent.

This, of course, has to do with the low base (before this, practically no non-alcoholic products were produced) and with that very advertising. However, if the stereotype about the inflatable woman was persistent, then who would buy and drink this beer? And it sells in quite good volumes.

However, prejudices against non-alcoholic beer are still strong and this is due to the fact that people perceive it as an ersatz substitute for alcoholic beer. It is not right! We do not perceive the same kvass as a replacement for beer or strong beer with a more “rich” and “effective” version of the usual one. However, there are (and quite a few) people who think exactly this way. But you and I are not like that and we see the difference in styles, and non-alcoholic beer is a separate style that needs to be measured by a separate standard.

Personally, I perceive it exactly as a separate style, a separate drink, and I buy and drink “non-alcoholic” not to try to deceive my receptors, my body, but because of the taste. Yes, imagine, I like the taste of non-alcoholic beer! With one amendment - not everyone. But I don’t like any regular beer either. I drink non-alcoholic to simply quench my thirst in the middle of the day (and maybe in the evening), not because someone forbids me to drink alcohol, but because at the moment I don’t want it. We not only drink beer, but also tea, kefir, lemonade, and just water. Is this a beer replacement? No. Same with its non-alcoholic version, you just need to consider it as a separate drink and not as a replacement. Moreover, now there are many varieties and there is plenty to choose from.

Quite often the question is asked, how is non-alcoholic beer produced and brewed? There are several ways.

The first method, the most “racially correct”, correct one is dialysis.

The finished, alcoholic beer is “filtered” through a special dialysis unit (such as for blood purification), which separates the alcohol. At the same time, the taste of beer is preserved as much as possible, although of course it changes as the alcohol goes away. Alcohol in beer also gives taste and when it is removed, the wort and malt tones of course become brighter and more noticeable, which is something most people don’t like in non-alcoholic beer.

This method is very good, but very expensive, because... This kind of equipment is not cheap. And since, until recently, the volume of production of non-alcoholic beer was very, very small, few people wanted to spend money on it. Baltika and the Klin plant have dialysis units. It is by dialysis that Baltika No. 0 is produced; until recently, Russian-made non-alcoholic beer was better.

Method number two, the most common, is interrupted fermentation.

Currently, the most common method of producing non-alcoholic beer is the so-called interrupted fermentation. The wort is only allowed to begin to ferment and fermentation is immediately interrupted by lowering the temperature, and then additionally carbonating, pasteurizing and filtering the beer. It is clear that the resulting beer is sweetish and strongly reeks of wort. In principle, you can not start fermentation at all, but carbonate the unfermented wort, which I think some people do, judging by the taste.

However, even with this method, you can get a decent result. By playing around with mashing, you can make the wort less sweet, and a good amount of hops for boiling and, most importantly, for cold hopping, can quite hide this sweetness that we don’t like, and simply give the beer taste and aroma. This is exactly how “Zhiguli Barnoe non-alcoholic” and Czech “Bakalar Nealko” are made. Non-alcoholic Zhiguli is currently my favorite in this style. It’s exactly what I said above - simply delicious. There is much more hops in it than in “natural” Zhiguli. Apparently, I'm not alone in my preferences. In the nearest Pyaterochka, boxes of this beer run out quickly and often, because of this, I cannot buy it there.

Method number three, rare - evaporation.

As the name implies, alcohol is removed by evaporation. This does not necessarily mean boiling the finished beer. At low pressure, not even at boiling point, alcohol evaporates from the finished beer most quickly. I don’t even know who is using it now? In general, I don’t know much about this method, I just heard they did it in Europe in the 70-80s of the last century. You understand that this method not only removes alcohol from the beer, but also causes significant damage to its taste. In addition, you probably need some additional equipment. After all, it’s not like a cooker should do this?!


Yasya Vogelhardt

The SUN InBev production complex is located in Klin, near Moscow. Bottles of Klinsky, Bud, Sibirskaya Korona, Hoegaarden, Stella Artois and others come off the assembly lines. Initially, the Klin brewery was located here, which opened almost 40 years ago. In 1999, the SUN InBev company bought it, and two years later replaced the Soviet equipment with Belgian and German ones. The Village went to the brewery to see how the non-alcoholic beer “Sibirskaya Korona” is brewed.

What is beer made from?

At the factory they say that there are four main ingredients for beer - water, malt, yeast and hops. Without them, it is impossible to get a foamy drink. Water at the plant is extracted from five artesian wells, ranging in depth from 5 to 180 meters. But most often only three are used, the rest are backup. After extraction, the water is filtered so that the drink is safe and the taste of the same brand of beer is the same.

