Maurice Maeterlinck blind analysis. Plots, images and symbols of Maeterlinck’s early drama “The Blind

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For Eastern Siberia characterized by a significant predominance of industry over agriculture. In the total gross output of the three main sectors of the material sphere, the share of industry in Eastern Siberia is 67.8%.
Industries of the fuel and energy complex are formed on the basis of coal mining, the use of unique hydraulic resources, and in the future, the development of large oil and gas reserves discovered in the region. natural gas. Coal production currently amounts to about 90 million tons. Coal mining is carried out exclusively open method, which makes it the cheapest solid fuel in the country.
In the near future, the implementation of the program for the development of the East Siberian oil and gas province should begin, which will create a new oil and gas producing region with annual production of 60 ... 100 million tons of oil, 20 ... 50 billion m3 of gas to China, Korea and Japan.
Electric power industry is a sector of market specialization in Eastern Siberia. In addition to thermal power plants, the largest hydraulic power plants in Russia were built here: Sayano-Shushenskaya (6.4 million kWh), Krasnoyarsk (5 million kWh), the generated electricity is transmitted to other regions of the country.
The mining and metallurgical industries of Eastern Siberia are of exceptional importance for the Russian economy. Gold mining has been going on here for a long time. The Chita (Boley) and Irkutsk (Bodaiba) regions, as well as the Krasnoyarsk Territory, especially stand out in this regard.
Copper, nickel and cobalt are mined and smelted in Norilsk.
Special mention should be made of the aluminum industry, which has received powerful development here thanks to cheap electricity from the Angara-Yenisei cascade hydroelectric power station. The largest aluminum plants were built in Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk and Melekhov.
The branches of the forestry complex, including logging, wood processing and pulp and paper industries, concentrate about 1/4 of the total industrial and production personnel and provide approximately 1/6 of the total industrial output of Eastern Siberia. Export of industrial wood is more than 22% of the republican level (Eastern Siberia is only slightly inferior to the Northern region). Moreover, in this largest timber region, the estimated cutting area is used only by 38%, although the cost of timber is 20% lower than in the European part.
At the intersections of floatable rivers and logging roads with railways, major centers sawmills - Lesosibirsk, Tulun, Zima and other papers. Large pulp and paper (cardboard) mills have been created in Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Baikalsk.
Mechanical engineering and metalworking occupy an increasingly prominent place in the industry of Eastern Siberia. The industry accounts for about 20% of the number of people employed in industry, 14% of industrial output and 12% of the region's industrial production fixed assets. This is significantly lower than the Russian average.
The chemical industry is becoming increasingly important in the structure of the economic complex, which now accounts for more than 4% of the industrial output of the region and about 3.5% of the output of this industry in Russia. Based on the chemical processing of wood, the production of synthetic rubber, and on its basis, rubber and tires, has been developed. Region's share in Russian production caustic soda amounted to 22.5%, chemical fibers and threads - 13.5%, plastics and synthetic resins - 12%.
The construction of the largest power plants and industrial facilities led to significant industrial development building materials. Powerful cement plants operate in Krasnoyarsk, Angarsk, and Achinsk (working on waste from the Achinsk Alumina Refinery, the largest in Russia).
Branches of the agro-industrial complex. Eastern Siberia accounts for about 5% of the gross republican agricultural production. In the structure of manufactured products, more than 3/5 of its value comes from livestock farming. However, per capita production of grain, vegetables, meat, milk and other food products here is below the national level.
Due to the sharply continental climate, the grain wedge of the region is dominated by spring wheat (more than 40%), as well as less heat-demanding crops - rye, barley, oats.
The main branch of market specialization is livestock farming - sheep breeding. This is due to the possibility of keeping sheep on pasture all year round. In terms of the number of sheep and goats, Eastern Siberia is second only to the Volga region and North Caucasus. In terms of wool production per capita, it is twice the national average.


Industry is a set of enterprises producing (extracting) homogeneous or specific products using similar technologies.

