Wood-fired boilers for heating private houses. Solid fuel boilers for heating a private house: the secrets of choosing and characteristics of individual models

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The cheapest type of heating a private house is, one of which is firewood. The calmness and comfort in the house will depend on how high-quality and suitable, exactly for your conditions, the boiler you install. Therefore, which solid fuel boiler is better for your home and according to what criteria to choose it, we will understand meticulously and thoroughly.

If you are going to buy a boiler for heating a private house, the first thing you need to know is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room. After all, the power of the unit directly depends on this. According to manufacturers, the calculation is simple: every 10 m2 of area requires the production of 1 kW of thermal energy. With a total area of ​​the house of 150 m2, a power of 15 kW is enough. But everything is not so simple here.

Corrections must be made if:

  • The ceiling height is more than 3 m;
  • The number of window openings exceeds the norm;
  • The house is not well insulated.

You also need to remember that in harsh climatic zones during the cold season, the boiler will have to be heated constantly, even at night. Therefore, it is better to choose a unit with a power reserve of 5-10 kW, which will allow you to control the intensity of combustion.

In addition to power, the following characteristics are important:

  • Performance or efficiency is an important characteristic of a heating system. This coefficient is directly dependent on the design features of the equipment and the method of fuel combustion. For solid fuel boilers, the efficiency is quite high, it is 80-98%.
  • Operating cost. The reliability of the brand of boilers depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the design solutions, materials used for the components and the body, the cost and availability of services, spare parts, and operating conditions.
  • The type of fuel consumed is another important characteristic. When calculating the cost of heating in a private house, the price of the selected fuel in the region (coal, pellets, firewood) and the performance of the equipment are taken into account. The more expensive the fuel is and the higher the combustion rate, the more expensive the heating of a private house or cottage becomes.


There are several classes of boiler equipment according to the principle of its operation:

Quite traditionally arranged. They consist of a combustion chamber and an ash chamber, a tank for a water jacket, a chimney. All known types of solid fuels are used - firewood, sawdust, pellets, they can also be heated with coal. They are used in heating circuits with natural air circulation. Every 5-7 hours of operation it is necessary to load the next portion of fuel. The automatic control unit regulates the air supply to control the process of fuel combustion, depending on the temperature mode set on the display. In the best models, a draft regulator is built into the chimney, the task of which is to force cold air into the chimney in order to keep the heat inside the furnace as much as possible.

Gas generating or pyrolysis.
These boilers have two combustion chambers. Firewood is placed in the lower firebox, where, under the influence of high temperature and in the complete absence of oxygen, the process of smoldering takes place. Carbon dioxide enters the upper chamber, burns there, the heat exchanger heats up. It is necessary to load fuel once a day. There are models of boilers with automatic and manual draft regulator. Look at user reviews on the forums, think about what is more convenient for you.

Why are pellet boilers so popular in Europe? It is this equipment that requires minimal human presence and runs on environmentally friendly fuel. Pellets are granules made from sawdust, peat, wood and agricultural waste.

    The main advantages of pellet boilers:
  • high efficiency;
  • wide range of adjustments;
  • fuel is undemanding to storage conditions.

Among the shortcomings, we note the high cost of equipment and pellets.

Please note: if necessary, the pellet burner is covered with a sheet of iron on top and you can heat the system with coal or peat, firewood is also suitable.

Long burning.
These boilers are closest to pyrolysis boilers, but the principle of operation is slightly different. The furnace consists of two chambers, at the bottom there is smoldering and the formation of gases. In the upper chamber, the gas mixes with air and burns completely. According to the number of actions performed by gases in the flame tubes, they are divided into one-, two- and three-way. Three-way heat generators are considered the most efficient, because they select the thermal energy of flue gases as fully as possible. On one load with firewood, it works for about two days, with coal - up to five. In addition, it can be fired with coke, pellets and petroleum products. The ideal decision for non-residential premises, dachas, garages.

In the instructions for the equipment, boiler manufacturers describe in detail which fuel will be used as the main and which is additional.

Production material: steel vs. cast iron
The main materials for the production of solid fuel boilers are cast iron and steel. Steel models have high thermal conductivity and are strong enough, while cast iron grades, with their fragility, have a long (up to 20 years) service life. When studying consumer reviews, the following summary was obtained.

Steel boilers

  • allow you to actively use automation, sensitively respond to changes in operating parameters.
  • have a high efficiency.
  • easily tolerate temperature fluctuations.
  • weak point: welds. Rusty, cracked, internally folded boilers cannot be repaired.
  • equipped with only one heat exchanger.
  • subject to corrosion.

