How to determine that a person has damage or the evil eye. How to understand that a person has been jinxed or damaged, cursed

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The evil eye and damage, how to determine who did it and how to remove it - in this article I will talk about this in detail. I'll tell you how to find out who damaged you. And I will give you 14 of the most effective methods of protection against damage.

What is damage and the evil eye in simple words?

The evil eye and damage: how to determine who did it and how to remove it? The evil eye, damage, curse in simple words is a negative, destructive energy or program. A kind of virus, like in a computer. Getting and penetrating into the human biofield, this program begins to destroy a person.

In other words, the evil eye, curse, damage is an invasion of a person’s energy-information field. It happens that such negative programs. A person carries and passes it on from generation to generation.

What is the evil eye?

The evil eye is one of the easiest types of negative energy. The evil eye is quite easy to recognize and is not very difficult to eliminate or remove, as a rule. From practice I will say that there are different cases. Sometimes the evil eye is difficult to remove. Most often this happens when the situation is neglected and the negative program of the evil eye has fully revealed itself.

Sometimes the evil eye manages to harm not only a person’s health and psyche, but also has a detrimental effect on such areas of life as work, financial situation, and family.

What is damage?

Damage is a very severe type of negativity. Damage happens:

  1. For loneliness
  2. Or to death
  3. For a person to abuse alcohol
  4. To destroy the family
  5. So that there is no money, or rather, lack of money

I see damage as a heavier, more complex energy in its structure than the evil eye. It is more viscous, sticky, denser. It’s harder to remove it and unhook it from a person. Remember that the evil eye, damage and curse are negative energy and the evil eye from damage is visually different in structure.

In ordinary life, in the obvious world, a person also feels damage in different ways. Damage is more destructive, more dangerous, more terrible, so to speak.

The evil eye and damage: how to determine who did it and how to remove it. The impact is often immediate. Just yesterday everything in life was good and wonderful. Only yesterday things were going uphill, business was flourishing. There is joy in the family, and then bam, damage, and everything goes downhill. Moreover, destruction often occurs in all spheres of life. And in the family there are immediately problems in the form of scandals and misunderstandings. Relatives stop hearing. There are problems with money, they seem to go through our fingers. And sometimes they don’t go at all. It’s as if someone turned off the switch and thereby closed it.

Damage is not to be trifled with, and disbelief in subtle matters or ignorance sometimes leads to very sad consequences.

It's too late - don't joke with damage

The evil eye and damage: how to determine who did it and how to remove it? It happens that people turn to me when it is no longer possible to help a person. After all, damage also affects a person’s physical health. It often causes incurable diseases such as cancer, for example.

In addition, damage can be caused to ensure that a woman or couple does not have children under any circumstances. For a good job or business, and sometimes for pets and birds. They make her sick. For loved ones and even for the most valuable thing in this life - children.

Ancestral curse

Ancestral curses are also a type of negative energy, a program, only it is passed on from generation to generation.

They are often transmitted along one line of the family, either female or male, and are a severe type of negativity. Here a lot depends on the master, whether he will be able to correctly determine through whose line it is transmitted.

It is worth noting that the male ancestral curse always occurs in a more severe form and sometimes ends in unnatural death or suicide for a person.

The evil eye and damage, how to determine who did it and how to remove it? If you see unnatural deaths, suicides along the family line, do not delay, time is working against you. Order, find out if you have the evil eye, damage, or curses.

With the help of photo diagnostics, you will also learn exactly how to solve your problems and get rid of negative programs.

  1. Choose your social circle wisely. It is enough to be an easily suggestible, imaginary person to acquire the evil eye. If you want to avoid this, do not communicate and do not keep people close to you who envy you, since envy is often the primary source of the evil eye.
  2. Wear the pin fastened correctly. There is such a folk wisdom that you need to carry a pin with you, then no one will jinx you.

A pin will help against the evil eye

The pin should only be fastened with the head down. And it needs to be secured so that it is hidden from prying eyes. It is best to fasten it in an inside pocket or on the inside of your clothing. Do this discreetly and carefully so that it does not unfasten under any circumstances and prick you.

Be careful with the pins when attaching them to children. For children, it is better to use a small pin.

3. Live according to your conscience and in harmony with nature. Learn to hear your inner voice, it will always tell you what to do.

4. Treat people the way you want to be treated. In Soviet times, we were taught this way at school, and these values ​​and wisdom are still relevant today.

5. Treat others the way you want them to treat you. It would seem, what could be simpler? But sometimes you need to make an effort so as not to deviate from the true path and not follow the lead for the sake of momentary gain.

6. Live in truth. Anytime and anywhere. Be honest, otherwise there will be retribution.

Nobody canceled conscience

7. Don't lie, don't deceive. I put it in a separate paragraph specifically to draw your attention. Nowadays there is so much deception around that people sometimes get used to it and do not understand the importance of living in the truth.

8. Engage in personal development. Everyone will put their own understanding into this point and this is true. After all, what is Caesar’s is Caesar’s, you understand me.

9. Master spiritual practices that are right for you for cleansing. There are many methods and ways to help yourself cleanse yourself of negativity in time. Learn a lot, then choose yours and use it.

10. Wash your hands often. Yes, by washing our hands we wash away not only dirt, but also information.

11. Wash and bathe thoroughly as you come from the cemetery and public, crowded places. You need to do this as soon as you cross the threshold of the house. First the shower, then the family, the children. This will protect your loved ones from negativity and illness.

It is important that you wash your hair. So that the information from the Spring and the crown of the head is also cleared.

12. Learn to think positively. It’s an art, but it can be mastered if only you have the desire and understanding of the importance of this event.

13. Don't discuss people. Don't judge or gossip.

14. Don’t watch TV))) Through it you receive energy waste and thereby harm yourself.

How to find out if a person has damage, evil eye, curse, test

We have already discussed that damage, the evil eye, a curse is negative energy or, in other words, a destructive program that operates at different levels. It can destroy health, personal life, relationships, family, finances.

Therefore, to find out whether there is damage, an evil eye or a curse, you need to soberly assess your life. How to determine damage - let's check? This is a kind of test. A mini test that will help you determine damage or other negative, foreign influence.

Take a pen and a piece of paper. Be honest with yourself when answering questions. The first reaction to questions is the most correct, write it down on a piece of paper.

A short test to determine spoilage

So. Answer only Yes or NO.

1. Take a look at yourself and ask yourself the following questions.

a) Are you successful in business, finance, business?

b) Do you have abundance in everything in life?

c) Is there love and excellent relationships?

d) Are you completely healthy and feel a surge of strength?

e) Energy is in full swing, do you want to create and develop?

2. Look inside yourself. Now ask yourself the following questions.

a) Do you really think that something is going wrong in life?

b) Do you really think that you lack something to be completely happy?

c) Do you really want changes in life, because now it’s not really you, you seem to be playing someone else’s role?

Let's find out the results, is there damage?

If in the first case you answered “no” to most of the questions, and in the second case more “yes”, then you definitely, 100% have negative programs in the energy sector. What kind of programs they are, damage, the evil eye, a curse, must be looked at individually in each specific case.

You and I came into this world to be happy, to enjoy every day, every moment we live. To create, create, be healthy and energetic, and if things are not going well in your life now, then you urgently need to ring the bells.

Delay is fraught. Everything here is simple and logical. The longer a person has a bad habit, the more difficult it is to give it up. The further into the forest you went, the longer it took to get out of it. Obvious things.

The evil eye and damage: how to determine who did it and how to remove it? To determine the evil eye, damage, curse, I carry out diagnostics using photos. If you want to take care of yourself, write in a personal message [email protected]

I’ll say right away, for the sake of interest, because you have nothing to do or “just like that” - don’t write. I am a very busy person and I only take on those who are ready to face the truth. Who wants to work on themselves, change and build a new life. I don’t work for free, so I don’t have free diagnostics.

The evil eye and damage: how to determine who did it and how to remove it?

How to remove damage, the evil eye or the crown of celibacy, the seal of loneliness, a curse - it depends on the reason why this very evil eye, damage, curse appeared in a person’s life. I highlight two main ways to remove damage and the evil eye or curse, and they already have ramifications.

  1. Contact a specialist for help. It is customary for us to turn to a grandmother, a healer, a magician. I do things like this, I help people and I have my own help system.
  2. You can remove damage from yourself at home. But most often there is not enough knowledge, skills and the ability to walk this path yourself. When a person has problems, and damage, the evil eye, and curses are expressed in problems and troubles, then it is difficult for a person to help himself. Sometimes you just don’t have enough strength, your hands don’t reach you, and in the meantime the situation will only get worse. Take secret texts, prayers for removing damage here //

How to find out who caused damage

The evil eye and damage, how to determine who did it and how to remove it? Sometimes someone, a specific person, is behind the damage or the evil eye. It happens, so to speak, that a customer turns to a sorcerer or magician to do damage. Sometimes people themselves “do weird things” and cause damage. Either a photo of a person will be burned, or a personal item will be buried in a cemetery.