The industry specifics of the Siberian region are directly related to industry. Industry is a set of enterprises (plants, factories, mines, mines, power plants) engaged in the production of tools (both for other sectors of the national economy and for industry itself), the extraction of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy production and further processing of products obtained in industry or produced in agriculture - by the production of consumer goods. Every industrial enterprise is a potentially dangerous facility. Potentially hazardous facility - a facility where radioactive, fire- and explosive, hazardous chemical and biological substances, creating real threat occurrence of a source of emergency (GOST R 22.0.02-94). This means that a man-made emergency may occur in the Siberian region. A man-made emergency (HES) is a condition in which, as a result of the emergence of a HES source at an object, a certain territory or water area, the normal living conditions of people are disrupted, a threat arises to their life and health, damage is caused to the property of the population, the national economy and the environment (GOST R. 22.0.05 - 94).

The object of the study is the causes of man-made emergency situations. The subject of the study is a theoretical description of emergency situations related to the industry specifics of the Siberian region.

Target course work- identification and description of man-made hazards in the industry specifics of the Siberian region.

Coursework objective:

Study existing scientific literature according to the specifics of the industries of the Siberian region;

During educational practice in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Tomsk Region, study the regulatory documentation on the organization of measures to prevent man-made emergencies at industrial facilities in the Siberian region;

Study statistical data on the number of man-made emergencies that have arisen in the Siberian region over the past ten years;

To characterize methods for preventing and eliminating emergency situations at potentially dangerous objects in the Siberian region.

The structure of the work corresponds to the stated goals and objectives and consists of an introduction, four chapters logically divided into paragraphs, a conclusion, and a list of references.

Industries of Siberia

1.1 Industries of Eastern Siberia

In Eastern Siberia, the main industries are: electric power, mining, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper, production of building materials, light and food industries, transport complex.

The electric power industry of Eastern Siberia, one of the most powerful in the country, includes the largest in Russia Angara-Yenisei cascade of hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of 22 million kW, which includes the following hydroelectric power stations: Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk and the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric station under construction. Large capacities are concentrated in the thermal energy sector: at Nazarovskaya, Irsha-Borodinskaya and Berezovskaya GRES 1 and 2 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Gusinoozerskaya and Kharanorskaya GRES in Transbaikalia.

80% of all world coal mining is concentrated in Eastern Siberia. Here are the Kansko-Achinsky, Tungussky, Irkutsk, Taimyr, Lensky, Ulughemsky, South Yakusky and Zyryansky coal basins. Coal is also mined in small deposits in Tuva, Buryatia and the Chita region. The most powerful thermal power plants and hydroelectric power stations include Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Nazarovo, Gusinoozersk, Ust-Ilimsk, Yakutsk, Chita, Norilsk and Irkutsk. Oil is also produced. There are large oil refineries in Achinsk and Angarsk here.

One of the branches of the mining industry in Eastern Siberia is gold mining. In Transbaikalia, tin, tungsten and molybdenum are mined, the Udokan copper deposit and the lead-zinc ore deposit are being developed. In the north, near Norilsk, large reserves of nickel, cobalt, copper and other valuable metals are being developed. Special meaning have reserves of mica and salt in the Irkutsk region and fluorspar in the Chita region, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory along the Kureika and Nizhnyaya Tunguska rivers, in Eastern Sayan there are the country's largest reserves of graphite; asbestos is mined in Tuva; large reserves have also been explored in the north of Buryatia.

The chemical and petrochemical industry is developing in Eastern Siberia based on the processing of hydrocarbons, wood, table salt, and nuclear materials. Its share in the region's industry is Lately stabilized.

Large production of plastics and synthetic resins (about 10% in Russia) - Angarnefteorgsintez operates in Angarsk, Irkutsk region. based on the resulting West Siberian oil. The production of nitrogen fertilizers has also been established here. Synthetic rubber is made in Krasnoyarsk based on the process of wood hydrolysis. The finished synthetic rubber is used in the rapidly growing tire industry. The production of chemical fibers and threads in the Krasnoyarsk Territory reaches 10% of the all-Russian production and is developed on the basis of petroleum products.

In the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk region. Based on the country's largest industrial reserves of table salt, chlorine and soda production, as well as the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, are developing. The task of the electrolysis chemical plant in Angarsk and the Mining and Chemical Plant in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk is to ensure the processing of waste and spent fuel from nuclear power plants.

The main part of the timber industry enterprises is concentrated in Eastern Siberia. The timber industry complex of Eastern Siberia has the richest resource potential. It produces 22% of the volume of commercial products of the Russian timber industry. The Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region stand out in the production of forest products, where large forestry complexes have been created that are leaders in the procurement of commercial timber and lumber. The production of paper (cardboard) in a volume of no more than 8% in Russia is established at pulp and paper mills in Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Baikalsk, as well as in the Republic of Buryatia at the Selenga mill.