Cast iron models

    • prefabricated structure.
    • the presence of the main and additional external heat exchange circuit.
    • threaded connections, replaceable seals.
    • are not afraid of corrosion (although with a long service life, coating

are covered with a film of “dry rust”, which, unlike steel corrosion, does not progress).

  • subjected to thermal shock. With sharp jumps in temperature, fatigue zones appear.

Criterias of choice

We figured out the basic concepts, it's time to voice additional criteria that will help evaluate the ease of use of the models you are interested in, add individuality to them.

The presence of external insulation.
It is the external thermal insulation that makes it possible to reduce heat losses during heating of the boiler room, significantly slows down the cooling time of the boiler. It also allows you to load the furnace not earlier than after 7-12 hours, there is no need for "cold" kindling.

The number of elbows in the flue system.
If the boiler is straight, its performance is equal to the efficiency of a small indoor fireplace. The more economical the heater becomes, the more parts the chimney is made up of.

Pressurization system.
The presence of such a node reduces the requirements for the number of chimney elbows. At the same time, a high-efficiency boiler copes with the process perfectly, even with a clearly weak draft.
Devices with a pressurization design require constant monitoring of the seals of the furnace doors, the presence of the most inconspicuous gap ensures that smoke enters the living quarters of the house.

Energy independence
Like the ability to work in the event of a power outage. Boilers with natural circulation of the coolant operate in this mode. However, such equipment has a low efficiency, does not monitor the combustion process, unlike units with a volatile automatic control panel.

Temperature controller.
In the absence of a thermostatic unit, the system will have to be properly looked after. In the presence of a modern temperature control device, one load of the fuel chamber at a temperature of about 0 ° C is enough for a day.

Existence of the chamber of combustion of the fulfilled gases with lining.
If we compare boilers with and without lining function, it turns out that the former burn 25-45% less fuel for the same power output.
If you install a solid fuel boiler in order to save money, then the lining function is mandatory.

Boiler equipment security system
On the Internet, there are consumer reviews about cases of folding the walls of boilers inward. This situation occurs in cases of overheating due to violations of operating conditions. Therefore, take care of your boiler and consider a security system.

Regardless of whether the boiler is fired with coal or wood, the circulation of the heat agent is forced. To prevent overheating in case of circulation disturbance, a cooling heat exchanger is installed. It is built into the boiler, or installed at the outlet.

It is impossible to install an independent cooling circuit inside cast-iron boilers, so they mount it at the outlet of the device and supply it with a thermal valve that operates when the critical temperature is reached.

Some boiler manufacturers use shut-off valves that block the fuel supply when overheating.

To feel 100% sure of the safe operation of the boiler room, install a storage tank in the heating system. It will accumulate heat, if necessary, transfer it to heating devices. Such a buffer tank will increase the efficiency of the boiler, ensure automatic maintenance of an even temperature of the coolant, and reduce fuel consumption.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all the excessive pressure formed in the hydraulic jacket that folds the walls of the boiler, it is just released through the blast valve. The physical ability of the metal to expand folds the walls of the boiler, while the process takes place in the easiest direction, inward. Remember - the normal pressure for a long-burning boiler is 1.5 barrels, and the maximum allowable coolant temperature is + 95 ° C.

3 popular models of solid fuel boilers

When choosing a solid fuel boiler, study its functionality. Now the owners of private houses are concerned about finding a universal unit. Manufacturers are expanding the capabilities of products: they offer models that run on different types of fuel, automate the process as much as possible. Consider 3 models of solid fuel boilers within the parameters described above.

1. Candle 18 firm AREMIKAS (Aremikas), Lithuania
Fuel: firewood.
Type: prolonged burning.
Material: steel.
Power: 18 kW, which is enough to heat a house with an area of ​​​​50 to 120 m2.
Chimney diameter: 160 mm, thrust - 15 Pa.

The shape is elongated cylindrical, the minimum burning time of one bookmark of firewood is 7 hours, the maximum is 34 hours. Compact, non-volatile, economical.

Review: “Experimentally determined the optimal size of logs of 10-20 cm, so that they fit comfortably in one hand. The better the wood is laid, the better it will burn. Ivan

2. Zota Mix 40 manufacturer Russia
Fuel: firewood, diesel, gas, coal, fractional coal.
Type: classic, combined.
Material: steel.
Power: maximum 40 kW.
Chimney pipe height: 8 m

The boiler is equipped with an electronic control module. The water jacket is located along the contour of the combustion chamber. The efficiency of the combustion process is ensured by a mechanical draft regulator, a thermomanometer for monitoring the temperature and pressure of the coolant.

