Brezhnev's children biography personal life. Mysteries of the Brezhnev surname

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Today I will talk about the children of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. He had two children. Galina and Yuri.

Yuri Leonidovich Brezhnev was born in 1933. He graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute in 1955 and the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade in 1960; worked as an assistant foreman; then - plant manager. Liebknecht in Dnepropetrovsk; 1966-1968 - senior engineer, head of department at the USSR Trade Mission in Sweden, then trade representative of the USSR in Sweden; 1970-1976 - Chairman of the All-Union Association of the Ministry of Foreign Trade; since 1979 - First Deputy Minister; since 1981 - candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee; in 1983, Yuri Andropov relieved him of his post and sent him to another job; in 1986 he returned to Moscow.

After the collapse of the USSR, Yuri stopped appearing in public.

Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva (April 18, 1929, Sverdlovsk, RSFSR, USSR - June 30, 1998, Dobrynikha, Moscow region, Russian Federation) - daughter of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev. She gained secret scandalous fame due to her eccentric and capricious character, numerous novels and public lifestyle among the elite of the Soviet nomenklatura and bohemians, which was not covered in the media, but was actively discussed in society.

Born in 1929 in the city of Sverdlovsk; father - Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev; mother - Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva (Lukich) (1907-1995). In childhood and adolescence, she traveled a lot to the places where her father performed his duties, wanted to become an actress, was preparing to enter the acting department in Moscow, but her father forbade her to even think about an artistic career; studied at the literary (philological) faculty of Dnepropetrovsk State University, graduated from the philosophical department of Chisinau State University; worked at the Novosti press agency, in the archives department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the rank of advisor-envoy, at Moscow State University.

People close to her noted positive qualities: kindness, help to many cultural figures, including disgraced artists. By character, Galina was generally a kind and sympathetic person, but, according to commentators on her biography, she turned out to be “extremely spoiled” by access to power, connections and her father’s position, and was never able to cope with temptations, whims and old habits, since she was accustomed to the atmosphere of flattery and insincerity that surrounded her since childhood. There were debauchery, theft, drunkenness, as well as connections with the criminal world of Galina Brezhneva.

Details of the biography of Galina Brezhneva became known to the general public after the publication in the newspapers “Moskovsky Komsomolets” and “Moskovskaya Pravda” of the materials of “Brezhnev scholar” Evgeniy Yu. Dodolev, who later published a number of books based on these essays: “Pyramid-1”, “Mafia of the Times of Lawlessness” , “Cremmlingate”, “Processes. Glasnost and mafia, confrontations.”

Galina Leonidovna became one of the most scandalous figures of the Soviet elite. She was married several times. Among her husbands were: circus artist, tightrope walker, acrobat Evgeny Milaev, circus artist, illusionist Igor Kio, policeman, Soviet statesman Yuri Churbanov.

Evgeny Milaev is Galina's first husband. Evgeny was 20 years older than his chosen one, had two children, Sasha and Natasha, - their mother died during childbirth. These children will later betray their stepmother. For a substantial fee, they will bring a film crew from an English television company to her, sick and always drunk, who will make a disgusting film about an unfortunate, degenerate woman. When Milaev came on tour to Chisinau, 22-year-old Galina, the daughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova L.I., fell in love with him. Brezhnev. She followed the circus, informing her parents in a letter that she had gotten married.

An interesting fact that is now difficult to believe, knowing how modern nouveau riche, their wives and children live, is that Galina Brezhneva worked as a costume designer at the circus. She was not registered, but worked.

She shared with the group of actors and staff all the hardships of nomadic life on tour, cooked borscht on an electric stove, looked after her own and other people’s children, and in general did not particularly stand out among the other workers of the Union State Circus. According to the recollections of many people who worked with Galina Brezhneva in the circus, the group of artists treated her very well, they loved her, and she always tried not to refuse help to anyone. Through my father I “punched” apartments, through the Minister of Culture. titles of honored artists and good tours, including abroad.

Knowledgeable people say: Galina went “there” under someone else’s name, although she never changed her maiden name during any marriage.

In this marriage, Galina's only daughter, Victoria, was born. Evgeny Milaev was the first director of the circus on Vernadsky Avenue. Died in 1983. Brezhnev accepted his son-in-law and began to help him in his career: he even gave him a Hero of Socialist Labor. But this did not save the marriage. Galina's friends said that Milaev cheated on her with a circus performer.

My father had a cool character. But that’s exactly what she needed,” recalls Victoria Filippova, the daughter of Galina Brezhneva and Evgeny Milaev. “She didn’t even touch a drink in front of him.”

Milaev, according to Vika, demanded from his wife not only order in the house, but above all, that she herself should always be in excellent shape: hair, makeup, manicure. And Galina matched. At the same time, the daughter of a high-ranking party official, at that time Brezhnev was not yet general secretary, herself, without a cook, cooked, did laundry, and looked after her husband’s two children from his first marriage - Sasha and Natasha.

At the same time, dad loved mom very much,” says Vika. - He often spoiled her with expensive gifts. I bought her luxurious rings, marvelously beautiful earrings and a necklace. Once, having returned from a tour from abroad, he presented her with a luxurious sable fur coat. No one in Moscow had anything like this in those years. He squandered all his earnings on her. But as they say, no matter how much you feed the wolf... - here Vika, after a short silence, sighed. - Divorcing them was my mother’s tragic mistake! Everything that was good in her life was with Milaev! That's what she said herself in her old age.

As Vika assures, Evgeny Milaev sometimes liked to tease his young wife by showing signs of attention to beautiful women. So it was with Tamara Sobolevskaya. He admired her picturesquely during the performance, standing at the backstage, presenting her with luxurious bouquets. Signs of attention became a reason for gossip. Galina, watching her husband’s flirting, was slightly angry, but understood perfectly well that these advances did not threaten adultery. She knew Milaev's conservative character well. And Kio started an affair with young Igor, because she was tired of stomping around in the family stable. Kyo was just a pliable toy in her hands.

I asked my mother: why did you get involved with the boy? And she only answered: I don’t understand myself. The crap has settled in my head! The harness got under the mantle! - recalls Victoria.

Igor Kio said: “I was eighteen, and she was thirty-two. I, like many very young people, liked mature women, older than me. She was a very bright woman, and she was my first love.

When we signed and left for Sochi, she left a note for my father. So and so, forgive us, dad, we love each other, he is twenty-five, she overestimated my age, she understood how my father would not like it. Leonid Ilyich, as it later became known, was furious, of course, and then waved his hand. But then Milaev intervened. And even then my father ordered us to be separated.

The general, the head of the regional police, and the head of the passport office came to us, shaking with fear. Galina was taken away and my passport was taken away. A week later, a parcel arrived - the page with the marriage record was simply torn out of the passport and there was a stamp: “Subject to exchange.” By the way, it was very difficult for me to do this later - not to explain everything to the district office.

We continued to communicate, meeting when we could, mostly secretly - such a romance at a distance. Once in Odessa - I was on tour, she came to see me for the weekend, saying at home that she was at a friend’s dacha. But bad weather happened and she was delayed for four days. Father was informed. They came for her. I was summoned to the general of the Odessa KGB.

And so it went on somehow abnormally. Plus there is such an age difference, and she, of course, understood this. Therefore, over time it resolved on its own. The last time we spoke by phone was in 1991.

It was very difficult for her psychologically. Wherever she went, they started licking one place so hard that no normal person could stand it."