Most of the mechanical engineering is concentrated in Krasnoyarsk: the Sibtyazhmash plant, the heavy excavator plant, the Krasnoyarsk Combine Harvester Plant JSC, and the Krasnoyarsk Refrigerator Plant JSC. Among the most important investment projects for Krasnoyarsk Territory-- development of rocket and space technologies on the basis of the State Enterprise "Krasnomashzavod", organization of production of combine harvesters of the "Kedr" family, production of electricity metering devices at the Divnogorsk Low-Voltage Equipment Plant, etc.

In Irkutsk there are heavy engineering factories that produce dredges and metallurgical equipment, and an aviation plant where it is planned to establish a new production of the Be-200 amphibious aircraft.

In the Republic of Khakassia in the city of Abakan, the largest factory for the production of freight cars was built, which will receive further development after the implementation of the project for the construction of the Abakan steel plant for the production of steel carriage castings. A complex of electrical engineering enterprises has been created in Minusinsk. In Transbaikalia - the Republic of Buryatia and the Chita region. -- Technological conversion of military-industrial complex enterprises is currently underway, on the basis of which, in particular, aviation equipment and heat supply systems will be produced.

1. Give an assessment of the EGP of Eastern Siberia.

Eastern Siberia extends from the shores of the Northern Arctic Ocean to the border with Mongolia, from the left bank of the Yenisei to the watershed ridges of the Far East, occupies 1/4 of the area of ​​Russia, is located in the middle and high latitudes, remote from Atlantic Ocean, limited from influence Pacific Ocean barrier of mountain ranges in the Far East.

2. What are the features of the location of industrial sectors in Eastern Siberia?

Eastern Siberia is characterized by a significant predominance of industry over agriculture. Special natural conditions predetermined the specialization of Eastern Siberia mainly in the mining industry and some branches of the manufacturing industry. These include the fuel and energy, mining and metallurgical and timber industry complexes. Branches of the fuel and energy complex are formed on the basis of coal mining (at the same time, thermal power plants gravitate towards places where coal is mined, which is due to the characteristics of coal - they are capable of spontaneous combustion, so they cannot be transported over long distances), the use of unique hydrological resources (fast mountain rivers make it possible to build on These are large hydroelectric power stations - they are concentrated in the lower reaches of the Yenisei and its tributaries). The mining and metallurgical complex is based on the extraction of mineral ores and is concentrated in large cities of Eastern Siberia - in the south of the region, and the timber industry, on the contrary, gravitates towards the central part, which is associated with the maximum development of the taiga belt.

3. Can the agriculture of Eastern Siberia fully provide food for the population of the region? What are the terms of reference Agriculture in Eastern Siberia?

Eastern Siberia has difficult agroclimatic conditions, this is due to the fact that agriculture uses forest-steppe and subtaiga territories for farming. The type of soil in these places is very complex; the direction of agriculture depends on the soil. The soil is cold and wet, covered with moss. The problem is caused by winters that are too cold. The ground not only becomes covered with ice, but also freezes the soil, making it very difficult to plow the land. But, despite the problems, the agriculture of Eastern Siberia is staying afloat, feeding itself and providing other regions with products. Basic cultivated plants region - some fruit trees and berries. With great effort, it is possible to grow grains such as barley, oats, spring wheat, and fodder crops. The main grain crop in this region is spring wheat. Agriculture in Eastern Siberia also includes other sectors: fishing, crop production, livestock farming and various crafts. Much of the region's territory is occupied by pastures and hayfields. This allows livestock sectors such as sheep and wool breeding and cattle farming to flourish. The north of Eastern Siberia is famous for reindeer breeding. The large number of rivers and lakes on the territory of Eastern Siberia allows fishing to develop well, and the presence of taiga forests around contributes to the development of fur and hunting. One of the branches of agriculture in the East Siberian region is the natural resources of the region: mushrooms, berries, pine nuts.

4. What are the factors that determined the specialization of Eastern Siberia?

The economy of Eastern Siberia includes mining industries and electric power in the fuel and energy complex, as well as the energy-intensive production of non-ferrous metallurgy (especially aluminum production) and the chemical industry that is emerging on their basis. The region also has developed timber industry and fur trade.

