Why do you dream of 2 pigs? Why do you dream about pigs?

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Piglets in a dream are a very ambiguous symbol. Deciphering night dreams with these animals, on the one hand, is based on the fact that the pig is a symbol of prosperity, and on the other hand, all its unpleasant qualities are taken into account. That is why, when interpreting dreams in which piglets appear, you need to take a multifaceted approach and be sure to use natural intuition, which will allow you to link the dream with events in real life.

Well-fed clean or dirty exhausted piglets

Whatever the plot of a dream with piglets, its positive or negative orientation can be judged by the appearance of the piglets. So, why do you dream about piglets? Thus, clean and well-fed piglets always foreshadow a prosperous life period. And if you dreamed of dirty and emaciated animals, then in reality you should expect trouble.

Why do you dream about little piglets?

If you are interested in the question of why little piglets dream, then try to remember all the details of the dream. If you watched animals from afar and were moved by their behavior, then this portends a lot of happiness and joy in reality. Such a dream predicts a big surprise for you in life, from which you will be delighted.

Lots of piglets

When you dream of piglets in large numbers, this indicates that in real life you will be able to make a big profit. Moreover, most likely, you will discover a permanent source of income. It is very good when you see piglets in your own home. In this case, in addition to material well-being, the dream also portends excellent health.

Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:
  • When you dream that a pig is walking around the yard, followed by a pig, it means that in real life another person is using you for personal gain. Therefore, there is an urgent need to analyze relationships with people from your inner circle and remove the hypocrite from your circle of acquaintances.
  • If you dream of dead piglets, then you should take care of your own health.
  • When you dreamed that little piglets were rolling around in the mud, then perhaps in real life you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue. You should be careful not to damage your reputation.
  • If you dream of little piglets sucking milk, then soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your own labor.

The dream books also focus the dreamer’s attention on the color of the dreamed pig:
  • The black pig warns that trouble may happen to you in reality.
  • The white pig means that, despite all the obstacles, you will be able to achieve your goal.
  • The pink pig foretells good luck and happiness in life.
  • Holding a piglet in your arms means having fun with friends.

Contact with piglets

Dreams in which the dreamer had to come into contact with piglets can be interpreted in different ways. If, based on the plot of the dream, you understand that you are the owner of piglets, then this indicates that prosperity and prosperity will reign in your home. When, according to the plot of a dream, you feed small animals, then in reality you care about the future. In addition, such a dream indicates that you are a very reliable person and your loved ones feel very comfortable around you.

Actions with piglets

But if your night dreams emphasize the fact that you, as the owner, keep a pig in a barn, then you need to prepare for the fact that in real life you will have to work a lot to achieve well-being. You should not be upset, because your work will pay off well.

Other actions with baby pigs are interpreted in dream books as follows:
  • Killing a pig means waiting for real happiness, which is already very close.
  • Eating roast pig means incurring losses in real life, perhaps they will be associated with theft.
  • Rolling around in the mud with the piglets means participating in an activity that is unusual for you, which will turn out to be very interesting.
  • Cutting a pig - you will always be a wealthy person.
  • Buying a pig at the market is an opportunity to improve your own well-being.
  • Holding a cute, playful pink pig in your arms is confirmation of the right direction in life.
  • Catching piglets - you should not share your plans and secrets with loved ones.
  • Keeping a pig in a bag is a disruption of plans.

I dreamed of a pig

A piglet often indicates that there is a person next to you who is not burdened with moral principles and is not familiar with the rules of etiquette. Such a dream is a warning that there is a high probability that you will have to deal with uncleanliness in any of its manifestations.

Interpretation for women and girls

For a woman, a dream in which she saw a pink, plump pig foreshadows an easy and relaxed relationship with the first suitor she comes across. Remember that in this case you should not count on a long-term relationship. And for a young girl, the dream may be on the eve of an imminent marriage, which can be very successful.