But the negative program is not necessarily sent from outside; it does not have to be the customer. By the way, this will be news to many, but it is a fact of life. It happens that a person stares at himself, envies himself and thereby spoils himself, i.e. creates a p-o-r-ch-u for himself.

Some of my clients in consultations say “I don’t deserve a prestigious job”, “This is not for me, it’s too expensive” or “We all had no men in our family and I’m like that.” Such attitudes, also known as internal programs, develop into destructive programs that prevent a person from moving and developing in life. Thus, these programs spoil a person, i.e. damage him.

How to find out who did the damage

The evil eye and damage, how to determine who did it and how to remove it? For the information to be accurate and correct, it is best to order diagnostics from a photo. I will tell you where the negative program came from, who may be jealous of you or who has jinxed you. I'll tell you about past events in your life. I’ll tell you exactly what you need to get rid of damage as quickly as possible. I will put up a strong defense so that no one can break through you in the future.

What to do if you have caused damage, the evil eye, or a curse?

  1. Contact a specialist so that the master can accurately determine the nuances of this negative, since damage is often removed in the same way as it is caused. After conducting diagnostics from the photo, I will tell you exactly what you have and why. If necessary, I will suggest the best way out of the situation. Don't worry, everything can be solved.
  2. For devout Christians, you can go to church, pray, and repent. Often visiting Church, rituals of communion and repentance do not help with damage.
  3. You can cast it with wax. I wrote about wax in detail in this article.
  4. You can poke yourself with eggs. I wrote about how to properly roll yourself out with an egg here
  5. You can pump up your energy with the help of certain practices and thus restore the integrity of the energy cocoon.

A professional is better than an amateur

The evil eye and damage: how to determine who did it and how to remove it? I am a supporter of everyone minding their own business, and therefore, in case of energy problems, when there is an evil eye, damage, curse, or there is a suspicion of this, it is best to contact a specialist in this field.

It is most logical to approach the problem comprehensively, i.e. contact a specialist and use wax if necessary, roll out with an egg if necessary. Resort to rituals if the situation requires it. I created my own system for helping people. Only the best and most powerful methods are included. Follow the link for more details

Protection from damage, evil eye, curse

The best protection against damage, curses and the evil eye is to live according to your conscience and in harmony with nature. Now the majority will say, “Well, I don’t do anything bad to anyone. Why do I need this...?” Please, at least be honest with yourself. Tell me honestly, do you ever get angry? Does it happen that you tell lies, even for good purposes? Have you noticed about yourself, just answer honestly now that you thought badly of someone?

What does this have to do with it, someone will say. Despite the fact that everything we do, what and how we think, we all pay for it ourselves and pay in the form of the same damage, eyes and curses.

A short video for a deep understanding of the issue. I explain in it thesis and with diagrams what is what.

Protection from damage and the evil eye yourself

The best protection, and you can do it completely on your own, is to keep your energy in a properly high state. Be energetically strong and clean.

Create an impeccable energy field around yourself, with your thoughts, actions, and spiritual practices. This will allow you not to destroy yourself, and so that no one from the outside can induce anything on you.

The stronger, more powerful, even more righteous you are, the less vulnerable you are.

And the more angry, negative, envious, dissatisfied with yourself, scandalous you are, the more chances you have to be jinxed, damaged and cursed.

Protection from the evil eye yourself 5 steps

  1. Control your thoughts. To begin with, they should be more positive than negative. Ideally, you need to learn only positively.
  2. Do only good deeds.
  3. Smile, sincerely and as often as possible.
  4. Learn to “drain” negativity in a beneficial, environmentally friendly manner. There are special practices that I teach in the course.
  5. Go to the bathhouse. The bathhouse miraculously burns through Zharya’s body. Restores it and destroys most negative programs.

The amulet is a powerful protection

Don’t despair or be afraid if you are having problems in your life right now. Damage, evil eye, curse can be correctly removed and strong protection can be installed, the main thing is not to delay and contact a specialist in time.

The evil eye and damage, how to determine who did it and how to remove it, I outlined in detail in this article. I think you will find the article useful.

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It always happens in our lives that some people are more successful in life than others. Great success causes envy among people around you. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed in any way. People who are jealous of you sometimes do little dirty tricks on you, and sometimes people simply go crazy with their envy and inflict dangerous damage on you.

Damage- this is an unkind action that is directed at a person towards whom great envy is experienced. When it is pointed, no ritual always occurs. Often this happens with the help of words that come from an ill-wisher and linger in the subconscious of the person at whom this damage was directed. People who believe in corruption are more vulnerable to its perception. For this reason, there will be no problems causing damage to such a person. Often, ill-wishers induce it so that a person constantly has scandals in his family, begins to drink alcohol in large quantities, psychotropic drugs, divorces from his significant other and other bad deeds. A person who has been damaged has no luck to expect. And this is exactly what your enemy, who brought this bad deed on you, is striving for directly. Mostly, such rituals are performed by people who have magical powers, but such misfortune can be expected from an ordinary person. In order to get rid of damage in a timely manner, you need to know how to recognize it.

What kind of damage happens?

There are a huge number of ways to cause damage. However, they often suggest the following:

    Bad luck. From individual existence to money problems. This is the most popular type of damage. Because people who are most envied are those who are lucky in life. Some people strive and work tirelessly every day, while others are lucky without any effort. For many people this is a huge source of envy. This type of damage does not cause significant harm to a person. For this reason, a person who causes such damage will not be greatly tormented by his conscience.

    Damage to all kinds of diseases. Such damage should already be feared; it can cause enormous harm to human health. Often it is caused by very offended people. A separate type can be noted as damage to childlessness.

    To death. Such damage is the most terrible of all that can be done. If you discover such damage on yourself, you should immediately seek help from professionals.

Damage can be done in many ways: using a photograph, using hair or other personal belongings. Naturally, removing the damage caused to you is a very difficult action, and sometimes even very dangerous. Often, ordinary people cannot remove it without the help of specialists. However, anyone can determine whether you have damage. You cannot delay detection, as this can end in disaster. Every person needs to know all the symptoms of damage in order to recognize it in time.

Vivid signs of damage

The first feature of corruption is annoying ideas. You have never had such ideas before, and at present they do not give you peace of mind. Depending on what kind of damage was used, ideas can come in very different shades. This could be despondency, dissatisfaction with one’s own existence, hopelessness, vanity, etc. Or, on the contrary, an unbearable desire arises to do something that promises pleasure and pleasure, although it looks wrong. Do not forget that you should not believe such ideas and desires under any circumstances - it is absolutely obvious that someone deliberately imposed them on you!

By the emotional state of a person, you can understand whether there is damage to him. Such people are characterized by depression and an inability to observe white streaks in life.

Continuous depression, indignation at one’s appearance, reluctance to have fun or communicate with people - all this looks more than surprising if a person does not have significant difficulties in life, and everything has always been successful. Those afflicted with the curse are regularly tormented by unfamiliar worries and fears, and have horror dreams. Moreover, every day a person’s emotional state is deteriorating at a tremendous speed. In such a state, even the most qualified psychiatrist will not be able to help.

Common signs of spoilage

When identifying damage, experts advise which symptoms you should pay attention to first.

    Looking at your image in the mirror, you may notice that one of the pupils has decreased in size.

    A large number of age spots have begun to appear on your body.

    For no particular reason, your palms begin to sweat a lot and your fingers begin to shake.

    Persistent poor health. Moreover, doctors cannot identify what is happening to you.

    You have started to notice that your pets are wary of you.

    Your cross, which you wore during the baptism ceremony, constantly gets in the way or irritates you.

    When visiting a temple, you feel discomfort and immediately want to leave it immediately.

In addition to these seven lists, there are also a huge number of different signs of damage. If you have at least one of them, immediately contact a clergyman or a person who has magical powers.

How to examine hand damage

First of all, carefully examine your own palms. A person with powerful energy has 3 clear lines: life, intellect and heart. If the last 2 of them are crossed by another one, then the owner of the palm can be freely damaged. This is also evidenced by the presence of a significant number of crosses. Moreover, these signs on the palms indicate damage that has been passed down “by inheritance” or from a past life. The presence of moles also indicates a severe evil eye.

How to check spoilage using an egg

At the present time in our world there are a huge number of rituals that can determine whether there is damage to you or not. The most elementary of many rituals is the removal of damage using a chicken egg. You can perform such a ritual yourself without resorting to the help of specialists in this field. This ritual does not require any specific knowledge.