When Brezhnev was informed about what had happened, he, who sincerely respected his son-in-law and treated him very well, was horrified.

What are they doing, what are they doing? - Leonid Ilyich moaned sadly. - Adventurers!

According to some experts, Brezhnev sent a personal plane to Sochi. Fratkis got what he deserved, the marriage was immediately annulled, and the illusionist’s newly-made wife, on the third day after marriage, with a clean new passport, ended up at her father’s dacha near Moscow.

No more tricks! - Sam said sternly and ordered that none of the participants in the Sochi scandalous story should ever even come close to his house or dacha. This instruction was strictly followed until the end of his days. According to people who knew the daughter of the all-powerful Brezhnev well, Galina and Milaev, when they arrived in Moscow, lived for some time in a communal apartment near the Kursk station, and then the father helped his daughter and son-in-law: they were given a decent separate apartment in the residential wing of the Ukraina Hotel. . After the divorce, Galina didn’t take anything from there! She left everything to her first husband.

It is quite obvious that, working in a leadership position at the Union State Circus, Milaev, after a divorce, could quickly find himself a party worthy in all respects, but he never married again. But Galina, unlike her ex-husband, went to great lengths... The father was looking for a good job for his daughter, and Galina ended up in the APN. There she met a woman named Ivanova, whose son danced at the Bolshoi Theater. It was through Ivanova’s son that Galina Leonidovna met the famous Maris Liepa.

Galina Brezhneva’s daughter Victoria Filippova says: “She suffered for him for five whole years!” says Victoria. “He was somewhat reminiscent of my father in character: just as tough and dry. He was 11 years younger than her. My mother fell in love with him. And I can’t say the same about him: most likely, he was just carried away by a beautiful woman.

According to Vicki, Maris Liepa did not consider it shameful to take advantage of the favor of the secretary general’s daughter. Vika is especially offended that Maris did not disdain even the smallest things.

Maybe I didn’t do it consciously, but I was offended when I found out that my mother was again rushing to the special section of GUM to buy gifts for Maris’s wife and children. He simply complained to her that he should somehow congratulate the family on the holiday. But in the shops he was like a ball... His behavior seemed unworthy of a real man to me. Eh, mom was let down by her simplicity,” Vika sighs. - In addition, he gave out “advances”: he took them to Riga to introduce him to his parents. How she dreamed of marrying him! They rented an apartment for a couple of days, but after sleeping, they ran home. He kept sighing that he was attached to the children - Andries and Ilse. I don’t argue that he was a talented dancer, but he could have gone on for a long time without the highest award of the USSR - the Lenin Prize, if his mother hadn’t called the right person...

Liepa slowly lost contact with the Secretary General's daughter. And he put the finishing touches just as masterfully as he performed his pas de deux on the theater stage. He was flying back from a tour and told Galina his flight number. She, suspecting nothing, arrived at the airport. And he sees a picture: in the waiting room Margarita Zhigunova, wife Marisa, actress of the theater. Pushkin. And then Maris himself appears, goes to his wife, hugs her, kisses her, and the couple kindly leaves hand in hand. But he knew that Galina saw everything. Then my mother realized the full value of their relationship.

It was during those five years of her affair with Liepa that she began to drink, at first a little, and then more and more. I don’t want to say that Maris taught her to drink, no, but her unhappy love for him pushed her to the bottle,” Victoria continues sadly. - Mom was very worried about the breakup with Liepa, it was a real tragedy.

The most scandalous is Galina’s relationship with the gypsy actor and singer Boris Buryatse. Boris Buryatse - from a family of gypsy barons, artist of the ensemble "Romen". Under the patronage of Galina Brezhneva, he was listed as a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Handsome, brunette, tall, plump, green-eyed. With a Cartier watch with diamonds, a thick gold chain on his chest, he wore silk shirts with collars trimmed with precious stones, and even wore a diamond bracelet on his ankle. Brezhneva’s friend Mila Moskaleva knows little about Buryatse, whom Galina made a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR. He was associated with black marketeers and large antiques dealers, and Mila, a “traveling” circus performer, was forbidden by Milaev, her boss, to be in this company. But she assures: her friend had nothing to do with Buryatse’s manipulations with diamonds. Yes, she loved jewelry! It turned out that Milaev instilled in her a love for diamonds. He gave uniquely beautiful things on all dates, even works by Faberge.

“At the beginning of perestroika,” recalls Moskaleva, “an article by Roy Medvedev appeared, who wrote that the theft of diamonds was organized by my friend. It was a shameless lie, which Bugrimova herself denied. I told Medvedev: you killed Galya with your lies. After that she got sick and started drinking more. But, as a modest person, she did not write letters to the editor or file a lawsuit. Medvedev asked how to call her, but it was already too late.”

“Every man who became a close friend of Brezhneva, of course, could not help but think about her capabilities,” says Roy Medvedev. - And they used it. She herself said that during one of the parties she met a handsome, young, strong military man. He spent the night with her in a hotel. In the morning she announced: “I am Galina Brezhneva.” He didn't believe it at first. But literally the next day he invited Brezhneva to become his wife.” This military man was Yuri Churbanov. Churbanov already had a wife and two children. But, unlike Liepa, he got divorced very quickly. At that time, popular rumor even came up with a saying: “Don’t have a hundred sheep, but marry like Churbanov.”

“And later both Churbanov himself and Brezhnev said that they did not get married by the will of their feelings,” the historian continues. - But Brezhnev was pleased. He gave the newlyweds a car, a dacha, and a wonderful apartment. Promoted Churbanov in rank.

No one will say exactly when Brezhneva started drinking. But under Churbanov she became a clinical alcoholic.” The acquaintance with Churbanov took place in the restaurant of the House of Architects, where Galina went in the company of the son of the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs, Igor Shchelokov, and his wife Nonna. Igor was then in charge of youth foreign tourism, and the Brezhnev and Shchelokov families were connected by many years of war-tested friendship. Galina turned forty-two, she was still pretty, and Churbanov himself drew attention to her! Dad was impressed by the new son-in-law: Leonid Ilyich hoped that Yuri Mikhailovich, as an officer and a man, would be able to positively influence his reckless daughter. But one day Galina said: “My husband’s last name fully corresponds to his essence”...

Meeting with her friend Mila Moskaleva, Galina complained: it was all because life with Churbanov did not work out. “He only kissed me twice,” she told a friend. “On my wedding day and when I went to prison.” Of course, Yuri Mikhailovich has his own version of their unfulfilled life; men perceive everything differently.

She got married for the last time at the age of 64 in 1994 to a 29-year-old entrepreneur.

After Brezhnev's death during Andropov's reign in 1982, Galina Brezhneva actually found herself under house arrest at her dacha near Moscow. Galina Leonidovna exchanged her four-room apartment for three rubles with an additional payment. She lived on this money. She took on lovers and drinking buddies, had loud parties with them, then complained to her daughter that she had been robbed. One day, the neighbors couldn’t stand it and gave Victoria an ultimatum: “Take your mother wherever you want.” After the death of Galina Leonidovna, her daughter Victoria exchanged two apartments (on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and in Granatny Lane) - it was not enough to live on.