Talking pig

If you dreamed of a talking pig, it means that in real life you will experience great happiness, which will be the envy of everyone around you. Try to enjoy the coming period of life, and do not forget that life consists of black and white stripes.

Why do you dream of being bitten by a pig?

Why do you dream about such a plot? If a pig bites you in a dream, then this indicates that you underestimate your opponents. Perhaps there is a hypocrite next to you whom you mistake for a friend.

Butchering a pig

If, according to the plot of your dream, you see yourself butchering a pig, then in the near future you will have to part with one of the people from your immediate circle.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book interprets the appearance of a dirty pig in a dream as the fact that the partners lack cleanliness in the relationship. And without this, it is hardly possible to build harmonious relationships. In addition, such a dream indicates that the dreamer's partner can be very rude and unfair.

It is believed that a pig dreamed of from Thursday to Friday promises a new addition to the family. This dream is especially relevant for a young couple who dreams of a child.

Whom we sometimes meet in our dreams.

There are all sorts of guests, but when a pig appears in a dream, you can’t help but wonder what it’s for?

Few people will associate the pig with friendship, joy, health or good news. Rather, this animal is associated with untidiness, dirty thoughts or actions, there is an expression “to put a pig down”, in general - nothing good.

But before you decide that a boar in a dream promises trouble, don’t rush. In fact, it is not easy to understand why pigs dream – and what’s more, such dreams can portend very, very good things.

Health, wealth, success - the pig can easily prophesy all this! And here it is important to correctly decipher the dream.

And for this you need to remember all its details and details. What was the pig like? What did she do, how did she behave? What conditions and circumstances was she in? And, in the end, what did you do with this animal?

For example, dream scenarios might look something like this:

  • You just saw an unremarkable animal.
  • You dream of a lot of pigs, for example a whole pigsty.
  • You see a large boar or several hogs.
  • You dreamed of cute pink piglets.
  • Or a pig with piglets.
  • All you saw was stubble.
  • You dreamed of a pig's head - for example, in a market or on a table.
  • We saw a pig's snout.
  • I dreamed of a pig in the mud.
  • A pig has found itself in your house or apartment.
  • You saw an animal dying in a dream.
  • A boar or pig is itching in your dream.
  • You dreamed of a pig wearing a crown.
  • You dream that you are the owner of one pig or a pigsty where there are many of them.
  • You kill a wild boar in a dream.
  • Eat a pig.
  • Eat pork cooked in any way.
  • You are buying a pig (or pork).
  • Feed the cattle.
  • Ride a pig or boar.

Whether the dream is pleasant or not is not so important, because its meaning may be quite unexpected for you. So remember the details properly, and we’ll find out what to expect from such a dream.

See a pig – and more than one!

In a dream, you could either see pigs from the outside, or actively do something directly related to these animals.

These are completely different types of dreams, and we will first consider those in which you only saw an animal, but did not contact it and did not come close to it. Or they approached, but did not touch, did not feed, and so on.

What do such dreams mean? Depends on what the pig was like and what it did.

1. Just an ordinary pig, unremarkable in anything, dreams of wealth, a well-fed life, prosperity and stability in the home. But the dream book warns that living too much and not knowing the limits can cause harm, so enjoy your prosperity, but live in moderation and wisely.

2. Seeing a lot of pigs, wild boars, or a whole pigsty in a dream is not very good. The dream warns you of notoriety, rumors and gossip, rumors about your unworthy behavior. Try not to provoke this - behave in such a way that your reputation does not suffer.

3. Large, menacing hogs or wild boars are dreamed of as a warning. You may be surrounded by evil, ignorant, bad people. Avoid bad company and maintain your dignity.

4. But for a girl or young, free woman, a boar dreams of an imminent proposal! A potential groom will appear on the horizon very soon, and it’s up to you to decide whether to agree or not...

