Rules of the game of darts: distance to the target. Rules for playing darts for beginners

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There are basic darts games that are ideal for beginners and professionals. Among the great variety, one of the most popular stands out, called “501”.

Note! There are games that involve a team and individual competition. It is important to accurately distribute points among a certain number of participants.

Most often, in non-professional competitions, only a few of the simplest types of games of this type are used. And even more often, the best in the competition is determined by banal accuracy - who hits the bull's eye as close as possible. The following interpretations are especially popular:

Name of the game Rules Peculiarities
"501" Each participant makes three throws, each of which results in points being deducted.

The winner is the one who first receives a zero on the write-off.

You can play one on one or in a group. Depending on the number of players, the initial number of points is determined.
Bull It is considered a warm-up game. Players take turns throwing darts at a target.

At the beginning, a certain maximum number of points is set. Hits in the center or green sector are counted.

Typically, hitting a cent is worth 50 points, and hitting a green ring is worth 25. The number of throws is not limited.
American cricket One by one you need to close sectors from 15 to 20 and bull. The sector is considered closed if it is hit three times in a row. You can play together or arrange a competition between entire teams.
Big round Three throws are made from sector 1 to sector 20. Naturally, you need to hit the center. The game can be played independently and is used for accuracy training. Used to play with an opponent.
7 lives The principle of the game is similar to “501”. There can be an infinite number of players.
Cricket Specific sectors and the center that need to be closed are selected. Closing occurs as a result of hitting one cell three times. The number of players must be in pairs. The game is also played in pairs.

How to count points?

Since the variety of darts games is great, the scoring will be done differently. How to count points in each of the above games? In each case, it is important to take into account the number of those who take part in the “tournament”.

Important! In addition to the number of players, it is important to take into account other features - the distance to the target, how the target itself is marked.

It is better if a person who does not take part in this competition is to add up the points or referee the game, so he will not be distracted.

In accordance with the rules, calculation is carried out according to the following rules:

  • « 501 "—points are calculated in accordance with hits in all sectors. There are special segments that serve as ways to double and triple points. After three hits, the points are summed up and subtracted from the initial result.
  • Bull- the calculation is very simple. The bull has 50 points, and the green sector has 25. After the throws, the accumulated number is added up and the winner is determined.
  • American cricket– if you enter a sector that is not yet closed by the opponent, the lucky one is given points. Even if the player himself has successfully closed this sector. Sometimes this rule is not used - by agreement of the two players.
  • Big round– when entering a certain sector, this amount is multiplied by its number. After each lap, the points are summed up and the overall result is displayed.
  • 7 lives– when gaining the same number of points or in case of a shortage, one “life” is deducted. In the case of the maximum number of points gained in one approach, “life” is saved.
  • Cricket– first you need to assign a number to yourself, which is done by hitting one sector three times. If the number assignment is successful, then it can become a sector for doubling or tripling the result.

    If you get into the opponent’s sector, then points are awarded according to the same principle and in the same amount. Same for the player's sector.

In order not to lose track of your calculations, it is better to keep notes. This is especially true if the game is played in a group championship or there are a lot of players. To just have fun, it’s better to play Bull, here the calculations are as simple as possible.

Game history

The history of this exciting game has many different interpretations. It is believed that this game began to be played in Great Britain approximately two or three centuries ago.

Initially, the game was throwing arrows into the bottom of an inverted barrel. Pubs became the venue for such tournaments.

Over time the game has improved:

  • Initially, the markings of the target were formed, according to which the points received could be counted.
  • Over the years, a judging system has been developed that makes it easy to calculate the result of the entire game and limit the rules.
  • Several interpretations of one game were developed, according to which the assessment scheme was developed.
  • Improvement of inventory, which has become completely mobile and simple. Darts are used instead of arrows, and a sisal target has replaced the barrel.

In the modern world, throwing darts at a target can be located in any bar, office, or home. Thanks to the mobility of the devices, you can constantly move them and even take them on the road.

Important! The cost of professional equipment usually does not exceed $100-120 for a full set. Thanks to such accessibility, this sport is becoming popular in many countries around the world.

The advantage of this game is that you can learn to play darts at any age. Within 1-2 years you can fully master and even succeed in the game of accuracy. Participation in high-level tournaments is also within reach - you can apply and participate in them without much difficulty.

