Huge drawings on the surface of the earth. Nazca geoglyphs

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Denmark: the blessed kingdom

Kingdom of Denmark

general information

The amazing Kingdom of Denmark is the only Scandinavian country directly connected to mainland Europe. The country is located in northern Europe, on the Jutland Peninsula, surrounded by the Danish Archipelago, the Bornholm Islands and part of the Frisian Islands - a total of 406 islands, many of which are uninhabited. West Coast Denmark is washed by the North Sea, and the eastern one by the Baltic Sea, the Skagerrak Strait separates it from Norway, and the Kattegat and Oresund straits from Sweden. In the south it borders with Germany. Denmark itself replaces an area of ​​43,098 km2. But the kingdom also includes two self-governing territories - the Faroe Islands, located in the north Atlantic, between Scotland and Iceland (1,399 km2), and Greenland (2,175,600 km2).

For more than a thousand years, the traditions of royal power have been preserved in Denmark. Currently installed a constitutional monarchy. Legislature state - a unicameral parliament "Folketing", consisting of 179 deputies elected by universal suffrage for 4 years. The capital of Denmark is Copenhagen; its largest cities include Aarhus, Aalborg, and Odense. The population of Denmark exceeds 5.5 million people: 98% are native Danes, the remaining 2 percent are Eskimos (Greenland), Faroese (Faroe Islands), and Germans. Lutheranism is practiced by 91% of the population.

The climate in Denmark is temperate, maritime, with mild, unstable winters and cool summers. Transitional seasons are extended. Dense fogs are very common on the coast. The average daily temperature in Copenhagen in January is 0°C, in May - +13°C, in August - +20°C, in November - +6°C.

Denmark has assigned the Internet domains .dk and .eu (as a member of the European Union).

Sights, recreation and entertainment

The charm of Denmark lies in its picturesque villages and towns, ancient castles and cool, shady beech forests, among the wide sandy beaches of the coast, small rocky coves and picturesque fjords, between lakes and rivers, dunes and cliffs.

In the capital Copenhagen, tourists will get acquainted with many museums and historical monuments: the Viking Ship Museum, Christianborg Palace, where the Danish Parliament meets, National Library, royal museum Arsenal, Rosenborg Castle, Amalienborg Palace Complex and Marble Cathedral. Nyhavn, New Harbor, has become a favorite place of pilgrimage for thousands of artists and photographers. Located nearby National Museum And art Gallery Glypoteka, a unique zoo with 2 thousand species of animals. On Kongens Nytorv (New Royal) square there are Royal Theater and the Academy of Arts, which occupies the former royal residence of Charlottenborg. And, of course, we should not forget about famous sculpture The little mermaid is a symbol of a wonderful city.

On the outskirts of Copenhagen there is the Queen's summer residence within the walls of a Gothic castle and the most famous museum in Europe contemporary art Louisiana. Bakken Park is the world's oldest amusement park. It competes with the Tivoli amusement park and Legoland near the city of Aarhus.

In Funen (Garden of Denmark) many medieval castles, manor houses and old parks have been preserved in their original form - it is an open-air museum! And in Odense, the homeland of Hans Christian Andersen, festivals in his honor are held every July and August, and there is a museum of the great storyteller.

Kronbeorg Fortress in Helsingor is the scene of Shakespeare's Hamlet and is the largest structure in Denmark. Frederiksborg Castle houses the National History Museum. Also worth visiting are the 12th century Roskilde Cathedral, the Viking Museum and the Skjoldensholm Tram Museum. A National parks Hessele and Vorse to this day retain the freshness and brightness of the colors of the pristine landscapes of northern Europe.


Danish cuisine is unique in its own way, as it is a mixture of culinary traditions from almost all the peoples of Northern Europe, but North German and Scandinavian influences are especially clearly felt. This kinship can be traced in the penchant for simple, but appetizing and satisfying meals.

The Danish table is dominated by dishes made from boiled chicken, pork or various fish and seafood, which is accompanied by a side dish of potatoes, red cabbage, pickled cucumbers or beets. Special attention should be paid to the dish “red-dream-mez-fleuse” - thick berry jelly soup with whipped cream. For dessert they serve local buns, Apple pie with currant jelly, jam and Danish sweets.