Branches of the fuel and energy complex are formed on the basis of coal mining, the use of unique hydropower resources, and in the future, the development of large oil and natural gas reserves discovered in the region. Electric power industry is also a sector of market specialization in Eastern Siberia. The mining and metallurgy industry of Eastern Siberia is of exceptional importance for the Russian economy. In terms of the wealth of hydropower resources, Eastern Siberia ranks first in Russia. One of the greatest rivers flows through the area globe- Yenisei. Together with its tributary the Angara, the river has huge reserves of hydropower resources.

6. Compare Western and Eastern Siberia. How is the specialization of their economy related to minerals? Explain a set of minerals geological structure territories.

Despite the fact that both Western and Eastern Siberia are plains, their geological formations are nevertheless different. Western Siberia is a marine plain that arose in the Mesozoic (young platform), and Eastern Siberia is a basement plain that arose in the Proterozoic (ancient platform). If Western Siberia developed through the accumulation of sedimentary rocks, which made it possible to form huge reserves of fuel minerals, then Eastern Siberia was formed as a result of the destruction of old mountains, there are many shields on it; This history of formation allowed the formation of ore and non-metallic minerals on its territory. From here we can see the different specialization of Western Siberia - the fuel industry (FEC), and Eastern Siberia - metallurgy and hydropower.

7. Why do you think objects predominate in the European part of Russia? cultural heritage, and to the east of the Volga there are no such things at all - only natural heritage sites?

Cultural objects are created by people and are usually appreciated after a certain period of time. In the European part of Russia, the population density and size are much higher than in the Asian part, and Europe was also historical center, from which the development of Russia began, and the annexation of the Asian part. That's why cultural sites in the European part it is much more. But for natural objects, on the contrary, it is important to preserve them and have a low impact of anthropogenic load. Ideal conditions To preserve natural objects, the density and population will be low - these conditions exist in the Asian part of the country.

8. Writer L. M. Leonov said about Baikal: “Baikal is not only a priceless cup of living water, but, in addition, it is part of our soul.” What do you think is the reason for this assessment of the lake by the writer?

Writers and poets make a significant contribution to the formation of a humane and compassionate attitude towards nature, and the development of interest in Baikal. Baikal reflects the entire essence of Russian identity - the sharply continental type of climate reflects the extremes of the character of Russians, the purity of Baikal - the purity of the thoughts of the people, the severity of natural conditions - the harsh character of the population.

9. A significant part of the territory of Siberia is occupied by the zone Far North with harsh natural conditions, difficult for people's lives. Do you think this zone should be developed or not? Try to justify the strategy for the development of the Far North in the 21st century.

The northern zone of Eastern Siberia covers large areas of the region and represents a great storehouse of mineral resources, the largest and richest in the world. The strategic importance of the north is especially great in the context of the global raw material crisis, when the basic mineral resources are being intensively exploited and will soon be exhausted. After Soviet period development natural resources In the north, without taking into account the state of specific natural complexes, a number of environmentally problematic areas arose in the places where production bases were established. Natural complexes The north is very sensitive, and environmentally illiterate economic intervention leads to destabilization of the ecological situation, which, in turn, entails the destruction of biocenoses and disruption of the traditional economic systems of indigenous peoples. In relation to the region of the north of Eastern Siberia, it is necessary to carry out a special socio-economic policy that takes into account the specifics of this region: it should provide for high wages, good supplies, guaranteed benefits, compensation for expenses when traveling for treatment, and a northern coefficient from the first day of work. People should have a desire to explore new territories and at the same time get good money in order to subsequently solve their personal problems. Make sure that people are not in a hurry to return, since the reserves of natural resources discovered in the north were enough for the creation of the largest territorial production complexes for their extraction and processing. It is necessary that new jobs be created and infrastructure improved.

The East Siberian economic region is one of the largest and most important of 12 similar territorial units Russian Federation. Possessing enormous resources and economic potential, it is essential for the development of infrastructure throughout the country. What does it represent economic region East Siberian, where is it located, what resources does it have and what are its features? Let's take a closer look at these issues.

Geographical location

Peculiarities geographical location- the first thing you should pay attention to. This is a significant factor that affects both the climate of the region and its economy.

The East Siberian economic region is located in the Asian part of the Russian Federation. It occupies a large geographical area. It should be noted that this economic region almost completely coincides geographically with the Siberian federal district. The district does not include only a number western regions Federal District.