You will need: a glass, water and a raw chicken egg. Pour water into a glass, and then carefully break the egg into it, so that the yolk is not damaged and is intact. Then place the glass with the egg on your head and wait a few minutes so that the contents of the glass are saturated with your energy. If the yolk bursts in water, this indicates that you are damaged. If white veins have formed around the yolk or the yolk is covered with dark spots, this indicates that you have been damaged to death. The yolk remains intact and clean - breathe out a sigh of relief; there is no damage to it.

How to find out if there is damage using matches

For this ritual you will need: a glass, water, salt and matches. Pour clean water into a glass and hold it in your palms for two minutes. After saturating a glass of liquid with your energy, you can add a little salt to it for greater effect. Then light the match, but it should not burn completely. When a small cinder remains, immerse it in a glass of water. Take a good look into the glass - if the remainder of the match begins to sink, this indicates that you have been damaged. If the cinder lies on the surface of the water, this is a good sign, you have no damage.

Church candles and wax

Light a candle bought in the temple and move it around the person while reading the prayer words. Pay special attention to how the candle burns. If it starts to crackle or smoke heavily, this indicates that you have damage. If the candle burns without any extraneous sounds, then relax, there is no damage to you.

There is another method to detect damage using a candle. The person should hold the glass of water over your head for a few minutes and then pour the melted wax into it. During this ritual you will learn:

If you find smooth wax without any defects on the surface of the water, you have no damage;

If the wax forms lumps, there is an evil eye or damage;

You found a large number of holes and irregularities on the poured wax - this means that the same person periodically spoils you.

How to find out about damage using gold

Take a high-grade gold ring and run it over your hand or face. After this action, if you have a dark streak left on your cheek, then someone has cast a spell on you. If the stripe is white, you have no damage. If you use low-grade gold or jewelry gold containing various impurities in this ritual, then this ritual will be ineffective.

It is not necessary to carry out various rituals in order to determine whether there is damage to you. You can simply listen to your body and yourself, and understand everything without much manipulation. If someone has damaged you, you will have the following symptoms:

If you just started to feel hatred towards your family or friends for no reason;

You are constantly bothered by various severe pains (headache, toothache);

If you are very irritable and nervous for no particular reason;

If your mood is constantly unstable;

Constant malaise and continuous visits to doctors;

When a person is damaged, he feels useless, absent-minded, and in constant depression. If you suddenly experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, be sure to contact a professional.

And remember, the sooner you identify damage, the easier it will be to free yourself from it. If such a problem is discovered, there is no need to hesitate!

If troubles constantly happen and the streak of bad luck does not stop, these are obvious signs of damage, which can be diagnosed by other noticeable symptoms. We offer ways to find out if there is damage to a person.

In the article:

General signs of damage

There are many types of damage that manifest themselves in different ways. For example, it does not always affect the financial situation of the victim and her relationships with relatives. But all the common ones are the same.

A couple of troubles can be considered a coincidence, but if there are many signs, then The sooner you pay attention to problems, the better. The main reason for the appearance of advanced damage is ignoring its signs at the very beginning. The longer it was present, the more difficult it will be to remove it. Follow the principle “the sooner the better.”

When diagnosing, all options are used in combination so that the conclusion is accurate: analysis of what has happened recently, well-being and other factors, magical methods for determining negative impacts on a person. This will help and its narrow focus.

How to determine damage to a person - emotional state

The first thing a negative program affects is your mood. Character also deteriorates, a person gets irritated over trifles, often gets nervous for no reason, and mood swings appear. It is important that this is not typical from childhood.

This category also includes depression and thoughts of suicide, which often accompany negative attitudes. Most often, the desire for suicide is a consequence of a series of troubles, but it happens that damage is induced in order to bring a person to the extreme. There are techniques that make you hear voices calling for suicide. Olfactory hallucinations, usually of an unpleasant nature, may also appear.

Obsessive ideas are often caused not so much by damage as by attempts at manipulation using magic. If unusual desires have become common, which shocks your loved ones, it’s time to think about whether these ideas belong to you at all.

Severe damage causes a state of emptiness and confusion, apathy, although nothing has changed in a person’s life and there is no reason for this. One of the most obvious signs of negativity is disgust and fear of sunlight. Many people do not like the rays of the sun, especially those with sensitive skin, but the sudden appearance of disgust should alert you.

People with good intuition have a bad feeling. Of course, this is not necessarily damage, but if you have been haunted by a vague premonition of trouble for a long time, also in combination with a complex of troubles described in the article, you should contact a specialist or carry out a medical treatment.

Decreased self-esteem is another symptom of corruption. The person does not like himself in the mirror, although those around him claim that the victim looks good. However, if the goal is to look better, there is no reason to worry.

Symptoms of damage to a person - relationships

Relationships with others are subject to outside influence. Relationships change not for the better, and many begin to hate relatives. Sometimes damage is done specifically to relationships with loved ones or to destroy a family. Colleagues do this in order to survive a person from the team, people who are prevented by the victim from receiving an inheritance, rivals who want to take away their husband. If there is no reason for hatred, perhaps it is a matter of black witchcraft.

When those around you begin to avoid the spoiled.

Purposeful damage to loneliness repels people of the opposite sex (despite beauty and character), to destruction of the family - quarrels with the husband, and some other varieties are aimed at relatives and the team. Constant scandals, the reasons for which at other times would not be enough for an ordinary domestic dispute. Intolerance, jealousy, the appearance of assault and betrayal cannot be ignored.

Fear of communicating with people, even those closest to you, indicates harmful magic. Fear can be subconscious and is expressed by a reluctance to communicate. Without a reason, the desire to communicate with people and even see them does not disappear.

Relationships change not only with people, but also with animals. The pet begins to avoid the owner or, conversely, pesters more than usual. With weak negativity, animals try to help get rid of it, and pets try to stay away from the carrier of a strong negative program. The disappearance of animals is also associated with the affairs of black sorcerers.

How to identify damage - health

Well-being also suffers, even if it was not or Most likely, the victim suffers from problems with blood pressure, toothache and headache. Doctors cannot determine the causes of this condition.

Decreased immunity, frequent colds and other not too serious, but persistent health problems can be symptoms and consequences of damage.

Regular injuries can be associated with many things, from character traits to banal bad luck, but it’s still worth paying attention.

Trouble sleeping is often considered a sign of negativity. Nightmares and insomnia are observed. Pay attention to the content of dreams. Repeated bad dreams contain clues. Especially when the enemy rejoices in victory. If you decide not to remove the damage at home, but go to a specialist, it is better to tell the sorcerer about your dreams.

An unambiguous sign or health is the appearance of diseases that medicine cannot cope with. Doctors make different diagnoses, treatment and medications do not bring relief or help only for a while. Sometimes a person is completely healthy according to test results, but feels unwell.

The appearance of a person suffering from damage and inconsistency with age is a sign of taking away beauty and youth (damage to appearance). This is more often the case with women, rivals or envious people, or strong witches who want to look better (less common).

Weight is also subject to negative influence, excessive fatness or thinness appears, provided that the issue is not a physical disorder. Tens of kilograms are gained, but exercise and proper nutrition do not stop the process.

Another symptom is a feeling of heaviness on the shoulders, coldness inside the body, squeezing in the chest, provided that traditional medicine has not identified the causes. Most often this manifests itself in a complex manner and can accompany any type of negativity.

Happens . It is accompanied by menstrual irregularities in women, and for men the induction may even be

How does damage manifest itself - luck and money

Any business that is damaged is doomed to failure. If the negative is neglected, and it was induced, the victim will not even be able to get an appointment with a specialist due to bad luck: the bus broke down, the alarm clock did not go off, etc. Often, for similar reasons, home diagnostics are constantly postponed: forgot to buy an egg, ran out of matches...

There are damages aimed at work and financial situation. They are accompanied by problems with career growth, making money, and relationships with superiors. It may lead to dismissal and inability to find a job.

Damage to money is always accompanied by financial problems. If a person initially has no prospects due to a reluctance to study, the issue is clearly not witchcraft. When a successful person loses income or is forced to make constant unplanned expenses for a large part of his income, we are talking about black witchcraft.

Accompanied by a lack of money in the family budget. There are many reasons: it’s not always about a small salary. But the fact remains that the family is suffering financial difficulties.

In a room where a person with damage is often present, equipment breaks down. This applies to personal mobile phones, household and office equipment. Any breakdown does not count, but regular ones signal problems not so much with the equipment as with the energy of the person nearby.

How to determine damage yourself - spirituality and religion

- not only a bad omen. This is a sign of damage, just like the loss of an amulet or simply a favorite piece of jewelry.

When an object protecting against negativity is hit too hard, the amulet breaks or is lost.