The “smørrebrød” sandwich can be considered a unique signature dish of Denmark, which is served both as an independent dish and as a snack. The number of recipes for this sandwich exceeds a hundred, and each subtype has proper name. In the fillings you can find unexpected combinations of radish and pineapple, chicken and salmon, etc. Often the main sandwich is served with salads or a separate sandwich with salad mixture.

Beer is popular in the country, in particular the local brands Tuborg and Carlsberg. Stronger drinks are represented by Sherrichering liqueur and Aquavit vodka.

Time and work schedule

UTC +1
Time difference from Moscow: -2 hours.
Transition to winter summer time carried out simultaneously with Europe in last sunday March and the last Sunday of October.

Shops are open Monday to Friday from 09:00 or 10:00 to 17:30 or 20:00. On Saturday - from 09:00-10:00 to 12:00-14:00. Petrol station shops and kiosks may be open until late in the evening. Special authorized Copenhagen tourist shops and shops in holiday centers may be open on Sundays in summer. In Denmark, VAT is always included in the prices quoted for goods.
Banks are open Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 16:00. On Thursday - from 09:30 to 18:00.


Official language Denmark - Danish. English, German and French are widely spoken.


The national currency of Denmark is the Danish Krone (DKK).
1 Danish krone = 100 ore.

Currency can be exchanged at specialized points, hotels, and banks. Exchange offices charge a commission of 9.8% of the amount. To exchange cash currency, it is better to contact banks and FOREX offices (there are offices in the center of Copenhagen and at the central station), where a constant fee of 20 DKK is established, regardless of the amount.

Visa regime

The Kingdom of Denmark is one of the member countries of the Schengen Agreement. The visa is issued at the Denmark and Iceland visa center in Moscow (short-term), at the consular section of the Danish Embassy in Moscow, at the Denmark and Iceland visa centers in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, at the Lithuanian Consulate in Kaliningrad. Visa processing takes 10 working days (urgent tourist visas are not issued). Visas for business invitations are issued within 5 working days (in addition to the invitation, an original notarized power of attorney from the applicant is required to submit/receive documents at the visa center). The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has very high requirements for visa photographs - be careful!

Transport connection

Denmark's largest airport, where most international flights arrive, is Kastrup in Copenhagen. Another way to get to Denmark is to use Stockholm or Hamburg airports, from where the train journey to Copenhagen takes only a few hours. Domestic flights connect big cities countries.

Railway network state company DSB covers almost the entire country. All trains run on a strict schedule, but for long journeys you should book tickets in advance.

Travel between towns is easy with regular bus services, and a ferry system provides connections to Denmark's populated islands.

There are buses in the cities, and Copenhagen has a metro. A free taxi can be easily identified by the “FRI” sign displayed in the window. You can catch a car in the city in any area. Plastic cards are also accepted for payment.

You can rent a car at the airport or at rental offices in city centers. Persons at least 25 years old can rent a car, subject to availability. credit card and an international driving license.

IN populated areas maximum speed for cars - 50 km/h, on highways - 80 km/h, and on expressways - 110 km/h. Driving is only permitted when the low beam headlights are on. All passengers must wear seat belts. You should be careful: for breaking the rules traffic and fines for illegal parking are high.

Public holidays and weekends

January 1 - New Year.
March-April - Lutheran Easter.
May 1 - Labor Day.
June 5 is Danish Constitution Day.
June 24 - Nativity of John the Baptist.
December 25 is Lutheran Christmas.

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Holidays in Denmark with tour operator Devizu

Tourism Denmark offers visitors a lot interesting places which can be visited at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. A holiday in this country can be fabulous, as tourists are attracted by the high level of service, prevailing comfort and cleanliness. Many vacationers confidently claim that Denmark is considered an environmentally friendly country.

