Why 4 years but 5 years. Children under five years old - five basic rules

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Speech helps a child to perceive the world around him more deeply. Emerging speech improves personal development, thinking, and perception of reality. A child who cannot speak at the age of 4 will not be able to draw conclusions, combine similar phenomena, generalize, distinguish, or reason.

My son practically doesn't speak . For some time I didn’t understand this, I thought that he was still small and was about to start. During a routine examination we were diagnosed diagnosis of mental retardation .

How is a child’s speech formed, or when do children begin to speak?

Preparatory stage (first year)

From birth, a child begins to develop speech. Stage 1 of mastering it can be considered first sounds (humbling) , scream and even cry . A healthy baby emits a loud, clear cry with a short sigh and a long exhalation. It has different intonations. With screaming and crying, all parts of the peripheral speech apparatus are involved (respiratory, articulatory, vocal).

By the third month revelry turns into babble . Babbling is a combination of sounds. A child begins to form letters into syllables at the age of six months.

By 7–9 months, more diverse sound combinations which he repeats after the adult. He easily adopts tempo, tone and intonation in the future.

For the formation and appearance of the first words by the end of the first year of life, it is important that at 10–11 months the baby is accompanied by the correct speech of parents and others.

Period of initial language acquisition (two to three years)

An important period for the development of a child’s speech is the age from 2 to 3 years. His understanding and vocabulary increases .

There is a noticeable leap in speech development (50 – 1,200 words). But she's not entirely perfect. To make it easy Express your thoughts , And vocabulary increased , try to pronounce all the actions that you perform with him.

It is important to form the correct pronunciation.

Preschool (from 3 – 7 years)

The vocabulary of children aged 4–6 years reaches 3,000–4,000 words. Speech becomes enriched. However, sometimes children give similar words for the purpose of objects . For example, a shovel is a digger, a helicopter is a ventolet, etc. Appears , formation of a sense of language , and also develops the ability to create own unique words (word creation).

By the age of four he should distinguish all sounds . By this time he usually speaks clearly and pronounces sounds correctly . Contextual speech is formed gradually. Children by the end of preschool age independently retell fairy tales , stories consisting of 40 - 50 sentences. Describe any events , your impressions and experiences.

How to determine delayed speech development in a child at an early age - we study the signs and symptoms of mental retardation

If a child does not speak independently before the age of four, or speech formation does not correspond to age, then a diagnosis is made - speech delay .

Signs of ZRR:

From birth to three months:

  • The voice does not respond to the sound of the toy.
  • Does not turn towards the sound source.
  • The pre-speech period proceeds unnaturally (rarely cooing and humming, little sonority, uniformity of pronounced sounds).

From 4 to 7 months:

  • Still does not respond to sounds (no babbling or humming).
  • Shows no interest in toys that make sounds.
  • Practically does not respond to the gestures of adults.

From 8 months to 1 year:

  • Does not pronounce repeated open syllables (ba-ba, la-la) and does not try to speak the simplest words of 2-3 letters.
  • There is no reaction to the sound.
  • When asked to show where grandfather’s ears, nose, eyes, etc. are, there is no corresponding answer.
  • Does not show any reaction to his name or to the question: “Where is dad?” does not look in his direction in response.
  • Does not rejoice during joint games, does not play finger games.

From 1 to 2 years:

  • Inactively repeats and does not pronounce simple words, does not understand them.
  • Limited vocabulary.
  • To questions such as: “What is your name? What to give you?" There is not even a clear answer.
  • Amorphous babbling using only monosyllabic words (yum, la, pa, bibi).
  • When asked to point out some details from famous characters, he cannot do this. For example: “show me where the bear’s paws are?”

