Projects of manor houses and large wooden houses. Russian style house designs

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Manor- in Russian architecture - a complex of residential, utility, park and other buildings that make up a single economic and architectural whole. There are:

  • boyar estates until the 17th century., usually had a very utilitarian meaning, it was ordinary, just big;
  • landowners' estates of the 18th-19th centuries., including a manor house with an outbuilding, stables, greenhouses, barns, a park, and a church serving the buildings;
  • city ​​estates of the 18th-19th centuries., including a mansion house, "services", garden or yard.

The origins of the emergence of estates and manor houses should be considered the houses of princely tiuns (managers, with the functions of judges of the lowest degree) in ancient Rus'. As a rule, in the village, tiuns stood out both in size and presence outbuildings in the courtyard. Such farmsteads were the prototype of local estates. IN modern understanding estates began to appear as country farmsteads of the boyars. They included boyar mansions, a servants' quarters - a separate building for servants, barns, stables, woodsheds and other services. Such estates were concentrated in the near Moscow region.

Manor houses, as a rule, were built either from wood or stone/brick

The impetus for the widespread development of estate construction was the generous distribution of lands by Pyotr Alekseevich to his closest associates. Thus, noble landowners' estates began to appear. The dawn of the construction of estates falls on the period of the 18th - first half of the 19th century century. During these years, active construction of estates took place throughout the European part of Russia. During this period, the utilitarian purpose of the estate changes to a place of comfortable living. From Western culture comes the concept of landscape gardening, which includes decorative ponds, small architectural forms, paved paths, etc.
Russian estate of the 18th-19th centuries – family estate, family nest , a place where the owner created a corner of paradise arranged according to his wishes.

Manor houses in Russia had a number characteristic features:

  • Big square main building - estates;
  • Dividing the premises of the manor house into zones:
    • the human half, where house servants and nannies lived;
    • Technical buildings;
    • master's half of the house
    The master's half of the house was also divided into several zones:
    • fireplace Hall or library;
    • living room where guests were received;
    • the children's part of the house where the children lived;
    • personal premises of the owners, bedrooms, boudoir, Personal Area owner.
  • Often manor houses had an outbuilding and a walkway, a place where gentlemen could drink tea outdoors in good weather.

Recently, in Russia there has been a revival of interest in estates and manor houses. We present to your attention some projects made in the concept of manor houses.

New projects of estates and country houses

Manor house projects

  • Project of the manor house "Ivan"

    Square: 250 m 2

  • Square: 300 m 2

    Square: 550 m 2

    Square: 540 m 2

    Square: 310 m 2

    Square: 250 m 2

  • Fairytale tower based on V.M. Vasnetsova

    Square: 350 m2

The timing and cost of design, production of the log house and its installation are explicitly stipulated in the contract

In the cost of a log manor house we included:

  1. at the AR stage
  2. Scheme of cutting down a log house at the RF stage
  3. Making a log house at the production site:
    • If cutting a corner is done in a “paw” or in a “hook”, then
    • If the length of the log is equal to or exceeds 8 meters, then the walls must be tightened with additional permanent log walls.
  4. All necessary building materials (sawn mat, hardware, temporary roofing, moss, etc.) that will be required at the stage of assembling the log house.
  5. Loading, unloading, delivery of logs and necessary building materials to the assembly point. Delivery costs are included within a 70 km radius. from MKAD.
  6. Assembling the log house onto the finished foundation.
    This point is mandatory, because it is very unreasonable for both the Customer and us to entrust the assembly to a team that did not cut the log house.
    Included at this stage:
    • Floor beams made of logs with a diameter of 18 to 24 cm.
    • Primary caulking (moss or tow is included in the price)
    • Cost of using a truck crane (if necessary)
    • Assembly and disassembly of scaffolding, including necessary materials
    • Covering a house or bathhouse under construction
    • Manufacturing and installation of rafter system
    • Equipment of gables and, if possible, preparation of window openings in gables
    • Roof sheathing
    • Roof covering with temporary roofing

After installing the log house on the foundation, there must be a technological break until the end of the initial shrinkage of the bathhouse log house (from 4 to 12 months)

Despite all the attractiveness of the bygone style of the classic noble estate, no one is now capable of building “Arkhangelskoye” or “Ostankino”: it is too large-scale, expensive, and no one lives on such a scale as before...

But the project of a Russian classical estate can be brought to life on a more modest scale, accessible to a modern developer.

