Children's preschool competitions. Competitions for children and teachers

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International and all-Russian competitions for preschoolers are becoming increasingly popular and in demand. Their importance is increasing every day, so educators are trying to involve boys and girls, pupils of preschool educational institutions, in participating in these exciting events. And at this time, every parent dreams that their little preschool child will learn to create, compete with peers, and win from childhood. Many begin to collect a children's portfolio, where they add all the diplomas of participants and winners of all-Russian Internet competitions for preschoolers. If you also have a wonderful baby growing up, don’t miss the chance for his development.

The most interesting children's competitions for preschoolers 2018 - 2019

To answer the question of which creative competitions for preschoolers are most in demand in 2015 2016, we need to remember what our preschoolers like to do and how they can express themselves. Someone will try to say that each child is individual and loves his own, which is why it is so difficult for parents to determine the direction that will become a priority for him. Others will argue that young children do not yet know how to do quality work, so there is no point in getting involved in competitions. But those who are ready to work with the child and promote his development in every possible way do not think so. Therefore, with caring parents, a child can draw, read poetry expressively, sing songs, make crafts, and make presentations, even with the help of older friends. Yes, it’s difficult, but that’s why it’s worth trying to take part in different events. On our website, distance creative Internet competitions for preschoolers are currently being held and planned for 2018 - 2019 in the following areas:

  • drawings;
  • presentations;
  • crafts;
  • fairy tales.

Complete interesting tasks and rejoice in your successes together with the pupils of the preschool educational institution.

What do creative competitions for preschoolers give parents and their children?

By performing any work, a person improves his skills, masters something new, and gains experience. The same thing happens when preschool pupils participate in a competition for preschoolers. This is not a test on which they will receive a D if the assignments are not completed. This is a creative process that helps bring the family closer together and first receive excellent work, and then an appropriate assessment from the jury. By participating in all-Russian competitions for preschoolers, children can receive:

  • new knowledge on various topics;
  • expanding your horizons and vocabulary;
  • ability to work with information.

Parents, watching their child and helping them complete tasks, receive “their benefits”:

  • the child develops perseverance, a desire to learn, and a desire to work independently;
  • there is an opportunity to identify creative talents in children;
  • the family becomes a strong core that can cope with any task.

Children receive diplomas for participation in the All-Russian distance competition, and this is the best material for filling out a portfolio, which will be useful for entering the best school, an elite class, or a studio, where they can truly develop the child’s talent. And how nice it is to show diplomas and certificates of your child’s participation in various Internet events to your dearest relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles.

Topics of children's all-Russian competitions for preschool children

I want every child to reveal their talent from childhood. That is why the range of topics for all-Russian competitions for preschoolers is so wide. The topic has virtually no boundaries. Many sites hold creative competitions ahead of the holidays. Events related to the New Year, Mother's Day, March 8, Victory Day and other holidays will definitely be held. Interesting work can be done on other topics:

  • autumn fantasies;
  • fairy tales by children's writers;
  • travel to different countries of the world;
  • childhood;
  • to the edge, our Motherland;
  • the world of animals and plants;
  • favorite cartoons and books;
  • our teachers and many, many others.

Follow the news on our website and participate in new all-Russian competitions for preschoolers in 2018 - 2019.

How to take part in paid and free children's competitions for preschoolers?

Can a small child himself find an all-Russian or international competition for preschool children, study its position and decide that he will participate in it? It sounds funny, of course. However, you should not immediately be skeptical and deprive your son or daughter, a preschool student of the senior or middle group, of the opportunity to participate in the next exciting event. The child must be offered and shown. After all, he still doesn’t know what it is, so adults should show children those activities that will be interesting and useful to them.

You have finally decided that a child who is 3-6 years old will participate in the competition, then hurry to help him bring the idea to its logical conclusion. First of all, adults should study the Regulations on holding a remote Internet competition and determine in which nomination the child’s talent will be better demonstrated. Then parents or educators must fill out the application correctly and help complete the work. The competition for preschoolers can be free or with an registration fee. If an organizational fee must be paid for the competition, then this concern will also fall on the shoulders of adults. All that remains is to send all the materials to the specified address and wait for the moment of summing up.

Are you looking for a competition site for preschoolers? We have it! Follow the links and choose a task that you can do and like. With this approach to business, victory is guaranteed. If not for the first time, then for the second or third time: the main thing is not to lose heart and support the little contestant, who is still only a preschooler!