5. The dream in which piglets appear is a dream of profit. Cute little piglets will bring you income in reality - and the more of them there were in the dream, the larger the profit, winnings, promotion or reward will be.

6. And if you saw a pig with piglets in your dreams, this meaning is completely different. Such a dream can promise arrogant people, parasites, slackers who want to make a profit just like that.

These people can either harm you and your work, or simply be nearby, in your environment, or take advantage of you directly. If you dreamed of a pig with piglets, be especially careful and attentive, do not let people take advantage of you just like that.

7. Seeing pork bristles in a dream is a sign of great joy, good events and surprises, very pleasant.

8. If in a dream you saw a pig's head - be it on the counter of a market or a butcher shop, or on a table, beautifully decorated - this, according to the dream book, promises a long journey.

  • If the head looked normal and was fresh, then the road will bring joy and will be good.
  • If you dream of a head with flies, worms, or a scary one, be very careful on the way, some difficulties may arise.

9. But a dream in which you saw a pig’s snout warns that you are in danger of injury, unexpected injury. So be careful.

10. As the dream book says, animals in the mud, in a puddle, are gossip and intrigues of enemies in reality.

11. A pig in your own home promises recovery, recovery for the sick, and improvement of affairs.

12. If a pig dies in your dream, some unpleasant news and even trouble may await you.

13. A dream in which animals itch promises quarrels and conflicts.

14. And if you happen to see a hog wearing a crown, expect a conflict with your superiors.

Throwing pearls before swine

Dreams in which you had to somehow come into contact with pigs have many interesting meanings.

Remember what exactly you did?

1. A dream in which you were the owner of a pig or pigsty promises you great unconditional happiness! Your life will soon become happy and full.

2. If you ate a pig in your well-fed dream, then expect losses. Better yet, think about how to avoid them so that you don’t have to live in poverty.

3. If you eat pork in any other form, this also does not bode well. The dream warns of your vulnerability to illness. Try to take care of your health.

4. Buying a live pig or pork in a dream promises some kind of deception on the part of others. They will try to deceive you.

5. If you fed pigs in your dream, this means that in reality you are spending your own money unwisely, and you should think about it and reconsider your expenses. Otherwise, you risk going bankrupt soon.

6. If you rode on the back of a pig or boar in your dreams, then in reality you will probably experience loud and unbridled fun, which you will regret later. It’s better, of course, to take care of yourself - you can’t wash your reputation and conscience, so don’t do anything stupid.

Such different dreams - even though the pig is a simple animal, there are a whole lot of meanings. Be attentive to dreams, analyze the meanings and your actions, and decide for yourself how to apply the knowledge gained. Author: Vasilina Serova

Explaining why a pig dreams, the dream book lists the worst human qualities: gluttony, uncleanliness, ingratitude. Nevertheless, the image in a dream evokes sympathy with its enthusiasm, naturalness, and reflection of the needs of the sleeper himself.

What does the symbol mean?

In the English interpreter, a pig means an opportunity to be convinced of the devotion of friends and loved ones: they will help you survive a streak of bad luck. Veles's dream book promises the sleeping man a motley company of welcome guests, comrades-in-arms, envious people, and an unfriendly witch.

Dream Interpreter 2012 suggests paying attention to simple joys; gluttony threatens to play a cruel joke. In Gypsy prophecy, a pig means confidence in success. Luck and previous experience will accompany you in a risky undertaking.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

According to the Enigma dream book, the dreamer will achieve impressive results in the business sphere, circumstances are on his side. There will be a fly in the ointment in the form of sluggishness of employees and tricks of competitors, but negative factors will not cause much harm.

Predicting what pork carcasses mean in dreams calls for acting within the law. Dubious fraud will bring complete trouble.

Miller's interpretations

Explaining why a pig dreams, Miller’s dream book notes the prerequisites for increased prosperity. A sow with offspring symbolizes change and tempting prospects.