The next ingredient is hops. For production, it is used either in the form of hop pellets or as a hop extract. They buy it abroad because, according to employees, in Russia there is no hop of the required quality.

The company says that to produce granules, the cones are simply crushed, the necessary substances, which are found mainly in pollen, are extracted, processed, and then compressed. Hops give beer its characteristic flavor and come in two main types - aromatic and bitter - so sometimes several different varieties of hops are added to beer to change the bitterness level and aroma of the beer.

Malt is the third ingredient in beer; it is obtained from sprouted and specially processed grains. Typically, barley malt is used for industrial beer production, and less commonly, wheat malt. Unlike hops, the plant purchases it from Russia. Previously, almost every company's production had its own malt house, now there are only two of them in the country - in Saransk and Omsk. How is malt made? First, the grain is moistened so that it begins to germinate. When the first shoots begin to hatch (usually this happens after a few days), the process must be stopped - for this purpose the grains are dried in chambers. The temperature at which all this happens affects the taste of the future beer. At high temperatures, the grains not only lose moisture, but also begin to fry. The higher the drying temperature, the darker the malt becomes (it is also called caramel), and the beer brewed from it also acquires a darkish color. It is at this stage that malt acquires the aroma and taste characteristic of its variety, which it then transfers to beer. The dried sprouts are removed - the malt is ready.

Malt is needed to saturate the future beer with carbohydrates (sugars) and, with the participation of yeast, to start the fermentation process. Yeast is another essential ingredient for making beer. Fermentation is based on the metabolic characteristics of brewer's yeast and consists in the fact that the yeast eats carbohydrates (sugars) dissolved in the liquid and processes them into ethyl alcohol - hence the alcohol in beer. At the same time, yeast, in addition to alcohol, also produces carbon dioxide, which is contained in the finished beer. It acts as a natural preservative, which allows beer to be preserved for a long time if air does not enter it. At the plant they say that alcohol is not added separately to any varieties, even the strongest ones - there is not even an alcohol storage facility here. And to work with alcohol you need a separate license, which brewers also don’t have.

And in order to start the fermentation process, you need to provide a nutrient medium for the yeast - sugar. Grains are made up of starch, a complex carbohydrate. But yeast cannot feed on starch, only simple sugars. It is during the germination and production of malt from barley that complex carbohydrates inside the grain turn into a simple form - sugars, which become available for consumption by yeast. The strength of beer depends on the amount of “food” (malt and other grains) and the timing of fermentation. The more of this, the more alcohol there will be in the drink.

Special additives also affect the taste. They can be used as grains (rice, corn, wheat), spices (coriander) and fruits (orange peel). The non-alcoholic “Sibirskaya Korona” does not contain such additives.

Wort preparation

The processes for preparing regular beer and non-alcoholic beer are identical. They are distinguished by only one stage - dealcoholization, that is, the removal of ethyl alcohol from the finished drink.

It all starts with the brewhouse. Here the wort is prepared - not yet beer, but the same nutrient medium for yeast. This happens in two stages, the first of which is called mashing. Simply put, it is mixing crushed malt with water so that the sugars contained in the sprouted grain are released and mixed with the liquid. The process lasts about three hours, after which the wort in the form of a liquid slurry proceeds to the next stage - filtration from large grain residues through a membrane mash filter. The wort is driven through the installation and the grain products are removed by pressing. As a result, the liquid passes through pipes with membranes, and grain products (at the factory they are called beer grains) remain between the plates and are then removed. The brewer's grains are not thrown away, but are sold to farmers as livestock feed.

Then the wort goes into the kettle, where it is boiled for one to two hours. This stage is needed to add hops (bitter at the beginning, aromatic at the end) and other flavoring additives, if necessary. In hot water they release maximum of their aroma. The top of the boiler is closed and additionally covered with a special cover. This simple method reduces heat loss and saves electricity. Then the wort is pumped into a special boiler - a whirlpool, where it is clarified. During the boiling process, the flour residues stick together into flakes and gradually settle to the bottom of a huge vat. The hop residues also fall there. The bottom of the kettle is cone-shaped, so all unnecessary residues that have settled can be drained with virtually no loss of wort. Preparing one serving of wort takes about seven hours.


After this, the wort is pumped into the fermentation department, where cylindrical-conical tanks (CCT) are installed. The containers are so huge that they can be seen from afar; you don’t even need to go near the plant. One such CCT can produce about a million bottles of beer. Fermentation takes place in tanks first, and then maturation. For different brands of beer that the plant produces, this process takes from seven to ten days.