Reviews: “I also have Zota, there are no problems with the equipment, but I had to contact the manufacturing plant ... If there are problems, call or write ... There are representations in many cities ... intelligent, responsive people” Peter.

3. Alpine Air Solidplus-4, Turkey
Type of fuel: coal, firewood.
Material: cast iron.
Combustion chamber type: open.
Power: 25.5 kW.
efficiency: 70%.

The boiler is treated on top with a special, corrosion-resistant paint. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for 3 years of uninterrupted service. Non-volatile, which allows efficient operation at low temperatures.

What consumers say: “I am the owner of a small country house with an area of ​​90 square meters. Bought Alpin a year ago. It works like a clock, without failures, both under heavy loads and not very much. I chose a cast iron boiler because it keeps heat for a long time. Happy with the purchase, good value for money." Alex.

Buying heating equipment should be after a thorough study of the technical characteristics of the device, reviews on the forums from real consumers, and an analysis of your own needs. Only a properly selected unit will help create a comfortable atmosphere at home and fill it with cozy warmth.

Wood-burning boilers for home heating are still popular, despite the variety of models of gas and electric boilers, and there is a simple explanation for this: firewood is the most affordable type of fuel for country houses that are not connected to the main gas.

The efficiency of modern wood-burning boilers is quite high, their efficiency reaches 85%, while not only firewood, but also pellets, as well as woodworking waste can be used as fuel.

Wood-burning boilers used for heating a country house are easy to connect and use - they are even easier to handle than a stove. They are safe as long as they are properly installed and operated. The only serious drawback of wood-burning boilers is the low level of automation of the process: fuel must be loaded into the boiler manually. The way out of the situation can be a boiler with a long burning function or a combined boiler that runs on solid fuel and has an additional diesel or gas burner or an electric heating element.

Despite the huge selection of models of wood-burning boilers, their device does not differ so much. Any wood-burning boiler for home heating necessarily has a fuel combustion chamber, a water heat exchanger, a chimney and an ash pan. The simplest wood-burning boiler resembles a potbelly stove with a water jacket: when wood is burned in the furnace, the water heats up and enters the heating system. The efficiency of such a boiler is low, and the consumption of firewood is significant, due to incomplete combustion of fuel, part of the money flies into the pipe in the literal sense of the word. The design of modern boilers with a long-term burning function is, of course, more complicated; the device of such a boiler and its main elements are shown in the figure.

Firewood is loaded into the boiler through the top loading door at once in a large volume. The initial fuel combustion takes place in the gasification chamber. The flow of air, and with it the oxygen necessary for combustion, into this chamber is limited - this is how the intensity of combustion is regulated. In this mode, the firewood does not burn, but smolders with the formation of more heat, while the water is heated in the heat exchanger. But the combustion process does not end there: during smoldering, smoke is formed containing combustible gases. These gases enter the second chamber - the combustion chamber, which also serves as an ash pan. The air supply to this chamber is no longer limited, and with a sufficient amount of oxygen, afterburning of gases occurs. The combustion temperature of the gas-air mixture is very high, and the heating efficiency of the water heat exchanger in this chamber is also very high. As a result, the smoke is cleaned of ash and harmful combustible gases, which makes the new generation wood-burning boilers very environmentally friendly.

Pyrolysis is a process of long burning

Video - the principle of operation of a long-burning wood-burning boiler

Smoke is removed through a chimney channel connected to the chimney and pipe. To supply cold and discharge hot water from the heat exchanger, the boiler is equipped with branch pipes. They are connected to the heating system according to the selected scheme. Boilers of the new generation are equipped with automation, which makes it possible to simplify the maintenance of the boiler as much as possible:

  • a temperature sensor that sends a signal to the primary air supply fan;
  • pressure sensor, signaling the excess of the normal value;
  • water pressure sensors in the system.

The efficiency of solid fuel boilers directly depends on the type and quality of fuel. If the boiler is designed to work on wood, coal and peat briquettes must not be loaded into it! This will reduce the efficiency of the boiler and may damage it. It is also not recommended to use poorly dried firewood and softwood for burning a wood-burning boiler - they burn with the formation of a large amount of steam, tar and soot, and the boiler will have to be cleaned much more often.

Wood boilers - choice

The choice of a wood-burning boiler must begin with the calculation of the required power - this parameter is indicated in the passport for the boiler and is measured in kilowatts. One kilowatt of boiler power is enough to heat ten square meters of a well-insulated room. For example, in the middle lane, a boiler with a power of 10 kW is needed to heat a house with an area of ​​100 square meters. For frosty days and poorly insulated rooms, a power reserve of 20-30% is required. When choosing, it is worth paying attention not only to the rated power, but also to the entire range in which the boiler can operate - in autumn and spring it is not advisable to heat the boiler at full power. If you plan to use the boiler also for hot water, then you will need an external boiler and an additional boiler power reserve based on the number of people permanently living in the house.

