Nice words for a woman. Nice words to a woman Beautiful woman

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The article offers you a large selection of compliments for women and girls in poetry and prose.

100 best most beautiful compliments to a girl and woman about her beauty in your own words: list

For many centuries now, female beauty has been inspiring men to write beautiful poems and valiant deeds. It continues to have a positive effect on the “strong half of humanity” to this day. Correctly chosen words by a man can not only win over a woman, but also show her importance, open her eyes to her attractiveness and simply make her feel pleasant.

IMPORTANT: Men, even the wisest, are often confused and therefore cannot come up with beautiful compliments. It is important to have certain knowledge and it would not hurt to memorize a few words in advance in order to express your sympathy at the right moment.

The best compliments for a woman (100 most effective phrases):

  1. You are charming!
  2. It’s like you stepped out of the pages of a beautiful fairy tale!
  3. You are my ideal!
  4. You are beautiful like a goddess!
  5. You are a work of art!
  6. You are light as a spring morning breeze.
  7. It’s good and easy with you, as if I’m alone with myself.
  8. Your eyes are two bottomless oceans in which I am ready to drown right this minute!
  9. You are smart and beautiful, how can it be both at the same time?
  10. You are so well-groomed and attractive!
  11. There is so much tenderness in you, it attracts me and makes you incredibly feminine!
  12. You are the treasure that I was lucky to find!
  13. When you are near, I forget about all my problems and the reason for this is this incredible lightness!
  14. You are a real muse who gives strength and inspiration for masterpieces!
  15. Do not change anything about yourself under any circumstances, you are simply divine!
  16. I never even dreamed of such a beauty like you!
  17. I am truly lucky, because I was lucky to meet you!
  18. You have the most attractive and sweetest smile in the world!
  19. You understand me so much, it’s like you read all my thoughts and it drives me so crazy!
  20. Your features are copied from the best paintings of artists!
  21. You are fresh and beautiful, like a rosebud!
  22. Not a single flower in the world can compare with your beauty.
  23. You are a song!
  24. When you look at me, I forget about everything in the world!
  25. I can't take my eyes off your beauty!
  26. You are so refined, so refined and beautiful, I can’t help but admire you!
  27. To be so beautiful is a crime!
  28. I'm afraid that you might just be stolen because of your beauty!
  29. I can’t find words that embody your beauty, because there simply aren’t enough of them in the dictionary!
  30. Your beauty makes my eyes darken!
  31. Over the years, your beauty does not fade, but only acquires new colors!
  32. Your beauty makes me feel on top of the world!
  33. Your beauty makes me feel drunk.
  34. Your eyes are a real magnet and I can’t help but look into them!
  35. Don't stop smiling, your smile is charming!
  36. You are a real treasure!
  37. You look stunning even without any makeup!
  38. Aren't you a thief? After all, you completely shamelessly stole all my thoughts and heart!
  39. When I look at you, I just lose reality!
  40. You have cosmic, incredible and simply fabulous beauty!
  41. You are so beautiful that I am afraid to cry with happiness!
  42. You are a star that fell from heaven to earth!
  43. How perfect and flawless your beauty is!
  44. Your beauty is as fresh and necessary for me as a breath of air!
  45. Sometimes it seems to me that there is no one more beautiful in this world than you!
  46. Thank you for allowing me to be close to you and enjoy your beauty!
  47. It seems to me that all the beautiful poems and songs are written only about your beauty.
  48. Never doubt your attractiveness, because your beauty can be envied!
  49. I am sure that hundreds of women do not sleep at night and only dream of having even a shadow of your beauty!
  50. If you participated in beauty contests, they would lose their significance, because victory would always be yours!
  51. Your voice is like music, and your facial features are like landscapes of natural beauty!
  52. Your features are chiseled by the most skilled jewelers in the world!
  53. Even the largest and deepest ocean cannot compare with the magnitude of your beauty!
  54. How lucky I am, because you give your beauty only to me.
  55. Such beauty can cause mirrors to break in frustration, angry at your flawlessness and perfection!
  56. You are a real beauty and just lovely!
  57. Always be confident in yourself, because I have never seen such beauty before!
  58. Like a diamond, your beauty is unique and precious!
  59. Your skin is so snow-white, your lips are so soft, your eyes are so bright that I can’t take my eyes off you!
  60. If I were a poet, I would compile a whole collection of poems about your beauty!
  61. You are a gift of life, very beautiful and the best!
  62. I have never seen such beautiful long hair, clear glowing skin and delicate facial features in my life!
  63. I don’t even want to blink, so as not to miss a second, watching your beautiful features!
  64. Can I keep your photo on my bedside table so I can admire your most beautiful features around the clock?
  65. How skillfully you select your wardrobe, you look wonderful!
  66. I have never seen softer and more beautiful fingers than yours!
  67. No, I don’t know the words that could describe your beautiful features!
  68. You are a dream come true!
  69. Your beauty makes the sun shine!
  70. Your eyes are brighter than all the stars in the night sky!
  71. You have heavenly beauty and a subtle mind!
  72. Even a blind person doesn't need glasses to see your beauty!
  73. There is no one more beautiful than you, you are like the clear sun!
  74. Smile more often, because the sky frowns only because it does not see your smile!
  75. The most beautiful music in the world is composed only about you and your beauty.
  76. Looking at you, goosebumps run through my body from your beauty!
  77. Your beauty is disarming!
  78. Where is your halo? You are an angel, nothing less! Ordinary women are not so beautiful!
  79. Thank you for such perfect beauty!
  80. I want to admire you 24 hours a day! You are beautiful!
  81. Mom told me that there are beautiful women in the world, but she was silent about the fact that they can be beautiful!
  82. Isn't your name Aphrodite?
  83. I am ashamed to stand next to you, because I pale in comparison with your beauty!
  84. Incredible! Your beauty is given by God, did you know that you are his favorite?
  85. I would give anything to be as beautiful as you, despite the fact that I am a man!
  86. I will never forget your features! You are simply unforgettable!
  87. Even the angels enviously look at you from heaven, admiring your unearthly beauty!
  88. You are more beautiful than fire, water, sky, nature!
  89. I don’t know what exactly admires me so much about you, but I am ready to fall at your feet and become an eternal slave of your beauty.
  90. Please tell me that I can admire your beauty forever!
  91. You are so Beautiful! Just paint pictures from you!
  92. If beauty tasted sweet, I would have developed diabetes long ago next to you!
  93. I definitely have to thank your parents for giving birth to such beauty!
  94. If I were a jury at a beauty contest, I would be biased, because other women are simply ugly compared to you!
  95. How graceful is your whole image and how perfect are your features, as if you were a deity who had received a physical body!
  96. Do you know why I smile all the time? I simply cannot hide my admiration when looking at you!
  97. No, there is definitely no one like you in this world. You are the best and the most beautiful. Definitely!
  98. Undoubtedly, you were born only to give beauty to this world!
  99. You have no flaws and even what you consider flaws are advantages in the eyes of other people!
  100. Only your daughter can be more beautiful than you!