She died in psychiatric hospital No. 2 named after. O.V. Kerbikova in June 1998, where she received treatment at the request of her daughter from her first marriage, Victoria Filippova (Milaeva). The message about the death of Galina Leonidovna was included in the evening news thanks to Mila Moskaleva... Moskaleva gave permission to publish Galina Leonidovna’s last letter - a plea from a psychiatric hospital for help. “I was shocked,” says Mila, “and believed in my friend’s authorship when I saw the characteristic outline of the letter “b” in Brezhneva’s surname - selflessly loving her father, she imitated him in the signature.” This is what Galina Leonidovna wrote.


“Hello, Natasha and Milochka! I wrote to you, but I’m not sure that you received my letters, since I don’t know addresses other than the circus. Maybe it will come through.

On August 9, 1994, I felt unwell (after evening gatherings). I called Vitus. She came with her friend from the Ministry of Health. He knows all the hospitals, and they brought me, filled out the documents and left. Then I found out that this hospital was a psychiatric hospital. The treatment period is three months.

I received a little treatment and wrote to the chief doctor to be discharged. She said that her daughter took custody and now they won’t release me. And so more than two years passed. She does not come, and there is no news from her. What to do? Complain. But from here it's impossible. Try what you can to do for me. You can complain to the Ministry of Health - after all, hospitals are subordinate to it. Also to the court at your place of residence. Krasnopresnensky court - you know it. My property was sued there. Go there, they probably know what to do, they can suggest something useful. Girls! I was very tired after two years in the madhouse. Help. I am in a hurry to deliver the letter. Kiss. Mom Galya."

Having received a letter from Galina Leonidovna, Mila went to her with Igor and Nonna Shchelokov. “She gave the impression of a completely healthy person, especially since she didn’t drink in the hospital, she received treatment, but there was nowhere to take her,” says Mila. “It’s also unclear why she died,” Viktor Arshinov, Yuri Churbanov’s former assistant, enters the conversation. Yuri Mikhailovich did not come to Galina Leonidovna’s funeral, although he buried his mother-in-law, Victoria Petrovna. He explains it this way: “Who am I to her? Already a stranger. We divorced while I was in prison.”

In 1995, when Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva, Galina’s mother, died, few people gathered at the funeral. The lid of Victoria Petrovna's coffin was closed by the son of the former USSR Minister of Internal Affairs, Igor Shchelokov and Sergei Andriyanov. When Sergei Ivanovich asked where Galina Leonidovna was, Victoria replied that she was being treated in a sanatorium in the Yaroslavl region...

Of all the old friends, they say, only Evgeny Dunaevsky and Vladimir Peres called, but only Joseph Kobzon really helped.

Galina Leonidovna was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, next to her mother, Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva (Lukich, who later took her mother’s surname - Denisova)

Bright, young, sexy, talented Vera Brezhneva, who was born into a working-class family in a small town and achieved everything herself. One can only envy her determination, because not every girl manages to get a lucky ticket to a happy life. A singer whose songs are listened to by millions of fans.

The most beautiful girl in Russia. There are no barriers for her, and she overcomes all obstacles in her path at any cost. We will look at who pushed her to her dream and where her popularity began in more detail.

Vera Brezhneva was born on February 3, 1982. The singer is such a confident and self-indulgent woman that she never hid her height, weight, and age. How old is Vera Brezhneva and how she manages to be so charming excites the female half of humanity. What secrets does the singer know, that at thirty-five, her appearance can be the envy of twenty-year-old girls. What Vera Brezhneva is hiding. The girl’s photos in her youth and now are strikingly different. It’s like two different people - short hair, an uncertain look, glasses on their nose and a dazzling beauty who knows her worth.

Vera cannot imagine her life without movement and, of course, goes in for sports. With a height of 172 cm, she weighs 52 kg. No matter how difficult her schedule is, she always does physical exercise in the morning and drinks a glass of clean water to get her body working. The girl strictly monitors her diet and, combined with exercise, has such an excellent figure. Vera gave up sugar, because harmful carbohydrates, the singer says, have a very bad effect on her appearance. “To look your best, first of all you need to love yourself and then everyone will love you,” Brezhnev shares his advice, “And another important factor is that no matter how you look, you need to be able to present yourself and believe that you are the most beautiful "

Biography of Vera Brezhneva

The biography of Vera Brezhneva is more like the fairy tale “Cinderella” with a sad beginning and a happy ending. A girl was born in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk, where her father, Viktor Galushka, and mother, Tatyana Permyakova, were workers at a chemical plant. In addition to Vera, the family had three more children, an older sister, Galina, and twins, Anastasia and Victoria. One day, when the family was on vacation, her father asked her to dance. Vera had enough artistry to excite all the people nearby; the child was applauded and asked for an encore. That’s probably when Vera felt like a star. After graduating from school, Vera wanted to become a lawyer, but alas, the family did not have money for education, so the girl enrolled in economics.

Vera will remember the day when the VIA-gra group came to Dnepropetrovsk with a concert all her life. After all, it was then that the future singer sang with other girls on stage and was invited to audition in Kyiv. After a long training, Vera is taken into the VIA-gra team, replacing Galushka with Brezhnev. The group is gaining momentum every month and with it Vera Brezhneva. In 2007, Maxim magazine recognized Vera as the sexiest girl in Russia.
After four years of participation, Vera Brezhneva left the group and began a solo career that continues today. Brezhnev releases two albums, shoots videos and performs hits in duets with Potap, Dan Balan, and DJ Smash. She tries herself as a TV presenter “Magic of Ten” and a participant in TV projects. Starred in the films “Love in the City”, “Christmas Trees”, “Jungle”.

Vera is also involved in charity work; she helps children with cancer and orphanages. The singer herself knows firsthand how to live when there were no extra clothes, no extra toys, and that’s why Vera understands orphans this way. Brezhneva was always a kind person and tried to help everyone, but there was no way. And when the singer started earning money, she comes to orphanages to personally give the children joy.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva's personal life is as juicy as it is creative. Although the singer has had a busy schedule since the very beginning of her career, this has not stopped her from building her personal life. Like any woman, Vera wanted family happiness, to love and be loved. Having been married twice (one civil marriage), the singer never understood the charms of family life until she met Meladze. Already with the experience of the past years, the couple approached this choice consciously and Vera Brezhneva and Meladze got married. A photo of the wedding was nevertheless captured by an Italian correspondent, after which a new sensation appeared in the press.

Meladze speaks very kindly about his wife, telling how lucky he is to have her. And Brezhnev, in turn, posts romantic photos, but very rarely shares her emotions about their relationship. Perhaps because happiness loves silence?

Vera Brezhneva's family

Vera Brezhneva's family always remains in first place for the singer. After all, she grew up in a large family where everyone was friends with each other. Dad, the singer recalls, always wanted a boy, but we only have girls. Although Brezhneva lived poorly, she always remembers that time with warmth.

Now Vera is very close to her family, and even though everyone lives in different cities, they call back very often and share news. Brezhnev can often be seen in family photographs, where she is with her sisters and two nephews.

Children of Vera Brezhneva

The children of Vera Brezhneva are two daughters, Sonya and Sarah, the greatest pride in the singer’s life. She has numerous photo sessions with her daughters, and the most touching declarations of love for children. After Brezhneva’s marriage to Meladze, for the third year now, the press has been publishing pictures in spacious outfits, suspecting her of a third pregnancy. Although Vera denies everything, she admits that she always wanted to have a son.