An important role is played by the material of the boiler - steel or cast iron. Steel boilers are lighter and have a simpler design of the furnace, which is easier to clean - just remove the ash from the ash pan. The smoke channel of steel boilers is longer, so the heat carrier is heated more efficiently. In cast iron boilers, the smoke channel is shorter, and a large heat exchange area is achieved due to the ribbed surface in which combustion products settle; the cast iron boiler will have to be cleaned using brushes, scrapers and a poker. At the same time, the heat capacity index of the boiler itself is higher for cast-iron models.

Electric wood boilers can be distinguished as a separate type, which, with the help of electricity, further increase efficiency. Modern automation monitors the combustion process and influences it with the help of valves that regulate the flow of incoming air into the furnace, so you can control the temperature in the furnace at a given level!

Wirbel steel wood burning boiler

An important indicator is the ratio of the volume of the loading chamber to the power of the boiler. In simpler terms, how many times a day you will have to approach the boiler to load fuel. For steel boilers, this figure is usually higher - an average of 1.5-2.5 l / kW versus 1.1-1.4 l / kW for cast iron ones - therefore, loading is carried out less often.

Be sure to check the availability of an emergency cooling system and clarify how it works. This system may be needed in case of overheating of the boiler and boiling water in the heat exchanger. Boilers with a separate emergency cooling circuit are safer, but if emergency cooling is arranged by abruptly draining the water from the heat exchanger and replacing it with cold water, make sure that the boiler is resistant to thermal shock.

Protection against burns is an important indicator, especially if unauthorized people or children have access to the boiler room. A useful option is heat-insulated firebox handles, protective casings and grates, thermal insulation of the most heated surfaces of the boiler.

Thermal protection of boilers is a prerequisite for safety

Wood boilers - installation requirements

Efficient and safe operation of a wood burning boiler is not possible without proper installation. How to install the boiler with your own hands without violating safety rules?

Installation location

Any wood-burning boiler consumes a fairly large amount of air during operation, therefore, for small-capacity boilers that can be installed in the common areas of the house, supply and exhaust ventilation is performed, and with a boiler power of more than 50 kW, it is necessary to equip a separate boiler room with a useful room volume of 8 cubic meters. Wood boilers are installed on a solid, even base with a fireproof coating - concrete, tile, porcelain stoneware. The walls must also be lined with non-combustible materials. The boiler room is equipped with forced ventilation.

Chimney Requirements

The chimney for a wood-burning boiler is made of stainless steel, ceramic or thick-walled metal pipe. Sandwich stainless steel chimneys are the best choice. They are easily assembled from various elements - pipes fastened with clamps, roof passages, unloading platforms. When bending such a chimney, bends at a certain angle are used. It is allowed to lead the chimney of the boiler not through the roof, but through the wall of the building. The height of the straight part of the chimney for stable draft in the boiler must be at least 6 meters for a 16 kW boiler and at least 10 meters for a 32 kW boiler, with a pipe diameter of 200 mm.

Service and maintenance

It is also necessary to clarify the terms of service and warranty service of the selected boiler model, the proximity of service centers and the possibility of calling specialists for installation and repair. It may happen that the maintenance of a cheaper model will cost much more than that of analogues of well-known companies that have service centers in large cities.

Video - self-installation of solid fuel boilers

Wood boilers for home heating after installation are connected to the water heating system. For uninterrupted operation of the system, you can additionally install a heater tank on electric heating elements in it, in this case you do not have to throw firewood during a night's rest or absence from home.

Boilers of long burning on wood are in demand among summer residents and owners of cottages intended for year-round use. Before installation, you should understand the features, pros and cons of this type of heating of a private house.

Boilers for long-term combustion on wood do not need frequent maintenance, while the cost of each 1 kW / h. thermal energy is several times lower than when using liquid fuel or gas units.

A solid fuel wood burning boiler is well suited for homeowners who have the opportunity to purchase good quality firewood.

In general, the mechanism of operation is based on long-term smoldering of fuel due to limited air intake - as a result of the bookmark, it lasts approximately 80% longer than when operating a solid fuel boiler of the so-called classical type.