The pectoral cross may turn black. If darkening is not listed in the properties of the metal, this is a sign of evil magic. Many people believe that it is impossible to harm a believer through witchcraft, but this is a misconception. To obtain powerful protection, you need really strong faith and a high level of spirituality, which only a few achieve.

People who have been damaged find it unpleasant to touch holy water, incense and other consecrated objects. Although this also depends on religion: not everyone is an adherent of Orthodoxy.

Those who are corrupted feel bad in church, and the desire to cross its threshold disappears. If you feel sick during a church service, this is not an indicator, because on holidays the churches are full of people, which causes banal stuffiness.

The church candle begins to smoke near them. But it’s worth checking the reaction on a happy person; perhaps it has to do with the manufacture of a specific candle, the material of the wick. The candles of people who have been cursed to death are regularly extinguished during the service.

In a house with a negative program, holy water spoils.

What to do if there are symptoms of spoilage

If you have discovered more than one or even two symptoms of damage, do not despair. Perhaps it's a matter of simple bad luck or coincidence. Individually, these are not signs of harmful witchcraft, but if there are many coincidences, do not hesitate.

To be sure, additionally diagnose the presence of damage according to the instructions in the relevant articles: this includes diagnostics using matches and much more.

The site has detailed recommendations on how to remove the damage and the one who said it. You will also find ways to protect yourself: prayers, amulets, amulets. Almost everyone has ill-wishers, and how far enemies will go in their desire to harm is unknown.

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Any person can be subject to damage or the evil eye. You can determine whether there is a negative impact on you at home. The faster the diagnosis is made, the easier it will be to get rid of the negativity.

The site's experts offer you several simple and effective ways to identify the evil eye and damage. With their help, it is easy to determine the degree of exposure at home, and then independently remove any negative program.

1. Pour a glass of clean water and place it near your bed before going to bed. After waking up, burn three matches and throw them into the water. Try not to get burned: to do this, hold the matches with tweezers. If matches float on the surface, then there is no negative impact. Matches floating vertically in water indicate the evil eye. Drowned matches indicate damage.

2. Buy a blessed candle from a church store. Stay alone at home, light the wick and move the candle around you. Damage and the evil eye will reveal themselves: the candle will crackle, smoke or go out completely. You can get rid of the effects with the help of prayer against the evil eye and damage. It should be read three times in a row before any icon.

3. Pour water into any transparent container, break a fresh chicken egg and carefully pour into the water so as not to damage the yolk. Sit nearby and wait a few minutes. The fact that there is slight spoilage will be indicated by the yolk sinking to the bottom, from which stripes of white rise up. A protein that looks like a spider's web interspersed with air bubbles indicates a strong negative impact on you.

4. Wash your face with running water. Let the skin dry and then take the gold ring. Swipe it across your cheek. If a dark mark remains on the skin, then you are damaged. You can remove it using a proven method.

5. Melt the wax and roll it into a ball. On one side, carefully draw an Orthodox cross. Roll the wax ball over your head. If you feel unwell, your head is dizzy or throbbing, then there is damage.

You need to get rid of damage and the evil eye as soon as possible so that negative programs do not cause severe harm to your health. In addition, it is important to protect yourself with talismans and amulets, which must be worn without taking off. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.12.2018 07:21

Every person is susceptible to damage, which is why it is so important to be able to recognize it in time and get rid of the negative...

If desired, each person can recognize the damage, and most importantly, find out who caused it. ...

Victoria Bonna

Specialization: Parapsychology, extrasensory perception
Education: Professional

Articles written

Since ancient times, only folk healers, healers, and sorcerers knew how to identify the evil eye and damage. And the people came to them for healing, since it had long been noticed that these misfortunes exist from the influence of unkind people and the evil eye. Since time immemorial, Eastern teachings have said that man is more than just a physical body. From there came knowledge about chakras, energy channels, acupuncture points, and the aura.

It doesn’t matter whether we believe in it or not, but the unkind energetic influence of people on each other has been scientifically confirmed. And before, it was popularly called the evil eye and damage. So it turns out that every day we come into contact with many people, intertwining our biofields. And we act on each other, sometimes joyfully, and sometimes disgustingly - negatively influencing someone else’s biofield.

How to identify the evil eye and damage yourself at home? Find out if there is damage in the biofield? Today we will look at ancient folk ways of how to do this. But first, let’s figure out what these phenomena are and how they differ from each other.

What is the evil eye and damage


Expert opinion


This negative impact of a person with a strong biofield on the field is weaker. These are energy holes in the aura through which vital energy, strength and health leak. We can say that this is SPAM launched at you by another person. Symptoms of the evil eye on the physical level are the syndrome of chronic weakness and fatigue.

The evil eye is applied without magical influence, often unconsciously: you were praised, flattered, maliciously envied, slandered, looked at unkindly, yelled at... And your aura was pierced by a strong energy flow (if you have the habit of yelling at others or your children, don’t be surprised that they are constantly sick , behave inappropriately, fall behind in their studies!).

Women, especially during pregnancy, and children are more often exposed to the evil eye.

The evil eye is like a cut that gradually heals itself. But damage is already a “knife blow.”


Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


In popular understanding, it means actions to spoil, damage. This is a deliberate evil influence with the help of special incantations and rituals to harm a person’s health, or his complete physical destruction. It can be compared to a computer virus, a code that acts purposefully and destroys from the inside.

They damage food, drinks, things, etc. They are given as gifts, or treated, or quietly left at your home. If you find spilled salt, needles, broken eggs, grave sand, shreds of wool, twisted feathers - you are “lucky”, you are very disturbing to someone.

How to understand that you or a person has been jinxed or damaged

You can determine the presence of damage in a person using special rituals. But there are indirect signs that make it clear that the impact of a negative program is underway.

How do you understand that you or a person has been jinxed or damaged? Here are the main symptoms:

  • Physical fatigue.
  • Irritation from being in crowded and cultural places (museums, theaters, cinemas).
  • Creative decline - this applies to people of creative professions (lack of inspiration, muses).
  • Restless sleep - constantly having nightmares, persecution, threats towards yourself or loved ones.
  • Complete apathy, depression, loss of interest in life - a person even has thoughts of suicide.
  • Deterioration of health - chronic diseases worsen, new ones appear and not one, but several at once.
  • Problems at work - relationships with colleagues and superiors worsen, or even loss of a job.
  • Deterioration in financial condition - loss of a large amount of money, theft, sharp decrease in income.
  • Appearance of cravings to alcohol, drugs and gambling.

Of course, any of these signs can be attributed to simple fatigue or temporary bad luck. But, if troubles torment you for a long time, you should think about the fact that this is damage.

How to find out who did the damage

If you have become a victim of a negative program directed at you, then you need to find out who had such an influence. This is no less important than eliminating the effects of witchcraft. First of all, this is necessary in order to protect yourself from contact with a bad person.

How to find out who did the damage? Here are some ways:

1. The appearance of a sorcerer in a dream. You need to be properly tuned in to receive this information:

Get ready for bed, relax and don't think about anything.
There is no need to try to guess the image of an ill-wisher, this will lead you astray.
When you manage to relax, say the special words quietly and slowly.

After saying these words, go to bed. At night you will dream of the image of a sorcerer who has cast a spell on you.

2. Help from Higher Powers. It is important to contact spirits correctly and correctly. Thanks to this, the ill-wisher will give himself away or the Higher powers will point to him. Do the following:

  • In the evening, put a pan of water on the gas and boil the water.
  • Place 7 rusty keys in this container with the words: TO then he wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), to bring the devil into his house. There will be no peace for the evil man; the devil will drive him out of the house. Amen."
  • The next morning, the exhausted ill-wisher will stand at the door to explain himself.

3. Rituals using magical accessories. Do the following:

  • Prepare a wax candle and a container of water.
  • Melt the wax and pour it into a container of water - carefully.
  • At the same time, repeat the words: In I pour it into water, I pour out the name of the enemy.”

Then look at what happened: the moon or flowers are drawn with wax - the damage was caused by a woman, and if the result was predatory animals, different geometric shapes - a man. You can even consider letters - these are the initials of the enemy or numbers - when a negative ritual was performed.

4. A ritual using a sample of the sorcerer's energy. When he causes damage, he still leaves some of his material or trace on you. This can be used for searching. This method is usually used by experienced practitioners, since it is difficult for an ordinary person to see energy material or a biofield.

But do not be discouraged if you are not familiar with working with energy channels. After all, there are many other ways to determine damage that every person can use. Next we will talk about each of them.

There are many types of damage that can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, the crown of celibacy does not always affect the financial situation of the victim and her communication with relatives. But still, general signs of the presence of a negative program in a person’s life exist. These are the ones you should pay attention to; they are symptoms of damage.