There are tourists who go to Denmark to breathe clean fresh air. IN Lately Vacationers try to visit this country because it is one of the promising countries that is developing at a rapid pace. Denmark is rightfully considered a powerful power that provides vacationers with a trip to the exciting tourist world of the European level. The convenient geographical location of the country allows guests from distant countries and neighboring countries (for example, Scandinavia) to travel around it. This country is decorated with the Baltic Sea, which warms up quite quickly in summer period time and does not cool down for a long time, even after the first days of cold weather in the autumn.

Denmark has a convenient land border with Germany. This state includes a large number of islands that make up the Danish archipelago. Nowadays, it is not difficult to carry out tours to Denmark from Moscow. The island of Greenland, which belongs to Denmark, is of great interest to tourists. The Faroe Islands are no less interesting to visit, where they are truly beautiful.

The best place to start exploring Denmark is from the capital - Copenhagen. Not far from the capital is the Eresuni Strait. You can observe the beauty of this part of the country from the Eresund Bridge, which is almost 8 km long. By crossing this bridge, you can get from the capital of Denmark to the beautiful city of Malmo. There is no need to rush here, because a vacation in this country should be measured and unhurried. Then you can enjoy comfort and feel the charm of a Danish holiday.

A large number of vacationers always concentrate in Denmark due to the fact that in this country there is practically all year round Various themed events are held. The ancient castles, wild forests and wonderful sea harbors attract the attention of vacationers. Denmark is a fairly compact country and you can travel through it in a few days. However, such a vacation will be too tiring. That is why before traveling it is necessary to properly plan your route. It is advisable to include visits to cities such as Aarhus, Copenhagen, Roskilde.

Before traveling to this country, you can first check the prices for holidays in Denmark on our website, which will allow you to navigate in terms of pricing policy. The cost of the trip depends not only on the number of cities or islands visited, but also on the choice of quality of leisure. For example, many vacationers visiting Denmark try to plan a cruise along the Copenhagen harbor. As a rule, such a route includes an additional visit and inspection of the islands surrounding this city. It is not difficult to plan a holiday on the famous beaches of Scandinavia, which are in demand among tourists. Famous beach areas with clean shores include Bisnap, Amager, Strand, Henne, which will welcome guests from other countries.

If the cost of a trip to Denmark is completely satisfactory, then you can pack your bags. In this case, your vacation will be excellent. You can travel to this country with whole groups, or plan a romantic vacation on one of the famous islands of Denmark.

Tours to Denmark are best purchased during the hot season. Summer is the most suitable season to visit this country. The air temperature rarely rises above 20°C, it rarely rains, and there are no gusty winds. This weather is ideal for sightseeing, of which Denmark has plenty.

Cycling is extremely popular in this country. In summer, tourists can rent bicycles absolutely free. The weather allows you to make entire trips through long gorges, forest expanses and hilly paths leading to the mountains.

Denmark is a country with a maritime climate; the beach season here lasts only two months, in July and August. The country has many sandy beaches marked with the Blue Flag.
In summer in Denmark you can take entire river trips: on boats, liners and even luxury yachts. Locals sailing is practiced here and is actively offered to tourists. You can visit individual islands by boat.

Lovers active rest can try their hand at diving. In Denmark this sport is especially interesting: on seabed You can explore ancient sunken ships. Visibility in the water is excellent.
Tours to Denmark in the summer are perfect for fishing lovers. There are especially many fans of this sport in Denmark, because the country has everything you need for this hobby: crystal lakes, fast-moving rivers, a long sea coastline. In the summer, entire fishing tours are organized: vacationers go to the open sea, where they catch fish and then prepare delicious dishes from it.

Holidays, fairs and magnificent celebrations are held in special esteem in Denmark. From July to August, three large-scale events are held here: a jazz music festival, Summer Festival", attracting musicians from all over the world, as well as a gastronomic festival where everyone can taste National dishes Danes.

Tours to Denmark are popular among holidaymakers with children. In summer there is a lot of entertainment here: the famous Legoland and Tivoli amusement parks, zoos, open-air museums and numerous water parks.

Nazca Drawings are located on Nazca Plateau- one of the most mysterious places on Earth. It is located 450 km south of the capital Peru, between cities Nazca And Palpa. Here the entire territory is 500 sq. km. covered with lines and drawings of unknown origin. They are nothing special if you look at them standing next to them.

