How the program is filmed. How the program "Let's Get Married" "Heads and Tails" is actually filmed: how the program is filmed

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Recently, many have been saying that television is losing ground and is significantly inferior to the Internet in polarity. On the one hand, it’s hard to disagree with this, but it all depends on the age of the TV audience, because older viewers prefer the “old-fashioned” way of getting information, and their children and grandchildren prefer the more “advanced” way, with the help of the World Wide Web.

Readers may have a natural question: why did they choose me? I think that this is due to several points: firstly, such programs need new faces from time to time, and, secondly, it is important that I am a representative of Germany with, so to speak, an alternative point of view, although in the programs of another Russian TV channel experts from Germany often take Russian positions.

I can note that on the part of the editorial staff of the program, everything was very clearly planned and organized, although almost on the last day, which is connected with the specifics of the program: the topic is determined shortly before the broadcast, and a list of guests is already formed for it. There was no pressure on me in terms of what and how I should speak, but the general “tonality” of my opinion was stipulated.

A ticket from Germany was ordered for me on Monday, and the broadcast was on Tuesday. At the airport, I was met with a tablet with the logo of Channel One on it, and I was taken by taxi to the Zvezdnaya Hotel, located near the Ostankino television center, overlooking the Ostankino Tower.

In the morning a luxurious buffet was waiting for me, and at 11.00 a taxi driver was already at the entrance to the hotel. Arriving at Ostankino, he called someone, after which I was taken to the "dressing room" - a small room in which the participants of the show are waiting for their "exit". I was one of the first to arrive there, although I participated in the second part of the program. Gradually, participants began to arrive, in particular, the vociferous Sergey Dorenko and other guests of the program. I was asked to sign papers stating that I participated in the show at the expense of Ostankino: the flight, hotel accommodation, breakfast and taxi rides were paid for by Russian television, but I received nothing for participating in the program.

Now I want to explain, especially for those who are not in the “topic” at all, what are the unspoken “rules of the game”.

Firstly, such a television format is very reminiscent of a theater: there are actors and spectators who not only applaud at the right time, but also create “noise effects” - they clap, stomp, make noise and buzz, pumping up an already tense atmosphere in studios. Spectators naturally begin and end clapping on a specific command. For participation in the show, they receive little money.

Secondly, as in the theater, there is a play that the participants in the program act out.

Thirdly, there are positive and negative "heroes" who are on "opposite sides of the barricades", and in the literal sense: they are planted away from each other. Pro-Russian figures belong to the first group, and pro-American, pro-European and pro-Ukrainian ones belong to the second. Such a clash of opinions and positions creates conflict and drama, without which, as you know, not a single theatrical production can do.

But such programs often resemble a purely television genre - a series. This is due to the fact that the "gentleman's set" of participants practically does not change. I will say more: the same mainly applies to topics that are 90% devoted to Ukraine. The logic of the creators here is very simple: why upset the viewers by showing Russian problems when there is Ukraine? The main "feature" of such shows is the raised tone, or rather, the cry, with which the opponents try to substantiate their own point of view. This is highly encouraged and cultivated.

Many people have asked me: do these talk shows have a clear script? I answer: there is a certain rigid “framework” on which “meat” is strung with the help of replicas of the participants in the program. Naturally, there is some improvisation, but it is subject to the strict framework of the prescribed "plot". Let me explain with an example: in the first part of the program, which I watched while waiting for my release, on TV, the story of a boy who read Shakespeare on the Arbat was discussed. According to the script, the participants of the TV show, until a certain point, did not have the right to give out a “secret”, which consisted in the fact that the child did not just recite the poems of the great English playwright, but thereby earned money. When one of the guests accidentally “let it slip” and said it ahead of time, one of the editors, who also watched this part on TV, even grunted in annoyance.

On TV there is a whole army of people who are on the other side of the screen, but, of course, viewers do not see them. These are technical workers, videographers, sound engineers, editors, make-up artists, but without them not one broadcast, and even more so a live one, would be impossible to conduct. Separately, I would like to thank the make-up artist of unearthly beauty, who managed to create a very telegenic image for me.