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


A couple of troubles can be considered a coincidence, but if you have quite a lot of such signs, then you should pay close attention to this. The main reason for the appearance of advanced damage is ignoring its signs at the very beginning. The longer a negative program has been present in a person’s life, the more difficult it will be to remove it. Therefore, here we should be guided by the principle “the faster, the better.”

Let's look at the signs of damage in various aspects of a person's life. This can help not only determine whether there is negativity, but also its possible direction.

How to determine damage to the emotional state

The first thing that any negative program affects is the mood of the spoiled person. As a rule, both mood and character deteriorate. If you start to get irritated over trifles, often get nervous for no apparent reason, and also notice frequent mood swings, you should think about it. If this was not typical for you before and is not a normal state, of course.

This category also includes depression and thoughts of suicide, which quite often accompany negative programs. Most often, this is a consequence of a series of troubles caused by damage, but it also happens that damage is caused precisely in order to bring a person to such a state. There are techniques that make a person hear voices calling him to commit suicide. Olfactory hallucinations may also appear, usually of an unpleasant nature.

Obsessive ideas are often the cause not so much of damage as attempts to manipulate using magic. If you have become characterized by unusual desires that shock your loved ones, it’s time to think about whether these ideas belong to you at all.

Severe damage can cause a state of emptiness and confusion, apathy. At the same time, nothing may change in a person’s life, that is, there are no reasons for such conditions. You should pay attention to causeless changes in your emotional state so as not to trigger the problem. One of the most obvious signs of negativity is disgust and even fear of sunlight. Many people don’t like it, especially those with sensitive skin, but the sudden appearance of this should be alarming.

People who have good intuition begin to experience a bad feeling. Of course, this can happen without damage, but if a vague premonition of trouble has been haunting you for a long time, also in combination with other troubles that are described in this article, you should contact a specialist.

Decreased self-esteem is another consequence of damage. A person does not like himself in the mirror, despite the fact that those around him claim that he looks good. However, if the goal is to strive for better appearance and nothing more, there is no reason to worry.

Symptoms of damage to relationships

Relationships with others are also subject to outside influence. Of course, they are not changing for the better. Many begin to hate their loved ones, even relatives. Sometimes damage is done specifically to relationships with others, and also in order to destroy a family. This is done by colleagues who need to remove you from the team, by those whom you are preventing from receiving an inheritance, as well as by rivals who want to take away their husband. If you have no reason to hate, perhaps it’s just a matter of black witchcraft.

When a relationship is damaged, it also happens that those around them begin to avoid the damaged thing. This can be a negative effect of any damage. Purposeful damage to loneliness, for example, repels people of the opposite sex - despite external data and character, they do not pay attention to the person, the destruction of the family - quarrels with the husband, and some other varieties are aimed at relatives and the team.

Another sign of damage to loneliness or family destruction is constant scandals, reasons for which at another time would not be enough even for an ordinary domestic dispute. Intolerance, jealousy, the appearance of assault and betrayal cannot be ignored.

Fear of communicating with people, even those closest to you, may indicate that harmful magic is taking place. This fear may be subconscious, expressed in a reluctance to communicate. If you have lost the desire to communicate with people and even see them, this does not appear without a reason.

Relationships not only with people, but also with animals can change. The pet may begin to avoid you or, on the contrary, pester you more than usual. It is believed that when there is a little negativity, animals try to help get rid of it, and pets try to stay away from the carrier of a stronger program that poses a danger to them. Sometimes the disappearance of pets is also associated with the affairs of black sorcerers.

How to identify damage to health

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


Suffering from damage and health. Even if it was not just damage to health or death, most likely the victim will suffer from frequent headaches, blood pressure problems and toothache. In this case, the dentist can say that everything is fine with you and there is no reason for pain. Decreased immunity, frequent colds and other not too serious, but regular health problems can also be symptoms and consequences of damage.

Regular injury can be due to many reasons, ranging from personality traits to simple bad luck. But it’s still worth paying attention to this.

Trouble sleeping is often a sign of negativity. Pay attention to the content of dreams, because sometimes we can see in them the one who inspired it. Many corrupted have had dreams in which their enemy rejoiced in his victory. Nightmares and insomnia may occur. Repeated dreams of a negative nature sometimes contain clues, and if you decide not to remove the damage at home, but contact a specialist, it is better for him to know about them.

A clear sign of damage to death or health is the appearance of diseases, which medicine cannot cope with. Doctors make different diagnoses, treatment and medications do not bring relief or help only for a while. Sometimes it happens that a person is completely healthy according to tests, but feels unwell, and doctors cannot find a reason for this.

The appearance of a person suffering from damage and its inconsistency with age is often a sign of taking away beauty and youth, as well as simply damage to appearance. This is more often the case with representatives of the fair sex, usually rivals or envious people, as well as strong witches who want to look better, but this is less common.

Weight is also subject to negative influences, usually this is excessive fatness or thinness provided that it is not a matter of any physical impairment. Some people gain several tens of kilograms, and sports and proper nutrition do not help to lose extra centimeters.

A feeling of heaviness on the shoulders, coldness inside the body, as well as a feeling of tightness in the chest, provided that traditional medicine has not identified the reasons for this - another symptom of damage. Most often they appear in combination and can accompany any type of negativity.

There is also damage to infertility. It is often accompanied by menstrual irregularities in women, but for a man, the induction of such negativity may well go unnoticed. He may find out about the existence of a problem several years after it appeared.

How does damage to luck and money manifest itself?

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


Almost any business undertaken by a thoroughly damaged person is doomed to failure. Luck is not on his side. If the negative is sufficiently advanced, and it was the damage that was caused by bad luck, the victim of witchcraft cannot even get an appointment with a specialist due to bad luck - the bus broke down, the alarm clock did not go off, etc. For similar reasons, some people constantly put off home diagnostics - they forgot to buy an egg, ran out of matches, etc.

Difficulties will most likely await you at work. There are damages aimed specifically at work and financial situation. They are always accompanied by problems with career growth, making money, and relationships with superiors. It may even lead to dismissal and inability to find a job.

Damage to money as you might guess, it is always accompanied by financial problems of any nature. Of course, if a person has no prospects initially due to a reluctance to receive an education, for example, the issue here is clearly not witchcraft. But when a successful person loses income or is forced to spend a large part of his income, this may be exactly what we are talking about.

Damage aimed at the family is usually accompanied by a lack of money in the family budget. There are many reasons for this, and it is not always a matter of salary reduction. But the fact remains that the family is suffering financial difficulties.

In a room that is often damaged, equipment may often break down. This applies to personal mobile phones, household and office equipment. Of course, there cannot be any breakdown, by the way, but the regular occurrence of sudden problems of this nature can sometimes signal problems not only with equipment.

How to determine damage yourself - spirituality and religion

The loss of a pectoral cross is not only a bad omen. This is also a sign of damage, as is the loss of any amulet, sometimes even just a piece of jewelry that you really liked. The fact is that when an object that can protect against negativity receives too much of a blow, it may break or get lost. Of course, this may be an accident, but this does not mean at all that you should not pay attention to this.

It is unpleasant for the corrupted to touch holy water, incense and other consecrated objects. But this may also depend on religion; not every person is an adherent of Orthodoxy. Such signs of corruption can only be applied to people who previously believed, if the matter is not in their revision of spiritual values. Some people, because of their religion, find objects of worship of the Orthodox Church unpleasant, and negative energy has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The pectoral cross may turn black. If this cannot be attributed to the properties of the material, most likely it is a sign of harmful magic directed at you. Many people believe that it is impossible to harm a believer through witchcraft. This is not entirely true. To obtain such powerful protection, you need really strong faith and a high level of spirituality, which not every believer can achieve.

It is believed that corrupted people feel bad in church, and also lose the desire to cross the threshold of the temple. A church candle near such a person smokes, but sometimes the issue here is also in the method of making candles, as well as the material of the wicks. The candles of those who have been cursed to death are regularly extinguished during the service. If you feel sick during a church service, this is far from an indicator, because usually there are a lot of people in churches on holidays, which causes banal stuffiness, from which no one is immune. But when there are no reasons for a sharp deterioration in health, it’s worth thinking about.

In a damaged house, holy water spoils.

Symptoms of the evil eye and damage in women

Representatives of the fair sex love to brag about their successes. Therefore, it is easy to jinx a woman. Symptoms of the evil eye and damage in a woman:

A sure sign of damage in a woman is loneliness. She cannot get married or become pregnant for a long time.

