Scenario of the competition "become a star". Vocal competition “Become a star”

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Dear friends!

On November 22, 2014, a worthy conclusion and final stage of the “Become a Star with Voca-Beat” competition took place, where, as a result of a strong struggle, the jury, represented by real professionals from the world of music, determined the three winners.

They became:

  • 1. Elagina Marina
  • 2. Matlin Anton
  • 3. Zaitseva Alexandra
We thank everyone who took part in the competition. Regardless of what stage you managed to reach, you are all great fellows. Each of the participants is incredibly talented and musical. We wish you great creative success and victories on the musical Olympus!

11/15/14 Today the semi-finals of the “Become a Star with Voca-Beat” competition took place within the Voca-Beat vocal school, and we are pleased to announce the names of the seven finalists!

They become:

  • 1. Khachikyan Arsen
  • 2. Elagina Marina
  • 3. Zaitseva Alexandra
  • 4. Vasilyeva Valeria
  • 5. Matlin Anton
  • 6. Demin Artem
  • 7. Martyanova Irina

We sincerely congratulate the finalists and wish big victories to all those who failed the test today. Well done everyone, thank you all!
And next Saturday the long-awaited final will take place, which will be timed to coincide with the school’s birthday.

November 22 (Saturday) We are pleased to invite you to celebrate the birthday of the Voca-Beat vocal school and see with your own eyes final battle behind Grand Prize competition “Become a Star with Voca-Beat” in the cozy atmosphere of the Jimmy’s Pub club.

During the event you will find out who will become the owner of a certificate for a six-month free education vocals, listen to the concert of school students, enjoy wonderful music and recharge great mood for the whole evening. Each guest will also be able to participate in a drawing. valuable prizes and discounts.

This open concert, which means anyone can come. Come yourself and bring your friends. Gathering of guests at 15-00. This day will be really cool!

Dear friends!

After a long discussion, the jury came to a final decision, and we are pleased to announce to you the lucky 20 semi-finalists who move on to the second stage of the “Become a Star with Voca-Beat” competition.

  • 1. Artem Demin
  • 2. Valeria Vasilyeva
  • 3. Anton Matlin
  • 4. Grigory Avanesov
  • 5. Ksenia Konysheva
  • 6. Anna Breusova
  • 7. Igor Kudryashov
  • 8. Anastasia Pozhogina
  • 9. Mikhail Petrov
  • 10. Alexandra Zaitseva
  • 11. Arsen Khachikyan
  • 12. Vlada Dombrovskaya
  • 13. Alexandra Zakharova
  • 14. Marina Elagina
  • 15. Irina Martyanova
  • 16. Oksana Korneeva
  • 17. Dmitry Lunev
  • 18. Gorchilina Kristina
  • 19. Maria Gaskova
  • 20. Irina Semyonova
We sincerely congratulate those who, despite serious competition, made it to the 2nd stage, and wish great creative success to all those who, unfortunately, did not make it into the top 20. You are all great fellows! Very soon each of you will receive an e-mail from Voca-Beat with further instructions.
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The vocal school “Voca-Beat” provides a six-month course of free vocal training to three of the most talented and hardworking vocalists!

Can't you imagine your life without music? Have you always dreamed of learning to sing like a true professional? Dream about a stellar future and big stage, where will your talent be appreciated? Voca-Beat Vocal School provides a unique chance to win a six-month vocal training course and prepare to ascend to the Star Musical Olympus.

The competition for the main prize will take place in 3 stages.

Competition rules:
Stage I(from October 1, 2014 to November 1, 2014)
Choose your favorite song, record your performance on video and post it online.

Fill out the form below, and be sure to attach a link to the song performed by you.

It doesn’t matter whether the composition will be sung in Russian, English or any other language, the main thing is that your performance is special. And remember, the duration of the video should not exceed 4 minutes. From all the applicants, we will select the 20 best vocalists who will be able to advance to the second stage.

Dear Voca-Beat students, applications with videos from Voca-Battles made by school staff are not accepted for consideration.

Over the course of a month, the school’s teachers will select the best 20 vocalists, who will move on to stage II.

Stage II of the competition(November 15, 2014)
In stage II, participants will prove their right to win with a live performance within the walls of the Voca-Beat vocal school. The composition should not repeat the one performed in the video. Out of 20 applicants for the Grand Prize, a jury consisting of school teachers will personally select 7 finalists.