Guest editors carry a very heavy load, not only ensuring that the right guests are available, but also doing an enormous amount of work with them. It consists in a preliminary interview, where the emphasis is on certain things. In my case, the topic concerned the visit of Vladimir Putin to France, so my position had to reflect precisely the European view on this trip of the Russian president.

I already wrote that people with diametrically opposed views take part in the program, but this does not prevent them from communicating calmly. American Michael Bohm, Ukrainian Vadim Karasyov and Russian Grigory Amnuel participated in "my" program. Their political opponents were in the same room with them, but there was no hostility between them, although they practically did not communicate with each other. The topic of the program in which I participated did not concern Ukraine in any way (which is an exception to the rule), so no one spoke about it on the sidelines. Michael Bohm behaved very democratically, answered my questions and did not "star", and around Grigory Amnuel, a circle of admirers immediately arose, who surrounded this well-known opposition figure. But the representative of another "camp" Ruslan Ostashko behaved very arrogantly.

As for the studio, it was hot there, but not at all because of the air temperature, but because of the intensity of passions. I completed the “minimum program”: I managed to break through and “shout out” several times, but for the first time the sound engineer brought the end of my tirade “to nothing”: although I tried to shout down my opponents, my words were drowned in the general noise. For the second time there was silence in the studio, and I managed to insert my "five cents" into the general discussion. It was very difficult to do this, since, unlike the famous guests, no one and the hosts addressed me. This is the main problem: when you want to say something, they don’t let you do it, and vice versa, when you are finally given this opportunity, you are already “burned out” by this moment, and your phrase completely loses its meaning, because that it is simply "obsolete".

From the side of the presenters and "opponents" there is a certain pressure, which can be expressed not only verbally. I did not feel very comfortable there, although I was ready for such a hostile atmosphere. This, above all, was felt in the gaze of the presenter, who bored me like a gimlet. As for the pro-Russian activists, I can say that, according to my feelings, they speak sincerely and really feel everything, and do not play the role of goodies. But I can’t get into their skulls, so I won’t vouch for it.

Separately, it is necessary to note the activities of girls who hold microphones. They have a connection to the control room, and they are told through the earpiece when they should give the microphone to this or that guest. In my case, I myself asked to be given the floor, and "my" girl, having received the "go-ahead", held out a microphone to me. But before that, a funny episode happened to me, which remained behind the scenes: in the heat of the moment, I tried to snatch the microphone from the French journalist sitting next to me, to which the host of the program, Anatoly Kuzichev, severely shook his finger at me. His co-host Ekaterina Strizhenova portrayed a "simpleton" who does not understand anything about what is happening, but is very eager for this. I want to say that Katya brilliantly coped with this, although I am tormented by vague doubts that she really does not understand anything.

Forty-five minutes of live broadcast flew by very quickly: it seemed to me that I was in the studio for no more than fifteen minutes. After the end of the program, I was taken by taxi to Sheremetyevo Airport, from where I flew to Germany.

My overall impressions are very positive. I was very interested, first of all, as a journalist to see the backstage of Ostankino. Now I know first hand how such programs are created.

Already after returning to Germany, a heated and heated discussion arose on my Facebook page about whether it was necessary to participate in such TV shows at all? Some acquaintances spoke rather sharply against my appearance on Russian TV. Personally, I think that - yes, it is necessary to participate in them. If only because even in such terrible conditions, there is an opportunity, albeit dotted, but to convey to the audience an alternative point of view, otherwise there will only be a “one-sided game”!

Text: Evgeny Kudryats, Augsburg

People love travel shows. You can, without getting out of a comfortable chair, see the whole world, visit, albeit virtually, in different countries. But listening to a simple description of the beauties and sights was no longer as interesting as our ancestors, who, due to "Iron Curtain" greedily caught everything that happens in the rest of the world. Therefore, extraordinary, conceptual travel shows appeared. One of these programs is "Eagle and Tails". It is broadcast on the Russian TV channel Pyatnitsa! But also on the Ukrainian Inter. And it is also shown with some delay on the Belarus 2 channel, in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, and even in Israel and Poland. But what country is filming Heads and Tails, whose product is it? At first glance it seems that the Russian. In the parallel project Eagle and Tails. Shopping”, launched from the beginning of 2014, foreign prices are converted into rubles. But if you watch the same episode on the Ukrainian channel Inter, you will hear currency conversion into hryvnia. In short, the transmission is surrounded by secrecy. But in this article we will reveal some secrets and talk about how they shoot "Eagle and Tails". Does everything happen the way the viewer sees on the screen?