Map of Nazca drawings

In 1553 Cieza de Leon was the first to report the Nazca drawings. From his words: “Through all these valleys and through those that have already been passed, along the entire length there goes a beautiful big road Inca, and here and there among the sands there are signs to guess the path laid out.”

ABOUTMonkey, Nazca drawing

The drawings were noticed in 1939, when an airplane flew over the plateau American archaeologist Paul Kosok. A huge contribution to the study of mysterious lines belongs to the German doctor of archeology Maria Reiche. Her work began in 1941. However, she was able to photograph the drawings from the air only in 1947, using the services of military aviation.

In 1994, the Nazca Geoglyphs were listed World Heritage UNESCO.

Tree and handsNazca drawing

Nazca Plateau occupies 60 kilometers and approximately 500 square meters of its territory is covered with a pattern of strange lines folding into bizarre shapes. The main mystery of Nazca is geometric figures in the form of triangles and more than thirty huge drawings animals, birds, fish, insects and people unusual looking. All images on the Nazca surface are dug into sandy soil, the depth of the lines varies from 10 to 30 centimeters, and the width of the stripes can reach as much as 100 meters. The lines of the drawings stretch for kilometers, without changing at all under the influence of the relief - the lines rise up hills and descend from them, while remaining almost perfectly smooth and continuous. Who and why created these drawings - unknown tribes or aliens from outer space - there is still no answer to this question. Today there are many hypotheses, but none of them can be a solution.

Dog, Nazca drawing

Whale, Nazca drawing

Hummingbird has a length of 50 meters, spider — 46, condor extends from beak to tail feathers for almost 120 meters, and heron has a length of up to 188 meters. Almost all the drawings are made on this huge scale in the same manner, when the outline is outlined by one continuous line. Perfect straight lines and the stripes go beyond the horizon, crossing dry river beds, climbing hills and without deviating from their direction (although modern geodetic methods do not allow drawing a straight line up to 8 kilometers long on rough terrain so that the deviation does not exceed 0.1 degrees) . The true form of the images can only be observed from a bird's eye view. There is no such natural elevation nearby, but there are half-mountain humps. But the higher you rise above the plateau, the smaller these drawings become and turn into incomprehensible scratches.

Hummingbird,Nazca drawing

Spider, Nazca drawing

Condor, Nazca drawing

Heron, Nazca drawing

What scientists have been able to establish more or less accurately is the age of the images. Based on ceramic fragments found here and data from analyzes of organic remains, they established that in the period between 350 BC. and 600 AD there was a civilization here. However, this theory cannot be accurate, since objects of civilization could have been brought here much later than the appearance of the images. One theory is that these are works of the Nazca Indians, who inhabited areas of Peru before the formation of the Inca Empire. The Nazcas did not leave anything behind except burial places, so it is unknown whether they had writing and whether they “painted” the desert.

"Astronaut", drawing by Nazca

The Nazca Lines pose many questions to historians: who created them, when, why and how. In fact, many geoglyphs cannot be seen from the ground, so we can only assume that with the help of such patterns the ancient inhabitants of the valley communicated with the deity. In addition to the ritual, the astronomical significance of these lines cannot be ruled out.

Pampa Colorada Desert(Spanish: Desierto de la Pampa Colorado; “Red Plain”), located south of the Nazca River in, is more often called "Nazca Plateau"(Spanish: Nazca). This is a waterless and deserted desert plain, surrounded by low spurs of the Andes, stretching 450 km southeast of the Peruvian capital, (Spanish: Lima).

The vast, elongated plateau area with an area of ​​about 500 km² stretches from north to south for more than 50 km, from west to east - from 7 to 15 km. Valley for a long time mistakenly considered lifeless. The flat terrain with undulating relief in places is separated from other flat areas by clearly defined ledges.

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The name "Nazca" also refers to ancient civilization, which flourished in the period from 300 BC. to 500 AD Perhaps it was this culture that created the mysterious “Nazca Lines”, the ancient ceremonial city of Cahuachi and the extensive system of “puquios” - unique underground aqueducts.

