In what city did Aksenov emigrate live? Was Maya's divorce difficult? Honorary titles, prizes

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Vasily Aksenov’s books have enjoyed unprecedented popularity among thinking readers for several decades. Among them there are absolutely various works: tough and romantic, truthful and utopian. Therefore, everyone will be able to find something for themselves in the works of Vasily Pavlovich.


Vasily’s biography turned out to be difficult, but interesting and eventful. It will certainly be interesting for all his fans to get acquainted with it. literary creativity. In addition, Wikipedia will tell information about the life of Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov.

early years

Aksenov was born in 1932 in Kazan to the chairman of the city council and a teacher at a well-known pedagogical university in the city. He became the third child in the family, but the first common son of Pavel and Evgenia. The early years of the boy's life were happy and joyful. His parents loved him very much and tried to spend all their time with him. free time. In the evenings father played with Vasya Board games, took him with me fishing and to the forest to pick mushrooms. True, the happy time did not last long.

When the future writer turned 4 years old, his parents were arrested one by one and sent to Stalin's camps for 10 years. Vasily’s mother spent a total of 18 years in exile and prison. It was about this that she later wrote an autobiographical book, which is still popular to this day.

The brother and sister of the younger Aksenov were somewhat more fortunate after the imprisonment of their parents. Alexei and Maya were taken in by family relatives. It’s interesting that the baby’s grandmothers wanted to raise Vasya too, but they were forbidden to do so. As a result, the boy ended up in Orphanage for the sons and daughters of convicts, which was located in Kostroma. Didn't you even inform your relatives? to which city the child was sent. Two years later, his paternal uncle took him from there. Andreyan had to make a lot of efforts to find his nephew. From that time and throughout the war, Vasily lived with relatives.

As soon as the boy's mother left prison, she immediately began trying to get permission to living together with son. As a result, Aksenov Jr. moved to her in Kolyma. Here she was as an exile. By the way, the writer will later talk about his childhood years in these parts in one of his novels.


During his childhood, Vasily had to study in a variety of schools. He was never an excellent student, but he loved to gain new knowledge. The boy had a special penchant for humanities. True, his parents could not even think then that the younger Aksenov would eventually become a writer. After receiving a school certificate, the young man entered the Leningrad medical school. His relatives insisted on this, believing that only the profession of a doctor could feed the guy. After graduating from university, he was assigned I managed to work in different places:

  1. In the capital's tuberculosis hospital;
  2. In the Far North (quarantine doctor);
  3. In Karelia (general specialist).

By the way, by the time Vasily received his diploma, his parents were already free and completely rehabilitated.


Despite the fact that, at the insistence of his parents, the young man received medical education, the profession of a doctor has never did not arouse much interest in him. He knew his job very well and from the first months of work he was known among his colleagues as a true professional, but his soul strove for literature.

Beginning of writing activity

At first, Vasily wrote his books “on the table.” But in the 60s, he still decided to send one of his most favorite stories to the publishing house. The young man was extremely surprised and delighted that the work “Colleagues” immediately appeared in print. The reader liked it so much that it was later turned into a full-length film.

After this, Vasily Aksenov’s novels and collections of his stories began to appear one by one. Some of them will later be used to make films. For example, the novel “Star Ticket” turned into the film “My younger brother" It was especially pleasant for Vasily Pavlovich that, soon after the start of his literary activity, the Sovremennik Theater staged a full-fledged performance based on his play. Success inspired the man so much that he decided to finally change his profession.

The name Aksenov is becoming increasingly popular in Moscow, and then in other cities of the country. He becomes editor of the magazine "Youth", which also periodically publishes his works. The writer's parents anxiously look for each new number and add it to the family collection.

Social activity

In parallel with literature, Vasily became interested in social activities. First, he volunteered to participate in a demonstration on Red Square, where he spoke out against the rehabilitation of Stalin, then he signed letters to protect dissidents. There were quite a lot of similar actions, which could not go unnoticed by the authorities.

Aksenov's social activity The government did not like it very much. He first learned about this at a meeting between the authorities and representatives of the intelligentsia in the Kremlin. Then he heard public criticism of himself from Nikita Khrushchev. Once Vasily Pavlovich was even detained by vigilantes. Of course, there were no grounds for the writer’s arrest, but he was repeatedly made to understand that he urgently needed to change his line of behavior.

