Iona prediction. Jonah of Odessa and his predictions

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In the Holy Dormition Monastery of Odessa lived an amazing elder - Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko). All believers in the region knew about him, considered him a righteous man, and lined up to him for advice and blessings. The enormous popularity of Father Jonah among the people was a heavy cross for him, which he bore without complaint.

In his attitude towards this, he was the ideal of modern monasticism, an image of true repentance and humility... Shortly before his death, as they say, the elder said:
- A year after my death, great upheavals will begin, there will be a war. This will last two years.
- How will it all start? Will America attack Russia?
- No.
- Will Russia attack America?
- No.
- And then what?
- In one country, which is smaller than Russia, very big problems will arise, there will be a lot of blood. This will last two years. After which there will be a Russian Tsar. As they say, the elder predicted that the first Easter after the start of the unrest in Ukraine would be bloody, the second - hungry, the third - victorious. His words: “There is no separate Ukraine and Russia, but there is one Holy Rus'.”
He said: “Why are you chasing this dollar... Look, these dollars, like leaves in autumn, the wind will blow along the road, no one will bend over for them, they will be cheaper than paper...” His favorite image, in front of which he prayed in the last months and rested, there was Our Lady of Syria. He also called it “Recovery of the Dead.”
It was a copy of one icon, which streamed myrrh in the temple in the form of a tear of the young Mother of God. Father said this: “And baby Jesus hits Her on the neck and says: don’t cry, Mom, I will have mercy on everyone, I will save everyone for whom You are crying.” In recent months, Father said: “Don’t grieve, we will communicate spiritually. Love is above all, Love conquers everything.” Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko) was born in 1925 into a large family (ninth child).
He was forced to work from a young age. During the Great Patriotic War, in the rear, he worked at a defense enterprise. Then he was a tractor driver, a miner, and also worked in the oil fields. Closer to the age of 40, he fell ill with tuberculosis. “And then suddenly the moment came when I realized that that’s it, you can’t live like this, it’s time to save your soul...”, the elder told his spiritual children. The story of his miraculous healing from a terrible disease is still passed on from mouth to mouth among believers: “While in the hospital, and seeing how people were dying from this disease around him, he swore to God that if the Lord healed, he would go to a monastery.
And the future elder had a vision of the Most Holy Theotokos, who pointed him to the Odessa Holy Dormition Monastery. Since then, Father Jonah has been under monastic vows.” Later, Father Jonah accepted the great schema (became schema-archimandrite).
Despite his periodically deteriorating health, the elder provided spiritual support to all those in need - both ordinary laymen and “the mighty of this world” came to him for advice.
Elder Jonah, confessor of the Odessa Holy Dormition Monastery, reposed in the Lord on December 18, 2012.

The editors of the “Russian People's Line” received a letter with the following content from our readers living in the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Odessa region:

“Our family is the spiritual children of Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko), and we would like to convey what we ourselves personally heard from the Elder for the “general strengthening of the brethren,” as Father Jonah himself said. There is no doubt about the words and prophecies of the priest, because everything that he predicted for us concerning our family (down to the smallest detail) has come true and is coming true. Therefore, doubting all his prophecies concerning the fate of the world is hardly a rewarding thing.

So, back in 2007, the priest told us: “And the Catholics will come to our land... They won’t stay long, but how much evil they will do, and how much blood they will shed...” and then the priest grabbed his head, - oh-oh- oh-oh, but they will leave in disgrace..." Then we took these words with a certain degree of skepticism. I thought that this might happen someday, but not to us, and not in the foreseeable future. And so....

Regarding the division and war in Ukraine, the priest said that this war is spiritual, and no matter what they say, its most important goal is to tear Ukraine away from Holy Rus' and destroy Orthodoxy in it. But then he seemed to peer into the distance and said: “But the Lord will not allow this.”

About the dollar. Someone donated a sum of dollars to the priest, and, holding the bills in his hands, the priest said: “Why are you chasing this dollar... Look, these dollars, like leaves in the fall, the wind will blow along the road, no one will follow them.” won’t bend, it will be cheaper than paper..." God forbid!