If you are lucky enough to treat a pig from your hands, Gustav Miller reassures that you will be able to overcome adversity and obstacles on your own.

Riding on a muddy

Explanations of why a pig dreams focus on cleanliness or the complete absence thereof. The seer Vanga considers dirty people to be a harbinger of rash steps and disappointments in loved ones.

When pigs roll in a puddle in a dream, the esotericist Tsvetkov warns of family troubles. If you dreamed of riding on a dirty pig, according to Freud, a non-standard situation will cause double sensations.

Muslim pronunciation

According to Muslim traditions, it is undesirable to eat pork even in a dream. An Islamic dream interpreter predicts illness for the unlucky eater. The person who gave the treat can do harm in reality.

Grunting foreshadows a brilliant defeat of competitors, enrichment at the expense of the losers, and strengthening of one’s own position.

Bought or received as a gift

Dream books explain in detail why you dream of buying a pig. Often, buying an animal happens in anticipation of a profit, the volume of which directly depends on the diligence in reality. A pig as a gift promises prosperity not only in financial, but also in other areas of life.

Natalya Grishina pays attention to the identity of the seller or donor. If this person is familiar in real life, you can rely on him.

Selling your own pet is considered a bad sign. The more profitable the deal in the dream, the longer the black stripe will be.

We saw catch-up

If you happen to see a running pig, the decoding of the symbol can be found in the Family Dream Book:

  • Runs and frolics in a dream - you will not lack enthusiasm;
  • If you had to chase a fugitive - you will gain valuable experience;
  • Chasing a pig - an unusual situation lies ahead;
  • Svintus is catching up with you - to changes in your personal life;
  • You caught it, but didn't catch it - you risk spilling the beans.

The Ukrainian dream book specifies where the pig is in a hurry. If he rushes away from the yard, the attempt to deceive will end in shameful failure. When you saw in a dream how he ran straight into the house, someone from the immediate circle was spreading gossip.

Why do you dream of dirt and a lot of disgusting?

Dream books contain many interesting explanations of why a dirty pig dreams. This is a harbinger of conflicts at work and at home. Animals covered in mud from head to toe represent gossip, slander, and intrigues behind one's back. In the dreams of lovers, this is a reflection of rudeness and neglect, which one has to put up with under the threat of separation.

A pure pig symbolizes hard work, determination, and, as a result, material well-being. If you are lucky enough to wash the dirt, a fresh solution will speed up the movement towards the goal.

The pig bit

It’s interesting to know why an angry aggressive pig dreams:

  • Assault - forced communication with unpleasant persons;
  • Bite - beware of robbery and bankruptcy;
  • The pig bites when his reputation is at stake;
  • If she bites until she bleeds, a quarrel with relatives is coming;
  • If you bite in a dream, your enemies become more active;
  • Attacked, but failed to harm - avoid trouble.

Pig company

The newest dream book expresses concerns when many pigs appear in a dream. The image is identified with a bunch of scum, the tricks of ill-wishers, and bad luck.

The boar and the bull in the Chinese dream book foreshadow a choice between quick enrichment and a clear conscience.

Kudos to the fat woman

The Assyrian dream book explains in detail why a fat pig dreams. A huge sow tree promises smart heirs.

A fat pig in a cage indicates the need to reconsider your social circle, while a skinny one promises problems with communication skills.

If in a dream she ended up in an apartment, her health will not fail. If a fat woman in a crown sits down in a chair like a boss, there is a conflict ahead.

What do special signs mean?

The universal dream book will tell you what color, variety and other features mean:

  • The white breed reminds of the deceit of ill-wishers;
  • White pigs are disappointing news;
  • Red promises good, but unstable income;
  • Pink portends a pleasant surprise;
  • Hairy - you are allowed everything;
  • The guinea pig reflects the choice between freedom and comfort.

Curious to know what a talking pig means. Khavroshka’s speeches give the dreamer a head start, exposing the plans of rivals, contain tips on how to achieve the goal, and warn about an unpleasant conversation.