From 2 to 3 years:

  • Cannot construct phrases of 2 or more words, vocabulary is limited to 20 words or less.
  • Can only speak in phrases from cartoons and often repeats the words of adults.
  • Even with family he is reluctant to make verbal contact.
  • Cannot indicate: up, down, forward, backward.
  • Amorphous words are still used and onomatopoeia is not reproduced.
  • The request: “Take the ball and throw it to mom” cannot be fulfilled (takes another object or throws it to another person).

The listed signs indicate a developmental disorder that needs to be corrected before the age of five.

Why a child does not speak at 4-5 years old - we understand the reasons for delayed speech development

I asked the speech therapist : “My son is already 4, and he uses only a few simple words to communicate, while his peers recite poems and retell short fairy tales. Why doesn't he speak?

The specialist was able to fully answer this question and highlight the main reasons for the delay:

A child does not tell at 4-5 years old what to do - treatment of mental retardation in children

If the delay is identified in a timely manner and approach treatment comprehensively with the involvement of qualified speech therapists, therapeutic massage courses and the participation of parents, a successful outcome is possible.

Drug treatment

FDD is associated with a complex of causes, sometimes it is based on brain dysfunction (cerebral circulatory disorders), therefore concomitant treatment is carried out. Specialists prescribe nootropic drugs , they prescribe medications to “nourish” the neurons of the brain – “actovegin”, “cortexin”, “neuromultivitis”, “lecithin”.

"Cogitum" stimulates the activity of speech zones. These medications should be recommended by qualified professionals.


Magnetotherapy, electroreflexotherapy stimulate the center of the brain, which is responsible for speech activity, diction, vocabulary, and intelligence. There are contraindications for the use of electroreflexotherapy; consultation with a specialist is required.

Massage and exercise

Special speech therapy massage required for the development of speech skills, contributes to the development of correct sound pronunciation.

Some mothers at the end of the massage course do the exercises themselves . For example, a simple massage of the cheeks in a circular motion using terry mittens is quickly amenable to adults. The main thing is not to damage the delicate baby skin .

Lightly pinch your cheeks and do the kissing exercise. To do this, the mother combines the baby’s lips with her fingers, making the sound of a kiss “mm-mm,” the child should repeat after mom . If the baby likes it, then you can actively use it finger tapping : on the lips, chin and cheeks.

An exercise that accompanies singing vowel sounds with long, smooth hand movements:

Smooth movement with both hands:

  • "y" - forward.
  • "O" - to the sides and up.
  • "And" - to the sides.
  • "uh" - to the sides and down.
  • "A" - arms spread wide in front and to the sides.
  • "s" - squat, hands in fists, arms bent at the elbows.

Massage and exercise help normalize facial muscle tone and activate the articulatory apparatus .


Logorhythmics - rhyming exercises accompanied by music with movements . Logorhythmic lessons are liked by children, they are fun and interesting, and are conducted in a playful way. During the game children are interconnected with their parents , there is a process of learning and development. Using this method, thinking activity is stimulated , develops and coherent speech is formed .

Types of exercises:

At the beginning of classes, you can do a related exercise with walking and marching so that coordination of arms and legs is formed.

  • Poems with motor activity

Each line of the verse contains certain movements. Baby maintains a fast pace And switches from one action to another . This is a fun activity, they pretend to be animals or imitate them.

  • For articulation

Articulation exercises can also be done in the form of a game. An enthusiastic child does not even notice that learning is taking place . During articulation exercises or games, a certain sound is evoked in him. The movement of the articulatory apparatus (larynx, vocal folds, tongue, soft and hard palate, lips) should not be tense, but be active, precise, rhythmic . Such exercises are accompanied by special texts in poetic form . Which will correct sound pronunciation. Develop the muscles of the lips and tongue.

  • For fine motor skills

Finger games accompanied by reading folk poems, form subtle movements of the fingers . The simplest and most famous of them are familiar to many parents. For example, nursery rhymes about the white-sided magpie or darlings, which children enjoy doing. Motor activity of the hands and fingers affects the development of speech . The ability to listen is also developed, the rhythm is captured and the activity of speech increases. The following pattern has been revealed : if the movement of the hands is developed and corresponds to age, then the development of speech is within normal limits.