Pros and cons of wood burning boilers for long burning fuel


  • no need for frequent refueling - depending on the model chosen, it is necessary to throw firewood into the combustion chamber from once every 3-4 hours and up to 12 hours;
  • the possibility of using various types of fuel and their combination;
  • the operation of the boiler in most cases is autonomous and does not require connection to other communications;
  • relative cheapness of fuel.

Solid fuel boiler in a private house


  • the cost is higher than classic boilers;
  • due to the low calorific value of firewood, efficiency from 70 to 89%;
  • there is no temperature control mechanism.

Another important disadvantage is the impossibility of operation of heating equipment without human intervention.

Advice. Basically, wood-burning boilers with small combustion chambers are purchased for summer cottages and private cottages. It is possible to increase the efficiency of heating by increasing the combustion chamber, but at the same time, the dimensions of the boiler itself will also increase.

Varieties according to the mechanism of action

  • Heating unit with an extended firebox
    The simplest and most common type of wood heating. The main difference from standard solid fuel units is an elongated shape with an elongated firebox. Air is dosed directly into the combustion chamber after ignition, due to which the operating time on each laying of firewood is significantly increased (up to 6-8 hours).

Solid fuel boiler with extended firebox
  • Top burning model
    Unlike standard wood-fired boilers, which are ignited from below, top combustion boilers burn fuel under the influence of a burner moving from above and slowly lowering down.
  • pyrolysis boiler
    The gas generating, or pyrolysis, unit has a more complex, in comparison with the two previous models, principle of operation and design, due to which it can continuously work up to 12 hours on each fuel tab. In the combustion chamber, firewood does not burn in it, but smolders very slowly, releasing gas in turn. It is discharged into the compartment of the lower chamber, where, under the forced supply of oxygen, it is burned, releasing additional heat.
Top burning solid fuel boiler

The most popular units for private ownership

Different models of wood boilers differ from each other:

  1. the dimensions of the combustion chambers;
  2. construction type;
  3. manufacturing material.

The heat exchanger is often made of steel or cast iron. At the same time, cast iron will last longer than steel, cools for a long time, but can collapse with sudden temperature changes. Steel is heat-resistant, but can be subject to corrosion and will last an average of about 10-15 years.

For country heating, simple single-circuit models are most often installed; for houses with year-round living, it is rational to install a double-circuit boiler. In the latter case, one circuit will provide heating, while the second will provide hot water.

Scheme: pyrolysis boiler device

Each individual unit has its own special technical characteristics, averaged data:

  • power about 100 kW;
  • coolant temperature at the outlet is 80 degrees, on the return - at least 50 degrees;
  • working pressure on average 1 atm.;
  • boiler weight up to 400 kg;
  • duration of work on one load of fuel 10−12 hours.

Pyrolysis boiler operation

Attention! When buying a wood-fired heating boiler, you need to take into account that most of the units were originally designed to burn brown or hard coal. Their technical data sheets indicate the power and burning time of one bookmark based on work on coal. Therefore, it is necessary to separately calculate the power and time of fuel combustion if the heat generator will work on wood.

How to organize heating

In private cottages designed for year-round use, long-burning boilers equipped with heat exchangers cut into the heating system. The coolant carries the thermal energy obtained by burning firewood to the radiators.

Attention! If a circulation pump is used in an autonomous system, it must be ensured that the boiler heat exchanger can withstand the operating pressure of the entire system.

In small dachas for 1-2 rooms, there is no need for an autonomous heating system; it is more rational to use a Buleryan type convector oven. In models operating on the principle of convection, the walls of the furnaces consist of open metal tubes that are welded to each other in a vertical position.

Home heating system with a solid fuel boiler

In the process of burning firewood, heated air rises through the tubes due to the action of convection, and cold air enters in its place.

Fuel selection

You can place a boiler on long-burning wood both in the house and in an equipped boiler room or in a small free-standing extension to a private cottage. In this case, it will be necessary to allocate a separate place for fuel: wood, coal, peat, etc.

The most demanded type of fuel is most often waste from the woodworking industry. But this type of fuel is low-calorie, so its high consumption is required.

Wood is the most popular type of fuel for home boilers

The calorific value of the raw material will directly depend on the choice and degree of moisture content of the raw material. The fuel with the highest performance is dry firewood, the quality of which should ideally be the same high quality from purchase to purchase. The maximum fuel length is 40 cm.

Important Mounting Features

The weight of wood-burning boilers reaches several hundred kilograms, so before installing it is necessary to make sure that the floors can withstand the load. For durable floors, a cast-iron product is suitable, in other cases it is worth considering the option of buying a boiler made of steel, which will weigh several times less.

At the place where the installation of the unit is planned, a pillow is usually equipped from concrete (its thickness varies from 100 to 150 mm).