Despite the disagreements that arose with the authorities, the man continued to create and delight his fans with new works. In the early 70s, an adventure book for the youngest readers was published. It turned out to be very popular among children and their parents. Then the historical and biographical story “Love of Electricity” appeared in print. Vasily loved to experiment with literary genres. He himself noted that for a very long time he could not find exactly the direction in which he would find it most interesting and comfortable to work. He shared his doubts with readers in the work “Search for a Genre.”

Aksenov was engaged and translations from English. He managed to make several books accessible to the domestic reader at once. foreign novels. Among Vasily Pavlovich’s literary experiments there was even a joint work with two other writers. It was a funny parody of a book about spies.

Aksenov himself understood that conflicts and misunderstandings with the government would sooner or later lead to the fact that he would no longer be able to publish in his homeland. And so it happened: as soon as the “thaw” ended. True, some of Vasily Aksenov’s works were nevertheless published (much to the surprise of the author himself). Among them is the above-mentioned autobiographical novel about early years life and fantastic book"Island of Crimea". Vasily noted that he created these works “for the table” and, in general, did not at all hope that they would ever see the world.

By the end of the 70s the authorities begin to criticize the writer more and more openly and sharply. Such an epithet as “non-Soviet” is already being addressed to him. And the last straw for the government was Vasily Pavlovich’s exit from the Writers’ Union. Thus, he and several other authors expressed their disagreement with the exception to this public organization Popov and Erofeeva.

Since 1977, Aksenov’s works have been actively published abroad. They appear especially often in print in the USA. It is here that Vasily, together with his creative comrades, organizes the Metropol almanac. Despite the enormous efforts of the entire team, it was not possible to publish it in the homeland. Among the magazine’s employees were V. Erofeev, A. Bitov, B. Akhmadulina and other “outcasts” of their country.

Life in the USA

For moving abroad (by invitation) Vasily Aksenov was deprived of USSR citizenship. This greatly upset the writer, but he understood that he would not be able to live and create in peace in his homeland for a long time. Therefore, the man simply accepted his situation and remained in the United States, where he remained until 2004. During this time, he managed to serve as a professor of Russian literature at the most famous American universities and expand his own bibliography. I tried myself as a writer and as a journalist. He worked with several foreign radio stations and magazines.

By the way, the man published his impressions of working on the radio in the work “A Decade of Slander,” which was published in Last year his life in the states. Other books were also published in America. While living in the USA, Vasily Pavlovich actively worked on new stories, novellas and novels. As a result, they The following works were written:

  • "Negative positive hero»;
  • "New sweet style";
  • “Egg yolk” and others.

Interestingly, the last novel was created on English language. But later the author himself translated it for domestic readers. True, he never received much popularity in his homeland.

9 years after his departure from the USSR, the writer returned home for the first time. He was invited to Soviet Union American Ambassador. And in 1990, Aksenov was returned Soviet citizenship. True, this did not encourage him to move back. Vasily Pavlovich continued to live with his family abroad and only occasionally flew to Moscow on work matters.

In the early 2000s, the writer begins to publish in Russia. The first to appear in print was his novel “The Voltairians and the Voltairians.” For this work, Vasily was awarded the Booker Prize. His last novel was “ Mysterious passion", truthfully telling about the life of the sixties. As a result, it was filmed in its homeland. True, it became available to viewers after the death of the writer.

Personal life

Aksenov’s first wife was K. Mendeleeva, who gave the man a long-awaited son (the writer was 28 years old at that time). His ex-wife is still alive today and is a production designer in one of the capital theaters. True, with Kira Vasily was not able to build strong family even for the sake of the child. Vasily Pavlovich felt happy in love only after meeting M. Carmen. For his sake, the woman left the famous documentary filmmaker Roman Carmen. Immediately after the acquaintance between the writer and his new lover a real passion arose.

Maya was far from creative (a specialist in foreign trade), but she turned out to be ready to follow her husband to the ends of the earth. She moved with the writer to the USA, where she also began teaching Russian. The couple had no children together. Vasily and Maya raised her daughter from her first marriage. It was to his second wife that Aksenov experienced real passion and love.