TV show concept

Eagle and Tails is a completely Ukrainian product. Citizens of this country are very fond of traveling. That is why conceptual travel shows are so popular here. The leaders in popularity are the programs “The World Inside Out”, where the presenter travels around non-tourist routes, and Eagle and Tails. What is the concept of the last show? Avid travelers know that every country opens from the front door to a foreigner with money and from the black one to a budget backpacker. This idea was taken as a basis by the creators of the project, Elena and Evgeny Sinelnikovs. Each country or city where the hosts of the show come, they show from two sides. The brilliance of Cuba's tourist areas and the poverty of its own favelas, elite restaurants and hotels in Europe and hostels rented by students - it turns out that you can look at any sights from different angles. And sometimes it happens that a budget tourist can see more interesting things in the country than someone who contemplates the world from the window of a luxury limousine. And why is the show called "Eagle and Tails"? How is the transmission filmed? According to the idea of ​​a travel show, two presenters go to each city: one is budgetary, and the second is unlimited in funds. Whom to be - the coin decides. If she falls heads up, the “gold bank card” is given to the one who throws her up, and if tails, the other leader. The loser gets only one hundred dollars, for which he somehow has to survive for two days.


So the idea for the show came up first. Four people came up with it. A pilot episode about New York was quickly filmed and aired in February 2011. The Ukrainians liked this interesting concept so much that it became clear: the project was clearly a success, we need to continue. And therefore hosts - spouses(at that time) Alan and Zhanna Bodoeva - went to Las Vegas, and then to San Francisco and Los Angeles. And while the audience was wondering how they shoot "Eagle and Tails" in such a short time, a group of presenters with cameramen went to Europe. The first city on the way of the film crew on the Old Continent was Barcelona. The show is constantly changing - from season to season. For example, in the second year of filming, a sponsor of the program appeared - a well-known wine producer in Ukraine. His advertising was carried out in a very intricate way: at the end of each episode, the “rich” presenter hides one hundred dollars in an empty bottle with an exact description of the location of the treasure. The finder is invited to send a photo or video of the search process. The bottle move has become a tradition, and now, in its fifteenth season, it continues. The director constantly puts other ideas into action. Take, for example, the 14th season: “Eagle and tails. Reboot". How was it filmed? The hosts drove around some cities where they had been before. The purpose of the project is to show what has changed in the country in recent years. The seasons "Back to the USSR" and "Heaven and Hell" are also interesting.

"Eagle and tails": how to shoot the transfer. What the viewer sees

On the screen, everything goes smoothly, Two presenters arrive in a city and play the “golden card” by tossing a coin. Throughout all the seasons, there was only one time when the results of the draw were annulled. It happened in Tbilisi when Alan Badoev sacrificed his winnings for Jeanne. How are they filming "Eagle and Tails" next? The presenters are separated (each with their own film crew) and live separately for two days off. Backpacker with his hundred dollars (in some cases euro) trying to rent cheap accommodation, subsist in eateries, but also see the most iconic sights. All spending is recorded at the bottom of the screen so that the viewer has an idea of ​​how expensive the country is. The other presenter simply burns life. He rents an executive car with a driver, rents the best room in the most expensive hotel in the city, eats at top restaurants, and book excursions with a personal guide. At the end, the presenters meet, share their impressions of what they saw. And of course, they hide a bottle with a hundred dollars. As a result, the viewer sees some sights twice: through the eyes of a rich and a poor tourist. Sometimes it turns out that a budget traveler plunges deeper into the life of the local population, and new interesting facets and nuances are revealed to him.