In the CCT, yeast is added to the wort through a propagator system. At the same time, different brands have their own types of yeast, because they directly affect the taste of the final product. There are approximately one and a half thousand flavors in beer. And this cannot be achieved only through various additives and ingredients.

Brewer's yeast comes in two types - bottom fermentation and top fermentation. Accordingly, with the first yeast, fermentation occurs at a low temperature of 7–13 degrees (this beer is called lager), and with the second, at room temperature of 20–25 degrees (this is ale). The function of fermentation is clear - you need to get alcohol. During this process, huge amounts of carbon dioxide are released. In order to remove its excess, all CCPs are combined into a single gas transportation system. Carbon dioxide goes through pipes to the compressor shop, where it is collected by a receiver, then purified and liquefied. The fermentation process is very active and its flows resemble a volcanic eruption. Fermentation ends at the moment when the sugar content in the liquid drops sharply, that is, the yeast eats up all the sugar as much as possible and loses its activity. They gradually die off and settle to the cone-shaped bottom. They are not poured down the drain, but sent back to the yeast department. Yeast can be used several more times, but, as a rule, no more than five.

Maturation and filtration

The product obtained after fermentation is called young beer, or green beer. It still has to go through the maturation stage. Young beer is kept at temperatures from zero to two degrees Celsius. During this period, it is saturated with carbon dioxide, slow fermentation of the extract remaining in it occurs, clarification and formation of taste. At the maturation stage, the taste stabilizes and the beer is preserved - it is saturated with carbon dioxide. After maturation, the resulting product is called unfiltered beer. It is cloudy due to the presence of yeast and other small residues, so the product is then sent for filtration, and later for bottling.

Alcohol removal

Before bottling, non-alcoholic beer undergoes one more stage - dealcoholization. The dealcoholizer consists of two columns. In the first, due to the created centrifugal force of rotation, ethanol is first separated at low pressure. Here, essential volatile substances are extracted and collected in a special tank, which create the smell of beer. In the second column, where the beer then flows, the temperature is higher - about 70–80 degrees. The alcohol is condensed by a heat exchanger, turns into a liquid, is mixed with water through pipelines and drained. The beer that remains does not contain alcohol. It is warm, so it is cooled to two degrees and those esters that were removed at the first stage are returned, so that non-alcoholic beer has the same smell as alcoholic beer.


After all the manipulations, the product is practically sterile, and its main enemy during further storage is air. To prevent it from getting into the beer, starting from the maturation stage the product does not come into contact with it. Such measures extend the shelf life to six months or even a year. Therefore, at the bottling stage, when the beer enters the package, there should be no air in it. The absence of air inside is ensured by injecting carbon dioxide into the bottle, which displaces the air. Increased pressure occurs in the container for a short time, thanks to which beer can be poured without excessive foaming. The bottles then enter a tunnel pasteurizer, where the product is gradually heated to 70 degrees, then the beer is cooled again. A properly selected pasteurization mode allows, on the one hand, to ensure long-term storage, and on the other hand, to preserve the taste of the drink. Then the bottles are labeled, packaged and sent to the warehouse.

Today almost everyone has a car. It’s convenient, you can move around with children and don’t have to jostle in the subway. But there are also plenty of disadvantages. When you are going to visit or go to a party, you will have to give up alcohol. For such cases, they came up with drinks that do not contain ethyl alcohol or contain them, but in very small quantities. However, many claim that they are harmful to health. Below we will tell you how non-alcoholic beer and other drinks are made and whether they are harmful.

Production of ethyl-free drinks

Beer without proof tastes like regular beer, but the percentage of ethyl alcohol in it is significantly reduced. It is produced in almost the same way as alcoholic beverages, with the difference that the alcohol is either removed from it after, or the fermentation process is completely eliminated. The technology looks more complicated, so the price of the final product is always higher.

They do this in several ways:

  1. Ethanol is removed by swirling the liquid in the dealcoholizer under low pressure. Then the alcohol is condensed at a temperature of 80 degrees, mixed with water and drained. What remains contains practically no alcohol and is sent for bottling;
  2. They use special yeast that does not ferment malt sugar. But such a drink turns out to be sweet and not very similar to the real thing;
  3. Stop fermentation using low temperatures.

There are other methods, the secrets of which are not disclosed by manufacturers. Mass production of alcohol-free drinks began relatively recently. However, today it is a popular product; it occupies 8% of the alcohol market in Russia.