Alexei, step-brother, died during the siege of Leningrad, so Vasily practically did not know him. And here paternal sister, Maya, - became a very close and dear person for the writer. When the family was reunited after the release of her parents, the girl willingly kept in touch with the younger Aksenov and often helped him in difficult times. life situations. Their communication did not stop even after Vasily Pavlovich moved to the states. Maya became a teacher-methodologist and graduated many teaching aids in the Russian language, which are still actively used by specialists.


During his life, writer Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov received many awards and honors. Among them are the following:

  • Russian Booker Prize;
  • honorary Order of Arts and Letters;
  • honorary member Russian Academy arts

In 2011, Aksenov’s comrades published a book of memoirs about him. His main task they set out to convey to the reader real facts from his life and work without any distortion to please the authorities and all kinds of events.

Famous Russian writer Vasily Aksyonov was a descendant of parents repressed by the Stalinist regime. He grew up in the family of his paternal aunt, a party worker, and only at the age of 15 was reunited with his mother, who had been evicted to Kolyma. Later Aksyonov spoke about his youth in autobiographical novel"Burn". He graduated from the First Leningrad Medical Institute and began working as a doctor, but since 1960 he took up professional literary activity. The writer’s first story, “Colleagues,” was filmed in 1961, and since then Vasily Pavlovich has enjoyed fame famous author. True, by the 70s his activities were banned due to too active civic position in defense of dissidence. In 1988, Aksyonov traveled to the United States by invitation, for which the writer himself and Vasily Aksyonov’s wife were deprived of Soviet citizenship. He was able to return to Russia only in 2004.

Aksyonov was married twice and his love story became one of the legends Russian society on for a long time. Vasily Pavlovich's first marriage was to Kira Ludvigovna Mendeleva, the daughter of brigade commander Lajos Gavro, a girl from a good, wealthy family. The future spouses met in 1956, near Leningrad, and Kira captivated the writer with her liveliness, ability to sing foreign songs, and attractive appearance. She then studied at the Moscow Institute foreign languages, and Aksenov worked in the clinic. A year and a half later, they got married and lived in a cramped room in a house where there was one toilet for 50 apartments, “soul to soul.” In 1960, the newlyweds had a son, Alexey, and a year later - another, Aksyonov became popular writer. Overweight, lost most Kira's charm began to arrange scenes of jealousy for her husband and their marital harmony fell apart.

In the mid-60s, Aksyonov became close friends with Maya Carmen in one of the “writing” companies. She was a friend of Bella Akhmadulina, the wife of the famous director Roman Carmen, 24 years older than her. Bright and showy, always cheerful and sociable, Maya loved to flirt, men like her and immediately gravitated towards Aksyonov. There was always a special feeling about him inner strength, which attracted women. When an affair began between Maya and Vasily, both were not free and caused a lot of worries for their spouses. Carmen begged Maya not to leave him, no matter what, Kira continued to make trouble. In such conditions, lovers could find moments of happiness on business trips, at parties with friends of writers and in secret meetings, although everyone close to them knew about their romance. Aksenov and his beloved went on vacation together and settled in different rooms hotels, because the rules were strict back then.

Maya worked at the Chamber of Commerce after graduating from the Institute foreign trade and often traveled abroad. From there she brought a lot of beautiful imported things for herself and her friends and relatives. Vasily dressed in fashionable, scarce things, tried to pamper her beloved and her daughter Alena from her first marriage, even before her union with Carmen, with imported wonders. In 1978, the venerable director died, and two years later Aksyonov married his widow. In July 1980, the newlyweds went to France, from where they decided to visit the United States for two months. This cost them the loss of the right to return to their homeland. The couple got jobs as teachers at various American universities. Aksenov - as a professor of Russian literature, Maya - a teacher of philology. They received permission to return to Russia only after perestroika and other government changes, in 2004.

The writer came to the apartment in Moscow that had been returned to him, but did not live in it permanently, often going to his home in Biarritz. He again tasted the glory of a fashionable writer and managed to enjoy it. Aksyonov died in 2009, having been painfully ill for almost a year after a stroke and suffering a severe complex operation. Maya Afanasyevna spent the whole day near his bed, stopped home briefly and received the news of her husband’s death. Their loud love ended the way Aksyonov promised long before, even in his youth: he devotedly and faithfully loved his Maya until the very end. Vasily Aksenov’s wife survived her husband by only five years.

Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov was born in Kazan in August 1932. At the time of his birth, two children were already growing up in the family: sister Maya - dear to Vasily on his father’s side, and brother Alexey on his mother’s side. These are children from the first marriages of Pavel Aksenov and Evgenia Ginzburg. Vasily became their first common child.

Vasily Aksenov’s parents were intelligent and quite famous people in Kazan. Pavel Vasilyevich is the chairman of the city council and a member of the bureau of the regional committee of the CPSU. Evgenia Solomonovna first taught at a pedagogical university, and later headed the cultural department at a regional newspaper.

In 1937, at the height of the “Stalinist purges,” both parents of Vasily Aksenov were arrested. At that time he was 4 years old. Vasily Aksenov’s older brother and sister were allowed to be taken by relatives. And the common son of the “enemies of the people” - Vasily - was forcibly sent to an orphanage for children of political prisoners like him.

Only a year later, Vasily’s uncle Andreyan Aksenov was able to find his little nephew and pick him up from the Kostroma orphanage. From 1938 to 1948, the boy lived with relatives in Kazan (now the Writer’s House-Museum, which houses a literary club, is open here). Mom managed to achieve reunification with her son only in 1948, when she left the Kolyma camps and lived as an exile in Magadan.

In 1956, Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov graduated from a medical school in Leningrad. According to his assignment, he had to work as a doctor on ships long voyage, owned by the Baltic Shipping Company. But Aksyonov was never given permission. He had to work wherever he could get a job. In the Far North future writer worked as a quarantine doctor. Then he managed to find a place in a tuberculosis hospital in the capital. According to other sources, Aksenov was hired as a consultant at the Moscow Research Institute of Tuberculosis.


Creative biography Vasily Aksenov began in the 1960s. The first to be published was his story “Colleagues,” which was later made into a film. Then the novel “Star Ticket” was published (a film was also made based on it, called “My Little Brother”) and two collections of short stories – “Catapult” and “Halfway to the Moon.” Based on Aksenov’s play “Always on Sale,” the Sovremennik Theater staged a play.

The name of Vasily Aksenov becomes more and more famous every year in literary circles first capitals, and then countries. His works appear in thick magazines. The writer is accepted as a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Youth". But the authorities increasingly do not like Vasily Pavlovich’s social activities. In the spring of 1963, the writer was first criticized by Nikita Khrushchev, who scolded Aksyonov at a demonstrative meeting with the intelligentsia within the Kremlin walls.

His situation was aggravated by his participation in the demonstration that the intelligentsia tried to organize on Red Square in protest against the possible rehabilitation of Stalin. Then Vasily Aksenov was briefly detained by vigilantes. In the late 1960s, the writer signed several letters in defense of dissidents. This resulted in punishment: a reprimand entered into a personal file from the capital branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Since the mid-1970s, Aksenov has not been published in the Soviet Union. He writes his novels “Burn” and “Island of Crimea”, knowing that they cannot be published in the country. Criticism of the “non-Soviet” and “non-national” writer is becoming increasingly harsh. The time of the “thaw” is over.

At the end of the 1970s, the novels “Burn” about the Magadan period of Aksyonov’s youth and “Island of Crimea” were published in the USA. The last straw that broke the authorities’ patience was the voluntary withdrawal of Vasily Aksyonov and several other colleagues from the Writers’ Union. They decided to do this in protest against the exclusion of Viktor Erofeev and Evgeniy Popov from the joint venture. These events were later described in the novel “Say Raisins.”


In July 1980, Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov received an invitation to America. After leaving, the writer was immediately deprived of citizenship in the USSR. He received the right to return to his homeland only after 10 years. During the period of forced emigration, Aksyonov worked as a professor of literature at several universities in America. For 10 years, Vasily Pavlovich has been a journalist for the Voice of America and Radio Liberty. His radio essays are published in various American almanacs. They are later collected in a book called “A Decade of Slander.”