"Eagle and Tails" behind the scenes: how the program is filmed

On the screen, everything looks natural and simple: the presenter walks around the city, communicates with local people, tells and shows the sights. However, smart viewers understand that they are following him: the director, cameraman and screenwriter. There is one person on the screen, but in reality - a team of four. In some series, the presenter spends the night in a tent on a glacier. But where does the technical staff sleep? Many viewers have doubts: do the presenters really spend the night in terrible hostels or, on the contrary, rent luxurious apartments in expensive hotels? Maybe everything these are staged scenes in the pavilion at the Dovzhenko film studio? And then they are diluted with pictures of sights ... Of course, not everything is going smoothly with the program "Eagle and Tails" behind the scenes. How do operators film the communication of the presenters with the local population? Indeed, in the countries of Western Europe and in the Muslim world, their own concepts of "Privacy". The director and co-author of the show, Yevgeny Sinelnikov, says that in Cairo and India, the operator, producer and screenwriter even spent several days in prison. And in Jamaica, the local population, believing that photos and videos take away a piece of the soul, attacked the film crew with knives. Of course, the screenwriter arrives first. But the shooting itself takes place in full real life.

Do presenters really live in travel as they show on the screen?

Sometimes the atmosphere of hostels, in which in one the room is occupied by several strangers and sometimes aggressive people, quite frightening. Really, he thinks spectator - presenter really spends the night there? The veil of secrecy over how the "Eagle and Tails" is filmed was lifted by the chief director Yevgeny Sinelnikov. He reported that sometimes he takes pity on an actor or actress and lets them spend the night in a normal hotel. But these exceptions apply only to city hostels. When the presenter Regina Todorenko, wearing a skirt with pantyhose to be beautiful in the frame, went to spend the night in a tent on the glacier, the director did not make indulgence for her. As a result, the viewer saw the blue lips of the girl and to her remark: “How cold it was here!”, Mentally answered: “I believe!” When the host spends the night in the skete, and at four in the morning a Buddhist monk wakes him up - you can’t film it staged, the scene is completely real. As for the owner of the "golden card", here, in some cases, the producer manages to save money. Mainly due to agreements. We advertise your hotel / restaurant / tour desk, and you give us a discount. But at the bottom of the screen, the usual amount for services is indicated. It happens that people, for some reason, offer to use their luxurious transport - a helicopter, a convertible Ferrari, etc. This was the case, for example, in Italy and Georgia. But in most countries, the maitre d' said: "We are not interested in our advertising in Ukraine." And I had to pay the specified amount.

Cheapest and most expensive countries and aerial scenes

Viewers are often interested in the question of prices. In particular, it is important for potential tourists to find out in which countries it will be the cheapest to relax. The general producer of the show answered these questions as well. London is the most expensive. The owner of the "gold card" spent $53,557 in the capital of Great Britain. True, fifty thousand paid for the room in a hotel where Elton John, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monod and Charlie Chaplin have stayed. And Madagascar turned out to be the cheapest, where the presenter simply had nowhere to throw money, and with all his imagination, he was able to spend only $ 32. Singapore ranks second in terms of budget travel. True, this refers to the leader with a hundred dollars. If you spend the night in a tent in the city park, in a special place for camping, then it will take only $ 34 for food and museums for two days. Some of the objects that the presenters talk about are sometimes seen by the viewer from a bird's eye view. How is Eagle and Tails really filmed? For panoramic views, a quadrocopter is launched into the sky - a drone with a camera attached to it. With him, too, there are funny things. So, in Rotterdam, a drone crashed into a skyscraper. As a result, not only the footage was lost, but the police detained the entire group for a day.

Scandals, accidents and arrests

Naturally, the countries of the world have different levels of freedom of speech. And the cultural characteristics of Muslim states do not allow to fully shoot people on the street, especially women. But the most difficult for the group was... Belarus. Policemen constantly climbed into the frame, demanding documents. They forbade filming everything, even the parade. But the local population, at the sight of a aimed camera, became extremely suspicious and even aggressive. We have already mentioned the arrest of the entire group in Rotterdam. The operator in Cairo had to sit in prison, and in India he spent three days on the bunk in a campaign with a producer and director. An international scandal almost broke out when the host Alan Badoev decided to pick tangerines on the territory of the US Embassy. Andrei Bednyakov was fined in Batumi for picking flowers from a tree. It does not do on the set and without accidents. Regina Todorenko in Alaska fell from a height of 7 meters. Fortunately, the presenter escaped with only abrasions. The entire film crew got into an accident in New Zealand while driving to Queenstown. How they filmed "Eagle and Tails" in the season "Heaven and Hell", we will tell later. But the presenter Lesya Nikityuk posted a photo of her broken face on social networks just a few minutes after the accident.