Stage III competition(November 22, 2014)
On Voca-Beat's birthday there will be The final stage competition. Senior teachers of the school, as well as invited guests (professionals music industry) will choose three winners, each of whom will receive a six-month course of free training at the Voca-Beat vocal school.

For this stage, you should prepare the third, final song and perform it in such a way that even the most strict of judges will have no doubts.

Each participant will receive a 10% discount when purchasing their first subscription! And the contestants who reach the finals will become winners individual video from his speech.

We expect strong and vibrant performances from everyone various techniques and singing manners. The world of vocals is multifaceted. Show what you are capable of, convince us that you really live by music, and we will give you six months of training in a wide variety of global vocal techniques!

International festival of children's and youth creativity"Become a star!" held in Moscow humanitarian university since 2012. The organizers of the first festival, together with Moscow State University, were the Veshnyaki District Administration of Moscow and the Scientific and Methodological Center for Social and Educational Work of the Department of Family and Youth Policy of Moscow.

Main objectives of the festival:

Identification, support and popularization of talented youth performers creative teams;

Aesthetic and humanitarian education of children and youth;

Strengthening and development of cultural and scientific ties;

Expanding cooperation in the field of education, culture and art between youth creative groups of the Eastern, South-Eastern and other administrative districts of Moscow with children's and youth festivals.

In 2017, the sixth festival took place, in which more than 1,250 children, girls and boys took part in the categories “Choreography”, “Vocal”, “ Acting art" In the program, except competitive events, master classes were included People's Artist Russia, professor of the Department of Culture and Art of Moscow State University Yu.V. Nazarov and Honored Artist of Ossetia L.V. Maltseva, People's Artist of Russia O.B. Ivanov, laureate international competitions, Professor of the Department of Culture and Art of Moscow State University S.V. Koroteeva, laureate of international competitions, associate professor of the Department of Culture and Art of Moscow State University I.A. Kozhikhova, fragments of performances by student actors of the first and second years. Over the years of the festival, more than 5,000 people from Russia, near and far abroad countries took part in it.

The organizer, director of all festival events and host of the gala concert is the dean, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Professor Alexander Alekseevich Chvanov.

"Become a Star!" - one of the few youth creative festivals Russia, participation in which is completely free.

"Become a Star"– this is large-scale vocal project, consisting of several stages, which will take place in the capital in the spring and summer of 2017. Submission of applications and correspondence stage will last until March 29. In-person audition and The winners will be awarded on April 1-2. During April, intensive courses will be held for the winners of the competition at the Become a Star school of modern vocals, and professional concert practice will begin in May.

Any performers aged from 8 to 23 years can become participants in the competition: soloists and groups of up to 6 people, children’s students music schools And vocal studios; secondary special and higher educational institutions, as well as people without music education. One participant can submit applications in several categories.

The competition jury includes
Pavel Neon – music producer annual festival"Voice of Love" and "Whitney Houston" show
Lyudmila Sokolova - singer, songwriter, finalist of the television project "The Voice", season 3, participant in the project "Exactly to the Point", season 2 (Channel One), project "Live Sound" (Russia), winner of the Golden Gramophone award ".
Julia Pak – pop singer, theater and film actress, finalist of the musical television project “The Voice”, season 2.
Sergey Ivanov – music producer Muz Play Media Holding, CEO All-Russian music award MUZ.Play.
Misha Mayer - crooner, semi-finalist of the competition " New wave- 2015", winner of the All-Russian music award "Muz.Play - 2016", participant in television projects " Main Stage", "Factor a".
Yulia Nerovnaya (July) is a pop singer, participant in the television project “The Voice”, laureate of international competitions.

The main prize will be free training at the "Become a Star" vocal school under the guidance of experienced mentors - popular pop singers, winners of Russian and international competitions, participants in popular musical television projects. Competitors will learn new professional techniques, will prepare new variety numbers, will create the basis of their own stage image. The result of the training will be a professional production of one concert number for each group or participant, a performance at a gala concert on May 9, 2017, professional photo and video shooting of the number and further concert practice.

The competition is held in three categories:
Pop vocals(solo performance);
Variety ensemble(duets, trios);
Variety ensemble (from 4 to 6 people)

Age categories of participants:
Age category I – from 8 to 12 years;
Age category II – from 13 to 17 years;
Age category III – from 18 to 23 years.

"Within the project we want to draw attention to talented performers, identify new bright names, as well as give the finalists the opportunity to perform at major city events. “Become a Star” is not a one-day story, but a complex multi-level project in which the competition is only initial stage. The winners of the project will have to undergo training under the guidance of popular mentors, and then gain concert practice, performing at various venues in Moscow,"– comments project manager Yana Negreeva.