In the USA, many of Vasily Aksenov’s works, written in different years and unreleased in their homeland. New works also appeared: the novels “Paper Landscape”, “In Search of the Sad Baby” and the “Moscow Saga” trilogy (filmed in Russia in 2004). In 1990, Aksenov was returned to Soviet citizenship, but he prefers to remain abroad, settling with his family in Béarritz, France. In Moscow it happens intermittently.

Vasily Aksyonov began publishing again in his homeland in the first decade of the 2000s. His novel entitled “Voltaireans and Voltaireans” appeared in the magazine “October”. He was awarded the Booker Prize. In 2009, the writer’s last novel, “Mysterious Passion,” was published. A novel about the sixties,” recently filmed in its homeland and released at the very end of 2015.

Personal life

Vasily Aksenov was married twice. His first wife is Kira Mendeleeva, a girl from a very famous family. Her father is brigade commander Lajos Gavro, and her grandmother Yulia Aronovna Mendeleeva is the first rector of a pediatric university in Leningrad. Born into this marriage The only son Aksenova Alexey.

Vasily Aksenov’s personal life changed after meeting Maya Karmen, the wife of the famous documentary filmmaker Roman Karmen. Aksenov called Maya main passion all my life. After moving to the USA, the wife worked as a Russian language teacher at one of the American universities.


In January 2008, Vasily Aksyonov was hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics, where he was diagnosed with a stroke. After the operation in Scientific Institute named after Sklifosovsky, the expected improvement did not occur. Writer long time was in a coma. His wife Maya looked after him constantly.

In the summer of 2008, Aksyonov’s condition remained grave. In the spring of 2009, Vasily Pavlovich was operated on again at the Burdenko Scientific Institute. In July of the same year, the writer passed away. At the time of his death, Aksenov was 77 years old. Vasily Pavlovich was buried in Moscow, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.


My grandfather is a monument

A chest in which something is knocking

Crimea Island

Say "raisin"

Looking for sad baby

Moscow saga

The negative of a positive hero

Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov is a prose writer, from whose pen many short stories, novellas, and trilogies have been published. He wrote many different works that are known to readers, but initially he did not intend to associate himself with writing activity, but more on that in order.

At first, Vasily Aksenov’s life started well. The child was born in 1932 in Kazan into the family of a party leader, so his family could be called famous, and besides, his parents were intelligent people. Alexey was the third child; before him, his mother and father had children from their first marriages. Alexey common child Pavel and Evgenia. Everything seemed to be going well, but then difficult times came, the times of “Stalin’s purges” and Aksenov’s parents were arrested. The boy himself, unlike the older children who were taken by relatives, was sent to a boarding school. This happened when the boy was four, and only a year later did his uncle manage to find Alexei and take him to his place.
The future writer was able to meet his mother only ten years later in 1948, when she left the camps and moved as an exile to Magadam. There Vasily spent his youth, which he would later describe in his work “The Burn.”

Vasily Aksenov biography and personal life

Further, the life of Vasily Aksenov, his biography and personal life continues with the fact that in 1956 he ends medical university in Leningrad and even worked in his profession for several years, but he saw his greater calling when he first tried to write. And this happened in the early sixties. Then he wrote the story “Colleagues,” which immediately brought success to the writer. This story was even filmed, as were his subsequent works, including the novel “Star Ticket,” and a play based on the play “Always on Sale” was staged. With each subsequent year, the author becomes more popular, he is recognized and read. He was accepted as a member of the editorial board of Yunost. However, the authorities themselves did not entirely accept Aksenov, and did not particularly support him social activities and due to constant participation in demonstrations, Vasily Aksenov’s work began to be criticized, and then it was completely prohibited from being published in his native country.

Then the life of Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov and his short biography continues in the USA, where he emigrated. As soon as he arrived in the United States, his homeland immediately deprived him of his citizenship. Due to such exile, the author was unable to visit his country for ten years. During this period in America, he wrote the autobiographical work “Burn”, the trilogy “Moscow Saga” and much more. Works in the USA as a journalist, teaches literature at universities.

His citizenship was returned to him in the nineties, but the writer prefers to live abroad and in home country only comes on short visits. His first work that was published in our country after a long exile was the work “The Voltairians and the Voltairians.” Last job The writer had a novel “Mysterious Passion”.