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Darts is a great sports game for gambling people who love to win. Skills develop with experience.

Much depends on the person’s athletic training: the game involves muscles of different parts of the body, since the throw is not only made with the hand, many different muscles take part in the process.

What matters is the person’s posture, his body control, the ability to calculate the weight of the dart, the distance to the target and the force of the blow.

A person’s vision and the level of development of his vestibular apparatus are important. The rules are different: there are options for beginners, and merciless games for professionals.

Darts options:

Name The essence Additional Information
501 Each person is awarded 501 points. Points earned by participants are deducted from the total. The winner is the first one who, having received 501 points, brings their number to zero. A common type for players of any level, for beginners it will seem too long due to lack of skills
Bull Playing ahead, only hits in the center or green sector count Competition to warm up before the real battle
American cricket It is necessary to close each sector with a triple hit; unnecessary hits are not allowed Develops skills: the participant learns to hit a specific place, arbitrary throws are eliminated
Cricket The principle is similar to the previous description, but here players arbitrarily determine sectors to close The duration depends on the selected sectors and the accuracy of the throws. Doubles
7 lives Players determine the number of throws to defeat an opponent, each player has 7 such lives Reminds me of 501 rules

Any type of competition can be paired or team, depending on the number of participants. Many people place a specific bet on the line.

It is determined by the players in advance, before the start of the tournament, and goes to the winner.

The bet can be anything:

  • Dinner at the expense of the loser.
  • Money.
  • Wish.
  • Binge.
  • Thing, subject.
  • An agreement to take a specific action.
  • Sex.

The bet increases the interest of participants and ignites excitement. In order to preserve property, you should set yourself in advance not to gamble with large sums of money or expensive things.

Avoid taking part in competitions with drunk, unfamiliar people offering large bets. This will not lead to good.

More often than not, darts is a friendly competition during which people communicate, talk about different topics, and compete.

This helps to conduct the dialogue calmly and detachedly, since the person is less distracted by speech and reaction to words.

How to count points?

There is a certain scoring system in darts.

They focus on it in all types of competitions:

  • The center is worth 50 points.
  • The narrow green zone around it is 25.
  • The next ring multiplies the number of points by 3. Points are indicated by numbers on the table itself.
  • The last ring means multiplying the points received by 2.

This system is not complicated, it is remembered the first time and used in all subsequent competitions.

For each game, the scoring will be based on these values, but the individual rules of each type of competition will also be taken into account.

Their diversity makes darts interesting, with everyone choosing their own way to compete.

Counting rules:

  1. Bull game involves counting hits in the center and green sector, other sectors are not involved.
  2. 501 takes into account every hit on the target. The participant makes three throws, adds the result and subtracts from the initial points, the number of which determines the name of the game.
  3. There is a game which differs from the usual ones: its essence is to hit a certain number, and not to the sector. The number of points is multiplied by the number.
  4. Cricket game implies assigning sectors to players. If you managed to do this, further hits will multiply the result by a certain number.
  5. American Cricket allows you to take away your opponent’s points if the player gets into his sector. The rules are modified at the request of the players.

Game history

It is known that the game originated during wartime. The islands of Britain are considered its historical homeland. The first competitions were held in pubs 150-200 years ago.

At first, the target was the bottom of an overturned beer barrel, and arrows served as darts. Afterwards, they began to design more convenient darts and targets.

The first official competition took place in Great Britain in 1927. In 1945, the country formed a special darts committee, the National Darts Association.

Today there are several varieties of darts, they are distinguished by type of material, shape, edging, and weight. All these parameters are taken into account when purchasing a set for the game.

Today, darts has become more popular than other games, the advantages lie in several factors:

  • It is not necessary to have a certain experience, when playing for the first time, everyone can hit the target.
  • The availability of equipment makes darts a favorite pastime in bars.
  • You can compete in any type of clothing, it won’t hurt.
  • The game is sports, but it is not as exhausting as volleyball or football.
  • Minimal space required.

Important! The game is dangerous if you do not follow the safety rules.

Participants must remain at a distance from the target when the opponent throws so that the dart does not hit them.

There are known cases when a dart hit participants in the eye. The situation is not fatal, but losing your sight is a terrible thing. If it gets into an artery in the neck, it can be fatal from blood loss.