An important component of the region, in addition to the famous plateau, is the city of the same name, founded by the Spaniards in 1591. At the end of the last century, in 1996, the city of Nazca was razed to the ground by a powerful earthquake. Fortunately, there were few casualties (17 people died), since the rampant underground disaster occurred at noon, but about 100 thousand people were left homeless. Today the city has been rebuilt, modern multi-storey buildings have been erected here, and its center is decorated with a wonderful square.


The sparsely populated area has a very dry climate.

Winter on the vast plateau lasts from June to September; throughout the year the temperature in the desert does not drop below +16°C. In summer, the air temperature is stable and stays around +25°C. Despite the close location of the ocean, rain is extremely rare here. There are also practically no winds here; there are no rivers, lakes or streams surrounded by the plateau. The fact that these lands once saw water flows is told by numerous beds of long-dried rivers.

Mysterious geoglyphs (Nazca Lines)

However, this Peruvian region is notable primarily not for the city, but for the mysterious geoglyphs - unusual lines, geometric shapes and fancy designs decorating the surface of the plateau. For the modern scientific community, these drawings have been presenting more and more mysteries for centuries. Dozens of minds have been struggling for many years trying to answer numerous questions regarding the mysterious images.

Shape Map

In total, about 13 thousand different lines, more than 100 spirals, over 700 geometric shapes or areas (triangles, rectangles, trapezoids) and 788 images of people, birds and animals were discovered on the desert plain. The images of the plateau are long grooves of varying widths, 15 to 30 cm deep, dug in the top layer of soil - a mixture of clay and sand. Length of the most long lines reaches up to 10 km. The width of the drawings is also striking, in some cases reaching 150 - 200 m.

There are drawings here that resemble the outlines of animals - llamas, monkeys, killer whales, birds, etc. Single drawings (about 40) depict sharks, fish, lizards and spiders.

The figures amaze the imagination with their gigantic size, but people have still not been able to unravel their true purpose. The answer may lie in the depths of the desert. This means that in order to find out who created these amazing works of art and why, archaeological excavations are necessary, which are prohibited here, since the plateau is protected by the status "Sacred Zone"(related to the Divine, heavenly, otherworldly, mystical). So, to this day the origin of the Nazca drawings remains a secret behind seven seals.

Geoglyphs of the Nazca Plateau were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.

But no matter how “sacred” the territory is, the dominant human trait - curiosity, which stimulates humanity to overcome any difficulties, has not yet been canceled.

The first extremely curious person who became interested in these forbidden lands was Mejia Toribio Hesspe(Spanish: Toribio Mejía Xesspe), an archaeologist from Peru who in 1927 studied the Nazca Lines from the foothills surrounding the lifeless plateau. in In 1939, the unusual plateau acquired worldwide fame thanks to the Peruvian scientist.

In 1930, anthropologists studied the mysterious desert area with mysterious lines by flying around the plateau in an airplane. The attention of archaeologists around the world was focused on the desert in the early 40s of the 20th century. So, in 1941, the American historian, professor of hydrogeology Paul Kosok (English Paul Kosok; 1896-1959) made several reconnaissance flights over the desert in a small plane. It was he who determined that gigantic lines and figures cover a vast territory stretching over 100 km.

Scientists got the opportunity to study the unique plateau more closely only in 1946, although this was not a targeted Government program, financed by the authorities, but separate expeditions of enthusiastic researchers. It turned out that the ancient “designers” created the Nazca trenches by removing the dark surface soil layer (the so-called “desert tan”) - clay saturated with iron oxide and manganese oxide. The gravel under which the soil lay was completely removed from the line section light color rich in lime. On outdoors limestone soil instantly hardens, forming protective layer, excellent at preventing erosion, which is why the lines are so striking and have retained their original shape for 1000 years. Despite the technical simplicity of execution, such a solution required excellent knowledge of geodesy. The longevity of the drawings was also facilitated by the usual calmness here, lack of precipitation and stable air temperature throughout the year. If the local climatic conditions had been different, then, undoubtedly, the drawings would have long ago disappeared from the face of the earth.