According to scientific research, a child's character is formed in the first five years of his life. Therefore, it is important to take his upbringing seriously during this period of development in order to prevent further problems and difficulties in communication. But how to do this correctly and as carefully as possible?

Calmness is the main key to success in raising children, no matter how emotional and unrestrained parents may be. You need to speak to the child calmly and smoothly, without breaking down or screaming in any way, otherwise what was said will simply be internalized by the child’s brain as aggression and will not be perceived. To exclude such a scenario, you should also avoid exposing your child to harsh physical contact, such as grabbing, tugging, and spanking to attract attention. Children, especially between the ages of one and five years, are very sensitive to tactile sensations and physical contact with their parents; this must always be kept in mind to avoid childhood fright. After all, subsequently, even a slight fright from a spanking can become a psychological trauma and lead to deviations, such as stuttering or a nervous tic.


The basis for the formation of children’s basic habits is a certain daily routine, which the child adheres to together with his parents. It is important to formulate a certain sequence of actions that will serve as the basis for the child’s good habits in the future. Some of the most important elements of the regime are scheduled sleep, mandatory brushing of teeth in the morning and before bed, daily walks and intellectual activities such as reading, writing and creativity. Such a schedule is a must-follow thing. Non-compliance or frequent violation of the regime can undermine the child’s emerging behavior pattern and make him anxious and changeable.

Behavioral "Sponge".

You can often hear the expression “absorbs everything like a sponge” addressed to children, which is true without exaggeration. Unconsciously, children copy their parents' behavior patterns, regardless of the child's age or gender. But unfortunately, most often completely unnecessary adult gestures, words or habits are chosen to be imitated. To avoid this and use the “behavioral sponge” correctly, parents should exclude some elements of adult life where the child may become an unwitting spectator or listener. No swearing or use of physical force, as well as laziness and refusal of responsibilities. Instead, it will be useful for the child to instill hard work, patience and the ability to control his behavior.

Common standards.

To avoid the formation and division of parental roles into “good mom” and “evil dad,” parents should be equally affectionate and equally demanding of the child. One cannot allow one of the parents to buy the child’s affection and love only by contradicting the other parent and by tolerating the rules. Prohibitions must be inviolable, as well as rewards for work and good behavior. A clear line between what is permitted and what is prohibited must be drawn and discussed by both parents, without issuing ultimatums such as “not allowed, because daddy forbade it.” Such attitudes will form a negative attitude of the child towards one of the family members, which in the future may have a bad effect on relationships and communication.

Obedience, but not submission.

The child must have an understanding of the requirements that are placed on him. It is important that he knows that the task or requirement is not a meaningless parental whim that must be fulfilled simply to avoid punishment. Understanding the need for certain tasks will help the child develop responsibility, an understanding of the world around him and its mechanisms, his own thinking and will. Otherwise, the child’s development will stop at the point where he will only forcefully do what he is told, while remaining without motivation and any desire. The child must realize that the assigned task will not be canceled or forgotten, for one simple reason - he needs to complete this task for his own benefit, and not for someone else.

Education is a very subtle practice, but very necessary. Raising a child must be done from the very beginning in order to avoid future disobedience and the development of destructive behavior. Perhaps the most important thing is to start, and be sure to start from the very beginning, because adult children are much less and reluctant to be influenced by their parents.

If a child at 4 years old does not speak, something needs to be done about it. The first thing parents should find out is the reasons why the baby is growing up silent, and for this they will need to be examined by an otolaryngologist, psychologist, speech therapist, child neurologist and psychotherapist. Today we will look at the most common reasons why a child does not speak at 4 years old. Komarovsky is a children's doctor who has earned the trust of many parents. We will use his advice to compile the article.

At what age should children speak and what exactly?