Conceptual seasons

After four years of filming the show, its creators decided to diversify it. This is how the fifth and first conceptual season appeared. It was called "Resort". After all, tourists are mainly interested in "untwisted" places of rest. Having made a trip to Abu Dhabi, Antalya, Corsica, Dubrovnik, Ibiza, Crete and other resorts, the group opened the “Back to the USSR” season, which caused a mixed reaction among the audience. It was not possible to get into Uzbekistan - the authorities forbade the film crew from entering the country. It is noteworthy that for the Russians the season "Back to the USSR" underwent an additional edition - after all, the inhabitants of the Russian Federation are proud of their Soviet past. At the same time, in Moscow, where they filmed Eagle and Tails, a fight broke out between those who wanted to find the cherished bottle of Shabo wine with a hundred dollars. expressed their stormy indignation at the remarks of the host Andrey Bednyakov about Dushanbe. Then there were conceptual seasons: "At the End of the World", "Unexplored Europe" and "10th Anniversary". In this latter, the cities were represented by all the presenters who had previously participated in the program. It was then that the concept of the next season was born - “Eagle and tails. Around the World". Lena Sinelnikova describes how it was filmed. Round the world TV show - that was her know-how. All preparatory work fit in six months. But what happened next?

"Around the World"

It was decided within the framework of this season to show those cities that have not yet been filmed. It turned out to be difficult - after all, the creative team already had five years of eventful travel behind them. Therefore, the approved route did not resemble a straight line, but rather a cardiogram. In some countries it was not possible to open a visa, others were frankly dangerous. Ten people went on a round-the-world trip: two presenters, cameramen, directors, as well as an editor, producer and Lena Sinelnikova herself, director. The tenth was the specialist responsible for filling the heading “Eagle and Tails. Around the world: how it was filmed. It included various curiosities, dangerous or funny moments cut from the main show. Moreover, the difficulties began on the very first day - the Group was not allowed to make professional shooting at this place. Therefore, the episode of the transition of the leading symbolic lines was made using iPhones. Not without curiosities in the future. For example, how was the Eagle and Tails filmed in Goa? Then the whole group suffered from food poisoning. Therefore, even the owner of the "golden card" Lesya spent 34 dollars for food in two days, and her colleague Regina - five. The round-the-world film tour lasted from February 15 (Antwerp) to November 14, 2016. In connection with such a long business trip, the audience had questions.

Theater or reality?

Surprisingly, the presenters of each series were in a different outfit. This aroused suspicion. But clothes (as well as European food to some countries) brought from Ukraine. The audience also noticed that already at the airport one can guess who will get the “golden card” during the draw: the future backpacker is dressed simply, in a sporty way. But in the case of the draw, everything is fair. There were only two occasions when a coin was tossed in the studio: when one of the presenters was delayed in issuing a visa. Then the episodes were filmed out of sync. The suspicion of the audience was also aroused by the magical ability of the hosts to “open all doors”: wherever they come (supposedly spontaneously), they are shown everything and taken everywhere. This is explained by the way the show "Eagle and Tails" is filmed: two or three days before the arrival of the presenters, the director arrives in the city. And before him, negotiations are still underway about places in hotels, ordering a car, etc. The director determines the route of both presenters and locations. It defines cheap and expensive dining places, sights that are worth showing. But this does not mean at all that the show "Eagle and Tails" is completely staged. The presenters do not have written texts, they give out emotions from what they see directly, they do not play, but live. But even with such preparation, there are overlays. One of them took place in Alma-Ata. The director, before filming the program "Eagle and Tails", found a cafe in which he was assured that it was very budget. When the presenter, with her already not full hundred dollars, came there and ordered beshbarmak, she was billed $ 110! And in Monte Carlo, the host with the “gold card” got carried away so that she lost 35 thousand. It was purely her initiative, and such an act angered the producer and sponsors.

