Aesthetic shaping of the environment by architecture presentation. Aesthetic formation of the environment by art

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Man at all times, when creating the world around him, sought to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas about beauty and utility inherent in his time. The choice of shapes, materials, and colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era. Man at all times, when creating the world around him, sought to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas about beauty and utility inherent in his time. The choice of shapes, materials, and colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era.

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However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, and there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, on different parts of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive the same brands of cars, live in standard houses and apartments, listen to the same music, watch the same films. But despite this, every nation has its own unique art. However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, and there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, on different parts of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive the same brands of cars, live in standard houses and apartments, listen to the same music, watch the same films. But despite this, every nation has its own unique art.

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Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not only the measure (laws) of beauty, but also fashion and functionality. These technologies open up the field of industrial art and are the result of the penetration of aesthetics into technology. There is no longer any need to talk about the artistic value of each individual object. Things created on the basis of industrial technologies are produced quickly and in large quantities, becoming cheaper and more accessible to the mass buyer.

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The whole world... It is difficult to imagine modern life without large and small cities with multi-storey buildings, wide avenues, squares and parks, monuments and fountains, with the flow of cars, catchy, inviting shop windows, billboards, posters and posters... And all this noisy, the restless, motley, polyphonic world is the work of many people.

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Man at all times, when creating the world around him, sought to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas about beauty and utility inherent in his time. The choice of shapes, materials, and colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era.

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Modern culture is international However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, in it there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, on different parts of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive the same brands of cars, live in standard houses and apartments, listen to the same music, watch the same films. But despite this, every nation has its own unique art.

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Object world today Today's object world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not only the measure (laws) of beauty, but also fashion and functionality. These technologies open up the field of industrial art and are the result of the penetration of aesthetics into technology. There is no longer any need to talk about the artistic value of each individual object. Things created on the basis of industrial technologies are produced quickly and in large quantities, becoming cheaper and more accessible to the mass buyer.

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In order to withstand the competition of manufacturers of objects and services for everyday life, it has become necessary to attract people of creative specialties for their development: architects, artists, designers, graphic designers, decorators, fashion designers, stylists, advertising managers, etc. The activities of these specialists make an industrial product not only expedient and constructively meaningful, but also artistically significant, shaping the aesthetic environment of every person’s life.

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Homework Find the following concepts in reference literature: industrial art, technical aesthetics, design. Write down in your notebook those words and expressions that reflect their meaning. Trace the historical transformation (change) of one of the household items or tools (kettle, iron, saw, etc.) Make a photo montage or prepare a computer presentation on one of the topics: “Square of a modern city”, “Advertising in our city”, “Shops: decoration and interiors”, “Lanterns on city streets”, “Music at city holidays”, “Traditions and modernity in the appearance of my city”.

Aesthetics is the science of the laws of beauty.

Aesthetic (from the Greek aisthetikos - sensually perceived) - person's attitude to a world in which the essence of man is contained in concentrated form as free and a conscious being. The peculiarities of the aesthetic attitude to the world are manifested in its emotional fullness, in a special feeling of pleasure, the “selflessness” of aesthetic experience.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without large and small cities with multi-storey buildings, wide avenues, squares and parks, monuments and fountains, with the flow of cars, catchy, inviting shop windows, billboards, posters and posters... And all this noisy, restless, colorful , the polyphonic world is the work of many people.

Man at all times, when creating the world around him, sought to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas about beauty and utility inherent in his time. The choice of shapes, materials, and colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era.

However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, and there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, on different parts of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive the same brands of cars, live in standard houses and apartments, listen to the same music, watch the same films. But despite this, every nation has its own unique art.

Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not only the measure (laws) of beauty, but also fashion and functionality. These technologies open up the field of industrial art and are the result of the penetration of aesthetics into technology. There is no longer any need to talk about the artistic value of each individual object. Things created on the basis of industrial technologies are produced quickly and in large quantities, becoming cheaper and more accessible to the mass buyer.

In order to withstand the competition of manufacturers of objects and services for everyday life, it has become necessary to attract people of creative specialties for their development: architects, artists, designers, decorators, decorators, fashion designers, stylists, advertising managers, etc. The activities of these specialists make an industrial product not only expedient and constructively meaningful, but also artistically significant, shaping the aesthetic environment of every person’s life.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without large and small cities with multi-story buildings, wide avenues, squares and parks, monuments and fountains, with the flow of cars, catchy, inviting shop windows, billboards, posters and posters... And all this noisy, restless, the motley, polyphonic world is the work of many people.

Man at all times, when creating the world around him, sought to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas about beauty and utility inherent in his time. The choice of shapes, materials, and colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era.