  • My teaching experience
  • The best script for the celebration of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
  • Design of a page dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia on the preschool educational institution website
  • A modern model of a subject-spatial developmental environment for preschool children
  • Correctional work at school
  • Innovative methods and technologies in training
  • Best media lesson
  • Methodological system of an effective teacher
  • The best presentation for a lesson
  • The best presentation by a preschool teacher
  • New ideas (competition for developing extracurricular activities)
  • Genius Workshop (training activity development competition)
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education
  • Federal State Educational Standards in elementary school
  • Summary of an open lesson at a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Teacher's curriculum in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Class teacher in a modern school
  • Educational activities with preschoolers (competition for the best methodological development)
  • Effective health-saving technologies in the activities of teachers
  • The best teacher-mentor
  • Innovative methods and technologies in training

    A new project was launched on January 1, 2019 "Let's save the planet together"

    • Ecology competitions for children
    • Ecology Olympiads

    Competitions for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

    WINTER 2020

    • Winter is coming - make way for winter! (drawing competition)
    • Feed the birds in winter (feeder competition)
    • Winter 2020 through the lens (photo competition)
    • Snowflake Exhibition 2020 (creative competition)
    • Snowman Parade 2020 (creative competition)
    • Our slide is the best! (snow figure competition)
    • Valentine's card for loved ones
    • Oh yes, Maslenitsa! (photo competition)
    • Madam Maslenitsa (drawing competition)
    • History of Maslenitsa
    • Farewell to winter - 2020
    • Hey guys, well done!
    • Reviewdrill songs
    • The best gift for dad
    • My dad is the best!
    • Come on, dads!
    • Ready to serve the fatherland
    • For the honor of the Motherland!
    • Glory to the defenders of the Fatherland!

    SPRING 2020

    • Spring drops
    • DIY gift for March 8
    • My mom is the best!
    • Spring bouquet
    • All the flowers of the world - to Mom!
    • Happy Easter
    • Family traditions for Easter
    • DIY Easter cake
    • Palm Sunday
    • DIY Easter egg
    • Palm Sunday
    • What do I know about Easter?
    • Mysteries of space
    • Gagarin lesson 2020
    • "Space is us!"
    • I draw space 2020
    • What is May Day?
    • Victory Salute!
    • Don't rush to leave, war veterans!
    • Fire of memory
    • An encounter with the music of the war years
    • This holiday with tears in my eyes
    • Glory that will not be forgotten
    • Victorious May '45
    • Grandfather's medals
    • Interview with Grandfather/Grandmother
    • Children of war in our family
    • My family during the Great Patriotic War
    • Reading competition "Poems scorched by war"
    • Photos of the war years

    SUMMER 2019

    AUTUMN 2019


    • Best Research Paper in Kindergarten
    • Children's research papers and projects
    • Research and scientific works, projects
    • The best wall newspaper
    • Presentation
    • My first teacher
    • My favorite teacher
    • Orthodox churches
    • School is my home
    • Seasons
    • My favorite toy is my talisman
    • Fun experiments
    • My hobbies
    • My collection
    • My future profession
    • Our parents' professions
    • Russia is my homeland!
    • My little homeland
    • All-Russian Children's and Youth Book Week
    • Earth is our home. Timed to coincide with World Earth Day.
    • My native land, I sing a song to you. Timed to coincide with the World Earth Day campaign
    • Traffic rules "Highway Patrol"
    • How beautiful this world is
    • Best student portfolio
    • Fundamentals of children's journalism
    • Family of the Year 2019
    • National traditions
    • Handwritten books
    • Photo competition "Frame Magic 2019"
    • Book trailer competition
    • Literary creativity
    • Fanfiction competition
    • Reading competition
    • In English I will say
    • I'll say it in German
    • I'll say it in French
    • Crossword




    • We are actors!



    All-Russian Olympiads for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

    What do competitions mean for children? ?


    • Payment from the site online: pay
    • From a bank receipt: download the receipt.

    Competitions for teachers and students will become more accessible with us!

    In the process of establishing a new education system, professional skills competitions are modern forms and methods of work. Such competitions increase the level of pedagogical competence and are also designed to promote the development of a whole range of professional skills and abilities.

    Competitions for teachers, implemented by the media “You are a Genius!” , are the optimal form of professional competition, allowing each teacher to get involved in active innovative activities. The competitions are based on a person-oriented approach to the professional development of each participant.

    Among the distinctive features pedagogical competitions The following positive features can be noted: development of creative potential, desire for self-development and self-improvement, self-realization. At the same time, competitions are organized in such a way as to take into account the problem of lack of teacher working time. The schedule of competitions is posted on the website six months to a year in advance, and the possibility of expedited consideration of competitive works is also provided.

    Currently, it can be considered as a means of advanced training, since participation in the competition creates conditions for focusing on the productivity of one’s own activities and allows one to evaluate one’s professional achievements. Participation in competitions helps the teacher to develop not only methodological skills, but also to develop new competencies in forecasting, self-diagnosis, the ability to see perspectives, and readiness for further growth.

    As they say: “Desire is a thousand possibilities, and reluctance is a thousand reasons.” A reliable companion of your self-development, the site “You are a Genius” invites everyone from any corner of our vast Motherland to cooperate. We bring to your attention open competitions for teachers and students. In the list of our competitions you will find many different categories and areas (from hobby to description of personal experience and innovation). This is an excellent opportunity to test your strength, competing with equally active colleagues from all over Russia. At the same time, the conditions for participation are as comfortable as possible: you do not need to travel anywhere or change your work schedule - all competitions for teachers are held remotely at any time convenient for you.