Signs of the evil eye and damage in men

Men do not believe in the appearance of damage or other similar manifestations. But witches often send a negative program to a representative of the stronger half of humanity. Signs of the evil eye and damage in men:

  • Failures and a dark streak in all areas of life.
  • Broken relationship with people around: relatives, friends, work colleagues, wife.
  • The appearance of suicidal thoughts.
  • Closing in on oneself the joylessness of life.
  • Unreasonable quarrels during a family feast.
  • Irritability, suspiciousness, intolerance in relation to your life partner.

The negative impact must be eliminated immediately, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible.

How to find out if a child has damage

Any loving mother will be able to immediately determine whether her child has an evil eye or damage. This can be seen in his behavior. How to find out if a child has damage? Symptoms:

  • Frequent colds with a rise in body temperature to 39 degrees.
  • The child does not eat well or, conversely, eats without measure.
  • Irritability, tearfulness. The crying can continue for days.
  • Outbursts of anger. The child begins to break toys and tries to hit one of the adults.
  • Fear of darkness and loneliness before bedtime.
  • Constant injury. Other children play in the yard without consequences, but a spoiled child often breaks limbs, gets bruises and bumps on his head.

Another proven method: you need to visit a church. If, while the priest is reading prayers, the baby becomes restless and begins to cry, it means he is damaged.

How to check a house for damage

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


Damage can also be caused to a house. True, you shouldn’t attribute your own shortcomings to damage. Home is the place of our strength. Here you need to maintain cleanliness and comfort. Chronic dirty people can bring trouble to the house with their behavior.

Sometimes really strange things happen in the house that cannot be explained by logic, in which case damage to the house is possible. Unfortunately, it occurs very often. Ill-wishers and envious people resort to this type of influence. An important difference from other rituals is that damage to a house is always intentional. Such things don’t happen by chance; they really wanted to harm you.

Each home has its own atmosphere. In one you want to live, in the other you want to never appear again. The second option is our case. In such a house, a good mood turns into a bad one. Residents see strange silhouettes, hear unusual sounds and feel that there is someone else here besides them. Of course, being in such an atmosphere for a long time is unbearable torture.

The mess doesn't go away even after general cleaning. It seems like some kind of devilry is going on here. In fact, this is damage. To check if this is the case, look for the following signs:

  • Plumbing fails causing a flood.
  • Light bulbs keep burning out and sometimes they explode.
  • Equipment breaks down.
  • Furniture deteriorates: Something always breaks and becomes unusable.
  • Dishes break almost every day. It is accidentally dropped, touched, and sometimes objects fall without making contact with them.

These seem like little things, but they happen so regularly that it becomes scary. It also happened that porcelain figurines simply shattered into hundreds of pieces in people’s hands. Everyone is trying to be very careful, but to no avail - destruction appears one after another.

How to check a family for damage

People often ask: “How to determine damage to a family?” The root of endless quarrels and conflicts may be hidden in the family tree. Often curses are passed on over many years - from parents to children. If you suspect damage, check for the following signs:

  1. Family members suffer from the same illness.
  2. Various mental problems.
  3. One person's problems begin to worry his family as well.
  4. Death of representatives of the same sex in the family.
  5. Domestic murders are possible.
  6. Constant quarrels and conflicts.
  7. Children leave their parents' home early.
  8. The cause of death is repeated from generation to generation.

Study the issue carefully. If you agree with one or more statements, ask a specialist for help - he will check for damage. The next time a conflict arises among your family again, try to control yourself and analyze the situation. The following are signs of a negative impact on the family:

  1. Family members complain of apathy, fatigue, and lack of strength. Doctors just shrug their shoulders and cannot help. Chronic diseases make themselves felt, problems with sleep and appetite, depressive moods, and uncontrollable aggression appear.
  2. Constant troubles and difficulties literally flow like a river. It seems to be just a matter of chance. Only the situation repeats itself regularly, each time becoming more serious.
  3. Regular scandals and disagreements. Family members do not want to hear each other; there is no love, no trust, no respect.
  4. The unexpected appearance of sudden and severe pain in loved ones. They may well become the cause of premature death.
  5. Financial difficulties.
  6. Jealousy with or without reason.
  7. Infidelity.

Generic damage: how to determine

Ancestral damage is also called a generational curse. This type of negative program made for the entire family can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • Negative events that repeat from generation to generation. For example, divorces after the birth of the first child or accidents at a certain age of family members.
  • Difficult childbirth, infertility in women or stillborn children.
  • Suicide that can be repeated. For example, if a father, under the influence of negativity, committed suicide at the age of 30, then his son will most likely do the same.
  • Hereditary diseases.
  • Mental illnesses, characteristic of the entire genus.
  • Old maids and bachelors. Perhaps love and celibacy have been damaged. People can't meet their soulmate.
  • Alcoholics and drug addicts in the male or female line.
  • Financial difficulties all relatives. At the same time, all the relatives work hard, but do not receive enough money to live on.

Only a professional psychic can stop such a complex negative program as a generational curse.

Damage to death: how to find out - signs

Almost always, when making spells for death, sorcerers use black magic. Therefore, the consequences and signs of exposure will be the most unpleasant.

If there is a suspicion that death has been damaged, how can you find out for sure and what are the signs? It is worth noting the following:

  • Sleep problems. Signs of the influence of black magic are that a person constantly suffers from insomnia. He has nightmares and other negative dreams.
  • The emergence of diseases that are difficult to treat. The results of diagnostics and tests are always different, and treatment is useless.
  • Strange behavior of domestic and stray animals(cats, dogs and other pets) - they run away, hiss or whine.
  • Changing the attitude of a loved one or a relative. He tries to avoid communicating with you.
  • Premonition of trouble. There is constant anxiety and mental imbalance.
  • Lack of success and luck over a long period of time. Any business started will fail.
  • A person loses self-confidence. I don’t like the reflection in the mirror, and the person feels as if the reflection is not his.
  • Financial problems and difficulties at work. Damage attracts negative energy - colleagues and boss don’t like the way you work. In addition, there may be large financial losses and theft.
  • Loss of a pectoral cross or everything related to holy church objects becomes unpleasant to you. A corrupted person may even feel a burning sensation in the place where the cross comes into contact with his body.
  • Feeling of unpleasant odors, the appearance of which cannot be explained.
  • Heaviness in the chest area, coldness in the abdomen - this is how negative energy manifests itself in the human body.
  • Depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of strength.

If any of these symptoms are observed, it is worth checking the threshold and entrance to the house. Any objects that you find by chance (pins, needles, salt, sand, earth, etc.) could be used to cause damage.

Damage to loneliness: how to determine

If such damage is done, then it will be very difficult to find a soul mate, since a clot of negativity is sent to the sex chakra.

Damage to loneliness: how to determine?

1st method:

  • Do a ritual with an egg and a glass of water. Take a glass of water and place it over the head of the person who needs to be checked for damage. Let him hold the glass with his hands.
  • Take a fresh fertilized home egg and break it into a glass of water.
  • Hold the glass above your head for 3 minutes. Then remove and evaluate the result: the egg is not changed - everything is fine, strings of white stretch upward, bubbles - evil eye, black dots, scalded white - spoilage.

2nd method:

  • Take a deck of tarot cards and mix them well. Think about possible negativity, ask questions.
  • Draw 7 cards and place them on the table. If you come across two cards “Mage” and “Moon” in a row - damage.

If one of the cards “lies” upside down, this is a sure sign of a negative program, and you don’t have to double-check it in other ways.

Damage to infertility: how to determine

The ritual to determine damage to infertility can be carried out independently. After it is carried out, you will know for sure whether there is a negative impact or not. You can’t get pregnant for a long time and think that you are suffering from infertility? Several ways will help determine the presence or absence of bad influence from the outside:

  • Take your wedding ring or other gold jewelry. Swipe it across your cheek. If there is a white trace left, there is no damage; if it is red or black, there is witchcraft influence.
  • Prepare a piece of rye bread and a vessel with water. Squeeze the bread in your palm and then lower it into the water. If the bread falls to the bottom - spoilage.
  • An egg broken into water will also help determine the presence of negativity in the body.. It was described above how to carry out such a ritual.

With the help of such damage, many rivals take revenge on women who are more successful in terms of male attention.

Food spoilage: how to determine

This type of damage is done by sorcerers who want to influence the victim through direct contact. If food has been damaged, it is easy to determine. This negative program is similar to food poisoning, but is reflected in other more complex symptoms:

  • Sudden rise in temperature body up to 39 degrees.
  • Excessive sweating and general weakness.
  • Medicines for poisoning do not help, and other drugs, for example, to reduce fever, have a short-lived effect.

If food is spoiled, the person begins to gain weight sharply or, conversely, lose weight. His appetite decreases or becomes excessive. In this case, weakness, apathy and depression are observed.