How to beautifully tell a girl that she is beautiful: poems, quatrains about the beauty of a girl

You can use poetic compliments in any cases:

  • Signing postcards
  • Typing SMS messages
  • Sending secret notes
  • Read aloud on a date or in a phone conversation

Poems always turn out to be much more effective and effective than usual compliments only because they reveal you from a different, more positive side and hint at your admiration for a woman. Ladies love poetry very much, because it greatly increases their significance for the opposite sex and compares them with beautiful muses, which serve as a source of inspiration for poets.

Your features are the most beautiful
You are the sun in the clear blue sky,
You are the song of birds above the forest canopy,
You are a book with subtle interest!

How light, fresh, beautiful you are,
There is such strength in you!
She guides me through the nights
Your only imagining eyes!

I sleep and see your braids,
I ask myself questions:
Where have other thoughts gone?
After all, only you are my meaning of life!

Thank you queen of the world
That you have revealed a lot to me,
That I live differently now
I'm just puzzled by you.

I want to hold your hands
I want not to think about separation,
I want to paint oil paintings,
After all, you, my love, are beautiful!

You are ideal! You are perfect!
You are reckless bliss!
You are like a jewelry stone,
You are precious and so beautiful!

Let me be a jeweler
What a long, very painstaking
Rubs the stone until it shines
And no one else knows beauty!

You shine in the sky as a hot sun,
Your look is more valuable than all gifts,
He's so hot and he's so gentle
It's like a fresh wind from the sea!

Beauty can be stronger
I'm a man, I know that.
Be yourself, be a queen
The very best, the very first!

Very beautiful words of admiration for female beauty: list, poems

Use the suggested options for compliments and poems in order to admire the beauty of the woman you love and make her very happy. Women at any age love beautiful phrases and lines, because they inspire them and make them feel like real queens for their men.


  • Incredible! How do you live with such beauty? You are probably the happiest woman in the world!
  • You can’t even imagine how proud it makes me when other men turn around in your wake!
  • Can't be! Has everyone really hidden their feelings until now and never told you that you are the most beautiful woman in the world?!
  • Today and always you look simply amazing!
  • I can’t even tell you in words how amazed I am by your beauty!
  • Sorry for the silence, I'm just amazed by your beauty!
  • You are simply incredible! How do you manage to look so good?!
  • I am amazed and simply disarmed by your beauty! Bravo!
  • Wow! I was lucky to meet the most beautiful woman in the world!


Sorry, there are no words and I am silent,
I just don't want to cry
From the feeling that my heart was captured...
You amazed me with your beauty!

Your features are more beautiful than the sky,
They are like the sun, no... brighter than light!
I will never forget them now,
You are a deity! You are perfect!

You are incredible today!
You are a diamond worth hundreds!
No... thousands and millions!
Your Majesty, are you without a crown?

I'm amazed and immobilized
I'm afraid to ruin the beauty
That from head to toe, to the bottom
I filled you with one!

There are not enough words and compliments,
To please you.
You are flawless, perfect
And I'm in love with one you!

Gentle compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words: list, poems

A gentle and kind word can “melt any ice” in the relationship between a man and a woman, becoming the beginning of a strong and sincere relationship, great feelings and family. Tender compliments, both in prose and in poetry, are something that is vital for every woman. Such words inspire her to be happy, to take care of her beauty, to love!


  • Your hands are softer than silk, did you know?
  • When I look at you, my soul feels warm, and thousands of pleasant goosebumps run through my body.
  • You are so feminine and tender that I feel like a little child in the loving arms of my mother.
  • Your hair, eyelashes, lips, blue eyes and white skin are so beautiful, so well-groomed and so perfect!
  • It’s good and pleasant to be with you, it’s joyful to be with you, and looking at your beauty is a sheer pleasure!
  • Thank you for your angelic beauty, my love.
  • Your beauty is comparable only to bright exotic flowers, but only partially. Even they are not as perfect as you!
  • Looking at you, I only want kisses, gentle touches and caresses. Your soft features evoke pleasant and sweet feelings in me.


You are like a light ocean breeze
You are like the sun early in the morning,
You are light, like a white feather,
You are delicious, like a ripe berry!

You are like a bright red bud of roses,
You evoke only affection in me,
I'm ready to shed blood on your thorns,
If only I could be with you!

You are as gentle as a little bunny
I love every finger of yours
You're like a cat that sleeps on pillows
I'll kiss your nose and ears!

How much tenderness you have,
So much feminine caress.
You are like this on earth
Only the only one!

Your soft, silky hair,
I would like to braid my hair,
Every day to wake up to a voice,
Listen to fairy tales, answers, questions.

You are soft and tender like a feather,
Weightless and floating.
My feeling for you is boundless
And my love is true!

You are sleeping and I admire you,
You talk and I worry
You smile - it’s sweet to me
I always enjoy being with you!

Brief compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words: list, poems

“Brevity is the sister of talent!”, this is the eternal truth. But, when choosing a compliment for a woman, brevity can play a cruel joke on you. That is why always give preference to sensual compliments, beautiful phrases and lines that can “reach the heart” from the first words.


  • You are above all praise!
  • You are my Goddess!
  • You are charming and stunning!
  • Your beauty is divine!
  • Your features are flawless!
  • You are beautiful like an angel!
  • Not a woman, but a song!
  • You are a fairytale queen!
  • You are an incredible beauty!
  • I have no words! You are beautiful!
  • What a miracle! You are simply beautiful!
  • You are majestic!
  • You are my Queen!
  • My God! Your beauty is something!
  • You killed me with your beauty!