For this reason, you should not compete in the ability to hit a dart at a target while intoxicated.

Even if one player is sure that he controls himself, there is always a second one who can accidentally injure.

Follow the safety rules, then the game will only bring you pleasure. A beginner will be able to acquire skills after just a year of practice. Hone your skills and win!

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General rules

Before the start of the tournament, players play out the right of first approach. Players throw one dart and the player whose dart is closest to the center of the target will throw first.
In all games, players take turns throwing three darts at one target. If the dart does not stick into the target and flies away from it, or the player does not hit the target, the throw is counted as ineffective.

x01 (501)
This is the most common game of darts. This game can be played as a team against a team or one on one. When playing with two people, they often play “501” or “301”. Also, to practice endings, you can play “101” or “170” (170 is the maximum number of points that can be scored with three darts, i.e. in one approach). Teams often play “701” or “1001”.
Purpose of the game: players take turns throwing 3 darts, writing off the points scored. The first one to reach 0 wins.
Scoring rule: hits in all sectors are counted, including doubling and tripling sectors (if you hit a triple sector, the sector points are multiplied by three). The points scored in 1 approach (3 darts) are summed up and subtracted from the total points from the previous approach.
Ending rule: the last throw must fall into the doubling of the corresponding sector (for example, if 40 points remain, then you need to hit the doubling of the “20” sector, and if 32 points remain, then you need to hit the doubling of the “16” sector). Beginner players usually play without this rule. By agreement of the players, it is possible to end in an even sector. Also, by agreement, the game can begin with the doubling sector.
Bust rule: If a player scores more points than necessary during the last approach, then this approach does not count. For example, if a player has 2 points left, and he gets into the “20” sector, then on the next approach this player again starts with 2 points.

All throws are made to the center of the target. Only hits on the bull (50) and green ring (25) are counted.
The goal of the game is to be the first to score the number of points agreed upon before the game. For example, 300.

American cricket
You can play as a team against a team or one on one.
Purpose of the game: each player (team) must close all sectors from “20” to “15” and bull, while scoring the same or more points than the opponent.
Closing rule: A sector is considered closed if it is hit at least 3 times. For example, 1 time per tripling of this sector or just 3 times per sector.
Scoring rule: If a player enters a sector that is closed for him, but the second player is not closed, then the first player is awarded points. For example, if the 1st player has the “20” sector closed, but his opponent has this sector not closed, and the 1st player hits the “20” treble, then he gets 60 points. You can play without this rule.

Big round
You can play alone or with an opponent.
The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible by throwing three darts in turn at each sector from “1” to “20” and the center.
Scoring rule: The number of hits in a sector is multiplied by the number of that sector. For example, if, while throwing in sector 2, you hit the treble once and once in the sector, then the points scored in this sector are: (3+1)*2= 8. The points scored in each of the sectors are summed up and counted final result.

Sector 20 - recommended for beginners.
All throws are made in sector “20”. You can play alone or with an opponent.
Purpose of the game: Score the maximum number of points in 10 approaches (30 darts).
Scoring rule: Only hits in the “20” sector are counted. One hit gives 1 point, a double hit gives 2 points, a triple hit gives 3 points. After 10 approaches, the total amount is calculated.

Doubling round
This game can be played by one player, setting personal records.
The goal of the game is to hit all the doubles one by one, starting from sector 1 to sector 20, spending fewer darts than your opponent.
Rules of the game: Until the player gets into the doubling of the 1st sector, he does not proceed to doubling the 2nd sector. Etc.