Damage to celibacy: how to determine

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


Previously, girls decided whether they would get married this year or not, on the night of Ivan Kupala. They wove a wreath and threw it into the river. If he is afloat, it means marriage is coming soon, and if he sinks, the girl will still be alone this year. This ritual will help determine damage to celibacy. The ritual does not have to be carried out on Kupala night, it can be done on any day.

On the river bank, weave a wreath of flowers, thinking about relationships with the opposite sex. In this case, you need to weave 3 of your hairs along with the flowers. When fantasizing about marriage and relationships, you need to say:

“I am weaving (name) a wreath. One - meadow flower, two -
forest flower, three – field flower. Open
me, flowers, should I be married, should I love
spouse, should we have children?”

When the wreath is woven to the end, stand with your back to the water and throw it over your left shoulder into the water. If the wreath floats away, it means there is no damage. If he got caught, drowned or landed on the shore, it means there is damage to celibacy.

Can they damage an accident?

Sometimes it happens that some drivers drive a car without incident for many years. But suddenly, they begin to get into frequent accidents. Can they damage an accident? Answer: yes. Even novice practitioners can send such negativity. Therefore, the car must be consecrated in the church, and then there will be no fear of any influence.

Can a mother spoil loneliness?

A mother is sacred, and she cannot spoil her child. But often women do this unconsciously. Therefore, many girls and boys have a question: can a mother spoil loneliness?

If a mother is too protective of her now adult child, she may unintentionally close all paths to her personal life. It’s not for nothing that even the Bible says for parents that they should let their children go when they grow up, just as birds let go of their grown chicks.

Exposure through animals

Pets often become victims of exposure, since they are the easiest way to harm the owner. The animal suddenly changes behavior sharply, becomes aggressive, disobedient, or, on the contrary, loses mobility, does not eat, and has a fever for no reason. And we cannot understand what happened to him.

Have you noticed that your pet develops the same diseases over time? what do you suffer from? It’s just that animals devoted to their owner very often take all the negativity and illness upon themselves and die, not allowing their loved one to die. After all, they have not lost the natural sensitivity of the subtle world, like humans.

How to check yourself for damage: rituals for self-diagnosis

Determining damage using a candle

If you suspect that you have been damaged or jinxed, use candles to determine. Candle wax is often used in magical rituals to determine the presence of damage, the evil eye, a curse and to identify who could have such a strong influence on fate.


To test yourself for damage to church candles, identify the 7 chakras in your body:

  1. BASIC – base of the spine.
  2. Sacral – area of ​​the genital organs.
  3. SOLAR PLEXUS – area of ​​the stomach.
  4. HEARTS – chest.
  5. THROAT – throat.
  6. THIRD EYE - between the eyebrows.
  7. PARIETAL – upper part of the head.

When determining damage with a candle from a church, alternately bring the candle to the chakras.

Definition of spoilage: alternately slowly bring the candle to the chakra zones and watch the flame. If the candle begins to smoke, crackle, and the flame squirm. There is damage.

Determination of spoilage on a chicken egg

  1. The egg must be carefully broken into a container filled with cold water. The main thing is that the yolk is intact.
  2. Then you need to place the container with the contents on the crown of the person being diagnosed for 5 minutes. You can also leave a container with an egg at the head of the bed of the person who is supposedly damaged overnight.

If no changes are noticed in the appearance of the egg, then there is no negative energetic influence on a person.

When spoiled, the protein loses its transparency, and the protein threads stretched upward are covered with bubbles. The situation gets worse if streaks of blood or black spots appear. In this case, there is no doubt that the person is damaged.

You can feel whether the damage has been completely removed or not quite quickly. If a person has a sparkle in his eyes, feels a surge of strength, and his mood has improved, it means that he has been healed from the negative magical influence. It is very important to follow all the healer’s recommendations after removing the damage.

Diagnostics using matches

Another easy way to find out is to use matches. The essence of the diagnosis is as follows.

  1. A small glass should be filled halfway with water.
  2. Then hold it tightly in your hands for several minutes - in this way you can transfer a piece of your energy to the liquid.
  3. Next, you need to add a little salt to the water, and after that, after lighting it, throw in five or three matches in turn.

By the reaction of matches falling into the water, you can determine the presence or absence of negative energy. The worst result is considered to be drowned matches. They indicate severe damage, which only a good psychic can get rid of.

If not all the matches drowned, then we are talking about an ordinary negative, which you can fight on your own with the help of prayers and candles for health. If all the matches remained on the surface of the water, then this is evidence of the absence of damage.

Check for spoilage using a bowl of water and coal

This ritual is considered one of the easiest, but most effective. It can be done at home without any problems. For this:

  1. Fill the cup with water.
  2. Throw in three small coals.
  3. Observe their behavior.

If they drowned, it means that there really was a magical effect - damage or the evil eye. In this case, the main task is to take action as soon as possible.

The coals float on the surface - don’t worry, everything is fine.

However, using this method you will not be able to find out the details. To check who is behind the damage and what exactly it was applied to, you will have to use other methods.

Check the damage from the photo

To check for damage, you can try the photo method.

  1. Place the photo in front of you.
  2. Make several movements along the card with a burning candle and follow the fire.

Any unusual manifestations (strong smell, soot, crackling) will indicate the presence of negative energy.

Check for spoilage using beeswax

This ritual requires beeswax.

  1. It should be melted, and then move the bowl of liquid wax over the head of the person with whom you are working.
  2. Next, carefully pour it into a container of water.
  3. We wait for the wax to harden and analyze the resulting figure.

Rovnaya(small irregularities are possible), one-color indicates the absence of damage.

Bubbles that appear indicate the use of black magic; growths appear when an entire family is damaged.

If the edges are uneven, as if chewed, there was damage to fate. After completing the ritual, wrap the wax in white paper and bury it in the ground.

Check if there is damage using the ring

Another simple way to check for damage. To do this you will need your favorite gold ring. Important: only gold of 585 purity and higher is suitable; otherwise, you should not trust the result.

To test yourself, make a few light movements with the ring on your skin (palm or cheek). There's a white line left This means there is no reason to worry - everything is fine with you. Dark streak indicates the presence of damage. True, it will still not be possible to determine its type using such a ritual.

The pin will tell about damage and the evil eye

How to check at home whether you have damage or the evil eye using a pin? To do this, the pin needs to be spoken. When pinning a pin to clothing, say the following words:

“Save me on the road, Lord,
From evil people and unkind thoughts.
Amen, amen, amen.”

The pin needs to be pinned with the point up, and upon returning home, look to see if it has come undone. If it's unfastened, you have been jinxed. If the pin is lost, it means you have been damaged.

Charmed herbs

  1. To do this, you need to brew tea from herbs: oregano, linden blossom or nettle.
  2. The herb should be brewed with boiling water and infused like tea.
  3. If, after drinking tea, someone in the family feels bad (headache), it means that they have a negative program.

A woman should brew the herb. When brewing, you should read a prayer to the cross (“May God rise again”) or “Our Father.” A person’s discomfort will go away in a couple of hours. Negativity must be removed.

Determining spoilage using milk

This method is more suitable for villagers who have a cow. However, for diagnostic purposes, a city resident can buy 12 bags of milk to fill a bucket. To do this, fill a bucket with milk at sunset and read the special plot:

“The demon itself and the spirit itself are sitting in the house looking at the yard.
And if they are sitting, then I will let them out, I will draw them out.
As soon as the knife goes into the water, the milk will all disappear.
Amen, amen, amen.”

Then heat the knife well over the flame and throw it into the bucket.

If the milk curdles within an hour, it means there is damage.

If the milk turns dark, you have a fatal curse, after which they don’t live long.

If the milk has not turned sour or darkened, There's nothing to worry about.

Sour milk must be disposed of immediately- It’s better to pour it into the river. If the river is far away, pour it into the toilet and flush it several times. After diagnosis, you should wash your hands.

With salt

Place 3 tablespoons of regular salt on a pre-heated frying pan and say:

“The salt of the earth, the dust of the foot.
Burn, damage, with fire. Amen."

If the salt does not darken, then there is no negative.

How to determine spoilage on a bay leaf

Bay leaves have long been used as an effective weapon against magical effects.

  1. If you hang a branch of it above the front door or in the kitchen, then she will protect the house from evil people, troubles and diseases.
  2. If you plant a whole tree near your house, then it will protect the entire family.

How to determine spoilage on a bay leaf?

  • In general, bay leaves are used to get rid of negative energy. It is set on fire and all corners of the apartment or house are fumigated.
  • A light smoke will clear the room of clots of bad energy.

If the sheet does not burn well or, on the contrary, smokes heavily, then you should think about the fact that there may be damage in the room.

What to do if there are symptoms of spoilage

If you find more than one or even two signs of damage, do not rush. Sometimes it can be a matter of simple bad luck or coincidence. As mentioned above, individually all these reasons cannot in any way be signs of harmful witchcraft, but if there are too many of them, there is such a possibility.