Do you want to feed and pet?

If in a dream you fed a hungry pig, in reality you experience an imaginary or real need. The medium Hasse sees promising investments in feeding slop; acorns betray bad intentions.

If you dreamed of feeding unfamiliar animals, someone will take credit for your achievements. Delicacies were served on a golden tray - it’s time to stop wasting energy and money. When a pet does not want to eat, Rommel’s interpreter calls for taking care of property with redoubled vigilance.

If you kissed a snout, thanks to cunning, defend your interests, stroked the stubble - flattery will help. If the pig rubbed its back on the corner, a confrontation could not be avoided.

I dreamed about a litter of pigs

Dream books offer interesting, sometimes unexpected interpretations of why piglets dreamed:

  • The sow gives birth - the amount of income will exceed expectations;
  • Farrowed at night - things will go well;
  • The cubs are helpless - an idle man will leave an inheritance;
  • The little pig clings to his mother's tail - the upstart protégé will get ahead;
  • Numerous offspring - guests will behave like pigs;
  • A pig in a dream precedes troubles and fussiness;
  • The image may appear in a dream about a parasite or a dead person.

Saw dead wild boars

If you had to see how a pig was killed, you should clarify the details. When a boar is killed or injured while hunting, business positions are unstable.

If you saw in a dream how a sick boar dies, shortcomings can lead to collapse. The likelihood of encountering scammers raises concerns.

Interpretations of cutting

If you personally killed a domestic pig, the development of events will surprise you with its unpredictability. Shereminskaya’s interpretation says that stabbing a wild boar is a sign of stable wealth.

The talented and purposeful can butcher a carcass in a dream. The skin indicates favorable prospects. The muzzle speaks of sanity. The leg predicts a move.

Cooking in a dream

Fried pork is seen in a dream when you are overcome by causeless anxiety. If you fried the meat yourself, inattention threatens to let you down.

If a pig was milked, the profit corresponds to the amount of milk produced. When offered to taste a pig's horn, Aesop's interpretation warns of deception.

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Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    15-Sep-2019 Julia:

    I dreamed that my brother and I were walking around an unfamiliar city, and we came to a lake or river, looked at the water from high above, the water was very dark and dirty and happy Pigs were swimming in it.

    I dreamed that I was looking into some pipe, and there were 3 dead pigs lying around, and then one of them jumped up and ran in my direction. I began to close the passage in the pipe, but it crawled out halfway and then disappeared completely.

    I dreamed of a summer day, and my daughter and I were waiting for someone to go buy something, I walked past a cart with pork meat, and then past a head, there was no blood or anything, there was no nightmare, there were no bad emotions, it’s just baptism today and very I want to know why!