I'll be brief:
You are beautiful!
And if I met you -
Life is not in vain!

I'm not an artist, but you
Ready to draw today!
I look and I love you
You are a deity, no matter what!

If I were a poet,
I would write poems about you,
And I would spread them around the world,
After all, there is no one more beautiful than you!

Sorry, I can't find the words,
To describe your appearance,
You are so beautiful and fresh
Just insanely good!

I'm not good at beautiful words,
But you inspired me so much
That I'm ready to scream with happiness
About your beautiful beauty!

Simple compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words: list, poems


  • Your beauty is breathtaking!
  • You are beautiful and so sweet that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with you!
  • Thank you for your beauty!
  • Your beauty is worth great treasures!
  • The angels gave you beauty, nothing less!
  • You were the first and only one in line for beauty!
  • Beauty accompanies you in everything: in appearance, in character traits and in actions!
  • Your beauty inspires me to do good deeds!


I'm not a wordsmith
But your beauty inspires
She gives me more than strength,
I so want to be next to you!

It's impossible not to fall in love with you,
Your look and eyes are beautiful,
Facial features are flawless
I'm ready to love you forever!

Thank you for giving your beauty,
I appreciate her with my soul and heart!
You are the best woman in the world
No others will overshadow you!

You probably came down from heaven
You are always and everywhere first,
You are as beautiful as the stars of heaven,
You are mysterious and interesting!

How I want to be your shadow,
I would follow you all day!
I would admire your beauty
He was there for me in any situation!

Good morning to your beloved girl - words to a girl about her beauty: list, poems

The best thing you can do to please your beloved woman in the morning is pleasant words and compliments about her beauty. It's no secret that every girl or lady in adulthood is embarrassed by her “morning beauty,” but you can instill confidence, joy and inspiration in her with just a few words.


  • You are more beautiful this morning than ever!
  • As soon as you opened your eyes, the sun came out!
  • Even this fresh sunny morning cannot compare with your beauty!
  • While you were sleeping, I quietly admired your beauty!
  • Don’t you dare wash your face, you are beautiful and I’m afraid of losing this beautiful face!
  • Even sleepy you are as beautiful as an angel!
  • Your beauty can only be compared to the morning birdsong!
  • Why have you hidden your morning beauty from me until now?
  • God! You're so pretty! I would like to admire your beauty every morning!
  • With your beauty you brightened my morning and all day!
  • My bed has never known such beauty and perfection as you!


The beam barely slid along the wall,
The evil clouds have disappeared from the sky,
All because you woke up
And she smiled at me shyly!

You sleep like an angel on your pillows,
I'm afraid to disturb your peace,
May the morning be endless
And my feeling will become eternal!

The smell of coffee in the early morning
And in bed is my “forget-me-not”,
So beautiful, tender and wonderful,
I live for her - not in vain!

Let the fresh morning wind
Greetings are coming to you,
I left early - you were sleeping,
I was looking for warmth in bed.

I admired you in the morning
The minutes flew like birds,
Let every day begin like this,
May the morning continue throughout your life!

You are more beautiful than a bouquet of flowers,
You put love in me,
Even on a sleepy and gloomy morning
You shone like mother of pearl to me!

You are a pearl from the bottom of the ocean,
For me you have become a treasure,
Sleep more often in my arms
I wouldn’t wish for anything else!

Like a warm sweet bun
You're so nice in the morning
I'm ready to hug you
Bite and kiss!

The morning is beautiful when you are near,
I adore all your features!
Thank you for sharing with me
Not only morning, but also love!

You stepped out of wonderful paintings,
You lie in bed tenderly,
All your features are charming.
Yes! I am serenely happy!

Beautiful compliments to a girl, woman about her tender lips: list, poems

Women's lips are very sensual and sexy, you shouldn't remain silent about their beauty and you should always give compliments!


  • Those lips are the sexiest part of your body!
  • Your lips can only be compared to a juicy sweet fruit!
  • How beautiful and sensual are the curves of your lips!
  • I want to kiss your lips all day long!
  • There is nothing sweeter than the touch of your lips!
  • Your soft pink lips are comparable to rosebuds!
  • I have never seen more beautiful lips in the world!
  • How I love kissing your beautiful lips!


I have never known anything tastier than your lips before,
They have their own charm, their own charm,
Their color is gorgeous, their aroma is wonderful,
I can compare them with a cheerful, ringing song!

The curve of your beautiful lips,
He leaves me sweetness
He is the most graceful and subtle,
And their color is like rose buds!

When I saw your lips for the first time,
I forgot everything in the world and fell in love.
I was happy with you and will definitely be happy,
I want the taste of your lips not to be forgotten!

Your lips are the most beautiful
Facial features are the most favorite,
I want to kiss you forever,
I want to gently hug your face!

Plump and sweet
The most pleasant
Your lips are cute
Delicate, beautiful!

Beautiful compliments to a girl, woman about the beauty of her eyes, to her beloved: list, poems

Eyes are the mirror of the soul and the most beautiful part of any woman’s body. For every man in love, the eyes of his beloved are beautiful, expressive, tender and sexy. Try to choose the most sincere owls to highlight the features of the woman you like.


  • Your eyes are two blue lakes in the mountains. There is no such beauty anywhere else!
  • Are you sure your eyes aren't magnets? They pull me closer and closer!
  • The sparkle of your eyes can only be compared to the stars!
  • There is no such depth as in your eyes even in the largest ocean!
  • The entire endless space is reflected in your eyes!
  • I look into your eyes and see huge blooming buds in them!
  • There is nothing more beautiful than your languid sexy look!
  • When you look at me, I feel so inspired and strong that I can’t find words!


Two bright precious diamonds,
The most special, worthy, valuable!
They lead me through the darkness of the night,
I love them, I am always jealous of them!

Who gave you this look?
Is he giving me an elixir or poison?
But I will be faithful to him
I won't give it to anyone!

Oh, how gorgeous this wonderful look is!
A miracle song is playing in my soul!
He inspires me and inspires me,
I can’t imagine life without your eyes!

Eyes like the blue sea
You are the most beautiful!
Your eyelashes are long
And lips the color of wine

I was fascinated
My sleep and fear were taken away
I'm yours forever and ever
And the feelings are endless!