    Another pleasant nuance is that all of our online competitions for teachers are official, and their results can be used as an indicator of personal and pedagogical growth. Thus, by collaborating with us, you simply share your finds as they appear, and receive them objective assessment. This Systematic participation in teacher competitions can be an excellent tool for fine-tuning your skills, pointing to the most valuable ideas and weeding out those that have already been used repeatedly by your colleagues. Why follow the path of other people's discoveries when there is so much room for your own? Polish the edges of your talent with us!

    Competitions for teachers and children - compete with the strongest, trust the best

    Everyone knows that the complexity of any competition depends not only on its conditions, but also on the composition of the participants. Researchers say that the satisfaction of winning is largely due to this factor. Competing with purposeful and active opponents is much more useful than swimming in a mass of formal competitors. This makes us stronger, more dexterous and more resourceful, as a result of which a person grows above himself, improving and developing. Any competitions aim not so much to evaluate any quantitative or qualitative indicator, but to increase the level of practical skills and potential. The ability to find new approaches and forms of implementation of tasks that have long been familiar and familiar to everyone is a real talent among teachers.

    We agree with the statement that only what you strive for yourself can give the desired result. Therefore, our children's school and pedagogical competitions are open to everyone, but are not mandatory. Thus, we create an environment of active people who want to develop.

    In addition, the “You are a Genius” website offers only official competitions for children and teachers that are approved and recommended for holding. They have a uniform meaning throughout the country and their results can be taken as indicative or rating.

    By participating in our competitions for teachers and educators, you not only join the most active and compete with the strongest, but also receive reliable confirmation of your results in the shortest possible time.

    Distance competitions for teachers: evaluate your experience

    Pedagogical work is a unique example of dedication and constant search for the benefit of others. Any teacher, unless he is ossified in a specific set of material and methods of presenting it, cannot refuse self-development. The abundance of non-standard situations and tricky questions forces us to find succinct, practical, simple, and sometimes witty approaches and solutions. All this shapes us, our style and image, hones the skills of interaction and teaching, develops the ability to easily switch between methods and see integrity in disparate things. This is extremely valuable luggage.

    Do you want to know how valuable it is objectively and whether you are developing in the right way? We invite you to participate in our remote competitions. On the website you will find a list of topics. Register and participate without leaving your desk. Present to us your best experience, best development or result, compete with equally active and proactive colleagues, exchange experiences and receive an objective assessment of your achievements. All competition entries are evaluated on the same day, so the result will not be long in coming.

    Remote competitions for teachers and children- we participate without any hassle

    The most difficult stage of participating in a competition is preparing for it. It often happens that the timing of the event coincides with a lot of other events, and vice versa - interesting ideas and achievements are lost or forgotten while waiting for the coveted go-ahead signal.

    Distance competitions for teachers and children, organized by our website, will never force you to face such a problem. Their main, but not the only advantage is accessibility. To participate, all you need is desire and a computer with Internet access. A remote competition does not require personal presence at the venue and leaves you the choice of when to participate, creating the most comfortable conditions.

    Participate when it suits you. On our website, distance competitions for teachers and students of different levels, including international ones, are available at any time. Being active is simple and interesting. Now you don’t have to adjust yourself to competitions - a large selection of tasks on our website allows you to select competitions for the desired task, be it assessing knowledge or personal achievements, so you can always prove yourself.

    A variety of all-Russian distance competitions will allow you to compete with representatives not only of your region, but also of the entire country, honing your skills and increasing your level from competition to competition.

    International competitions for teachers

    International competitions for teachers provide an excellent opportunity for this. Taking part is easier than you might think at first glance. All you need is a computer with Internet access and our website. There you will find many international teaching competitions, which can be an excellent highlight of your activities and a reliable step in your career.

    International competitions for teachers and children - it all starts with the exchange of experience

    Are you or your students already confidently showing themselves at all-Russian competitions? Are you active and full of desire to participate and win further? Congratulations and we offer a new level of polishing your skills - international competitions for teachers and students.

    Participation in competitions of this level is, first of all, an excellent motive for developing the creative and research potential of both students and teachers. In addition, this is an opportunity to demonstrate the originality of your ideas and exchange long-term plans, best practices, achievements, learn something new and establish yourself at the international level.

    This is especially true for those who, having good potential, are deprived due to certain life circumstances of the opportunity to widely present it personally. For such people, our competitions are one of the best opportunities. The “You are a Genius” website strives to make its implementation as comfortable and accessible as possible. We offer quick international competitions for teachers and children, the results of which can become just the incentive for you that leads to your cherished dreams. Documents reflecting your participation in these competitions will be sent to your email within the timeframes already familiar to our regular participants.