They continue to puzzle generations of researchers from all over the world.

Mystical civilization

Official science claims that all images were created during the heyday of ancient empire Nazca, which has a very developed culture. The civilization was founded by the archaeological culture (Spanish: Paracas), the indigenous Indians of southern Peru of the 2nd half of the 1st millennium BC. e. Many scholars agree that most of the lines and figures were created during a period of 1,100 years, during the “Golden Age” of the Nazca civilization (100-200 AD). The ancient civilization sank into oblivion at the end of the 8th century, the reason for this, presumably, was the floods that befell the plateau at the end of the first 1000 years. People were forced to leave their land, which was settled after several centuries.

If we assume that mysterious drawings created ancient people, then why and, most importantly, how the aborigines were able to do this remains a mystery. Even using modern technology, it is extremely difficult to draw a perfectly straight line across the surface of the earth, even 3-5 km long.

According to the scientists' conclusions, all this was done in a short time. Over the course of a couple of centuries, the Nazca Plateau turned from a lifeless valley into the most bizarre territory on the planet, dotted with geoglyphs. Unknown artists crossed the depressions and hills of the desert, but at the same time the lines remained perfectly regular and the edges of the grooves strictly parallel. How unknown masters created figures of various animals that can only be seen from the height of a bird’s flight is completely unclear.

46 meter spider

For example, the image of a hummingbird reaches a length of 50 m, a condor bird - 120 m, and a spider, similar to its relatives living in the Amazon jungle, has a length of 46 m. ​​Interestingly, all these masterpieces can only be seen by rising into the air or climbing on a high mountain, which are not observed nearby.

It's obvious that aircraft the people who inhabited the plateau during the period of the emergence of art did not have it. How could people create drawings with pinpoint precision without being able to see full picture work done? How did the craftsmen manage to maintain the accuracy of all the lines? To do this, they would need a whole arsenal of modern geodetic equipment, not to mention the most advanced knowledge mathematical laws, considering that the images were created both on flat areas of land and on steep slopes and almost sheer cliffs!

Moreover, in the area of ​​the Nazca desert valley there are hills (Spanish: Palpa), the tops of some of them are cut off as if by a giant knife at one level. These huge sections are also decorated with patterns, lines and geometric shapes.

Maybe it’s generally difficult for us to understand the logic of our distant ancestors. Children do not understand their parents, much less understand the motives of people who lived 1000 - 2000 years ago. It is quite possible that the images of the plateau do not have any practical or religious component. Maybe the ancient people created them in order to show their descendants what they were capable of? But why waste a lot of energy and time on self-affirmation? In general, questions, questions to which there are no answers yet.

Alien intervention?

Scientists who are confident that mysterious drawings created by man, no more than those who believe that it could not have happened without the intervention of aliens. According to the latter, the images on the plateau are alien runways. This version, of course, has a right to exist; it is only unclear why the alien aircraft did not have a vertical take-off system and why it was necessary to make runways in the shape of zigzags, spirals and terrestrial animals.

Another interesting thing is that many scientists believe that complex designs in the form of bizarre animals, birds and insects were applied much earlier than simpler geometric shapes, circles and lines. The conclusion suggests itself that first the unknown mysterious masters performed complex shapes, and only then earthly people began to practice creating straight lines.

Other hypotheses

Maria Reiche (German: Maria Reiche; 1903-1998), a German mathematician and archaeologist who methodically and meticulously studied the Nazca figures from 1946 for more than 40 years (until her death at the age of 95), believed that their lines are gigantic ancient calendar. In her opinion, many of the drawings are accurate representations of the constellations, and the lines correspond to the movement of the sun or are oriented towards the moon, planets of the solar system and some of the constellations. For example, a drawing in the shape of a spider, according to Reiche, reproduces a cluster of stars in the constellation Orion. Based on her astronomical calculations, she was the first to announce the time when the drawings were created - the 5th century. Later, radiocarbon analysis of a wooden marking peg found at the site of one of the geoglyphs confirmed the date indicated by M. Reiche.