They play together or in pairs.
The goal of the game is to be the first to capture/cover certain numbers on the target and score the most points. The player who does this first is considered the winner.
Rules of the game: The numbers in the game are: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and “bull”. Players take turns throwing darts. Three throws in one go. In order to close the number, the player must knock it out three times. This can be achieved:
- three single hits in a given number;
- one single and one hit in the “double ring” for a given number;
- one hit in the “triple ring” for a given number. If one player knocks out the same number three times, then that number becomes his property. If both players take possession of the number, it is considered “closed” and no longer participates in the game. In order to close the bull you need:
- get to sector 25 three times;
- once in sector 25 and once in sector 50.
If one player has “taken possession” of a number, but the second has not yet, then the first player can score points on it until this number is “closed”. Points from hitting a number begin to be awarded to the player from the moment he takes possession of the number, but this number has not yet been “closed”. The numbers can become owned or "closed" in any order the player wishes. The player is not required to name the number he is throwing at. After the number becomes the “property” of the player, getting into the doubling or tripling sector for a given number leads to doubling or tripling additional points for that number. The winner is the one who is the first to “close” all the numbers and “bull”, and at the same time has the most points. If both players finish the game and have the same number of points or no points at all, the first one to “own” all the numbers and the “bull” wins. If a player is the first to “own” all the numbers, but he has fewer points than his opponent, he must continue the game and score points on the “uncovered” numbers until he scores an equal or greater number of points than his opponent, or all numbers will not be “closed”. This game has an interesting feature: if one player has already “closed” a sector that the opponent has not yet closed, then each hit in this sector is recorded with points at the sector’s face value. You can play ahead, and then the game is played until all sectors are closed by one player. You can play for points, and then it is customary to play until both players close all sectors. The one who scores the most points on his opponent wins.

Around the clock (dial) - recommended for beginners.
One of the simplest games. An unlimited number of players can take part in it.
Purpose of the game: each player must sequentially hit the numbers from 1,2,3,4 to 20 (the last one needs to hit the number 25).
Rules of the game: players take turns making 3 throws. The player who hits all the numbers first is the winner.

Simple set of glasses - recommended for beginners.
The most popular game for beginner darts players.
The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible. The second option is to collect a certain number of points.
Rules of the game: Players make 30 throws in 10 series of three darts for the best amount.
Scoring rule: The points scored as a result of all accurate hits on the target are summed up. When entering the doubling or tripling zones, the points are doubled or tripled accordingly and added to the total points.

The goal of the game is to be the first to hit the bull.
Rules of the game: you need to hit sectors from 1 to 20 one by one, then double and triple the 20th sector, and end the game by hitting the bull. If in a series of throws all three darts reach the target (for example: 1, 2, 3 or 12, 13, 14), the throwing player continues his game out of turn. The scoring field of a sector is its entire area, including the doubling and tripling rings.

Quick round
Additional conditions are imposed on the rules of the game in “Round”: if you hit the triple of a given sector, the score moves three positions forward. For example: a player needs to hit sector 10. He falls into the triple of this sector. Now the goal of this player is sector 13. When hitting a double, the score accordingly moves two positions forward.

The scoring field of the game is “Bull - Red Ring” and “Green Ring”. Each player initially has no points and scores in series of three darts, counting only "50" and "25". The winner is the one who scores 1000 points. The game has a bust rule.
You can play according to these rules in “500” or “250”.

British pentathlon - complex game.
The game involves an even number of players. The recommended number of players is 20 people.

Everyone plays with everyone in 501 2 legs with a direct start.
- Each player plays 1001 and 2001 with a direct start.
- Games 501, 1001 and 2001 end with a doubling or bull (50).
- Each player plays "Shanghai" from sectors 1 to 9.
- "Halve-it" sector 20, 16, doubling 7, 14, tripling 10, 17, bull (50).
- "Double round" from sector 1 to sector 20.

In total, each player will play 24 games.
The winner is the player with the most points

501, 1001 and 2001
Points scored per set (3 darts) 95-130 points 1 point
131-159 points 2 points
160-180 points 3 points

Closing by doubling 2 points

Game over for 9 darts 10 points
10-12 darts 4 points
13-15 darts 3 points
16-18 darts 2 points
19-21 darts 1 point

Each player throws 3 darts into sectors starting from 1 and ending at 9 (first at 1 then 2, etc.)
Scoring method: One hit 1 point
Double 2 points
Triple 3 points
For example: 1 hit in sector 4 and 1 hit in triple sector 4 = 7 points
2 hits in sector 3 and 1 hit in triple sector 3 = 5 points
Bonus: 1 hit in the sector, 1 hit in the doubling and 1 hit in the treble = 6 points + bonus 6 points = 12 points

Each player throws three darts in order:
Sector 20. Hits in sector 20, doubling 20 and tripling 20 are counted. 1 point is given for hitting a sector, 2 points for doubling,

Triple - 3 points.
Sector 16. Hits in sector 16, doubling 16 and tripling 16 are counted.
Doubling 7. Only hits in the doubling of sector 7 are counted.
Sector 14. Hits in sector 14, doubling 14 and tripling 14 are counted.
Triple 10. Only hits within the triple of sector 10 are counted.
Sector 17. Hits in sector 17, doubling 17 and tripling 17 are counted.
Bull (50). Only hits in the Bull are counted; 2 points are given for hitting a Bull.