    All-Russian competitions for teachers

    Pedagogical skill is mastery because it implies simultaneous:

    • availability of thorough knowledge;
    • fluency in the material;
    • virtuosity in presentation and organization of the learning process;
    • compliance with the requirements of the time.

    Another important criterion for determining a true master of the teaching craft is the constant desire, and sometimes even the need, for development. And even if this last factor is not alien to you, how do you know how relevant your skills are?

    All-Russian competitions for teachers, which you can find on our website, provide an excellent opportunity to receive an independent, objective assessment of your achievements in a variety of categories. Among them there are also topics that can certainly reveal your best practices, innovations, personal achievements and the results of self-educational research.

    Are you confident and ready to share your experience? The “You are a Genius” website provides such an opportunity. We not only hold all-Russian competitions for teachers, but also create a unique developmental environment where anyone can present the results of their work to public attention.

    All-Russian competitions for teachers and children - the first steps towards a high goal

    Every successful person in his business once set a goal for himself, and gradually walked towards it through a series of more accessible, but invariably more complex intermediate achievements. It was as if he was creating his own triumphal ladder, each step of which not only exalted him above the previous level, but also brought him closer to his most cherished. And, importantly, along this path he gained experience, without which it is difficult to move forward.

    Experience is our most important achievement on the path of life. We have been obtaining it since childhood in different ways - from a full-fledged trial and error path to borrowing the results, which is the easiest, but at the same time the least interesting. Indeed, in our research we sometimes come to conclusions that we could not even think about initially.

    All-Russian competitions for teachers and children allow not only to compete with each other, but also to exchange experiences and interesting ideas with opponents from all over the country. Such an exchange in itself has an important cognitive effect. And the opportunity to compare your strengths with others is a good motive for further development and, in case of victory, a pleasant bonus to personal achievements.

    By inviting children and teachers to participate in all-Russian competitions, we hope that the experience gained in scientific and practical conferences, competitions, and research projects will help someone achieve high goals, and for others will pave the way to future achievements.

    Children's competitions

    Psychologists say that for the formation of adequate life motivation, a constant positive assessment of any form of a child’s activity is of great importance. At the same time, it is important that the assessment be ranked, that is, it shows the place among other participants. Thus, the child learns to correlate the effort expended and the result obtained, as well as compare his abilities with the abilities of others. An excellent way to develop this undoubtedly important skill is to participate in children's competitions. And the more diverse they are, the better.

    The site "You are a Genius" has created a site for children's competitions, the purpose of which is to develop the creative potential and activity of children of different ages, to form cognitive and scientific activity in them, to identify non-standard ideas and solutions, encouraging and supporting their best achievements. Here you will find the most accessible online competitions for children of all ages. Their topics are also wide, so everyone will find something to their liking.

    Both individual students and entire groups can take part in them. Thus, you, as an organizer, have an excellent opportunity to instill a spirit of healthy competition in the team. Starting such a marathon with simple children's competitions, you can gradually increase their complexity and expand their scope, thereby pushing students towards self-development. This will allow them to develop such traits as versatility, determination, concentration, activity and the desire to be the best. It doesn’t matter whether the child is active, shy or withdrawn - online competitions for children will help them find their place in the school team, find like-minded people and open up. And this is sometimes more important than all the diplomas and awards.

    Express competitions for children and parents

    Don't know what to do with your children during the holidays or how to get them involved in their studies? Do you want to cheer up your child and instill in him faith in his own strength? Then join us and see how fun and easy it can be.

    Choose a kids competition or quiz that suits your child's interests and challenge them to compete against other kids across the country from the comfort of their own home. An interesting activity for the evening with the prospect of receiving a prize in the form of a diploma or a standard certificate is guaranteed.

    Here you will find official competitions for children of various age groups, participation in which is available to everyone in any corner of the country on equal rights. For us there is no concept of “materials were late” or “forgot about the start”. Our children's competitions operate on an ongoing basis; you can take part in them at any time convenient for you and an unlimited number of times.

    What else is interesting about online competitions for children and parents? They have no age restrictions. Create together, share it with us and get diplomas! What exactly can you share? Yes, whatever you want! Spent a great weekend, created a masterpiece from scrap materials, studied the history of your family, mastered new skills, simply showed ingenuity or a creative approach - all this can become the basis for participation. You can take part in many children's competitions by simply presenting the results of your preparation for various events, holidays or other competitions. There are more than 50 different themes at your disposal to suit every taste. And for the most erudite fidgets - our express competitions for children.

    What advantages do websites provide in organizing competitions for schoolchildren?

    This is where competition sites for schoolchildren come in handy. At any time convenient for you, from anywhere in the country, if you have the Internet, you can compete in creativity, breadth of outlook and professionalism.