There is another interesting theory regarding mystical drawings. The famous American archaeologist Johann Reinhard, professor emeritus at the Catholic University of Santa Maria (UCSM, Peru), believes that the giant Nazca lines were built to carry out certain religious rites. The figures of animals, birds and insects were presumably associated with the worship of deities. With the help of drawings, people pleased the Gods and asked them for water to irrigate their land. Some archaeologists believe that the lines and intricate designs represented sacred paths along which local priests walked during ritual ceremonies. As in any pagan religion (the ancient people were obviously followers of this faith), the cult of the gods occupies a central place not only in religion, but also in the life of people. But the question arises again: why did the ancient Peruvians decide to turn to deities in this remote place where there had never been cultivated land?

There is also a hypothesis that giant lines And in ancient times, Indian athletes ran in stripes, which means that the South American sports Olympics were held on Nazca. Straight lines, of course, could be used as treadmills, but how can you run in a spiral and along images of birds or, for example, a monkey?

There were also publications that huge triangular and trapezoidal platforms were created for some ceremonies, during which sacrifices were made to the gods and mass celebrations took place. But why then did archaeologists, who searched all the surroundings of the plateau, not find a single artifact confirming this version?

There is even such an absurd idea that the gigantic work was done solely for the purpose of a kind of labor education, so that the idle ancient Peruvians would be busy... Another hypothesis says that all the drawings are a giant loom of ancient people who laid out the threads along the lines. It was also claimed that the amazing drawings are a colossal encrypted map of the world, which so far no one has been able to decipher.

IN last years voices began to be heard more and more often that the incredible drawings were just the result of someone’s falsification. But then the production of the largest fake in the history of mankind had to tear the veins a whole army counterfeiters for decades. Yes, at the same time it was still necessary to keep everything secret. The question is - for what?

Today, unfortunately, the main attention of scientists from all over the world is focused not on the Nazca drawings, shrouded in mystery, but on the serious environmental threat hanging over mysterious plateau. Deforestation, harmful emissions into the atmosphere, pollution environment- all this is not at all better side changes the stable climate of the desert: it rains more and more often, leading to landslides and other troubles that have a destructive effect on the integrity of the images. If nothing is done in the next 5-10 years to overcome a serious threat, amazing drawings will be lost to humanity forever. Then there is no doubt that answers to the countless questions that concern us will NEVER be received. We will never know WHO and WHY created these unique creations.

Archaeological sites of the region

The capital and main ceremonial center of the Nazca civilization was the ancient settlement of Cahuachi. The city was a concentration of adobe residential buildings and outbuildings. In its center stood a pyramidal structure - Great Temple, built on a hill about 30 m high. Around the main Temple there were squares, palaces and tombs.

In addition to Cahuachi, there are several other large architectural complexes ancient civilization. The most unusual of them is “Bosque Muerto” (from Spanish “Dead Forest”) Estaceria, which consists of rows of 240 pillars up to 2 m high, mounted on a low platform. To the west and south of the platform there are pillars of smaller sizes, and they are arranged not in rows, but in chains. Near the “dead forest” there rose a stepped hill with 2 rows of terraces.

On the territory of Estaceria there are many burials in which preserved parts of robes were discovered. Based on the found fragments, the clothing of the Nazca people was recreated: long capes with a wide border and traditional South American ponchos - a rectangular cloth with a slot for the head. It is noteworthy that the color range of fabrics is unusually extensive, numbering up to 150 different shades.

The culture of the ancient civilization amazes with its unique polychrome vessels of excellent quality, while the Indians were not familiar with the potter's wheel. Cups, vases, figured jugs and bowls were painted with paints of 6-7 colors, which were applied before firing.

The mysteries of Nazca do not end there. If the surface of the valley is decorated with as yet incomprehensible human mind giant drawings, then in its depths lurk even more unimaginable puquios (Spanish Puquios; from kech. source, spring) - ancient aqueduct systems near the city of Nazca. Of the 36 giant puquios, which are granite pipes of underground water pipes, most of So far it is functioning normally. Today's Peruvian Indians attribute the creation of puquios to a divine creator Viracoche +20 points, 4 ratings)

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