"Heaven and Hell"

The Eagle and Tails program constantly surprises the audience. In February of this, 2017, a new season started, called "Heaven and Hell". quite simple: to show the tourist "facade" of a country and at the same time behind the scenes, the way ordinary people live. As it turned out, not only in the states of Southeast Asia, India, Latin America or the Caribbean, but also in Europe. This was eloquently told stories about Switzerland, Corfu, New Zealand (Queenstown and Queensland). But, surprisingly, some tourist countries were able to profit from this for themselves. When filming "Eagle and Tails" in Nha Trang, a favorite resort of Vietnam for Russians, the hosts were constantly accompanied by crowds of vacationers. And after the release of the story, many travel agencies offer a route to the sights shown on the TV show.

before filming Season 13 of Heads and Tails, the idea for this most recent season was born. The first story - about Hong Kong - was released in March 2017. Thus, the TV show was divided into two independent projects, with its hosts and film crew. The concept of "Reboot" was inspired by circumstances. For thirteen filmed seasons, there are almost no countries left where the film crew of the Eagle and Tails travel show has not yet visited. Then it was decided to take a ride on the old places. What has changed in them over the years? It turned out that time does not stand still. And those who visited some country a few years ago can go there again and get completely new experiences.

“Eagle and Tails. New Year "and other parodies

When the popularity rating goes through the roof, why not laugh at yourself? In November-December 2016, the group decided to shoot a New Year's skit. Everyone who participated in the filming of "Around the World" gathered in a wooden house in the village of Reshkino. Everyone ordered a New Year's wish, which unexpectedly came true. It turned out that this is not at all what the participants in the show "Eagle and Tails" really wanted. After various funny ups and downs, everything returns to its place, and the creative team again sets off to travel the world.

Today you will find out how the shooting of the program goes. "About the most important thing." On the program, subjects and guests are very carefully chosen. People who want to join the program as spectators, from the very morning they line up in a long line.

Among the spectators are real veterans, for several years they did not miss a single recording of the program. By itself for these people interesting television. There are people who have been coming here for three years.

Preparation for the program starts in a few hours before the arrival of the audience, lighting install the light sound engineers check the sound. Make-up artists work with guests, the program editor sets people up and prepares them for the exit.

When guests are introduced they go out and get to the point in the middle. Then the spectators sit down, one by one the guests leave. Everyone is very worried, but the program has a friendly atmosphere. Today is the anniversary of the program.

Program "About the most important"- this is a complex mechanism, dozens of people work behind the scenes. Leads the process. Chief editor of the program. This woman keeps track of everything starting with scenarios, ending with the implementation of all moments.

The writers come up with ideas which is unrealistic to implement, but nothing is impossible for the props of the transfer. Behind the scenes cooking which are then taken to the studio. The program has changed the lives of many people. There are problems when they can not help in any clinic.

Program helped a lot of people to find specialists, people were operated on. Through transmission, children were born. The family wanted a baby, they did not have money for IVF, but they helped people. Makar is the pride of the program. The boy is already a year old, the program visited him.

But the heading Doctor's Help takes under the wing of the next viewer. He is 10 years old, life is just beginning. Alyosha is in the program studio today. The boy has cerebral palsy, he has vision problems, hard to learn for a boy he has a severe squint. The child needs eye surgery.

Today in the studio there is a permanent expert, He is an outstanding doctor, head of the Center for the Protection of the Vision of Children and Adolescents. Patients with cerebral palsy experience great difficulties. First, they will conduct an examination, and then the boy will be helped. The vision of a child must be dealt with from early childhood.

Today you will know whose voice do you hear from above. During the shooting, 10 cameras are working in the studio, the director's voice sounds for everyone. There is a person who controls what is shown in the camera. Only at the command of these people do some actions take place.