    The website "You're a Genius" has collected on its website a large number of interesting tasks for any age. Among them are competitions for schoolchildren and teachers, as well as pupils of preschool institutions and people who provide them with meaningful leisure time. Our competitions are available 24 hours a day. Results are processed within 2 days, results are posted on the website every 15 days. Use every opportunity to compete with yourself and others! After all, only in dispute is truth born, and in work is skill honed.

    “Paid competitions for schoolchildren” - is it so scary?

    Today, very often in advertisements for “competitions for schoolchildren” you can find the prefix “paid”. In the usual competition format, these funds are used to reimburse the costs of printing tasks, processing results and producing awards.

    Nowadays, many competitions for schoolchildren and teachers are held via the Internet. One of the reasons for this is the ability to simplify the procedure, make it more accessible and faster. At the same time, costs are reduced for both participants (you don’t use a lot of paper, you don’t spend money on printing and shipping) and organizers. Now any competition for schoolchildren becomes simpler and more accessible: upload the data, send it, and get the result.

    The site "You're a Genius" always tries to meet the needs of its clients and support their creative potential. That is why the participation fee is so symbolic that anyone can afford it. In addition, it does not exceed the average cost of participation in standard “no-fee” competitions.

    Our paid competitions for schoolchildren and beyond allow you to easily take part in competitions of any level, at any time convenient for you. The money spent is a small compliment to those who daily support your creative potential and push you to develop.

    All-Russian children's quizzes on the Internet

    Very often, the concept of “children’s quiz” is inseparably associated with a certain gradation of level, for example, school, regional, and so on to international. In this case, not all participants from previous rounds advance to each next stage, but only the winners. The only inconvenience is the long breaks between stages, during which children who do not have enough interest may simply lose interest in what is happening.

    The "You're a Genius" website offers an alternative approach to participating in competitions, including all-Russian quizzes for children of different ages.

    What are the advantages of our quizzes for children:

    − the rules of participation are very simple and everyone can handle them;

    − the online quiz for children is carried out promptly, which means you won’t have to wait long for the result;

    − the all-Russian quiz is as accessible as any other - anyone who has registered on our website, submitted an application online and paid a symbolic fee can take part;

    − on our website there is no limit on the number of attempts to participate in any type of competition;

    - the most important thing is that there are only prizes here, no general list - “you are 791st, congratulations!” or something similar.

    Our quizzes give creative children the opportunity to show all the facets of their talent, test their knowledge and horizons, replenish their treasure chest of personal achievements with high-level certificates, and simply have a fun time.

    Goals and objectives of the competition:


    Federal level competitions for educators, teachers, educators. Profile and creative competitions for educators and teachers. 20,000 participants!

    Join us!

    Competitions for schoolchildren

    Competitions for schoolchildren, preschoolers, children, teenagers. Interesting creative competitions. Federal level of participation.

    There are many winners!

    Summary of experience 2015-2016

    Generalization of teaching experience + Certificate with a mark of passing the editorial examination. The ability to generalize, present and replicate one’s experience is the most important indicator of a teacher’s level of competence.

    Competition for teachers, teachers 2015-2016 | Academy of Pedagogy

    All-Russian creative competition for educators, teachers “Pedagogy of Creativity”

    The purpose of the competition: to stimulate the creative and innovative activities of educators, teachers, educators

    Competition objectives:

    Updating the intellectual and creative abilities of teachers;

    Mobilization and application of accumulated knowledge, formation of creative potential through the appropriate organization of the educational process;

    Creating a favorable innovative environment in the teaching staff, overcoming stereotypes of professional activity.

    Subject of the competition.

    Master classes, pedagogical projects, pedagogical essays, personal websites of teachers, design of stands and wall newspapers, office design and options for organizing an educational space, as well as works that are not suitable for any of the other competitions, are accepted for participation in the Competition.

    Participants of the competition for educators, teachers, educators “Pedagogy of Creativity”.

    1. Pedagogical workers of any educational institutions (preschool educational institutions; secondary general education institutions; institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children) can take part in the Competition.

    2. Each participant can submit several works for the Competition. Participation can be individual or joint.

    The editors of the magazine "Educational projects "Owlet" for preschoolers" together with the editors of the scientific and methodological magazine "Concept" and the department of creative pedagogy of the ANO DPO "MCITO" within the framework of a project to popularize a creative approach to teaching and educating the younger generation announce the holding of the All-Russian professional competition skills of educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions "Modern kindergarten - 2016".The following categories of citizens can participate in the competition:

    - (A) heads of preschool educational institutions;

    - (B) their deputies for educational, educational or scientific work;

    - (B) educators and teachers;

    - (D) other employees of educational authorities.

    The competition is held with the aim of identifying and further information and methodological support of the best educational technologies of a modern kindergarten, designed to manage the educational process and develop teaching teams to update the content of education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.

    The competition accepts developments that reflect the innovative experience of preschool educational institutions (classes, concepts, descriptions of work experience, programs of experimental and innovation sites, abstracts, programs and development of circle systems, courses, trainings, educational events, evenings, parent meetings, etc.) on the topic of activity preschool educational institutions.