For the smooth operation of the boiler, its correct installation is very important.

In non-volatile boilers, so-called mechanical thermostats are used. If the model has a fan designed for forced air supply, as well as an electronic control system, then an electrical connection will be required.

It is important to bear in mind that during power outages, operation will be very difficult.


Long-burning boilers deserve special attention when choosing heating equipment for private houses and summer cottages. The most efficient are pyrolysis units, which have the highest efficiency of 97% and a long period of operation without refueling.

Placement of a solid fuel boiler

Before buying, you should also decide on the material of manufacture, the required volume of the furnace, prepare a boiler room or equip a place for a boiler in the house. Separately, you should take care of choosing high-quality fuel - dry firewood must be prepared in advance, a separate place is allocated for their storage.

Solid fuel boilers designed for the heating system of a private house are a very effective solution in certain conditions. Electric heating is associated with high costs if it is necessary to heat a large area, gas devices are more economical in this regard, but it is far from always possible to provide the house with the appropriate fuel. Wood, coal and other similar materials are used as fuel for solid fuel boilers.

On the market today there is a wide selection of models of such units of various kinds: long-burning, pellet, traditional, pyrolysis, and so on. Making the right choice in such conditions is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. We tried to make this task as easy as possible for you and made a rating of the top 10 best boilers. When compiling it, a large number of similar devices were analyzed, we based on feedback from users and specialists, compared the price-quality ratio.

10+. ZOTA Pellet 100A

This is a pellet-type boiler, which is characterized by a high level of process automation, when the device is able to function for several days without additional refueling with combustible materials. The design provides auger fuel supply and the presence of an inflatable fan, it is perfect for the harsh Russian climatic conditions. The maximum power of the equipment is 100 kW, the volume of the fuel tank is 606 liters. Due to the screw feed, absolute protection against overheating is provided, it also does not allow the penetration of flame into the fuel storage bunker.

The built-in thermostat sends the device into standby mode when the required temperature is reached. The boiler is connected to the electrical network, from which all automation functions, it has automatic ignition. Adjustment of the main parameters is carried out using the buttons located on the body of the device. Automation allows you to keep the daily fuel consumption under full control, making the boiler more efficient and economical. Additionally, you can install a GSM module that allows you to remotely control the temperature in the system. The unit is able to heat a building up to 800 square meters.


  • Screw supply of fuel;
  • The presence of an electronic control system for all elements;
  • High power;
  • High efficiency - about 90%.


  • The need to connect to the mains;
  • Considerable mass of the device.

10. ACV TKAN 100

Fully automated device that uses coal, wood briquettes, firewood and so on as fuel. It is distinguished by a high efficiency - about 93%, fuel consumption is low - from 8 kg per hour when the boiler is set to maximum performance parameters. The boiler is absolutely safe during operation due to its fully sealed combustion chamber and forced air supply. The fuel supply mechanism is equipped with a fire damper.

The convective part is equipped with a pneumatic cleaning system; there are special grates for the convenience of using solid fuel. The maximum heated area is 300 sq. m. The highest pressure in the heating system is 3 bar. The device is equipped with automation powered by electricity, so the boiler needs to be connected to the network, the burner ignites on its own. The main settings are set at the expense of a special remote control located on the body of the unit.


  • Not the largest mass of the product;
  • High rated power and efficiency;
  • The presence of electronic automation that ensures safe operation and compliance with all set modes;
  • Fuel is supplied by means of a screw mechanism.


  • High price.

9. ZOTA Poplar M 20

The boiler is distinguished by high reliability and a very attractive design solution. The fuel is loaded vertically, an automatic draft regulator is provided, there is a gas burner connected directly to the household gas pipeline or to a cylinder, there is a reliable heating element.

The maximum heated area is 150 square meters with a ceiling height of 3 meters. In the heating system, the highest pressure is 3 atmospheres, its volume is designed for 54 liters. The case has good thermal insulation. Under the decorative casing there is a water jacket that prevents the boiler from overheating; it is additionally covered with basalt cardboard, due to which heat losses become minimal. The furnace door is equipped with a lock, one load of fuel burns out for about 12 hours. The boiler must be connected to a natural chimney, as its design does not provide for a fan.


  • The burner is economical, due to which the fuel consumption is reduced, and the thermal power increases;
  • Autonomous management;
  • The ability to use several varieties of solid fuel;
  • Significant performance indicators - over 90%;
  • Reliable assembly;


  • Big weight.