Angels are dancing in your eyes,
Sparkling torches are burning,
I am devoted to your fabulous eyes,
The most mysterious in the world!

Through curved eyelashes,
Long, like the wings of a bird,
I look into your clear eyes,
I know for sure - my beautiful you!

Sparks are burning in your eyes,
Your gaze is full of love,
I appreciate him endlessly
I want to spend eternity with him!

Video: “The best compliments to a woman”

If you want to bring romance into your life, to tell the woman you love about your feelings, then dedicating a poem to the object of your adoration is an ideal option!

We bring to your attention very beautiful poems about women, about love for women, about female beauty.

Very beautiful poem about women


Touching the eyelashes with moonlight,
The night woke up black sparkles.
And traces of golden chariots
They turned into sketched constellations.

The look was filled with star shine,
It contains the mystery of the entire universe.
And the milky pallor of the Pleiades
It reflected a radiance on her cheeks.

Velvet curl zipper flare
He picked it up, scattering rays.
And the dawn revived the gentle face,
Touching softly with your lips.

And, filled with the power of lightning,
Bright appearance, washed with dew,
Sweetness took the blue lungworts,
Gently touching them with your palm.

The gift from the wind is freedom, a dream.
A gift from the Sun is to love endlessly.
Beauty was born in the sky,
Embodied in a Woman forever.

A beautiful poem about a woman


A gray dawn has dawned,
The curtain fluttered in the wind,
And they turned on me
The bottomless eyes of her lake.
I'm fascinated by this look
Smiles of morning bliss,
The taste of strawberries on the lips,
The slope of the shoulders is whiter than snow.
I'll bury myself in a cloud of hair,
I will remain in their captivity forever,
I will forget the past in order to live
In that carefree rapture!
Touch with a trembling hand
Thin wrists, tender fingers,
Watch without taking your eyes off
And smile serenely.
But now the dawn is behind us,
The day is knocking for him.
She left me
And she flew away like a bird.

Poem for a beautiful woman

Precious beauty

There are wave tones in your eyes,
riddle, secret of silence,
enchanting, magical light,
that leaves a mark on the heart.
I'm drowning, fragrant in them.
How valuable is every moment of meeting!

And the darkness melts before you.
And slowly drives you crazy
your face is more beautiful than roses
and the waterfall of your hair,
beautiful physique
and your light movements.

You are unearthly on earth!
And a soufflé that beckons to your lips,
and the slenderness of a swan's neck,
and a look of sensual languor -
everything arouses passion.
You have the rarest gift of music.

Let it shine like a star
your holy beauty
What is more precious than sapphire!
And let him save the sinful world!
Give the universe a bright light
and get good in return.

A poem of praise addressed to a beloved woman, with a hint of future marriage

I feel so good with you!

When you dance
The whole world freezes
When you kiss
I'm losing my mind!

Oh, what about you?
It's always good for me:
I'm young at heart
Drowned with love,

I'm always with you
I breathe deeply,
With you, dear,
I will build a life!

Celebrating feminine beauty in poetry

A beautiful woman

You are a woman, which means you are beautiful!
There is enchanting power in your eyes
The words seem to contain honey.
Whatever you ask a man for,
He will even bring the world to his feet.

Your beauty, shaped by centuries
The sages delight in poetry.
Intoxicated with love, blazing,
The brave ones win the battles.

Your charm is like a sharp knife
It leaves an indelible mark on the heart.
You, a woman, are the cause of defeat
And a reason for unimaginable victories!

Smart, graceful, nice and simple,
But still you are not subject to a man.
Your beauty is invincible.
You are a woman, which means you are beautiful!

Poem addressed to a modest young brunette woman

Brunette girl

Modest, beautiful
Brunette girl,
A little arrogant
A little coquette.

You look unfriendly -
The heart stops
Smile cheerfully -
The ice in your soul will melt!

A short poem for a mysterious woman

How to understand you?

Your character is a mystery to me!
What do you want from me?
You know that I have a hard time.
How can I understand you?
Author – Elena Olgina

Poem-declaration of love to a beautiful woman

Beauty of the beloved

A long time ago, in another century
The Russian writer colorfully said -
His words have been treasured for years:
About how beauty saves the world.

I still didn't know what he was talking about
Until I met one woman.
In her eyes, as in the oceans, I swam,
And endlessly, forever drowned.

Her hair beckoned me like silk,
I could give my whole life just once
Touch them and instantly fall into an abyss, like in a pool,
Stroke gently, as in the last hour.

Everything about her was absolutely perfect
Folded figures, arched eyebrows.
I know that everyone has a special beauty -
But there is no more beautiful woman than mine.

A beautiful verse praising female beauty

Song of a Woman

O woman! Creating beauty
Captivating the mind, heart, body.
You settled in dreams and thoughts,
He skillfully enslaved me.
Your appearance is radiant, bright face
I see in reality and in dreams.
Sloping shoulders, a spring of the purest eyes
Worthy to be sung in song.
O infinite stronghold of happiness!
A wonderful magical creation!
I was swallowed up by a whirlpool
The charming mystery of a wonderful vision!
You are an idol of pure bright beauty!
I kneel before you.
You are in your dreams, you are in your heart and in your breath.
You are the pride and joy of generations!
You beckon with your beauty,
You captivate the eyes with grace and the article.
You enchant with the feminine power of witchcraft,
And you endow with heavenly grace.

Declaration of love to a woman in verse

A gift of fate

I was captivated by you, by your beauty.
I didn’t expect to see a miracle so beautiful
On this gloomy and sometimes stormy
The land where we were noticed by fate.
It's surprising sometimes,
How everything coincides at one moment.
This percentage, cherished by everyone, is negligible,
When two halves instantly find each other.
I won this lottery for the first time
I’m sure I don’t need a bigger prize,
I just want to see you next to me.
I'm ready to go to the end of the world now!
Just say the word to me, darling.
I will fulfill all your cherished dreams...
And you cannot find greater beauty in this world,
Which is like all the beauties of paradise.

The poem is a declaration of love to a beautiful blond woman

Open the door to my feelings!

I'm crazy about your eyes
Your hands fascinate me!
And you can’t find worthy phrases,
To convey all your torment

From tender and great love.
But the cold is breathing in your heart.
Oh, if only you could
Open the door to my feelings in him!