    Competition results are summed up in five categories:

    - “The best leader of a modern kindergarten”;

    - "The best leader of the educational process modern kindergarten";

    - “The best leader of the educational process modern kindergarten";

    - "The best teacher modern kindergarten";

    - "Best teacher modern kindergarten".

    Ask a Question

    Material from the site

    Calendar of all-Russian and international distance Olympiads and competitions for primary schools: primary schoolchildren and preschoolers 2015.

    Distance Olympics of the Snail Center

    Goals and objectives of distance Olympiads of the Snail Center:

    • checking students' knowledge level
    • developing the skill of self-appropriation of knowledge
    • formation and development of skills for independent search and analysis of information
    • formation and development of skills in using Internet services in education
    • increasing motivation to study the subject

    They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.


    They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Subject week

    They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Family competition

    They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Specialist. competitions

    They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Control test

    They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Summer camp

    They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Organization and holding of distance competitions, olympiads, subject weeks for schoolchildren.

    License Series 55LO1 No. 0001217 dated 5.08.2015

    Registration of mass media EL No. FS 77 - 61254

    Possible payment methods:

    More details

    Pedagogical development: all-Russian competitions for educators.

    "The best New Year's costume for a preschool teacher"

    Dear teachers, music directors, physical education instructors, we invite you to take part in the competition for the best New Year's costume. Photos of preschool teachers in costumes of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters are accepted for participation in the competition.

    "The best New Year's decoration of a preschool educational institution"

    Upon completion, the winners of the competition will be awarded free Diplomas. All teachers, if desired, can order certificates of participants, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Our Christmas tree is a green beauty!"

    The portal "" invites preschool teachers and their students to take part in a competition for the best decoration of the New Year tree. Photos of Christmas trees or Christmas tree decorations made by yourself are accepted for participation in the competition.

    Upon completion, the winners of the competition will be awarded free Diplomas. All teachers who have posted children's works can optionally order Certificates in the name of the participant or in their own name, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Symbol of the year 2016 with your own hands!"

    According to the eastern calendar, the symbol of the coming 2016 is the Fire Monkey. She is considered one of the most intelligent, active and very capricious representatives of the animal world.

    The project "" invites preschool teachers and their students to take part in the New Year's competition and show in their works how bright and diverse the symbol of 2016 can be. Upon completion, the winners of the competition will be awarded free Diplomas. All teachers who have posted children's works can optionally order Certificates in the name of the participant or in their own name, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Let's give mom a smile"

    Dear teachers, we invite you and your little pupils to take part in a children's creativity competition dedicated to the most wonderful holiday, Mother's Day. Upon completion, the winners of the competition will be awarded free Diplomas. All teachers who have posted children's works can optionally order Certificates in the name of the participant or in their own name, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "The best methodological development on traffic rules in preschool educational institutions"

    Today, road safety is one of the most important tasks that must be solved by all institutions of our society without exception. Particular attention is paid to this problem in preschool and primary school age.

    In this regard, the goals of the competition are: promotion of safe road traffic and prevention of accidents involving children. All competition participants can optionally order certificates in electronic or printed form. The winners will be awarded free diplomas.

    "Magic Feather"

    All-Russian Children's Poetry Competition

    We invite pupils of preschool educational institutions, under the guidance of teachers, to take part in the all-Russian competition "Magic Feather". The main goals of the competition are: development of the poetic abilities of preschool children; identification and support of gifted children.

    Upon completion, the winners will be awarded Diplomas. All teachers, if they wish, can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both in the name of the author and in the name of the curator.

    "Handicraft Fair"

    All-Russian creative competition for preschool teachers

    The project "" invites educators and other preschool teachers to take part in a competition of creative works completed without the participation of children. Upon completion, the winners will be awarded Diplomas. All teachers can optionally order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Wonders of nature"

    Competition for the best craft made from natural materials

    At any time of the year, nature presents us with many gifts, which, thanks to the imagination and fantasy of the master, can turn into wonderful works. The process of creating crafts from natural materials is especially useful for children, as it allows them to develop fine motor skills, perseverance and creative thinking. The project "" invites preschool children, under the guidance of teacher-curators, to take part in the "Wonders of Nature" competition and demonstrate their ideas and abilities in creating crafts from natural materials.

    "Autumn Kaleidoscope"

    All-Russian children's creativity competition

    “It’s a sad time! The charm of the eyes!...” - how can you disagree with the great poet. Let's look outside the window, and in front of us is a riot of color.

    Autumn has painted the streets and avenues! How beautiful is the autumn forest! Guys, quickly pick up your brushes, pencils, markers, let's draw autumn.