Double Round
The game begins with doubling sector 1; when hit, the player proceeds to doubling sector 2 and so on until doubling 20. In total, the player has 14

Approaches (42 darts) to complete all doublings.
When completing all doubles in less than 42 darts: 40+(42-<кол-во дротиков>) points
If a player fails to complete all doubles in 42 darts:<номер последнего поражённого удвоения>X2 points
For example: The player finished the game with 34 darts. 40+(42-34)=48 points
The player reached the doubling of the 16th sector with 42 darts. 15*2=30 points


    Hang the target as shown in the picture:

Players take turns throwing 3 darts.

To determine the order, each player or one of the team throws a dart. The one closest to the center starts the game.

The count is based on the darts remaining on the target after three throws.

Each side starts with a score of 301. The scoring method is to subtract the number of points received from the remaining ones.

“Bullseye” - 50 points, a green ring around it - 25 points, the inner ring of the target triples the value of the sector (the “Tripling” ring), the outer ring of the target doubles the value of the sector (the “Doubling” ring).

The winner is the one who managed to reduce his score to zero first. You must end the game by throwing at the “Double” or the “Bull-eye” of the target so that the number of points received reduces the score to zero. (Bullseye counts as a double 25). If a dart throw produces more points than needed to complete the game (or results in a score of one), then all three last throws do not count, and the score remains the same as it was before the series of throws that led to the score being over or one. Each game in 301 is called "Leg". Five “Legs” make up a “Set” (the game is played until three wins in “Legs”). The final winner is the one who wins the specified number of Sets. The game of 301 is mainly for two opponents. For team play, the score increases to 501 (in pairs) or 1001 (in triples and quadruples).


When playing darts, many people often make the mistake of throwing the dart as if they were throwing a ball, while moving their arm far back and leaning their body forward to give force to the throw. No wonder they don't hit their intended target.

Throwing position

When choosing a throwing position for yourself, you should remember that the dart is light in weight, the distance to the target is short, and the target is very small in size. You will achieve success if, when throwing, your body, slightly tilted forward, remains motionless, and the throw is made with the elbow and wrist (see figure).

For the sake of brevity, we'll be looking at the right-handed throwing position, so left-handed throwers will need to make adjustments accordingly. So, stand half-sided towards the target, with the little toe of your right foot touching the throwing line. Strictly ensure that you do not step beyond this line and in the future always fight your opponents correctly. To do this, if possible, nail a piece of wood along this line. Then, leaning forward slightly, choose the most comfortable and stable stance for yourself. Don't forget that sustainability is half of your success. To further promote stability when throwing, place your left hand against your stomach. Leaning forward will provide the necessary space for the throwing hand, and will also reduce the distance to the target. Now move your right arm forward so that your elbow is pointing straight down and the feather of the dart is in a straight line from your eyes to the intended target.


Try to hold the dart in your hand so that its tip points directly at the intended target. At the same time, try to find a way to hold the dart so that you can subtly feel its center of gravity. Make sure that the dart and your brush form a single whole. We recommend practicing basic techniques on bullseye throws. This will help you in choosing the correct position and manner of holding the dart. When practicing throws to the upper and lower sectors of the target, build on the basic technique you have already acquired. For this: aiming to the upper sectors, slightly raise your forearm and straighten your body a little; Aiming at the lower sectors, slightly lower your forearm and accordingly slightly increase the forward tilt of your body. When your target is the side sectors of the target, do not try to throw diagonally. It will be more effective to move along the boundary line; this will bring you closer to your intended goal. Achieve fluidity and grace when throwing the dart at the target. The meaningfulness of the movements and the achieved results will give you joy and confidence in your capabilities.