The East Siberian region borders in the west with the West Siberian economic region, in the east with the Far Eastern region, and in the south lies the Russian border with China and Mongolia. The north of the region is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

The East Siberian economic region has an area of ​​4.123 million km2. This figure exceeds only the size of the Far Eastern Economic Region.

These are the features of the geographical location of this territorial unit Russia.

Administrative division

Now we will establish the subjects of the East Siberian economic region. It is divided into six administrative regions:

  • The Republic of Khakassia.
  • Tyva Republic.
  • The Republic of Buryatia.
  • Irkutsk region.
  • Krasnoyarsk region.
  • Transbaikal region.

Each region, in turn, is divided into administrative districts.

The largest region is the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Its area is 2366.797 thousand square meters. km, which is the second indicator after Yakutia among all subjects of the federation. Then, in terms of territory size, comes Transbaikal Territory, Irkutsk Region and Buryatia. On the map you can visually see the ratio of the area of ​​​​various federal subjects of a given economic region. Smallest size Khakassia has territory (61,600 km 2).

Administrative centers of the federal subjects of the region:

  • Abakan (Khakassia).
  • Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk region).
  • Kyzyl (Tuva).
  • Ulan-Ude (Buryatia).
  • Chita (Transbaikal region).

Each of these settlements has a special significance for the region. These are the cities that Siberia can be proud of. Krasnoyarsk - The largest city of this economic region. Its population exceeds a million people. In addition, it is considered the center of the economic region.


The significant extent from north to south was the reason for the presence large quantity climatic zones on the territory of a given territorial unit.

The islands of the Arctic Ocean are home to Arctic deserts with some of the lowest temperature conditions on the ground. The snow cover lies here all year round. There is a tundra zone near the ocean coast. The average temperature here in January is -36 °C. Throughout the year there are less than forty days during which the temperature exceeds 10 °C. This period of time is considered summer. A little to the south is the forest-tundra with low vegetation, cool summers and cold winters.

Further south follows the taiga. This zone occupies most economic region. Her distinctive feature is dense vegetation, represented mainly by tall trees. Summers here are hot and winters are harsh.

To the south there are alternate zones of forest-steppe and steppe. They stand out in hot summers and relatively cool winters. The steppe receives very little rainfall in summer, and the vegetation consists of low-growing plants. But it should be said that the zone of forest-steppes and steppes occupies a rather small territory.

There are also areas in mountainous areas altitudinal zone, which have specific climatic characteristics.

It should be noted that this economic region is characterized by a sharply continental climate. This is explained by the significant distance from warm oceans. Therefore, the daily and annual temperature fluctuations in the region are quite significant.

Natural resources

The natural resources of the East Siberian economic region are characterized by a fairly large variety and volume of reserves.

The region has large deposits of brown and hard coal, gold, oil, iron, polymetallic and copper-nickel ores. There are also reserves of asbestos, graphite, table salt, talc and mica.

But the main resources of the economic region are huge volumes of forest. According to this indicator, it holds the lead among similar territorial structures in Russia.


TO natural resources include numerous rivers and lakes. In the national economy, they are used not only for catching and breeding fish, but also as transport arteries, as well as a source of electricity.

Among the main bodies of water, Lake Baikal should be highlighted. It is the deepest lake in the world. The maximum depth is 1642 m. In addition, it should be said that the reserves fresh water in this reservoir account for 19% of the world's volumes.

Among the rivers, it is necessary to highlight the longest river in Russia Lena (4400 km), Yenisei and Amur. In addition, large water sources are such rivers as Lower Tunguska, Khatanga, Selenga, Podkamennaya Tunguska. A very important river in the country’s economy is the Angara, which connects Baikal and Yenisei. There are a number of hydroelectric power stations located on this river, including those generating great amount electricity.

Population of the area

The population in the economic region under study is 8.4 million people. The population density here is one of the lowest in Russia, amounting to about 2 people. per 1 sq. km. The figure is lower only in the Far Eastern economic region. It should be noted that the southern part has a much higher population level than the entire East Siberian region as a whole. Here the population density reaches 30 people. per sq. km.