    Dear teachers, “” is waiting for the work of your little pupils to participate in a competition on an autumn theme and wishes everyone good luck! Upon completion, the winners will be awarded free Diplomas. All teachers who have posted children's works can optionally order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Golden Brushes"

    Painting and drawing have been and remain the most popular types of fine art, and works of art created using a wide variety of techniques never cease to delight the eyes of true connoisseurs of beauty. The project "" invites teachers of preschool educational institutions to take part in the "Golden Brushes" competition and present their masterpieces at the all-Russian level.

    All participants can optionally order certificates in electronic or printed form. The winners will be awarded free diplomas.

    "The best master class. Crafts from waste materials"

    Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the competition. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to the problem of increasing the amount of solid household waste and various related problems, including environmental ones. All teachers can optionally order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Our younger friends"

    All-Russian children's creativity competition dedicated to their favorite animals.

    Dear teachers, we invite you and your students to take part in the All-Russian competition, the main goals of which are: developing the creative potential of preschool children, instilling love and a responsible attitude towards animals. Upon completion, the winners will be awarded free Diplomas. All teachers who have posted children's works can optionally order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "The best mini-museum in a preschool educational institution!"

    After summing up the results of the competition, the winners will be awarded free Diplomas. All teachers can optionally order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Intellectual development of preschool children"

    All-Russian competition for the best methodological development

    "Game as a leading activity for a preschooler"

    All-Russian competition

    Dear teachers of preschool educational institutions, the project "" invites you to take part in the all-Russian competition, the purpose of which is the theoretical and practical improvement of existing and the discovery of new forms of play as the main activity of a preschooler in the process of education and training. Upon completion, the winners will be awarded Diplomas. All teachers can optionally order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during the competition and after its completion.

    "Literary and Musical Living Room" (All-Russian Festival)

    In 2015 of Literature (by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation), the problem of fading interest in the origins of literature and art in general is especially relevant. In this regard, the goals of holding literary and musical drawing rooms within educational institutions are: the formation of culturally oriented thinking in children based on the integration, analysis and synthesis of literary, musical and artistic arts; enrichment of the spiritual world of pupils, correction of their emotional sphere; development of creative abilities.

    Teachers of preschool educational institutions are invited to participate in the Festival. Each festival participant, without exception, is awarded a personal DIPLOMA!

    "Steps to success"

    Festival of Pedagogical Ideas

    Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Steps to Success”. The purpose of the Festival is to identify and disseminate innovative pedagogical experience of workers at all levels of the educational system. Methodological developments of classes, lessons, events, projects, programs, etc., based on a fundamentally new idea or sets of ideas (discovery), are accepted for participation in the Festival.

    All-Russian Festival "Information and communication technologies in education"

    Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian Festival “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”. In the modern educational system, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is one of the most important indicators of the level of professional competence of a teacher.

    The main ICT tool of any education system is a personal computer, the software of which (MS Office Word, Excel, Power Point, Microsoft Publisher) allows the teacher to significantly expand the scope of a lesson or lesson, making it more diverse and interesting. The most common forms of using ICT in the educational process are: creating presentations, working with an interactive whiteboard, Internet resources, using educational programs, including proprietary ones, and many others.

    Articles, class notes, lessons, events using ICT, as well as presentations are accepted for participation in the Festival. Each participant of the Festival, without exception, is awarded a personal DIPLOMA!

    All-Russian Festival "Educational Programs"

    Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian Festival "Educational Programs". Participation in the Festival is an opportunity to present your pedagogical experience, implemented within one subject, and disseminate it in the educational system at the All-Russian level. Each participant of the Festival, without exception, is awarded a personal DIPLOMA!

    "STEP INTO THE FUTURE" (Festival of pedagogical projects)

    Creation of a pedagogical project- this is a search for new ideas, tasks and methods in education, or the implementation of existing ones from the point of view of personal experience and worldview. In this regard, participation in the festival “STEP INTO THE FUTURE” provides an opportunity not only to present your pedagogical experience implemented within one subject, but also to disseminate it in the educational system at the all-Russian level. Each festival participant, without exception, is awarded a personal DIPLOMA!

    "Pedagogical development" (Festival)

    The ability to develop is the most important property of a person throughout his life. Teacher development is not only advanced training with the aim of developing professional competence, but also the search for new forms of self-expression and self-determination in the modern educational system.

    The result of this difficult path, as a rule, is the creation of a professional portfolio or a personal website for a teacher, which presents not only biographical information about its owner, but also the main stages of teaching activity, scientific works, articles and other educational materials. Dear teachers, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian festival “Pedagogical Development”.

    The festival is held in the categories "SITE" and "PORTFOLIO". Each festival participant, without exception, is awarded a personal DIPLOMA!

    Regulations of the All-Russian creative competition for preschoolers and students in grades 1-11 “Autumn Inspiration”

    We invite everyone to take part in our wonderful competition!

    Competition theme:

    Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

    Prepare the spirit of enlightenment

    And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

    And genius, friend of paradoxes,

    And chance, God the inventor.