If you want to become good at darts and beat your fellow opponents, you need to practice for at least an hour every day to improve your throwing technique. At first, achieve maximum accuracy of throws. Having chosen a certain sector, try to hit it with all darts, achieving consistency. Then practice the game and the “Round” (see appendix), throwing darts into sectors 1 to 20, following the order. Then complicate this game by counting the hits in the “Doubling” ring, also following the order from the 1st to the 20th sector. When participating in competitions, play only with the darts you practice with. A true darts fan always carries his darts with him and takes advantage of every opportunity to practice and compete with friends. Take care of your darts, because these are your personal weapons, on which success in competitions and a good mood depend.



The rules of the game boil down to hitting sectors from 1 to 20 one by one, then “Doubling” and “Tripling” the 20th sector, and ending the game by hitting the “Bull-eye” of the target (Bull-eye). . If in a series of throws all three darts reach the target (for example: 1, 2, 3 or 12, 13, 14, etc.), the thrower continues his game out of turn. The scoring field of a sector is its entire area, including the “Doubling” and “Tripling” rings of the score. The winner is the player who hits the Bullseye first.

"All A's"

In series of three darts, players try to score the maximum number that is a multiple of 5. A series of throws that produces a number that is not a multiple of 5 does not count. The number 5 gives 1 point, 10 - 2 points, 50 - 10 points, etc. The winner is the one who scores 51 points first. The game has a "bust" rule.

"Twenty seven"

Each player is initially given 27 points. The first three darts must be used to hit the “Double” of sector 1. In this case, each hit on the target brings 2 points (1x2). If none of the darts hit the “Double” of sector 1, then 2 points (1x2) are subtracted from the available number of points (27). The next three darts need to hit the “Double” of sector 2. In this case, each hit on the target brings 4 points (2X2). If none of the darts hit the “Double” of sector 2, then 4 (2x2) are subtracted from the available number of points. Thus, the game is played until the 20th sector of the target. The winner is the one who, after throwing the “Doubling” of sector 20, has the most points left. The player whose score during the game becomes less than one is eliminated from the competition.


The scoring fields of the game are "Bull Eye" and "Green Ring". Each player initially has no points and scores in series of three darts, counting only "50" and "25". The winner is the one who first scores 1000 points. The game has a bust rule. Note. IN Depending on your level of preparedness, you can play according to these rules in “500” or “250”.

"Quick Round"

The game is based on the rules of the game “Round”, plus: When you hit the “Tripling” of a given sector, the score moves three positions forward. (For example: you need to hit sector No. 10. You end up in the “Tripling” of this sector. Now your goal is sector No. 13). When you hit the “Double” score, the score moves forward two positions accordingly.

"Round on Doubles"

The game is based on the rules of the game "Round", except that: The scoring field of each sector is only its “Doubling”,
Note. This game is the most conducive to developing your technique. Be sure to include Round of Doubles in your daily workouts. For variety, you can also play the Triple Round with similar rules.


Competitors randomly select two diametrically opposite sectors and try to hit them with “Doubling” and “Tripling” along an imaginary straight line. (For example, “Doubling” of sector No. 11 - “Tripling” of sector No. 11 - “Bull-eye” (“Green Ring”) “Tripling” of sector No. 6 - “Doubling” of sector No. 6.). The winner is the one who is the first to pass an imaginary straight line along the given points.

"Hockey "

The goal of the game is to be the first to score the number of points agreed upon by the players before the game.

Rules of the game: After the start, the winner throws darts into the center (Bull 50). If he misses with all three darts, then the turn is passed to the second player. If the first player hits the center (receives the puck), then he assigns a doubling of the sector into which he will throw darts (score goals). If he hits this double, he scores one point (scores one goal), 2 points if he hits 2 times, 3 points - 3 times. Then the second player continues the game. Since the 1st player took the puck (hitting the center), then to intercept it, the 2nd player also needs to get into the center, after which he assigns his doubling sector. If the 2nd player does not hit the center, the 1st can score points (score goals) in the doubling of the sector that was assigned to him before.