“We had four children in our family, and I’m a mother of two children and I’m not going to stop there,” the singer said.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sonya Kiperman

Vera Brezhneva's eldest daughter, Sonya Kiperman, was born on March 30, 2001. Until the age of five, the girl bore the surname of her father Voichenko. Sonya began studying in a regular Kyiv school, but, according to the girl, her classmates did not treat her very well, some were jealous, some laughed at her, and her mother transferred her to an English school in Britain. Sonya studied at a modeling agency, and therefore the girl’s dream is to become a model and go to live in America, and on her own.

The girl has already conquered the catwalks of New York and posed for magazine covers. She also rides horses and leads an active life on social networks, where she has repeatedly posted very explicit photographs for her age. Sonya is trying herself in cinematography, studied at an acting school and, perhaps, will follow in the footsteps of her mother. And recently the girl introduced her mother to her boyfriend, where they all vacationed together in Italy.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sarah Kiperman

The youngest daughter of Vera Brezhneva, Sarah Kiperman, was born on December 14, 2009. The singer did not show her child to the public for a long time, only when the girl grew up, Vera posted her first joint photo with her daughter on Instagram with the caption “I’m trying to raise not children, but myself. After all, children are like sponges, absorbing everything from their parents. After all, I am not only a loving mother, but also a role model.”

Sarah, according to Vera Brezhneva’s stories, loves to choose outfits herself, and these are mostly dresses. Like all little girls, they dream of becoming princesses and apparently the image of a dress is better associated with this. She loves her older sister very much, because she always gives her gifts and arranges holiday shows. Recently, for Sarah's birthday, Sonya took on the role of organizer and toastmaster. There were competitions, dancing and of course a cake for the birthday girl. Sarah said that she wanted such a birthday every year, the girl liked the holiday so much.

Former common-law husband of Vera Brezhneva - Vitaly Voichenko

Vera Brezhneva's former common-law husband, Vitaly Voichenko, met the girl when she was only seventeen. In 2001, their daughter Sonya was born, but the young couple never made it to the registry office. According to Vitaly, it was he who made Vera what she is now. She didn't look so stunning before, but she's still a beauty. “I called her bespectacled,” recalls the ex-husband. But when Vera left Vitaly, he went to live in the tundra for some time, to heal his mental pain from separation from his beloved.

Now Voichenko has a different family. He doesn’t communicate with Vera, but he believes that his daughter will become an adult and understand everything.

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband - Mikhail Kiperman

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband, Mikhail Kiperman, a Ukrainian businessman, left his wife with two children when he met the singer. In their marriage, a daughter was born, Sarah, and he gave his surname to Vera’s eldest daughter from his first marriage. Rumor has it that Mikhail was so jealous that he forbade Vera to wear provocative outfits and act in explicit scenes. The condition that the husband set - to rewrite the contract before filming the film in which the singer was starring - finally put an end to their relationship.

Now Kiperman is married to a young model, who recently gave birth to his son.

Vera Brezhneva's husband - Konstantin Meladze

Vera Brezhneva's husband, Konstantin Meladze, a Russian producer, met his future wife as soon as she became a member of the VIA-Gra group. At that time, Konstantin was married and had three children. No one could even imagine that the couple would be so passionate about each other, but fate decreed otherwise. When photos of the couple together appeared in the press, everyone started talking about the romance between Vera and Konstantin. Some denied this information, while others, on the contrary, added more fuel to the fire, proving that the couple had been in a relationship for a long time.

In 2015, the lovers finally got married in Italy and celebrated their wedding on the seashore. Quietly, so to speak, like a family - just the two of us. Probably so as not to scare away happiness.

Once, in one TV show, the singer saw a plastic surgeon who showed the audience photos of Vera Brezhneva before and after plastic surgery. He scientifically explained that the cheekbones and nose were amenable to plastic surgery and spoke with affirmation of which parts of the singer’s body the doctors had worked on. When Vera heard this, she smiled and went to the gym.

Brezhneva later told her fans that she got her nose from her parents, and her cheekbones began to stand out more clearly when she lost weight. After all, looking at the facial wrinkles near the eyes when Vera smiles, on the forehead when she frowns, it is difficult to imagine that the star even injected herself with Botox. Yes, the singer takes care of her facial skin and resorts to cosmetology services. The most that Vera does is mesotherapy injections - vitamin cocktails for smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Brezhneva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Brezhneva are in great demand. After all, the singer has a huge number of fans who eagerly follow Brezhneva’s work and personal life.

The singer herself willingly posts new photos on her page, where subscribers leave many comments under them. But fan reviews are not always positive, but this is most likely due to envy and one’s own laziness. Start with yourself, learn to be happy for others, do a good deed, smile at the world and the world will smile at you. Then everything will be fine for everyone!

Leonid Brezhnev, the biography of this political and statesman is rich in various events. Many books illustrated with photographs have been written about his personal life and the lives of his children.


Ekaterinoslav province, the village of Kolomenskoye became the birthplace of Leonid Brezhnev, he was born on December 19, 1906 under the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Later, the settlement was given the status of a city, which became known as Dneprodzerzhinsk, which belongs to the Dnepropetrovsk region. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, of course, was the leader of the political arena in our country; he was active during the existence of the Soviet Union.

Before taking the post of head of state, he served as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. In total, he was at the heights of power for about 20 years.

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev

During his reign, the country's economy went downhill at a rapid pace, failed reforms did their job, leading to the collapse of the Union and the “Brezhnev Era” was called nothing more than times of stagnation.

Today in modern Russia, opinions about the correctness of actions during his reign are divided. Some consider him almost the best ruler of the country, others “thank him” for bringing the country to collapse.

About the years of childhood and youth

Both of Leonid Ilyich's parents came from simple working-class families. He was the first-born of Ilya Yakovlevich and Natalya Denisovna. Later, sister Vera and brother Yakov were born. The living conditions of the Brezhnev family were more than modest. They all, like many others at that time, huddled in a tiny apartment, but, despite all the difficulties, they were quite happy. None of the three children felt deprived of parental care and love.

Leonid Brezhnev had an ordinary childhood, the same as other children of that time. He, like any other child, was no stranger to chasing pigeons in the yard.

Leonid Brezhnev in his youth

At the age of 9, he entered a classical gymnasium in 1915. After graduating, he got a job at an oil mill in 1921. A couple of years later, the future president of the USSR, young Brezhnev, joined the ranks of the Komsomol and at the same time went to study to become a land surveyor at a local technical school.

His efforts in his studies were rewarded in 1927 by receiving a land surveyor diploma. This opened up great prospects for him. Now it was not difficult to find a job corresponding to his specialization; specialists of this level were held in high esteem. At first he worked in the Kursk Province, and then moved to the Urals, receiving the appointment of first deputy head of the district land administration.

L. Brezhnev served in the army as a pilot

Brezhnev did not dwell on his achievements, continuing to study. This was followed by the local Agricultural Institute of Mechanical Engineering, from which he graduated in Moscow, where he moved in 1930.

After studying for a year, he decides to transfer to the evening department at the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute. The future politician manages to combine work as a fireman at the Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical plant with obtaining a higher education.

Leonid Brezhnev at the head of the combined regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front

He was a member of the All-Union Bolshevik Communist Party. Leonid Ilyich received his engineering diploma in 1935 and after that was drafted into the army. From service, he returned to his homeland in Dneprodzerzhinsk with the rank of lieutenant and soon became the director of the metallurgical technical school. The year 1937 was marked by Leonid Brezhnev's switch to the political wave. He persisted in this activity until the end.