This will not be too difficult, because what sets a Russian family estate apart from others is not its high cost and size, but its inherent compositional features, spatial solution And architectural style. It is at the same time elegant and modest, solemn and homely, simple and complex, in general, ambiguous and multifaceted, like Russian architecture in general.

We will illustrate the basic rules, the observance of which will allow you to create an estate project in Russian without problems and extra costs. classic style. The buildings of a modern family estate project will not be as grandiose as their pre-revolutionary counterparts, the decor will be less solemn, but the house will turn out beautiful, harmonious and comfortable, the outbuildings will be convenient and appropriate for exactly the purpose and size that you need, and the Russian spirit will be in it must be present.

Plot. The ensemble can be located in dense urban areas on a site 30-40 meters wide - then the mansion and outbuildings are built almost close to each other and form a cozy and solemn courtyard - court d'honneur along the street; or be located freely in nature, occupying a vast territory and becoming an adornment of the surrounding landscape. Required condition location of buildings - the complex in all its glory should be visible from all sides, or the whole should be visible at least from the front. It is absolutely forbidden to hide it behind a high, blind fence, because hiding such beauty from people is a crime. Actually, a blank fence generally contradicts the Russian way of life, and therefore will always be perceived as an alien element.

Location on the site. The main buildings are located along the red line. The composition of the ensemble is always symmetrical. The house stands along the axis, and outbuildings emphasize it on the left and right. They are usually pushed forward a little, so that they form a front courtyard facing the street. In the center of it there is traditionally a fountain, sculpture or flowerbed. This is the standard planning scheme for a family estate project. Simple and beautiful, proven over centuries!

The estate in the example has a large plot of land, almost two hectares of forest, so behind the owner’s house there is a park with a straight main alley - a ray directed towards an ancient temple located nearby, which is generally accepted for Russian urban planning - a person constantly has the church in sight, never forgets about God. Along the perimeter of the park there is a curved walking path with picturesquely scattered park structures and gazebos. In cramped conditions, in a town or village, there will be no park, but the principle of the relative position of buildings will remain the same, your estate will still be impressive and beautiful. Depending on the shape of the territory provided to you, the wings can be turned on different sides to the road, placed close or moved apart, creating a unique building composition that is ideal for a particular case.

Since the “manor’s” house is the main one in the ensemble, and the outbuildings only complement it, they should be much smaller, lower and more modest than their “boss”. Their task is to accompany and shade. The smallest buildings (gazebos, booths, etc.) may not participate in the composition and be placed freely between the trees.

The area of ​​buildings in a Russian-style estate project can be very modest, for example, a cottage of 150 - 250 m2 and 2 outbuildings of 40 - 100 m2 each. That is, 220 - 500 m2 can already look like a classic family estate, of course, if the layout is carefully thought out and there is nothing superfluous anywhere.

Purpose of buildings. The main building is the place of residence of the owner and his family; the outbuildings are used for housing for staff and guests, hobbies and household needs. In the project of the Russian estate "MEZONINE" one outbuilding is a guest apartment and engineering premises, and the other is a garage and a workshop.

Decoration. Perhaps this item is on the list construction work At first it scares us the most, as it seems very costly and troublesome. But this is a misconception. There may be few decorations, but they must be applied appropriately and accurately to emphasize the semantic accents of the composition. The project of the Russian estate “MEZONINE” used 16 bases and capitals of polyurethane columns, 18 linear meters of cast iron fences, 60 concrete or wooden balusters. Advanced materials and technologies make it possible to cast these products to order according to drawings. There is now an abundance of companies that manufacture or offer a wide selection of ready-made stucco moldings, so finding a partner will not be difficult. All other decor consists of linear and flat elements (moldings and rustications), polyurethane or plaster. So finishing in a classic style will not require more money than any other.

Classics are characterized by a strict hierarchy and the subordination of minor elements to the main ones. Therefore, the design of the façade of a mansion should be more complex than that of the outbuildings. In the “MEZZONINE” collection, the decor is distributed as follows: the front façade of the cottage is the most richly decorated, its park side is a little more laconic, and the extensions are even simpler.

By observing the compositional laws listed above, you can draw up a project for a classic Russian estate, and make it relatively inexpensive.

What is an estate in understanding modern man? This is, first of all, the privilege of the noble class. IN AND. Dahl gave in his dictionary good definition: estate - "this is an option manor house in the village, having all the amenities, a garden, a vegetable garden and others." Many of us associate the image of an estate with Arkhangelsk, Kuskovo, Peterhof, Pavlovsky.