By ethnicity, Russians dominate among the residents of the economic region. Their share exceeds 80% of the total population of this region. All other ethnic groups are significantly inferior to them in terms of the number of representatives. Following the Russians in numbers are the Buryats and Tuvans - indigenous peoples inhabiting the East Siberian economic region. The population of this region is also represented by Ukrainians and Tatars, occupying the fourth and fifth largest numbers, respectively.

Among the indigenous peoples, the Shors, Evenks and Dolgans should also be highlighted. But the number of data representatives ethnic groups relatively small. Thus, there are only a little more than 5.5 thousand representatives of the Dolgan people.

It should be noted that the population of the district has been steadily growing since 2012, although since 1992 there has been a demographic decline with a reduction in the number of residents.


The economic characteristics of the region are marked by the development of both industry and agriculture.

The main sector of the economy is mining industry. There is a pronounced specialization of the East Siberian economic region in mining. In particular, important place occupied by the extraction of coal, oil, as well as ores of various metals, which were already mentioned above.

Eastern Siberia has high industrial potential. Krasnoyarsk is famous for its developed heavy engineering and metallurgical industries. In addition, the city has a factory for the production of medicines, as well as an enterprise that produces televisions.

Livestock farming is quite well developed throughout the economic region. But the specialization of the livestock industry depends on the specific region. Thus, in the northern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, reindeer husbandry is well developed in tundra conditions. In the south, in forest-steppe and steppe regions, agricultural enterprises are engaged in sheep breeding. In particular, they specialize in fine and semi-fine wool, as well as meat and wool and wool. Breeding and hunting of fur-bearing animals, as well as other areas of fur farming, are developed in the taiga. In addition, beekeeping is widespread in the central and southern regions of the economic region. Fishing is available almost everywhere.

In general, it should be noted that livestock farming is more developed in the economic region compared to crop farming. The population does not have enough crop products produced here, so they have to be transported from other economic regions of Russia and from abroad. This is especially pronounced in relation to vegetables and fruits.

Transport routes

Transport links are very important factor to ensure the economic integrity of the region, whose territory extends over many thousands of kilometers.

Southern regions of the economic region with administrative center Russia and Far East connected by railway tracks. In particular, important role plays the Trans-Siberian Railway, the construction of which began in 1891, and the Baikal-Amur Mainline, which was built from 1938 to 1984. Over long distances for transporting passengers and goods, rail transport has proven itself to be the most efficient.

In addition, a number of important federal highways have been laid in the southern part of the economic region. The most significant of them are the routes P255 Novosibirsk - Irkutsk (Siberia highway), P257 Krasnoyarsk - Mongolia (Yenisei), P258 Irkutsk - Chita (Baikal), P297 Chita - Khabarovsk (Amur), A340 Ulan-Ude - Mongolia, A350 Chita - China.

The situation is much worse with transport links in the central and northern parts of the economic region, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There is no railway connection here at all. There are local roads. There are no major highways in this area. True, there are two federal highways, but they are quite short, since they connect settlements with airports. Their importance lies precisely in providing access to communications of strategic importance. These are the A382 highway, connecting Dudinka with Alykel airport, and the A383 road, which provides access from the city of Tura to Gorny airport.

As we can see, land communications in the central and northern parts of the region are rather poorly developed. River transport acquired particular importance. The Lena, Yenisei, Khatanga, Podkamennaya Tunguska rivers are natural highways that provide traffic movement from south to north and in the opposite direction. Given the considerable distances, air communications also occupy a fairly important place.

On the coast of the Arctic Ocean there are seashores Dikson, Igarka, Nordvik. They are important hubs not only for Russian shipping, but also for ensuring international communications.

The importance of the economic region

As we see, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the East Siberian region for the country. He is the source significant amount minerals such as coal, oil, metal ores, gold, etc. The industrial potential of the region is also very large. Main directions: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, mining industry.

Separately, it should be noted the unique nature of the region with different climatic zones: there are arctic deserts and tundras, taiga and steppes. Taiga has huge reserves of timber; fur farming is developed here, providing the country with valuable furs. Eastern Siberia has huge water reserves, and the world's deepest Lake Baikal is a real pearl of the region.

At the same time, it should be said that the East Siberian economic region needs to improve the transport infrastructure, as well as improve the amenities of the population living here. These problems cannot be solved in the short term. Their solution requires a strategic development plan for the future. But it is important not only to have this plan, but also to adhere to its implementation as closely as possible. And all the necessary resources to bring it to life are available in Eastern Siberia.

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