You are the woman of my dreams
Charming, beautiful!
Believe that you are not empty
My words. I love you passionately.

I love the gait, the thin figure,
Waves of blond curls,
Blush, juicy lips
And your voice is full of shades.

I really hope it comes
That day when in your gaze
This terrible ice will melt,
And we will say “LOVE” to each other!

Poem about a first date with a beautiful woman

First date

The moon danced in the sunset light,
Fog was spreading over the river.
Seeing my gaze, she smiled.
I timidly waved my hand at her.

The lilac evening covered the two of us,
Somewhere in the distance a violin sounded,
As if deliberately leaving them alone
In the midnight silence at the pier.

Her scorching gaze is full of fire,
The soft tread of a panther.
I felt trepidation and tenderness,
When our wine glasses collided.

A crystal ringing, like thunder, sounded in the silence,
The night sparkled with colored mother of pearl.
And it dawned on me: all my life I have dreamed
Only about her! It's almost morning.

I can't survive parting with her.
Let it be for a day, for a minute, for a moment!
I am ready, like a queen, to serve her with faith.
A scream burst from my chest.

I want to shout to the whole world “I love you!”
Sharing your happiness with him.
And I also dream one day in front of everyone
Inspirationally say “I am loved!”

I saw in her eyes the wisdom of centuries,
A spark of tenderness, an unsteady secret.
And the feeling... Looks like it's love!
I am sure that it was no coincidence that fate brought us together.

The blue-winged wave rocked the boat,
In the night sky there are faceless desert stars.
I realized a long time ago that then at the pier
The goddess was in my arms!

Women love with their ears, adore romance, and melt from beautiful words and compliments. Nice words help to make girls fall in love and seduce them. Save yourself 300 beautiful compliments that you can use to make a girl like you.

"The Moon of my life!" - Khal Drogo said
"My sun and stars!" — Daenerys Targaryen answered

Do you want to be popular with girls or make one fall in love? Use compliments. Girls love it when men note their positive inner qualities and external attractiveness. But you need to speak from the heart and without flattery.

Beautiful romantic words and effective compliments are an essential part of a relationship. Any girl blossoms when she hears such words from a man. Girls immediately become kinder, gentler, affectionate and loving.

Women love with their ears. Save a cheat sheet with compliments that will make your personal life bright and high-quality.

Beautiful, pleasant and gentle words to a girl. 300 best compliments for a girl

1. Is it very hot here or is it because of you?

2. You are like Google or Yandex. You have everything I was looking for.

3. I need a map and a compass so I don’t get lost in your eyes.

4. You are like coffee: hot, strong, tasty, invigorating and aromatic.

5. I don't need just sex from you. I need all your sex from you.

6. You can go with you to a restaurant, to intelligence and to the registry office.

7. I haven’t had a drink yet, but I already like you crazy.

8. Beauty will save the world, and you are in the very first row of saviors.

9. On a scale from 1 to 10, you are 100 points.

10. I brought you flowers so they can see what real beauty is.

11. Even flies/mosquitoes/bees stick to you.

12. Your parents are probably cooks, since they produced such a magnificent baby.

13. You are 60% beautiful. Unfortunately, the remaining 40% of you is hidden by clothes.

14. You are simply perfect, but you need to change one thing. Change my last name.

15. How do you manage to look better and better every time?

16. The dress you’re wearing is tight. I like your tops.

17. My morning begins not with coffee, but with thoughts of you.

18. Thank you for your tenderness, kindness and care.

19. You are an amazing and cool girl. Honestly.

20. In the Middle Ages you would have been burned at the stake because of your magical beauty.

21. You are incredibly beautiful, like a Greek goddess from mythology.

22. You are the coolest girl in the world. 100%

23. Was your father a boxer? With your appearance you knock out anyone.

24. You have the face of an angel, but the body of a sinner.

25. My vision suddenly went dark. From your beauty.

26. All I need to be happy is you.

27. I constantly think about you, and you have taken up residence in my thoughts.

28. You don't need makeup. She needs you.

29. You are my favorite type of drugs and alcohol.

30. I don't look at your amazing tits. I look at the warm heart.

31. Instead of the Venus de Milo there should be your figure.

32. There are three such beauties in the world: it’s you, you and you again.

33. I really value and respect your opinion.

35. Thank you for the support and care you provide.

36. Dress and accessories match the color of your stunning eyes.

37. Among the competition of angels, you would have defeated everyone else at the casting.

38. Your smile drives me crazy. How do you manage to smile like that?

39. I will make you truly happy.

40. Your parents raised an excellent daughter. Gold medal.

41. You are an amazing girl. You should know this.

42. I want to move mountains for your smile.

43. Thank you for being you and being so wonderful.

44. You definitely brighten up this world and make it a better place.

45. I miss you very much.

46. ​​It seems to me that I am falling in love with you more and more.