The project has been prepared Cultural center"Ivanovsky" with the support of the Moscow Department of Culture. The competition partner is the Mayak House of Culture.

The registration fee for participation in the competition ranges from 750 to 2000 rubles per person.
The winners will receive training at a vocal school and extensive concert practice.
Contact phone: 8 903 541-1997 Negreeva Yana

Scenario of the competition “Become a Star”

I. Presenter 1

Hello, Dear friends!

Presenter 2:

Good afternoon, dear members of the jury!

Presenter 1

We welcome all participants of the annual, traditional competition

"Become a star"!

This program was prepared for you by studentsMaykop Industrial College

(presentation, the song “Yellow Leaves” sounds. Poems - 3 people)

II. Presenter 1

    Presenter 2, I want to ask you: “Why did our team today sing a cheerful, perky song, but about autumn?”

Presenter 2:

    I think this is because it is in the fall that we celebrate and honor our city and our beloved multinational Republic of Adygea.

Presenter 1

    Yes, we just heard what kind words and with what love the guys spoke about her. Every nation is distinguished by its culture, costumes, songs and national dances. Every significant celebration of any nation is accompanied by such a dance.

    Presenter 2:

Incendiary for you Adyghe dance perform for you:

    Thaguchev Aliy

    Tsey Yusuf



Presenter 1

    Adyghe writers and poets very beautifully glorify our Republic, our mountains and waterfalls, our people, and our Adyghe language.

Presenter 2:

    “My mother and my language”, poem by Ruslan Nekhai,read by Gusov Alim.


Presenter 1

    Presenter 2, tell me, are beautiful girls only in the spring?

Presenter 2:

    No, girls are always beautiful and charming. But there are many more girls with black eyes in Adygea.

Presenter 1

    It is about them that he sings his songKhatsats Temirkan

(song “Black Eyes”)



Presenter 1

    You know, friends, the youth of our city are very enthusiastic people, especially students.

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1

    We present to your attention a dance performed byKulikov Sergey and Shatokhin Ilya



Presenter 2:

    How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, create, love, think about the future.

Presenter 1

    But we never forget about those who do not spare their lives for the sake of peace on Earth. Andrey Reshetnikov and Igor Lyapinkov dedicate their song to the guys who died in Afghanistan.



Presenter 2:

    We keep up with the times

We rap with passion

Presenter 1

    Rap is read by Nikita Dubin and Pshipi Presenter 2




Rita, I was recently at the pond and saw how beautifully the lilies bloom...

Have you seen such a flower?

Presenter 1

Yes, we also have lilies growing in our flowerbed, different color, very beautiful.

Presenter 2:
– But our next performer has his own “Lily”

Presenter 1 - Sings for youMeretukov Zaur



Presenter 1

Presenter 2, what do you think? What is the most difficult and challenging profession on earth?


Male or female?

Presenter 1

Any! It doesn't matter which one.


I think it’s difficult to be a ballerina, they dance on pointe shoes, it’s probably very difficult.

Or a crane operator - he sits very high in the cabin and he needs to deliver loads very accurately.

Presenter 1
- Yes, that’s right. That's right, you are the Presenter 2 speaking. But I think it’s not easy for our teachers either. Let's watch the skit "Re-examination" performed by -
Workzy Ruslan and Barannikov Nikita .


X. Presenter 1

Roma: We all know that love rules the world!

Presenter 1 Yes, Roma, you're right! Love for the Motherland, love for the Fatherland, love for nature. Ah, he sings about love for a girlDavid Atoyan. ____________________________________________________________

XI. Presenter 1

    We are capable of performing jive,

    And waltz, and break, and rock, and tango

    We experience a powerful drive when cool samba sounds!

Latin American dance "Samba" is danced for youEremenko Pavel and charming Angelina


Mothers have a prestigious position in the world

Surround your children with care

And day and night in the unknown ether

The prayers of our mothers are heard

The song “Si Nane Dahe” performed by Tlishev Gushau sounds for you


All participants leaveonchorus


Presenter 2:

    Adygea is not only a flourishing corner of the earth. It is rich in customs and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.

Presenter 1

    And we must be worthy of our fathers.

(Verse “That’s what they say in Adygea.” Presentation.)



    We are sad too, but it's time to part

And we want to say goodbye to you now.

    HOST 2

Accept the autumn bouquet now

Thank you for listening to us

- Presentation of flowers.

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