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


There are many techniques that allow you to confirm or refute the presence of negativity. This includes a ritual with an egg, diagnostics with matches and much more. You have already learned about this in more detail from the corresponding section of this article. The following methods will help you find out if you are damaged.

If you think that troubles are not just a coincidence, do not hesitate. To begin with, you can try to remove the damage yourself and send it back to the person who caused it.

How to remove damage

There is damage, and you know it 100%. There is no need to panic and bite your elbows, the only thing you need to do is calm down and urgently take measures to relieve it.

General terms and Conditions:

  1. It is recommended to perform rituals to get rid of damage during the waning moon.
  2. When performing the ritual, concentrate on a successful result. If you do not believe in the power of magic, the ritual may not have any effect. First of all, clarify for yourself whether you really need it. Damage is a serious impact.
  3. A few hours before work starts refrain from eating and drinking.
  4. Perform a ritual to get rid of damage at midnight. Then go to bed and do not communicate with anyone at least until the first rays of sunshine.
  5. Do it all alone there is absolutely no need for extra people in such a complex matter. The exception is rituals that require the help of another person, but there are very few of these.
  6. Most rituals require various things: they must be new unless otherwise specified. Afterwards they must be thrown away. It is absolutely forbidden to use such things in everyday life - it is dangerous!

Removing damage to loss of health and beauty

You were able to check and be convinced that there was definitely a negative impact. Damage to health requires immediate and decisive action. For this ritual you will need any small items. You must obtain them from a blind and mute deaf person (by mutual consent!).

The item should be insignificant - a simple button will be enough. In total, you should get three items.

  1. At night (after midnight) go to the cemetery, find the grave of your namesake. If possible, find a very old burial place.
  2. Place all three found objects on it and walk around on your heels.
  3. Then read the following text:

“In a quiet mansion, a dead man lies on spruce branches. The hand warms the hand, but the lips are shut. The cross will swing, the soul will stir. Go around the world, find my offender, return to him everything that he sent to me, but return to me what he took from me. The deaf, dumb and blind are crying, they have not known health and beauty for a long time. So that my enemies would cry and sob and not know beauty and health!”

Bow three times and hurry back home. Remember, you can't talk to anyone until the next morning!

Removing damage to death

Usually, to get rid of damage of this kind, you have to ask for help from a knowledgeable person. However, if you do not doubt your own abilities, you can try to do everything without the participation of others.

The day before you should prepare:

  • salt (two handfuls);
  • matches;
  • any coin;
  • white new towel;
  • an old set of clothes (which you don’t mind burning);
  • a new set of clothes that have not yet been worn;
  • seven aspen branches.

Plan to perform the ritual around sunset. Put on your old clothes and go to any river or lake. Holding a little salt in your palm, plunge into the water up to your chest and stand with your back to the sunset.

Read the plot seven times:

“Terrible divination, black divination, fierce divination, created in “your own name,” go into the wide abyss, deep water. You will never break my strong bones, you will never drink my bright warmth, you will never destroy my pure soul. Disappear forever and without a trace, not for an hour or two, but forever!”


  1. Throw the salt behind your back, dive completely and come back, but don’t look back.
  2. Take off your wet clothes, use a towel, and put on something clean and new.
  3. Then go to the first intersection you come across on the way, and leave a coin in its center.
  4. Go where there is no one, find dried branches and light a small fire. To do this, use prepared matches.
  5. When the fire flares up, throw wet things, a towel and salt into it. Then throw the branches one by one and read the plot. For each branch - one repetition.

“Deadly damage sent to “one’s name” dies, but resurrects it to life. The enemy’s machinations burned out, but she survived!”

The fire should burn out, and then extinguish it with earth or sand. Don't look back, don't engage in conversation and hurry to get home again. Be calm, this ritual will help you forget about the damage.

Removing damage to separation

Damage is a common cause of discord in relationships. This ritual can protect against separation from your lover and improve the atmosphere in your couple. To complete it on Saturday, buy:

  • bright tablecloth;
  • red scarf;
  • red threads (sewing);
  • needle (preferably a gypsy needle with a wide eye);
  • bed sheets;
  • nightgown;
  • three eggs (chicken);
  • red candle.

In addition, find a photo of yourself and your partner. Just make sure: the man shouldn’t know that you took her. Perform a ritual of getting rid of damage at midnight on the waning moon.

  1. Place all items except thread and needle next to the lit candle.
  2. Place the photos together (facing each other) and sew together, starting from the top - right, clockwise.
  3. Finally, make three stitches on each side.
  4. With each stitch, read the following text (eventually you will need to repeat it 12 times):

“Part the depths of the sea, show your possessions, so that my beloved and I will no longer know hostility and confusion. Let our path be lined with flowers, and the moon caresses our faces, and unearthly love be with us, there will be peace and comfort in the house. Find our ardent enemies, return their desperate pain, so that they suffer in the depths of Tartarus and do not remember their past life. From now on I am the mistress of the sea, as I say, so it will be forever, I reinforce my words with grief and invisible fleeting misfortune.”

5 Tear off the thread and make 12 knots on it.

6 Using a candle, pour a little wax onto each one.

7 Blow out the fire, tie the cinder to the cards with a thread, tear it off too and tie the same number of knots.

8 Hide all used items in a scarf and put them in a place so that only you know where they are.

Afterwards, you need to make any dish; the recipe must include scrambled eggs. It doesn’t matter what it will be. For example, pies or a snack. Cover the table with a prepared tablecloth, place dishes with food, among them should be your special recipe. Organize a beautiful romantic evening - drinks, dim lights, music, incense. Make sure that the man definitely eats that very dish.

Before this, lay linen on the bed, put on a nightgown - choose the most beautiful model. You must be irresistible. When a man comes, give him maximum attention - talk, look after him.

After dinner, gradually move on to intimacy - the night should be hot. Further:

  • As if by accident, wipe the man with your nightie.
  • When you wake up, remove it, tablecloth and linen.
  • Make sure that no one can find them, much less take them.

Removing damage to loneliness

To get rid of this type of damage, prepare these items in advance:

  • accessory – ring, earrings, pendant. It must be made of silver or gold;
  • salt;
  • dishes - two deep white plates;
  • 0.5 l jar with lid;
  • long black thread, about half a meter;
  • white tablecloth;
  • candle;
  • spring water (500 ml).

At 12 o'clock at night, cover the table with a tablecloth. Place salt in the first plate and place a burning candle there. Pour spring water into the second. Pull the thread through a ring or other prepared accessory. If you can’t thread it, you can simply tie the thread - it should be convenient for you to carry out the ceremony. And pass the decoration through the fire 12 times, Say the following text also 12 times:

“Just as a candle burns evenly and does not sway, so let my life be illuminated. All troubles and adversities will go into the salt, where they will remain forever!”

Next, put on this product, it is better if you wear it without taking it off. Blow out the fire, dissolve the salt in water and pour it into a jar. This water needs to be spilled at road intersections. All other things that were used for the ritual must be collected together, dug a hole somewhere in a quiet place and hidden. Having lifted the curse of loneliness, a person usually soon starts a relationship.

Removing damage to property loss

Losing property is not a pleasant event. To protect yourself from troubles and get rid of this damage, prepare in advance:

  • box of matches;
  • black scarf;
  • a candle that you need to buy in the church;
  • white plate;
  • knife with wooden handle.

First of all, cover the tabletop with a scarf and place a burning candle on it. Take 12 matches and use a knife to remove the sulfur heads. Arrange them randomly on a plate - you should get a neat little pile. Light it with a candle and say:

“You crumble into ashes, but for “your name” let the world be bright!”

Afterwards, take a candle, go through each room in the apartment clockwise and at this time read the “Our Father”.

Place the remaining matches next to the candle. Each of them needs to be set on fire with a candle (hold the matches only with your left hand!), at this time recite the following text:

“Our Savior, wipe away “your name” from your slave 12 misfortunes, 12 troubles, 12 illnesses, 12 misfortunes. Give me back peace and grace, protect my house from a bad word, from a dashing person.”

Thus, you need to burn all the matches, the words of the conspiracy will eventually need to be read 12 times. Mix the ashes obtained from burning the heads and the matches themselves. Blow out the fire. Wrap the knife and candle in a scarf, make three knots on it and go to the road to the first intersection. In its center, break the dish with ash and quickly get out of there. The remaining items must be buried in the ground under any tree, but so that people do not walk in this area.


Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


If you think that you have been damaged or the evil eye has been cast upon you, do not waste time - every minute in such a situation is worth its weight in gold. Do everything necessary to check for damage and avoid really serious troubles. All magical actions require serious preparation, which must be taken responsibly.

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