8. Teplodar Kupper Practice 8

The device is intended for placement in residential buildings and other premises, the area of ​​​​which should be in the range from 40 to 80 square meters. m. Products are universal, respectively, it is allowed to use both in closed and open heating systems. The method of circulation of the coolant does not play a special role - the device works stably with both artificial and natural methods. The boiler can be used as an independent source of thermal energy, but it is often installed as an addition to existing gas, electricity or liquid fuel systems. Complete with a copper there are a poker, the thermometer, a rotary gate and shovka. The device is characterized by small overall dimensions - it occupies a minimum amount of space in the room.

If necessary, the design can be improved with an automatic draft regulator. This device allows you to control the intensity of combustion, which saves fuel to a large extent. The product is suitable for any heating systems made even from polymer pipes of small volume, however, in this case, they must be connected through a special capacitive-type hydraulic separator. The convector casing here is of a perforated type, due to which the room where the boiler is located is additionally heated. The supply pipe is located on the upper surface of the structure, it is able to provide universal connection and protect the system from air ingress. The firebox is inclined, in it the fuel is evenly distributed. The damper-chipper is made of cast iron, with its help you can protect the room from spilling smoldering slag and coals.


  • Universal products capable of operating on any solid fuel;
  • Absolutely safe and well thought out design;
  • High efficiency and efficiency.


  • Required to be placed in a separate room;
  • Installation is quite complicated - it's problematic to do it yourself.

7. ZOTA Enisey 12

It has a very deep firebox, so it will be possible to load firewood up to 60 cm long into it. The firebox door is made at an angle, so it will be much more convenient to fill the combustion chamber with bulk fuel. The loading and ash doors fit snugly enough to the main body of the boiler, do not allow combustion products to enter the room, and air will not enter the combustion chamber through them. This, in turn, will have a positive effect on traction. The combustion process can be controlled by a special air supply damper. A thermometer is located on the side wall of the apparatus, which shows the temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler. If necessary, you can install a mechanical draft regulator, but you will have to purchase it separately - it is not supplied with the boiler.

Electricity can be used here as an auxiliary heat source. For this purpose, special stainless steel heaters are provided in the boiler. The water jacket is located along the entire contour of the boiler, including under the ash pan. Due to this feature of the device, the amount of heat transferred to the coolant increases, and there is no deformation of the ash box.

  • A decent indicator of efficiency;
  • Can work with any solid fuel;
  • It is possible to install additional parts;
  • High quality workmanship;
  • The doors fit snugly into the body.


  • Servicing the device is somewhat problematic.


This boiler can be used not only for residential, but also for industrial or agricultural premises. It can be used as the main or additional heating equipment. The main rule is that it should be in a room equipped with a natural ventilation system. For higher efficiency, the device is equipped with a flue gas combustion system.

The design has a heating element and a reliable traction control system. The main function of the heating element is to maintain the water temperature to prevent defrosting of the heating system. The unit operates on the basis of natural water circulation due to the temperature difference, however, the pipes will need to be positioned so that the coolant can pass through the system on its own. If it is not possible to provide it, then you will have to additionally install a circulation pump and an expansion tank that has direct contact with atmospheric air. The maximum pressure at which this boiler can operate is 5 bar. The unit is designed for an area of ​​up to 120 square meters.


  • Easy to install;
  • Reliable build quality;
  • Possibility of using any solid fuel.


  • The damper position must be adjusted manually to prevent excessive fuel consumption;
  • Fast burning of fuel.

5. Lemax Forward-16

It is a fairly simple device, where nothing extra is provided. The design is very reliable, does not require maintenance, and is distinguished by an acceptable price. The body is made of decorative metal panels. Behind it lies a layer of thermal insulation, under which there is a body made of low-carbon steel 4 mm thick. The fuel chamber is large, it is protected from overheating by a water jacket.

In order to increase the strength of the equipment, the heat exchanger is reinforced with a channel, so that the probability of rupture is low. At the bottom of the device is a heat-resistant grate, under it there is a box for slag and ash. You can remove it through the door on the front panel, it also acts as a damper that regulates the amount of air entering the combustion chamber from the room. Branch pipes through which the supply and return lines of the heating system are connected are located on the rear panel. There is also a chimney pipe with a damper that regulates draft. The boiler can run on wood or brown coal; for convenience, there is a top fuel loading system.


  • The ability to use any type of solid fuel - coal, coke, firewood and so on;
  • Small overall dimensions, no need for constant maintenance;
  • Low cost.


  • Little efficiency;
  • The need to regularly load fuel, as it burns out quickly enough.