Vasily Aksenov died in 2009.
If we talk about Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov, his biography and personal life, then it’s worth talking about it marital status. He was married twice. From his first marriage he had a child, his son Alexei. His first wife was a girl from a famous family - Kira Mendeleeva, but when Vasily met Maya Carmen, he realized that she was the love of his life. Maya was with him until his last days.

In the family of party worker Pavel Vasilyevich Aksenov (1899-1991). In 1937, the writer's parents - first his mother, E. S. Ginzburg, and then his father - were arrested, convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Vasily was forcibly sent to an orphanage for children of prisoners. In 1938, his uncle A.V. Aksenov managed to find him in. In subsequent years, Vasily lived with relatives' families. In 1948, shortly after his mother left the camp, he moved in with her. In this city he graduated from high school.

In 1956, V.P. Aksenov graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute (now University) named after. and was distributed to the Baltic Shipping Company. In subsequent years he worked as a quarantine doctor in the territory Far North, in, in the Leningrad seaport, in the tuberculosis hospital (according to other sources, he was a consultant at the Moscow Research Institute of Tuberculosis).

V. P. Aksenov’s first stories, “One and a half medical units” and “Torches and Roads,” were published in the magazine “Yunost” in 1958. The writer gained fame after publishing the story “Colleagues” in 1960, which was later adapted into a film of the same name. In subsequent years, such works by V. P. Aksenov were published as the novel “Star Ticket” (1961) (in 1962 the film “My Little Brother” was made based on it), the novel “It’s time, my friend, it’s time” ( 1962), the story “Oranges from Morocco” (1962), the collection of works “Catapult” (1964), the collection of stories “Halfway to the Moon” (1966) on the theme of moral improvement of man, the play “Always on sale" (1965, staged at the Sovremennik Theater). 1968 was the year of publication of the satirical-fantasy story “Overstocked Barrels,” on which a film of the same name directed by Vitaly Galilyuk was made in 1994.

In 1975, V.P. Aksenov wrote the novel “Burn”, in 1979 - fantasy novel“Island of Crimea”, both works were banned from publication by censorship. In 1979, together with Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Bitov, Fazil Iskander, Viktor Erofeev, Evgeny Popov, Aksenov became one of the authors and organizers of the uncensored literary almanac Metropol. The almanac was published in the USA by Ardis Publishing, and in Moscow it was published using the samizdat method in a circulation of 12 copies. In December 1979, as a sign of protest against the exclusion of Yevgeny Popov and Viktor Erofeev from the Writers' Union, Vasily Pavlovich announced his resignation from this organization.

On July 22, 1980, the writer left for the United States and in 1981 was deprived of USSR citizenship. In 1980-1991 V.P. Aksenov actively collaborated with radio stations “Liberty” and “Voice of America” as a journalist. Since 1981, Aksenov has been a professor of Russian literature at US universities: Kennan Institute (1981-1982), George Washington University (1982-1983), Goucher University (1983-1988), George Mason University (1988-2004 gg.).

The novels “Burn”, “Our Golden Iron”, “Island of Crimea”, written by V. Aksenov back in the USSR, were published only after the writer left for the USA in Washington. In the United States, Vasily Aksenov wrote the novels “Paper Landscape” (1982), “Say Raisin” (1985), “In Search of Sad Baby” (1986), “Moscow Saga” (trilogy: 1989, 1991, 1993), a series of short stories “The Negative of a Positive Hero” (1995), a novel “The New Sweet Style” (1996). In 1989, the novel “Egg Yolk” was written in English and later translated into Russian by Aksenov.

In 1989, V.P. Aksenov, after a long break, visited the USSR. At the end of the 1980s. his works began to be published in. In 1990, the writer was returned to Soviet citizenship, and from that moment on he began to come to Russia often. Aksenov’s works were published in the magazine “Yunost” and other publications, and a collection of the writer’s works is being published. In June 1999, the first Aksenov readings were held in Moscow, and Vasily Pavlovich came from the USA.

Since 2002, V. Aksenov lived in the city of Biarritz (in southwestern France). In 2005, the writer was awarded the French Order of Arts and Letters.

Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov died in Moscow, at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute on July 6, 2009. He was buried at the capital's Vagankovskoe cemetery.

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