The elder said that in order for the Lord to give Rus' an Orthodox Tsar, one needs to repent and pray a lot, that only through the God-given Tsar will Russia gain power and salvation.

That's all in a nutshell. If what the priest said supports those who are discouraged and strengthens those who doubt, we will be glad, as they say, we will help in any way we can. God's help to us all, faith and patience. Most Holy Theotokos, save us!”

The editors of the Russian People's Line considered it necessary to publish this letter, although it is impossible to verify the facts reported in it, since it is actually a folk legend. In addition, information about the prophecies of Elder Jonah (Ignatenko) is quite widespread.

Biographical information:

Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko) was born in 1925 into a large family (ninth child). He was forced to work from a young age. During the Great Patriotic War, in the rear, he worked at a defense enterprise. Then he was a tractor driver, a miner, and also worked in the oil fields.

Closer to the age of 40, he fell ill with tuberculosis. “And then suddenly the moment came when I realized that that’s it, you can’t live like this, it’s time to save your soul...”, the elder told his spiritual children.

The story of his miraculous healing from a terrible disease is still passed on from mouth to mouth among believers: “While in the hospital, and seeing how people were dying from this disease around him, he swore to God that if the Lord healed, he would go to a monastery. And the future elder had a vision of the Most Holy Theotokos, who pointed him to the Odessa Holy Dormition Monastery. Since then, Father Jonah has been under monastic vows.”

Later, Father Jonah accepted the great schema (became schema-archimandrite). Despite his periodically deteriorating health, the elder provided spiritual support to all those in need - both ordinary laymen and “the mighty of this world” came to him for advice.

On December 18, 2012, he died from a long and serious illness in the Odessa Holy Dormition Monastery.

Elder Jonah of Odessa lived in the 20th and 21st centuries

Do you believe in prophecies? I don't mean the newfangled charlatans, of whom there are a dime a dozen. After all, in the 21st century, being a sorcerer or a witch is fashionable. I mean, soothsayers whose prophecies have passed down through the centuries. Those prophets who lived in a time when soothsayers could be considered crazy, or obsessed. Such people could even be burned at the stake for their special vision of the world. In this article, I would like to tell you about one old man, about such a prophet as Jonah of Odessa.

This elder lived in the 20th and 21st centuries. He was born back in 1925 in a large family. The old man's life was not easy. There was no money in the family, so from an early age Jonah helped his parents, which is why he could not even finish school. His family lived in a village, his parents were God-fearing people, hard workers. In the thirties, the authorities took everything from Jonah's family, including the cow that fed them. It was from then on that when he was very young, he had to start working without finishing school in order to earn his bread.

During World War II, Jonah worked at a factory, hauling coal, where he undermined his health. After the end of the war he worked in different places. First as a tractor driver, then in a mine, and later as an oil worker.

In his youth, a wonderful incident happened to him. Being a tractor driver, he was driving a tractor and fell asleep from fatigue. Suddenly waking up, he saw a girl in front of the car and suddenly braked. When he got out of the car, he saw no one. But he saw that he was standing on the very edge of a cliff, into which he almost fell. Jonah claims that the Mother of God saved him in this way.

However, the elder came to the spiritual world late. At the age of 40, he fell ill with tuberculosis. Then he prayed to the Lord for salvation, promising that he would change his life and become a spiritual person. Hearing his prayers, the Lord helped him. Then Jonah moved to the Caucasus, and lived there for several years among hermit monks. Afterwards he received a blessing and went to Odessa, but he was not immediately accepted into the church, and the elder had to dig himself a hole on the seashore and live in it, covering himself with leaves. Later, the monastery needed heavy labor, so he ended up at the Holy Dormition Monastery, where he initially worked as a tractor driver.

At the monastery he did menial work. He didn’t disdain anything. He cut the grass, looked after and cleaned up after the livestock. Jonah did not hold any grudges against people, although many treated him poorly. Sometimes they even poured slop on him. The old man had to sleep in the barn with the cattle.