47. I won’t give you to anyone. No one.

48. The hardest thing with you is saying goodbye.

49. Your lips are sweet and alluring, like honey. And I am a “furry bee”.

50. Your hair and hairstyle are amazing.

51. You have an angelic and pretty appearance.

52. I want to be only with you all my life.

53. I love your cheerfulness and inexhaustible positivity.

54. Your hugs are tender, as if I was in heaven.

55. I never believed in love until I met you.

56. You make me feel alive.

57. It’s impossible to be angry with you.

58. You have a very contagious laugh. Like bells ringing.

59. You always look harmonious and impeccable. Is it natural?

60. You have a very kind, sympathetic and gentle soul.

61. You look gorgeous, awesome and stunning.

62. I was lucky that fate brought us together.

63. I like you more than just.

64. I would compare you to a flower, but such a beautiful one does not exist.

65. You make me the happiest person in the world.

66. I hope our children will be like you.

67. I want to take care of you and protect you from the whole world.

68. You are the girl of my dreams. Or my life's dream.

69. Your appearance sometimes takes my breath away.

70. You are my only one.

71. You are kindred and the closest soul to me.

72. In a crowd of people I subconsciously try to find you.

73. When you smile, it’s like the sun comes out from behind the clouds.

74. Where did you hide your wings and halo? You are definitely an angel.

75. You understand me without words. At one glance and thought.

76. You are a really cool girl.

78. You are the most important person for me in the whole world.

79. Your figure is very slender, like a reed.

80. You are like a lucky talisman that brings good luck and joy.

81. I want time to stop when we are near.

83. You are a crazy and incomprehensible girl. They don't make these anymore.

84. Beauty is your childhood nickname and middle name.

85. There are no ideal people. But you do exist.

86. In the time of Troy, the war would have been because of you.

87. You are a very extravagant and unusual girl.

88. You are one of those fatal beauties with whom people fall madly in love.

89. You have a modest and at the same time strong character.

90. You are a magical and amazing girl, like from a fairy tale.

91. You are very feminine and beautiful. The very embodiment of femininity.

92. With you, I become the best version of myself.

93. You have brightened my life and made it bright.

94. You have very soft and pleasant skin, like a child’s.

95. You are perfection itself, from your smile to your gestures beyond all praise.

96. You are not only my sun and moon, but the entire universe.

97. I feel very good with you.

98. You have a very sweet and gentle face when you sleep.

99. You have an expressive, clear, insightful and intelligent look.

100. My heart flutters when I meet you.

101. You are like a princess who inspires you to great deeds.

102. I can drown in your eyes.

104. There is a reckless girl inside you that blows my mind.

105. Your movements, words and appearance always turn me on.

106. You have a great sense of humor.

107. You conquered me with your perfection. Sometimes it seems to me that this does not happen.

108. You have a great tan/snow-white skin.

109. Your blush on your cheeks is very cute.

110. The dress fits you perfectly and is amazing.

111. You are a very purposeful and strong-willed girl.

113. You are a very good housewife.

114. I can’t wait to meet you.

115. You have a playful and directly childish character.

116. I think about you in the morning when I wake up. I go to bed thinking about you.

117. There is a dreamer and a sensitive soul inside of you. It is a rarity.

118. It’s noticeable that you play sports.

119. You are very stylish and know how to choose a wardrobe.

120. You have a beautiful and unusual eye color.

121. You are unique and unique.

122. I love conversations with you.

123. I lost my speech when I saw you. You look great.

124. You are a priceless and unique girl.

125. After our meeting, I began to believe in fate.

126. You are attractive even when you are angry.

127. Your manners are excellent and even impeccable.

128. You are a wonderful partner in any task.

129. You are like a breath of air in the abyss of the sea.

130. You have lovely, fluffy and long eyelashes.

131. You look like a TOP cover model.

132. I can’t imagine life without you.

133. I like your appearance, character, and temperament. Everything.

134. You are a very hot and sexy chick.

135. You have a lot of talents and virtues. Nature did its best.

136. You look so great and sexy that it’s almost indecent.

137. Your legs are very beautiful and hot.

138. You have unforgettable eyes and a look that you remember for the rest of your life.

140. You have a dazzling and captivating smile.

141. With your character you are capable of establishing peace on earth.

142. You know how to fascinate and enchant.

143. You have a very wise and reasonable mind. Where does it come from?

144. You move well, flexible and very flexible.

145. There is a dangerous sex bomb or even a porn star hiding inside you.

146. You look like a work of art. Unique and priceless.

147. You have natural femininity and charm.

148. My soul has been searching for yours for ages.

149. You changed my life for the better. It costs a lot.

150. You are a very sophisticated, sensitive and vulnerable person.

151. You give me positive emotions and sensations.

152. Your lips are very sweet and tender.

153. You smell very tasty and unique.

154. I enjoy spending time with you. Morning, afternoon, evening and night.

155. You are energetic, as if you have an eternal battery in your lovely ass.

156. Time always flies very quickly with you.

157. You are like a tigress, dangerous, beautiful and graceful.

158. I have never met such a smart and insightful girl.

159. Your cooking is so delicious, it’s finger licking good.

160. I envy myself that I have you.

161. You are a fiery, impulsive and belligerent bully that I like.

163. You have magnificent, beautiful and firm breasts.

164. You are my little and defenseless princess.

165. You are sweet, like candy or cake.

166. I think the police will put you in jail soon. You stole my heart.

167. You have very expressive facial features.

168. You have lost even more weight. You are very slim.

169. You look very dazzling and amazing for this planet.

170. You have a great figure and ass. You could be a model if you wanted.

171. Your soul is beautiful and limitless, like the ocean.

172. These clothes highlight your excellent figure.

173. You are comprehensively developed, smart and beautiful. How does this happen?

174. Which dragon must be killed to win such a princess?

175. Your belly is very appetizing and attractive.

176. I am proud of your successes and achievements.

177. You are very, very, very cute. No. Very beautiful.

178. You are equally beautiful on the outside and inside.

179. You have very grandiose goals and dreams. I support.

180. You are a great and interesting conversationalist.

181. In the morning you look very cute and defenseless.

182. How do you know so much? You are a walking encyclopedia.

183. Your figure and appearance deserve the brush of artists.

184. You are exciting and exciting, like early spring.

185. I like your independence and strong, punchy character.

186. You have cute dimples/freckles/moles.

187. The goddess of beauty Aphrodite is only a weak copy of you.

188. You are a true treasure that I will not give to anyone.

189. You have a beautiful and melodious name. I like.

190. You excite all the men on this planet with your appearance, and women are jealous.

191. How do you manage to look so great? Do you have a deal with the devil?

192. I had a cardiogram yesterday and found you in my heart.

193. You have a sporty and fit figure, and you are a real cutie.

194. You are charming and flawless, like a model from the cover of a magazine.

195. You have a radiant smile, like a ray of sun peeking out from behind the clouds.

196. Life is not life without you. It makes no sense.

197. You have the character and strength of the Amazon legends. You would be in charge there.