Before you start sounding the alarm and complaining that a child of 4 years old does not speak well (we will tell you what to do about this later), you need to figure out what and at what age children speak according to the norms. If your four-year-old child slurs some words, this is not a cause for concern. To accurately understand whether you need help, compare the following data with your child’s development:

  1. By the age of one year, babies are already very actively communicating, and the gurgling is replaced by monosyllabic “give”, “woof”, “na” and the like and repeated syllables “ma-ma”, “pa-pa” and so on.
  2. By the age of one and a half years, the deadline is by two, the vocabulary expands, simple phrases appear (albeit not clear) like “Misha will eat,” “let’s go for a walk,” and so on. If the child still communicates in separate syllables, then this should alert you, and you will need to visit a speech therapist first.
  3. From the age of three, a child can already use simple phrases to describe what is happening, a picture from a book, and ask questions.
  4. A child speaks poorly at 4 years old - this is when he still cannot describe a picture, compose a simple story based on it, describe what is happening or some phenomenon, cannot compose complex sentences and still communicates in the simplest phrases.

If the baby speaks well, but rarely, he is most likely just silent. But maybe the problem is also psychological; let’s figure out why a child doesn’t speak at 4 years old (not at all, or speaks, but rarely) or why he speaks poorly. For each reason, solutions to the problem will be proposed.

Lack of attention and communication

If, from birth, parents teach their child to be independent, including watching cartoons and pictures, they spend little time with him, do not read books, and give monosyllabic answers to basic questions (“yes,” “no,” “not now,” “leave me alone.” " and so on), then the baby will simply get used to such communication. The child will feel more comfortable without pronouncing what he thinks are unnecessary words, and he won’t have many questions, since the previous monosyllabic answers do not arouse interest in anything.

In this case, a child of 4 years old does not speak for a simple reason - he grew up silent, and all thanks to the “efforts” of his parents. Remember: a quiet child is not the ultimate dream and not an ideal; he will lag behind his peers in development, since he is not interested in anything and does not develop. How to fight?

Start watching cartoons together, comment on them, ask your child questions that he will need to answer with a phrase. Learn songs and poems together, tell him a lot yourself, make sure that the baby begins to ask questions. Don't brush your child off, and he will soon turn out to be a real talker.

Individual development rate

If the lag is small and your baby’s speech differs little from what his peers say, then should we even consider that there is a problem? Perhaps a child at 4 years old does not speak exactly the same as the neighbor’s son due to the individual pace of development.

It happens that parents begin to worry if their child said “mom” a month later than a friend’s child. But think about it: perhaps he walked earlier, turned over for the first time, and so on. With a slight lag, the baby will still get back on track and catch up with his peers in speaking ability.

How to speed up the process? Usually a child speaks poorly at 4 years old due to lack of communication with peers, that is, one who does not attend kindergarten. You have only one way out: send your baby to kindergarten, he will soon pick up words and phrases from his classmates and begin to communicate on an equal basis.

If a child attends kindergarten, but still lags behind in speech development, then consult a neurologist, psychologist, or speech therapist. Perhaps there are minor birth or psychological traumas, or maybe it’s really a matter of the individual pace of development.

Lack of motivation

If in the first paragraph we talked about lack of attention on the part of parents, now let’s talk about excessive care. By pampering your baby with your excessive attention, you take away the motivation to express your desires. For example: you’ve just gotten your hands dirty, and you’re already running with a handkerchief. If this happens in the garden and no one rushes to help him, then the child will not ask for help, but will simply whine, demanding attention.

So, if a 4-year-old child doesn’t talk much and only does it when absolutely necessary, then motivate him! For example, move a dish with candy or fruit higher from an accessible place. Let the child not take what he needs himself, but ask adults for help. He will point his finger at the dish, do not react, say: “Ask normally, in words.” And everything is in the same spirit.