The culture of the modern world is mainly international, and there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, on different parts of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive the same brands of cars, live in standard houses and apartments, listen to the same music, watch the same films.

In order to withstand the competition of manufacturers of objects and services for everyday life, it has become necessary to attract people of creative specialties for their development: architects, artists, designers, graphic designers, decorators, fashion designers, stylists, advertising managers, etc. The activities of these specialists make an industrial product not only expedient and constructively meaningful, but also artistically significant, shaping the aesthetic environment of every person’s life.

Homework Page learn Find the concepts in reference literature: industrial art, technical aesthetics, design. Write down in your notebook those words and expressions that reflect their meaning. Study the appearance of your city. Which features speak of tradition in its appearance, and which of innovation? Make a photo montage or prepare a computer presentation on one of the topics: “Shops: decoration and interiors”, “Lights on city streets”, “Traditions and modernity in the appearance of my city”.

Lesson topic : “Aesthetic formation of the environment by art”

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson:

Ø Show clearly the embodiment of social ideas in artistic images using the example of architectural complexes from different historical and cultural eras.

Ø Define:


Types of architecture.

Lesson objectives:

Ø Summarize existing knowledge about types of art.

Ø To give an idea of ​​the aesthetic formation of the environment by architecture.

Pedagogical technologies of the lesson:



Project technologies.

During the classes:

I.Motivational - indicative stage of the lesson.

Organizational moment of the lesson.

Hello guys! The topic of today's lesson is “Shaping the environment with art.” Let's look at a series of images.


1. What do you see on this slide? - Paintings by artists.

2. What do all these paintings have in common? Images of a city or buildings.

In other words Architecture.

II.Search stage of the lesson.

What is architecture?

You have three definitions of architecture on your desk, let's read them

1. definition from Big Encyclopedic Dictionary - "ARCHITECTURE"(Latin architectura, from Greek architekthon - builder) (architecture), the art of designing and constructing buildings and other structures (as well as their complexes), creating a materially organized environment necessary for people for their life and activities, in accordance with their purpose, modern technical capabilities and aesthetic views of society.

2. statement N. Gogol: « Architecture is the same chronicle of the world: it speaks when songs and legends are already silent and when it says nothing about the lost people.”

3. statement Andrey Burov: “Architecture is not a fine art, but a creative one. It does not depict objects, but creates them.”

Which of the three seems to you to most fully reveal the essence of the concept of Architecture? Justify your answer; the number of arguments you have given is assessed.

Each statement in its own way reflects the essence of the concept, but they also have something in common - Architecture is a creative art that organizes (creates) the environment according to the laws of beauty or aesthetics and reflects a person’s idea of ​​the world’s structure.

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Thus, the purpose of our lesson is to show

Ø how the concept of beauty is reflected in architecture;

Ø how architecture reflects social ideas in specific historical eras;

Ø and in practical creative work you will sum up your project by answering the question: which features speak of tradition in its appearance, and which ones speak of innovation?

Today in the lesson we will not study all existing styles in architecture. Let’s look at just a few of them using specific examples of historical buildings.


The art of Ancient Egypt is architecture that perpetuated the deified power of the pharaoh and the belief in the afterlife. This style is called canonical. On the left bank of the Nile there are giant pyramid tombs that, even from a distance, are overwhelming with their power, grandeur, geometry of shape, and heaviness of material. (Pyramids at Giza, ensemble of temples at Karnak.)

These features are also characteristic of Egyptian temples with strict symmetry, with alleys of repeating sphinxes, with hypostyle halls with rows of giant columns in the form of lotus and papyrus stems and flowers.

The art of Ancient Greece embodies the ideal of man, and architecture is no exception; first of all, it expresses the spirit of heroism and significance of man. “Man is the measure of all things” - this is the motto of all Hellenic art, which is proportionate to man. The main achievement of Greek architects was the creation of the order. Based on the order system, a universal architectural language emerged, which has been spoken by humanity for more than two thousand years. (Parthenon, Erech-theion.)

III.Practical stage of the lesson.

Now we have come to the practical part of our lesson.

In the previous lesson, you completed a mini-poster on a given topic.

And now I give you my word in defense:

1. City of the past, cinquain.

2. The city is real, cinquain.

3. City of the future, sequel.

Reflective - evaluative stage of the lesson.

So, we have come to the end of the lesson.

- What can we conclude from what we have learned? We have proven that:

1. Architecture creates buildings according to the laws of beauty, the material environment for human habitation. Yes

2. How does architecture reflect social ideas in specific historical eras?

Solving the task using cards, match the concept with the image.

V.Completion of the lesson, summing up.

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