The elder could always give consolation with a kind word and prayer

Ministry of Ion of Odessa

Already as a priest, Jonah spoke to people about forgiveness and said that troubles and troubles are not punishment, they are tests from the Lord. He could always give consolation with a kind word and prayer, for which his parishioners loved him very much. When he went to the service, he was surrounded by a crowd of about two hundred people. And it was like this all the time. To meet the elder, people lined up early in the night.

And they came to him not only from Odessa, and not even only from Ukraine, but from all over the post-Soviet space. He always tried to help everyone. There were rumors about his healing prayer. They said that he could heal not only the soul, but also the body. Some even claimed that Jonah could read minds. He received people at his bed, already being seriously ill, right up to his death. He always listened to everyone and helped, but never complained to anyone, even when he was in pain. And the father always tried to give a person some kind of gift, and give his pious blessing.

Until illness constrained him, Jonah sought to visit various shrines. There he collected oil, which was miraculous. In general, everyone who knew him said that he was kind and sympathetic. He saw their illnesses in people and helped with prayer. And when someone asked for a blessing, he gave it only if the person was able to do what he asked.

Jonah worked as a clergyman for more than four decades. People from all over the post-Soviet space came to him for advice and help. People came to him:

When he died, no one was allowed to see him. Only one parishioner remained with him until the very end. I read prayers with him. When Jonah prayed, he did not need painkillers, the word of God helped. The elder died on December 18, 2012.

Jonah predicted a difficult fate for Ukraine

Predictions of Ion of Odessa

Priests have certain visions about people, about the future of the world, about our planet and about what will happen after us. On the basis of this knowledge, God's novices make their prophecies, so-called predictions. They can see things that others cannot see. This is what happened with Ion of Odessa, he could also make predictions of the future, although due to lack of education, he could not express his thoughts well. His predictions were not vague, but it was also quite difficult to understand them accurately.

About Ukraine and the Third World War

In the last years of his life, Jonah predicted a difficult fate for Ukraine. He said that misfortunes would befall Ukraine within a year after his death. Terrible changes and troubles will begin on the territory of the country. These troubles will last three years, and will entail famine, war, and also the fact that brother will go against brother. Terrible changes await everyone, and according to the elder, not everyone will be able to pass through them with dignity. And as practice has shown, the predictions regarding Ukraine have come true. At the end of 2013, a terrible coup took place in the country, which led to both famine and war between brothers.

His prophecies also spoke of a possible world war. Jonah claimed that the war would start over a small country that was located on the border with the Russian Federation.

The Future of the USA in the Words of Jonah

His prophecies said that hostilities would begin not because of the strife between Russia and the United States of America, but because of the conflicts in this country. The political instability of this state can lead to dire consequences. Before his death, he argued that the monarchy would be restored in Rus', and a great tsar would be at its head. A single Orthodox religion will arrive on Russian soil. In his understanding, Russia and Ukraine are one single country, and there should be no divisions. This is something worth thinking about, but it’s too rash to draw conclusions for now. Because the prediction has not yet come true.

The Grand Old Man said that the day would come when dollars would become worthless

About world currency

Here is an interesting prediction about the world currency, namely the dollar. Jonah didn’t understand why all people were so eager to get their hands on dollars. According to him, the day will come when this currency will depreciate, and people will trample on it and no one will need it. You can also believe this, because the United States prints more money than the country’s gold reserves, and sooner or later this may backfire on them.

Jonah did not tell people about death, he prophesied about the trials given by the Lord to humanity for the purification of souls and thoughts. The Great Elder said that one must accept this terrible time with humility and resignation. He asked people to see their mistakes in these difficult times. He said that humanity will not listen to the prophets and people will forget God, and then the Kingdom of Heaven will send a person to Earth who will bring with him a new beginning. But before the grace of God descends on earth, people will be tested by fire, sword and a false prophet.

The prophecies of Elder Jonah of Odessa were known during the life of the seer. He became famous for his miracles of healing, fulfilled predictions and great kindness. Jonah was a true messenger of God on earth who is posthumously respected.

Biography: key points

It is impossible to analyze the prophecies of any seer without knowing the key points of his biography. This helps to understand how reliable the predictions are and whether they should be trusted.