Political career of Leonid Brezhnev

At the beginning of his career, Brezhnev held the position of head of a department of the regional committee of the Communist Party in Dnepropetrovsk. It was a difficult time during the Great Patriotic War. At that time, the mobilization of the Red Army was in full swing, in which Brezhnev took an active part, dealing with the issue of evacuation of the country. Then there were political positions in the ranks of the active army, and Brezhnev eventually rose to the rank of major general.

The post-war period was difficult for everyone. It was necessary to restore enterprises, of which little remained after the devastation. Brezhnev combined this with party activities, becoming the first secretary of the regional party committee in the city of Zaporozhye.

Brezhnev had a confidential relationship with Nikita Khrushchev

He received the appointment on behalf of Nikita Khrushchev, with whom they had a trusting relationship by that time. This friendship opened the door for Brezhnev to big politics, bringing him closer to power. The political biography of Leonid Brezhnev is eventful, as evidenced by numerous photographs in which he is depicted with famous politicians. As for his personal life, at that time Brezhnev was married and had children.

Brezhnev was introduced to Joseph Stalin, the current head of the USSR. And he, for his devotion to the homeland, which was manifested in the actions of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, appointed him in 1950 to the post of first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU of Moldova. Around the same time, Brezhnev headed the political department of the Navy and the Soviet Army.

Stalin's passing was a turning point for Brezhnev. He very quickly found himself out of work. But he soon received an appointment to head the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, becoming its secretary. And Brezhnev owed this appointment to Khrushchev.

Brezhnev at his workplace

Having taken office, Leonid Ilyich launched active efforts to develop virgin lands, he managed to combine it with an equally important matter for the country, preparing the construction of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The future ruler of the USSR kept the development of space objects under personal control and oversaw the preparations for the flight into outer space of the first man, Yuri Gagarin.

Years of reign

The country has undergone many changes, and one of them was the conspiracy against Nikita Khrushchev. As a result, he was removed from all positions, and control of the country passed to Leonid Brezhnev. He was appointed to the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The first thing he did was surround his staff with people whom he trusted unconditionally. Among these figures were such names as: Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko, Nikolai Shchelokov, Semyon Tsvigun and Nikolai Tikhonov.

In Brezhnev, the government apparatus saw a leader who defended the system. The main goal of the government was to preserve the previous regime of power, which was endowed with many privileges, and therefore any reforms were immediately rejected. To some extent, the country has returned to “Leninist” principles.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

During the years of Brezhnev's rule, power was characterized by such epithets as: corruption, embezzlement, bureaucratic arbitrariness and bureaucratic delays.

The USSR government was largely concerned with foreign policy issues. Brezhnev managed to conclude an agreement with the United States in 1970, which spoke about the limitation of strategic weapons.

At a meeting with Fidel Castro

In addition, he signed a document confirming the integrity and inviolability of the borders of Europe, and an agreement not to interfere in the internal politics of other states. All this happened within the framework of the Helsinki agreements.

Brezhnev's personal life

There was stability in the personal life of Leonid Brezhnev. His only wife was Victoria Denisova. Their acquaintance took place in 1925, as is usual at a dance in the college dormitory. The wife, like other women, was involved in raising children and household chores while her husband was busy with politics. She preferred to go shopping herself. By the way, Leonid Ilyich sometimes visited them to better understand the situation and how the people actually lived.

Leonid Brezhnev with his wife Victoria

There are many photos of the head of government with his family. The Brezhnev family had two children, son Yuri and daughter Galina. It must be said that both figures never ceased to appear in scandalous chronicles. As for Leonid Ilyich himself, legends could also be made about his love affairs. But the fact of their confirmation was not recorded.

The Secretary General had two weaknesses: a love of cars and hunting. He tried to attend all cultural events with his wife and keep abreast of everything. We can talk about the biography and personal life of Leonid Brezhnev for a very long time. He treated his family and children with special trepidation. And, as expected in many photos, they are all together in the family circle.

With eldest daughter Galina

Brezhnev’s road to the pinnacle of power was not easy; moreover, being from a simple family, he knew well how hard it was to get money.

This taught him to be thrifty; he was never wasteful. The received salary was transferred to a savings book. He had no supernatural needs. His family lived like most ordinary citizens.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev loved to go hunting

While at the head of the government apparatus, he did everything possible to ensure that people had the opportunity to improve their standard of living. He tried to make sure that there were quality food products on store shelves, so that people could purchase equipment and even buy their own car. Some still remember Leonid Ilyich with warmth in their souls, and to some extent are nostalgic for the old days.


The position has been restored; himself as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee


Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov


Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev


The position has been abolished; himself as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee


Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov


Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan

7th Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
June 16, 1977 - November 10, 1982


Nikolai Viktorovich Podgorny


Vasily Vasilievich Kuznetsov (acting)

CPSU (since 1931)


Dneprodzerzhynsk Metallurgical Institute



Necropolis near the Kremlin wall

Ilya Yakovlevich Brezhnev

Natalya Denisovna Mazalova

Victoria Petrovna Denisova

Son Yuri and daughter Galina

Military service

Years of service:


Marshal of the Soviet Union


Head of the Political Department of the 18th Army Head of the Political Department of the 4th Ukrainian Front



Before 1950


Head of the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee



Interesting Facts

Film incarnations

(December 19, 1906 (January 1, 1907) - November 10, 1982) - Soviet statesman and party leader.

First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in 1964-1966, from 1966 to 1982, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1960-1964 and 1977-1982.

Marshal of the Soviet Union (1976).

Hero of Socialist Labor (1961) and four times Hero of the Soviet Union (1966, 1976, 1978, 1981).

Laureate of the International Lenin Prize “For Strengthening Peace Among Nations” (1973) and the Lenin Prize for Literature (1979).



Born in Kamensky, Ekaterinoslav province (now Dneprodzerzhinsk) in the family of Ilya Yakovlevich Brezhnev (1874-1930) and Natalya Denisovna Mazalova (1886-1975). His father and mother were born and lived in the village before moving to Kamenskoye. Brezhnevo (now Kursk district, Kursk region). Leonid Ilyich's metrics, stored in the Dnepropetrovsk regional archive, were confiscated. In Dneprodzerzhinsk, Leonid Brezhnev lived in a modest two-story, four-apartment house number 40 on Pelina Avenue. Now it is called “Lenin’s House”. And, according to his former neighbors, he really loved chasing pigeons from the dovecote that stood in the yard (now in its place is a garage). The last time he visited his family nest was in 1979, taking photographs with its residents as a souvenir.

He graduated from the Kursk Land Surveying and Reclamation College (1923-1927) and the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute (1935).