One hundred sides it seems like the work of leaders is like a fairy tale. But the shooting lasts 12 hours. Sergey Agapkin is not only a presenter, but also the author of the program. It always works, even during breaks. He works on headings. Olga Budina does not rest, she reads something all the time. No matter how tired the presenters are, the atmosphere in the studio is always positive.

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You won't believe it, but Vasily Vasiliev, a citizen of Petrozavodsk, has long become his man on many federal channels. He starred in famous TV shows and serials. True, his role is not quite ordinary. Today Vasily can sit in the studio of one program and portray a single father, and tomorrow he is already a windy hero-lover on the air of another program. Vasily told us frankly about how the filming process goes, how much the actors are paid and why there is no truth in any TV show. Still sobbing over another wonderful family reunion on Wait for Me? Then here's the shocking truth. After such a story, I don’t want to watch TV ... We read interesting details of the behind-the-scenes life of stars!

A year and a half ago I moved to Moscow. I met a neighbor who is recruiting a group for all sorts of shootings. It turned out that he needed people, and I needed a job. He invited me to shoot. I agreed.

Participated in various programs. On TNT "They and Us", "Six Frames", in the film "Mixed Feelings". On TVC, the program "Without deception." On "Russia 1" in the series "Heart of a Star" in eight episodes. In "Saturday Night" in 12 programs and in others.

How does it all happen? They give me the text, I memorize it and tell the editor before shooting. The editor listens and approves. The camera turns on. If the editor has two people in mind for one role, then they choose the one who tells better. Before filming, a small casting is held.

Recordings are not live. If there is any hitch, then the shooting is stopped and everything is replayed again.

Filming times vary. For example, the program "Saturday Evening" is filmed for at least two hours. Philip Kirkorov comes, sings 8 songs, changes clothes 8 times, and then the shooting is cut into 8 programs. If Kirkorov did not get into the phonogram and did not open his mouth in time, then he starts to sing all over again. And so it is with every artist.

Editors are always behind the scenes who show when to clap and who to smile at.

There is no truth in any of the shows. Even though it's "The Hour of Judgment", even though "Wait for me" ... All the characters and stories are fictitious.

There is such a program "Live". But this is just a name. Filming is being recorded, not live. Although once the program was shown live, when the shooting was dedicated to Eurovision. The themes in this show are always funny. Well, also fictional.

There is no simple spectator in any show. Absolutely all viewers who are present on the set receive money. The lowest rate is in the program “Let them talk”. There, a spectator who simply watches the process and claps is paid 700 rubles. And this is in 4 hours. For the program "They and Us", where I talked about the relationship with my fictitious wife, I was paid 14 thousand. And the shooting of the program was completed in 4 hours. Gordon and Strizhenova are masters of their craft. Gordon never has a retake. Everything is removed the first time.

By the way, in life Gordon is a pleasant and easy-to-communicate person, and Strizhenova, on the contrary, does not let anyone near her. I liked Zhirinovsky. Very funny. Sergey Zverev always turns up his nose from his fans. In each pause, makeup artists correct his makeup.

The hero of one program can easily become the hero of another, and with a completely different story. There is a base of actors, from where people are recruited for extras.

In the TV show "Wait for me" I never participated, older viewers are recruited there. But I know that the stories there are also fictitious. And people who supposedly have been looking for each other for decades actually see each other for the first time in their lives.

Maybe there are real stories somewhere but neither I nor my friends got to such shootings.

In all programs, absolutely all spectators and participants are made up. If you need to say some words, then make-up is applied for about half an hour.

For each shoot, actors are told what they need to wear. In almost all TV programs, small checks and a thin strip are prohibited. Such clothes ripple in the eyes. It often happens that the shooting of the summer season of the program takes place in the winter, and the winter season in the summer.

To get on the main roles, you must have a higher theatrical education. I agree with this. Professional actors are different from "nuggets". When I looked at myself from the outside, I laughed hard at the way I speak. But, nevertheless, I'm not going to study as an actor.

In principle, you can make a living by visiting TV shows. In the worst case, you can get 1,500 rubles a day. Of course, this is not much for Moscow, but still.

Friends and parents react normally to my activities. Many people do not watch TV, so they rarely see me on TV.

I want to keep shooting additional income is not superfluous.

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