Modern trends dictate how society perceives an estate not so much as an architectural cultural monument, but also popular modern look private properties.

Modern large house plans: features

Projects of elite houses and cottages are experiencing significant changes in their perception, dictating latest trends to the development of the suburban real estate market. More often Special attention pay attention to the landscape of the territory, its size and design. Projects of large houses, villas, mansions require careful study of architectural styles, harmonization of the complex of buildings with environment. This direction in the architecture of private housing construction is based on the concept of “family nest”, family and surname, which have great value in our world and oblige us to preserve the history of the family; home, acting as a symbolic concept.

Architectural designs of luxury houses by the Z500 company, which can be purchased at the average market price, are selected in strict accordance with these concepts. Project plans for large houses and luxury mansions impress with the variety of architectural trends, variability of elements, styles and original decoration techniques. The layout of large house projects was created by architects for each house from this section with special diligence, providing for both future owners and their guests best level comfort.

This section contains projects of large mansions and cottages with an area of ​​250-300 m2. It was this geometric characteristic that became the criterion for selecting such houses. If you need large houses with an area exceeding 300 m2, pay attention to the “Mansions” section of the catalog, which was replenished with new projects in 2017

Layout of large houses: additional services

Projects in this section are characterized by spacious areas for relaxation in the form of bright terraces and balconies, giving all buildings a special chic. You can host guest receptions and home-cooked dinners in the fresh air.

Standard and original designs of luxury houses, sketches of which, videos and diagrams are posted in this section, represent the widest palette of stylistic and architectural diversity. Elite residential buildings of modern high-tech class and classics of noble imperial Russia coexist here.

Because we realize that finished project Since a house of 250 sq. m cannot always fully reflect the customer’s needs, we have provided the opportunity to order the “” service for an additional cost. Architects and designers are ready to change the project big house in terms of the geometric dimensions of the house, its layout, changes in the number of storeys, organization of the basement and others. Large houses can also be created. We also offer alternative methods of ventilation, heating and floor heating.

In order for your large home to fully correspond to the breadth of this concept, we have provided the services "" and "". If you add these sections to projects, then large houses (photos, sketches, diagrams and drawings can be viewed in this section) and mansions will become an example of sophistication and harmony of exterior design, interior decoration and surrounding landscape. The addition “ ” allows you to calculate the basis for the cost estimate for the turnkey project.

We wish you to find a large house project that suits you in our collection!

See a selection of visualizations of projects from 250 m2:

Each country has its own face and unique style in the architecture of buildings. If we associate France with ornate architectural decorations, England is a strict style with classical forms, then Russia is characterized by a house in the style noble estate. The word "estate" according to Dahl's dictionary means " manor house in the village with all the grooming, a garden, a vegetable garden and so on.” We immediately remember the country royal residences and houses of the large noble aristocracy, such as Peterhof, Kuskovo, Arkhangelskoye.

Russian style house projects

Projects of houses in the Russian estate style - photo:

Today, a house in the style of a Russian estate remains relevant. The stereotypes of the 90s - cottages on Rublyovka - are fading into the background, and projects of estates in the Russian style are becoming increasingly popular. Typically, such houses can most often be seen in suburban areas. Any element of such a house preserves Russian traditions.

Manor-style houses - photo:

Modern trends in the real estate market are significantly changing the psychology of the Russian elite in dacha construction: an architectural style is chosen more carefully in integration with the nature and landscape of the surrounding area. The cottage project “manor in a classic style” is increasingly associated with the concept of “family nest” with its own history passed on from generation to generation. Such projects of houses in the Russian estate style in the photo:

A manor-style house is always solid and at the same time solemn. The strict color scheme of the facade with a light base and window frames creates lightness and harmony, removing the excessive gloom of the building. The rooms on all floors are spacious; the windows in such mansions can be of different shapes: round, rectangular or arched. A building in this style is characterized by open terraces on two floors.

Russian estates photos

Today, buildings are called Russian estates big size in the style of a manor house. Modern house designs in the Russian estate style are mainly large area and up to three floors high. As in old times, a manor-style house is most often built from wood, but other materials can also be used.