Bilingual family

If a child does not speak at 4 years old, the reason for this may lie precisely in the fact that the parents communicate in one language or another, or even mix them. Children born into bilingual families simply have the right to be delayed in speech formation. This may lie in a small vocabulary, errors in writing sentences, refusal to communicate in complex sentences, or silence. In order for a child to simply understand what is being said, he must first separate one language from another, and then think about how to compose an answer or address.

So, if a 4-year-old child in a bilingual family does not speak, what should you do? First, have mercy on your baby's brain. If you easily separate one dialect from another, then it either cannot do this, or it really “breaks your brain.” Speak to him only in one language, do not mix words and phrases. Then speak in another language, which the baby also needs to learn. For the most part, speak the dialect that will be your primary one (the one you need in kindergarten, at school, for communicating with peers), and devote less time to the secondary language.

Unfavorable psychological situation in the family

Stress threatens not only adults, but also children 4-5 years old. Does the baby not speak at all, pronounces slurred words, or stutters? All these are the consequences of stress, psychological trauma, fear. Even simple quarrels between parents can become an unfavorable environment for the development of a child. The baby begins to be afraid of loud sounds, is afraid to say a word, and withdraws into himself. These are warning signs!

The atmosphere in the house should be, if not cheerful, then at least calm. Eliminate scandals in front of your child, he should not see this. If the baby is a constant witness to parental quarrels, then he will have constant stress, which will cause developmental delays, and this is fraught with consequences for the future. If a child at 4 years old hardly speaks and the reason for this is past scandals, fear for any other reason and you yourself cannot cope with the situation, then there is one way - to go to a psychologist who specializes in working with children. Isn't it too early to be brainwashed at this age? This is one of the most frequently asked questions. There is only one answer: it’s never too early, it’s already too late!

Child's negative attitude towards talking

And this also happens. Many parents ooh and ahh as soon as they hear a new word, or even a phrase, from their child, and then pester the child with requests to say so to grandparents, neighbors, and so on. The desire to “talk” the baby can turn out negatively. The child will get tired of repeating a hackneyed phrase to everyone, and every spoken word will only tire him and cause negative associations.

How to proceed? Just stop pestering your child asking him to say this and that. After some time, the baby will take a break from the intrusiveness and will begin to communicate normally, ask questions, answer them, and expand his vocabulary.

Genetic predisposition

If your child does not speak at 4 years old, then ask your parents when you started talking. It could all be a matter of genetics, and this is the strongest thing. It happens that children do not speak for a long time, which begins to scare their parents, and then they abruptly blurt out entire “poems,” which surprises their parents.

In any case, if there is a delay in speech development for no apparent reason, then you will need to visit doctors in order to identify possible neurological or psychological disorders at an early stage. But don't panic, don't force your child to "say something quickly." In this way, you will only make things worse; the baby will begin to withdraw into himself, and his desire to speak will completely disappear.

Difficult pregnancy or birth trauma

The baby's nervous system is formed in utero. If there were complications during pregnancy, the expectant mother suffered from viral diseases, and was constantly in a state of stress, then all this could affect the formation of the nervous system.

Another reason is trauma to the skull at birth, which caused disruption of brain activity. More often, this activity is quickly restored, very rarely gives serious disruptions, and it sometimes happens that for this reason the child lags behind in development, in our case, speech.

For both reasons, failures are established at an earlier age. For example, by the age of half a year a child still does not coo, does not smile, does not grab a finger or toys, and much more. But if the injury is not severe, then you can find out about its presence at a later age - by the age of four or five, when the lag in speech is too obvious.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills help activate the speech center in the brain. Many people think that all this is nonsense and speech has nothing to do with fingers. But nerve endings are a mysterious thing, and it is the developed fine motor skills that are responsible for the center of speech. Buy educational games for working with your hands: pulling threads through holes, puzzles, and so on. Just let your child sort through the pasta, with his eyes closed, guess by touch how many holes there are in the button, and so on.