The results of your game with your opponents will be determined not only by the stability of your technique, but also by the ability to competently lead yourself to the end of the game. The first step is to determine which of the “Double” sectors you are hitting with the most probability and confidence. At the same time, we recommend that you focus on sectors No. 20 and 16, which are considered classic. Secondly, you must accustom yourself from the very beginning to count points in decline, that is, from the given 301 or 501 points, subtract the results scored during the game. Thirdly, be especially careful when your score approaches 150 - 100. From now on, try to hit those sectors (their “Triplings” or “Doublings”), hitting which leads you to your favorite ending. For example, you have 91 points left. You know that once you get into the “Tripling” of sector No. 17, you will immediately go to the classic “Doubling” of sector No. 20. Let’s say you get into the field of sector No. 17, and at the same time you have 74 points left. Now you are trying to hit the Triple of sector number 14, which will give you 42 points and take you to the Double of the classic sector number 16. Thus, you try to make the most of each dart and thereby get ahead of your opponent.

Due to the fact that the rules of darts 501 are simple and clear, this sport has been popular for several centuries. Darts develop accuracy, agility, and gross motor skills.

Yes and simply allows you to spend your free time interestingly almost anywhere, because the game board can be hung on any wall, and a set of darts will not take up much space.

General rules for setting up a target, choosing darts

Mandatory installation requirements are to hang the target in such a way that the center (“bullseye”) was at a height of 1.73 m from the floor level. The throw must be carried out from a distance of 2.37 m. Wherein black sector “20” is located at the top targets.

Reference! This is the standard that adhered to at all tournaments and championships by darts. No adjustments due to height or age of participants.

The only thing is the player can choose individually- a set of darts. Their variety is so great that anyone can choose exactly the set that suits them best. Darts are selected depending on the throwing style player and the length of his fingers.

Photo 1. Set of 3 Winmau Broadside Brass darts with brass barrel and plastic feathers, weight 22 g.

Additionally you can pay attention to the surface structure and plumage projectile for throwing. Darts do made of brass, nickel, silver and tungsten. The plumage may be hard, flexible and nylon. To understand which darts are right for a player, you will probably have to try different types of darts.

Features of the game of darts "501"

Rivals require bring your score to “0”, starting with 501 points. To do this, participants take turns throwing darts at a target. Most often used tactics for getting into sector “20”, and preferably to the tripling sector. Thus, the goal of the game is achieved faster.

One game in "501" it is called "leg". Of the five "legs" folds up "set". The one who wins a certain number of “sets” wins.

Goals and number of participants

Most often, 501 darts is played either two teams or two players.

The goal of the game is for each participant reduce the number of points available at the beginning to zero. That is, by hitting different sectors (preferably doubling and tripling points), you can score 501 points before your opponents.

Each participant is allowed to do 3 throws at the target. This counts in 1 move. After which the right to throw passes to his opponent.


The amount of points for one move is calculated depending on the location of impact darts.

Important! Before the start, the opponents throw darts as close to the bull's eye as possible. The player whose dart is closest to the middle of the target wins may start first.

Basic scoring rules:

  • The target is divided into sectors from 1 to 20. The number indicates how many points the athlete whose dart hits this sector receives.

  • Around the middle of the target there are additional narrow rings of sectors for doubling and tripling points. Getting into the circle of sectors closest to the bull's eye will mean tripling the points, and getting into the farthest circle will mean doubling.
  • Missing into these areas of the target means that the athlete receives a number of points equal to the value of the main sector.
  • Hit the bull's eye will bring 50 points. If the dart hits green circle around the bull's eye, this is worth 25 points.
  • Last throw must be made in the game to the center of the target or doubling sector Thus, to reduce the score to zero with one hit. If this does not happen and the number of points is equal to 1 or more, then the points received are not counted, players continue to try to reset their account.

Throw and points do not count if:

  • Player crossed the limit line(outside of which opponents stand while throwing darts).
  • The dart hit the target, but lasted less than 5 seconds.
  • One athlete's dart will hit and get stuck in another player's projectile located at the same point on the target.

An example of filling out a table for scoring points

The game “501” involves constant calculation of the points scored and those remaining to zero. Because the score is constantly changing, It’s quite difficult to keep all the numbers in your head. Therefore, participants must record in writing the points scored in one move and the remainder to zero. For convenience, this is done in a special table.

Photo 2. Next to the dartboard there are two special tables on which it is convenient to record the score.

To count points at home or during training in clubs and sections, use a table printed on an A4 sheet or drawn by hand on paper of any other size. The names of the players are written at the top, and after each move the number of points remaining to zero is recorded.

A similar table can be used to calculate points in the game "501".

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