Which non-alcoholic beer is the most non-alcoholic?

According to Russian legislation, alcoholic products include everything that exceeds 0.5% of the volume of the finished liquid. But beer containing less than this will also be considered alcoholic, since in our country there is officially no other category.

Below we will present several suitable brands:

  • Bud Alcohol Free- an American drink, the declared strength of which is no more than 0.5%. The ingredients include water, rice, hops, yeast and malt. It has a good taste, but abundant foam indicates the presence of cobalt, which is harmful to health;
  • Baltika No. 0Premium- the oldest in our country. The ethanol content in it is no more than 0.5%. It is made using alcohol removal technology, therefore it retains the taste of the original product;
  • Bavaria Malt Premium non alcoholic- according to the manufacturers, it does not contain ethanol at all, since it is made using technology that does not involve fermentation. At the same time, it has a pleasant taste for this type of product;
  • And a brand that recently appeared on our market - Hoegaarden 0,0% . The brand claims 0% ABV, but customers report a sweet taste, which gives the product a not-quite-beer-like taste.

The choice today is huge, you can buy booze with a minimum degree or without it at all. It all depends on your preferences.

How to cook at home?

To make such a drink at home, you will need the same ingredients as when preparing beer with a degree. Just omit the yeast.

  • Place hops (100 g) in a pan of water and boil for 20 minutes;
  • Then leave to cool;
  • Malt decoction (1 liter) should be mixed with maltose (half a glass) and heated, but not boiled;
  • Combine the boiled hops with malt and leave to settle for a day. Then refrigerate for 48 hours;
  • After 3 days, strain, heat a little and add sugar (half a glass);
  • Place again in a cool place for 24 hours.

Done, you can drink. But keep in mind that the taste will not be for everyone. There is another option - to evaporate the alcohol from regular beer. Boil it over low heat for about 30 minutes and the hops will disappear almost completely.

Why is non-alcoholic beer harmful?

Many people think that since there is no degree, it means it is not harmful. Of course, this version of the intoxicating drink can cause less damage to the body. But instead of ethanol, a lot of chemicals are usually added: fusel oils, cobalt and others. There can be no benefit from this.

The harm is quite definable:

  • With frequent use, digestive problems cannot be avoided: gastritis, ulcers and cholecystitis can become your friends;
  • Hops, which in any case are in the “hot”, contain a certain amount of morphine. But it is not good for the heart and blood vessels;
  • In addition, hops contain phytoestrogens - non-steroidal compounds similar in structure to female hormones. As a result, men begin to develop fat in the abdominal and pelvic areas, their breasts become enlarged, and problems with potency begin;
  • Women develop the opposite reaction - male hormones dominate. If you drink constantly, you can provoke facial hair growth and deepening of your voice.

Of course, nothing will happen from one bottle, if you want, sometimes you can drink it. Just keep it in moderation, as in everything.

6 useful properties

Debates about harm and benefit have been going on for a long time. There are many supporters of one theory and the other. IN benefits of soft drinks The following arguments are given:

  • Malt is rich in B vitamins;
  • They are not that high in calories;
  • They can be drunk by those for whom alcohol is contraindicated;
  • Doesn't cause a hangover.

And some sources claim that they can even be drunk by children. But this is wrong. Doctors say that the rules of consumption are the same as for drinking with a higher degree:

  • Not for children;
  • Not for pregnant women;
  • Prohibited for kidney, liver and gastric pathologies.

Indeed, there are beneficial properties, but if you think about it, their effectiveness is questionable, and the harm has been scientifically proven.

How is non-alcoholic wine made?

Today, non-alcoholic wine appears on the shelves. It has a lot of advantages - it is good for health, helps reduce blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. It is made by removing alcohol from the composition. There are three known methods:

  • Filtration. The liquid is passed through a nano-filter that can separate the alcohol. At the same time, the wine is not heated, which preserves its original taste and color;
  • Heating. The wine is boiled and the ethanol gradually evaporates. However, with this technology, the taste noticeably changes, beneficial substances lose their properties;
  • Steam distillation, which absorbs fermentation products and removes them. In this case, the drink does not heat up, which means it does not lose its qualities.

Thus, when choosing wine, give preference to brands that have not undergone heat treatment. They may be a little more expensive, but the benefits and pleasure will be greater.

So, we found out how non-alcoholic beer is made and which of those present on the domestic market you can choose. But do not forget that it does no less harm and children should not drink it.

Video: the entire process of making non-alcoholic beer

In this video, technologist Artem Baranov will show how soft drinks are made at the plant, in particular beer:

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