198. You are a ray of sunshine among the routine and dullness of this world.

199. You look irresistible and chic. But as always.

200. Your touch gives me goosebumps all over my body.

201. What a pity that we didn’t meet earlier. It would have been ideal as a child.

202. I even like being silent with you.

203. You are an unpredictable and extraordinary girl. This cannot be taken away from you.

204. You are a flirty, mischievous and playful girl.

205. How do you manage to choose accessories so harmoniously and coolly?

206. You have a very ardent nature and a warm, honest heart.

207. Your appearance takes my breath away, as if I’m on the edge of an abyss.

208. You complete me, my soulmate.

209. I can’t stop thinking about you every second.

210. I love your natural smell. It's feminine and sexy.

211. You are not like other people. You are strange, wonderful and the best.

212. What did you say? I fell in love with you so much that I lost my hearing.

213. You contain many mysteries and unpredictability. It turns me on.

214. I can't concentrate. You look too excited.

215. It’s very comfortable with you, as if we’ve known each other for 1000 years.

216. You are not only my girlfriend, but also my best friend. I thought this couldn't happen.

217. An ardent heart beats in your exciting chest.

218. I am disarmed by your looks and cool personality.

219. Your lips are seductive, provocative and alluring.

221. Words cannot express how I feel for you.

222. Your butt is like a round, elastic and delicious nut.

223. After drinking alcohol, you become a laughing and dangerous lioness.

224. These shoes suit you, they emphasize the beauty and length of your legs.

225. I love your quirks and oddities. You won't get bored.

226. You have a sparkling look and an alluring smile.

227. Your hair is gorgeous and beautiful. Can I touch it?

228. You are damn charming and fiery. It's real and natural.

229. You are not lacking in delicacy and tact. You're like a lady in the 21st century.

230. It’s impossible to get enough of you, my beloved.

231. You are miniature and tiny, which you want to protect.

232. Your spontaneity and enthusiasm as a child conquers me.

233. Within you lies a selfless, kind and open soul.

234. I am not indifferent to your seductive and vicious curves of your figure.

235. You are a very cool and cool girl. You don't even know how much.

236. Surely children, animals and even nature love you.

237. How old are you? You don't look your age. You're probably lying.

238. There is something elusive and unearthly about you that is impossible to unravel.

239. I see you every night in my dreams. Dreams are not always decent.

240. We are not having sex with you, but true love.

241. You are one of the few people who knows how to be themselves.

242. My jaw dropped, you looked so stunning.

243. My clothes smell of your unforgettable and beloved scent.

244. Why does everyone admire Angelina Jolie? You're a million times better.

246. I never thought that I would meet such a beauty and such a smart girl at the same time.

247. You have large/delicate breasts.

248. You are a great example for others to follow.

249. You have an aristocratic facial profile. Were there no aristocrats in your family?

250. You are like fireworks: you know how to light up and impress.

251. You have fragile and beautiful shoulders. Simply breathtaking.

252. I like blondes/brunettes/brown-haired/redheads.

253. You have a romantic nature. You are the last romantic on earth.

254. You definitely look like a million dollar bills.

255. You have a natural coquettishness, like one in a million women has.

256. I am very proud and admire you.

257. From the moment we met, this is the best time of my life.

258. You have a vicious walk that will lead even the dead.

259. You could easily be a muse for artists, poets and writers.

260. You have a sweet angel and a little devil inside of you.

261. You are very young and look great.

262. You have a hot temperament in bed. You're incredible at sex.

263. I want you again and again.

264. You have beautiful and snow-white teeth.

265. I'm crazy about your exciting tits. More precisely breasts.

266. You look touching, gentle and sweet, like a princess.

267. Within you lies a passionate person who loves adventure.

268. I blush when I look at you even in clothes.

269. Your buns are very tasty and hot.

270. You look impressive and chic in any clothes.

271. With you I would go to the ends of the world.

272. You are the most, the most, the most...

273. You are like a beautiful nymph, embodying the femininity of all women.

274. You have unbridled and uncontrollable sexuality that knocks you off your feet.

275. Your legs are like the gate to enter heaven.

276. You are the best girlfriend, the best friend, the best lover and the best wife.

277. It’s impossible to take my eyes off your cleavage. This is beyond my strength.

278. You are an excellent specialist and professional in your field.

279. When you get wet in the rain/sweat/wet, you look even better.

280. You are a mixture of a good girl and a bad girl. Does this happen?

281. I am drawn to you. Where do you hide the magnet?

282. It’s impossible not to fall in love with you.

283. You are a passionate, inventive and sexy kitty.

284. Without makeup you look better and more seductive.

285. You have a cool, firm and delicious ass.

286. Your body is created for love and caresses.

287. You are very depraved, vulgar and open in sex. I like it.

288. You are like the crazy empress of Irina Allegrova. You leave an impression.

289. I never suspected that you had so much passion and sexuality hidden within you.

290. If you were sent to prison for beauty, then you would have several life sentences.

291. You're just an awesome space, baby.

292. You are amazing and incredible in bed. I even wanted to smoke.

293. Seeing you lifts my spirits and everything else.

294. If you don’t answer in a second how you are, then you owe me 100 kisses. You didn't have time.

295. You're like Juliet from William Shakespeare's play, only better.

296. You are like a sip of champagne/vodka that intoxicates your head and knocks you off your feet.

297. Do you have real breasts? Can't be. Can I touch it?

298. When I'm with you, I feel the envious glances of men.

299. Marry me.

Nice words, compliments and vino help when communicating with girls. Save and use. Love to all.

Both men and women love compliments, but for the fair sex they have a special meaning. A woman cannot be conquered once and for all, she must be conquered every day - then the relationship will be strong. It is not always possible to pamper a girl with compliments during the day, but you can find a minute to send an SMS message. On this page we have selected beautiful compliments to a girl in verse, choose the appropriate one and send a message, because it is so nice to receive and give compliments.

Can't give a compliment in person? Send a compliment with an audio message, which will arrive like a regular call to the girl’s phone exactly at the appointed time.

Thin as a doe, proud as a lioness,
Goddess of eternal beauty!
I dream about your image at night:
You're the girl of my dream!

You are the best, coolest, cool!
You are gentle, sweet, simply beautiful!
Unsurpassed and incomparable,
You are the brightest and most awesome!
Spectacular, fashionable, irresistible,
You are the most beloved with my heart!

You are a princess - it's no secret
Looks can turn anyone's head,
Reason is your main testament,
Modesty serves you as a necklace...

I want to give a compliment
The sparkle of beautiful eyes,
After all, every hour, at any moment,
You delight us with your beauty.

Your smile is brighter than the sun
A gentle laugh will blind you.
I love the flow of your emotions
He will boil with hot passion.

I'm drowning in your bottomless eyes,
And in the darkness of tender eyes,
And in sincere and modest gestures
And in a quiet song of wise phrases...

How cute you are in your snowy attire!
The Snow Maiden appeared before me
With a riddle in a cool blue gaze...
Truly, your image is unearthly!