A little about the amazing life of the seer:

  • Was born on October 10, 1925 under the name Ignatenko Afanasyevich
  • He was the ninth child born in the 45th year of his mother’s life. The family is Orthodox, they lived modestly and poorly, but they did not grumble, they kept and honored God’s commandments
  • At that time, atheism was taught everywhere, but thanks to my upbringing I retained my faith in God. His mother instilled in him honesty and decency, taught him love and hard work. From an early age the boy was devoid of self-interest and developed spiritually
  • In the 1930s, the family had to endure difficult trials. At this time, there was a desperate confrontation between the state and religion: churches were destroyed, monks were persecuted. But this did not make the seer’s family grumble: they believed that through difficulties and trials the path to God would open to them
  • From an early age, Vladimir worked conscientiously, without complaining of fatigue or difficulties, and spent a lot of time in prayer. He realized that he came to earth with a specific mission and was patiently waiting for the moment when he could fulfill it
  • In his youth, after a hard day of work, Vladimir fell asleep right in the field. In the middle of the night, he woke up abruptly and saw a woman whose face was illuminated by a bright light. Later he realized that the Mother of God had come to him
  • Hard, exhausting work throughout his life led to inevitable consequences - at the age of 40, the saint fell ill with a severe form of tuberculosis. Then he realized. that you need to spend less time on the physical, material, and take more care of the soul
  • In the hospital, among the same tormented sufferers, he made a vow before the face of the Lord: if God did not allow him to die, he promised to become a monk and devote himself to serving the Supreme Divine Power
  • God heard Jonah’s prayers: he recovered. After healing, the monk headed to the Caucasus, found a spiritual teacher there and took monastic vows.
  • Jonah tried to enter the service at the Holy Dormition Monastery, but he was not accepted. He did not despair: he built a dugout nearby and settled in it, praying and waiting. As a result, he was hired for menial work because there was a shortage of workers in the monastery
  • It was a lot of hard work, but Jonah was ready to wait patiently for as long as it took. This bore fruit: from a novice he became a schema-archimandrite, and in 1964, after the death of his spiritual teacher, the Monk Kuksha, Jonah replaced him at the post

Famous prophecies

Jonah believed that earthly life is only a short period of existence of the human soul. Life is given in order to learn and gain the necessary experience, and then stand before God.

Therefore, all his predictions are based on faith in divine power; first of all, the elder relied on the spiritual component. What he predicted:

  • Jonah spoke about the fall of Rus' during the reign of the king. He believed that people “in power” would be overwhelmed by pride, they would be perverted by vices, and they would forget about spirituality. As a result, they will suffer divine punishment after the death of their physical body
  • The elder advised to pacify the body: practice asceticism, pray and stop giving in to pride, so as not to pay for sins “in fiery hell.” He argued that only humility and patience will heal the soul
  • Jonah foresaw the tragic events in Ukraine. This fact forces our contemporaries to listen to the prophecies of the seer. He was often visited by people holding high positions. Ministers and presidents were waiting for the prophecies. But Jonah did not become proud and accepted ordinary people. His love and blessings were enough for everyone
  • He also managed to predict the onset of war. This prophecy shocked and amazed everyone because it came true with amazing accuracy.

The elder claimed that the Mother of God herself was helping him, who “asked” to leave her in the Holy Dormition Monastery. Therefore, he never wanted to leave there, although he was invited to serve in Athos, Laurel and Jerusalem.

Many amazing stories have come down to our times from people who personally visited Elder Jonah. They claim: this man’s predictions always come true.

Watch the video with the prophecies of Elder Jonah about love, the king and the meaning of life:

Missionary activities

It is known that Jonah did not spare time for his parishioners and treated them very kindly. He never let anyone go without a blessing and a gift. He was famous for his phenomenal memory - he remembered the names of everyone who approached him, kept in his memory the names of relatives and close people of parishioners.

They often brought him offerings and gifts - he distributed everything to those in need, and he himself led an extremely ascetic lifestyle. There are stories of how, in the icy cold, he, standing in only a cassock, distributed warm clothes to the poor, although he himself was literally turning blue from the cold.