Of course, you cannot do without the professional help of a neurologist and speech therapist, but the proposed exercises will help a lot.

Hearing impairment

If the baby does not speak at all by the age of four or all his phrases are confused, even the simplest words are incomprehensible, then he may have hearing impairment. When a baby does not perceive words well by ear, he cannot reproduce them correctly. And the matter may lie not in complete deafness, which is determined earlier, but in partial deafness, which may not be noticed even by a very attentive parent.

Deafness in a child can be hereditary or acquired: intrauterine infection, complications during the mother’s pregnancy, trauma during childbirth, complications after colds in infancy. This will require qualified assistance from an otolaryngologist, neurologist, speech therapist, pediatrician, and so on.

While you are undergoing treatment, do not despair and do not stop your baby’s education. Start speaking more loudly and clearly, work with your child, pronouncing phrases together, reading poems, singing songs - all this greatly helps in the development of speech, and poems and songs are simpler and easier to perceive by ear, even weakened ones.

Childhood autism

Autism is not a death sentence, it is a feature of a child living in his own inner world. The child does not need outside communication, he does not feel bad without talking, but is quite comfortable in his own room with paper and pencils - often autistic children communicate and convey their mood and emotions through drawings, and parents learn to understand them this way. Parents and grandparents play an important role in the development of these special children. But you can’t force your baby to communicate if he doesn’t want it, you’ll have to come to terms with his mood.

Children with autism must be seen by a neurologist, psychologist and psychotherapist. Over the years, the baby will differ less and less from his peers, but both doctors and parents must try very hard for this.

Little communication with real people

Child doesn't want to talk at 4 years old? Have you noticed that as you get tired and busy, your child communicates more and more with a tablet, computer, TV, and so on? The child is busy playing video games, watching TV (which currently doesn’t show anything useful for children), instead of learning a new poem or song with his mother, or going for a walk to communicate and play with other children. If you understand that a delay in speech development or simply a child’s refusal to communicate was the result of diligent use of gadgets, then it’s time to change something, isn’t it?

Put all computers and phones away, turn off the TV and take care of your child yourself. Tell fairy tales and then ask them to retell what they heard, teach poems for children your age, come up with fun games and activities in which you will need to communicate. The first time will be difficult, because the baby will miss his favorite tablet so much (hysterics against this background and refusal of other activities are possible), but all these are only temporary difficulties. Everyone soon gets used to the gadget, like a drug, and begins to be interested in “live” entertainment.

How to teach a child to speak at 4 years old?

The main thing is that you noticed the problem, admitted your mistakes and began to correct the situation. The first step is to contact a speech therapist and child psychologist. You will need to visit these specialists regularly as the problem is resolved. But you should also work with your baby at home so that he quickly begins to communicate normally for his age:

  1. If the issue is a lack of communication, then urgently change family relationships. Begin to take more interest in the child’s affairs, ask how they are doing in kindergarten, what they went through, what they were told, what they dreamed about at night, and so on. Provoke questions in your child, and things will work out on their own.
  2. Read, learn tongue twisters, poems, go on excursions, to the zoo, or just to the park!
  3. Prepare lunches and dinners together, while you need to communicate. For example: “Today we will cook...” - the child should continue. “For this we need...” - the child must list the products that will be needed during the cooking process.
  4. Make up your own poems. You say a phrase or word, and let the child come up with a word that rhymes.

There are a lot of exercises to speed up speech development, and you will have to work hard so that your baby begins to fully communicate with you as soon as possible!

There are two questions in this question at once: 1) why not “five years” and 2) why after the words “two” and “five” the noun appears in different forms: “two years” is the genitive singular, “five years” is the genitive plural case.

Let's start with the second question. Why are the numerals “two”, “three”, “four” (as well as compound numerals ending in “two”, “three”, “four”, for example “twenty-two”) combined with a noun in the genitive singular form (“ two cats", "twenty-two cats"), while the numerals "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", etc. (as well as compound numerals ending in "five" ", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", for example "twenty-five") require a genitive plural form ("five cats", "twenty-five cats")?