It is very comfortable to live and receive guests in such a house, because our architects think through the project in the smallest detail.The manor-style house has a balcony and staircase portal, which fit perfectly into the style of the house. A house in the style of a noble estate is usually equipped with a swimming pool, from which there is access to a veranda. The house may also have a sauna and gym.

Houses in classic Russian style

Designs of houses in the classic Russian estate style resemble a boyar's house with figured columns, a multi-tiered porch, carved decor and a free organization of the building's facade.

Manor style house photo:

House in style old manor distinguished by Russian scale, spacious layout interior spaces, a large number of sunlight, especially necessary in the harsh Russian climate. Country house or country residence– this is the purpose of a manor-style house (pictured):

For an architect, the Russian style in construction means freedom of experiment. With the help of decorative elements, they transform an ordinary wooden house into an individual house project in the style of a noble estate. Today, a house project in the style of a noble estate is a complex consisting of several buildings for various purposes. The house in the style of a Russian estate is distinguished by the simple architecture of the building, a variety of styles and proportions, and original decorative design.

Manor-style house (project):

The design of the estate in a classic style involves an elegant interior design of the stairs and hall, and oval-shaped balconies. The first floor is planned in a free form; most often the kitchen is combined with the dining room, moving into the living room. Beautiful scenery Russian nature is visible through the large windows of the house, creating calm and regularity. Design of an estate in a classic style:

In the house important elements architecture are mirrored bay windows: on the left side of the first floor there is a recreation room, on the right there is a living room. Such houses also have a library with a fireplace. Creating cleanliness, freshness and spaciousness inside the house is achieved by using white color in the design of doors, details and furniture - all this is a house in the style of a Russian estate in the photo:

A Russian estate is simplicity and aristocracy! Projects of estates in the Russian style of the RemStroyServis company undoubtedly correspond to this definition.

Cottage project "Manor in a classic style":

In our catalog, house designs in the Russian estate style take pride of place. This is explained by the growing interest in log housing construction, and logically leads to the revival of half-forgotten elements of ancient Russian architecture. Our ancestors knew how to create fabulous masterpieces made of wood.

Despite the absolute external dissimilarity of each house in the catalog, they can still be divided into two large groups. One includes projects of classic Russian manor houses, the second includes ethnic stylizations such as “fairy-tale mansions”.

Russian style estate project

This concept usually includes a traditional, often one-story, residential building, or rather, a complex of wooden buildings along with a bathhouse, an outbuilding, a fence and a gate, forming an entire “yard.” IN modern projects Several techniques of traditional Russian architecture are used.

  • Log houses can be assembled from logs of different diameters, laid “butt to top”.
  • Multi-tiered roofs different shapes- “chest”, acute-angled, 4-slope.
  • The gables are made from the same logs as the walls - there is a feeling that they stand “by themselves”, without any support (“males”).
  • Characteristic are peculiar “bay windows” - half of a hexagonal “drum” protruding beyond the wall.
  • Wood carving - business card Houses. The porch, platbands, and overhanging edges of the roof are richly decorated with figured elements.
  • Open galleries“gulbishchas”, small cozy balconies - supported on carved wooden columns.

A characteristic feature of Russian houses is individuality. Each of them is unique, expressing the taste and wealth of the owners of the house. IN modern interpretation a cottage can be built from brick in the Russian style, or with combined stone walls. The combination of materials of different textures gives the building new look, while maintaining all the charm of a wooden log house.

Traditional house in Russian Terem style

The first wave of interest in medieval Russian architecture arose in the 19th century, and on its crest arose “ pseudo-Russian style" Of the house designs of Russian architects of that period, the works of Ivan Ropet, who built many “mansions” with multi-tiered turrets and carved patterns, have survived. Among the techniques of the 18th century, two stand out that could give wooden house especially the "fairytale view".

  • Russian chalet is a building with a log house that expands upward due to a gradual increase in the output of crowns (“fall”). They formed a cornice on which the roof was laid, the overhangs of which could be significantly increased. Nowadays this is a rare technique; modern houses of this type are rather a stylization on the theme of a chalet.
  • A log house “in the oglo” is a connection of logs in the corners of a log house with the remainder (remember the house of “Baba Yaga”). The project of a tower in the Old Russian style in our catalog includes such rare elements: figured columns with carvings, a hexagonal glazed “lantern”.

All house designs developed by us in the Russian estate style are accompanied by a full package of architectural and constructive solutions. The attached specification of materials facilitates the work of builders and ensures that the building being constructed complies with the technical plan.

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