Unlike most other seers with extremely negative and scary predictions, Jonah gave very kind, inspiring prophecies, filled with his love and blessing. And they came true. Perhaps it’s all about people’s faith in the gift of this amazing man.

Death overtook the seer on December 18, 2012. At that time, the elder was 88 years old, and he left behind many predictions about the new Russian Tsar, about the future war, about the fate of humanity. He especially insisted that people need to work and pray in order to get closer to God and find happiness.

The media published the dying prophecy of Jonah of Odessa. Right before his death, the elder saw bloodshed on the territory of Ukraine. About the events in Donbass, he said that Kyiv realizes that it made a mistake by trusting Western patrons, after numerous human deaths.

The elder on his deathbed predicted that the fates of the Ukrainian state and Russia would be inseparable. He believed that there was a single Holy Rus' that united two peoples. And those who try to separate them will face a bitter fate, said the soothsayer.

In her prediction, Saint Matrona said that the beginning of the 21st century would be difficult for Russia, and "after all friendly countries are offended by each other" a serious conflict will begin. According to Matrona, this terrible conflict will lead to the death of many people. “This will happen not because of illness, but because of the devil,” - noted the revered

At the same time, Matrona stated that our country will endure difficult years, losses and problems. "will triumph over all adversity."

Journalists recall that Matrona was the fourth child in the family and was born completely blind - her parents initially wanted to give her away, but took pity on her.

After the girl grew up a little, she began to see prophetic dreams - first about the fate of her relatives, the troubles of loved ones, about which she warned them. With age, she began to predict global troubles - and most of her predictions came true. Matrona also helped in the treatment of seriously ill people and was subsequently canonized.

Let us note that modern forecasters and forecasts of the past speak (if you believe, of course, in mysticism) about the imminent beginning of difficult years and even the Third World War. However, in all cases, Russia’s fate is the same - it is revival after a series of troubles and problems.

For example, the Athonite elder Ephraim of Philotheus predicted that the world would face “terrible years.” “Our time is numbered. Difficult years await us, dangerous even for our earthly stay. The devil has gone mad and opened his mouth like hell, wanting to swallow us whole. Blessed is the man who escapes his teeth and flies up to Heaven for salvation. Every year , the situation is getting worse and worse,” the elder, revered in Orthodoxy, shared.

The famous predictor and mystic Horatio Villegas, who previously “predicted” the victory of Donald Trump, said that the Third World War will begin soon. According to him, "The conflict will continue for six months."

Prior to this, the famous clairvoyant from Hong Kong Priscilla Lam promised Trump “success in the summer” and good luck to Putin. "The dragon is strong and can go anywhere: it can swim in the water or fly in the air, it is filled with enthusiasm."- she added.

As historians and mystics have found out, even Nostradamus predicted the future of the Russian leader. According to him "The northern king from Aquilon will help set everything right."

In turn, the famous seer Vanga also predicted war and disaster. "Evil will grow like thistles and tear apart cities, shake continents... in the new century, and even a dozen and five years later" . According to Vanga, 2017 "will be a turning point in the history of all mankind."

“Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised...The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph,” historians found a forecast in the notes of St. Theophan of Poltava.

“No one will attack Russia, no one will attack the United States. The war will begin with a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war, a lot of blood will be shed, and into this funnel of a civil war of a small country they will be drawn and Russia and the United States and many countries. And this will be the beginning of the third world war,"- Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa stated before his death.

Finally, we will add that, according to media devoted to mysticism, Ukraine after the Maidan and the war in the South-East of the country was allegedly cursed by the famous and also revered by the Orthodox Elder Ephraim. This happened quite recently - and the elder refused to “lift” his curse, despite the “great sin”.

“I know that, having cursed even a person, and not an entire demonic country, you need to repent and confess. If the one who cursed does not repent and confess, then he will be punished by God as a criminal,” - he told the parishioners.

“But for now I will carry this burden, because repentance means repentance, and I cannot forgive Ukraine.” , he added.

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