This difference is connected with the history of the Russian language. Once upon a time in the Russian language there were no numerals at all. More precisely, there was no such part of speech. The words “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”, “six”, “seven”, “eight”, “nine”, etc., of course, existed, but they belonged to other parts of speech.

The names of the numbers 5–9 were... feminine nouns and declined like, for example, the word "bone". Compare: “no five” - “no bone”, “five” - “bone”. Being nouns, they controlled the genitive case of nouns, which were used, of course, in the plural form. Hence such combinations as “five cats”, “six tables” (cf. combinations with nouns: “cats’ paws”, “table legs”, etc.

The situation was more complicated with the names of numbers 2–4, which were countable adjectives and (as befits an adjective) agreed in gender, number and case with the nouns: “three huts” (cf.: “beautiful huts”). But that’s not all: the name of the number 2 was consistent with nouns in a special form of the dual number (not singular or plural; this form was used to designate two objects): “two walls”, “two tables”. Later in the Russian language, the category of the dual number collapsed, and forms like “two tables” began to be perceived as the genitive case of the singular. Combinations with the words “three” and “four” were also adapted to these forms. And so it happened: “two cats”, “three cats”, “four cats”, but “five cats”.

Well, now let's return to the first question. The peculiarity of the word “year” is that when counting (after cardinal numerals) in the genitive plural, instead of the form “years”, the form “years” is used. This is due to the fact that our ancestors counted years by summer (the warmest time of the year). “So many years have passed” began to mean “so many years have passed”, the word “summer” acquired the meaning “year” (cf.: “chronicle” - a record of events by year), and the form “years” replaced the form “years” "

Parents often think about how to prepare their son or daughter for school. What skills should children have who will sit at a desk for the first time in a year?

What are they?

Every year of life for children is a certain stage. It's the adults who don't change as quickly as they do. After all, childhood is the time of the most intense human development. In no other years does he acquire as much as as a preschooler.

During its first 5-6 years, a child turns from an absolutely helpless newborn into a fully developed person. He has his own interests and character traits, individual views on life. This speed of success and the manifestation of ever new abilities is simply amazing.

The child turned 5 years old. It is growing rapidly - right before our eyes. Such a boy or girl needs energy. Therefore, the quality of food is important.

The child's behavior also changes. He develops an evaluative attitude towards himself and other people. He is quite often interested in what is good and bad, and really wants to live by the rules. He condemns those who violate this. For him, his parents are an ideal, an object to be emulated in every detail. So try to make your example positive.

"I got it"

As for the psychological component, at 5 years old a child already understands a lot. He listens to your explanations and responds adequately to all requests from adults. He can occupy himself if his parents are not yet able to be with him.

Psychologists say: 90% of personality is formed between 5 and 7 years. And during these two generally short years, mothers and fathers can “put” into their child the very qualities that they consider necessary, and cultivate exactly those habits that, in their opinion, cannot be done without.

All this is not difficult. Children these years easily copy those whom they love, respect, and appreciate. Their behavior is the best, the most correct, the only possible. So control your actions and words. After all, if you say one thing and act completely differently, then don’t expect anything good from your child!

Write and read

Communicating with five-year-old boys and girls is a pleasure. At 5 years old, a child is interested in everything. He is unusually open to all new information, knowledge, as well as to various skills. He wants to do everything at once, try everything: dance, draw, and play tennis. It’s interesting that he actually has an easy time with both mental and physical skills.

It also surprises no one that even before first grade, many children already know letters, can write them, and some also read quite fluently. Children usually also master the simplest arithmetic operations; they can add and subtract. In a word, now is the most favorable time to “cram” more valuable and useful things into your child. Very little time will pass - and this wonderful, passionate interest in the world around us, which pleases mom and dad, will slowly fade away. So don't miss such a good time.