4. Kentatsu ELEGANT-03

The device is a very durable and reliable product, which is designed for heating rooms for various purposes. The control here is simple mechanical, you do not have to connect to the electrical network. The device is able to work on coal and wood, it has a fairly durable heat exchanger made of cast iron and can withstand serious physical exertion, including the high pressure of the coolant itself. The grates here are cooled, and the overall performance is high. The device is manufactured on the basis of a multi-section heat exchanger, which is produced using the new AminGas technology. It is resistant to corrosion processes and well resists temperature loads. The fuel is burned completely by supplying secondary air. The boiler is single-circuit, but it can also be adapted to supply hot water - for this you will need to purchase indirect heating boilers. They are connected to the heating circuit, part of the heat is taken from there and this energy is directed to spiral heat exchangers.

The combustion chamber is capacious, the loading door is also quite large, so it is easy to lay fuel. The temperature of the heating circuit can be controlled by means of a mechanical draft control. The highest temperature of the coolant can be 90 degrees, the pressure should not exceed 4 bar. The boiler can be used in closed systems equipped with forced circulation.


  • Pretty reasonable cost;
  • High performance;
  • Acceptable dimensions;
  • Universal device;
  • Good workmanship and assembly of the device;
  • Long service life;
  • There is no need to connect the product to the power supply.


  • The ash tray is not very convenient - getting it is problematic.

3. Teplodar Kupper OK 15

In the top of solid fuel boilers, this unit is in an honorable third place, largely due to the long burning of the fuel. So, on one tab of firewood, the equipment can work for about 30 hours, briquettes burn out in two days, coal for about 5 days. Perfect for residential, warehouse and even industrial premises, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 150 square meters.

Both water and antifreeze can be used as a heat carrier, any solid fuel acts as a fuel - briquettes, firewood, coal. When installing additional elements, the boiler will operate on electricity or gas. The heat exchanger is made of 12 tubes, which ensures high efficiency of the device. The door is sealed, due to which smoke will not pass into the room, and the fuel will burn out much longer due to poor oxygen access to the furnace - it is made on the basis of the state standard GOST 9817-95.


  • High build quality of the device;
  • Profitability of work with significant efficiency;
  • Excellent value for money.


  • A significant mass, which makes it difficult to move the boiler from one place to another.

2. Solid fuel boiler Nedelka “KO-90”

Heats rooms 150 - 400 sq.m. Ideal for a private house, cottage, car service, as well as a car wash.

On one load of 300 liters it can work up to 7 days. Operating power: 15−45 kW (adjustable using automation). Peak power: 90 kW


  • Mass production;
  • Made of Russian steel 5 mm grade 09G2S produced by MMK;
  • The hatch for cleaning the heat exchanger can be located both on the left and on the right;
  • All stages of production are controlled;
  • Insured liability to the consumer in ROSGOSSTRAKH in the amount of 10 million rubles;
  • Patented production technology;
  • Availability of documentation confirming fire safety, reliability in use.


  • Weight and dimensions, but this makes the boiler reliable, with a good one-time load;
  • The presence of condensate may seem like a minus, but this is an indicator of the high efficiency of the boiler, and there are effective ways to reduce it;
  • Energy dependence. Undoubtedly a minus, but easily corrected, with the solution of which the house always becomes warm, regardless of whether there is electricity or not.

You can buy Nedelka boilers here.

1. Stropuva Mini S8

The leader of our review of the best solid fuel boilers is capable of high-quality heating of a room whose area reaches 80 square meters. m. Coal, firewood, wood briquettes and so on can be used as fuel. The duration of burning on one bookmark of fuel is significant: ordinary firewood burns out in about 30 hours, briquettes - in 48 hours. These are the maximum parameters that can be affected by the heat loss of the building, the temperature of the outside air, and the quality of the fuel. Overall dimensions are not too large, the boiler occupies a minimum of free space. The design is not too complicated - the apparatus consists of two cylinders placed one inside the other and made of steel. There is a layer of external thermal insulation, so it will not be possible to burn yourself on the walls of the boiler. The coolant passes through the space between these cylinders. Inside the smaller of them there is a combustion chamber, which is serviced through the doors on the body of the apparatus.

The combustion process itself occurs only in the upper layer of fuel. Heated air from a special chamber is directed here through a telescopic tube. When the top layer of fuel burns out, the tube moves to the bottom layer, and so on. such a constructive solution allows to increase the efficiency of the device, as well as to adjust the temperature of the coolant depending on the needs of the user. Before entering the chimney, the combustion products first flow around the air heating chamber, transferring their heat to it.


  • Absolute energy independence of the product;
  • Reliable and safe design;
  • Can heat a large area;
  • Uses fuel economically.


  • Except for the rather high cost found.
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