    Purpose of the Competition

    To provide participants with an excellent opportunity to develop and demonstrate their intellectual and creative abilities in a competitive manner, and to intensify extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

    Procedure for the Competition

    The competition is held for preschoolers and students in grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and other educational institutions. Children's competition works and joint works of children and adults are accepted for participation.

    Acceptance of works from November 1 to November 30, 2015 inclusive. Winners are determined weekly. Publication of the competition results after December 10, 2015.

    Diplomas are sent to participants within ten working days after receiving the application.

    Competition nominations:

    1. Acting art. Audio recordings, photos and video materials of stage groups, classes, groups and readers are accepted for the competition.
    2. Ball gown. Photo and video materials of dance groups, ballroom couples and dancers are accepted for the competition.
    3. Vocal art. Audio recordings, photos and video materials of vocal groups, duets and soloists are accepted for the competition.
    4. Headdress. Photo and video materials, sketches of your carnival and holiday headdresses are accepted for the competition.
    5. Pets. Any work you have completed and creatively designed that tells about your favorites: dogs, cats, etc. is accepted for the competition.
    6. Carnival costume. Photo and video materials, drawings and stories about carnivals and your carnival costumes are accepted for the competition.
    7. My favorite dish. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your favorite porridge, candy, jam, etc. are accepted for the competition.
    8. My videos. The competition accepts your favorite video materials shot by you on: cell phone, digital camera, video camera.
    9. My main holiday. Any work you have completed and creatively designed that tells about your favorite holiday is accepted for the competition.
    10. My achievements. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about achievements that you are proud of.
    11. My friend. The competition accepts photographs, stories, and creative works about your dear friends.
    12. My favorite animals. Any work you have completed and creatively designed that tells about interesting wild animals is accepted for the competition.
    13. My cartoon. Your hand-drawn, plasticine, computer-generated, etc. footage will be accepted for the competition. cartoons.
    14. My observations. The competition accepts your observations of people, living and non-living nature, processes, in the form of presentations, photographs, drawings and stories.
    15. My crafts. Photos of any of your crafts made from any materials are accepted for the competition: plasticine, paper, wood, etc.
    16. My recipe. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, videos, drawings and stories about your favorite recipe.
    17. My drawing. The competition accepts photographs of your drawings, made in any style and technique, with paints, pencils, charcoal, chalk or on a computer.
    18. My style. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your clothing style: business, sports, romantic, country, military, etc.
    19. My talisman. The competition accepts photographs, stories, and creative works about talismans that protect and help you.
    20. My fantastic project. Photographs, stories, and creative works “from the realm of science fiction” are accepted for the competition.
    21. My photos. The competition accepts your favorite photographs taken on a cell phone, digital camera, or from photo albums.
    22. My future profession. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about the professions you want to master.
    23. My collection. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your collections of stamps, postcards, corks, candy wrappers, etc. are accepted for the competition.
    24. My computer graphics. Computer drawings, images processed by you, etc. are accepted for the competition.
    25. My favourite game. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, videos, drawings and stories about your favorite board, verbal, outdoor or computer game.
    26. My favorite toy. The competition accepts photographs, stories, and creative works about your favorite toy.
    27. My favorite book. The competition accepts stories about books that made an indelible impression on you and made you re-read them again and again.
    28. My favorite fairy tale. Stories, drawings, crafts, etc. are accepted for the competition. on the themes of your favorite fairy tales.
    29. My presentation. The competition accepts your presentations on any interesting topics.
    30. My hairstyle. Photo and video materials, sketches of your daily and holiday hairstyles are accepted for the competition.
    31. My page on the Internet. Print Screens of your pages on social networks, personal websites, school websites, classes, etc. are accepted for the competition.
    32. Musical creativity. Audio recordings, photos and video materials of musical groups, young composers and performers are accepted for the competition.
    33. National traditions. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, crafts, drawings and stories about your national traditions and customs.
    34. Festive costume. Photo and video materials, drawings and stories about your holiday costumes are accepted for the competition.
    35. My parents' professions. Presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your parents’ professions are accepted for the competition.
    36. Journalism. Any of your literary works are accepted for the competition: stories, fairy tales, poems, essays, etc.
    37. Family heirloom. The competition accepts photographs, stories, and creative works about family heirlooms dear to you.
    38. Wall newspaper. Presentations and photographs of the wall newspaper of your class, group, or team are accepted for the competition.
    39. Choreography. Photo and video materials of dance groups, ballroom couples and dancers are accepted for the competition.
    40. I'm a researcher. Your practical and theoretical research works and projects are accepted for the competition.
    41. I like sport. The competition accepts presentations, photographs, drawings and stories about your sporting achievements and favorite sports.
    42. I'm doing a crossword puzzle. Any work you have completed and creatively designed that contains questions, an empty crossword puzzle grid, or a filled crossword puzzle grid with answers is accepted for the competition.
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