Before 1950

In 1915 he was admitted to a classical gymnasium, later a labor school, from which he graduated in 1921. Since 1921 he worked at the Kursk Oil Mill. In 1923 he joined the Komsomol. After graduating from technical school in 1927, he received the qualification of a 3rd category land surveyor and worked as a land surveyor: for several months in one of the districts of the Kursk province, then in the Kokhanovsky district of the Orsha district of the BSSR (now Tolochinsky district of the Vitebsk region). In 1928 he got married. In March of the same year, he was transferred to the Urals, where he worked as a land surveyor, head of the district land department, deputy chairman of the Bisersky district executive committee of the Sverdlovsk region (1929-1930), deputy head of the Ural district land department. In September 1930 he left and entered the Moscow Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Kalinin, and in the spring of 1931 he transferred as a student to the evening faculty of the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute, and at the same time while studying he worked as a fireman-fitter at the plant. Member of the CPSU(b) since October 24, 1931. In 1935-1936 he served in the army: cadet and political instructor of a tank company in Transbaikalia (the village of Peschanka is located 15 km southeast of the city of Chita). He completed courses in motorization and mechanization of the Red Army, for which he was awarded his first officer rank - lieutenant. (After his death, since 1982, the Peschansky Tank Training Regiment is called named after L. I. Brezhnev). In 1936-1937, director of the metallurgical technical school in Dneprodzerzhinsk. Since 1937, he was an engineer at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Since May 1937, deputy chairman of the Dneprodzerzhinsk City Executive Committee. Since 1937 he worked in party bodies.

Since 1938, head of the department of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, since 1939, secretary of the regional committee. According to some reports, engineer Brezhnev was appointed to the regional committee due to a personnel shortage that followed the repression of the regional party leadership.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in the mobilization of the population into the Red Army, was involved in the evacuation of industry, then in political positions in the active army: deputy head of the political department of the Southern Front. Being a brigade commissar, when the institution of military commissars was abolished in October 1942, instead of the expected rank of general, he was certified as a colonel.

From 1943 - head of the political department of the 18th Army. Major General (1943).

Since June 1945, the head of the political department of the 4th Ukrainian Front, then the Political Department of the Carpathian Military District, participated in the suppression of “Banderaism.”

From August 30, 1946 to November 1947, first secretary of the Zaporozhye (appointed on the recommendation of N.S. Khrushchev), and then Dnepropetrovsk (until 1950) regional party committees.


In 1950-52, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova. At the 19th Party Congress (1952), on the recommendation of I.V. Stalin, he was elected Secretary of the Central Committee and a candidate member of the Presidium of the Party Central Committee (in both positions until 1953).

In 1953-1954, deputy head of the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and Navy. According to Pavel Sudoplatov and General Moskalenko, among about 10 armed generals summoned to the Kremlin on June 26, 1953 and not knowing about the impending arrest of L.P. Beria, there was L.I. Brezhnev.

In 1954, at the suggestion of N.S. Khrushchev, he was transferred to Kazakhstan, where he first worked as the second, and since 1955, as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the republic. Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in 1956-60, in 1956-57 a candidate member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee and since 1957 a member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the CPSU Central Committee.

In 1960 he was appointed chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In 1964, he participated in organizing the removal of N. S. Khrushchev, after which he headed the secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee.

Participation in the space program

In Brezhnev’s “Memoirs,” written under his leadership by a group of journalists, Brezhnev, as Secretary of the Central Committee, is credited with the leadership and coordination of the USSR space program from its very inception: thus, it is stated that in 1957 he allegedly personally gave instructions to Korolev on how to carry out work on launch of the second satellite.

L.I. Brezhnev claims that he personally chose the location for the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, resolving a dispute between supporters of the construction of a cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and in the populated areas of the North Caucasus, and personally supervised the construction of launch complexes. He wrote:

“The specialists understood well: it would be faster, easier, cheaper to settle in the Black Lands. There is a railway, a highway, water, and electricity, the whole area is inhabited, and the climate is not as harsh as in Kazakhstan. So the Caucasian option had many supporters. At that time I had to study a lot of documents, projects, references, discuss all this with scientists, business executives, engineers, and specialists who in the future would launch rocket technology into space. Gradually, a well-founded decision took shape in my mind. The Central Committee of the party advocated the first option - the Kazakh one. ... Life has confirmed the expediency and correctness of such a decision: the lands of the North Caucasus were preserved for agriculture, and Baikonur transformed another region of the country. The missile range had to be put into operation quickly, the deadlines were tight, and the scale of work was enormous.”

L.I. Brezhnev "Memory"

Head of the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee


Formally, in 1964, a return to the “Leninist principles of collective leadership” was proclaimed. Along with Brezhnev, A. N. Shelepin, N. V. Podgorny and A. N. Kosygin played an important role in the leadership.

However, Brezhnev, in the course of the apparatus struggle, managed to promptly eliminate Shelepin and Podgorny and place people personally loyal to him in key positions (Yu. V. Andropov, N. A. Tikhonova, N. A. Shchelokova, K. U. Chernenko, S. K. Tsviguna). Kosygin was not eliminated, but the economic policy he pursued was systematically torpedoed by Brezhnev.

By the beginning of the 1970s. the party apparatus believed in Brezhnev, viewing him as its protege and defender of the system. The party nomenklatura rejected any reforms and sought to maintain a regime that provided it with power, stability and broad privileges. It was during the Brezhnev period that the party apparatus completely subjugated the state apparatus. Ministries and executive committees became simple executors of decisions of party bodies. Non-party leaders have practically disappeared.

On January 22, 1969, during a ceremonial meeting of the crews of the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft, an unsuccessful attempt was made on L. I. Brezhnev. Junior lieutenant of the Soviet army Viktor Ilyin, dressed in someone else's police uniform, entered the Borovitsky Gate under the guise of a security guard and opened fire with two pistols on the car in which, as he assumed, the general secretary was supposed to be traveling. In fact, cosmonauts Leonov, Nikolaev, Tereshkova and Beregovoy were in this car. Driver Ilya Zharkov was killed by shots and several people were wounded before the accompanying motorcyclist knocked the shooter down. Brezhnev himself was driving in a different car (and according to some sources, even on a different route) and was not injured.

In November 1972, Brezhnev suffered a stroke with serious consequences.

In the seventies, a partial reconciliation of the two systems took place in the international arena. Thus, Brezhnev signed the Helsinki Accords (August 1, 1975) and the “spirit of détente” developed. On the political side, this was necessary to contain German revanchism and consolidate the political and territorial results of the Second World War. The Federal Republic of Germany had not previously recognized the Potsdam Agreements, which changed the borders of Poland and Germany, and did not recognize the existence of the GDR. Germany actually did not even recognize the annexation of Kaliningrad and Klaipeda by the USSR. At the same time, capitalist countries moved from the ideology of “containing communism,” proposed by Harry Truman, to the idea of ​​“convergence of the two systems” and “peaceful coexistence.”


In 1978, he was awarded the Order of Victory, which was awarded only in wartime for outstanding services in commanding the front during victories that ensured a radical change in the strategic situation (the award was canceled by decree of M. S. Gorbachev in 1989).

A group of famous Soviet journalists was commissioned to write Brezhnev's memoirs ("Malaya Zemlya", "Renaissance", "Virgin Land"), designed to strengthen his political authority. Thanks to millions of copies, Brezhnev's fee amounted to 179,241 rubles. By including the secretary general’s memoirs in school and university curricula and making them mandatory for “positive” discussion in all work collectives, party ideologists achieved the exact opposite result - L. I. Brezhnev became the hero of numerous jokes during his lifetime.

At the beginning of 1976, he suffered clinical death. After this, he was never able to recover physically, and his serious condition and inability to govern the country became more and more obvious every year. Brezhnev suffered from asthenia (neuropsychic weakness) and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. He could only work for an hour or two a day, after which he slept, watched TV, etc. He developed a drug addiction to the sleeping pill Nembutal.

In 1981, on the eve of Leonid Ilyich’s 50th anniversary in the party, a gold badge “50 years in the CPSU” was issued for him alone (for other CPSU veterans this badge was made of silver with gilding).