At the desk

Research by psychologists provides such interesting data. Of all the six-year-olds who go to school, only 30% have learned to hear what the teacher says, remember, do what he tells them to do, and then analyze their actions.

But 70% do not know how to do this, 25% require that the task be repeated to them twice or even three times. 30% of children hear, understand, remember, but do not know how to act independently. This boy sits and moves his pen across the table. It doesn't work, so to speak. The teacher should come up to him and say: “Come on, write the numbers.” Otherwise, he will not do anything until the end of the lesson and, therefore, will not learn.

This is where all the difficulties of a first-grader stem. And the reluctance to go to classes after a week. However, when a child has lived correctly for five years, all these skills have been formed.

Let them play more

A child is not an adult. He masters the world through play. All the rules of life, its laws and norms - only in a playful form, and not through lectures or notations. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him the same alphabet, reading, and arithmetic only in this way.

At this time, children begin to ask rather difficult questions, which makes some adults nervous. And in vain. You can’t brush off your son or daughter! For example, how do you answer this: “Why are the leaves green, but the sky is not, it’s blue?” Moms and dads, no matter how busy they are in the evenings, must answer all this truthfully and clearly. And here, educational games for children 4 - 5 years old are very good helpers, simply irreplaceable. They have no competitors yet.

Tests and puzzles

True, the kids will have to think very carefully. After all, the tasks are not so simple. But it will be an excellent training - for the development of memory, also imagination with attention, also counting, and other properties necessary for a preschooler.

For example, there are many crossword puzzles designed for this age. You can also make sentences from different words mixed together. How fascinated children are by tests! The ones where you need to choose only the correct answers.

Children love to look for all sorts of differences in the pictures. This is where attentiveness, perseverance, and perseverance develop.

There are many other types of pastime from the “educational games for children 4-5 years old” series. The same assembling puzzles is not just an activity to keep the child quiet at home and not bother anyone. No, this is a great way to develop his creative abilities.

All familiar letters

There will be nothing wrong if adults tell the child what letters are. This will be interesting for 5 year old children. But how to learn them with a child?

Usually girls and boys themselves begin to ask: “What are these badges?” - when someone at home reads a book to them. There is also a special alphabet for children 5 years old. This colorfully published alphabet is a wonderful book. She is still unfamiliar to the kids. So it's time to buy it right now and start practicing.

The main thing is not to demand that the baby firmly understand everything. It is more important to maintain interest in learning. It is enough to conduct such classes for children 4 - 5 years old for 10 - 15 minutes a day. It's good to learn letters with short words. But the form of the game is strictly required!

Guessing game

Folklore is more useful now than ever - riddles for children 5 years old. They are very figurative, concise, and easy to remember. This is a kind of mental gymnastics. And how beautifully creative thinking, the same ingenuity and ingenuity develops at the same time. And what is important for our time is the gift of solving simple problems in a very non-standard way. If you want to develop your child mentally, do not neglect guessing games. Moreover, kids love them very much. And composed in poetic form, they are much more interesting.

But in poetry they force children to pay attention to little things that previously remained unnoticeable, and broaden their horizons.

And what joy and pride comes over the child when he finds the correct answer! Moreover, children can play this way without adults, on their own, which gives them the ability to communicate with each other, live in a team and take into account others. All this will be useful not only at school, but in life in general. Contact people, as noted, are easier to advance in their careers, and their leisure time is more meaningful.

Another tip. Solve riddles with your children. Or try to come up with them yourself. Even on your everyday, vital material. It is very funny! Not to mention the benefits for the whole family, for the good atmosphere in it.

New idea

Praise your children more for success in any activity. Don't scold for mistakes. Is everything going smoothly at work for you? And don’t get tired of maintaining a keen interest in learning in your child, and not only in the area of ​​reading.

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