Pig in a dream - Seeing a pig with offspring in a dream- to material well-being.
Seeing a pig fidgeting in the mud in a dream- to profit.
Seeing a lot of pigs in a dream- to changes in life.
Stay away from them and do not give in to their provocations.
If you dreamed of a pig- this means you need to take a closer look at your shortcomings, perhaps they are the ones that are preventing you from moving forward towards your goals, especially if you are sloppy, short-sighted, lazy or clumsy. Selfishness and promiscuity are also traits that hinder personal success. Therefore, now is the most favorable time for you to engage in self-improvement and self-development.
If you dreamed of a pig, you may soon meet an ungrateful person who will not appreciate anything you do for him.
If you dreamed of a skinny pig, it means you will receive a small increase in your salary.
If you dreamed that a pig turned into a human, it means that you will soon be able to change someone’s opinion of you.
If in a dream a pig is sitting in your favorite chair, then expect betrayal from your friends and a subsequent major quarrel with them. This dream can also foretell the loss of a loved one.
If in a dream I offer you to buy pig meat- be vigilant - they will try to deceive you, and the troubles will not end there. Such a dream prophesies scandals, gossip and rumors that will significantly damage your reputation.
If in a dream you are advised to buy pork- perhaps someone wants to deceive you and drag you into some illegal event.
If you were called a pig in a dream, this means gossip.
If in a dream you saw a pig's snout sticking out of a pile of dirt, be careful, you will have to take part in an activity that you do not like. The only way out is to refuse to communicate with people who offer it to you.
If in a dream you saw a pig rummaging in a dung heap, then you will be faced with a choice between your principles and your financial well-being.
If in a dream a pig entered the house, then in reality you will quarrel with someone in the household.
If a pig attacks you in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an unexpected blow from fate.
If you saw a pig covered in mud in a dream, then you need to be wary of gossip and rumors that your ill-wishers and envious people will spread about you.
If you find this behavior in one of your friends, try to reduce communication with him to a minimum.
If among your friends and acquaintances there are such ungrateful people, you need to communicate with them as little as possible.
Eating pig meat in a dream- to troubles at work.
Ride a pig in a dream- to adventure.
When you dream of a pig covered in dirt, in life you will become the object of gossip, empty rumors and intrigues. Make an effort to stay away from people who gossip.
Feeding pigs in a dream means that in life you are engaged in a senseless waste of energy and money and will soon feel disappointed by this.
Feeding a pig in a dream means deception, of which you will become a victim, or illegal transactions that may be offered to you.
Feeding a pig in a dream and at the same time being in good clothes is a sign that you are now wasting money, and in the future it will lead to serious disappointments if you do not stop.
A small piglet in a dream running after a big pig means that you need to be more persistent - behind your back someone is trying in every possible way to get around you, and if you do not take action, this will happen - the more cunning one will win.
A dead pig is a bad dream.
Buying a pig in a dream- to purchasing something new for the house.
Losing a pig in a dream- to a loss.
A dreamed pig symbolizes sloppiness, shortsightedness, stupidity and clumsiness. it can be a symbol of selfish nature, promiscuity.
Slaughtering a pig in a dream- to prosperity.
A dream about a pig also warns you that in the near future you may have a meeting with a person to whom you will provide a favor, and he will not repay you with gratitude for it.
Kill a pig in a dream- to deal with your worst enemy.
Seeing a pig in a dream- to meet a person who can cause you a lot of trouble.
Hear a pig squeal in a dream- to unpleasant news.

If you see a pig, then, first of all, think about the good, because your consciousness perceives the pig negatively.

In folk art, the pig does not evoke respect; proverbs and sayings incorporate only the negative traits of this animal, but in fairy tales the pig is affectionately called: “Havronya.”

In general, this is a symbol of sloppiness, short-sightedness, stupidity, and clumsiness.

To see in a dream a piglet holding onto the tail of a large pig and moving forward unhindered, you will be faced with the impudence of a shameless person who does not pay attention to any principles and does not suffer from remorse.

A more cunning one will get ahead of you; Remember that patronage is a very powerful means of achieving a goal.

Seeing a pig smeared from head to toe with fresh mud in a dream means gossip, empty rumors, and intrigues.

To see a pig's coin sticking out of a dung heap - you have to take part in something that contradicts your principles, or step away from business.

To dream of a pig that undermines the roots of a hundred-year-old oak tree - you will encounter a person who, due to incompetence, will cause a lot of trouble and trouble not only to you, but also to those around you.

In a dream that you are offered to buy pork horns, beware of deception and participation in events that violate the law.

To dream that you are feeding pigs from a golden tray, although you are dressed in an expensive formal suit, is a warning that you are wasting money and energy; this will not bring peace of mind, but it threatens severe disappointment.

Seeing a dirty pig sitting in your favorite chair in a dream means betrayal, a quarrel with friends, the loss of a loved one through the fault of relatives or friends.

Seeing a pig with a crown on its head is a symbol of a conflict with your superiors, a change of place of work, or an escape from the people who surround you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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