On March 23, 1982, during Brezhnev’s visit to Tashkent, a walkway full of people collapsed on him at an aircraft manufacturing plant. Brezhnev had a broken collarbone (which never healed). After this incident, Brezhnev's health was completely undermined. On November 7, 1982, Brezhnev made his last public appearance. Standing on the podium of the Lenin Mausoleum, he hosted the military parade on Red Square for several hours; however, his poor physical condition was evident even during the official shoot.

He died on November 10, 1982 at the state dacha "Zarechye-6". The body was discovered still warm by security at 9 am. The first political figure to appear at the scene of death was Yu. V. Andropov.

He was buried on Red Square in Moscow near the Kremlin wall.


Brother Yakov, sister Vera.

Brezhnev was married to Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva (1907-1995) from December 11, 1927 until his death. They had two children - Galina (1929-1998) and Yuri (*1933).

Galina Brezhneva was at one time married to Yuri Churbanov.


In the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk, where L. I. Brezhnev was born and spent his youth, on Liberator Square (formerly Oktyabrskaya) there is a bust of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, installed in 1976, as it should be in the USSR, in the homeland of the twice hero of the Soviet Union. On the building of the Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University on Pelin Ave., where L. I. Brezhnev studied from 1931 to 1935, there is a memorial plaque with the corresponding text and a bas-relief of the Secretary General. But on the house number 40 on Pelin Ave., in which L.I. Brezhnev lived, there is no sign. There is no street in Dneprodzerzhinsk named after L. I. Brezhnev. Back in the late 90s, the Brezhnevsky district of Dneprodzerzhinsk was renamed Zavodskoy. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of L. I. Brezhnev, the city council considered the issue of naming the city park of culture and recreation after him, but this decision was never made.

In 1982, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), where KamAZ was built, was renamed Brezhnev. During the years of Perestroika (1988), the city returned its former name. In 2008, the BrezhnevFM radio station began broadcasting in the city on a wavelength of 90.9 Mhz.

In order to perpetuate the memory of Leonid Ilyich, the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on November 18, 1982 assigned one of the military-political schools (SVVPTAU) his name. The Sverdlovsk Higher Military-Political Tank and Artillery School bore the name of Brezhnev for only 6 years. In April 1988, this decree was canceled and the school returned to its previous name.

On September 16, 2004, a monument to L. I. Brezhnev was unveiled in Novorossiysk at the intersection of Sovetov and Novorossiysk Republic streets. The author of the monument is Krasnodar sculptor Nikolai Bugaev. Novorossiysk authorities note that Brezhnev at one time did a lot for the city, port, and shipping company. The sculptor depicted a young, energetic general secretary walking through the city in a suit, without awards, with a cloak thrown over his back. The working title of the sculpture is “A Man Walking Through the City.”

Earlier, in 2002, in the same Novorossiysk, the issue of naming one of the city streets after Brezhnev was discussed.

Currently, in a number of small localities in Russia there are streets named after Brezhnev. In particular:

  • The village of Izhulskoye, Balakhtinsky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • The village of Novoye Ivantsevo, Shatkovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region;
  • The village of Solonka, Nekhaevsky district, Volgograd region.
  • On February 9, 1961, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev departed from Moscow for the Republic of Guinea on an official visit on an IL-18 plane. About 130 km north of Algiers, at an altitude of 8250 m, a fighter with French markings suddenly appeared and made three passes at a dangerously close distance from the aircraft. During the approaches, the fighter opened fire on the Soviet plane twice and then crossed the plane's course. Pilot Bugaev managed to take his plane out of the fire zone.

I, too, more than once had the opportunity to see B.P. Bugaev at the helm of modern winged aircraft, and once experienced his resourcefulness, rare composure and experience as a pilot. This was many years ago. We flew on an official visit to Guinea and Ghana. I was then Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The flight went according to plan, the sky was clear, and suddenly our airship was attacked by military fighter planes of the colonialists, who clearly did not like the visit of the Soviet delegation to the young countries of Africa.

I could clearly see how the fighters approached the target, how they fell from above, prepared for an attack, began shelling... You feel strange in such a situation: it looks like war, but everything is different. Because nothing depends on you and the only thing you can do is sit calmly in your seat, look out the window and not interfere with the pilots doing their duty. Everything was decided then by seconds. And it was in these seconds that the experienced crew, headed by pilot Boris Bugaev, managed to take the civilian aircraft out of the fire zone. I cite this episode here as a kind of illustration of the fact that even in peacetime we are not protected from all kinds of provocations.

L. I. Brezhnev. COSMIC OCTOBER chapters from the book “Remembrance”

  • The first New Year's television address on behalf of the leadership in the USSR to the Soviet people was first made by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev on December 31, 1970. The following year, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council Nikolai Podgorny spoke with congratulations, and a year later, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Kosygin. The annual New Year's Eve address by the country's leadership to its citizens has become a tradition.
  • There is a rumor that L. I. Brezhnev's peculiar diction is due to the fact that during the war he was wounded in the jaw, which was especially affected by age. According to other sources, Brezhnev did not receive a single injury during the entire war.
  • In 1976, a bust of Brezhnev was erected in Dneprodzerzhinsk on Oktyabrskaya Square near the station. From this square, a green alley led down to the Dnieper to the square near the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant. On the square near the DMKD there was a monument to Lenin for a long time, and soon this alley was popularly called “From Ilyich to Ilyich.”
  • In 1977, the film “Soldiers of Freedom” was released, in the last episode of which E. Matveev played the role of the young Colonel Brezhnev. This fact led to the fact that people began to talk about the revival of the cult of personality, this time of Brezhnev.
  • Many anecdotes and comic poems were written about Brezhnev, for example the riddle:
  • Brezhnev is the only person in the entire history of the USSR who possessed five gold Hero stars: one star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and four stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Marshal Zhukov had only four stars of Hero of the Soviet Union, while Brezhnev's predecessor N.S. Khrushchev had three stars of Hero of Socialist Labor and one star of Hero of the Soviet Union. The rest of the Heroes in the USSR were not awarded this title and the Gold Star more than three times.
  • Brezhnev is also the only recipient of the Order of Victory, whose award was annulled (according to the statute of the order, which states that only those who commanded the front during the war and made a strategic turning point in any operation, or the commanders-in-chief of the allied forces have the right to be awarded the order armies that made a significant contribution to the victory over fascism. Brezhnev, who spent the entire war in managerial positions in the political apparatus of the Red Army, had absolutely no rights to this order, especially in 1978, when the award took place).
  • After the death of Leonid Ilyich, from 1982 to 1988, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in the Republic of Tatarstan bore the name Brezhnev. It is characteristic that when the city of Izhevsk was renamed in memory of the former Minister of Defense Dmitry Ustinov, there was a bus route Brezhnev - Ustinov.
  • Brezhnev loved to play dominoes.
  • Brezhnev was a fan of CSKA and was constantly present at the hockey matches of the Spartak Moscow team, held at the Ice Arena in Luzhniki.
  • A feature television series of the same name was filmed about Brezhnev in 2005.
  • “The Secretary General, as a rule, came out of the carriage in a tracksuit and light boots. The leadership of the Kursk region met him on the platform. For some reason he often turned to me. He was interested in the village of Brezhnevka, where his parents were from: “How is the oak forest there?” Someone rashly said that they had cut it down, and Leonid Ilyich was upset. I remembered how, as a teenager, I waited with friends for girls who were carrying nuts in their hems. “And we squeezed their tits.” “Leonid Ilyich!” Leonid Ilyich!“ Chernenko admonished him.”