You're like sweet candy
Like a slice of delicious pizza,
And in you, believe me baby,
It's impossible not to fall in love!

You are as beautiful as a star
What was created only for the sky!
Your glance enchants everyone,
Any outfit suits you.

Like a sunny bunny, playful...
Like a gentle, gentle wind...
Like an earthly ideal, beautiful
And I need you like air!

Smiling, sweetheart,
Sheer charm
Like a cat, playful,
Sheer charm.

Admiring your beauty,
I thank the Creator again,
That he created you like this
Which I absolutely love!!!

I want to forget in your arms
And listen to the whisper of the heart every time.
I always want to fall in love with you
And plunge into the sea of ​​blue eyes.

It's impossible not to give a compliment
Such a fabulous lovely lady,
They can do anything for you,
And the words are born all by themselves!

I want to tell you that I want to hug you!
Kiss and hug, I want you again!
I always have one thing - I love you for a long time,
And I always want to hug and kiss again!

You are so smart and so beautiful
The stars melt next to you,
And the sun shines in vain,
When your eyes shine.

I met beautiful girls more than once,
But you blew me away.
Divine such beautiful eyes
I haven't even seen it in pictures.

The most delicate, most fabulous flower
I couldn't compare with your beauty.
And in marvelous flight, even a bird
I can't compare with your gracefulness.

Even if it's rainy
You are incredibly beautiful
And in the sunlight
The most beautiful in the world!

Pure as the morning flower
You flutter as light as a butterfly.
I fly into the light like a moth,
To you, and you know it!

I dream about you, but the morning comes
I know the illusion will melt away.
But every time I meet you by chance,
I am becoming the happiest person in the world!

You're like a cat
Affectionate, sweetheart,
A little tricky
And very beautiful!

Compliments to a girl in affectionate verses

It's like you're from a fairy tale,
Like a fairy, so kind
You intoxicate with beauty,
You're driving me crazy.

You are tender, you are so beautiful,
I really like you
I want to wake up with you
In reality, not in a dream!

My affectionate and tender,
Kind and always snow-white.
Darling, stay beautiful
Always clean and clear.

Tender as a lotus flower
Beautiful, amazing,
Hair like shiny silk.
You are very seductive.

You are beautiful and tender
Like a spring girl
You are smart, unique,
Inspired and loved!

I'm just crazy about you.
You are talented and beautiful!
I want to always love you
Gently, madly, strongly!

You are my best
You are simply beautiful to me,
The sweetest and always loved,
The purr is affectionate and passionate!

You are so beautiful and innocent
Your eyes are like two stars
You are like a goddess, like a queen
And all I need is you.

You are as beautiful as a princess
You are beautiful, good,
You are smart, gentle, wonderful,
You're driving me crazy!

You are like a scarlet flower,
You are the Goddess, the whole world,
I dedicate these lines,
Your number one fan!

I like your eyes
And there are no more beautiful hands in the world!
I'm afraid of your beauty
There is no more dangerous beauty in the world!

I love the streams of your hair,
I love the playful sparkle in the sun!
And the rays of your beauty,
Let them shine through different windows!

Let this humble compliment
It will cheer you up!
There are no such words in the world,
To express all my admiration!

What could be more beautiful?
Than your tender gaze is the clearest.
You are like a flower, a heavenly creation
You are the muse that gives me inspiration.

You are so beautiful and your features
As an example of girlish beauty.
You are full of warmth
You are exclusive - you are the only one.

You are so beautiful, so smart
You're probably saying the words
It's comfortable and easy with you,
You've been hooking me for a long time.

I carefully catch your gaze,
I'm going crazy about you
You are graceful and gentle,
You are like a ray of light to me.

Your eyes, figure, legs
They captivate you with their beauty,
I am from your smile, baby,
I walk as if I’m not myself,

You are capable of just one glance
To bewitch, to attract,
You are like a priceless reward,
Like a bright ray in my destiny,

And, forgetting about all doubts,
I’m rushing to you alone again,
You give a sea of ​​pleasure
I can't help but adore you!

How beautiful and tender you are,
Mysterious and romantic
You're like early spring
And everything about you is so harmonious.

It's simple and easy with you,
It's never boring with you.
I'm happy and happy
When you're near, darling!

There is so much light in your eyes!
I'm surprised at their depth!
They will warm you up like summer
In a distant fairyland!
Fluffy curls of hair -
Like the sun's bright areola.
And a scattering of mischievous freckles -
Left the gold grind.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in verse

You conquer the heart with beauty,
I want you to always be with me!
On this day I am so warm and noticeable,
I want to give compliments all the time!

You intoxicate with your beauty,
And you drive all men crazy.
Even though you beckon in a gentle way,
But you are everyone's dream.
You are beautiful not only in appearance,
Your soul is also beautiful.
With you life has become sinless -
After all, beauty rules the world.

You are the poet's inspiration,
The light is filled with your beauty,
The Universe is warmed by you,
There are no people like you in nature.

I want to honestly confess to you:
There is no one more beautiful than you!
You dazzle and drive you crazy!
You are the only one in the whole world!

A new dawn illuminates the city,
I can't sleep again until the morning.
As soon as I close my eyes, you are in front of me -
You are my goddess of eternal beauty!

I won’t get tired of admiring you:
Incomparably beautiful!
You are a balm for a painful wound,
You are a delight for the eyes. Without breathing
Admiring your beauty,
I look at you and look at you.
You are comparable to a wonderful spring!
I burn before you like a candle!

Having met you on my way,
I can't find peace!
How can anyone pass you by?
I can't imagine!

You are brighter than a sunny day,
More gentle than the sea breeze.
“And there is nothing more beautiful for me,” -
Anyone will think!

Dreams are hidden in your smile
The flowers are jealous of your beauty -
The pearl of a smile, the sparkle of the eyes!
There are no such worthy phrases in this world,
To describe you in detail!
And that is why I will repeat again:
You are more beautiful than the dawn over the rose garden!
You are higher than the farthest stars in the sky!

You are more beautiful than the angels, by God!
It's hard to compare them with you!
And the tenderness of a stern smile
You can conquer anyone!
Your hair is a lovely cascade -
Like the silk of a pure river.
The cheeks are flushed and have a wonderful shine
In the eyes, like a reflection of a light.

tell friends