Film incarnations

  • Evgeny Matveev (“Soldiers of Freedom”, 1977, “Clan”, 1990)
  • Yuri Shumilov (“Black rose is the emblem of sadness, red rose is the emblem of love”, 1989)
  • Mikhail Khrabrov (“Forward for the Hetman’s Treasures”, 1993)
  • Alexander Belyavsky (“Grey Wolves”, 1993)
  • Boris Sichkin (“The Last Days”, “Nixon”, USA)
  • Leonid Nevedomsky (“Politburo Cooperative”, 1992)
  • Bogdan Stupka (“Hare over the Abyss”, 2005)
  • Vladimir Dolinsky (“Red Square”, 2005)
  • Arthur Vakha (young) and Sergei Shakurov (old) (“Brezhnev”, 2005)
  • Sergei Bezdushny (young) and Valery Kosenkov (“Galina”, 2008)
  • ??? (“Wolf Messing: Seeing Through Time”, 2009)

Private life:

Leonid Ilyich met his future wife Victoria Petrovna in 1925. Her maiden name is Victoria Pinkhusovna Goldstein. It did not interfere with his career aspirations.

The first lady of the USSR loved to cook and did not interfere in politics at all. For entertainment, she preferred TV: figure skating and “Zucchini 13 Chairs.” That is, she led the life of an ordinary housewife: she salted cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes, dried herbs, made dumplings, baked cherry pies and even cooked - this was her signature dish - gooseberry jam. The same thing that is called royal. Brezhnev insisted that no one in the world could cook better than “his Vitya”—as he called Victoria Petrovna.

L.I. Brezhnev’s favorite dish was Ukrainian borscht, which a special cook helped his wife prepare. Brezhnev believed (or pretended to believe) that his wife cooked the borscht. At least he reflected this in his memoirs.


Maybe someday they will make a best-selling film about Brezhnev, in which we will learn how he drove recklessly on the roads, how he swam in a stormy sea, how he flirted with the ladies, how he hunted and feasted. Brezhnev was not averse to a drink and a snack (according to his wife, he had an excellent appetite, but he drank very moderately), received guests hospitably, said unusual toasts and spat Yesenin by heart, knew how to unwind by hunting and actively relax at sea.

He loved to spend his free time outdoors. For example, his favorite pastime was fishing on the Dniester and Prut, at the mouth and branch of the Danube, and hunting in Codri, on the border of Moldova and Northern Bukovina. Everyone knew that the Soviet leader was a passionate and successful hunter. And during official foreign visits or trips around the country, Leonid Ilyich was often given a hunt. They say he was a great shot, and all the jokes about “decoy ducks” are just folklore. For a long time, his favorite hunting spot was the Zavidovo farm near Moscow.

At the end of the hunt, a whole ritual followed, which seemed to prolong Leonid Ilyich’s pleasure. The head of the security was instructed to cut off a piece of meat for everyone as a gift. At first, through security, and later through field communications, Brezhnev sent boar meat to some members of the Politburo and ministers. He called after me, told me the details of the hunt, advised how best to prepare tenderloin, brisket, etc. These gifts were received not only by party bosses. After a hunt in Serbia, the distinguished Soviet guest gave away hares, pheasants and venison to the cooks and service staff.

By the way, Brezhnev was no stranger to cooking; he could ask for the recipe of a dish he liked, although he completely trusted his wife with the household chores. He was a renowned gourmet and loved to talk about food: even at the table when they were eating. I remembered how my parents cooked in the oven. Discussed borscht and porridge. Leonid Ilyich was happy to tell members and candidate members of the Politburo what he eats for breakfast and dinner so as not to gain extra pounds, since doctors convinced him that heavy weight puts a strain on the heart.

Leonid Ilyich also loved to look good and show off in new clothes. Even in old age, he spent hours preening in front of the mirror; his blooming appearance meant a lot. It gave him confidence and flattered him.


Trying to intensify interethnic strife as much as possible, A. Yakovlev, under the guise of internationalism, slipped Brezhnev the idea of ​​​​the abolition of nations in the USSR and the emergence of a new nation-“community” - the Soviet people. Naturally, apart from general indignation, this idea did not cause anything. A. Yakovlev needed only this.

His next “trick” (joint with Brezhnev’s wife, with whom he was friends, she was in love with Yakovlev), was to declare the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo a chauvinistic sabbath. Galperina (Goldberg) laments about the Jews who were part of Mamai's Horde killed on the Kulikovo Field. L.I. Brezhnev severely punished the participants in the “patriotic coven”, dismissing many from their jobs.


Among his friends and associates were many, including Broz Tito. Brezhnev was extremely open and sociable; among his well-wishers there were different people. It is known that he was idolized by gypsies, including those from creative circles. Also among his friends was Lyubov Zykina, who sang at banquets in the Kremlin after festive demonstrations.

His devoted friend was Vladimir Medvedev, deputy chief of security for L.I. Brezhnev.

Weak sides:

Being one of the main participants in the conspiracy that led to the removal of Khrushchev, he has headed the party since 1964 and plays a primary role in the implementation of the new collegial policy of the USSR. Since 1970, a propaganda campaign began to exalt the new “leader,” the dubious success of which was reinforced by Brezhnev’s boundless ambition. Thus, he satisfied his selfishness with a kind of personality cult.

He awarded himself the stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union (four times) and many other awards. This classic of Marxism-Leninism, possessing many Soviet and foreign orders, became the owner of a host of positions and titles: General Secretary, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, Chairman of the Defense Council, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the Soviet Union, laureate of the Lenin Peace Prize and the Lenin Prize for three brochures: “Malaya Zemlya”, “Renaissance” and “Virgin Land”, written without Brezhnev’s participation by professional writers. Possessing neither a strong character nor great intelligence, Brezhnev did not want to be a “steady hand,” but wanted to be a king.

In recent years, Leonid Ilyich dined very modestly - he was struggling with excess weight. True, his nutritionist tried to diversify the menu, but Brezhnev, who was struggling with weight, ordered what he himself considered necessary: ​​a little cabbage salad, a spoonful of vegetable soup, cottage cheese and a glass of juice. Moreover, he, a gourmet by nature, tried to transfer the entire government to this diet.

Brezhnev, even in his youth, when he was a slender, handsome man, strictly monitored his weight, and with age, the struggle with weight became manic and acquired a kind of illness. The struggle of the leader of the USSR with excess weight deserves a separate episode entitled “Ilyich weighs himself.” During this period, what pleased Leonid Ilyich most was the position of the scales. It turns out that scales of all types and brands - domestic and the best foreign ones - stood at the dacha in Zarechye, and in the hunting village of Zavidovo, and in the Kremlin office. In the morning I got up at home and immediately went to the scales, when I arrived at work I went straight to the scales, and before going to bed I weighed myself again. He watched every spoonful so as not to overeat.


Brezhnev was a cheerful, sociable and charming man. He was also extremely generous: “I am like a king. I just can’t, as a king, give a piece of land, a village, serfs. But I can give you an order.” If not royal, then at least lordly manners, Leonid Ilyich demonstrated not without pleasure (however, as well as communist modesty - just remember his refusal of a luxurious apartment of 460 square meters on Shchusev Street).

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